Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Jul 1921, p. 14

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! Rolled oats--Standard grades, With Thrift, Prudence an Econom lb bug. , | ; J y g IN | THERE will be an added zest to your Toronto. or Ja smongw by gradually accum hontire #ince its establishment in Canada, has paturaily arousey No. 2 do, 31.86%; No. 3'do., $1- |culls, §6 to 37; buttermilk calves, |doz. 39 to 40c; cheese. 1b ews 29 = ree eee, . --_-- mm oe -- j 8X-track; shorts, $27.25. : [$3.05 per 90-1b. bag, delivered to -- ; "iarkels Keports |: i | Potatoes--Green Mountain, 55c to = : : Now and The 7 60c; Quebec stock, 50¢ to 55c¢ per rls a Promoted b the GRAIN UOTATIONS. | $13.50 to $13.75; to b., $12.50 to | } o-da: i same ti R.T.8 ) 2 { $12.75; to farmer, $12.25 to $12.50. | Toronto, % | 0 yim § nd iat the ne Fine « 1. Scott Company, Limited | add live stock | To apr July 1--Butter, dairy, TW CE for tomorrow he ung, financial king The gre oir a 5 Sempans lwp i000, . July 1. Manitoba | Calves--Receipts, | 7,330 . head; 34 to 37c; do. Sreamery, 35 to 40¢; : ¥e savings 'can spare wh; ; The gratifying initial success of the R. T. Scott Compar wheat--No, 1 northern, $1.89% : | market weak; veals, $8 to $12; margarine, |p, 27 to 30c; eggs, fresh, a bh BE head : oul n what old age hostile criticism from institutions and individuals either less 82%: N -o | ' to 24c; chick 1 5 ; a Be 1H : 82%; No. 4 wheat, $1.72%. 135. : . ens, '1b, 45 to 50c¢; ' O : . . B fortunate or ignor Egalacie E0088, Of lieess doc otratic opts--No. 2 CW.| Sheep ang lambs--Receipts, 9,435 | chickens, spring, Ib, 60 to 65e; tow, 7 SB now. ? Yu wpe with td k . 6 49%¢; No. 3 CW. 15%c: ortra | head; market steady: sheep (ewes), [1b., 33 to 38; ducks, 1b., 50c: tur. " : No. I feed, 45%c¢; No. 1 feed, 43%c: [$2.50 to $4.50; culls, $1.50 to $2; | keys, Ib, 55 to 60c. n ay - ~ rr i : i ang No. 2 feed, 43c. lambs, $6 to $11.50; culls, $4 to a : - THE que. Manitoba parley--No. 2 cw, [ss Tm ION NA DY ow] DARD BANK The R. T. Scott Company's business is investment banking. 78%¢; No. 3 C.W., 73 Y2¢; rejected. | Hogs-- Receipts, 5,830 head; mar- k £ } It not only does not conflict With the chartered banks, but it is a 69%c; feed, 6914c. . .,_ | ket steady; light to medium weights, | OF CANADA source of stren 5 insuragce 5 All the above in store, Fort Wwil- 19.30; heavy hogs, $9; roughs, $6 ro : . am. } i, i S 2 ae i hments' which prosper with American corn--No. 2 yellow -- 5 Bgstos, July 2, | TOTAL ASSETS OVER NINETY MILLIONS osperity. 77¢, c.it., bay ports. | New York. Dairy Products, ! ®: . : It encourages individual thrift, national economy and wise Barley th malting, 6ic to| New York, July 1. = Cattle -- Creamery Pat, ib... Kingston Branch: . J F. Rowland, Manager, and prudent investment of surplus capital. 70¢c, outside, 2 | Receipts, 2,020 head; market easier; | Dairy butter t-- timate Canadian ) Ontario wheat--No. 2, $1.50 to steers, $5 to $8.50; bulls, $4 to $6; | Whey butter $1.57, to.b. shipping points, accord- | cows, $1.75 to $6. | Eggs, fresh; doz. ing to freight; No. 2 spring, $1.43 to -- Oleomargarine $1.45; No. «2 Boose wheat. nominal. Chicago. [Cheens | Ontario oats--No. 2 white, nom- Chicago, July 1.--Cattle--Choice y 3 D ti !inal, 40c to 42¢, according to freight yearling steers and heifers, $8.50; Vegetables. -- Establish Savings Accounts. | outside. Lulk beef steers, $7 to $8: bulk fat | Beets, 2 bunches .. .. i Collections omestic Rye--No. 2, $1.25. she stock, $4.50 to $6; canners and | Cabbage, head Carry adequate Life Insurance. | Ontario flour--90 per cent. patent, | cutters largely $1.50 to $3; bulls, 10 | Lettuce, June . | or Foreign $7.40; bulk, seaboard, 94 Per cemt. (to 15 cents lowers; bulk bologna, | Carrots, 2 bunches ... . 5] . : Invest In first-class bonds. | patent, nominal, in jute bags, More | poi to $4; bulk bulls, $4.50 to|Potataes, bag : SR Our system of over 530 branches in ro | ; {85 ous b ls SH Canada and abroad enables us to real and Toronto, | $6.75; veal calves sharply lower, | Sweet potatoes, "s ! 4 Purchase reliable securities that combine Manitoba fdur--Track, "Toronto, | Hoss Tor $8.70; bulk, $8.10 (5 | AY supply the manufacturer and merchant safety with equitable returns. [cash prices: First patents, $10.50; | $8.65; pigs, 10 to 15 cents lower. | : 5 Jopp information on trade risks impos- second patents, $10, { Sheep--Choice western lambs of. | Beef: sible to secure from other sources. NATIONAL SERVICE. | Millfeed -- Carloads, delivered, | ferred at $11; choice natives big | Porterhouse Steak, Ib. .. : will be ed In giving such instructions, the Scott Company believes it is | Montreal freights, bag included: | $10.50. {Round steak, 1b. Collections Jatusted » us handed, doing financial and industrial Canada a service. And if that ser- ! Bran, per ton, $29; shorts, per ton, | | Boiling cuts, 1b. promptly and to your satisfaction. vice is not done from disinterested motives, at least the Company $31; feed flour, $1 .60 to $1.75, | Buffalo, / .e asks no more than a normal profit on its operations. The Com- | Hay--Nao. 1, per ton, baled, track, Buffalo, N.Y, July 1.- Cattle -- | Western hinds, ew! .,, 22 | i I] CANADIAN BANK to $19; mixed, $8 to | Shipping steers, $7.75 to $8.25; few, Pork: 'a ction t rform in the Toronto, $17 : Dany believed that it Bas'a useful function to Pe $10; straw, $10 per ton, car lots. [$9; butchers, $7 to $7.50; yearlings, | Loin roasts, 1b .. ... | intricate financial machinery of the nation. As much as the | ; , ' [35710 $5.00: nares $4.50 to $7.25: | pon soar Jb : Of . ( 'OMMERCE banks or the insurance companies, it is & proper department ot | | cows, $2 to $5.50; bulls, $4 to $5.50. [ Pork chops. 1b . 4 ] legitimate finance. It has a legitimate financial function to per- [ : New York. | stockers and feeders, ' $5 'to $6.50; {Hose live weight owt | PAID-UP CAPITAL - $15,000,000 form, and it is as concerned for its proper performance as other | New York, June 1 S-Flour-Mar. [1 tn cows and springers, $40 to Ho id dressed owt RESERVE FUND . - $15,000,000" ons arg for the correct discharge of their func. ket unsettled; spring patents, $3.50 [s110. 08S, sec. tas Par . tions and obligations, to 39.00; spring clears, $7.25 iol Calves, steady; $5 to $10.50. Bacon, breakfast bis KINGSTON BRANCH-R. T. Brymner, Manager. & . [$7.75; soft winter straights, $7.00 | Hogs--Heavy mixed, yorkers | Lamb: : J) jto $7.35; hard winter Straights, | ony yorkers and pigs, $9.25; [onts, Ib, g - 38.00 2 See. x dy: 1a; |roughs, $7 to $7.25: stags, $4.50 to] = . . wh ye our--Market steady; air to! &, Yq : ico fancy, | 36:00. | Coll for Manuf good, $8.00 to $8 50; choice fancy, | Lambs, $5 to $11.50: yearlings, | whet, LS . i Oo ections or A anu acturers [$8.55 to $9.00. [$3.50 to $9; wethers, $5.50 to $4: | Chops, 1b. i 9 Bs The Merchants Bank White corn flour--Market steady; { ewes, $1 to $5; mixed sheep, $5 to (Mutton, Ib .... 0,0 ~< can assist very materially your [$2.05 to $2.25 per 100 Ibs. | $5.50. [Sausage meat |b, i | fo own Collection Department. in Cornmeal---Market quiet; fine | 5 1 HEB b obtaining acceptances and m ing | vaste and yellow granulated, $1 i GENERAL TRADE. | | 3 3 Se Re SIRs oh oor lpn, Notes and to $2.05. 2 YN . ] : No. 9 wae | t-- | Eels, 1b. .. - Bank now operates undreds of branches Rye--Market easy; No 2 we ster, Montreal, jets, pS .. in Canada, extending from coast to coast ; as {$1.45 f.0.b. and $1.41 c.f. New York | Montreal, July 1.--No. 1 fresh | Finnan haddie. 1b lay s well as offices in New York and London, England, first half July shipment. | made butter, 32c per Ib; prints, 33¢ Maddock, fresh, Ip .. 3 | and reliable corres ondents throughout the Barley-- Market quiet; feeding, [per 1b.; dairy, 25¢; cooking butter, Halibut, Ib . . commercial world, ese facilities assure Many. [69 to 72¢ and malting 79¢ to 82c90c: oleomargarine, 21c per Ip. Kippers, pair iecarers. Wholesalers, Importers and Exporters tha oni is positors, jc.i.f. New York. Eggs--No. 1, 36c: extras, 40c. | Perch, Ib......... | m possinrions will be made quickly and *Hcientiyat the Jowest plan for the provision of a future income. | Wheat--Spot market easy; No. 2 Ham--Large size, 32¢; cooked, | Pike, Ib, 1 bonds, but it firmly believes in bond buying for people of mod- |red, $1.52; No. 3 hard, $1.57; No. 53¢c. Ib, { Salmon, 1b | = _ \ e5¢ means, | Manitoba, $1.81 and No. 2 mixed | pBacon--Windsor boneless, 52¢ | Steak, cod, Ib vis | ! ¢ per Ib. | Trout, salmon, Ib : 4 The sale of legitimate Securities is the Scott Company's pdurum $1.46 cif. track, New York . 36¢c 5 ' per 1b.; breakfast, 36¢ to 45 1 9 ' business, and Duld be Joat hrplin BH {first half July shipment. Dressed poultry--Milkfed chick. | White fish 3 Head Office : Montreal. QF CANADA Established 1864, avag- Corn--Spot market eas ; No. 2 > . , "hick- ie | Ni : ance or in some fraudulent stock swindle. The United States po. : hi ® 4 ens, 13¢ tu-45c ib; Selected Shick: ' PARE ERANCH, ARDEN BRANCHES, . J. Ww. MCL AOD Manager. yellow and No. 2 white, 81 1-2¢ and | ong 38¢ to 40c Ib. selected chick E / last to illegitimate investment purposes during 1920, $600,000, No. 2 mixed durum $1.46 elf track ' g ' 5 8c 0c: Poultry. sub. t Boro btain Grove open Fridays. 100. Canada lost a huge sum. This drain upon the national re. Ne ou hixe 1¥ ship Ecese, 33c; turkeys, 58c to {Hons dressed, Ib i ------ lo T¢0 at Kingston Branch. sources should be corrected. It ig part of the business of the New York first half July sh pment. o | ducks, 50c per Ib. ji ' oe R. T. Scott Company, Limited, to help in correcting it. | So u-Spot arkat easy; Ne. a|., Beans--Canadian hand-picked, , 'Naa Yellow and No. 2 white, 81 1-2¢ an 2.65 to $2.75 per bushel; peas, WAR LOAN METHODS. | No. 2 mixed 1c c.i.f. New York 10- 32 50 to 3 P Barley For the past few months the Company has been engaged in | day shipment. s wp 35.28 'ton Wain ) period its salepmcn gaC2"Adisn nancal corporation o || pyre Spot market easy; No. 1 [_ Millfeed Bran, $26.95 per ton, a Reinvest Your July Dividends period its sales 3 se | white, 49 1-2¢. ; 8 "oes enna . 5 -- * : | Feed--Market steady; city bran, | You May Have Bagkyhoas, push teaces $14 to 3 in Safe Securities |} "- ness methods. Company has demon- | . Hay, baled, ton strated its capacity and its absolutely fairness. In that perioa [| $25.00 and western, $23.50 in 100. Kidney Trouble Hay, loose, ton 14.00 Our July Bond List, just issued tai jot one of its detractors has been able to produce proof that | 1b. sacks. It | Corn. yellow teed, bush. .... "149 Ir July Bon i Just issued, contains an Justified criticism, The Scott "'one-interview" system is con. ra And Not Know t rious. standard (Gov't) unusually attractive range of Government, demned as "American" and suggestive of "'wild-cat" ; Winnipeg, If your back aches and 'you suffer | OWE ...'... i. S510 to 35.35 Provincial and Municipal Bonds yielding up The popular appeal---the direct contact with clients which is | Winnipeg, July 1.--Wheat--No. | prop dragging pains, it is an evidence | Ogts local 45 to 7.109, fundamental in our System---is ridiculed by people who have | 1 Northern, $1.89 3-4; No. 2, $1.86 | your kidneys may not be acting just | Ww. ha not even appreciated the obvious lessons of Victory loans ani | 3-4; No. 3, $1.82 3-4; No. 4, $1.72 [ ight. What you need is a course | 4 loose, Fare ee A Liberty bonds. The Scott sales system, wit | 3-4; track Manitoba Saskatchewan | with Dr. Hamilton's Pills. They con- |. 2": al rect contact with clients, is an application of war loan methods, : Alberta, $1.81 3.4 Oats-- No | tain both Mandrake and Butternut | Wheat, local, . : Canada is familiar with those methods. So is the United States. fan ey a, LNG. 4 a Bend . and act very beneficially upon the | ---- The fact that swindlers ang rogues have taken advantage of [2 C.W.,49 1-2¢; No. 3 C.W., 45 3-4¢; | liver and kidneys. "I was bothered | Hides and Wool. WwW. d GG d & C them does not condemn those methods. All down financial hig. | extra No. 1 feed, 45 5-8¢; No. 1 feed. a great deal with my kidneys, but got | Beef Hides, No. 1,, ood, Gun y oOmpany tory, rogues have utilized legitimate machinery to advance their | 43 3-4c; No. 2 feed, 43c: trick, 48 [ook relief from Dr. Hamilton's | Lambs es ; Toronto Canadian Pacific Rail Bid Saskatoon own evil schemes. The salvation lies in education, and some- 1-2¢. Barley-- No. 3 C.W.,, 78 1-2¢; Pills. My trouble manifested itself | Veals A . 9 | Montreal again Paci way 8 New York times in legislation; not in stupid condemnation of a proved {No. 4 C.W., 73 1-20; tejected, 69 | by pain in the back ang by constant | Kips we Se : Winnipeg Toronto London, Eng. sales system. {1-2¢; feed, 69 1-2¢; track, 78 1-2¢. | headache, | quickly recovered after | : Flax--No. 1.N.W.C., $1.82 7-8; No. using a few boxes of Dr. Hamilton's | hides [2 C.W, $1.79; No. 3 C.W,, $1.53 1-2; | Pills. They brought Realth, |p row ey 1° | condemned, $1.53 1-2; {rack, $182 strength and vigor." Solq Syery-| Wool, per 1b. unwashed . | y os where, 26¢., or The Catarrhozone Co "9 y , os | 7-8. Rye--No. 2 C.W., $1.42 1 o- Montreal. ree copy will be gladly mailed ® you on request--write for i. privileges of 3 1 | Moz real, o) eo [Strawberries . . opportunity, . { - Montreal July 1. -- Oats -- Canad- | Bananas, doz rte who toil in o : [fan Western, No. 2, 62 to 63c; No. | un er Vie ci fruit .. ayia 8 Roomed Brick House on Frontenac Street, near Victoria should have a : |3, 57 to BSc. Flour--Manitoba | ! Lemons dos i Park; newly decorated throughout; new hardwood floors. Pos- ~ leves that o | Spring whoat patents, first, $10. 50. | : -- Pen ae in ; 8 a || Rolled oats "ags, 90 Ibs. 3.05. INSURANCE AND Oranges. doz... ] " h . e man with thousands | Bran, $25.25. Shorts, $25.25. Hay White Wir win p a 'drives." The Scott Company {--No. 2, per ton, car lot, $21 ta $22. GENERAL BROKER | ie : ay KINGSTON AGENCIES, Limited ---- l Johnson's $1,000 Fine . 4 tow 5 Insurance companies approach all kinds of people personal- | LIVE STOCK MARKETS, In daily communication with Mont. ; J. 0. HUTTON. B. G. ROBERTSON id and directly Hirough their agents and salesmen. The proceed. teal and Toronto Stock Exchanges. Leavenworth, June ; Phone 703 - 67 Clarence Street. 0g 18.not regarded as acking in propriety or dignity The Scott Montreal 2 Dominion Provincial and Munici- | Johnson negro former heav : . | 3 % y «| son, T Y-weight Company does the same thing. It does it as fairly, and certainly | Montreal, July 1 Cattle ral Bonds for sale, boxing champion, wil obtain hig re- ~------ ' 4 does tony. It endeavors fo Brotect its a, u¥estory gs iz | Butcher steers, good, $7.75 to $8.25; lease from the federaj prison here a oe leves that the. = [| medium, $7.25 to $7.75; common. 281 KING STREET py Sth. Mis white wits will pay a | d economical. Jt believes $5 to $7; butcher heifers, Choice, | fine of £1,000 attached to his sen- [ff * . in stock selling as it is in | $7.50 to $8; medium, $6.50 to $7.25; Phones .e 968; & 1087 €6 and si'¢ him from 3» ving an | Tm of human activity. common, $3.50 to $6.50; butcher ae additional thi::y days, fed-ral auth- | 1 y O mon O | cows, choice, $6; medium, $3.50 LO er onties said, i " : ($5.50; canners, $1 to $2; cutters, $2 ee -- or [to $3.50; buteher bulls, good, $5.50 Harvest Plouding i 7%-20 Year Bonds entrances should be mét at the same [to $6.25; common, $3 to $5; good . p rr by honest salesmen with honest stock. It believes in educating | veal, $6.50 to $7.25; medium, $3.50 the public to prudent investment by jig sales staff, [to $5.50. Ewes, $3 to $4.50; lambs, : | $10; common, $8 to $9. | | . . I¢ 7 l | Hogs--Selected light sold as high *, Price99, to yield 7.10 Bis rin {as $14.75. Sellers were asking $15. ' } @ . olumbia, an There was a very large percentage ! he Pi Of sows and heavies. Heavies and ue, k } Bongard, Ryerson & Co. {sows were hard to Sell at prices $2 [the type requireq. i ' . ere ite $4, respectively, lower than| || - | Steatly helped the cr : ihe Home of Good Investments. security are ovnrs selects. J Srct. There win 287 BAGOT STKEET. PHONE 1729, & clients in the fraud and ---- {@ | Yield of raspberries, 85 Bay Street, Toronto. encouraging legitimate business, i | Toronto, | REE : tempt. has hess ober Shsiciam of the Scott Company. An at. Toronto, July 1.--Good heavy i Cut Off From Sea. | I. Russell T. Scott, its Steers, $7.50 to $8; baby beeves, Canton, China, June 30.--Troops | win ral Manager, because of his i $7. $8; butcher steers, choice, $7.50; good, $6.75 to $7; j common, $5 to $5.50; butcher heifers Session at once. Price $5,600. Interest June and December i | lof the Sout Public have | bany or its glje t com - Canadian. * The Rr, 7. Scott Company. Fagan. | choice, $7 to $7.50; medium, $6.50 ompany. Its office ang its Salesstaff are en- | to $6.75; common, $5.25 to $6.75: Bomar | EL HOW ABOUT THAT | Slits ie vss ve wet son] 5% = GARDEN OF YOURS % ; i : . a 3 " $ by > troops cuts th fr R. T. Scott Company, Limited 800d, $4.75 to $6; fair, $4.25 to § : -- no Do not let the grubs eat it up, but order nnicipal Bonds Branch Office: Bibby's Building, Kingston 33: comme, A349 %0 PATS Jeon Set PARIS GREEN. ARSENATE OF LEAD, Acco SPRAY, I want to interview men of the highest type, short-keep, 1,000 Ibs. $7.50 to $8: School to Cost . SPRAYERS, KTC. _complish if given the opportunity, ' : St. Thomas, Ont, : A full stock at: -- and those who are big. enough men j ection: of a W. A. Mackenzie & Co. | ht Sanzek bo. | bo en Lemmoné& Sons . a» eal ae rare Hipeintes a ] > She muuer. The "on of hed] 187 Princess St. tween $300,000 and $400,000. 1 2278, and Personal interview will be ar- . r

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