Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Jul 1921, p. 11

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# THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. (GLORIOUS EVEN IN DEFEAT : | Carpentier Was Game--Bro BE : | Hi TO and Sprained ke £5 Teed Reng 4 "BH ¥ By hy . guaranteed for 4,000 miles for $1500. Can you beat it? Is i Pp & : ZF : : EASTERN CANADA MAX OTIRE RUBBER 00, hy Ris Wrist. - E = 5 A NEAL, Mangger.. 284 Ontario Street. Phone W030. Seri ae YOUR BATTERY TROUBLES ; In the event of your experiencing ANY Battery younlg; I shall reciate it if you will extend to me your patro 12g - py Ta addition to up-to-the-minute appliances, I am equipped | with a very thorough, intimate knowledge of the subject which i ehables me to assure you very gratifying results. | it developed after Carpentier had ; {returned to 'his training camp at oo Me LAWSON Manhasset lol that-durteg wis as Auto Battery Expert gressive and effective attack in the 110 CLERGY STREET. + 4000 MILES FOR $15.00 {second round, the Frenchman had {broken his right thumb and sprain- j€d his wrist. Carpentier was umable : EEE EEE -- (to explain how the imjury had oc- | curred, but it fs thought that it came _SLIPOFF THE OLD ONE = a result of a hard swing which 5 |«anded high on Dempsey's head. and slip on the newly vulcanized one What effect, #f any, this injury done over by us, and see how much to the European challenger's most ef- better you car will ride. Just like | jective hand had om the ultimate out- & DraNd nw Tire and thats a fact. {Sd of SUE Buttle Jt Tupoutinie ty And it won't cost you hall the price I's or. the defensive In the third and of a new one either.\ Our Vulcanis- |g... pounds, although he did not ing is a blessing to an auto owner. noticeably avoid using his right hand Suddaby Bros. and arm Ia blocking or striking out when the opportunity arose. Cor. Queen and Wellington Sts. PHONE han is absolutely neces- here and you'll get it in 50 shoit a time as 0 amaze you. Regardless of just which blow ciused the vanquishing of Carpen- Used Cars For Sale a \ Phone 1988 A great many of the Automobile Owners are realiging what real service means to them. That is th e reason why they are using the-- - COOK'S AUTOSERVICE CORNER KING AND QUEEN STREETS WHY DON'T YOU? If in trouble on the road, just one minute after receiving your call one of our Service Cars, fully equipped with Tools, ete., and an ex- pert mechanic will be on its way. PHONE 634 Cylinders ground and fitted with oversize Pistons and Rings. Piston Pins if necessary. Prices on Application. Automotive Grinders R. M. CAMPBELL, i Corner of Queen and Wellington Streets. FOR SALE-CHEAP REO TRUCK--suitable for any purpose in perfect condition. Apply; L:LESSES 19 BROCK STREET, | terday. After the. work-out {ithe was preparing an excuse. tier, the Frenchman gave a remark- able exhibition of skill and gameness against a heavier, more punishing cpponent, The broken bone in Georges' right hand was set to-day and he said it felt much better, although it was still swollen and inflamed. Georges said he was very tired and that he would rest for four or five days. Ho read several newspaper accounts of the contest and expressed delight at the favorable comment on his part of it. Glorious in Defeat. "I feel glorious even in defeat." he smiled, "to think that I did what T wanted to do--show them that I was game." "We 'would like to get a match with Bill Brennan or Tom Gibbons," Descamps said. "The doctor says that Georges' hand will be all right with careful nursing. Georges will keep in condition and 'will be ready if chal- lenged. with Joe Jeanette, and it may have Leen this that cauded it to snap yes- with Jeanette that day he told us he had ll | hurt his hand, but asked us to keep it quiet. He said if the newspaper men learned of it people would say It was for this reason that he started seerst f training." Carpentier, through his comrades, ltl tora his story this afternoon. He had ll | little effect. il | band caught me in the back of 'he iY) | neck just at the crest of the spinal j | column. Hot Weather Is Automobile Weather ~ We have a few used cars léft and we are go- ing to sell them this week. Prices have been slashed and we expect to have a great turnover of used cars this week, 'We guarantee every used car sold by us to be in good running order, and we have not had a dissatisfied customers this summer, and do not in- tend to have. aga 'We are building for the future, and we know that if you are pleased with the treatment we give you in selling you a ubed car, that there is a good prospect for future businéss in a ngw McLaugh- lin Car with you. : " McLAUGHLIN MADE IN CANADA MOTOR CAR . Canada's Standard Car, J & been instructed to let Dempsey force li the battle, but just before the open- ing bell he said: "The American people have been told that I was a game and courag- eous boxer. Watch me." When he came to his corner after the first round he told them that every one of Dempsey's blows had || hurt. "Then keep away from him," he Il saie they teid Rim. "Never. I must box with every ovnce of power within me." he re- plied. Too Big and Powerful. During the second round Carpen- ter said he hit Dempsey with threes i{ right hooks and three right upper- cuts, and that all his power was be- hind them. "When he didn't go down under those blows I knew I could not de- feat him," the Frenchman said. "It was then a matter of going on and boxing, trusting to luck to escape his I Lardest punches. "When I went at him in the third I left the pain in my right hand and || somehow I could not use it accurate- ly or with power. I got it in several times, but I could tell that it had Then Dempsey's right "My body was numb all over, and I thonght I was gone, but managed il] to last the round. "I felt a little fresher when the bell rang for the fourth, but at the outset Dempsey got to my body and the numb feeling returned, so that I did not feel the blow that beat me. I gritted my teeth and managed to arise, but the next blow finished the bout, "Dempsey boxed cleanly and actel ile gentleman all the time. It was an honor to have met him, and I don't think it is a disgrace for any man to be defeated dy him. He's a great berer, and it is my prediction that he will be champion for many years to come." : After the knockout Trainer Gus Wilson said Dempsey came to the challenger's corner, shook Georges' hand and said: "You're a game fellow, Georges, and we'll be friends always." "You bet, Jack, always," the Frenchman answered. ---------------- An electrically heated mattress for Pneumonia patients that an English doctor has invented has no heat at the Lop, a moderate quantity in the middle and the maximum amount at the foot, Eo : Hilton A. Belyyea, St. John, N.B., won the New England amateur single championship at Boston, defeating Faunikner, former champion, "'Georges suffered an injury to his | il hand two weeks ago while boxing | templated. NEW HOTEL F OR TORONTO. The Owning Northern Ho tels Company, Limited, is in- creasing the capitalization of the Mossop Hotgl, Toronto, from $150,000 to $700,000 and is acquiring the forty-foot frontage immediately adjoining on the south, eonstruction of a fifteen-storey annex with 140 g uest rooms being con- a. > PA From The Countryside FRONTENAC PARHAM, June 25.---Mrs, Davidson on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. M. Cronk and Mrs. F. Wagar in the city; Mr. and Mrs. R. Goodfellow at J. A. Goodfel- low's; W. D. Black dnd family at the efitage, Eagle Lake; Mrs. G. A. Smith and Mrs. W. R. Wagar and son at G. N. Smith's; A. Chariton, Belleville, in the village: Mr. and Mrs. E. Barr, Mrs. C. Allison and son, Jimmie, Belleville, at J. KN. Smith's; Mr. and Mrs. C. York and children at Verona; Mrs. Ferris with her daughter, Mrs. Allan, at the par- sonage; Mr. and Mrs. Merriman with their son, E. Merriman; B. Snider and family at J. A. Goodtellow's. The lawn social was well attended. R. Goodfellow and Mrs. Bateman are in the city. Mrs. M. Cronk and Miss Elsie Bertrim are at Dr. Cronk's, Belleville. Mrs, Wright a Mrs. Bertrim are at Thomas Berffim's. y PORTLAND June 28.--Miss Nellie Morris, Rurse-in-training at the Hotel Dieu, Kingston, is visiting at her home here. Mrs. Fred Thomson, Torento, ris. Everything is in need of ran. There is a poor crop of hay and grain will be poor if we do not get rain soon. The school closed on the 27th for the holidays. David Donavan and Miss Donevan, Brockville, who have been visiting the Misses Donevan, from here attended the social at El- village. . a A MORTON. June 29.--Charles York, Trenton, spent a day last week with his uncle, H. York. J. N, Somerville has open- ed his new store lately purchased from W. Green. A number from Toronto spent the week camping at the dam on White Fish Lake. Robert York, wife and child, of the north: west, spent a few days with brother, H. York. George BJack, Lyndhurst, spent Sunday sister, Mrs. J. Stewart, Mrs. ditended dollar day at Gananoque. tree, Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Willis, Brewer's, Mills, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Burtch, E Howard left for a trip to Vancouver, B.C. Miss Hazel Ooon was at King- ston last week. W. Carty, Montreal, is home for his holidays. Mr-and Mrs. F. Leavine and daughter at- tended the Leavine-Buse wedding at Kingston last week. Miss Marion Coon and Harold Coon are home from Albert College, Belleville. Mrd. Harold Mustard and Miss Margaret, 3 Briscoe 'Touring. {I Reo Touring. 1 Studebaker Touring. 1 Ford Truck. I Crevrolet Truck. * # See our new 1921 Briscoe Touring Car, ANGLIN BRQS., Bay St. MR. ROBERT W. ANGLIN, MANAGER Guelph, are guests of relatives, Mrs. T. Pridemore, Hillier, was a guest over Sunday of relatives. Mrs. L.{ Lyons, Latimer, was the guest of! her mother. Mr. and Mrs. G. F.!| Warren motored to Kingston. GH. | K. Coon has accepted a situation at] Ottawa, Scheol closed on 'the 24th | Inst. for the summer holidays. Miss Singleton has an entrance class ot four this year, Miss M. McGurgaa | the Ladies' Institute. TAXI FOR HIRE Special prices for out- of-town trips. G. C. MILLARD 30 Main Street Phone 2351 w. was appointed district organizer . | i is visiting her mother, Mrs. E. Mor- returned to their home. A number Bin on 24th inst. Mrs. W. Lyons and Mrs. Peters and little son, Roscoe, Kingston, are visiting friends in the B. N. Henderson spent Monday at Gananoque, A number from here Mrs. H. G. Dean is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. O. Roan- Buy A. Fordson Tractor To Do Your Work On The Farm It doesn't mind the heat nor flies, A man with a FORDSON always has his work done at the proper time. The FORDSON is the most econo- mical and easiest machine to operate. VanLuvenBros. Phone 1609, 34-38 Princess Street. You Srile, Naturally, You justcant help brightening up when you catch the sweet fragrance of SENATOR Smoking Tobacco. Each golden Se ------------ a Ah. Jane 27.-- Major Campbell gave two interesting addressess in the |< Methodist church om Sunday 'in be- halt of the evangelical and social welfare of the church. Major An- drew Grey, M.P.P., visited this sec- tion last week. A number of the boys sare signing up for military drill and training. One family con- tributes ive boys. 'This section of the country is in great need of rain. 'Mrs. J. Pennock and Dorothy have returned from visiting at, Kingston and Niagara Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Brockville" were | BlueGarages, : _ Thes. B. Angrove, Manager. CORNER QUEEN AND BAGOT STREETS. PHONE 567. 1 a . Mayor Mussons opened the O.B.A. # tournament A referendum to allow the the Scott T:mperauce Alt in Que- Joc City takes place September 12th J8xt ; Rp SR EY

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