NEW FUR COATS, CAPES, STOLES, SCARFS, and CHOKERS \ Old Furs remade and repaired. Place your order now. Summer prices. JOHN McKAY, Ltd 149 to 157 BROCK STREET On your touring trip get one of our Extension Running Board LUGGAGE CARRIERS. Attached in a minute and can be carried under the back seat when not in use. Will hold three suit cases. IMOORE'S Good Tire Repairs PHONE 815 FOR SALE $10,000--Gore Street--brick, first class residence. $4,700---Nelson Street-- brick; 7 rooms; B. and C.; electric light, hardwood floors, hot air fur- t d deco- hace newly painted an Salmon (extra fine) Ys. 5 for 435¢, S4B00--Rideau Street--brick; 7 fl Canned Beans 5 for 24e, rooms: hot water furnace; elec. 5 for 25e. trie Lat. 8 tins for 25e. $5,500 Moutreal Strecte. frame 3 for 2%e dwelling: 4 roowss and store, . barn, electric light, gas. £2,000-businesg property, 577 ahd 379 King street, tween Princess and Queen. General Insurance. Bonds bought and sold. The McCann Agency R. H. WADDELL Phones 326-896. 86 Brock St, Canned Cherries ....2 tins 45e. Canned Pears Canned Plumg Canned Plichards 4 3 Pork & Beans (Clark's 3s) . .23e, Get your picnic and camp sup- plies. Save the difference. Cullen's CASH AND CARRY AIFRED and PRINCESS §TS. Nos. be- MR Dont Swelter Put on one of our new Straw Hats. We have styles for "Young Fellows" and styles that are worn by "All Fellows." New shipments received this week of Sennits and Rustic Straws. Priced from $1.75 up Sale of Girls' Straw Hats Now Going On - : Sydenham THE AT ONE RECEPTION Street oF Good-bye to Rev. and Mrs. W. T. G. Brown. The congregation of Sydenham Street Methodist church bade fare- well to Rev. W. T. G. Brown and Mrs. Brown, and welcomed their new pastor, Rev. R. H. Bell, at a gather- ing held in the Sunday school hall Tuesday evening, when about three hundred were present. Many and sincere were the expressions of re- gret expressed during the course of the evening at the removal of Mr. Brawn, who during his four-year pas- torate, has endeared himself to the Sydenham street congregation. Elmer Davis was chairman for the Occasion, and called on J. M. Hughes, who in a few remarks expressed the regret of the congregation that their pastor was leaving, and asked the departing minister to accept as a mark of the affection and the esteem in which he was held, a gold watch, suitably engraved, as a gift from the Pe, INN itt? REV. R. H. BELL, BA. board of the church. Mr. Brown, tak- en completely by surprise, very feel- ingly expressed his appreciation of the kindness and generosity of the people. He stated that he was thank- ful for his associations in Kingston, for his pastorate here had been the happiest a man could have. To Rev. Mr. Bell he remarked that the con- gregation he was leaving was one that could love their pastor, and on coming to this city, Mr. Bell was com- ing to one of the loveliest spots in Ohtario. A. Shaw introduced the Rev. R. H. Bell, who, on rising, said that his heart was deeply touched with the reception he had received and al- though he did not know any of the People he had pleasant anticipation at coming to this city. He asked the people to help him make it pos- sible to do his best, as he wanted to be faithful to his charge. He wovld endeavor to bring a message of God to the people, bringing them something that they would receive with joy and would send them back to their daily tasks with new vision, power, strength and assurance of faith. In conclusion, Mr. Bell said that he would try to be himself and a-faithful minister, During the evening Dr. A. Locke gz7e a violin solo and Miss Q. Wood- man and Dr. H. 8. Angrove rendered vocal solos. At the close of the pro- &raume refreshments Were served by the ladies, and an opportunity was giver the members of the congrega- tion of shaking the hands of the two pastors, the one in regretful farewell and the other in warm welcome, ------------ Coulter-Jackson Wedding, A very pretty wedding took place {| at the home of Mr. ana Mrs. Norman Jackson, when their only daughter, Reta Mae, was united in marriage to Robert Wellesley, second son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Coulter, Marlbank. Rev. J. G. Robeson, En- terprise, performed the ceremony, Promptly to thé strains of Lohen- grin's wedding :aarch, played by Miss Rosena Davey, Enterprise, the bride, who looked charming in a gown of white satin with silver lace and veil of filmy net caught with orange blos- soms and carrying a bouquet of pink and white ' carnations and maiden hair fern, entered the parlor leaning on the arm of her father and took her place beneath an arch of ever- greens and roses. She also wore the groom's gift, an onyx ring set with pearls. Miss Florence Coulter, Tweed, sister of the groom, acted as brides- maid and wore a dress of white geor- gette crepe and carried a bouquet of pink and white carnations with maj- den hair fern. Fred Bell, Enter- prise, very ably supported the groom. The groom's gift to the bridesmaid Was a gold brooch set with pearls, to the groomsman, gold cuff links, and to the pianist a pearl necklace. After the ceremony a sumptuous wedding =| dinner was served after which the happy couple amid showers of rics = and confetti motored to Yarker and left on the 4.30 train for Toronto and other points. The bride travelled in = a suit of navy blue serge with hat and, veil to mateh: Thé many useful and costly gifts Are getting more and esting to read. suggestions they ca housewives. Church's | DAILY BRIT FAREWELL AND WELCOME [INCIDENTS OF THE DAY | | Racy Local News and Items of | General Public Interest. | Try Chadwick's coal. Prone 67. R. F. Elliott has récovered from hig indisposition and is attending to | 'his duties again. | Pianos tuned. Phone 154, C. W | Lindsay, Limited. | Mrs, 'J. . 5 Johnson, Mountain | Grove, is in the Doran wing at the | General Hospital, | Miss Ethel Danly has been ap- | pointed to the teaching staff of the | Kingston public schools. Moving to new quarters, 212 Princess street, three doors below Grand Opera House. Opening sale soon. The Ciub. : Roston Baldwin; suferintendent of | the Home for the Aged, attended a convention in St. Thomas of workers in charitable institutions. Misses Angie and Julia Hawkins, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Greenwood, and Eugene Spoor spent a very en- Joyable week-end at Mr. Fago's. Miss P. Coates, Princess street, and Miss K. Lyons, Earl street, left yesterday for Whitby, where they are attending a Sunday school work conference, A. H. Irwin, BA. a Queen's graduate and principal of Tweed high school for five years, has been engaged as teacher in the Ottawa | Collegiate, Now for the comet we shall watch, We hope it will not fail; We trust to sec it very soon, For thereby hangs a tail. A party of young people; includ- ing Miss Wilson and Messrs. Burley, Martin and Greenfield, from Picton and spent Sunday last in the city. The Kingston papers aré asked to note the death of Napoleon La- freniere, aged sixty years, in Otta- awa, and William Quinn, Toronto, aged sixty-five years. lf Robert Kells, Niagara Falls, N.Y., spent Wednesday in the city and was joined by Mrs. Kells and grand- daughter, Dorothy H. Kells, who will go to Inverary to spend 'en days with William Johnson. i | | i IN MARINE CIRCLES } The steamer Jex arrived at Rock- motored | ISH WHIG. - WEDNESDAY, Juse 29, ---- Love in Lilac Time 9121--Peggy O'Neill Mammy's 607--Somewhere a Voice is Kiss Me Again I've Fallen in Love SUNR ecords. Open Nights. MAGAZINES AND MUSIC FOR THE HLOIDAY JULY AND AUGUST MAGAZINES : Cosmopolitan, Red Book, Shadowland, lar Science, Modern Priscilla, Film Fun, Photoplay, Green Book, Motion Picture, Blue Book, ete. The World's G reatest Record Try some of these numbers for the Holiday and over the week- end at the summer ho 4342--In a Monastery Garden Nestle in Your Daddy's Arms . .. 4341--Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep Little Sunny Honey Boy 4324--Do You Ever Think Of Me With the Girl of My D reams 4327--Pucker Up and Whistle... .,.... Neva vive iivii iis Nesting Time, Fox Trot All latest Standard and Sacred Songs, THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE "The Home of the "SUN" Records. Classic, Vogue, Popu- "THE SUN" me or on the verandah. Hager's Orchestra Gertrude Willey Arthur Fields Hart & Shaw Hart & Shaw ttt ti rr int ans Crescent Trio - Crescent Trio +... Crescent Trio: James and Shannon Four reese aan. Sam Ash . Rega Dance Orchestra Rega Dance Orchestra Instrumental and Band Phone 919, | | For wood Hospital, from Sodus, with coal. The government steamer Concre- tia is in port. The steamer St. Lawrence made a trip to Bay of Quinte ports with freight on Tuesday. The steamer Kingston down and up on Wednesday. passed BUILDING NEW . BOATS AT BAY Many Additions to Motor Craft of River Under Con struction. Hutchinson Brothers, boat build- ers of Alexandria Bay, are buiding a number of new motor boats. One of these boats is for H. L. Lewis, Beaver Falls, who has bought the home of Mrs. James Pass, at Swift Water Point, Thousand Islands. The boat is 36 by 6 feet 8 inches, with cedar | planking, and mahogany trimmed. It 125 yards of hard finish, Coating Serge in Navy and Nigger Brown--37 inches wide--just the thing for inexpensive Bathing Suits. $1.25 quality. On sale, peryard.,.... . . THURSDAY, 89. reverie Bathing Suits Ladies' Bathing Suits--Navy and White, Black and White; good full sizes, Priced $3.50 ea. Thursday $2.50 The Bathers also is equipped with a four-cylinder Hall-Scott engine and will have a speed 'of about twenty-five miles an hour. Another boat that will be on the St. Lawrence shortly, is a 32 by 6 feet 6 inches, all mahogany finish, which will have a speed of about 1§ miles-an hour. This boat is equip- ped with a 40-45 horsepower Scripp's motor. "Miss Bee," a 28 by 5 foot 6 inches runabout, which Hutchison Bros. are building for A. J. Bentley, Niles, "The Hat Store" Holiday . FS «We sell all kinds of fats for - MEN'S HATS New Panamas for ..... Straw Sailors for . Newman & Shaw "THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE"' 5 Ohio, who bought a gottage at Sum- nierland last summer, is equipped With a 32-40 horsepower Red Wing ergine. She will have a speed of 20 miles an hour, and is of mahogany. "Nutmeg", the new boat for George A. Stafford, New York, for use on the St. Lawrence river, is a 28 by 6 foot V-bottom, and is equip- ped with a four-cylinder Hall-Scott engine. Her speed will be thirty miles an hour. She has cedar plank- ing and a mahogany finished deck. The Staffords haveran island cottage at this resort. : "Morley", owned by Judge Leon- ard Hackney, Cincinnati, who has a cottage at Westminister Park, is equipped with a Red Wing motor. She is now being overhauled, and put in readiness for Judge Hackney upon his arrival at the Thousand Islands. . -------- Police Court Brevities. Sammy Cole has been engaged selling extfacts around the city, but evidently he has been his own best customer. He was gathered in for being intoxicated on Tuesday, and when arraigned before Magistrate Farrell, on Wednesday morning, stat- ed that he had been drinking lemon extract. He was fined $10 and costs. The police are continuing their crusade against auto drivers who vio- late the Motor Vehicle Act. Walter Simpson and Edwin Chown & Sons, pleaded guilty to an offence under this act, and paid a fine of $2 and costs, Steamer Bt. Lawrence . will make this popular trip on Dominion leaving ferry dock at 2 pm. No overcrowding. A seat for everybody. Music and dancing. » A tv ------ After you see how some women look without rouge yon don't blame them for using it. : . Se ---- Real Estate-A Few From Our List $2850--Montreal 8t., brick; ail improvements. $3500--Montreal 8t., cement block, all improvements. $1500--Russell_st., dwelling, barns, half acre land (easy terms). $4000--Mack 8t., brick, all improvements, $3200--Albert St., frame, and garden. $3600--Chatham St., bungalow. $3600--Cherry 8t., frame, garage and garden. E. W. MULLIN & SO Cor. Johason and Division Street' .-.. Phones 580w and 5303, Buyers and Sellers of Real Estate s th y White Canvas Shoes "THE AVON" Men's extra fine White Canvas Laced Oxfords, Goodyear Welted, solid leather soles, low, broad, leather heels; nice, medium, toe last. This is a splendid fitter and sb. solutely the best White Shoe made for Men. NEW LOW PRICE with a complete stock of Rubber-soled Outing Shoes Also ready in the very lowest price, White, Brown and Black, at S. J. MARTIN. "Shoes of Merit and Distinction" ;