Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Jun 1921, p. 1

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ALLEN NOW PLAYING Constance Talmadge gritish Whig | ALLEN TO-DAY "LESSONS IN LOVE"? -- YEAR 88; No. 150, HON. BENIAH | MUCH AMUSED Over Dr. Edwards' Statement About His Kids At Par- liament Buildings. (Special to the ngs, NEWS OFF THE WIRES IN CONDENSED FORM Tidings From Places Far and | Near Are Briefly Recounted. Effort to be made to direct emigra- ion from Britain to the or ninions. } An effort is being made to direct | immigration from Britain to the do- | { minions. The Anglo-Japarnese treaty be- | fore the conference of dominion pre- | miers in London. | KINGSTON, WON'T MEET DE VALERA The Ulster Pree Decines the Sinn Fein Leader's Invitation. Belfast, June 29--S8ir James Craig, Toronto, June 29.-- Hon. Beniah A seriqus plot is said to be brew- | Ulster Premier, declined today the] WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20, 1021. NEW BISHOP | ONTARIO. TEMPORARY INSANITY MRS. KABER'S DEFENCE | lorazy When She Killed Hey! Husband, But Is Sane Now. Cleveland, June 29.-- Mrs. Eva | Catherine Kaber, on trial on a charge | of hiring assassing to murder her husband. Daniel Kaber, will take a | | full page out of the book written at | {the trial of another woman charged with murdering het husband. Mrs. Kaber's defense" Will be temporary | insanity just as was that of Mrs. Scotia, to Accept South- ern Post. OF BERMUDA Archishop Worl of Nova 'v pp PLANT FOR EASTERN ONTARIO Committee Appointed by Leog- islature Is Looking Into Possibilities. Toriite. June 29.--Further in-| vestigation is to be made of the pos- sibilities of a cold-sterage plant in the eastern end of the province for the use of apple growers and pro- ducers of. other 'fruit in the section. The, special fruit committee appoint- ed by the legislature met Hon. Man- ning Doherty, minister of agriculture, LAST EDITION THE COUNTY TORIES MEET Able Delivered By A ' M. Rankin And Dr. J. * W. Edwards. At the'annual meeting of Liberals Conservative Association of the and the matter was talked over, | county of Frontenac, held in the It was sug-ested that a small cold- court house on Tueslay aiternoon, storage plant could be supported by |J. B. Webb, Mount Chesney, was the eastern fruit growers. Hon. | elected president. The other officers Manning Doherty was favorable to | elected are: First vice-president, C. Bowman is vastly amused over the | statement made by Dr. Edwards, M.P., who, in speaking at the Fron- tenac Conservative Association meeting yesterday, said '"Beniah ing in Bulgaria to bring back form- | er King Ferdinand. The French Mission headed by | Marshal Fayolle reached Ottawa at | {Blanca De Sulles, who shot and kill- invitation extended him by Eamonn | X | de Valera, Irish republican leader, to | je Jack De Saullee: the former Yale meet de Valera in Dublin. The invi- | t Rete, ef, Foshan. Toke Island. | tation was contained in a letter to rajgs attorney for | Marion McArdle, Mrs. Kaber'sdaugh- noon Wednesday. Bowman's kids are having a whale | Congress conferees agrees on form of a time sliding down the banisters | tf resolution to end war with Ger- and riding on the elevators in the | many and Austria. parliament buildings." the Ulster premier and four other | | prominent Irishmen outside of the | | de Valera party, asking them to meet them at the Mansion House in Dub- | that her mother goes and was vie- | ter, p ot.sted against sending his | client before a jury at the same time the scheme, but asked that further Mn-estigation be made to ensure' that the plant would receive adequate |G. McKnight, Godfrey; second vice | president, J. E. Anglin, Battersea; | secretary, Harvey Shannon, Sunbury | (re-elected) ; treasurer, G. C. Stuart, Earnings of the Grand Tn atk Rail- | torious both before the judge and support. lin for a conference Monday. oy confergnee opened by © % The minister pointed out that in the first place the report was slightly exaggerated, since he only had one | child, and not a whole pack of them as suggested by the Kingston speaker. In addition, his son was | attending school and so was not | often around. the buildings during business hours. Mr. Bowman thought | that probably «the youngsters re- ferred to were some of the news- boys around the building who may have been 8d desporting themselves after leaving his office. 'WOMEN HIGHWAY ROBBERS OPERATE One Was Overcome by Mont- real Citizen Who Was Held Up. Montreal, June 29.--Women high- way robbers, armed with dainty re- volvers, richly dressed, and driving | luxurious automobiles, are now ply- ing their trade in Montreal, and are succeeding in extorting money from | their victims by new methods, ac- cording to the story of one who es- caped their toils. While walking home from Domin- ion Park recently a citizen was over- taken by a respectable looking wo- man, driving a high-powered Cadil- lac. She asked him if he would like lift. She assented and asked to be invitation. As soon as they crossed the thres- hold, his companion pulled out a re- volver and demanded his money. A struggle followed; terminating in a victory for the man. The woman then made a strange confession. She said that she had robbed several citi- zens in this way, and was one of 2a gang of six women engaged in a simi- lar occupation. The affair ended in her driving him to the Windsor Hotel where he saw the last of her. However, he reported the matter to the police. -- Mgr. Felix Coutorier has been way for the third period of June | showed the first increase so far this month. The gain amounted to $17,- 417. Nearly $2,000,000 will be paid into the U. 8. government coffers in taxes in the Dempsey-Carpentier fight July | 2nd, the internal revenue bureau | shows in an informal statement. With the holding of the by-elec- tion contest in Medicine Hat consti- f tuency there remain five vacancies in the House of Commons to be filled before the opening of another ses- sion of Parliament. . Exclusion of shipments from south | ern Ontario of certain vegetable pro. | ducts likely to carry the European | corn borer into the United States, | was decided upon by the federal hor- | | tie ultural boards after a hearing at | Washington. | At Jersey City, N. J., Vice Chancel- | lor Stevenson denied a motion by the | International Reform Bureau for an { order directing Promoter Tex Rick- ard to show cause why he/should not be restrained from staging the Demp- | sey -Carpentier bout in this city next | i Saturday. TO PRESS DEMAND FOR A STATEMENT in Reply to the Questions Asked by the British Whig. kang retary of the Kingston branch of the Army and Navy Veterans" Associa- tion. He declares that he is not sat- Isfied with the manner in which the affairs of the Kingston branch are administered, and he 'desires to dis- associate himself from the present | management, "I challenged the commandant, said he, "at the meeting on Monday evening, to produce before the meet- ing his answers to the allegations and questions published in the Whig. I said: 'At the time and place of a regular meeting. of. the Army and Navy Veterans of Kingston, I de- mand answers to the questions, as well as the opportunity to present my resignation and state why I de- sire it accepted,'" He was not per- appointed Bishop of Ontario, Alexandria, says a Central News de- spatch from Rome under date of | Tuesday. . - Anglo-Japanese treaty the conference of do HUSBAND AND WIFE. My husband always picks out sox that are not mended.--Mrs. K.M.W, in, before | inion premiers. mitted to do so, and was refused the information that all who appreciate the Army.and Navy Veterans' or- | ganization feel should be made pub- lic in its own interests. RELEASED FROM JAIL; AND WAS RE-ARRESTED A Young Man Named Edwards Must Face a Forgery Charge. Provincial. Constable Hornbeck and Constable Vernon Campbell went vo the county jail Wednesday afternoon and placed a young man named Edwards under arrest, as he was being released, after having served a term of three months for stealing a suit of clothes and an overcoat. He is wanted at North Bay, on a'charge of forgery, and is being held at the police station pend- ing the arrival of an officer from that place. The accused is twenty years .. What Does Your Husband Do ? old, ar. unregulated and public excursion gh the at fae Prison Broken Into. Sligo, June 29.--The jail here was broken into last evening and three prisoners were removed from it. The | removal was effected despite the fact that a full military guard was inside the prison. ARE TOO AMEROUS ON NIGHT EXCURSIONS | | : | Ministerial Association Is Af=- | ter the Lads and Lasses Who Spoon. Local ministers want the mpon- light excursions down .he river regu- lated. Seated at the stern of the steamers lads and lasses have been | known to Brow amorous as the moon | rose in the evening sky, and so prev- alent -is tho contagion of love-mak- ing in the soft summer evenings that their ostentatious behavior has at- tracted the attention of the Kingston Ministerial Arsociation. At a recant meeting, the subject was discussed but no official action was taken, as several of the churches were sponsors for some of the ex- cursions but were powerless to pres vent the objectionable features of which complaint is made. The romantic spell of the moon- light is not the only feature of the trips to which the caustic remarks were directed, however. Dancing is not approved by some members of the association'and they elt that al no. plage tastic. nic Rev. W. Taylor Dale, pastor of Cooke's Presbyterian church, ad- mitted on Wednesday morning that the matter had been discussed at the | These officials agreed that the girl | it will be held in September. {sane now, { planned to do away With her husband | treatment meted out to her _by her with Edward C. Stanton, prosecutor. had the right to a separate trial, and The defence for Mrs. Kaber, how- ever, leaked out yesterday. Her at- torneys, Poulson and William Corre- gan, said- they would prove she is but when she carefully, |she was violently insane. And they will charge that that insanity was { due wholly to cruel and inhuman husband, who was at that time ill in bed in his fashionable lakeside home. ARCHBISHOP WORRELL Halifax, N.8., June 29.\ Most Rev. Clarendon Lamb Worrell, Anglican Archbishop of Nova Scotia, has resigned his seat to accept the | bishopric of Bermuda, it was an- nounced here yesterday. It is un- {derstood that the pressure of duties {has been felt by Archhishop Wor- [rell with advancing' years, and that {a smaller diocese Would be more congenial. Speaking to the Cana- dian Press he said that the an- had not yet formally tendered his resignation. No Sinn Fein Members Attend | --S8ession Lasted Only Fifteen Minutes. | Dublin, June 29. --The Southern Irish parliament established by the Home Rule Act opened here yester- day afternoon. Comparatively few members were present, however, and | the - proceedings lasted only fifteen |C. minutes, The four Imperialistic members of the Parliament from Trinity College and fifteen memb@es of the Senate at- ger House is com- 7 of members of ved the sum- _ the Parlia- The archbishop formerly lived in Kingston, and is the father of Mrs. S. Kirkpatrick, Victoria street. FAMILY IS ACCUSED OF POISONING CATTLE A Witness in an Old Case Was the Person Laying the Complaint. a * No Peterboro, June with poisoning eleven head of cattle belonging to one of the witnesses in the trial that ended with the Im- interest. PPP PP Rr PP ROE O DR last meeting, but said that it was | extremely unlikely that any actisu | would be taken during the summer. | Engineering Employees Vote + Against Wage Reduction employers of the engineering trades| for wage reduction have been voted dbwn by a ballot of the engineering! union, it was announced this fore- non. The ballot resulted in a ma- jority of 132,518 against acceptance of the proposals, or about two to one | | in the Hesative Utilities To Sue Davis And Farnum | Who Rofuse to Pay Back | About $7,000 Overpaid | Them, | | Legal proceedings are to be taken | against the firm of Davis and Farn- | ham, Waltham, Mass., by the King- ston Utilities Commission for the re- covery of about $7,000 which the | company has refused to pay back. | Last December, when it was discov- | ered that the company had been over: paid, the chairman, R. F. Elliott, and Mayor H. C. Nickle proceeded to Wal- tham, and laid the matter before the company, and the promise was given that the matter would be taken up. Since then, it is understood that the London, June 29 29--Proposalg of the| 4 | three cight-ared events. prisonment of two of théir members three years ago, the Hill family of Dummer township are in the tells again. The local police for the pres- ent refuse to divulge the name of the man whose cattle are alleged to have been lost. Robert Hill, the father, and his three sons, William, Davis and Rus- sell, were arrested in their homes cn Saturday by a detachment of Petler- boro police. William and Davis Hill were re- fused bail, and are being held at the county jail. Robert Hill and his son, Russell, were set free on their {own recognizance to return for trial next Thursday. 4 VIGOROUS ONSLAUGHT ON ALL GAMBLING Montreal, June 29.--Backing up the Presbyterian Witness in its attack on gambling, Rev. Dr. W. W. Reid, of Stanley Preshy- terian church, included in a vigorous onslaught not only racing, but the stock market, card games, even bridge, whist, euchre, raffles and, -tombolas, even when conducted under church auspices. * \ 4 * * + + + +* * * AEE EEE EES BER E ER * & tevesstor ere pe Boat Racing at Henley, Eng. decided. > Hgnley, Eng., June 29.--Four days | of boat racing opened here to-day un- OFF FOR OLD LAND, | der ideal wether conditions. Seven- i ty-one crews and scullers were en- tered for vatious events, forty-one c ews intending to compete in the People on Visitors in Town. (From our own Correspondent)' ls Napanee, June 29% ---Miss Jewel Miller, New York, arrived home on | Friday last to spend her vacation at | her home ip Switzerville. Miss Vera | rmstrong, Montreal, is spending | & her vacation with her parents, Mr. | znd Mrs. Howard Armstrong, Kew- | birgh Road." H. E. Collins, - amil- | ton, motored through to Pembroke | on Sunday and spent a few hours with friends in Napanee, did acquaintances. Mildred Johnston, Adolphustown, ia spending a few weeks with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Johnston, John street. Mrs. Fred. Robinson and two children left yes- terday to spend the summer with friends in Ottawa. Miss Elizabeth Mair and niece, Miss Elizabeth Car- michael, leave Saturday to spend tha Napanee Lady Ramlolph Churchill Dead. London, Jine 29.--Lady Randolph Churchill, who was Miss Jennie Je- rome, New Fork, died here to-day. She recently underwent an operation on her right foot, which was injured in a fall doyn a flight of steps. Protests Against Concession. Paris, Jule 29.--The Spanish gov- ernment h® sent to France a note protesting jgainst the concession at the port of Tangier, which was grant- ed by the Moroccan sultan before war, to an nternational corporation. Physicians and The Colkge of the Move-- + © Not to Renew the Anglo-Japanese company, while recognizing that the overpayment was made, has endeav- ored to make a settlement by offer- Surgeons is meeting in Toronto, o_o en, summer with relatives in the west. Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Neville and When this is done the committee is to report back, about two weeks from now. The establishment of other cold-storage plants was also discussed, but nothing deunite was Millions of White Moths . Attracted to Rochester | Rochester, N.Y. June Swarms of white moths suddenly en- veloped the city during the night, descending in clouds in both down- town and residentia] districts. Build- ings, trees and shrubbery were cover- ed with them in some placés and the air was filled, resembling a fay) of {large snowflakes. The moths made their appearance in force late at night and at points where the rays of street lamps struck their fluttering white wings the effect was striking. Trees seemed dotted with millions of cocoons. As if daz- ed with the heat hordes of the in- sgets fluttered helplessly to walks and roadways, being crushed by pe- destrians and vehicles. GERMAN GENERAL ~ PLACED ON TRIAL Is Charged With Ordering That No French Prison- ers Be Taken. -- Leipsic, June 29--Lieut.-Gen. Karl man infantry brigade in 1914, were placed on trial before the German su- preme court here to-day on charges preferred by the French government. $eneral Stenger was alleged to have ordered that no French prisoners be taken, and Major Cruisius was accus- ed of having transmitted this:order to soldiers of the 53rd brigade. The French government was represented by a commission. CEFF PPRPESIPEIAOISLS ® WHIG FIGHT BULLETINS The Whig has arranged for a special service of bulletins in connection with Dempsey-Car- pentier fight, which takes placé on Saturday afternoon next. ,The fight begins at three o'clock (New York time). The bulletins will be posted imme- diately on their arrival, ahd a splendid knowledge of the con- test will be given as the fight progresses. Come down to the Whig office and study the de- tails as bulletined. * * * I + L SEPP ESRPP ETH R TR ing Bt lls dl. 8. Dr. H. 8. Griffin, Grand Z of Royal Arch Mason, Hamilton physician, died suddenly. Ottawa employing printers discon- tinue negotiations with strikers, de- clare for open shops. 29. | | Kingston Mills, (re-elected). | Dr. . W. J. Geddes, Verona, the | president, presided at the meeting, | which was well attended. Following {the business part of the meeting, ad- | dresses were - delivered by Anthony { Rankin, M.P.P, and Dr. J, W. Ed- | wards, M.P. When the meeting opened, a re- port was given of the meeting of the executive held on February 10th, | when a petition was framed and pre- | sented to Premier Meighen, asking that Dr. J. W. Edwards be taken into ithe cabinet at Ottawa, The petition kpointed out that Dr. Edwards had rendered valuable service and that he had been a most faitbful worker in the house, and the executive ask- ed that his name be given considera- tion in case of changes made in the cabinet. The letter from Premier Meighen, in which he stated that the name of Dr. Edwards would be given con- sideration was also read and the mat» ter was taken up in a most enthus- iastic manner by the members pre= sent, The president, Dr. Geddes, ex- | pressed the hope that Dr. Edwards would be taken into the cabinet. He said that the doctor was highly de- serving of the honor. His work was warmly appreciated by his constitu- ents and it was his opinion that he - would be a valuable addition to the cabinet, The petition ably Presents the claims of the county. Resolutions Passed. The following resolutions tl "That this meeting desires to pm on record its confidence in the leader- ship of the Hon. G. Howard Fergu- son, and pledges him and his col- | reagues hearty support in their em = | deavors to restore efficient and stable government in the provinog of Ont~ ario." Moved by H. A. Atkinson, seconds ed by Fred Dennison: "That whereas, the present gove ernment at Ottawa is composed of men who, by their united efforts, brought Canada through the great war with credit to themselves, and 'honor to the country, and whereas the said government has unanimous- ly agreed on a fiscal policy of moder ate protection as being in the best ins terests of all classes of Canadian peo= ple, therefore this meeting wishes to plage on record its endorsation of the government at Ottawa, and its complete confidence in the wise and statesmanlike leadership of Canada's brilliant premier, the Rt. on. Arthur Meighen, and pledges 'him further support." The report of the treasurer, Mr. Stuart, was read and was regard- ed as a most satisfactory one. The - Rare bai has all its debts paid, and sa balance of $72.70 on hand, The report of the t easurer was gone over by the auditors anf found correct. Township Chairmen. On motion it was decided to res (Continued on Page 7. City of Kingston Pays $28,834.55 In Five Years For County Roads Alliance In Its Present Form _ Premier Meighen Wants' @Greater Speed in Imperial Con- ~ ference--Dr. Tolmie Says Canada May Secure ._ Oattle Market in * London, June 29. The debate - upon the renewal of the Anglo-Ja- Pants alliance, in which the atti- of the various dominion Great' Britain will be explained, began when - Imperial this morning. Meighen, Canadian ted to open the Canada Hon. Arthur premier, was. debate, laying the views of betore thé conference, ~The Anglo-Japanese alliance is "not to be renewed in its present form. Although discussion of the treaty by the conference of British has just begun, that much has already been made abundantly - Owing to heavy domestic troubles anding the attention of Lloyd , the conference is proceed- United States. ing slowly. Premier Meighen, yes- terday, however, urged greater speed. The result of the bye-election in Medicine Hat has probably con- firmed the Canadian premier in his determination to sail for home about July 21st. According to Gratton O'Leary, staff correspondent of the Canxdian Press, Limited, Hon. Dr. 8, F. Tol mie, Canadian minister of agricul ture, made the following significant statement bef the British com- mission enquir! embargo: "Should the embargo be continu- ed, Canada must endeavor by all means in her power to secure a per- manent, unrestricted outlet for her surplus in the United Hates 1 mar- ket," into the cattle} ing something less than $2,000. This, however, cannot be accepted, as the question of dxtras, etc., was com- at a meeting between him and the Company's representative, when a full agreement was reached as to how the aecount stood. It is felt that tue company has had ample time to lake arrangements to pay back the arabunt due, and nothing is left to for a judgment. Commiss ) men and as ended at noon Wednesday. John Wanner, Strasburg, eighteen, instantly killed while unloading logs rear New Dundee. Power is to be given President vlataly disposed of by the chairman | the city but.to appeal to the courts The matler will be finally taken up | at the next esting of the Utilities | make their home in Vieforia, B.C. Mrs. F. James, Roblin, underwent an operation on her throat last week in the Kingston General hospital. Miss Jessie Henderson, who has been dttending Peterboro normal zehool, | is spending the vacation with her! parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hender- son, Newburgh. Mrs. Malcolm Geot- ty, and son, Douglas, Upper 'Alton, Il., are the guests of her mother, Mrs. W, Coxall. 3 . Mrs. R. R. Davidson and son, Billy, who have heen spending the past six months with her fathar, D. H. Preston, leave for their home in Leghbridge on July 25d. Mrz. Talk «nd two children leave on Thursday! for London, England, sailing from Montreal per 8.8. Melita, July 1st. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Bogart leave on Thursday for England and the continent to visit the battle fields of France and Belgium and Paris, Hol- -1a land and Switzerland. Mrs. Huyelk,: Tweed, spent a few days last week _ithe guest of Mrs. W. J. Doiler. son, Deseronto, left yesterday to : Reformers contifiue their efforts Foon to stop the Harding to put duty on lumber. . { bout. F In Connection With the Suburban Area Work--It Has Paid Dempsey-Carpentier {and More Than Either Kingst on or Pittsburg Towne % ships Towards This Road Construction. ' Tas! week the Suburban Road, Are. Commission was under review and criticism by the reeve of Kiug- £fon sownzh'p Before the Frontarac county ecarcii, It might be fers osiing io the public to know that ther: has been a suburban roaf area for the Kingston district fer the past four years, the city, of King- sion, the township of Kingston and tme township of Pittsburg being ithe coniribators to the cost of maia- :faining about fifty miles of roads ' letding into the eity. In those four years the sum of $90,449.25 has been expended, of which the Ontario government paid £36,605.43 and the three munieipali- tise $54,793.82. Of this latter amount the city of Kingston paid the 'most, $20,824.55; Kingston town- ship $20,374.15; Pittsburg town- {skip $13,585.70. Of the city of King- #ton's contribution $11,822.78 was spent on township of Kingston roads $9,011.77 on Pittsburg roads. 000, in 1918, $4,000, in 1919, Mh 314.40, and in 1920, $6,520.15. This year the city's contribution is $7,900, $0 that in five years the city will ha given $28,834.55 to keeping up the adjoining township roads. The amount contributed is one-half mill of taxation. The construction of the provincial highway through Kingston and Fron tenac reduced the suburban ares mileage, and the roads from West brook to the city limits in Kingston township, and the Barriefield road in Pittsburg were takefi over by the provincial highways department. At present there are about seven of suburban roads in Pittsburg and twenty-nine miles in Kingston towns ship, so that most of the work here after will have to be done in the lat= ter municipality. At present subuss ban area work is being done on the Middle Road in Pittsburg. Tt has not been decided what other subure ban area work will be done this sume in 1917, the city contributed $4.- mer. .

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