ut RESULTS WERE A -- "GREAT SURPRISE Took Tanlac Only Thirty Days to Free Powell of Long- Standing Troubles. rom The untryside LEEDS "It was last summer that I took Tanlae and it fixed me up so fine that to: this day I have been in the best of health," said Joseph Powell, well-kffown decorator and painter living at 771 Richmond street west, Toronto, Ont. "I had a chronic case of stomach trouble and for years it had bothered me day in and day out. My appe- tite was fairly good that is, I could eat, but it looked MNke everything turned against me and the way 1 suffered was enough to nearly make a fellow quit eating all together. 1 was bothered with gas, bloating and heartburn, in fact my whole system seemed to be affected. I was badly constipated and my complexion turn- ed pale and sallow. My sleep was all broken up and I was completely run down, "Reading and hearing so much about Tanlac 1 decided to try it and | the way it built me up took me by | surprise. Why, in a little more than | a moath it straightened me out and | Strathern, Toronto, fs the guest of 1 was eating anything I wanted, {yr and Mrs. William McKnight. Working better and. feeling fine. Eddie Fredenburgh, Gananoque, is Tanlac fit my case just like it Was | visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. made specially for me, and it did la. C. Fredeuburgh. the work so well that I haven't had a sign of my old troubles since. I can't recommend it strong enough." Tanlac is sold in Kingston by A. P. Chown and leading druggists,-- Advt, MARRIED LADIES ARE YOU STILL DOING IT? You must know it is not fair to your husband to continue buying new Hats every season when we can reshape your old ones into the very latest Spring styles. Get wise! Save $10.00. and put it into that Suit you have in wind. The Kingston Hat Cleaners Opposite TL: "allege Book Store. 163 Princess St. Upstairs. "Plone 1483. i ee ----.-- WESTPORT June 20.--A. McNally Bate sent by the C.0.F, to the con- vention held there, Mrs. F D. Bay- lay is visiting in Ottawa. Jack Mac- Donald, Miss Annie McDonald and Miss Rea Botting spent Sunday with friends jn Lahark. Rev Walter Whelan, Belleville, is visiting his mother, Mrs. M. A. Wheld®. Leslie McEwen, Depot Harbor, spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. Eliza- beth McEwen. The candition of Mas. ter Harry Bradley, son of Mr. and Mrs, A. C. Bradley, who is il} with pneumonia, was somewhat improved today, A. McLellan, Ogdensburg, N.Y. spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Speagle., D. P. Alguire and family, Ottawa, arrived in town LOMBARDY June 20.--Mr. and Mrs . Homer Frayne, Brandon, Man., are visiting among relatives in this vicinity. A mission in the Roman Catholic church will begin here on Sunday. Miss M. O'Meara returned to Toron- to last week after visiting at her home for some time. George Tay- lor is recovering from an attack of pleurisy. Miss Marie Dooher, De- | A. McDonald, who has been a patient in St. Francis hospital, Smith's Falls, [come home last week. The combined Saturday last on the fair grounds was a great success. A eA A Aes Do not suffer another day with fiehing leed- ing, or 'otrud- ing Piles. No surgical oper- fon required, you at once Toronto. Sample Box free if you mention this vaper and 2c. stamp to pay postage "NEPTUNE" VICHY WATER Sources Chiteau-Robert, St. Yorre, Vichy Basin, France. Approved of by the Académie de Médecine of Paris, ow road VIGHY-LEMONADE Bottled with the natural Vichy water from the springs of Chiteau-Rebert, near St. Yorre, rance. and emo Ti bs beverage for chin + Re 2 pd ie On Sale at oll Druggists and Grocers. a ---- returned | I from Ottawa on Friday being a dele- | troit, Mich., is home for a visit. Mrs. | for the past two months, was able to | {echool picnic under the direction of | { Miss Gleeson and Miss Kelly, held on | Old and young | Fi ve Dol lars- i | | | | " = CIGARETTES < 10 for 18c. 20 for 35c. last week and will spend the sum- fume TE Ar ---- tn r--_---- mer at Kill-Kare cottage. Dr. R. A. participated in the sports and 'all | thoroughly lenjoyed the afternoon. |Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cauley went {te Montreal for the week-end to visit |their son, T. A. Cauley and Mrs. | Cauley. Mrs. Jordan has returned {from a visit with friends in Carleton | Place. Miss Agnes McNamee, Chi- cago, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jos Jordan. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Blan- {cher dnd Mrs. Frayne, Frankton, are {visiting relatives. | Seven of the pupils fromi Lom- | bardy school will go to Newboro next week to write on the entrance eXam- |ination. The service was held in | Trinity church on Sunday.owing to | the illness of Rev. Mr. Coad, Smith's | Falls, who comes here to take charge |of the services, | ee tt------" guests at'James Shane's. Mr. and Mrs. Luke Joyce, Dan Joyce and Miss Frankie Joyce, Sydenham, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. L. King, last Sunday. Mrs. James McConnell has return- ed from visiting her cousin, Frank Mackie, Whitby, Mr and Mrs. Jos- ¢ph Sawlor and family spent Sunday the guests of John Mahar, Marys ville. Dr. L. M. Fraser, Gananoque, Stanley Fraser, Mrs. William Calder, and Miss Ethel Fraser, motored to Belleville last Sunday, and = wera guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. Bird. Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Hamm spent Sunday at Fred Hamm's, Bath. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith and Mr. and Mrs. George Watts, spent last Sunday with relatives in Kingston. Miss Alma' O'Neil is visiting her brother, | ---- | ADOLPHUSTOWN. | June 17.--The people of the com- | munity were shocked to learn of the | death by drowning in the Napanee iriver on Sunday of Reginald Beasley, {a returned soldier, son of Mr. and | . Edward Beasley. The funeral | was held in St.. Alban's church on Tuesday. The casket was carried by six returned soldiers in uniform. The many friends of Mrs. Duffet, Sr., Were sorry to hear of her serious fall and are glad to know she is re- covering so rapidly. The Girl's Altar Guild of St. Alban's church held a successful social on M. F, Mallory's lawn on Tuesday evening, A quar- tette from Picton was in attendance and gave several] selections, The | Ladies' Aid met at the home of Miss Foster on Wednesday aftefnoon, The locality was visited by a sharp elec- tric storm accompanied by very | heavy rain on Sunday evening. Mr. land Mrs. Hare, Saskatchewan, are | visiting at Robert Foster's, Miss S. | Price, Selby, is with her sister, Mrs. | William Magee. Mrs, Ww. Dorland {entertained a number of ladies to din- [ner on Wednesday. | ---------------------- Prince Edward -- PICTON, June 17.--Mrs. G. Todd, who is retiring from York street school, is | giving her pupils a picnic in the country, and the children are antici- pating a good time. Mrs. Bond, Ot- | tawa, is visiting her parents, Mr. and { Mrs. R. J. Porte. N. Bailie, S. Young, | G. Lowerwand C. Hart motored to | Maynooth recently for a few days' fiching. ' F. L. Ward, B.A., has open- ied a law office in the place formerly occupied by County Crown Attorney , Allison. | Mr. and Mrs. D. Calnan have re- {turned home after visiting | in Ro-| Harry O'Neil, Flower Station. BALLASTING RAILROAD Between Yarker and Harrowsmith-- Yarker Defeats Wolfe Island. Yarker, June 21.--The CN.R, is ballasting the railroad between hare and Harrowsmith; about thirty-five men are employed. The overseer is George Vanalstine. Born tg Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Richardson en June 9th, a son. Rev. Mr. Everson returned Lome to-day from conference. Mr. and Mrs. R. 8. Burgess and Mr. and Mrs. W. Wilson spent Colebrook "with Walker. The Yarker team journeyed to Wolfe Island on Saturday to play ball. The score was 9 to 3 in favor of Yarker, when the game was called off, due to the unfairness of the is- land base umpire. Miss Hazel Ever- son has returned home from attend- ing the N.C.L Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cardd, Napanee, spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. G. Curle. Arthur Hutchison, St. | Vincent, is visiting his sister, Mrs. {R. Wilson. Mr. Holland has his new joven completed. John Wright is im- | proving the appearance of his resid- ence and furniture shop by a fresh coat of paint, Some have already picked some ripe raspberries. W. D. Wilson made a business trip to Toronto. Mrs. Arthur Babcock continues quite low, with little hope ior her recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Peters and Kenneth and Mrs. Goss- age and daughter, Kingston, spent Sunday at Yarker with Mr. and Mrs. M. Lee, and called on other friends, ! Maitland Lake has erected a new gasoline building. | Jesse Lee conducted the service in [the M.E. church on Sunday evening. {Quite a number were in" Kingston Saturday. Quite a few from here at- tended camp meeting at Sydenham on Sunday. Miss Ottis, Verona, js spending a few holidays with her | brother," Charles Ottis, Miss Lizzie | Babcock is spending sometime with relatives in Toronto. Wilfrid Dunn has returned home from St. Mich- uel's college. Mrs. S. Winter has re- turned home from Toronto after visiting her daughter, Mrs. R. Skin: y- /d xs Sunday at' Mr. and Mrs, Edgar The tunnel beneath the channel will require a tube/21 1-2 miles long under sea. ; City of Edmonton Bongard, Ryerson & Co. How th 5 THE 79%-20 Year Bonds Interest June and December Price 99, to yield 7.10 "Zhe Home of Good Investments." 83 Ray Street, Toronto. rm The position of The Merchants Bank in the financial and commercial world, makes it a veritable best and facilities . : » H. A 0 B= Grove open Frida £4 I. nt 3 Safety Bo -- at a Rion aye ; | pens, IIA AA tir. opm a, PHONE 1728. Bank Serves clearing house of market inform. ation and knowledge as to the business practice and trade methods at home and abroad. Our experience, advice, analyzing business prob to our clien MERCHANTS BANK Head Office : Montreal. OF CANADA KINGSTON BRANCH, PAKHAM, VERONA AND ems are always available Established 1864, J. W. McCl Beware of'a meek man or a meek | mule; 1t's the unexpected that hap- | | | | J for- TOFIELD, Manager, LYMONT, Manages j= = Am PATTON'S (Late Montgomery's) Kingston's Only Dyer. Dry Cleaning a Specialty. Phone 214. 349 Princess St. -- en IN WHICH CLASS WILL YOU BE? EXPERIENCE shows that of 100 average heal- thy men, 25 years of age. the fol- lowing facts will be true at six- ty-five years of age: ONE only will be wealthy FOUR will be well-to-do FIVE will stil] be working for a living. FIFTY-FOUR will he depen- dent upon friends, relatives, or charity IN VIEW op THESE FACTS Can you afford to Mghtly regard the Future when a small deposit set aside ne gulnrly each year With the Mutual Life Co, of Can- ada wij] guarantee you in cash at age 65, or earlier, the sum of $2,000.00, $5,000.00, $10,000.00 or more? Ask for particulars, S. Roughton 60 Brock Street THE MUTUAL LIFE COMPANY OF CANADA Phone 610. Kingston, Ong, e been known to take Post-gradu- courses, | ,DYE WORKS on, I -------- A Alumni of the school of experience hav ner. from Wellesley hospital, Toronto Bowerman & Wright have gone in'o | pertnership and aro [their store on Main stre h.ond is visiting his cousin near Con- | j secon. ! Q s / [-- : |chester, N.Y. Miss Dorothy Powers wort 7 ..X | has received Ler graduation diploma p : Tourists At Charleston Lake, Charleston, June 21.--Holiday ~ ide are reaching the lake in large numbers from far and near, and Cedar Park hotel has a large number of guests. T. D. Spence is building an addition to his ware- house. J. Kavanagh and E. Foster 2re spending a couple of weeks at {Many Coming and Going in the Busy Westport. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Kav- IGURE the cost of the separate and expensive i Village. !anagh attended the farewell party stropping devices sold with an ordinary safety | Odessa, June 21.---The following for Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Smith at razor and you will find that the self-stropping are visiting in the city: | Athens on Friday evening. Mrs. W. --n, | VISITORS AT ODESSA For Business Wear OU know the lightriess and comfort of FLEET FOOT shoes on Bowling Green, Golf Links an Tennis Courts. You get into your FLEET FOOT just as you slip on flannels or white ducks.' Why not wear FLEET FOOT all day, right through the summer--and enjoy the ease of an old-fashioned tennis shoe combined with the neat- ness, style and wear of a regular shoe? Valet 'is a bargain at Five Dollars. } Mr. and Mrs" William Fraser, Win-. G. Crozier has been ill for the past Also you will save more than Five Dollars in blades nipeg, spent the week-end at William | few days. Mr. Hazel, New York, who in your first year. Your razor, a strop a year's supply Vrooman's. Mr. and Mrs. Paters and has leased Camp Vega, arrived a few of blades are comprised in your first purchase. family, Wallaceburg, spent a few Idays ago with a party of hoys. Sev- The yearly waste in blades with a non-stropping razor days last week with Mr, and Mrs. W. 'eral more are to follow in a few days. is greater than the total cost of a Valet Aut Razor, T. Hodge, Schuyler Lake, Ganan- ; Miss Mary Johnson has gope to Car- You can buy a new Valet AutoStrop Razor every year oque, spent Sunday at Walter Atkin- leton Place for an extended visit with a portion of your saving in blades, scn's. Mr. and Mrs. Wolsley, Wat- With relatives. Miss Bessie Hudson 'Razor, strop and 12 blades in assortment of ertown, and Miss Frankie Burley, 'has gone to Jones' Falls to spend the cases, $5.00 the set. Fancy sets up to $16.50. Toronto, were recent guests of Mrs. summer with her aunt, Mrs. Ford Henry Burley. Moulton. A number from here at- VALET _° Mr. and Mrs. George Anson, Ayles | tended the sale at J. Cox's on Fri- ] t St p Razor worth, Newburgh, were guests of day. ~ sharpens itself ! t surprises to the man whose ideas of FLEET FOOT have never gotten beyond the sport shoe. Driving 3'car, you know that Dominion Tires give you good service, The sa t organization that builds * Dominion Royal Cord" "and "Nobby Tread" Tires makes FLEET FOOT Shoes. This means quality and service in summer footwear as well as in tires. . There are FLEET FOOT shoes for men, 'women and children--for . every day and evening wear--for work and play, ' indoors and out. ; \ # And make sure you get FLEET FOOT--see that every pair.is stamped Fp Ask your Shoe Dealer for FLEET FOOT, a Dominion Rubber System' Produce i ' 4 : od Beale Loo at alain isleialalalal ut aielelateatututatatale ols Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Hamm last Sun- A ------ day. Miss Ray Amey, Toronto, 's Sydenham News. spending a couple of weeks at her Sydenham, June 20.--The &t. home. Dr. A. M. Clark, Brockville, ' Paul's English church choir went to spent the week-end with his parents, Harrowsmith on Sunday morning Mr. and Mrs. William Black. Henry and very ably assisted the St. Peter's ne, Toronto, has been spend- | choir in their morning service. John the past week with friends. Parry sang a solo which was very . and Mrs. Harry Foster and lit- much appreciated. Mr, and Mrs. M. tle daughter, and Mrs. John F.: Rittenhoun motored to Toronto Morrison, motored to Toronto last on Saturday afternoon. Joseph | Tuésday to visit relatives. Mr. and Cronin made a visit to Toronto last Mrs. James Denyes spent Wednesday week. The St. Paul's ladies are go- a8 Anson van Yves', Murvale. Mr. ing to have a lawn social on July 6'h. a rs. W. McDonald and Daley have engaged a good band Boyce left Saturday for a motor | from x to hired music to 'trip to Peterboro. Arthur Burnett enliven the occasion. spent Sunday with his - parents in A Sydenham. Mr. and Mrs. John! When thief meets thief then comes | oO a H Shane, Newburgh, were Sgnday sn invitation to také something. a