TH E DAILY BRITISH. WHIG. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20, 1921. All the delicious aroma and flavor are retained in air-tight tins of deau Hall Coffee Ri NOTHING ADDED NOTHING TAKEN AWAY SOLD IN TINS ONLY--BY ALL GOOD GROCERS Told in Twilight (Continued From Page 3) Saturday's tea at the Country {Club was very large, the tennis tournament giving an added zest to those interested. The ladies' doubles will be played off this week by Miss Yvonne Hughes, Miss Marion Lesslie, Miss Cecily Rutherford and Mrs, Bevan Dunbar. Several | bridge were in play on the verandah | cverlooking the Rideau. and Mrs. | Horace Lawson and Mrs. Garnet Greer made the tea at the tea table, gay with larkspur and peonies. Thope present included General and Mrs. Rutherford, Col. and Mrs. Nor- man Leslie, Mrs. T. F. Hughes (Lon- don, Eng.,), Mrs. James Hamilton, Mrs. R. E. Kent, Mrs. Hugh Ryan. Mrs. Everett Birdsall, Prof. and Mrs P. G. C. Campbell, Prof and Mrs. Iva Martin, Mrs. J. F* Foulkes, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hinds, Mrs Stewart (Belleville), Mrs. WaPhillips, Mrs. Constanine, Miss Norton-Taylor, Mrs. Halloway Waddell, Mrs. W. P. { Wilgar, Mrs. Howard Penhale, Col. and Mrs. B. Dunbar, Mrs. Heber Lafferty, Mr. and Mrs. John Gordon | Mackenzie, Mrs. E. L. Forte, Mi HE rich, luscious contents of a box of Moir's do not need even the charms of a pretty girl to herald their at- tractions. The eye and palate are alike delighted with what they find ' therein. 4 | Misa Cecily Rutherford, Miss Doris McKay, Miss Kitty Torrance, Miss | Margaret Scratchard (London, | Ont.,), Miss W. Gordon, Miss Mar- fon Leslie, Miss Yvonne | Capt. Lee; Fortescue Foulkes. * LJ -. MOIR'S LIMITED HALIFAX 0 1. H. Coleman, Agent 118 Victoria Park Ave. TORONTO with Miss Tena Jackson, Queen | street, for the past few days. Mrs. Charles Wright, Toronto, {came to the city on Monday and later | with Mrs. William King went to | Thousand Island Park to spend a few | days with Miss Sarah Lavell. { Prof. and Mrs. Noeil Gil and Mas- ter Linton Gill, accompanied by Miss Neale, of Cheltenham, England, left {on Monday by niotor for their sum- I'mer cottage at Trent River, Ont. * - - Miss Anna Edson has returned to } Toronto after spending her holidays { with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. | Edson, Johnson street. Mrs. D. H. Robertson, Cornwall, tables of| S P.| | Aileen. Rogers, Miss Mildred Jones, | Hughes, i Miss McFadden, Toronto, has been | In the Realm of Women---Some Interesting Features | {HAVE READ THE WHIG FOR SEVENTY YEARS |GIRLS | WHITEN SKIN WITH LEMON JUICE Squeeze the juice of two lemons in- "The roo to a bottle containing three ounces of ae Tah Php Nes re riendas | Orchard White, which any drug store | will supply for a few cents, shake of This Newspaper well, and you have a quarter pint of harmless and delightful lemon 4 : ri bleach. Massage this sweetly frag- |, "DO you know that the Whig. has rant lotion into the face, neck, arms | been coming into our home for over and hands each day, then shortly |seventy years?" was the statement | note the beauty and whiteness of [of Mrs. Vroomap, who resides at | Your skin. : | Odessa, R.M.D. No. 3, to a represent- : mol] Siage beatles vie his {ative of the Whig. * Mrs. Vrooman {stated that the paper was first taken f 295, ear: Los) wbite uy cxion: | ny the late William Vrooman: who i thle, sunburn, and tan |. ao) Sharpton, on the farm now jcccupied by Peter McCormick. After Noble Armstrong, who will ,spend | ais death, his son, the late Edward several weeks here, | Vrooman, subscribed to the paper for 2 4 » | ¥ears. Fred Vrooman, son of the late { Miss A Shanette, Brockville, was | Edward Voorn then took the bleach because it doesn't irritate. | the guest of Mrs. D. J. Millan, Earl | Whig, and at the present time his!: | street, over the week-end. Miss Katie |son, Clifford, appears on the Whig | Millan accompanied her home on | lists. The family stated that it would Jonny, {rot seem like home if the Whig was { Mr. and Mrs. Fred Elmer and |not there to be read. | family went on Tuesday to Wolfe Is- -_----- { land, where they have taken a cot- | =~ | tage for the summer. {| Miss Beatrice Lambert, Clergy | street,'spent the week-end with Mrs, | tf | FINAN SIN INNIS FREEZONE Aen Coens Lift Off with Fingers | Noble Armstrong, Hamilton. Dr. and Mrs. W. G. Jordan, Barrie | street, are visiting with their chil- | dren in Toronto. | -. . - | * Mr. and Mrs. R. Easton Burns, | Frontenac street, returned on Mon- Drop a little "Freozone!' on an ach- day. from 'tove | ing corn, instantly that corn stops Sc gly Borer Fie toveland, | hurting, then shortly you lift it right Where Mr, Ss a e | oft with fingers. It doesn't hurt a wanis convention. | bit. | Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lingham { Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of | returned from Toronto to-day. | "Freezone" for a few cents, sufficient t Mr. and Mrs. J. H Sutherland, | to remove every hard corn, soft corn, | Gore street, will go down | cottage at Dead Man's Bay for the | luses, without a particle of pain. UnmmmmmnAsAAA AAA AAA ned | to their | or corn between the toes, and the cal. | ' Whichever you choose | it will be the BEST you ever tasted. "S A MIXED TEA GREEN TEA dust Saeugh green A Revelation In Greea blend delicious. Tea Parte | | ! | eee i | | The Ontario Home Canners, Ltd, Market Gardeners - - Fruit 'Growers --Think Before You Speak-- Don't say "No before you have thought H GRADUALLY you will see the great advantages of canning your own produce | on your own land--in your own home. GRADUALLY you will see the big pro- | ts. {1 | |Stmmer. | Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Laldlaw will | (QE | go down to their summer home near | | Bcjo Lodge this week. | Mrs. [Edward Wilson, who | been visiting her daughter, | | Mark Trumpour, Lower Union street | | has returned to Napanee. | | Miss Constance Ockley and her [ sister arrived in town this week and | | will occupy, Mrs. F R. Phillips' | house on Johnson street for several | | months. | * . * | Miss Jean Guess, Sydenham, is tha | guest of Miss Vera Searle, Brocx | | street. * | Tr JAE. WILSON'S IT TY S8° WORTH OF ANY STICKY FLY CATCHER | GRADUALLY you will see, as we see, as we know, as we want you to know. Out Utility Outfits are simple to operate Our proposition is simple to handle, Everything in connection with the Home Canning is made simple by the use of our Outfits. Do not delay--but write or phone for Catalogue at once. EE ---- a -------- fia with her sister, Mrs. Joseph El-| "ae George Blake, ho has Bopn | ; : | lott, Brock street. | visiting her 'sister, Mrs. J. Fair, | Clean to "handle. Sold by all Phone 2032. . 18 Market St., Kingston. Mrs. P. G. Grey, who has been in Brock street, has gone to Sydenham. | | Druggists, Grocers and | {Lown for a.month with 'Mrs. Herbert! "yo. Tavell: and Mrs. Hu General Stores assssassna a aad { Kobinson, Bagot street, returned to Lavell, with their family, 'will go Ars -- oe Ar er -- | Boston on Tuesday. cown to their cottage at T. I. park In --_--r------ E CANADA'S NATIONAL | j : I John Nicolls, Barrie street, motor- | ron her holidays spent among the I | ed to Hamilton on Saturday and to- Thousand Islands. ! I day brought back his daughter, Mrs. * + Mr. and Mrs. Primrose, New York, es | 1 Mrs. Frank Phillips, Johnson July. street, left to-day ¢ for California. Major and Mrs. Horace Lawson will arrive in town this week, to oc- . cupy Major and Mrs. Horace Law- Sporting Shoes. Mr. Phillips accompanied her part |. . 80 over to their cottage on Wolfe way and then left for Vancouver. Island this week. * th Miss Bertha White has returned For Quick De son's house on Centre street for sev- eral months. | Dr. and Mrs. R. J. Wilson leave for Muskoka next week. Miss Frances Cartwright, Toronto, who has been viisting her aunts, the Misses Cartwright, "The Maples," will leave on Thursday by boat on a trip to Montreal and Quebec. Mrs. E. H. Pense has taken a cot- tage near Gananoque for the suin- mer and will go down there this week with her little daughters. Miss Kathleen Hodgins, Clergy street, returned on Saturday from Calgary, where she has been visiting ner sister, Mrs. Moore, during the past year. Miss Jean Macpherson, Kingston, is spending the holiday season with --Outing Shoes. --Tennis Shoes. --White Canvas Shoes. --Shoes for Hot Weather. Many lines to choose from. SOWARDS KEEPS COAL - : aid COAL KEEPS SOWARDS PHONE 155. . UPTOWN OFFICE--McGALL'S CIGAR STORE : PHONE 811. SOWARDS COAL COMPANY concentrated Jelly Crystals Made of pure fruit extracts com- bined with the very finest Calf's Foot Jelly. ! Far superior to the average Jelly Powder, = = a . ; i Each packet makés one pint of ga TT delicious jelly, "Six flavors. Warm Weather equisites! A trial- will convince you. At your grocers We will be pleased to supply you with any of the following WEIR SPECIALTY CO. LTD necessities for these hot days; -- . NT - 3 D. MONTSERRAT" LIME FRU IT JUICE when prepared forms a IoR0! 0 toi LANA A most Jholesome and Jefreshing Deverase. Beware of flations. " her parents at their summer cottage from BE ry an, ay LOTION 18ives 42 4 protection | at Blakey's Point, near Prescott. BATHI I ¢ ¢ » NG CAPS--all sizes, st yles to suit the most discriminate hE Girls! Girls] ye c. w Livingston and nie 3 son, and Mrs. Grass, Toronto, are at Save Your Hair TALEUM POWDERS of every brand. Collin's Bay for the summer. With Cuticura 3 CHa Se cach. ! Sargent's Drug Store Miss Minnie Ball. of the city clerk's «there. : STREET. PHONF 41. office, is spending her vacation at her is only one= The Sawyer Shoe Store Phone 159 184 Princess St. | Should Help 1--Clarkewood -- Residence for blind girls, Sherbourne St., Toronto. 2--Prtion Hall -- Reaidantiol i : ' uarters for IND Canadian ¢ blind soldiers; Beverley St., B young, in all Den 7 na hold ind 4 Toronto. carrying their pathetic affliction with far greater 8--Library and Publishing Dept. ease--even with happiness--thanks to the heroic --142 College St, Toronto. efforts of the Home Teaching Branch of this Free distribution of Litera- : Institute, ture and Music, : a1 talal E. for M These Home-Teachers, themselves blind or Short ls Poe Otiws, ff aril Mind cil vetiariy on Shoe Vind and Winnipeg. their homes. With infinite 8---Vocational Work For . men, 115 King St. To- patience and care, they instruct their blind ronto. pupils how to read and write tire 6--Industrial Dept. for Women ~--64 Baldwin kome (in Vennachar. i Mrs. Warne will come from Ottawa next week and wiil be at 72 Syden- ham street. Prof. ana Mrs. John Matheson will £0 oyt to Bob's Lake this week. Mrs. Niblock and Miss Bogart, Belleville, are visiting their niece, Mrs .R. T. Brymner, West street. ¥ . - . Miss Violet Walton, Toronto, is visiting Miss Kathleen Bibby, Barrie street. Miss Ma:garet Scratchard, London, spent the week-end with Mrs. J. F. Foulkes, "Calderwood," on her way to "ewfoundland. Mrs. Charles Hanson and her children, Montreal, .will spend the summer at the Carruthers' farm on the lake shore. * Mrs. Hamilton Roberts spent the week-end at Petawawa with Capt. Roberts. -- We A ha A Prevalent Crime. (Owen Sound Sun-Times) A crime that is increasingly pre- valent, and that calls for more effec- tive penalties, is wife-desertion. It has been made an eatraditable of- fense. But'one convictes of it tho w» $5, 2 i> be sentenced to imprisonment wits "Lighten Their hard labor, and h's wages £.e id bo : paid by the Government for the vap- kness to the Fund newspaper. "OUR SELECTIONS +o dN E Spring Woollens! | bossed print for the blind. They teach them how to carry on various forms of light handi- St., Toronto. craft. ] + @--Massage Classes--Successful tes tati Etadus ining reputation er oR time Provinces, © Thus the dull, dark hours of these people are transformed into hours of happiness. Their idle hands are turned to useful effort. : It is not sufficient to say--"let them be occu pied." We must assist them to that end. It is your opportunity. Funds are required, and we turn to you for your generous support. : while not as Rrge as come years ago, is very attractvie and we think we can meet your taste. : 'Our prices are reasonable, consis- tent with high-class work. 'CRAWFORD & WALSH TAILORS Bagot and Brock Streets oa Ie : UNL) My rion, Soa tial to umpire : ; : AAA AAA Sek <a. ram the other man's life game unless you i Miss Lottie Grass, New York, who At Belleville, on June 25th, Miss | want to make Mo for yourself. Served overseas as a nurse, is re-| Ida A. Derby and Fred. Braxton This village has some men who are S.perating after an operation in| Humphrey, Sarnia, were macried. . so shiftless that they never get the Belleville Hospital for appendicitis. They will reside in Belleville, "wherewith to buy a pot to watch boil. port of his wife and family. 'When ready to support them he shov.d be 2l:owed his liberty on probati. Sterner measures for the repression of this crime should be taken.