! THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG -------- -- ------------ EE ------ | 2 weenie a. Sr __-- Siudian LOCOMOTIVE COMPANY INDUSTRIAL oa KINGSTON | Ze 42 = ER icons Lim ited 3. KINGSTON, ONTARIO. , : | J > UE Ir MOTHER'S ana ; | due to the conflict b he rights | Sau ? QUAKER THE SITUATION AS gontlemen, that so far as the wage | due to the conflict between the rig | | BRE 5 ecale Is concerned; by all of the laws | of surface owners and the rights of | J. a 5 bono 4 AD T - = VIEWED BY THE AN- of ethics, by all of the sanctity of mine ¢wners. The popular clamor | E yd 57 103 Ontario st. contracts, we are bounddd pay those | at this session of the legislature was | ] Je > A THRACITE OPERATOR wages during the term of that agree- [such that bills were passed; which, a i ment. in a degree, prohibtt secondary min- / | ------ We, therefore, have now a very [Ing under built-up territories, stich 5 EVERY THING IN LUMBER Writing in the Retail Coalman of | difficult problem. In July, 1920, tha jag cities, boroughs and first-class | Lath Shingles Trim June, one of the presidents of ihe |cost of living figures were from 110 |townships. With this bill is a sec- 4 4 . old-line coal companies, gave the to 115 per cent, above normal. To- [ond bill which provides that if the OUR SPECIALTY: operator sees fit to pay an additional - PRINCE OF WALES following interview: day the cost of living figures have Hardwood Flodring To-day the scales in the anthracite [declined to an excess of about 70 per | tax of 2 per cent. ad valorem, he may DINING ROOM AND LUNCH FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN field, the wage scales compared with | cent. above the norma) pre-war per- [escape from some of the criminii Try our Special Diuner from 11.30 sum. to 7 p.m, Table Service--Irices Moderite, Al I A N I { IMBER CO the pre-war period, are 138 per cent. {{od. Wage scales in many industries | penalties imposed by the first act ~ , » 3be~~Regular Dreakfast--3ie. Oatmeal or Corn Fl , Bae : : higher. In 1912, under the 1912-18 |have decidedly declined. The earn- |brovided a commission set up by the con amd Bag, "Toant, Wheat Cakes. Tea, Colice or Milky > nm Ba von STREET - - » . PHONE 1042. agreement, we paid minimum labor |ings of the workers in other indus- | governor may decide in his favor. 191 PRINCESS STREET. American Mansgement. PHONE 544. . ~~ | in the anthracite field $1:50 a day for | tries have declined far faster, and to In our judgment these laws are a | > r jan 8-hour day. To-day that mini- a far greater extent, than have their | 8ross_extension of the constitutional THOS. G. BISHOP {um labor, not the skilled labor but | wage scales, because they have been | rights of the legislature. They nn- ARROWROOT BISCUITS : the minimum labor, is being paid [deprived of steady work. We, there-| pose criminal penalties in a way, | ; ? ol . ne sESGINEER A ND MACHINYO® [5% 1-2 cents an hour. fore, have to meet this situation, | which, in our judgment, is in viola: Be rid sur ARROWRUOT BISCUITS? The Kiddies thrive S748 Rad fron Castings, Bicetrie apd Oxy-Aeetsiens Weldin | That agreement under which we | which is yery difficult, by the adnp- [tion of the Pennsylvania state consti- hoi me I Your srecer Oe# not keep them ring up the office. Try a en » ye . [are now. operating was made by ordor | tion of some policy which will pres- | tution, and we sincereiy trust that in : Phone 38 - - - oi. - - King and Queen Streets |of a commission appointed by the [ent to the public, whose judgment. I | the last analysis the governor may ~ ~ | president and was made at a time | believe ip all cases will, in the last | tee fit to veto the measures. But as- 7 | when the peak of living conditions |analysis, be fair, correct and accur- suming that these - two additional : : . . had been reached. The month in [ate statements of the position of this] costs are imposed upon the produe- x nih " FEEL HOT AND DUSTY ? | which we were arguing this case ve; [industry. We will have to work ers, we are faced with an increase in JAS. SWIFT & CO, Limited , e Lowers 80 do the rest of the staff. Get that fan now. fore the président's commissions at | harder than we aver worked in our our cost of § 1-2 per cent. which, Importers and Shippers. A. D. HOLTON - '|| Scranton, namely July, was the very |lives to maintain the product of this| unless steam sizes of coal spld in ¢ ¥I : | 7 prist HALLIDAY ELECTRIC CO. month in which fhe cost of living |industry in competition with other | competition with bituminous coal Dewmestic And Steam COAL . i PHONES. ~~ .. Corner of King and Princess Street. | figures ceased to go up, and within | commodities, because in the last 4na- | can bear their share, must be added 280 Princess Street = Phone 461, - x two months after that they began to | lysis the.bnly real law that governs | to the cost of the production of do- come down. In spite of that labor |this thing is the law of supply and | mestic coal, and it takes very little { JAMES RICHARDSON & SONS Tea.) PLUMBING |award, providing as it did for a wage | demand, and if other commodities | calculation to see that this would be S. 8, CORBETT Established 1857 Head Ofice - «= Kilagston, Ont. \ THE W. J. CROTHERS CO, Limited : f Now Manufacturing the Automatic FAULTY Betley ra eli Guarauteed oJ8.U9MUy NG Mater How Low |increase 18 to 20 per cent. higher [can come In and replace anthracits| in round figures 5 per cent. that | Funetal Disiclo KINGSTON CEMENT PRODUCTS a Our Flumbing 1s being built up on || than had been, paid at any time [to a certain extent due to their| would have to added to the mine | ' BRANCHES: ny ee al asl ARETE through the war, as you well know, | cheaper cost, they inevitably will do | prices to recoup the operator, or the Ambulance Phone 143, Calgary Fort Willlam Montreal Corner Charles and Patrick Streets, 208 Wellington Street the miners declined to sign it. A [sn unless by the statement of our | operator would be forced to bear out Residence Phone 218. Wusbey Raskaigon Poronts Phone 730w. Phone GSS, (strike of almost a month in duration | position, by the energy of our work | of his margin thdt additional cost. 4 {was precipitated in the anthracite [and by the efficiency of our service, . - \ | fields, and it was not until December | we can, in a degree, counteract tha r | gre that! Sometime before Rail Rates Reduced DAVIS DRY DOCK Co, HOOPER & SLATER | when the miners were finally con- |s.tuation. Y 1 h 1 Automobile snd Motor Hoat He. Sashes, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, ete | | tented to abide by the decisions of | Béventy per cent. of the price on i ou a Flow LS a ihe rai pod We {that award and go really back to [the average that the anthracite op-|¥fuation fis. hfortundtely {here Promote Industry o. M, S1M8 pairs, Gasoline Engines bullt and re- All kinds of Dressed and paired, dry docking and wood work- Rotibe barirs work. erator receives for his coal is turn- has been 8 reat deal A talk hat and Representative ing. : : At that time the operators said to |ed directly over to labor, leaving ihe oe ) p y ! 8 Under the existing law known as the Bulg Cnuraerer East End of Wellington Street. J 128-132 ONTARIO ST. - Phone 74 || th. miners: "You have definitely | balance, 30 per cent., for his mater- Q by v ~ {agreed to abide by the decision of a | tal, for his taxes, for all of those oth- umm ings-Esch act, I do not see how Readering Service board to be appointed by the presid- |er elements which go into the cost of | {VY can be reduced over night. That ' i law provides the the Interstate Com- \ The Laturne Carria e Works {ent of the United States. We will |production. The margin is small, It y g jnot, and we cannot, consider any-|always has been small, but a price tuerce Commission shall make a rate \ . ' cnly after a hearing, which will pro- 130 Clarence Street Kingston, @nt. Manufacturer thing but an acceptance on your part |iaust be received for that produst vide a net revenue on the avarago BUSINESS WAGGONS AYD AUTO BODIES j0f the terms and conditions of that | which will maintain the credit of the el x e yr os . Special designs made to order. (agreement. Wa cannot, between our- | industry, otherwise the Industry will Sor tae Suileoude of 5 27 Je ut . KINGSTON NAVIGATION CO., Limited 3%0 PRINCESS STREET - . . . PHONE 158. se a - J o-day the average net reve - PHONE 152. J} selves, no matter what your argu- [ccllapse or else prices will inevitably catved the railroads is only 5.8. ST. LAWRENCE 550 PASSENGERS {ments may be, agree to pay any |gc higher due to the lack of credit : h . { 8.8, BROCK VILLE-- 300 PASSENGERS, \ | wage scale higher than that, and we |of those engaged in that industry, something ovel two per sed ps 2 > sursi FRONTENAC CANADA CUTLERY CO, Limited || ,c1 vou to abide by vour agreement." and even i} railroad wages Open for charter tor 58 Pleni ca and Excursions, | as 3 3 y ' . -- : > us up « e o MATTRESS CO. Manufacturers of In that position we were strongly [Increased Costs By Special Taxes. 2re ee a --TELEPH ONE 199-- » "Ez AN 'ry supported by the publie. Now, there is one other elemien i y + . i a MATTRESSES MADE TO ORDER POCRET dud PEN KNIVES ! FR which is burdening the operators 2 rcad Labor Board, it will be some Renovating a Specialty C. A. Eaton, General Manages "No, We Will Not and- We Cannot." | da 1 _ + | time before railroad rates are mater- a A « Ei » A No, A . . y. There seems to be no end of " y HE o AN \x Balaclava St. Phone 2106yr. Kingston, Ontario. Now, less than five' months after |these troubles, though I would be | a1¥ reduced, Jecsuse Eovern ment CHEAPPR CANDY = m-- | that, we are asked not by the radical | glad to bring to you a ray of sua- | Pcdies move slowly: Ds pr GRIMM'S TIRES SO { papers, but by the old, conservative | shine if I could, but there is one more time it is fue Bt a 4) 1 me > y LID and PNEUMATIC journals, to deliberately. break that (and that is the additional cost of the [ Mave had a depressing influence on || popyLAR LINE OF CHOCOLATES NOW SELL AT 50c. per Ib. Tire value must be judged by the service It gives, Ours will measure | agreement and to reduce wages, and | production of anthracite due to tho | distribution. TRY THEM ! up to the highest standard, as the mileage records of our Tires, prove | " se oF ; t ES Net that they are unexcelled for endurance and long life. Steam Valea is jour answer to that is: "No, we will | imposition of a state tax by the leg!s- ing a specialty, We Rlsq carry a full line of Olls, Grease and Gasoline, {Rot and we cannot."-It would be a [lature of Pennsylvania. That tax| A telescope, Sy pe Hamed J 4 - HERS | s > largest in the world, is to. : suioldal policy for this industry and [is a tax, an ad valorem tax of 1.1-2 | Will be the larg Corner Queen dn a Wel p) . »_ 4 Wellington Streets Phone 1988. 2 | those connected with it, in spite of | per cent. on the total mine produo- | be erected at Vancouver, British Co!- Smith Bros., Jewelers, Limited 3 . lens will be 10 feet in i the conditions of the times, to go to] tion. umbia. The lens DIAMONDS, SILVER AND GOLD GOODE : pn : d a [those mi 1 s afte . diameter. Sherwin-Williams P ts Varnishes those miners only five months after In addition thereto we lis have er wistration for army draft Expert Watch Repai i g. {We held up to them the sanctity of a | been passed 'by the . | contract, and asked them to ascept, [though not yet signed by the gov-|in the United States was 24,234, Established 1840. 300 King Street Sold by W. H. COCKBURN & CO. {in view of declining prices and wages | ernor, which are known as the mine | 021. {in other industries, lower wages and | cave bills. As you know, there has Ben Franklin is said to have In- HARDWARE : : { t d conditi han wa | hee disturb in th thra- | troduced broom corn into the Uni- | poorer terms and conditions than wa | heen great disturbance in the anthra Sroduced THE THOMPSON BO LING co. 95 PRINCESS STREET - . : PHONE 214 | bud agreed to pay. We believe, {cite fields, in certain sections of them, : " "Belfast Ginger Ale | f [THE McCALLUM GRANITE CO. OFFICE: 204 PRINCESS STREET PHONE 304 Limited ' THOMPSON BROS., Launderers, Limited | The Imperial Life 9 us S - ! The Imperial was the sixteenth K EELEY S MONUMENT BUILDERS - _ ------ -- Canadian Company to enter the : 0 395-397 Princess Street. Si {Site Assurance dad I twenty) McLaughlin Motor Cars. Gabriel Snubbers. ne two years it has overtaken and Phone 19381. IMPERIAL LAUNDRY ............Phone 302 | passed nine of its competitors, so \ Michelin Tires. Samson Tractors. KINGSTON LAUNDRY that there are now only six other . . = ging mou. oF a > yesig t ce VINEGARS [| 1f we didw't think these bruids were the beat In their line we wouldn't - e u as ce in | handle them for ome day. .. fores, Their hges Fahge from Eyes examined scientifieally, Ask your grocer for these goods || PHONE ' 567. BLUE GARAGES Limited. twenty-eight to seventy-three R uaranteed pure--made from best ; Over 20 years' experience. ad materials, THOS, B. ANGROVE, Manager. c Years, KINGSTON'S ONLY DYERS KEELEY JR. M0, D.O. : . B. COOKE The Wilson Lytle Badgerow Co. Ltd. J C 226 Princess Street. Phone 927, . Hager Street L Let us prove o'r work, by giving us District Manager, Kingston, Ont. , rm fr Choice Fruits ] Specialty ; a : . PATTONS av HWE Wu | THE K. DD. MANUFACTURING CO'Y OF All Kinds Th EROST CTY J. R. C. DOBBS | ENV EAA Phone 10344, $79,850 Montrest Brest Tei pany : ne ot j INF - fis Big variety of Shoise Yessiabies Choice Ro " to u on Call at the store and see our Storage--clean, bright an ¥. 840 Princess Street. Phone 4 | Sl * Chin tat ok Sarees CL ae 200-303 Queen Street. "Phone S36. 3 : of oe smeeementee | Frank R bb as AAR CUTTING M. AMODEO HAVE YOU SMOKED A DUNHILL ? gon, To and Tax | \0DDS -- Sywgive Ton Pridvess Sireet =~ VPhone mm] COLUMBIA BICYCLES WE HAVE THEM. iO. MULLER, re: ER x v 371-873 King Street. Photfe 1032w, VESTA BATTERY CO'Y BAKER'S CIGAR STORE 5 THE BATTERY WITHOUT REGRETS HOUSE CLEANING MADE EASY " " Place our Vesta Battery in your car and forget all your Battery troubles, it is a redl Battery of service. Whalever you use It for--for oni Princess Ignition" for Starting, for Lighting, etc, it will serve you well. I ------ i ------ ' N ns, M , fnto THE HYDRO SHOP rr JCHN cKAY, Ltd. Stren Ig ay you 1 ar demonstrate the most improved A Mattery you will réconimend to your felldw motorists. IN THE HOT WEATHER IT IS NO GREAT SIN TO BLOW YOUR- BUYERS and EXPORTERS types of Vacuum Cleaners. All Kinds of Kiecirical Appliances ior the i Phone 410w. Queen and Bagot Sts. Self to a nickel now and then. Take a ride home or to work on the of home, W. MILNE aug F\ KING ~ . . . : HOP i Street cars. It'll be the biggest nickel's worth you've had in a long : Wool, SKINg SINSENG, oil 0 RRA RA IN ---' - AW : - 2608 Prine #8 Sireet. | ~~ 3 time. - - * - - KINGSTON, PORTSMOUTH ana cATARAQUI ELECTRIC ||| "Sle GNRIRI "> | ---- || BOOTH FISHERIES CANADIAN CO. Ltd - FF . RAILWAY > -- rr Phones Oftice: 528, 1500 WILLARD BATTERIES DONNELLY SALVAGE & WHECK- F \ * V v raid SOMEANY, LIMITE OBBERS IN FISH, OYSTERS, GAME AND POULTRY New low price for Willard Service ANY ALAN aT Bivens, J $ HH, N 63 BROCK STREET - = PHONE 520, - re " v . ! lective, a h A te, . DEVELOP YOUR CITY | Singston Ice Company 3% sine tenia iy sgiiiue work, sven } . Limited J: Lusyss Ie Wy Hon RLY . . By owning youl own heme and beautifying it--Batemian's Real t ! k Street' = Ph 1340 . | » . > you Si . a Tra a Jot - Tater, ahount the money to build tuwure | sdb - President any Ueasrai CITY OF KINGSTON 6% 10 YEAR BONDS ens ps in the Hime tu Vist Tour properties, TT TO Save Yobd bY using lew, Denominations $100--$500--$1000- vA 1 . LLINGTON STREET . 5 of : f CRUED INTERES , i Our Ice is certified to by Queen's i No better ns lu rary han your own home city. Applles- ja) i . , University Laboratories as belag h M k received At this oftice by mail or In person snd bonds deijvered ho '|| We'Are Always InThe Market ||| weiss serine sia, & : tae Te 4 PHONE 17 Telephone orders to 1307. for Scrap Iran, Metals, Rags and Rubbers. It will be of benefit to \ 27 Bagot Street - i Prompt delivery Is our specialty. you to ring 2057 or 2060J. We are willing to give our best atten- McGinnis & O'Connor g | sh t'sny uly hice 43 Youre ds pha : : ™ | : te. dg 10s Cite hue u fewer wiih ~ M. ROSEN & CO. 14, The Medical Health Officer Advised The : . | is white at night or in the shade, and : : i . ie \ . HIGHWAY ENGINEERS AND CONTRACTORS : {ved in the sunlight. pi 140 RIDEAU STREET . k 'Ut \ | il if 4 . i 8 i -- g DOMINION TEXTILE COMPANY : Way not let us do it for you and do it right ? : LIMITED fo / W- clarify it first and then pasteurize it. : ' me, 1t idclean--it is safe--and it is the best and chespest food you : MANUFACTURERS OF : : , can buy. ? ' "PRUE COTTONS" =~ = © PRICE'S DAIRY MONTREAL TORONTQ EE J Dry Cleaning our = > LUMBER AND LATH FOR SALE AT LOWEST PRICES