Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Jun 1921, p. 10

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. ee ------ re Tea ------------------ ] | Likely To Be Shake-up. nO densburs, NY. June 29.--4n STRAND Last Time | New Covllig 7 " Q vestigation has b dered b A . 9 - Myer Edwar +. ta Srdsre a To-day System Installed - e 'forerunn pf 1 shak ' THE PEOPLE'S FORUM win mn bi fT AM DE MILLE The department has been shaken up "What Every Woman Knows" - periodically in years past, 'the last : | i 3 x =a Er e 3 tN i Sw Marr | 5 time being in connection with the An Age Old Question--But New With Every Marriage Pine street fracas. COMING--Thurs., Fri, Sat-- FATTY ARBUCKLE" in "The Round-Up" - Previous to that it was shaken up CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES: WANTED GENERAL 1 FOR SALE : { by James E. Kelly, then mayor, and - v First insertion. 1c. a word. Bach con- : -- ANGE. PHONE | NOW indications are that a small : T, © secutiv- insertion thereafter, haif) pov : STENT STENG. | A HAPPY THOUGHT RANGE. Se : . } o-da IDEAL got ford. Minunenroardje fur] FUSTTION BY comprTivE syEn.| FOUND ~~ BE aes [LUSH 01 Wine swat by vile tor Only' | VENTinamos 3 ONTARIO MUTSR _ LICENSE A COMMODIOUS MAHOGANY SECRE- Me result in the depart- : nly When charged they are double, ness and spring delivery wagon. | Office. One lusertiom, 25¢; three insertions} . 1538w. Earl Street YOUR LAST CHANCE TO GET 30 cents. wma | late No. M-2%%. Finder may 1 , 4 The above rates are for cash only,| Gur grr OF HEAVY SINGLE HAR: LB same by calling at Wailg tary. Apply tv Mrs. Kodger, 151 ment being shaken up again. : DS A Apply W. C. McEwen. Phone 2193w. | SUM OF MONEY, PICKED UP IN pe-- Bo EN, BABY CAR-| . League's Cost Is $4,150.000. 3 " . Apply to GAS RANGE WITH OVEN, B/ 3 +150, A 66 post office lobby Ppp riage, baby's fur robes. Apply 50% Geneva, Switzerland, June 29.-- L NS IN CONSTANCE HELP WANTED, » FARM TO RuAT, ABOUT 200 ACRSS, Postmaster Stewart | ! : by p.actical farmer; view U) pur: A SUM OF MONE) APPLY 118 Albert street. Obligatory use of two languages, LOVE" From TALMADGE WOMAN COOK. APPLY AT THE chase. Frank Herring, Ccleman Colborne SULKEET, A CAR- | | CARPET, VERY HANDSOME ENG- French and English, in all its trans- 'arit Hotel ¥. 0, E. Toronto. ON DIVISION STREET, | lish Axminster; scarcely used: 19x A iia : i penter's hammer. Apply Zion || 12: 3225 VEhone aes ! j actions and the high cost of living at - r+ SUMMER PRJCES MAID WANTED; HIGHEST WAGES. | LAWN MOWERS TO GRIND. WILL | church manse. . | a: : |the headquarters in Gene fv EXTRA ATTRACTION ! sta) 3 4 hy ta 1 STONE { - q va are giv id Mntinees Apply to Mrs G. W. Gibbard, Nap- call at your home and grind your ONE GOLD RING WITE . | 8200 BUYS A GOOD FORD TOURING | Kingston in the Movies-- Civie Offi. Childre 10¢ AY tar ? : lawn mower properly. Drop a card | Owner may nave same by ! Car A snap Palmer, cornertBa-|[€0 by the special committee inves- clals, Merchants and Citizens." Have Adult - ; cay '13. iis - so Al Ellerbeck Sireet. ~ Phone calling at v05 i bani B got and Queen Streets. {tigating the workings of the league Seen Yourself in the Movies Yet ¢ | . Se BNOGRAPHER AT ROCKWOOD 204Tw. and proving ownership. { : . cy Yo : A ER AL. hocxwoon = LES ADVER- || BOWSER GASOLINE PUMP Anp| Of Dations as an explanation of what Made by Dominion Motion Pictures, Ltd. | {B ors need apply. RUNG SoLeLE, oy EFUL TEN FOUND ARTICLES | tank; tank contains 240 gal; pump has been considered in some quarters i d nts, want furnished apar n - re ; eG *ooper. En- ive mn GENERAL house-keeping rooms on or before | Anyone nndiug anylaing and 185, "ap. ADPIY G. A- Cooper. En-[4q the excessive cost of the organize. Apply Sept. 1st. Address Box B-29, Whig | Wishing to resaca the owner may tion. The expense for last year, as iidren ...... luda 80 CAPABLE GIRL FOR housework; $10 per week. 7 AF le eporuing the 1acis wo at bate for Information to 57 Arsh OIHte, amma] The Briisn ye: Toe =drer: Ji GARAGE, 11' ¢* BY 17 6". SHEETED already reported, was about $4,- | Street || tisement will be printed in tals | | math iron, wired for electric light ||, 000 | " N 'AN { fr of coarge. Can be moved. Apply E. E. Wathen MULSEREEFER; UNE WHU CAN DU POSITION WANTED. { veamn I articles" uces not in- | | 143 Nelson Street. | | | plain cooking iur family ot four APPIY Mrs. yv. aA. mcracland, 1d Laiversitly Ave. NURSE, EXPERIENCED WITH IN- ciude 3 augs, saitie, orsey, r P « "ti . 18 ete, These, il i08t, may - iE Yen do practieal Busing vertisea 101 in tne "Lost" column inne | Ask Your Grocer Dr. J. C. Connell, dedn of Queen's | will be held every TUESDAY and FRI- SEVENTEEN FOOT CEDAR BOAT, : second hand; one pair oars, all com" | medical school, is attending the | pay EVENINGS at LAKE. ONTARIO FOR PARK under the auspices of the G. W WAGSTAFFE'S _Apply Box A-29. Whig Office. plete, in good order, Apply Knapp's! annual meeting of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario = x -- me | | meen eee pe | = | ee boat shop, 'Barriefieid. laent or by tne day; &is0 Buus ' Wy -- Ale pI da ia Suu TEACHERS WANTED, | LOST. | an Ww mars. bh, Ma serey, K.M.C, FORD TON TRUCK, WORM-DRIVE,! | | V. A. For information phone 2162F A NORMAL TRAINED (PROTESTANT) ; re OLD.RINEED ET} new tires, newly painted and over. Charles A. Bonaparte, attorney- BRING YOUR CARS TO PURE FRUIT A YOLNG GIRL OR MIDDLE-AGED teacher for 8. 8. No. 11, Pittsburg | ONE ¥ AIR OF GOLD- ME SYK hauled. Cheap for quick sale. Paim- general during the Roosevelt admin- 4 . BR Reo Ba vo) Glasses. rinder please return to! 4 gh : : | ' woman to helps With anvusewori Duties to c¢ mmence Sept. 1. Salary ! sy ad : | er, er Bagot and Queen streets. t sday at Balti- | » UID Lo sRsuIL suusewury, 31.006, Appi Dred Wilton ohry Whig Office | A istration, died on Tuesdaj | JAMS AND MARMALADE Iv Ave treas, R. KR. 1, Joyceville, Ont, i yiPREckT | HLSLOP AND C.C.M, BICYCLES "FOR | ore Pry to Zd4s Lniversity Av | AUESDAY, BETWEEN KMRL STREET hiore, and Uuler station, small skunk is ub 0 i few Jadisy bicYeies) PP ------------ Sold in 12 and 16 oz. Glass Pots JRL M 0 HELP AT ) y ' , { 4 Quter ! BY pi hal at reduced prices. Mulle ect: | A TR Rly ey pr BRS Cr Th RN Te T0 CONTRACTORS RNG. hake | 8 Ea Ltn i cream parlor. Apply pte | Duties to commence September 51h. | BABY'S GOLD PIN WITH INITIALS 1032w., | Hotel, upposite I'. u. or phone 186 Salar 900.00 Appl t ew on It, n Division street. uUwner B > ga -- ie oi : Hughson, Sec.-Treas., Elginburgn ] may have same at 19s rrontenac| PURE BRED WHITE WYANDO Koh Sealed tenders will be received by GOOD MEDICAL DOCTOR FOR SMALL | R. R. No. 1 street 253: olarin'e Pores o Hu, Jue the Architects up to noon the ith July, y ) IN.R. in Alberta. Good . to 35.00 for $0 "EE "| for the erection of a ( ub House for | es 2 . ey SNL nia. Uo NORMAL TRAINED TEACHER TWENTY-FOUR INCH STRING OF moutn ncubator. J. Turner, POrts-| the Cataraqui Golf ana Country Club, | 286 Quecn Street., Cor. Barrie Street | BOILERS, TANKS, TRACTION AND cipality. G. W. (dannah, Stanmore, | S. 17, Sharpton, Kingston n- graded pearls, 'last 'week. Finder] mouth. Ltd i THRESHING ENGINES, CONCRETE salary 8 . 977 . Plans and specifications may be seen | Alta, Salary $900 per annum t- please communicate wita 207 Al at oa ped vali Ss MIXERS, ETC. REPAIRED, Lommente prbtember lat ired street _Fhone 852 KITCHEN HANGE, ENGLISH Mm A. | Lowest or any tender not necessarily | Bullders of Tanks, Smoke Stacks WE WANT 'A RELIABLE SALES § Treasurer, Odessa, Ont | TUESDAY FORENOON, CORNER OF sg SR JIL soceptel a SON & DREVER Breachings, light structural steel, ete 1 » ». " qT) « » - agent lor each unrepresented coun- | == - - Zo Princess and Division streets, tw ply 10s Clergy street, morning or Reg. Architect 20 years' experience, Phone 1672 = two-dollar bilis or on car to Vic ts, : | Loria street. Apply 64 Victoria St evening | Merchants Bank Chambers, Kingston St. Lawrence B. B. League W. J. MI I ARD resentatives. L ur agency is valu i Reward. WE SELL AND BUY ALL KINDS OF | #4 Frontenac Street - Kingstor Abie. Write Pelham Nursery Co.| wgpy axp w OMEN, TO CAN.| = - -- musical instruments, also cloth- | Saturday, July 2nd, at 8 p.m. ~~ Toronto, Ont } Vass, but to travel and appoint lo-| ©: mE aot oF Ir Nr Aree | ing and furniture. Call and get our | \ y "a dub ati " . oun er Cres :h, I | eo . \ 259 J CESS , . =r cxhones suarantees'. Wire 'id| Tampant on cemece Davia thon THRE Haoluuirare. 9 Princess OLD ATHLETIC GROUNDS G WwW V A COME AT ONCE--MEN 34-10 DAILY, chagce to make 350 a week and| ~~ return to Mrs. Mackle, The Ram- DEPARTMENT OF RAILWAYS AND | . . spacial short courses; one monto | expenses. State age and qualifica- | pants, Battersea, or to the Ww hig | SALE OF MILLINERY GOODS, CON- ~ > 54 : gi 0 Auto Mechanics' course 350, one tions. Experience unnecessary | Ultice sisting of Malines, Veiling, Straw CANALS, CANADA GANAN UE Pienie to Brophy's Point, July 1st, 1921 month Gas Tractor Course $sv Winston Co., Dept. GS Toronto. | ET | 7 Braids, Flowers, Ribbons, a few Boat leaves foot of Brock Street af 1.30 p.m. (city time). FUR SUMMER MONTHS, 2A cook, | for a bright, clean bath. It will pay yo u. ns pn, ty or territory. Mxclusive selling righis; good pay ta energetic rep- AGENTS WANTED Dlenty anh u suish lor fue: FOR SALE straw shapes, and children's hats » 3 > CAN i | 4 . a , ed AND SHIP CANAL DE a. dipmhail bros. 2 S| AGENTS--GET IN A PROFITABLE Apply 112: Lower William Street Sec s 1 and 2 Combined Vs. - ; | al : W. Toronto. Board and room ali Year commission business of] Soros HOUSE, TEN ROOMS.| STANDARD BRED DRIVING MARE, a For information phode 2162F. 35.30 up. Gall of Site your own. Every property owner ADPIy 436 Princess Street seven years old very fast, but sate NOTICE TO CONTRAETORS ~~ | A. 0. H. t THE PARK AVENUE CLINICAL HOS- 2nd Blanes 2 Capital Deeded i Phone $11. I. .W. COOKE { sold only to pafties giving her «| tions 1 and ® Combined, Welland Ship he . KENT MACNEE . pital traming School tor Nurses plete equipment and instrue- good home; no dealers. Apply Box! Canal" will be received at this office needs some of our nine hundred for any lady to drive, will trade for SEALED tenders addressed to the un- i . : ! Bank of Commerf¥ Building, Brock and registered; taree years' course. ion tree. Write Dominion Nurser-| Lypivare SALE OF HOUSEKOLD 72-28, Whig. until 12 o'clock noon, on Monday, July | RKO Lo 8 oui ding, Brock an eight hour day; siX Guay week; edu-| ies B eal, - furniture. Apply 196 Nelson Street, 25th, 1921. | King Streets. Phone 701 or 13275. caillonal requirements, one year EC | | I'lans, specifications and form of con- - a a high yonoui ur equivalent. For ju-| PERSONAL GENUINE GRAFHONULA AND 1LN | * LISTED FOR SALE AT THE tract to be entered into can be seen on | rigs eral Tnwur Bee faeney lvimation apply to Superintendent Vi selections; your uwu choice, $42.00 | New auto repair shop, will be in| or after this date at the office pf the Writing:-- Automobile, Fire, Accident | AWNINGS, TENTS, KLAGS, CANUES, cows or hens. This mare will be! dersigned and marked "Tender for Sec- varieties of hardy Red Tag trees of Park Avenue Clinical Hospital, 'Terns §i casn; $5 per montn, C. WwW, 4 running order. All makes re-, Chief Engineer of the Department of | Sickness, Plate Glass Burglary, ete. Representing Only Reliable Companies i39 tark Avenue, Hochesler, New| H AIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTH. Lindsay, Lanmtéy. 121 'rincess St. | paired, wasndd, polished and greas- | Railways and«Canals Ottawa, and at York. marks, skin cancers, scars, etc. re- ed. Satisfaction guaranteed at a| the office of the Engineer in charge, | moved permanently. Sausfactory | CITY LOT, 6 FEET FRONTAGE; 117 reasémeble rate. Apply 256 Queen, | Welland Ship Canal, St. Catharines, On- glasses iitted and rurnisahed after | feet deep; for cash $225.00. Also just back of Y. M. C. A. Phone! tario AMBITIOUS MEN WHOSE ABILITY others have failed. Goitre removed, incubator, 149 egg, and two brood- 0m. Copies of plans and specifications in their present position Is not re- 35 yvars' experience. Dr. Klmer J €rs, not water peated. Only used| ---- - ---- -- a | may be obtained from the Department once. Lawson, 245 Concession St. | I WILL SELL MY FARM. STOCK, A { on the payment of the sum of fifty dol- | ST. MARY S of Toronto vognized, and wWno aspire to do Lake, %ye, har, Nose. Throat, Skin, . % SE ER near Victoria Street. crop implements, consisting of lars. To bona fide tenderers this tangs in a vig way, to sucn wno RL, nb funded th nave been looking for a field to - AR . - | COWS, 3 horses, 13 pigs 5 | amount wi e refunded upon e re- ibd) their ability, there is MASONRY AND CARPENTERING SUHOUNKE, "BERTRA °° CALKINS," | calves, 1 heifer, 1 pull. arouna 50 turn of the above in good condition Vs. { NOW Open an opporiunity in the B carryihg capacity 500 net tons. Can hens and chickens, 198 acres of An accepted bank cheque on a chart- 5 CORONA Argest, most reuiuheralive, 'modi [MeCLENNAN & BATTERSHILL -- be inspecied at Picton, untario jand, on Bath Road, 6 miles from| ered bank of Canada for the sum of | PONIES | { successful neid in, all the Domin< brick work, plastering and general I urtoes particulars and prige on Kingston, for $10,000, hair money | $700,000 made payable to the order of | 10n of Canada. For conndential in. house repairs by the day. Also application, LT. Lk VanbDusen, Pic. dows, Address Wm. Lee, Collin's| the Minister of Railways And ooals | F. Idi T . terview, give phone number ty Box painting. »satistaction given. 10 twa, ay. | must accompany each tender, , 001 THURSDAY, 6 p.m. ne WwW no¥, Whig Oftice, ratrigk Street, Kingston Phone -- i . | = = | of which sum will be forfeited If the 2 any 0 ng ype riter £ wR JAY 5 Fon SALK ALL sou party Sendering Saclines entering into | sh htl u d 2 guod secon an urniture n FINANCIAL contract for the work af the rates stat- | " y LY SE : ' sloves., Any person having stoves | AN . €d in the offer submitted. | FRIDAY, JULY 1st, 10 a.m, g y ? 2158. ABLIS MAN WANTED T0 ' | Hoon, RELIAD and aN . finest TINSMITHING, 8.¢ furniture (0 dispose of, we wii | The cheque thus sent in, will be re- | - - line of Teas, Coffees, etc. in Ca -- 323 phiBucss prices." J. Toownsvu | yynungp & STRANGE, INSURANCE | \Wrned to the respective contractors, | Kindly note game on July 1st 15 p.c. Discount aan. Highest commission of any | ELBERT BENN, ONTARIOS FAM. 333 >1finvess sircst Paons Ivivw, | ST ablishied In 1804; oniy| "jose tenders are not atoeped starts 10 a.m concern in the country paid; ali ous unsmith, has given over nfiy | ine moss relianly CSupaniey repre. | oi) be held as SeOUry oe a aarer : ) §0uds are guaranteed or money re- of his customers satisfaction. Cis. ! rergr ge to ; SR USE: CHE ST | sented. Office 38 Clarence atreet,| NN ue me 3 on ate. Tundeg. Rach MppHcant must te tern pumps he is famous tq repai; | COKE FOR SUMMER US s GHEAPESY Uppusite the post office. | StF Jor the Jue fuifimen Of the €on- commen ms J: R. <. Dobbs & Co. Bran or avousible. It you ate Apply 1 Thomas street. livering l-g tons un 2.50; ww tons | The lowest or any tender not neces- Why does a man think that he 41 Clarence Street, Kingston. " . --_-- Ed r 3 . po y o a ily . > y permanent position with unlimited Wehin, gra full tn at" jee, | FRONTENAC LOAN: AND INVEST. | sarily accepted . | should Old Nick overti he TE Paone 16lim. W. C. Bruton. Socie . ; By order | pay me when earning possibilities, this is your - UPHOLSTERING. ean neu | ciety; x 1000t poigted 1861. | . "J. W. PUGSLEY he is giving the devil his die" oppor.unity. Quick action neces- COMFORTABLE, COMMODIOUS, SUM- | Pogo WB Sie a tee. | . Secretary is giving 5 : * sary. Patricia Blend" Tea & Cof- CALL OR-DHUY A CARD TO Ww. J. ber cottage, at Sydenham Lake, 13 | Present, ALS "i ininguam. Department of Railways and (angyiy Sixteen bucks a quart for hooch Some men have such weak eyes fee, 851 Queen Street East, Toronto, Gavine, upholsterer, 216 Bagot | miles north of Kingston. livery | bivpertics, municipal and county | Ottawa, June 24th, 1921 is very reasonable. But a six-dollar they actually couldn't tell the truth > yy modern convenience, barn, garage, 3 - ebentures GEA UT CnES et. | * rr ------ . | ios ' W. HAROLD FOR YOUR UP. boat-house, ice house (niled). A | Investment: bangs sot alk. ase: | ' | gas bill is an outrage, if they saw it, A - ong DR, C. H. ELLIOTT, 342 BROCK ST, MEN EITHER IN RUSINESS FOR holstering and general repairing. | thousand dollars, (ess skin, will rec . i wi : | A tt cis themselves, who have reached the Leave orders at or drop a card 10 take it. Apply J.C. Connely, Yark- | Tw ALA erent dliuwed. R ! = po limit of their progress, men who 104 Clergy street. | er, Ont. SY riEnt, ger, J7 Clar- wee Cte otuteetunsd eee | due to the limitations in their pres- aul, Ringuon, Cae 7 PAGE AND WARRINGTON, REGIS. ent positions, see mo future ahead! COVERED BUTTONS MADE TO OR.! USED CAR GARAGE TEE tered architects, 199 Yunge Street. | of them, men Who succeed in a big der in all"popular shapes and sizés : ¥ TO LKT. Toronto v i . way if they only had a chance. To Upholstering and repairing done Smashing reductions in used cars, - = . - | such men, the largest: organization ki. J. Goodridge, 244i University] trucks anu motorcycles . TRATED RG : PUWHN, Sus Asp PREVER, ARCH]. | of | character in the Dominién Avenue, . . . t » SHED OMS AT THE AVON. ects, erchants Bank .Chambers. he connection ni rr ------------------------ ty -------- ek Ford Magnetos charged Easy start- more Residence, 207 Witllam Street corner of Brock and Wellington JUI Y 1st-DOMINION DAY is worth at least 35.000 a vear. If | FURNITURE REPAIRED AND pin. | /08 ig beadlights. Phone 504 Streets, { YOu are & man of education and ished; guns, gramapnones, etc. re- Steam Carbonator saves two-thirds = - - = -- TT personality, with managerial ca- paired promptly and guaranteed gas, guaranteed NO. 1, JUHNNO STREET; 7 ROOMS; EN POPULAR AND cOMMODIOUS STR. ST. LAWRENCE pacity, you can secure a confiden- Stanton & Sleeth, 35 Princess St, . NOW vacant; §16.00. Apply R. Chas DENTAL. 194 tial interview by writq or | me ---- Special Ford bodies, makes an old car Bell, 130 Clarence Street. | -- 1 AMONG THE ISLANDS intment to Hox Yt whi oF F like new moder - DR NAPP, DENTI pointment to Box Y-24, 'hig Of- he New : not + A. E. KNAPP, DENTIST, OFFIC { * , e. . MEDICAL. Commercial Trucks and stake b: dies GARAGE, NEAR CORNER - QUEEN 253 Princess Street Phone srw. | SYE huve Ax sLesstbrig ay - of i ereia u s i € bodies and Aagot Apply D. So hay, R | ---------- | Five-plece Orchestra. Dancing, 8 L 1, Kingston. §uone 1100 r 22 No overcrowding d a geat for everybod "ires, Tubes, Acces es. ------------ | DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, BN: | : . r Yhedy, Tires ecessaries, | | FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD; tsts, 159. Wellington street. "over | Hont leaves Ferry Dock at 2.00 pam. . i : . GEO. A. PALME all improvements; centrally Jocat- Carnovsky's. Phone 346. Hel Wanted SuLP NaN1ED. Opposite Blue ( R 9. AvRlY 188 University Ave DR. RUPEIOR Po aaa sp | tarot. -------------- 3 S | CAPABLE MAID, FOR GENERAL Cor, Bagot and Queen Streets UNE FLRNISHED ROOM BY PR. TERT PL MILLAN, DENTIST, 84 5. $ | house work. Apply 68 Barrie St. Phone 4100, week. lady preferred. Apply 3 calcu Sh SS hone 1550. en | ATLAS atti tttttrd Quebec Street, or phone 1506m. i - - { Experienced Cigar Makers, Also || COMPETENT STENOGRAPHER AND CLOTH. CLOTH. CLOTH. DO YOUR T | peri ga J general office clerk. Must be ex- "women fulks need materials in| STABLES AND SHEDS ON conNen | DR, AYKROYD, DENTIST, HAS RE. | Pl tW t T i i Girls to learn trade: steady work perienced and willing worker. Nc B00U qualities for their dresses ana ul Wellington aug Barrack sree, | sumed practice at 92 Princess St, easen a er rips ée : : girls working for pocket money Suits? We have thousunus of yargs by May lst. Apply 31 Rideau ot. | Over Bank of Nova Scotia. Phone | 8 &) | need apply Box C-29, Whig Of- that will De solid 48 luw us $2.35 per ese: tm re mo T502J | Monday, June 27theStr. 5t. Lawrence, 1.0.0.F excursion to Gananoque, for 1021 guaranteed. Apply-- fice yard, half regular price, in govar| A NINE ROOMED STONE HOUSE | =------ Ee .30_p.m. A . ; i ee = - a o4 10 08 Incues wiue. This 1s an 148 Montrea! st, all improvements. | | . Tuesday, June 28th--Str. St. Lawren ce, Queen St. Methodist Chureh ple- RETURNED SOLDIERS--WE HAVE excellent oupportuniiy to get ma- Phone 1099 ring 3. \ucant .aprii| SIGNS ! hic at Brophy's Point. ; GEO. A. McGOWAN CIGAR real positions to offer returned terials in becter quaiities nan us. 1st | -- 3 Str. Brockville for Picton, Bell eville and Trenton 5 pm. : : soldiers who Sn guaiity. Call for ually found in women's tabrics, and 4 | SIGNS OF ALL KINDS, GLASS, WOOD, | Wednesday, June tnmBtr, St, Lawrence, Cooke's Church Picnic at personal interview between 10 a.m Ds the care of tne-cnilaren's| FRAME HOUSE, 3 ROOMS, BARS 'etc. large of small, guarantees xx | rophy's Poimt. = ¢ MPG... Sank Choirs | phead, Royal needs. Call at our store. Enghsh large yard. at 55 Bay Street. Ap-| gold leaf: Dowiers, SHOWcArde ere: phy ih--Str. St. Lawr ence, St. Andrew's Church Picnic to Bank Chambers (upper oor), & scotch Woollen Company, 7 ply Mrs. Siddie, cor. Ordnance and. artistically written and designed | » Brophy 3 Point. Law 9 ; Kingston, Ont. 2 Princess Street. Bagot Streets, i Dy Shaw. at 205 Princess Steet, | Friday, July Is--Str. St, Lawrence to Alexandria Bay, 2.00 pm. Fare 75 -} Kingston. : B J ii . 1 Columbia Cabinet Gra 3 oR 'WRN a a Ee ------ Str. BrocRville--Friday trip cancelled. : iQ i 1 tic Gramopnone with & and toms r Don Be XusLow, Ht -- Saturday, July 2nd--Str. Brockville for Picton, Belleville and Trenton at ood "nr : rugs Zovd teller. No children "} LEGAL Sundar, Taly 3rd--Str. St. Lawrence to Alexandria Bay, 2.00 pm . 5 : 8 , . | : . » . St. y . Three-quarter and full size Beds Quebec St. Possession July 1st Steamers leave Dock: Foot of Broek St. 3 v complete with new Matiresses. $12.9v. | i $16.00, $18.00 and $25.00. 2a CUNNINGHAM & SMITH, BARRIST- x Weekly Arrivals. 4 : | STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, | e d Sol 7 "laren \ C : - A N, | rs and Solicitors, 9 Clarence Our message to customers is: -- \ far doaot Gramophone, With 20 Records, Giay, airy rooms; your own lock | street, Kingston. A. B Cunning- BUY COAL NOW . : i und Key. "Frost's City storage, 29y- ham, Cyril M. Smith. ] J FE _ 1 Gentleman's Bicycle $12.00. | 305 Queen Si. Phone 326; res. ysyw. - NT - Uneven distribution tends to create a coal shortage. Story Books, all cloth bound, 15¢. | AMBROSE SHEA, B.A. BARRISTER eacn. { $ / BY JULY IST, AN APARTMENT OF | and Solicitor. Law oJice, corner of * 3 / * . 1 Kitchen Cabinet, $20.00 { jour toms aod Sal partly furn- | King and Brock, over Royal Baak 1 sR o " i ish, electric lig i; Bas tor cook- oney to loan. Phone 1999. L . ames . | in soca conation, ison YP Oven ng CG SEM erty Roa, | ions NEW | phone dazw, 1 three burner Oil Stove with warm- | . ~ : r De TWO FURNISHED FRONT :| FURSTIURE FINISHING Car Val On Th Foot of Johnson St. ing closet ang gven, $15.90 EE Ct electric Tighe, 2/7] CALL OR DROF A CARD TO W, DRIS. ue e PRICES LESSE'S ANTIQUE SHOP convenineces. of phone. Ap-| coli, 23 John street. Pp . Ply 2376 Barrie sireet, near Princess | : ] Phoue 1045w. 507 Primcess Street. of phone 223ew : M { A GOOD BUY FOR 3 : i ey me ne UE A be pth | FOUR Mou APARTMENT WARD. | TR = ke stone houses in the city = wood Hodrs, eieciric. light, gas, cation, recentiy palate aby ees} stove. heater, refrigeraior, modern ER, B.Ap., Se. C.K, O.L.¥, ated inside a. -| 'In every way. Apply to White's In- DLs, MELC. Napanee. Ont. On: 46 " age and an de Stone Sar. surance Office, Zs9 Bagot street. iano Walken a iin aingston Of- 8 Chevrolet Baby Grand Models e owner - and save commission. a Fast Ee 3 c ' Will take $5,000 1 uick , - i : ~-- : Sap phe $5.00y Consult thes dt8| A NEW SEVEN ROOMED HOU SE AND P) Roadster . . . dae tidal. 0 v5 $1598.00 er. Apply sox R-:1, Whig Office. barn on Alfred street, near ees CHIROPRACTIC. T. . . $1595 00 , ur NTA 2 i . Ap- gounng .......... $5'2 04 5 . BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE, mer cottage at Eastview Park. Ap. 3 ng es, and automobiles repaired and put in FoR PY' {0 J. D. Boyd 332 University Whi PARCEL D To Cor Touting Special (Cord Tires) .. .$1720.00 A aan A * . - YO Itati gston, , . \ t cl condition. » b : and C.; ons; NEW: B. SUMMER COTTAGE ON MACKENZIE $22J. Hours 3 to 12 or re Pine Coupe, 4 passenger ( cord tires) $2495.00 VIS DRY DOCK CO. $2500-n. C. SEMIDETACHED, six] Ih mall chiliren; shailow bath: | 'Sedan (cord tires) ..........$2495.00 all kinds of machinery, steam and gasoline en- East End of Wellington St. . - Fooms; B. and C.; down town. aie di ne Ek anding or All cars completely equipped. : Government Sales Tax and freight from ME; NEW; ¢ ROOMS; B. Oshawa extra. and C.; electric lights, We will be pleased to demonstrate, CHEVROLET SALES AND SERVICE -- XX x ING AND PAPER HANGING ol Or. HOUSES TO MENT--FURNISHED on Esipnie: punter snd Decorator DE adie Lee ayT DG or : ey A : x » - : office Hours 9 10 5.30. Mrs. E A. C . 39 MONTREAL STRERT - PHONE 400. 1 WHEN JBL AKL a BATEMANS REAL ESTATE adows. 347 Montreal . 4 Victoria Terrace. Montreal St. - 2 | University Avenue. 1598w. 159 Wellington ir pi Kingston, Favne 432. x opposile. Artillery Park. no Cottage -- PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING for sale or to rent to right party; po Ba eho: WANTING NG om Tent Bimway palm on id gas; h. w. ath sleer 3S ght rT drop a card te the river. Cotta trimming; on easy terms. ounteer. $4 Arch street. Rental $150 for season Office. Alncludes a . = row boat. Apply Box D-29, Whig CK: 19 ROOMS; LATEST Paper and deco y - $6,300--BR1 . Side seats for 250.00 cash k improvement. Ww is the time to have - Sh - decora Phone only. Also 5 4 water cy : $10,000 -- THREE STONE HOUSE; linders cheap. . north ead, ar FANCY GOODS.

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