LY BRITISH WHIG. | | BESTS OPTICAL PARLORS Most Modern and Up-to-date In charge of a Registered Op- tometrist, who devotes his en- tire time to this work > Bring your Occulist"s Pre- scriptions for Glasses to us. We guarantee you quick, accurate and satisfactory service. We repair frames and dupli- cate broken Lenses without the Wwescription. We want vou to try this ser- vice. ~ L. T. Best, Druggis PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST Open Sundays. Phone 59. Keeley Jr, M.0.D.0. THE Responsibility There are several reasons why our sight service bears a good reputation One of them is that we don't depend. on others for any part of ie, Our work is not planned by others; nor do others carry out our plans. * From eye examination to fin- ished glasses it is KEELEY Service. We are vitally interested in the result of our work and to insure success do all of {t our- ed a direct shipment of Cigarette Cases These are in solid sil- ver' and are very beautifully finished, both inside and out. They are quite rea- 'sonablly priced and we would appreciate showing them. Wedding Rings. SMITH BROS. Limited Marriage Licenses, Jewelers - Established 1340. Registered Opticians 85(¢ Kirg Street THE NEW FRENCH REMEDY. HERAP THERAP THE DAI (Notice--Hereaft r, the Whig, in jcommon with other papers all over Canada, will make a charge of $: for inserting an engagement, mar- riage or reception announcement.) To get the Whig's society writer, [telephone No. 857w., 189 Earl street. ! . - - N No. 1 Miss Ada Cook, Rideay street, gave a tea and linen shower on Mon- } | day for Miss Flora Abernethy; one {of next Week's'brides. A big basket of roses tied with blue tulle centred | the tea table, where Mrs. A. T. {Hughes and Miss Bessie Abernethy poured tea and coffee, with | Bertie Cook and Miss Lillian Butlin {as their assistants. A basket ' all {blue streamers and confetti, 'was placed before the bride-elect and found to contain many articles -of sion of love and good wishes. i Fr a Miss Caroline entertained at Miss Warde and | Finkle, Earl street, tea, on Saturday, for Miss Flo. | Abernethy, a July bride. Mrs. C. H | Finkle made the tea in the flower- {décked rooms, and afterwards the ! | bride-to-be was led into the garden, {where a basket containing many | articles for use in her kitchen was | found. | - - LJ | l Miss Ruby Driver, George street, | was one of the young hostesses who { entertained for Miss Flora Aber- | nethy, giving a charming shower {and tea in her honor, when much | merriment was attached to the find- ling of mysterious parcels, tucked {away behind pictures and bric-a- |brac, to which colored streamers led the bride-elect. | . so» | 1 Mrs. James Rigney, George street, {entertained at bridge on Tuesday af- |ternoon in honor of her guest, Mrs. Arthur Macnee, Vancouver. Seven | tables were in play and tea {made by Mrs. P. G. C. Campbell at {the table with its Miss | | dainty linen with as many expres- | was | lovely flowers, | | with Mrs. Campbell Strange; Barrie streat Mrs. W in Picton Platt the guest of Mrs. J 'M Miss Cumdell has returned to New | Ww. | ra visit to Mr. and Mrs Queen treet York aft K. Macnee, i ments, William { Stamford land, are Mrs. J. Dwyer, Brock street. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Frost motored from Torontc Yo spend the week - end with Prof. and Mrs. /R. O. Jol- liffe, Frontenac street . - . . apart- McHenry' and Harold Cr.nd Falls, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Coey, N.J., are at.Collin's Bay Miss Marjorie - Uglow, ' Barrie street, who is in Brockville for the | Reynolds, | Reynolds, -to | marricge of Migs Alice daughter of Walter Charles Ca ipbell, is Miss Josephing Cossitt. Mrs. H. E. Boak is spending afew days with Mrs. Bruce Hopkins, West street. - Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Terry, lyn, will spend the' week-end Mrs: A. 8S. Brooks, Earl street, 2 = the guest 5! ingham, Miss Dorothy Coate (Chat- ham), Miss Catharine Minnes and Miss Dorothy Crooka'l (New York), left to-day for Simcoe Island, where | | they will camp for several weeks Prof. and Mrs. J. K. Robertson, {| Albert street, and their small daugh- kter, left on Tuesday for the seaside. | Mr. and Mrs. Jone Belleville, were at the Chateau Belvidere this | week. * » * Mr. and Mrs their children, who have been on a motor trip through the rived in town to-day to visit Fisher's sister, Miss Albert street, Miss Nora Minnes, Bagot street, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Caldwell, | Perth. | Miss Ethelwyn Mowat, Johnson | street, left to day for Point du Baril, | Georgian Bay. | Mrs. Stafford Kirkpatrick and her | family will come from Ottawa on | Monday to spend the summer in | | their house on Union street. | | Dr. and Mrs. John 'Maenaughton, | Toronto, are with Lieut.-Col. and | Mrs. A. Gunn, Bagot street, is | Newfoun.- | ing the former's auut. | Newark, | Brook- with | Miss. Katie and Miss Nora Berm- | Joseph Fisher and States, ar- | Millie Ferris, | | = PROBS :-- Thursday, fair and warm. ee ¥ Day. EXTRA SPECIAL SALE HIGH GRADE Voile, Organdy, Swiss Spot and Gingham Dresses! Regular $1275 to $29.50 Sale Price $8.98 J H i RA P ION No.3 No. 1 for Bladder Oa 50 only, fine, light and dark colored Voile, Swiss Spot, Organdy and Gingham Dresses with Organdy trims -- in a broad variety of the smartest summer styles and shad- selves Keeley Jr, M.0.D.0. 226 PRINCESS STREET Phone 927 Mrs. J. H. Ogilvie, Colin's Bay. Mrs, Charles Spooner and daugh- | | ter, Nettie, left on Monday for a | | while Miss Frances Sullivan cut the Skin Diseases. No. 3 for Chronic Wi | joes SOLD BY LEADING CHEMISTS. PRICE IN ENGLAND 3s. | ces. Dr LECLERCMed.Co., HaverstockRd..N W.S.London, | * . SEE TRADE MARKED WORD 'TMERAPION IS ON = . : ¢ t Kk Mrs. F. W. Hill, West street, ask-| , ~ visit with friends in Toronto BRIT. GOVT. STAMP AFFIXED TO GENUINE PACKETS. : v e at the " ed a few people to come in at {Buffalo and. Cookstowa, tea hour on Monday, to meet Miss | oe A lot of modern families consist | Martin, Cayuga, who is the guest | Mrs. Dumoulin, widow of the late * of a husband, a wife and a home brew outfit, Phone 237 Prices going down every day. McKelvey & Birch, Limited Are you prepared for your Summer Vacation at the lake with all the lat- est conveniences. This Big Hardware Store carrfes a big assortment of things to save you un- necessary trouble-- REFRIGERATORS, SCREEN DOORS AND WINDOWS, OIL STOVES ICE CREAM FREEZERS COOKING UTENSILS of all kinds for the country. We mark the lowest. Kingston | 8 | | nn ---r =: A large stock of Willow, Hickory and Sea Grass all moderately pric- ed. Furniture, Grass and ¥F ibre Rugs, bright colored Chintzes, etc. Everything needed to fresh- 'en your rooms through the coming months. T.F. Harrison Co, Limited Pos 30 ¥ | J A ---- of Mrs. Donald Macphail. - . * Mrs. Mackay, University avenue, for Miss Flora Abernethy, a popular July bride. * *- *® The tea this afternoon and the dance this evening at the Yacht Club, are two social events of the week. * * * Mrs. W. P. Wilgar, Mack street, is entertaining at bridge this after- noon. * . . Rev. R. H. Bell is the guest of Mrs. A. Py Chown at "Edgehill." Col. D. Douglas Young, Kingston, is staying at the Chateau Laurier, Ottawa. Lorne Austin, Kingston, was one of the ushers at the Austin-Latimer wedding in Alliston on Saturday last. John McKelvey has returned from Atlantic City after a month's outing. His daughter, Mrs. H. J. Wilkinson, remained over in Montreal. John N. Alexander, Barrie street, is| leaving this wéek for Guernsey, Channel Islands, to spend -the sum- met months with his parents. Revi. W. T. -G. Brown, Mrs, Brown and Miss Deacon left. for their new home in Ottawa to-day, followed by the good wishes of tne people of Kingston who had the pleasure of knowing them during their stay in town. Miss Elda-Robertson, Belleville, is with her aunt, Mrs. Keith Johnston, Queen street apartments. » * . Miss Martin, Cayuga, will return home on Thursday after a week's visit to Mrs. Donald MacPhail, King street west Miss Norton-Taylor, Brockville, who has been with Mrs. Constantine. "Bolton Royd," for a week, is now hi! SNTDNER) HALA JIE DOMINION DAY | | Bishop Dumoulin, who was in town | with~Mr. and Mrs. Philip Dumoulin, ; | nha street, r rned To- entertained at dinner on Thursday Sydenham street, has returned to To ronto. | George Tandy will come from | Philadelphia on Saturday to join his | family at the Wolfe Island cottage. Prof. and Mrs. R, O. Jolliffe, with | their young sons, left to-day on a motor trip to Toronto, where they will spend a few days. ! Miss Grace and Miss Judy Edgar, who have been visiting Mrs..G. Hun- ter Ogilvie at Collin's Bay, have re- turned to Toronto. Mr. and Mrs, Harry C. Githens, and their family, motored from Indi- anapolis, Indiana, and spent a few days in town this week, with their cousin, Miss Root, Brock street. Mrs. R. A. McLelland sails for England on Saturday. * * = Miss Aileen Folger, whq has been in Port Perry, with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Folger, will return to town this week. . > Miss Laura Shibley will come from Calgary early in July to visit her sis- ter, Mrs. W. B, Carey, Albert street. E. J. Mclver, Newark, N.J., spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Brymner, West street. Lieut.-Col. and Mrs. George Watts, | Toronto, who - have taken half of | Mrs. John Carson's cottage at Mec- Donald's Cove, arrived on Monday. | Miss Georgina Watts will join them | later. } { Miss Eleanor Thompson, who re- turned from Ottawa with Miss Perce- val, Brock street, is spending the week with her, and will go to To- ronto before going back to Ottawa. Miss Nora Martin, Clergy street, is the guest of Miss Isabel Walker, Perth. (Continued On- Page 8.) "To Give Work, Watertown, N.Y., June 20.--Ex- penditures of $50,000. on highway improvements was proposed to the city council by City Manager Bing- ham to reli¢ve conditions among the unemployed, arising as several building jobs near completion. Sewer construction was alsp considered by the commissioners and it was final- ly agreed that Manager Bingham submit a plan for construction at the next meeting. Just Waste of Time. Jersey City, N.Y., June 29.--Gov- ernor Edward I. Edwards declared that any..ttempt to stop, tire Carpen- tier-Dempsey fight would be a waste of time., 'This exhibition, I can say, will be cojducted strictly according It makes you think of boat trips or camps, and that leads to White Canvas Footwear. We have just the thing for you, Men. High or low shoes with leather soles JACK JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE Phone 231]. 70 Brock Street Repairs tQ law. Iam sure of that, he said. | Ik ings. We procured this special lot from a maker of high-grade Misses' Dress- es, who turned over this superfluous summer stock at a very low price to clear, which we are now pleased to offer to you at the great saving af- fected. ' Every new Summer style is repre- sented in this spectacular One-Day Sale event--crisp new dresses direct from the manufacturer--not a han- dled sample or job lot. The sizes are 16, 18 and 20. Regular $12.75 to $29.50. SALE PRICE ........0.uv.cviiic o33.98 All sales for cash. No approvals or returns. See Window-Display _ TO-NIGHT. * Natural Shatung Silk Special value at $1.25 yard. Thursday 79c 500 yards of pure, Natural Pongee Silk--free from dust and dirt filling--a splendid val ue at the regular price of $1.25 a yard. This should prove an exceptional opportunity, as you can purchase a Pure Silk Ponge e at the price offered elsewhere for inferior dust-filled Silk. An ideal Silk for Women's Outing Waists and Dresses, Bloomers, Children's Wear, Men's Pyja- mas, Shirts, etc... i... ....0c. ou iivi SalePrice 79c. On sale at 9.30 o'clock. Shop Tomorrow Store closed all day Friday, July 1st, Dominion Day.' Starting Monday, store hours 9 to 5 o'clock daily except Saturday Steacy's - Limited -