Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Jun 1921, p. 8

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4] ¢ 1° YHURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1021. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, ------ No Man Loveth Unto Himself Alone "PAWNED" By FRANK L. PACKARD, * Author of "The Adventures of Jimmie Dale" For Sale at R. Uglow & Co. Astigmati Ashgmatism is an irregular curviture of the eyeball and is man- ifest in most all eyes--but 'when the eyes have re- 'ceived extra work, or af- ter a sickness, it causes headaches and other eye troubles, and Glasses fit- ted by us will relieve the strain, : "The House of Better Ciasses" Opposite the Post Office Phone 6¥9 - - = += Kingston z _-- BONDS AND DEBENTURES C. 8. KIRKPATRICK 36 Clarence Street. Tel. 508w Japanese Silk Shopping Bags The latest designs in Novelty Bags, and these are very rea- sonable in price. $5.00 to $12.00 Kinnear & d'Esterre JEWELERS 100 PRINCESS STREET vy uo, Automobile Repairing ELLIOTT & WILLIAMSON Phones: Shop 1089, Rea. 15373. 378 BRUCK STREWT Lord and Lady Byng sail for Can- ada on August 4th. . People who wear Glasses and who in- tend to go camping out at some of the northern lakes should take along an extra pair and save themselves the in- convenience and probable discomfort of waiting until the others are repaired and returned, as it will not likely be passible to get them repaired there should they get broken. Should you need an extra pair we will be pleased to make them up for you, R. J. RODGER Optometrist - - = 132 Princess St. Phone 347, Ao White Canvas Footwear iy We are facing what dO sary preparation. Promises to be a big season for White ahvas Footwear, in view of which we have made the meces- - White Canvas Footwear in New Cross Straps, One and Two Straps, Pumps nd Oxfords > Tennis Shoes and other lin es of . outdoor Sports and Recreations. suitable Footwear for all Allan M. Reid SHOE STORE _ Dr. Edwards to Mr. Bushell. Cataraqui, June 22.-- (To the Edi- tor): In his third epistie the man of "profound intelligence" provides an excellent example of a man's hind sight being better than his foresight 'when he says he sees no reason far continuing the controversy which he Started. I am Dot so much alarmed by his desperate threat that he may "become ungentiemanly also" as will be those who; on the market and elsewhere, have listened with awe and reverence to his plous exhorta- tions, have basked in the sunshine of his urbanity and been ennobled by his unfailing courtesy, his géntle re- proof, his kind soMeitude for and un- selfish devotion to others and his modest disregard of his own entranc- ing talents, The intimation from the man 'of "profound intelligence," | that "Bob Bushell might under any circumstances "become ungentleman- tly will no doubt be received with [uit surprise by his host of devoted admirers and with profound sorrow by Premier Drury with whom he says | he is "closely intimate." Far be it from me to be the un- witting cause of such a dire calamity. Just as one would be surprised to learn that a wife had left her home beacause her husband spent too much time in prayer and other religious exercises, so is one amazed that '"'pro- found intelligence" could deliberately contemplate descending from its pe- destal of superlative virtue, How- ever, what has béen done once can be undertaken with more confidence a second time. I did not seek this controversy, Mr. Editor, nor did I wish for it any more than I would seek or wish for a com- bat with a polecat, but I owe it to | those who have honored me with their confidence to resent an unpro- voked attack from the striped crea- ture whether it goes on fous legs or two, . As a public man I am ready to de- bate public issues on the platform or {in the press, but I frankly admit I h@ve not reached that state of grace which would enable me to turn the other cheek and overlook the venom associated with personal ambition. If there is any small portion of truth in any of Mr. Bushell's letters it is so deeply buried in falsehood and misrepresentation that no human skill can effect a separation. What public issue was involved in his false- hood that I had said I would prefer Germany to the United States? What object had he in view in falsely charging me with giving Mr. Faw- cett no chance to reply. I have al- ready shown by quoting his own words from Whig and Standard that his references to my public meetings were grossly untrue, as were also his many and varied statements regard- ing my participation in by-electicus. As an evidence of his own peculias star brand of veracity note his de- claration on Jume 10th that no ap- plication was made for a government job and these words in his last let- ter, "As to the goaler position I can say I was an applicant for the posi- tion." in the early part of 1914 he was after the postition of Bursar at the asylum. What a robust and vehe- SHR Only "Bayer" is Genuine ---------------- Warning! Take no chances with substitutes for genuine "Bayer Tab- lets of Aspirin." Unless you sée the Same "Bayer" on packa®e or on ta lets you are not getting Aspiri Aat all. In every Bayer ackage ard di- rections for Colds, Headache, Neu- ralgia, Rheumatism, Barache, Tooth- ache, Lumbago and for Pain. Handy tin boxes of twelve tablets cost few gists also sell latger in Canada. Aspirin ( stered in Can- acture of Mon- dester of Salicylicacid. Linotype Operators Wanted | ~ MEN OR WOMEN Toronto Saturday Night requires two skilled operators. Permanent employment guaranteed to those who can produce references as_to competency. Yes and he might add that: [ ment Tory he was | how he hated the Grits, iin Webster again he will notice and | fatterer, espécially of great men." | Why does he make his untrue {statement regarding my connection | with the fair? Every one of the ten | years I was secretary-treasurer of the township fair showed a balance on { the 'right side and the average' bal- jance in the last four years I was in | office was $422.88 as compared with |an average balance of $228.71 for the {first four years under the man of | "profound intelligence." I never al- | luded to Prince Edward Island, Mr, | Bushell. Why do you say I did? True I was a school teacher for many years but never had I such a { hopeless pupil as Bobby Bushell. He is always at the foot of the class in { Eeography and the poor boy simply cannot learn history, particularly political history. The manufacturers' deputation | waited on the Laurier government on January 13th, 1911, and the veget- able growers on February 10th. You just had things turned wrong end to, Robert--a bad habit you have ac- quired. Politics makes strange bed- fellows. Mr. Drury went to Ottawa asking for free trade and Mr. Bushell went protesting against frée veget- ables. Mr. Bushell says he voted against reciprocity and blames me for doing the same. Mr, Bushell is opposed to taking the duty off veget- ables, and yet is seeking the candida- ture of a party which makes free trade in farm and garden products |its chief plank. Mr. Bushell rails against patronage where it has been abolished and supports the resolution passed in Kingston last November: "That positions be filled at the recom- mendation of the U.F.0. of Front- enac." Mr. Bushell has no use for com- | missions and yet backs the Drury | government which has had more com- | missions than any government in any part of Canada. Mr, Bushell] has some adversy criticism for dominion expenditure but no word of disap- proval of the Drury government, which has already added tens of mil- lions to the provincial debt and is following a road policy which will crush the farmers of Frontenac and other countries under a burden of debt and taxation. These are things which mi ht engage the ..ttention of the man of "profound intelligence," but for the fact that blinded by egotism, he mistakes malevolence for virtue and nurses and parades it with PHarisaical ostentation. ~--J. W. EDWARDS. (Editor's Note.--Now that both Mr. Bushell and Dr. Edwards have had an equal number of "goes" at each other, the Whig has decided it best to close the controversy.) ---------------------- RECOMMENDED FOR PLACE Sergt.-Major Ernie Morgan is Sug- 'gested at Ottawa. Sergt.-Major Ernie Morgan, Ot- tawa, son of the late Sergt.-Major Morgan, who for many years was drill instructor at the Royal Mili- tary College, Kingston, has been recommended for the appointment to the position of instructor by the Playgrounds Commission, Ottawa. He will be remembered by many Kingstonians, as he was associated with the local Y.M.C.A, leaders class of 1897-1898, played on the King- ston Granite rugby team fim 1897, and the Argonaut senior rugby team in 1898. In 1911 he was one of the '|six men selected to represent the 43rd D.C.O.R. at the Coronation. Enlisting in 1916 he served in the 77th Battalion as drill 'and athletic instructor, and later with the 207th in the same position, instructing the battalions in physical training and bayonet fighting, : ------------------------------ Fish H)ok in Finger, George Trimble, chief chemist of the Bowes Milk Condensary, Syden- ham, while fishing on Saturday after- '| noon had the misfortune of running @ fish hook into a finger and while trying to get the same out broke it. This made it necessary for him to 80 to the doctor's and have it remov- ed. It was very painful but he is all right now, - . ------------ It Does Pay To advertise and it does pay. to read advertising in this newspaper. em L Forty-eight hours weekly, thirty-six dol- lars. Free nursing, medical service, _ fits and insurance. Overtime at rate of time and one-half. sick bene- Ideal working conditions. Transportation expenses for married tices with e Wire or telephone paid, including movi men. + Applications considered from appren- experience of one year or more. at our expense, ~ SATURDAY NIGHT PRESS in those days, and | If he looks ! perhaps appreciaté the other defini- | ! tion of sycophant "a mean or servile | GIRLS' PATENT STRAP SL IPPERS Girls' Patent | Strap Shoes,. sizes 11 to 2. Two styles 'to choose from. Special low price, $2.25. ; Other values at $3.00 and $ 3.50, » oe Store S COOKED AND CURED MEATS At this seagon you will require Cooked and Cured Meats. We have a choice stock of the above mentioned goods. We have in- stalled & new slicing machine and we are prepared to slice your Ham and Bacon and Cooked Meats of all kinds; also your Bread for socials, picnics and outings, at the The Unique Grocery and Meat Market, 400 and 492 Prin- cess Street. Phone 530. C.H Pickering NE re aie Sectmmaesl) Re PRESTON PORTABLE GARAGES In wood or steel--to remt or for F. B. MeNAMER Phone 2372w. 118 Colborne Street Three magistrates were kidnap- ped and two persons killed in Ireland Wednesday. Lord Curzon reviews Britain's for- eign policy before the dominions' premiers in London, Special ' 4] [os -- N= 1 HILDREN'S WELFARE {1:e Kiddie-Koop fills the long-felt want es- sential to baby's health, as they are collapsable with arge rubber tired wheels, including a soft spring and mattress, all enclosed, suitable for the sleeping porch. er Also a line of Bassinet's drop side cots. ' JAMES REID \ THE LEADING UNDERTZKERS Phone 147 for Service ' ~ t 80,000 SAMPLES Dr. Bell's Veterinary Wo dl ay | ir Furniture--Freight--Baggage 50,000 one dollar ($1.00) bottles Free to Jorsemen Who give the TRANSFER Wonder a fair trial. Guaranteed for | Colic, Inflammation of the ungs. | one Bowels, Kidneys, Favers, Distemper e Send 250, for Ma Package . in BS. WHITEMAN HY Agents wanted. Write your 210 QUEEN STREET lainly. address DR. BELL, V.8, KINGSTON, Out. Week Men's Odd Suits $19.75 RONEY'S, Princess St. - mC Eri, All This SIXTY HIVES. -- Of Pure Bred Itdlian Bees Come From Macon, Ga: A novel shipment was received on Tuesday by John Kingsley, Wolfe Island, in the form of sixty hives of pure bred Italié ' bees which came by express from Macon, Ga. The bees were shipped on Monday and ar- rived at Cape Vincent last Saturday. They were taken over to the island and released on Sunday and found to be in excellent condition after their long trip. B. G. Spoor, who spent three years overseas and was former- ly, a tésident of Wolfe Island, was the shipper. Mr. Spoor is engaged by one of the largest apairists in the United States. The Late John P. Mathewson On Tuesday morning the funeral of the late John P, Mathewson took street, to St. Mary's cathedral, at 9 o'clock where 'a solemn requiem mass was sung for the repose of ais soul. Deceased wag an old and much-respected resident of the city, widely known, and the funeral wus attended by a goodly number of his old friends and acquaintances, and many warm tributes were paid to the deceased, who was a good 'type of citizen. The pallbearers were J. O'Rielly, E. Gow, a son-in-law of the deceased, and four grandsoms, Al- ban, "Teddy," Albert and Erwaid. Neil Mathewson, 4 nephew, of To- ronto, came down for the funeral, also Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Crawford, of Tcronto. A square mile of the earfh's sur- face receives heat in six hours from the sun equivalent to combustion of 2.600 tons of coal. Li ; ee. place from hig late home, 34 Simcos | | Dr. H. A. Stewart Dental Surgeon Wishes to announce | that he has resumed | his practice, cor. Wel- lington and Princess Streets. Phone 2092. Dr. H. A. Stewart Dr. J. L. Stewart FOR SALE GOON, CLEAN COAL, A. Chadwick & Son New location: Corner Ontario and West Sta Phone 67. Ice Cream of Quality Refreshing and Juurishing for the Children i : MASOUD'S 238 Princess St. Phone 980 | Kingston, Ont. * ;

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