: 5 : : THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. ---- FROM TIME TO TIME PART OF OUR ADVERTISEMENTS MAY ASSUME THAT OF AN EDITORIAL MAN NEED FEAR THE TRUTH.--ARTHUR. AT BE BELIEVE TO BE THE TRUTH---NO HONEST FRIDAY, JUNE 24, 1021, « tended the circus £ June 11th. Miss I. g:rvice an the wate BEDFORD Mil LS ~4ne 13.--A namber from here at- in Kingston on 1001 was a g a! Foster's Locks last Sat a # Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence § ford. Mrs. Brown L Euesis of friends in Charleston Suu- day. Harold Eagle has emapleted his and son it ready for The funeral of tte Jate Walter Waffle on Wednes- Gay last was weil attended. The ser- vice was held a: the house amd the tu:ial took place in Westport ceme- tery Much sympa'hy is extended to large boat and has ¢ wife and children. ARDEN; Jung 20.--Mrs. B. F. Detlor is visiting her daughter at Napanee, 5 Mrs. Chas. Snider called on Mrs. H. ; Hannah and Mrs. William McGregor "on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Burt Duffy, Kitchener, have been spending two weeks at Charles Loyst's. G. Steele and family spent Sunday at . Bordenwood. H. Harper and Stanley : Hughes spent Friday evening at J. E. Clark's," Bordenwood. Mrs. George Nugent, also Mrs. Willlam Loyst ana + | have arrived af t John Kellar, motored to Oso om Sunday. 'Mrs. Harold Steele return- ed home Saturday from Dead Creek, where she had b visiting her sis- ter, Mrs. F. y SHARBOT LAKE, June 15.--A number of tourists tages and a ected. It : teachs great many more are exj will be a busy place when the The young p¥ople are planning a ple- nic on one of the islands. Dr. George Fletcher and Dr, Jennie Allen, both graduates of the Chiropractic l= lege, Toronto, spent a few days visit- ing the latter's mother, Mrs. John Allen, ' Mr. and Mrs. Burnham, have arrived in the viMage to live. \The young people had a farewell party at Mr. Harry Sargent's as the Misses Sargent were leaving to reside in Rochester, N.Y. They report having a good time. The painters are palnt- ing several of the homes in the vil- lage, ARDOCH. + June 16.--Mr. and Lawrence, Miss Frazces Mrs. 0. H. and H. week. Mr. and J B. Myers and family and the Misses Florence Keeley and Nora Hunt spent Sunday last in Flinton. here last latter's brother, W. J." Fraser. ers arrive for the summer school. | Hermer, Cancnto, motored pg 8. ling a new porch. J. P. Watkjns, the census enumera- tor, has oe his rounds. Capt. and Mrs. C. W, Seelye, Smithville, N.Y, are visiting at the home ot the Mr. and Mrs, M. Weber spent Sunday 'at J. Gunsinger's. - J. Derue and T. Love motored to Matawatchan for the last week-end. W. Weber, who attend- ed the circus .in- Kingston on the 11th, has returned. Miss Annie Tooley has returned to her home in Plevna. A few from here anticipate taking in the picnic at Spew Road on the 17th, MURVALE.* June 17.--The recent rains have improved the gardens and will also improve the hay a little. The graig will be very good. M, Sproule's horse ran away on Wednesday, and smashed the wagon. Although Mr. Sproule was thrown out, he escaped with a fewcbruises. Mrs. Kennedy, who is visithhg at the home of Mrs. P. Kelly had a very bad attack of acute Indigestion but is much im- proved, The Ladies' Aid met at the home of Mrs. Vancoughnett, on Wad- nesday afternoon, Max Purdy has improved his tenant house, by build- Mrs. M. Irish is with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. D. Murton, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Davie Murton, Jr., also miss Bessie, spent Sunday in Sydenham with friends. F r om the - Country side | NATURE, OUR ARTICLES WILL BE BASED ON WH LOOK THE WHOLE FIELD OVER for there's no teacher like comparison. MEET your PURSE. We have provided for your AILMENTS, an 'seek a SPECIALIST for a specialist is needed for your Clothes. you, or do you want STYLE and QUA tra? Forget price if you will, forget where, and let's discuss the Clothes ROLLING MILL. Our Clothes are well tailo red store can tell you that whatever else it says DOES you're not selling anybody's PERSONALITY with personality in them. That' If our Clothes meet themselves. N'T MATTER. Get but YOUR OWN, s what we've got for you. The BEST your approval our PRICES will this,.and we're going to talk plainly. Do you d an artist for your portrait? Do you consider Clothes a MEDIUM to PROTECT JALITY 100; poi vo hen it ye t Lion Suits are 00 to $12.00 less else- YOU CAN'T get a ROLL LAPEL+ffom a by Canada's foremost tailors, and unless a Yet forget that doesn't cost you ex- this straight, Sir, and,you need Clothes FABRICS, FAULT- LESS TAILORING --every correct interpret ation of fashion that artful designing can EM- BODY, and topping it all PRIC SPECIAL Men's Grey Tweed Suits $17.50 . Broken sizes. We are selling the best Suit ever sold in Kingston for ES YOU CAN PAY. No EVERY STOOP IS A STRAIN No wonder your Trousers are the first to wear out. The most economical man who ever lived used to look over Ww comparison is open to you. Men's All White Flannel Trousers. White Ducks. Sport Shirts. Bathing Suits. Shantung Silk Shirts. English Silk Poplin Skirts 1a all white and light blue. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel! Thompson, also Mrs. George 'Thompson, Mountain Grove, at C. H. Emmon's. Miss M. Conway at M. Comming"s. Miss Mil- sap, Odessa, at Mrs. D. Murton's, Sr. Misses Gladys and Marion Swer- brick at Mrs, B. Purdy's. A number from here attended the Sunday school conyention at Glenvale, $17.50 MEN'S HOSE in Black, Brown and Grey. To go at-- 20c a pair WORKING SHIRTS Ancther shipment of Men's Blue <Chambray Work- ing Shirts in these sizes only: 15,154, 16,162 and 17. To Men's Belts. Negligee Shirts. . | his glasses to save em. That's going too far--economy is a a great virtue, and hundreds of Asutomebile Dusters. . ilk Hose, etc. : men get an extra, pair of 5 Trousers for the sane and SPECIAL ! sensible reason that they re- | In Men's Clockwork Hose. lieve the wear where the Regular $1.25 value. to go at wear comes. It's just com- 89¢ mon sense, that's all. The extra Trouser habit is one BOYS' JERSEYS you won't want a cure for if 40 at C go at-- you ever contract it. Ask the 75¢ Sizes 22 to 32. chap who has. 15 different lines of Underwear in Combinations and Single Garments; all the newest styles in Arrow Collars shown here; new Khaki Trousers, Negligee Shirts, Suits, Panama Hats, etc. HOUSE 356 KING STREET SA HEMLOCK Our stock of Hemlock is large and well assorted, and our prices are right. Eh To, LAKE OPINICON. June 15.--Most of the farmers of this vicinity have finished their spring work. The feldspar mine at Rock Lake fs in operation. Mr. and Mrs, C. Walten have moved in their new cottage. Mr. Spencer's new cottage is completed. They: expect to arrive this week to spend the summer. William Guthrie took charge of the morning service here in the absence of Rev. Mr. Duffield. A number from here took in the cir- cus in Kingston last Saturday. Mrs. Roberts and family, Kingston, is spending some time among relatives here. Frank Best and family spent Sunday at F. Smith's, Foster's Lock. Dr. M. Kerr at K. Darling's; J. Darl- ALLAN LUMBER CO. Phone 1042 - . . '. Victoria Street TEARS OE SR SSO UPTOWN FISH MARKET SHRIMPS "wf THE LION CLOTHING WM. DUNCAN TT 351 PRIN CESS STREET June 17.--The people are hoping Look for the Lion in the Window" oving Sale NEXT MONDAY, JUNE 27th, we move into our own new Store, 272 PRINCESS STREET, a few doors west of Public Utilities Office PLEASE NOTE STORE CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY NEXT Carefully read this advertisement, compare our prices and come Sat- urday to profit by these unequalled bargains. Remember this is a Moving Sale, as we do not want the trouble and expense of moving a whole lot of stock \ CANNED GOODS SPECIAL » Best Red Tomatoes--Aylmer Brand-----not more than 6 to a customer - SOUPS--BEST BRANDS Regular 12%c. ......... Sale Price 8 cans 25c¢, BACON SPECIAL Boneless Roll Bacon--Ilean ang mild cured--2 to 4 Ibs. in piece SMOKED BONELESS SIDE BACON : Special low price--2 to 8 Ibs. in piece --32c. 1b. SUGAR CURED HAM Whole or half Ham * WE DO NOT UNDERTAKE TO DELIVER CAX. NED GOODS AT THESE PRICES . FRESH MEAT SPECIALS ~ "Here's Some Bargains" to our new store. Aylmer Brand \ BEST SUGAR CORN 12¢. CAN, 8 CANS 85c. LOMBARD PLUMS Large full can, No. 8 size; regular 25c, : HERRING IN TOMATO SAUCE ' Large tins, imported ... TEA--DAVIES' BEST CEYLON, 85c. LB. LBS. FOR $1.00 ¥ Cut from choice government inspected Western Beef. 16e. " for rain, for it ig feared the long hay crops will be a failure. A number from around here intend going to the social on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. A. Gray have returned home after visiting friends in Dexter ana Watertown, N.Y. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Wesley and-family spent Sunday at A. Gray's; Mr. and Mrs, Charles Whiticar and Herby spent Sunday at George McFarlane's! Mr. and Mrs. George McFarlane at A. Gray's. LAVANT STATION. Jun 20.--Mrs, J, 8. Paul, Poland, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Thomas Lee. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Lee and rfamily have returned home after visiting the former's sister, Mrs, R. J. Wilson, Finch. Mrs. Crawford, Oso, spent the week-end at George ® Thomas', "Hillview Farm." Mr. and RAILWAY SYSTEM GRAND TRUN AGENCY FOR ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIPS For particulars apply to-- J. P. HANLEY, OP. & T. A., G.T. Ry., Kingston, Ont. IIT ET "TO EUROPE | MAKE 'RESERVATIONS NOW | Mrs. J. D. Flake and baby, Ina, are visiting friends at Flinton, Miss Irene Lashley, Watson Corners, is spending sometime with her sister, Mrs. J. E. Lee. Miss Jessie Moreau visited her sister, Mrs. Joseph Burke, Renfrew, last week. James McKin- non has purchased a new Ford car. Mr. and Mrs, William McKinnon and children, Namaka, Alberta, are visit- ing the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James McKinnon, New Mexico has no law requiring automobile headlights and requires only rear license plates, Rabelais published the first alma- na¢ devoted: solely to the year in which: it was issued, [SUMMER FOOTWEA Ladies' Ties, Cross Strap, | er 2 Strap Shoes and Oxfords, with high or low heels. Women's, Misses' ren's White Strap or Tie " Slippers. and Child- White Oxfords. Boys' Outing Shoes. Just what you want for sum- mer wear. The Sawyer Shoe Store Phone 159 184 Princess St. YT A ---- The Used Cars Listed Below | In excellent mechanical conditio n and equipped with first class tires and storage batteries, can be purchased on reasonable terms. : quis TEL 29 Aug. 2 EH July 3A s TO LIVERPOO! July SJuly 30/Aug. 20 Emp. of Britain ny 1 Ag 13 ¢ Em. of France 7, ' | ave. 11/Sept. 12(0ct. 11 Emp. of Scot. | tagama Victorian L Apply to agents everywhere or-- 1 King St Camadian /ucifie Railway Chevralet 1 Chevrolet Roadster .. .. ............ $450 Oakland Roadster, 6 cylinder . . id ; seinen a vn $1,500 ton Truck . . .. Cole 5 passenger Touring Car erie os Cadillac Light Delivery Truck .. .". ..... $200 $500 $500 » BOYD'S GARAGE