-- THE DAILY BRITISH WH | ---- | In the World of Sport . .. : St. Mary's-- McFarland 3b, Grady | valuea at 400,000 francs, the largest Ponies Twice Deteat If, Williams gs. Kelly p, A. Thomp- stake ever put on a French race | Son 2b, Spanton ¢. Morris cf, G. |course, The winner ran third in the.l S ) T | Thompson 1b, Gallagher p= | Epsonr Derby this year, ! - y $ of oronto Result by innings: R H Ei} Lemonora came up on the outside --_-- "{ Ponies... .. -04002000x--6 5 1 |after all the French horses had tired The "Ponies defeated St. Mary's, ' St. Mary's ....000012100--4 6 1 land won easily by two lengths. Seven- | Toronto, Thursday evening by a score | Umpire, Bert Booth; base um- | teen horses started in the race. | of & to 4 in what proved to be an | pire, Frank Purdy. | - The victory of Lemonora was the | intensely interesting game The | -- third time in succession that an Eng- Ponies had a run of luck in the | Ponies Win Again, [lish horse won the Grand 'Prix de i second inning, chalking up four ane, ohh a De ale | Paris, | an like a cinch when | ' : { N i Crore aooku He Rr Bw J. [ event with St. Mary's, of Toronto, on Evans trooped home. Here St Mary's | Friday morning, by a score o!.? to The Bowling Standing BOL down to business and from this 6. It wasa Dominion Day attrac Hon, Of Skips During June point had the better of the play. | The Sun was so hot that hundreds of : McFarland made the first run in the | fans had to seek the shelter of the | The standing of the various skips | [ fiten. He was followed in the sixth | trees of the park, and the terrace | Queen's lawn bowling club for the | SPECIAL SALE OF | | . ! iG. SATURDAY" yuui , EASTERN SPRUCE Our present stock of Spruce is supplied by some of the largest and best mills mn Que. bec-and-New Bruswick: Customers are thus assured of sound stock and first class mill- ing. ns IR | | | ! | | | | | Hil NIA ALLAN LUMBER CO. Phone 1042 . '» « Victoria Street OO = ecm -------- THY ad by Spanton and Morris when Galliger | ROTth of the diamond was practically {month of June is as follows: had bad luck and five reached the | deserted" Byt despite the intense | You'll feel all the better for jt Monday, bases, Smith being struck by the bali | heat the players of both teams put ol MASSEY Brcvycil ES and McFarland getting his base on [UP a great game and the Ponies had : | J are the ones that take yoy "there" and "back." Although the leader and | balls. In the Mventh Kelly scored, | to extend themselves to secur: a mar- A. Turcott . This came in the H w Newman ; the superior of all Bicycles, they are the same price. Buy one on our very | making four runs, Stewart and Daly | gin of one run. Regular $35.00, for +. ...$25.00 €asy terms. Pay as you ride. | scored in the fifth for the Ponies, | seventh inning when Cherry featured #. Crozier vole . i' ' alv wa 4 > 5 aw a "| { Pp > a > * And on your Bicycle trip, you'll surely want to ake a few "snaps but in the sixth, seventh and eighth | the batting by a home run, after W. C Crozier Regular $18.00, for . «ere. 20 312.00 Regular $12.00, for Here's a Camera that fits in your vest pocket, takes good, clear pictures | o , a1 r | Tho Eva Dal had by a" hv ' . { St. Mary's held them down. mpson, Evans and Daly hac 3 Graha x2%" (You can have them enlarged to any size "O08 . J } IR. 8. Graham 2 aE ey ae I g 0 any size) and costs only f There were no sensational fea- | trooped home one after the other. {7.7 Baker The. batteries were not quite | Thereafter, Derry had simply to shut iPr BR © batters off and he did it. > Large line of * . i | | xariazs x tag | W. Linton Other size cameras from $2.50 to $51 00, | 3 LH | winning, Smith ran bases for Span+| Williams S0rey dor St arya and |Dr. R. E PORCH and VERANDAH FURNITURE 0 i EB HA ton and got home When he came | Saunders an erry scored for the - : Don't forget we have Films, to fit all Cam- | Le BAT 5 Vio the bat he was struck and walked | Poniés. In the fourth, fifth and sixth y'Ws Ded ix Stable From $35 to $300 per set complete. bei, g [to first. He reached third and was | Neither scored, but in the seventh [| Der by W une. pia eS me oy followed to second by McFarland | the Ponies were able to bunch their | Humbrist, Lochs Fac ree Iw ae yy. aki | luck with four runs against one by | Which won the Epsom Downs Derby s who wae Joed, He Was ak im ; > jon June 1st, was found dead in his ® » el home on Grady's hit to the short stop | é - b {stable at Wantage according to the | when McFarland was put out running | The fielding generally of both |* i i alr ai ah [to third. Daly made a fine catch | teams left- nothing to be desired, Wil. | Daily Mail. Death was due to na THE LEADING UNDERTAKER | ural causes. BIG SALE RETIRED COLUMBIA RECORDS--g9c, of a ful in the eighth. | Hams short stop for the visitors did | . % did) The horse broke a blood-vessel, ae- 230-234 PRINCESS STREET Come in before ey're all gone. We've Just added a lot more The line up was: | Some very pretty work and | : latest ris r Ny V pfec * | x 3 ates e 3 to our already big pife. No seconds. No defects, Ponies--Thompson yf, Stewart If, | Arniel, The batting of the home | cording to lates reports - | Daly 1b, Saunders 2b, Cherry cf, {team was superior, the principal slug- . Have you heard "Peggy O'Neilon [ry 35. 3 Ta cw Bry Ww; gers being J. Evans, Daly, Saunders,| On the Marriage Day. Telephone Ambulance 157w. Store open Saturday eYening tll 10.30 p.m. | Gallagher p {Cherry and Twigg, while Grady, Romance usually ceased. and his- a Pe te er n Spanton, Morris and G. Thompson tory begins, and sore corns begin to | READGOI D SPOR I ING to | represented the visitors. 80 when "Putnam's" js applied. It ee A Nr Sra server TT Get away from th& city this Sunday, to 2 Cartwright ..... Mm Manahan | tures, | | evenly matched as Gallagher had the | the A : | advantage over Kelly, but the field-| Unlike the first game, St. Mary's POY ash : IJ. F. McMillan | ing of both teams left nothing to be | £0t away with the lead, scoring four {C. C. Hodgins \ (yr | desired. Saunders manifested a ten- |TUns in the secord inning against EB Gredn ; | dency toward the spectacular and { one by Daly, and this gave the Ponies 'H D.: Bibby | paid for it by allowing Morris to |& conundrum to solve and the in- W. M. Campbe]] ; : : | i 2 i make home safely in the sixth when | terest of the Speotators increased in iF. 8. Evanson Just dandy where room is at premium ! | ; | the Visitors had their only chance of | consequence. In the third inning {_- OY toto © a to one eras, and all developing and printing necessities The Philadelphia Nationals and It 4 man's voice had the same 7% - i The line up was: takes out corns, .roots, branches, : ' ] . AL Ponies--Thompson ss, J. Evans 1b, stems--no trace of a single corn left | the Washington Americans hold (ha carrying power in proportion to hie GOODS CO [ Daly 1b, Saunders 2b, Cherry rf, | after Putnam's Painless Corn Ex-|record for the greatest number of Weight as that of a canary, his light. : Zo | Twigg 3b, Coyne cf. Arniel 88, 'V. [tractor has done its work, 25c at all | bases stolen during one inning -- rest word could be heard 800 miles 3 BICYCLES--FISHING TACKLE--PHONOGRAPHS--CANY AS | rs. Refuse a substitute eight each. 88 PRINCESS STREE >HONE 524, Scalers. Refuse a substitute - ¥ A "THE PLACK TO GET THA RECORD" | N /5 8 | r Al . {1f, Williams ss, Currie 2b, A. Thomp- Treo » / son, p, Spanton ¢, Morris ef, G i | Thoms on 1b, Smith rf, | ; | Score by innings R HE APPLETON ; Ponies 10200040x--7 o . 2 Announces the opening of a new p lumbing and Heating Establishment . Mary's ++..041000100--6 4 1 i te . Umpire, Bert Booth: base umpire, 417 PRINCESS STREET--0 PPOSITE ANDERSON BROS, { Kelly. : Prices on contracting and all kinds of Jeb work furnished Give us a call. Phone §7sw Evans ¢, Derry p St. Mary's--McFadden 3b, Grady | Athletics Lose To | Gardner's Red Sox \WHY NOT USE AN ELECTRIC IRON IMPORTED y | The Athletics lost to Gardner's | ' TOBACCO 3 New York Red Sox, Friday evening, | AND TOASTER THESE WARM DAYS> Zong Filler ed | fairy goon ba, ae 3 DO YOUR COOKING WITHANELEC. |]| No SCRAPSNO CUTTING? =v i. ily the Brg wie| TRIC STOVE. WE HAVE THEM. el Liah, Fae NopnreI7%, aod passed Lor25.. a, Pol oy Ro King two | more when Hicks in the eighth and | ~~ | Fuller in the ninth counted. The | (T Athletics made their only runs in | H W NEWMAN ELE RIC Co Smoke the sixth when Shultz scored and in | . . . the seventh when Ada ounted. Mec- ORINOCO donell twirled for the Red Sox and A * st wt se Falk fiv, d Phone 441 = 167 Princess Street |atiowed or, Seven, walked five an allowed five hits, His team weni after Cut Coarse, for Pipe Use [everything and usually put them safe. J Cat Fine, for Cigarettes | Purtell turned in a good game for the 2 nin, | Athietics striking out thirteen, and | i walking none. He was touched for | ; E jen hits. Teeple, at short, got after them in all directions and made some . on . o p | sensational catches. In the fifth Hall | / J - I replaced Carroll behind the bat and | , | Ada went to centre field, For | 0 Sle ! local's batting, Baker is credited with two hits, and Teeple, Spencer 'and CH EWING - | ¥, one apiece. The visitors kept | 4 j the crowd amused with their antics | TOBACCO and songs. Gardner's Red Sox--Liall 1b, Ful- . ' . ler ¢, Perry ss, Norman 2b, Hicks if, Children's White Canvas Boots . . . Sit eset | King 3b, McDonell p, Eilts 11. fon = Children's White Canvas Sandals --leather soles . . . .. Athletics--Teepie ss, Bawer 2b, : . » - i Shultz 1b, Hall cf, Kelly 2b, Muckle > Children S White Canvas Romper Shoes Severs nea i rf, Spencer i" Carrol ¢, Purtel] p. : , . , Umpire--N, Hartrick, | Children's Tan Sandals . |. Sie Vl ny ee Score by innings: RHE * N.Y. Red Sox. -004000011--6 10 4 | ; Athletics |, . <000001100--2 5 { All kinds White F Ootwear sold at most reasonable prices. {English Horse Won Grand Prix 13th Time THE VICTORY SHOE STORE [ . "wim Sunday by J. Watson's chestnut colt, Lemonora. Flechoir was second and |. Harpocrate third. The purse wag Williamson & Wellwood: sk: Custom Tailors ix hh Sons oe Snr : Own Material Made Up. i : OOoC TOR - Prices right. . 3 MONTREAL STREET Two doors frum King Edwadd Theatre | FOR SALE | Good second - hand Lumber, Corrugated Sheet Steel and other _ building materials. ~ L Cohen & Co, 275 Ontario St. Phone 837,