- "HE DAILY BRITISH WH rr -- -- . -- EE ---- -- CRIES TE WORK A GFT FOR DR. WALACE Fle OF ROAD COMMISSION Presented With Mahogany |} J Cabinet of Sterling Silver I Kingston Township Reeve Op- : Flatware. | - ent of --_-- | : puses Re appointm ¥ Many expressions of appreciatien | ) W. Anthony M. Rankin. [of the services of Prof. H. T. Wall | ¢ jace, Ph.D., were heard at Chalmers YA At the Thursday morning Session Presbyterian church on Wednesday || of the County Council, Reeve Clark |cvening when a presentation of afl declared that Kingston township had mahogany*cabinet of sterling silver || not heen fairly treated in. regard |fiaiware was made og behalf of the || = ¥ \ : ] to the suburban road area work, and ccngregation by Rev. Malcolm Mae- { NG ) <A NG ! jobjected to the re-appointment of | Gillivray, D.D, Dr. Wallace has re- || 5 shih? ¢ Anthony M, Rankin, M.P.P., as the | signed his position as assistant pro- council's representative on this road fessor of Semitic language and litar- J t \ commission. He claimed that Mr. [aiyre at Queen's theological school | ¢ H 4 Rankin was not in touch with the | Which he has held with honor and (| ) \ | finances of the township, and was go- {aistinction for over a decade. Thad & | {ing into too great expenditures on | meeting in the Sunday school hall of road building. Last year the town- {the church on Wednesday evening | | ship of "Kingston had to borrow | was held to express the feelings oi { re . {nearly $4,000 to tide over on sub- [the congregation in a tangible way {urban road work. Reeve Clark {and wag largely attended. { claimed that the roads leading from | Prof. and Mrs. Wallace h Kingston township into the city re- | with Rev. Dr. R. J. Wilson and Mrs. | + £7 jceived more traffic than those lead- { Wilson and Rev. Dr. Wilson acted as (ing from Pittsburg. The money ex- | chairman. He expressed the regret i ipended on the suburban areas he lot the whole con regation at the oy ' . DE or Ivaol prose It | tortheomins qeparires rr ye These pretty dresses come in gingham dotted Swisses, or- | should be divided according to the [ace as well as their appreciation. fon | gandies and figured voiles--all in a wide range of - delightful {milage each township has in the | pig services in the successive capaci- | | suburban area. Reeve Clark thought | ties of teacher of teen sped bev | colorings. The dresses trimmed with embroidery, ribbon, | that J. . Leatherland, treasurer of | superintendent of the Sunday schoo | pretty laces or buttons make them even prettier--stylish but | Kingston township, should be ap- and clerk of the session, all of which | s | pointed as Frontenac's representa- | auties he performed with character- | not flashy. : | tive on the suburban rcad comimis- |jstie faithfulness and efficiency. i | sion Felicitous remarks wero also made | ee | : I | { Reeve Sibbitt, Pittsburg, did not |pby D. @. Laidlaw on behalf of the lagree with Reeve Clark. He re- | board of lrasiees, Prof Morgan for t marked that for two years no work the theological faculty at Queen's || | was done by the suburban commis- | University, Prot. J. F. Macdonald for { {sion on Pittsburg roads. 'No better |cld friends in the Arts faculty, Dr. || : : . . road man could be got anywhere iw, np MacClement for the Sunday || In the small checks or larger plaids trimmed with organdie {than Mr. Rankin I worked with [school and Dr. Macgillivray for the | collar and cuffs--Ilace collar and cuffs---organdie sashes-- lace or organdie vestees--small leather belts. The ginghams ihim and know He is thoroughly | session, i fair and accurate with road pro-| Prof. Wallace graduated from | are all pretty colorings with harmonizing trimmings. Priced .. .. .... 0... ....... 5% c+ .. $4.50 up A WHOLE LOT OF MEN ARE aL Rory e hs ae arith Sho bigest degrus aver and VOILE the Hearst government had been phy (magna cum laude), and has " GET TING BY n wreckless in its road policy. "The | maintained a singularly high stand- | | | . . y . | The organdie dresses come in the pretty shades of pink mauve maize and blue trimmed with self-color or white lace. | | | | | | | | | | | : ed, said Reeve Clark, who pointed | to the development of his Alma pair of Odd Trousers to prolong the out that his township was now tax- | Mater and has been a faithful col- || life of a worn (but still good) suit. led forty-four or forty-five mills on | league in the theological college. | : the dollar | The tributes that were paid to him {| Costs little--and we have a wonderful | A letter from Auditor Muir was on Wednesday evening by friends || read stating that after the 4th of | who have had the opportunity to ro ere. read stating that after the , I ) Variety to choose f m h July county councils could collect know him well indicated "the pro- { " a : ¥ | 00 eight dollars a day, instead of five found affection of those nearest io $3.50 up to $8. ' dollars, for attendance at council |him. | i | | | | present government was following | ard. of scholarship in his duties % and committee meetings. + During the evening Howard Fair | A by-law was passed providing | piayed a solo on his violin and vocai : : : | for the expenditure of $66,000 on |solos were also given by Miss' Anna Many of these dresses are dev eloped mn dotted Swiss, that out the same extravagant road Queen's. He has been a loyal sup- © © 9 | £0! 1V In ston & [gout roads this year. In 1920 about | itctiel and Daniel Couper. Re- pretty fabric with the small pattern and delightful colorings. {$85,000 was spent. | ments were served at the con- . , . Priced .. .. .. $10.00 up > Ye. tt vs ress ahve re ae dee By merely coming here and selecting a policy. It was time a halt was call- | porter of all movements pertaining | ~ The assessment total was fixed at |clusion, Mrs. Macgillivray pouring 4 | $6,901,500, the same as last year, (the coffee and Mrs. D. G. Laidlaw . . . " Founded 1847. [and the equalization of the various | cutting the ices, The voile dresses come in a wide range of patterns in pretty 75-77 BROCK STREET | townships was also fixed as in 1920. | rere rainbow colors. These frocks are made of embroidered voile | The clerk reported upon the | CHECKING UP FORMS ' . . "If Off Your Route It Pays to Walk" | Mothers' Allowances' Board_work. | RECEIVED OF CENSUS --flowered voile or plain colored voile--all are pretty shades : ; and are trimmed with neat collars and cuffs or vestees. There were twelve Frontenac wo- | men on the list to date. Councillor : Sproule said that these twelve would | It Is Thought a Small Increase Priced ... .. ...:%. ..... «eee ven, yn mn 810.00 up for Front§nac $1,317 for this year. In Population Will Be A by-law was passed to authorize Announced {the warden and treasurer to borrow El trom the Bank of Toronto money to {meet expenditure on the system of| The census has been completed in Kingston. Commissioner EB, Ww. . j county highways for the current | Skinner is now checking up the year. 1 1 i |" The good roads committee réconi- | forms' before sending them to Bor | In all the new summer styles with &ll the lovely trimmings : | mended that Road Superintendent | €au of Census and Statistics, Ottawa. | . |R. H. Fair's salary be $1,100 and |No definite statement regarding pop. --in the colors, Rose, Taupe, Black, Brown, Navy, - \ $600 for car. ulation is available except by direc- . The property committee recom- |tion of the dominion statistician but Priced we saimal ian sn vs bares lean Lidia on $22.00 up o mended that, P. Walsh & Co. be [it is anticipated that a small in- ¥ awarded the contract for fuel for |Crease in population will be noted. the county buildings, their tender Had there been no unemployment, being lowest. with the subsequent departure of | . * 5 1 d The council adjourned at noon | Many families from the city, it is' be- | ¢ . / D Y Pl G If Lim te {until Prides hy iy The mem- |lieved there would have been a large | 7) \ Oo ou ay Oo ? | {| Do You Play Tennis? O Iou ay '1 ennis: | bers were the guests of Warden Mc- | increase in the number of inhabit. i Do You Attend Picnics? | Gregor on a steamer trip to Cape |80ts in the city. | Then you will need a White Tub Skirt, Vincent, N.Y., on Thursday after- | te ------ These are always practical, look dressy and | inated by the Liberals of North ; | FRENCH RESEARCH | Huron to contest the riding for the | . -- | commons. | Rothschild Gives 10,000,000 Francs| Brick manufacturers of Vancouver ™ ; | | to Found Institale, Island have conferred and decided to | | Paris, June 23.--Baron Edmond | reduce the price $1.50 per thousand. | | | | {de Rothschild, administrator of the | | k.astern Railway Company of France, | DAILY MEMORANDUM. | has given ten million francs to fourd | The next British mai] will close at ja scientific institute, the object of | ihe Kingston ou office on Iriday, z i J { Which will be to encourage students | " 'Ion' forget tea and sale of home- | - : No. | quality; special price. Lo sonsesrute their lives to the work | Made Sac pds? woud osed. o1 Cal} are very smart in style. These are made with or without poc- {of research. Another object of the! |i evening strawberry social and con. : : : : : New Peas. Wax Beans, | proposed institute would be to do- | Seri. Wit Gert A Rous chadh con kets in such fine materials as Co tton Gaberdine, Tricotine and | velop science in its applications to in- | cial and concert, ge "ae 106; to so- Pique . a | dustry and agriculture. Those tak- ------ J k i d tage of the facilities of the | JAN LIER EDGAR fit ei il vee : ; . ISH I ae - hy indie with SON, CRO & Price $3 00, $3 75, $3 95 | laboratories and documents serie . au . J : Fresh caught. Whitefish, Lake Trout. ||" "*"™X___ P RINTERS ohn Laidlaw & Son, Limited Delivered direct from Landing Station to a Drcas fur Dissrmanent, Washington, June 23.-----A drive. : * 2h : | for prompt action on naval disarm- | BORN. us, msuring perfect condition, |ament was launched by all leacing | REID--In Kingston, on June "2nd, i to Stad-Sergt. and Mrs, J yo i i i g n | 1921, | religious denominations. A com Reid, Beverly Street, & daughter. v F jmittes bearing a petition signed by | semen - ny RI | | S ' 20,603 clergymen, including Pro-| DIED. | testants, Catholics and Jews. was | CROTHERS--In Kingsten, on June : = } 22nd 21, Willi Ci p . presented to President Harding. | in hs Ton aviliiam John Crothers, : * - i Funeral wili teks place from his Jate ' a x t-- residence, Earl Street, ri- For the Weed-End An Honor, | day at 3 p.m. to Cataraqui Ceme. That's what it is to be allowad | tery. ! 3 y {a-| HADDEN--A{ the Mowat Memorial jto contribute to ¢he Canadian Na- Hospital, Portsmouth, on June 22nd, | Strawberries, Sweet Cherries, | tional Institute's campaign for blind 1931, Joseph ntaniey. amo lind | | Canadians. Send in your donation Joseph Hadden, Sr." Bethany, Ont, Sour Cherries, Gooseberries, : dias aged' thirty years and tiered Funtral 200 his Sather's, residence, . . 1 es Sinn Fein sympathizers, suppor:- Lifford, 'ont. "r iday "afternoon. at \ al as Georgia Peach ing a resolution calling for a boy-| «two o'clock. 0 tfternoon at ' V A cott against British goods, were over- -- X Perbasket . .. ..... .. 195" Lune. Biitish fouls, wets ver. JAMES Pérdozen .. .. .. .. .. ... 35; attempt to have the Denver conven-| ype Oud Firm of tion ovérthrow ruling made by Pres- 254 and 236 PRINCESS STREET. ident Samuel Gompers, which pro- Phche 147 for Ambul.nce, um California Plums-- vented re-consideration of their ROI 1 A---- proposal. Per basket . . .. . «vies av Se, General Charles H. Taylor, editor The Leading Undertaker. 230 Prince. P d ' 20c.- and publisher of the Boston Globe, | Phone 577. Strees. J EHR Two Dollars Ninety-eight Cents 5 erdozen .. .. .. . det died on Wednesday. He had been ; Hil i Ladies White Canvas, | strap, mili- -- fairly active until recently, but two J , LR RL | » . Ice Cream Bricks--Ice Cream Cones. [shocks within « week ot cach other | Undertucer ana Ba i BY heel {olightly higher than cut), $2.98 Gurds Ginger Ale, Dry Ginger Ale. sah ar volunteer group of nine Boston ne : ; JOHN CORNELIUS Another table of Oxfords "ss: $1.98 | noon. { ~~ W. H. Fraser, ex-M.P.P., was nom- | | | | TwWwwwew » ~---- . 'Women are on the way to the wilds ! : of Labrador to join the forces of Undertaker ang " i Dr. Wilfred T. Grenfell, medica! Po missionary. 1 3 II § Bates College, Lewiston, Maine, ~~ ll conterred the honorary degree of A. D. HOL ee (doctor of laws upon Sir George 280 Princess Street. 1 Eulas Foster, Ottawa. Wedding and Funeral ' \