THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. aA == = 3 ue [el | » A y ® . if WESTERN MEATS | it Xie Kingston and Vicinity | Tue INDIFFERENCE and Jia L ------ i Until He Tried "FRUIT-A-TIVES® land grey lightweight summer suits tbe milk from the dairy on the mar- ||| Unless Coal is mined during the summer, the Mines wili ) ! The Wonderful Fruit Medicine ' ! tor youths, sizes 34, 35 and 36! Was Badly Hurt. het, and they have finally decided to | not be able to meet the winter's demand C | = - regular price $18, which we will | Thrown {rom a colt which he was |do that. From 150 quarts of | It is therefore advisable for consumers who can do so, to of the Coal Consumer has resulted in such Asma demand for coal at the mines, that they are being operated only at about one-half their usual capacity i For the Hot Weather. | thority on hair goods and individual |cows. They have had many appeals | sell for $13." Prevost, Brock street. | breaking-in with a saddle on Satur- Jersey milk will be sold daily. . | buy &nd receive their coal early. and thus insure a full winter's | ; : / _ an i. ee GAY We Wa ADA PSO DATO HASDUT Bf memes ms hi supoly. : om Pho he rf 7 i Boy Breaks Wrist in Fall. | ex-warden of the county of Prince Yacht Regatta Programme. { . . one | ! IR : | Douglas Moore, fifteen year old son { Edward, was quite seriously hurt The programme has been arranged | FF {of the late Dr. John Moore. Shannon- | when the animal trampled on him. |for the annual regatta of the Lake | S. ANGLIN & CO. | init i ville, had his right wrist fractured { Two ribs on the left side were frac- | Yacht Association to be heid at King-* an J : . 7 ho y while on a visit to his uncle, Henry | tured and minor injuries in the pa- [ston on August 3rd,"4th and 5th. Be- | Woodworking I'actorys and Lumber Yards, Bay and: Wellington He | ture of bruises were sustained. sides various races which will be run | Btrects, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 66, Factory . } ] 3 i | |Denyes, M.P.P., at Zion's Hill. 282 Princess Street = 4 & wag riding a horse and was thrown | off, there will be a smoker on August | Phone 1415. i 4 4 to the ground. - : | Tripp-Francis Wedding. 2nd, a tea and dance on August 3rd, : 7 y -- : | The home of Mr. and Mis. James | an excursion on August 4th and the | . | F % Soldiers Back Carpenti | H. Francis, Cherry Valley, was tha presentation of prizes and dance on FOR MOVING OF i fits A betting pool has been affinged [scene of a pretty wedding on June August 5th Freight, Furniture, Safes, Pianos and among local mititary men on the | 22nd when their yonugest daughter, em | | Dempsey-Carpentier fight They are | Blanche, was united in marriage to | Officers Chosen. : NEW PRICES backing Carpentier. One wto said | Clarence N. Tripp, son of Mr. and | At Philipsville the annual distrie: . Cartage of every description-- | ; | 7 4 . v } wily " . . Kingston Transfer Co. ! MA. FRANK HALL | he was backing Dempsey received the | Mrs. Sidney Tripp, Point Petrie. The {meeting of the Women's Institute for : | reply "Dempsey did rot fight over- | ceremony was performed by Rev. W | South Leeds was held. The election { HARM I EAS Phone 377. 153 Wellington Street. Wyevale, Ontario. | seas in the war and neither did you." | H. Dafoe. The fair young bride 100k- | of officers resulted: Hon. pres., Mrs. ~~ | | ed charming in a Bown of white, R. G. Leggett, Newboro; president, | : i 'For some t I | wo years, I was a | Buffaloes for Duck Inland. | Miss M. McGuigan, Elgin; first vice- BLUE PACKAGE BLACK 25¢c. PER PACKAGE : ir [pre dent, Mrs. T. J. Frye, Delta; 2nd a z Cleaning Masonry. vice-president, Mrs. Howard, Delta; RED PACKAGE BLACK ) 30c. PER PACKAGE The stonework of the fences at the DAVID SCOTT Shigres Jom eo " andl Three buffai , recently purchas- pep . led by Claude Cole, Cape Vincent, | s = Plumber , | I tried every remedy I heard of (from the Hamilton "z00," arrived | {3rd vice-president, Mrs, Atcheson. 0c. PER P Fr Ting, and a La Address || Without any success, until the wife [ here on Friday evening and were |Post-office and csutoms house are {Philipsville; secretary - treasurer e R PACKAGE 5 F y na | whe "| agi . : ! x ' = . ASR o 5 Y : 2 of @ local merchant recommended | taken by motor boat to Duck Island, |28ain being cleaned of the rust that | Mrs. Earl Bolton, Portland; auditors, THESE ARE THE BEST VALUES ON THE MARKET. 145 Frontenae Street. Phone 1277 || s in > "Fruiretives' { where they will join Mr. Cole's ex- | has befouled it. This is the 5600] ys Breese Lyndhurst; and Mrs, ) | time - the work has had to he Per | preckenridge Westport. | tc 22 Y | Asti | . s ! I procured a box of 'Fruit-a-tives' | tensive collection of wtld animals. | Ww W s | % for since e masonry was laid. DR A INNETT and began the treatment, and my | There was a buck and two does, [med sibes Se Das IY ili -------- -- . > condition commenced to improve { ironwork and which it is Laurier Memorial, { | | fon the The Laurier Monument Committee | D INTAL SURGEON. immediately. Says to Bet on Dempsey. i AT ent : in tha: ' | _ The Dyspepsia ceased to be the | "Moe" Abramsky wrote the Whig | 10Ped Will avoid rusting in th { announces that the public subscrip- 3 Corner of Johnson and Nelington burden ood pepsi a it had been, and | Under date of June 28th, stating that | future. tion which was limited to a sum not | : Streets ne | y 'de ' } | | exceeding $5 from any individual | ------ i I was freed of Consti ation, he had seen Jack Dempsey doing | May Irwin to Sell Milk. | i . | I feel that J A great debt to | some sparring with the gloves. 'You May Irwin, actress and farm own. | subscriber has realized $35,293.20, . [may say to the Kingston boys," he er, is now to add another role to he: | TéPresenting many thousands of sub- | : Ponts sic. or : A Dr. Waugh Fruit-a-tives' for the benefit I derived { writes, "to bet on him, There is no repertoire, that of milk distributor, | SCriptions, The sculptors have been | {from them." | i " te 3 | { doubt he will win. te 4s t Clayton, N.Y., Miss | chosen and the monument on the | } Dentist i FRANK HALL. PL em) oT Kurt Bis. | Brave of the illustrious deceased is {] 106 Wellington St. Phone 256. | 80c.a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 250. | Spending His Indemnity. feldt, have a herd of twenty Jersey | DPing prepared. The committee, in | At all dealers or sent postpaid by | Col. H. J. Mackie, M.P.; Pem- ay | its name and that of Lady Laurier, : t tani | broke, has disposed of his $1,500 3 | takes 'this occasion to tender heart- ' Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, Ont. | extra sessional indemnity, making Sure Protection For You | felt thanks to 'all subscribers. By \ ove S ep |a second donation of $500 to the W hile You Travel | order of the Committee, P. C. Lar- o v Mowers, . BUILDING ? | Pembroke General Hospital building You may find the water bad, some | kin, Treasurer, Toronto, Ont. 5. | | fund and including the other $1,000 poorly cooked food may excite te. We | : : x 3 € y ; in repair work right asd Suarantes | REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? |, 4 $2,000 contribution to the Cot- trouble, a draught from a car win- | Caring For Homeless. satisfaction. | Estimates given by | tage Hospital extension fund. dow may give you an ache or pain-- | The homeless inhabitants of North- 197 WELLINGTON STREET | 0. Aykroyd & Son | a cold room or damp sheets may | port, the Bay of Quinte village, have . | cause rheumatic twinges. Remem- |g. '4 asylum in the homes still Dealer in Furs only. | 3 8 1670. y ; . : 21 Main Street. Phone : Hair Goods Specialist Coming. ber this--any pain that is caused by {standin in public buildings or are Miss Glenn, of Glenn-Charles, To- congestion yields rapidly to Nervi- | E. p 8 a | : , : Wi W k i : 7 {quartered among the farmers around } | 3 ronto, Canada's hair fashion store, |l:ne. When your stomach is sour | : e gt : i» WA " 18 Partridge re or will be in Kingston on Friday, July | @nd upset, just try the magical ef. |the village. The Methodist church NICKEL PLATING 8th, at the Randolph Hotel, with a | féct of twenty drops of Nerviline in | Shed was the place of refuge for any, u ery » sweetened water, If cramps waken | furniture which had been saved. People's | AND BRASS FINISHING full line of ladies' and gentlemen's | Veet : E Now prepared to do this work. { hair goods. If you are hot satisfied | YOU in the dead of night, Nerviline | There is an open door to all who have 2 Mafufacturing Wire Feneing, Flower | ; will fix those awful sustai ¢ i Florist rc | aanons marpearance of your hair. | 4uriy Keep a 3. com uotins [Sustained low. That the village wil BROCK STREET | 82 KING ST. W. - - PHONE 350. consent Miss 'Glenn, .who is an au. Nerviline in hand--alwaye %|be rebuilt is the general opinion. i { l i ays. § _ [Some of those who suffered loss of : : mean | sent 177 Wellington street. | H their homes have farms in the sur- | Fresh flowers and plants daily | e A | | | rounding territory and are certain Funeral designs, and wedding bouquets to order. Phone 1763. DENTIST DO WE. KNOW TOO MUCH to reconstruct their homes. We're Ready for Spring With a Large, Res., 1137. f I By CHARLIS GRANT MILLER Dominion Day in City. . o | 183 Princess Street. "Phone 755 | DPominion Day was quietly observ- New Stock of Fine Quality ~w | WE TAKE X-RAY PICTURES (Copyright, 1921. All Rights Reserved by United Feature Syndicate.) § {ed in the city. No special features of troublesome teeth. ATER ERR. EL + were carried out. The baseball games Dormoform Gas administered for ex * {played ai the cricket fa in: tie } g . inless. 5 . i o 5 a - traction, Sate and painless Ignorant indeed is considered the man to-day who does not know | morning at ten o'clock and in the { yourService more than Shakespeare knew. evening proved the most entertain- : srr ing events, and were greatly enjoyed he did know he did know. by those who spent the day in town. STROUD'S The average schoolboy of to-day knows infiyitely more things than HY ate Plmiis Were helq 3% . his grandfather ever dreamed of. Yet it is to the grandfathers we look for | St. Lawrence carried over four hun- op oa Wn | models of excellence in high character, clear thought and rich achieve- [dred excursionists to Alexandria 5 DOLLAR ment. Bay in the afternoon, Napanee pro- Why ? Bec whi ' vided the greatest attraction to the . y ecause while the grandfather's world was a small one, he boreamon. ates Ta ae For Men and Young Men at Lower Prices ship. of the Kingston Gentlemen's | EA completely filled it. ' The abundance and extent of knowledege available to us to-day is ; | : =(a) Driving and Matinée Club and many 00 5 00 W. R McRa & Co. | astonishing as compared to that available to the ancients. Even the com- | of ong families and friends motored $20. » 22.00, 2 .00, 28. . ; e Is not an expensive Yeu as It + mon school pupils of our time are taught immeasurably more than even | to Napanee to witness the events. requires less in quantity than Sacrates, Plato and Homer knew in their ripest years. Kingston horsemen gave up July 1st $30.00, 32.00 GOLDEN LION BLOOK. | § cheaper Tea. But the greatest works come from these ancients. From them we |!0 the outside places eluded = the S fi lit BI Se Sui t inherit the world's highest literature, its great i 1.000 Island. Short Ship Cireuit, in ee our nine quality Blue Serge Suits greatest paintings, its finest | =) 0 give those holding exbibi q y 8 ul a u : stehitettur, its best road building. : : tions on that day every opportunity $35 00 Ean Why ? Simply because the ancient, while his range of knowledge | t, make them a success, counting : Dr. H. A. Stewart was small, thoroughly studied one thing and thus completely mas-| upon their support when an exhibi- Dental Surgeon lereq it, = tion is held here. It is likely that ' | Although the burdens laid upon the mind have been steadily aug- | Kicgston will have a two-day (July : i | | But Shakespeare produced his marvellous masterpieces because what Wishes to announce mented, its powers have not increased. The only hope for us is to make a | 24th-25th) meet When the best : in Easte vill be that he has resumed selection of the thing we will know and master, and in this selected line eS Ontario will be 131 P . St. hi ractice, cor. Wel- to emulate the thoroughness of our forefathers. ? : is p (One door below Randolph Hotel) Cho'cest quality of Scranton J | : : ' To him who conserves his forces, concentrates upon the things ; Coal. No other kind sold by lington and Princess needful to him, and holds his mind steadily toward a direct and definite AT CHRISTIE LAKE. \ uv, Streets. Phone 2092. purpose, the opportunities for pre-eminent success in any line of endeavor aa Tr sy . ; Six Marks Bros. Theatrical Com- BOOTH & CO. Dr. H. A. Stewart are infinitely greater .to-day than they were to the ancient or to our | panies Are Camping There. Z grandfathers. tos Inn Yard r J L S ewart Christie's Lake, June 28.---There Grove ¥ Phous-153 Dr. J. L. St In a state of society so complex and so advanced in innumerable was a wonderful rain but the potato gpecialties as ours is we cannot possibly do .more than develop a few of [crop will Rot be so large in this vie- <= our natural gifts. inity. Edward Stuffer, member of the Arlie Marks Co., will tent oppos- Fortunate is the man who can concentrate upon one, i : . He has been the leade five w : ite Bass Rock. This popular resort ecia ) © tas deen ihe leader, of ihe world in every age is filling up rapidly. Mack Glasscott, 1 I ADIES = TTT Perth, has Alex Island rented from Mrs. Morley White and everything points to a ig season. Every avaii- | ARE YOU STILL DOING IT? able cottage is taken. They are rent- At pre-war prices. i] ing. tents. Mrs. Suckerloff, Perth, 00 , You must know it is not fair to has rented the club house for the $12.00 a set. . your husband to continue buying . rest of the season. Mr| and »Mrs. Malcolm Hope, Perth, entertained Mr. Cumfy Cut Vests-- J E Mullen new Hats every season when we . 3 s die if | can reshape your old ones into the : and Mrs. John Hope, Perth, last . : . 161 FRONTENAC STREET [fi] very atest Spring styles A week-end. May Bell Marks was a Fine Lisle finish, for .35¢. each Fiame 1417 | Sst wise! Save $10.00, and pus i bil IE Bros. the- it into that Suit you have In wind. atrical companies camping at the Pink and White Bloomers-- lake this season. There are nunier- : The King = ous Marks, young Marks, which . Dib YOU EVER TRY ston Hat (Cleaners ' goes to prove that the Marks family Full, large size, for. eine .39¢. Ya Opposite TL: Collage Book Store. : 3 [Al go on for many years to come : : na Blues MaEiiuinde, | 163 Princess St. Upstairs. ' and as fast as one company retires | Wagstui'y Pineapple Marmaiade, || "Plone 1453. c another will rise to take its placa. Cotton Stockings-- Wagstai's Bramble Jelly. : ; Marks Brothers' name is a household | . : Slso have a full line of word and comes high In quality and Women's Black. White and * = We : PrP ne Sas ot arma. quantity. School will soon be over. Tan Cotton Stockings-- CORNER POSTS FOR CEME- TERY LOTS. Jam and Jelues for sale : : Mr. Kehoe, official of the C.P:R., has ate; : - purchased a cottage on the lake. The é Bon Marche Grocery Listen! yacht Mazie took him to Bis new : f . a Cor. King ang art Sireens . home. Mr. Danner, Perth, has pur. . OF vou éy,...,. .25¢. a pair Ea 44. This is a SAMPLE WEEK for Thigtd SIS home of ilu, lute Mr. : ¥ 1 3 Het Rudd. Capt. Crowe, Perth, has rent- PEPSODENT TOOTH PASTE. Cou- Nothing Else is Aspir in ed a cottags from May Belle Marks. pon appears in this paper Tuesday, Fruit is plentiful in R. N. Marks' or- Thursday and Saturday, redeemable| VWAININg! Unless you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, |chard. Arlie Marks Co. will arrive . . le. Mr. ot thia sore YOU are rot getting Aspirin at all. Joseph Marke gro alors x som W. N. Li t : mu in your name and address in| Accept nly an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of Ruby island. | a am batlaly will ® ® on ® nk and obtain a ten days' free| Aspirin," w contains directions and dose worked out by arHye at bor aud. Mes, 'Phone The Waldron Store ~s2mple of the best Tooth Paste made g 21 years and proved safe by millions for Sardley Wino Bate beauufa) tow. P . 191 v ". in Canada to-day. ache, Neuralgia, Colds, Rheumatism, Belleville, will occupy Sunrise. Tom RQ A 1 in Canada. Marks Jolly and quite at home. RA : Master Jack Marks will open up M. R. McColl |camp shortly. A self-winding reel holding 100 Hinges have been invented to per- feet of insulated cable that has been | mit the blades of large electric ceils. 4 in © ) t ri aceticacidester of Salley! ' & ¥ + X a a ee ts -- . ° Bene i ga manufacture, to assist the pubilc merine. hi Buyer Company - The first electrically welded ship | tavented permits vacuum cleaners ing fans to be inclined at desired Pposite ¢ i ndrew urch. " J : ever biult in France was launched re- [and other electrical devices to be angles or folded out of the way when as A. a : a . . Jenily at Caen, Laas far from a source'of power. the Lang mre idle for long