THE -- DAILY BRITISH WHI g SATURDAY, JULY 2, 1921, ~ ©. ee ------ 4 ------ In the Realm of Women---Some Interesting Features That Brisk, Rich Flavour found in every cup of the gendine of the perfectly preserved leaf. This unique flavour has won for Salada the largest sale of any tea in America. Bens WILLIAMS NEW SCAL a HE enduring Tone qualtty for which the Williams New Scale Piano is noted, is due to its flawless design and construction. We are proud of the fact also that the Williams isa true "Canadian-made" instru- ment which holds its own in comparison with any pianos pro- duced inthe world. Many great Artists give it unstinted praise. Discriminating people who pur. chased -a Williams instrument many years ago affirm that its pure, resonant tone is as good to- day after years of use, as it was when purc Select a Williams for your home. It will give you life-iong pleasure and its true musical quality will prove a constant in- spiration, THE WILLIAMS PIANO CO. Limited Canada's Oldest and Largest Piane Makers OSHAWA . ie ONTARIO WE ARE DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVES THE J. M. GREENE MUSIC CO., Ltd. "THE HOME OF GOOD MUSIC" o SOWARDS KEEPS COAL : --and-- . COAL KEEPS SOWARDS PHONE 155. UPTOWN OFFICE--jic GALL'S CIGAR STORE PHONE 811. SOWARDS COAL COMPANY Told in the Twilight lor, Brockville, were in town this! | (Continued From Page 3) | Another pleasant dance was given | at the yacht club on Wednesday even- | ing with the customary good music. | Among those present were: Mr. and | Mrs. Stewart M. Robertson, Prof. and {Mrs. 'G. J. Mackay, Mrs. Bayly Ransom, Miss Doris Spackman, Montreal, Miss Laura Kilborn, Miss Doris Donnelly, Miss Helen Uglow, Miss Warde Finkie, Miss F. Emery, Miss Kathleen Hibby, | Miss Evelyn Gilbert, Miss _Wal- | ton, Toronto, Miss Bertha White, Miss Flo Cunningham, Miss Frances | Murray, Miss Marion Ogilvie, Miss | Page, Miss Ckrissie Goodwin, Mite | Phyllis Spencer, Miss Anna Mahood, | Miss Lily Murray, Capt. Lee, Dr. | Broom, E. C. Gilderslieeve, Frank | Purdy, S. Driver, J. Courtland Elliott | Bert Sutherland, E. Ogilvie, J.| Thomas Slater, Barrie street' | Emery, F. Foulkes, S, Hill Millar, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Richardson, Sidney Donnelly, E, Sliter, J. Murray, | Johnson street, motored to Belleville | E. Bidell, R. Gibson, W. Nickle, Mr. | for the holiday. Miss Lily Murray, who has been Dean of Ontario, and the latter with ! Mrs. Frank Strange, Sydenham | street. | The Misses Posselwaith, Division 1 | street, left on Friday for Toronto | [and Guelph to spend a few weeks, ° | Capt and Mrs. Edward MacKay are | spending their honeymoon at St. An- | drews-by-the-Sea. ! Mrs. B. W. Parker and Mies Egles- i ton, Ancester, are the guests of Mr. | and Mrs. H. E. Richardson, Johnson | street, | ! | Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Turner, Ham- ilton, and their two children arriv- ed in town on Friday. Mrs. Turner | and her children wil] spend the sum- mer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. . * Ph The extreme heat of Wednesday | made the yacht club an attractive | place, the members'alway. being sure | of a breeze on the wide verandah. At {the table with its lovely bas- | ket of sweet peas, Mrs. J. J. Eliott, Mrs. C.. P. Borland and Mrs. C. H. Finkle made the tea. Mrs. Lawrence Lockett was in charge and Mrs. Hobart Dyde was also a tea | hostess. Among those who were | playing bridge or enjoying the cool | breeze were Mrs. W. Casey, Mrs. H. | i | ! | | | | | C. Welch, Mrs. D. G. Mundell, Mrs, | Mrs. G. A. Robinson, Mrs. Bernard Browne, Mrs. T. 8. Scott, Mrs. G. R. Canning Stevers, Mrs! R. Easton Burns, Mrs. J. C. Ponsford, Mrs. Hav- lock Prica, Mrs. George McGowan, | Mrs. John Nicolle, Mrs. R. H. Mason, { Mrs. Keith Johnson and Miss Eleanor | Phelan, | * Mrs. Bedell, Earl ste et, entertain- jed at bridge on Thursday evening, | when her guests included the matron, | Mrs. Stronach, and some of the nurs- jing sisters of Sydenham Hospital. | Three tables were in play, and nurs- {ing Sister Baily was the fortunate winner of the pretty prize presented to her at supper. * * » ' Mr. and Mrs. Hugh C. Nickle, Miss Betty Nickle and Miss Helen Nicol have returned from a motor trip to | |= 2 and Mr. Forrester, Toronto. | ! | in town for a month with Mrs. David | Murray, Frontenac street, will re- turn to Toronto early in the week. | Miss Nan Sanders, Alice street, has | returned from Boston. | | * . - | Dr. and Mrs. Leonard Jones, Roe} | chester, N.Y., and their children are | | the guests of Mrs. | King street. | Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey O'Hara will | come from Boston this month, to | spend the swmmer at Collin's Bay. Miss Mildred Jones, King street, will leave on Sunday for Boston | where she will spend several weeks, and later will go to the seaside. Mrs. Arthur Craig will come from | Toronto next week, to spend a short | time with Mrs. H. E. Richardson, | Johnson street, before going to Col- | lin's Bay for the summer. Harold J. Clark, Bank of Commer- ce staff, left on Friday for Toronto, to join Mrs. Clark, who has been vi- | siting her mother, Mrs. D. J. Walker. [Mr. and Mrs. Clark will spend sever- {al weeks at Jackson's Point on Lake | Simcoe, before returning to Kingston. -. . ». Kearney Jones, | | Mrs. McQuaig and Miss Helen Me- | Quaig, Belleville, are in town for the week-end. Rex, and Duff Calvin, Toronto, are at Garden Island, Miss Bogart and Miss Niblock, who tes! We will be pleased to supply you with any of the following necessities for these Bo Ay . "MONTSERRAT" LIME UIT JUICE when prepared forms a most wholesome and refreshing beverage. "SARGENT'S" MOSQUITO LOTION serves as from mosqiifto and fly bites. BATHING CAPS all sizes, styles to suit the most discriminat- ing tastes. TALCUM POWDERS of every brand. 2 - Sargent's Drug Store 186 PRINCESS STREET. PHONR 41. a protection were visiting thelr niece, Mrs. R. T. Brymner, have returned to Belleville. Mr. and Mrs. W. J, Renton, Uni- versity avenue, left on Thursday for their cottage on the St. Lawrence. Mrs. A, A. Hussey, Holton, Me. with her daughters, Miss Margaret and Miss Elizabeth, are the guests of Mrs. Hussey's mother, Mrs. T.0 | Wilson, Earl street, Later they will | 80 up to a cottage at Stella Point for a month. Mr. and Mrs. A, N. Lee, Villa St. Clare apartments, leave tomorrow to spend several weeks in the former's home in the Maritime provinces. A. N.\ White, Denver, Col., is tha guest of Mr, and Mrs, W, J, B. White, at their cottage at McDonald's Cova. . . * C. V. Hamilton of the R.M.C., Kingston, is spending his vacation in Lakefield. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Trumpour, Lower Union street, motored to Nap- anee for the holiday and the week- end, . Dr. and Mrs, A. C. Neish are cruis- | Ing on the Rideau and will spend the | week-end at Chaffey's Locks. Miss . Helen McKay, Sydenham street, returned from Montreal on Wednesday, Alan - Stevenson, Ottawa, is visit- ing Mrs. A. B. Cunningham, Earl street, Miss Marjorie Uglow, Barrie street, who was in Brockville for the Camp- bell-Reynolds wedding, has returned to town, Mis Nan Skinner is still in Italy, and will remain there for sometime longer. Toronto. Mr, and Mrs. Stephen Urquhart, Ottawa, are the guests of Mrs. Peter Devlin, William street. Miss Ruth Martin, Clergy street, will spend the week-end with Miss Sibbald Hamilton, at Mrs. ' Haniil- ton's Wolfe Island cottage. . Mrs. A. N. Lyster and Miss Eliza- | beth Lyster left on Thursday for Montreal, and sailed for England to- day. Mr. and Mrs. William Norton-Tay- GIRLS ! LEMON JUICE BLEACHES FRECKLES Squeeze the juice of two lemons into a bottle containing three ounces of Orchard White, which any drug store will supply for a few cents, shake well, and you have a quarter pint of the best freckle and tan lo- tion, and complexion whitener. Massage this sweetly fragrant lemon lotion into the face, neck, arms and hands each day and see how freckles and blemishes bleach out and how clear, soft and rosy-white the skin becomes, | OUR SELECTIONS ~IN-- Spring Woollens! while 'not as large as some years ago, is very attractvie and we think we can meet your taste. ; Our prices are reasonable, consis- tent with high-class work. - | & WALSH TAILORS ' I ---------- You will never be unjust, my 0 , if. you always keep justice in sort of chatel, it .- orce action is 4 % When a man considers his wife a time that a div- Dr. Arthur Locke went to Brock- ville on Thursday to say good-by to his mother, Mrs. Locke, Ottawa, and sails today to continue his medical stddies in the old land, | "WITS" OF HISTORY | Srntnn 3 That Douglas Jerrold, the great | English dramatist, satirist, and ~ne of the greatest of English wits, start- ed life as a sailor, was evidenced in his bearing even late in life. Jerrold's father was the manager of a theatre, but it was the sea which first Jured the boy. Yet it is interesting that When Jerroid was only 15 he wrote a comedy which later was produced and started him on his stage career. In London, Jerrold's lean little fig- ure was familiar to many persons. His features were strongly marked and expressive from his thin humor- ous lips to the keen blue eyes which gleaned beneath his shaggy eyebrows, and lighted up with every jest. But far more familiar to all English an intimacy with the witty writer. This friend, however, was only a writer of ----- = comie things. Yet he did not hesitate to say to Jerrold: know." ! ys mm Dima week, the former staying with the | for children, Is Baby Your heart to help the little where it feels bad. baby sickness comes tell easily that baby is restless, fever Castoria, a wonderful remed by a family doctor and used in the best Children Never try to for yourself. "Don't say tomorrow, aches when your baby Sugjecsrs yet so helpless because relieve baby with a remedy get it today. end Castoria_ It was sought for ; Infants and Children, . You You.can ted or has pain, eructations fla: , wakeful, fretful. Good ny Y, purely vegetabl, mothers use families for over thirty cry for Fletcher's Castoria. medy Fletcher's Castoria is depend on. . that you would use MOTHERS SHOULD READ THE BOOKLET THAT I8 AROUND EVERY BOTTLE OF FLETCHER'S CASTORIA ceNuiNe CASTORIA A Bears the Signature of NP CNL ro LPI OAR TEA Wh LWAYS Ys "We row in the game boat, you "True, my good fellow," Jer- rold replied. "We do row in the same boat, but with very different skulls." One day Jerrold found himself at a place where he was forced by courtesy to listen to the conversation ------ ee "What is Going on Today?" Of a pessimistic old woman, REvery- thing Jerrold tried to praise she pointed out some fault in, Her man- new also, was gloomy and depressing. As s00n as Jerrold could he fled from wi Rinso can be used with cold water as well as with warm. Rinso is as harm- less as Try this gas way of washing next Mo At Night--Sesk the clophies in the rich Rinse suds. Moraing--Rinse them in either warm or oold water--that's alll They're ready for the line+cloan and fresh pure water itself. nday. LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, TORONTO the house. . "Hang 1t!" Jerrold cri€d to a CORNS Lift Off with Fingers friend of his. "She wouldn't allow there was a bright side to the moon." Jerrold's advice to a very young man who longed to see himself in print is remembered by many for its wisdom as well as {ts wit. "Be advised by me, young man. Don't take down the shiitters before there is somelhing in the window." The sentimentality of Jerrold's day exasperated him as we:l as amus- ed him at times, One day when Jer- rold and some of his literar. friends were walking in the 'country they were pestered by the sentimental ob- servations of a young poet. Jerrold could stand it n8Qlonger when the poet with a rapt f pointed to an ass's foal who was playing in a field, and said? "Oh, how I should like to send that wee thing to my mother |" "Do!" Jerrold burst' out. "And tie a piece of paper around its neck, bearing this motto: 'When this you see, remember me'."" : An equally witty but far shorter rebuke was that which Jerrold ad- ministered to a very tiresome gentle- waylaid Jerrold, and seemed deter- mined to spend somie time in talking with him. He began by saying: man of his acquaintance. This, man' DR. MARTEL'S FEMALE PILLS FOR WOMEN'S AILMENTS 25 years Standard for Delayed and Painful Menstruation. Sealed Tin package only, all Druggists or direct by Mail. Price $2.00. Knickerbocker Remedy Co, 71 E. Front St, To- ronto, Canada. day?" Jerrold gave him one look. "I am!" sald Jerrold, and hur. % 'away, to the consternation of .u | man, '