Vp we oe 45 ¢ THURSDAY, TONE 23. 1921. aN 4° CHOICE | WESTERN MEATS and COOKED MEATS McGEEIN'S Phone | 1182 282 Princess Street || Ta | ini ----E eT FOR MOVING OF Freight, Furniture, Safes, Pianos and | Cartage of every description-- | Kingston Transfer Co. Phone 877. 153 Wellington Street. | DAVID SCOTT | Plumber Fiumbing and Gas Work a special). ty. * All werk guarsateed. Address 145 Frontenac Street. Phone 1277, | -------- nt DRAW. WINNETT DENTAL SURGEON. Corner of Johnsun and Wellington | Streets Phono 363 | =n Sm iv nem | Dr. Waugh Dentist 106 Wellington St. Angrove's Repairs Seales, Talking Machines, Bicycles, Baby Carringes, Lawn Mowers, ete, We do repair work right and guarantee satisfaction. | 197 WELLINGTON STREET WATTS People's Florist 177 Wellington street. Phone 256. Fresh flowers and plants daily Funeral designs, and wedding bouquets to order, Phone 1763. Res, 1137, ; Manufacturing Wire Fencing, a ? BUILDING ? KEPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? | Estimates given by O. Aykroyd & Son PME DAILY BRITISH WHIG. Kingston and Vicinity | | 21 Main Street. Phone 1670. | -- Will Not Affect Kingston. Partridge Wire Works Summer time tables go into effect on Grand Trunk Railway on Sunday, NICKEL PLATING ;June 26th, but the changes AND BRASS FINISHING { will not affect Kinsgton. Now prepared to do this work. i Flower ! madsz i Border Guards, ete. ! Advertising ST. WW. _- - TYHONE 3%! Righfully used is always a heip- "SH i ful thing. It elevates standards and 42 KING DR. 342 gallons per day, "possibily the largest per capita consumption of water in Canada," Mr. Johnston added. To Live in Hamilton. George Driver and Mrs, Driver, formerly Miss Hazel Clearihue, West- | mount, whose marriage took place last week, have returned to Hamilton from their wedding trip, and will f | | teaches how to -make hetter use of. DENTIST 188 Princess Street. 'Phone 755 WE TAKE X-RAY PICTURES of troublesome teeth. Dormoform Gas administered for ex. traction. Safe and painless. OFFICE HOURS: 9-6. Lake Oatario Trout and Whitefish, Fresh Sea Salmon, Had- dock, . Halibut and Cod. BOOTH FISHERIES Canadian Co. Phone 520. 63 Brock St, No. 9-3340. | Wm PATTON'S DYE WORKS (Late Montgomery's) Kingston's Only Dyer. Dry Cleaning a Specialty. Phone 214. 849 Princess St | | | { i LAWN MOWERS All makes of Lawn Mowers sharpened and ad- - repaired, Justed. Garden Shears sharpened. J. M. PATRICK 149 SYDENHAM ST, Phone 2056J. | | | i | | i | i W.R McRae & Co. GOLDEN LION BLOCK. MARRIED LADIES ARE YOU STILL DOING IT? You must know it is not fair to your husband to continue buying new Hats every season when we can reshape your old ones into the 'very latest Spring styles, Get wise! Save $10.00. and put it into that Suit you have Im wind. The Kingston Hat Cleaners Opposite Ths College Book Store. 163 Princess St. Upstairs. 'Plone 1453. COAL Cho'cest quality of Scranton Coal. No other kind sold by uw. : : BOOTH & CO. | Grove Inn Yard Phony 133 CORNER POSTS FOR CEME- TERY At pre-war prices. $12.00 a set. J. E.. Mullen 161 FRONTENAC STREET "DID YOU EVER TRY Jelly, also have full line ot reiable mak. We Rats, Sa hI -- iV King sag Ear ane No. 53-2714 'Phone S44, wom { I Woodbury' 5 Soap Has the largest sale of any Soap made in Canada. Thousands use it every day of their lives. A full line of Woodbury's Toilet Lines, includ- ing Creams in Tubes and Jars, Face Powder,' Tooth Paste and Powder, etc, - : M. R. McColl See Window Display. Prescription Druggist. Phone 82. Opp. St. Andrew's Church ran FOR CLOTHING For Men and Boys' SEE US, Big variety of Men's and Boys' Suits, all shades. latest styles, for summer wear. . STRAW HATS FINE SHIRTS SUMMER TIES SILK HOSE Come in and let us dress you up-to-date at prices that are . bound to please you. : I. ZACKS 271 PRINCESS STREET Vice-Admiral Sir William Niche olson 'was granted a divorce in Lon- don on Tuesday, sult which his wife did not defend. The co-respondent named "Capt, George Jones," of the United States: Air Force! after hearing of a | | {our lives, f ---------- reside there. To Sail on July 1st, Lady Kirkpatrick, who is the | guest of her brother, William Mols>: { Macpherson, in Quebec, is sailing for Ist. Elect New Prevost, Rev. Dr. Seager, rector of St. Mat- thew's church, Toronto, has been elected provost and vice-chancellor | of Trinity college, in succession to | Excursion on the River. the Rev. Dr. Macklem. The new prov- | Oddfellows' excursion on Monday | 5st is well-known in Kingston. evening, June 27th, at 7.30 o'clock, ------ steamer St. Lawrence. One hour in Visiting in Kingston. { Gananoque. Orchestra and dancing. | gianley Fraser, representative of i ,,--,---------------- the A. E. Ames Co., investment bank- Nive New Names Secured ers, Toronto, is spending a few days Nine new names to be placed upcn | In the city. Mr. Fraser is a graduate {the roll of honor prepared by the|cf Queen's University and has been (mayor and the city clerk were seeur- | very successful in the field of juvest. led as a result of the lists sent to | ment banking. every householder in the city some | "time ago. He Was Inducted. l A special meeting of the presby- | tery of Glengarry was held for the | purpose of inducting Rev. T. 0. Mil.- | er, B.A, Quaker Hill, in the pres- | bytery of Lindsay, into the pastoral | charge of Monckland, in succession | {of Mr. and Mrs. E. Kilborne, the to Rev. Dr. J. G. Mclvor, now of Dal- | marriage to take place shortly. tousie Mills. . Queen's Tennis Courts, Queen's tennis courts are beng | put in condition for the use of the| students expected to attend the sum- | mer school. At the present tims | three courts are in use every evening | by local students, but the others will be ready for the opening days of the Hardening of' Arteries A serious condition which is relieved when you arouse the liver, kidneys and bowels to action by using Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver L Dr.Chases Ag og 11 0 { England on July Engagement Announced: { Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam H. Weir. { Brockville, announce the engage- {ment of their niece, Bernice ,C. | Rowsome, to James N. Kilborne, son It Would Pay You To Call. Our range of made to measure {suits are of the best material and | worsmanship. We carry a large stock lot blue and black serges, English | worsted and Scotch tweeds which wa | will make to your measure at a very | reasonable price, Prevest, Brock St. Rev. Alfred Bright, St. Andrew's Sherbrooke, Que., has declined tha call sent him from St. Thomas' | church, Saskatoon. The Sherbrooke | people prevailed upon him to.remain | in the work at St. Andrew's, where | bis ministry has been so successful i for the past seven years. i { Brockville Likes Water. Brockville"s per capita consump- tion of water, according to J. Amos | Johnson, manager of the Public Util- | ities commission of Brockville, in {an address to the Rotary Club, is | | on | Remains At Sherbrooke. ---- { we | MENDING OTHERS' MORALS | By CHARLES GRANT MILK IR | (Copyright, 1921. All Rights Reserved by United Feature Syndicate.) | The chronic censors of other people's morals and manners, having | scored in the New York assembly, are encouraged into redoubled activities | at large. | A MET President Eliot, of Harvard, observing youth through the | misty haze of many decades, thinks the young folk of to-day ill-mannered | and immodest to shocking degree. Thus ever was the. judgment of the | aged upon the young. On every hand are to be hankering after the unclean. But the maiden lady who puts pantalettes on her piano legs is not the type to set the standard. : In the minds of some people morality is supposed to depend upon clothes. When these persons themselves take a hath or prepare to retire at night all that they have which they hold to be modest or moral they | hang on hooks or throw over chairs. ~~ According to_these persons' strange views of what constitutes mor- ality and modesty, God made a wicked and vulgar blunder when He cre- ated Adam and Eve naked, and He persists in that blunder in permitting seen repulsive proofs of a despicable session. Last year the game proved | | very popular and numbers of enthus- | | iasts were to be seen av all hours of | the day waiting for their turn on | the courts. i ope-half their usual capacity a | Eternal Darkness. i That is what Blind Canadians are | {up against. The Canadian National | | Institute helps them over the rough | {spots and makes life worth living, | Have you contributed to this worthy | cause yet? There is a box at the Whig office. | pay. Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. | Will Visit River, { THE INDIFFERENCE of the Coal Consumer has resulted in such a small demand for coal at the mines, that they are being operated only at about Unless Coal is mined during the summer, the Mines will not be able to meet the winter's demand It is therefore advisable for consumers who can do so, to buy and receive their coal early and thus insare a full winter's S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking 'Factory and Lumber Yards, Phone 1415, a mn - S Bay and Wellington Office Phone 66. Factory ---------- The St. Catharines Standard is re- viving its excursion to the Thousand Islands, Montreal and Quebec, by way of Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence, and plans an eight-day at- fair, startirg on Aug. 6th. A day will be spent at Alexandra Bay wth | a tour o? the islands in small crafc, -------- Lawn Social and Dance. Will be held under the auspices of the U.F.0. Club in R. H. Fair's grove on Friday, June 24th. Treneer's Novelty Five orchestra. Dancing, 8.30 to 12.30, standard time. Delzo lights. $1.00 per couple, extra! NEW PRICES CHARM TEAS BLUE PACKAGE BLACK ... RED PACKAGE BLACK .,., GREEN PACKAGE JAPAN. . THESE ARE THE BEST VA LUES ON THE MARKET, Sak sensns 26e. PER PACKAGR sss24...80c. PER PACKAGE 30c. PER PACKAGB ladies, 25¢. --------ia Escaped Injury. Frank Smith narrowly escaped injury at Calabogie. While engaged in leading ties he fell from a box car sustaining a fracture of the hip joint and a bruise on the head. He was laid up for a few days but is able to be around again. ------------ Given D.D. Degree, Rev. M. B. Williams, pastc- of the | First M.E. chureh at Corry, Pa., has | received communication conferring upon Lim the title of doctor of divin- ity by the Oskaloosha College, Os- kaloosa, Iowa. He is a native of Prince Edward county. BE -------------- Garden Party, The Women's Parish Association cf St. John's church, Portsmouth, wili hold a garden party at Keeway- den, the residence of J. B. Walkem, Lsq., K.C., corner Beverly and Union streets, city, on Tuesday next, June 28th, from 3 to 9 o'clock. Tea table, | home-made table, fancy-work table Admission, 10c, en eee Married at Portsmouth. A quiet and very pretty wedding SPRING FURS Dealer in Furs only," * Gourdier's' BROCK: STREET took place last week in St. John's church, Portsmouth, = when James Scally and Miss Mary Havery were Ivarried by Rev. W. H. Smith, rec- tor. The guests were only the im- inediate friends and relatives. The sister of the groom, Miss Margaret | Scally was bridesmaid, and William Hooper best man. The bride attired in a becoming travelling dress, was given away by her broth- er. The usual wedding marches were played by the organist. Census Progresses. C. F. Vandeusen, chief census enu- merator, reports that the work in Picton, Bloomfield and Wellington, | is practically completed. He expects that two weeks more will be requir- ed to clean up the enumeration of the rural districts owing to the great mass of agricultural data required. Ho goes on to say "while details of the census are confidential, it goes without saying that this county has the youngest lot of women in the Top |" people to continue to be born naked ifito the world in this immodest and immoral state, . To the normal mind, the nude human figure may be simply beautiful and, preserved on canvas or in marble, becomes a constant delight to the "inward eye," no less than to the outward one. But this is true only of the normal mind. There are other minds that are affected differently. There are minds that would see vulgarity and experience foul emotions at the shrine of a saint. As a matter of fact, drapery may be made to convey immoral im- pressions more readily than lack of it. Dominion of Canada. We may there- fore expect a great. influx of young men." : a ein = emem---- Help Make Blind Women Happy They were blind! Blind--every single one of them. A big, cheery roomful of girls and Women seated before sewing mach- ines, working busily away turning But this is something which the "unco guid" purists, whose own morality and modesty is a quality not of their minds, but of their clothes, Seem never to be able to comprehend. As Kin Hubbard sagely says, "censorship of underwear advertise- ments in the magazines would help some." ------ Nn re i Ann 4 = y GASTORIA' For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria a. OC SRL Singh. LL LY | a dasmnce 0 2 | ER in Be ad iy ul i ian | cover the rough an L-shaped the house, but this work will not oui aprons, nightdresses, kimonas and mats. It seemed increditable We're Ready for Spring With a Large, * New Stock of Fine Quality - Suits and oats For Men and Young Men at Lower Prices $20.00, 22.00, 25.00, 28.00 $30.00, oY See our fine quality Blue Serge Suits at ,. | --$35.00 -- TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St. b ' (One door below Randolph Hotel) 32.00 ™ i ao Jat these busy women were sight- €s8s. And yet just a few years ago these women and girls were sitting idla With their unbappy thoughts, shut off from the world by a wall of deen- csi darkness. To-day through the efforts of the Canadian National Institute thease girls and women earn their own liv- fng in the industrial department for Wemen at 64 Baldwin street, Toron- te. They are happy, even in thelr darkness, for they have found a new usefulnces, thanks to the opening o? this industrial department a little over two years ago. Bul. of course, funds to help run this valuable branch, along with the many other phases of the work of the Canadian National Institute for the Blind are needed. Subscribe liberally to the fund be- irg raised by this newspaper, Macdonald Park Improvements Visitors to Macdonald park have noted the improvements that have been made this year to the beach in front of the George Richardson mem- orial bathing house. Last year sand was dumped along the shore to stone, but this spring it was found that the action of the waves had washed it some dis- tance down the shore. Another at- tempt is now being made to give a smooth bottom by paving it with safidbags filled with gravel, sand, and ! : cement. The bags are being placec \ a3 closely as possible and the crevicos : fiiled in with cement. This will give a smooth surface and will be just as 800d as flat rock. The work will be i coitinued for a distance of some thir- ty feet from the shore. A cement step has also been constructed at the water's edge, thus making landing very easy. It is proposed to construct | 8 pier on the west side of - likely be started until the fall, The Mrs. W. J. Morris, Delta, who citizens of Kingston are certainly in- funderwent an operation at St. Vin- debted to those who are giving them | cert de Paul hospital on Wednesday good bathing facilities, : for appendicitis, is recovering nicely. for Phone 191. ° $1.50 a Yard.' As the quantity is small we reserve . the right to limit purchases, Extra Special All Pure Linen Table Damask . Bleached, in three good patterns "™ W. N. Linton & Co. | The Waldron Store. Premier Meighen explains his idea of a Canadian minister at Washing- ton, to the premier's conference is London. :