THE DAILY BRITISH WHIC = 1 . BATURDAY, JULY 3, 19g1. shingle on Joh street. Then Eng- land's opportunities of post-graduate GET IT REPAIRED | CANUCKS ON WHOM FORTUNE Ee Sewing Machines, Phonograps, | | HAS SMILED IN ENGL AND = ide fn London go succctuly Guns, Rifles repaired and refitted Parts su ed. Saws filed, knives, rm d edge tools ground Locks wepaired. Keys fitted to /| specialist in nose and throat troubles. » oll kinds of locks. All makes of ® Mowers sharpened and re- Paired. We can repair anything that is repairable. J. M. PATRICK 149 Syden Street, Kingston Phone 20564 "MORE BUSINESS uens~--ome yedr since we | the wi | | Men and Women Who have in Old Land--Nearly All Made Niche For Themselves of Them Are Natives of Onta rio. : \ The Canadian who cam leave his { hometown: barge --into the world's | Breatest city on a shoe-string and | make good, is a source of consider- able envious wonder to his less suc- cessful feflow-Canadian, "How eyer did he manage to do it? | How did he get away with it?" such | ejaculations of jealousy one often = dean frer--that is how we nad busl- hears from visiting Canucks who, opened hat long, but then Wie dien | busy place. Make this your #tmoke | for the first time and the awesome | sEpciar--omievre RAZOR ana | Darriers which she erects to guard E BLADIES $100. | her riches and honors from all- Jack F. Elde 260 PRINCESS STREET THE BUSY CIGAR SHOP Rp ha rE FOR SALE GOON, CLEAN COAL. A. Chadwick & Son New location: Corner Ontxrio and West Sta. Phone 67, Lake Ontario Trout and Whitefish, Fresh Sea Salmon, Had- { viewing the wonders of Old London | comers, are lost in wonder that some | fellow-countryman whom they feel | sure possesses less brains than them- | | wood, is another remarkable instance, selves and lacks their attractiveness has been able to horn in as it were | More Canadians than one wots of | have made good in Britain, but the careers of some of the more con- | spteious among them have a special | interest for Torontontans, -- Beaverbrooke, Millionaire, Peer. Beaverbrook looms largest--Beav- erbroo':, whose father was once a | Presbyterian preacher at Richmond | ig and whose mother resides in | Toronto. Scarcely a dozen years ago young Max Aitken, who had already accumulated his first million, went to England to float steel of Canada. With him was Lord Harris, of To- ronto. Thrilled with the successful swinging of the deal, Max told Lloyd Harris that he was going to contest a seat in the British House of Com- Smoke mons and break into public. life. "You couldn't get elected as pound. | keeper". was his friend's rejoinder. | Nevertheless he got, into Parliament. [ The war found him Eye Witness and honorary colonel. A baronetcy fol | lowed and subsequently the man who | is: worth milions today calls great | statemen by their first names and 18 |said to have personally wrecked the | Asquith government, became Chan- cellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, a ! peer of the realm and minister of Ya- formation, { Srna Hamar Greenwood's Hard Knocks, That son of Whitby, Hamar Green- of succéss, This Toronto University | graduate, 'winning a precarious ex- | istence temperance lecturing in Eng- | land, was so nearly dead broke that | 20 yedrs ago he considered enlisting { in the army to avoid starvation. Then 2 bus accident nearly killed him, and 'tis said that the $5,000 damages he | obtained for his injuries helped | @reatly to put him on his feet and | send him through the law school en { Toute to a big practice, a seat in the | house of commons, a government { post, a war office appointment, a co! | onelcy in the war, a baronetcy and | the chief secrctaryship of Ireland. | Claude Bryan, of Parkdale a Success. Claude Bryan, of thé old days in | Parkdale, is another Canadian who Las made good in London. Son of the Rev. Canon Bryan, of the Church of the Epipkiny, Olaude, after a course at Upper Capada College and the University, became a reporter on holding important positions on the staffs of various hospitals, A evlonel in the C.AM.C., his services during | the conflict were fittingly rewarded with the C.M.G. W. Perkiris Bull, of the Ball Hospital And what Canadian in London dur- {ing the.war did not hear of William | Perkins "Bull, K.C., the former { Bramptonite and Toronto barrister, who founded and 'managed the of- { ficers' hospital of that name at Wim- | bledon? With his fine new residence jat Wimbledon and his offices in Kingsway, Mr. Bull and his family, whose ghospitality wag extended to hundreds of Canucks during the war, are today among the best-known Canadlans in London, Walter Curran and Mike Moore. One of the romances of the war {Was the marfiage of Capt. Walter | Curran, formerly of Orilla and lat- |terly of Toronto, to Mrs. Cyril W. { Cunard, widow of a member of the great steam: hip line, a charming lady well known in London society and | possessing a fine country estate and | house in the fashionable west end. {A familiar figure at Toronto Univer- sity some years ago, when it may be recalled that he arranged the famous [football match between the Carlisle [Indians and Varsity, Capt. Curran | once engaged in newspaper work in | | Toronto, went to London 48 a prees correspondent, was given a commis- | ston and eventually became attached | to Canadian Headquarters, London. | | { Mr. Curran is today president of a | {London company' connected with | shipping, Harry' N. ("Mike") Moore, son of | the Rev. T. Albert Moore, of this | city, is another Canadian newspaper. man who has made the Old Land his | ; & WR gs W . Pr the whole faniil There are FLEET home, business, evenin women and children. FLEET FOOT are certainly the most attractive shoes for means Style, Wear, Comfort and Economy y in FLEET FOOT this summer. FOOT styles 'in oxfords, pumps, sport shoes, working shoes FLEET FOOT styles for g wear, holiday time--for men, summer wear. They are so well made, of suéh excellent the Globe. Then he fell in with Sir home "Mike" has for some time Gilbert Parker and became his secre- | been an associate editor and direc tary in England. Subsequently |tor of the Dublin Freeman's Journ, | * dock, Halibut and Bryan married a niece and heiress of -- the late Lord Furness, the groat ship- | Canadian Actresses and Writers, . . builder and owner of Newcastle-on- | Doubtless many other names of | . Canadian Co. i Tyne. An energetic offfcer of the Canadians who have come to the fore | Phone 520. 68 Brock St, A Blend of Import. | C2nadian| Red Cross during the war, [in England of thelr own effort might | No. 9-3240. ed Virginia Leaf with the title of colonel, (Taude | be cited, but of these one can recall | Bryan has long been a director of |at present, Beverley Baxter, Toronto | the Furness-Withy Co., and other in- j povelist, whose "A Blower of Bub- stitutions, has a son entered for Eton |bles," took London by storm: P. O'D. | and numbers among his intimates | of Saturday Night, who went across Lord Jellico and gther notables, f to take a post on the London Ex- --Steel Poles. ~--Bass Oreno Bais, --DPearl Wobblers. --~Spoons. press; Sara Jeannette Duncan, who | Everything in Fishin g Tackle at:-- Grant Morden Another Paskdale Boy | married Coates the newspaperman; | W. H. COCKBURN & CO. 1 Corner Wellington and Princess Street. Phone 216. materials, with tough rubber soles and heels, that you can count on long wear from every shoe stamped with the name FLEET FOOT. , : They are easy and comfortable; the coolest and most restful footwear that can be worn on hot days. Look for the name p= in this style of lettering on every pair. EE natatnlulsiulsiujuiuiaiaininininiutn FLEET FOOT shoes are sold by the leading dealers everywhere ~--Reels. Canned Minnows. ----Minnow Pails. Another old Parkdalian is Col. | Beatrice Lily, the Cobourg girl, who Grant Morden, who M.P. for the |atarred in London revues and mar- British seat of Brentford, Chiswick, [ried Capt. Bobby Peel, beir* of Sir and director of endless companies, | Robert Pecl, Bart, ang Mias Mar. spends much of his time at hisbeauti- | garst Bannérman, the pretty Winni- ful country seat, "Heatherden Hall," | peg girl, who delighted. London the Ooooooo | Cg El «1 5 COMPOSITORS AND LINOTYPE OPERATORS Permanent positions are now open jo a few good compositors 'and linotype operators to work on TORO TO SATURDAY NIGHT. COMPOSITORS . $36.00 LINOTYPE OPERATORS ... tessenees. $36.00 Men or Women same wage. Ivor Heath, Buckinghamshire, fox |atrical audiences and married the AEA ESE Canada Steamships cannot forget | snowball. But Grant doesn't care | Without forcing or irrie Director. |in some twenty-five carg from King- intestines can then ree - presenting the Dominion Securities |Strate the Royal Arch degree for Space hunting. He 'has Just bought the |actor, Pat Somerset. that in the days of thelr youth they | Ww { h Ti 0 25d smiles at the reminiscence. we \ tating, Nujol softens the a C 3 i$ Master at Upper Canada College a |Ston last evening to pay o fraternal move jt regularly. Abe Hours 7. 45 to 5.30. Co., is today an independent financier | their local brethren. Addresses » THE CLUB Beecham's Pill Co. eet lecked him on Jameson avenue tor | Nujol SS lubricant, June 30.--An auto party consist- food waste. The many . few years back E. R. ("Billy") Pea- [visit to Leeds Chapter Royal Arch solutely harmless-tryit 5 i Saturday 7.45 to 12 noon. there and has just been elected a di- were given by several of the visiting | TT Ta BRE py 212 PRINCESS STREET hss wc rg er eres i Se a AAA AEA Barr 2 tie NET intendents als hasing Agents actory, Foundry PTI 3» OWwWeg -- ni=ia'njain)eiaiaiaiaiaiaisjsisis|nin)siaiuinininl=iatn rn db Won PI ai i Envious regarders of this lord of pasting them in the eye with en oy GANANG QUE not a laxative. U.C.C. Master Now Bank of England | ing of about seventy-five came down tiny muscles in the 1 cock, who first went to London re. (Masons and to incidentally demon- Positions absolutely guaranteed to competent men or women rector of the Bank of England. | bretiren, At the close of the busi- for at least one year. | Strangely enough, this §Xpert in the [ness session the gathering repaired Open hos | realm of figures took two years to {to the amusement hall of the local Transportation paid. | pass his first year mathematics at brethren wherr a banquet was en- case of married men. { Edgar is another Canadian who with A goodly number from! town All applications confidential. a modest start has hewn out a place | motored tc the Fone of Mr. and Mrs, : r financier. Sir James Dunn is a na- | Tuesday evening, to enjoy the lawn SA I 1 JRDAY NIGHT PRESS tive of the Dominion to whom fame | social and dance under the auspices and fortune have come in London's [of the ladies of St. Patrick's church 78 Richmond Street West - . - . TORONTO | money market, of tha village, on river st Brantford. 1 : Toe Meater Miesidquol failed to ; Canuck Director of London Times, |Mmake her regular run to Kingston : Yet another is Sir Campbell Stuart, jon Tuesday ard disappointed quite the young Montrealer of Loyaiisi an- |& large number of would-be pas- cliffe and, managing diregtor of the Although rain has threatened in wu London Times. The success of that | this section, dnd in some places fallen ; 8 : Parker, Bart, as pubMoist and par: | Gananoque way, and in consequence &, lamentarian in Englandi is too well |the garders of the town are suf- ', Th . PLUG SMOKING known for further comment. Suffice | fering considerably, { to eay, be is reputed to have made | The town council met on Tuesday ™N : who brought the matter of secession 2 3 before the counties council last week, | are invited to call on us for any The success achieved in London by {and of what ig yet to be done. Col. Donald Armour, C.M.G., the Har- The Skinner Co. 1a, Suid ----- -- a i . . ley street surgeon, is almost too well | stock taking for this sea during " \ pe # NN 47 with machinery of any descrip- known for recital. Of course, Don- the past week and have closed the | ngs Y x; ' gr. - TZ DN? ¥ 8 Sve 49} tion for the machine shop, ar- i = : : ry ~~ RRSUN -- Wed) t » 8 Cet Justice Armour, of Cobourg, [ing of sbarehoiders which will be | | , £05 i BR. 2 and consequently a brother of Major |heid early in July, : ) : Np if / Fass Ah or power plant. Erie Armour the county crown at- Mr. and" Mrs. Wellington Knight | NT aly torney. He went to London many | and family motored to town from Our prices are right and our r Pp : in which as a colonel in the C.AM.C. |and are visiting the formers parents, he performed a multitude of opera- | Mr. and Mrs. Ohristy Knight, Gar- sures square treatment. Sq o the terrific competition of London Mre, George Pickett, North street, Our regular monthly Machinery List and established himself as a special- left for Smith's Falls on Tuesday to : a2 % ---- Truman Cadwell. your name ofi the mailing list for jt. ' Donald McMaster, K.C. Mrs. John Lasha, daughter, Miss Kind, cou It y use the pon. is there risters' chambers at Lincoln's inn, | from Pontiac, Mich., to spend the . : London, and for some years a famil- | summer in town with relatives. THE WILL IAMS MA INER' -------- A. R. co 'LIMITED CH yY where he sat for the Chertsey divis- The British government announces . fon of Surrey, only resigning yester- | yp q¢ there will be no autumn ses Hajifax, St. John, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver left the Montreal WELT 3 bey posal for legislation next session will ' 3 » 5 council practice years , be the reform of the House Lords. If its machinery --write "Williams" have lost mueh of his Ca: adian attl- % tude. . Somehow the visitor almost Union of Laborers went The A. B. Williams ¢ Ltd. regards himself as an Old Country. | mas be il aN ams Mashingry Co, : TY" | Thursday, completely tying up don- THIS | Th Edgar Pepin, 22 years old, drown- Dr. €d in the St. Charles' near Quebde, bathing. €arved for himself in the difficult pre. Benoit Pronovost, aged 15, Three cints of Haxiey street is Dr. George Rivers, drowned while bathing in 8¢. 308 Bedford round. Years ago Dr.| i ine rare cochrrches Tor the Badgerow graduating from To- condor to Sear to a height four rounto Universi : of Ideal working conditions and surroundings. | Liberal allowance for transportation of family and furniture in { Queen's University. Sir E. Mackay | Joyed. Apply by wire or mail to:-- \ for himself as-a London broker and | Michael Lappan, near Lansdowfie, on Pritam. . Elmer Farr, five years old, drown- cestry, a right-hand man of North- |#engers, erstwhile Belleville boy, Bir Gilbert | in fair quantity, very little has come , A 0 4 ) J aS aide a ¢ nearly $1,000,000 from Ms books evening when the jocal delegation ) } 1900, A é6 1s » Donald Armour, London Surgeon. [made report of what had been dotie, | s doo. bacco sort of service in connection 3 , > Md Armour is fifth son of the late [factory until afier the annual meet- 5 CRS i : Eg age, wood-working shop, foundry years ago, and long before the war Youngstown, Ohio, during last week reputation for fair dealing en- tions, had come to the fore even in den street, is full of bargains, Write us to put ist. spend a short time with her brother, Long lodged in dingy little bar- Evelyn, and son, Keith, have arrived for your convenience, far figure in the house of commons 64 Front Street, West, TORONTO. day. Donald McMaster, K.C., who sion of parliament. The chief pro- -- ---- -- The members of the National send me information and prices on struction work. Another Toronto man who has | while Rn "whose parents live at Lawrence. = ty hung: out his first ' miles. 4