Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Jul 1921, p. 2

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THE I NEw FUR COATS, CAPES, _ i. STOLES, SCARFS, and "Old Furs remade and repaired. %, Place your order now. ¥ Summer'prices. JOHN McKAY; Ltd. THE FUR HOUSE 149 to 157 BROCK STREET | MALLOCHABERNETHY ~~ WEDDING WEDNESDAY | Charming - Kingston Girl Be- comes the Bride of Alan. ~ Clyde Malloch. i A-wedding ef much-interest "took {place at the home of the bride's par= jents, on Albert street, y jafternoon, when Flora Edna, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J, Aber- nethy, was married to Alan Clyde Malloch, B.Sc., son of the late Edwin Malloch and Mrs. Malloch, Arnprior. { Rev. R. H. Bell, pastor of Sydenham | Street Methodist church, officiated. { Daisies, roses and ferns decked the | spacious rooms, and an arch was in the big bow window where the | groom awaited his bride, who en- {tered the room on the arm of her father as Wagner's "Bridal March" {from Lohengrin was played by Miss | Caroline Finkle. Gowned in filmy white georgette, | beautifully embroidered with long jeide draperies, a bandeau of rose {point holding her veil to her sofé | hair, wearing the groom's gift, a | string of pearls, and carrying a bou- { quet of white roses and sweet peas, | the fair young bride made a charm- | ing picture. The attendants were the tiny flower girl, Miss letty HIS MASTER'S VOICE" COPYRIGHTED. CANADA, K00BY EMILE BERUNER To assist you in making your se lection we have chosen the follow- ng numbers, as being well worthy a place in your musical library :-- x BAND RECO RDS--10 inch--8§1.00 17380--Whistlef and ils Dog .... Warbler's Serenade 17336--Whistlers --Intermenzo . Whistling Johnnies 2316134--Colonel Bogey | The Contempti Miro's Band 1110009--Maroch Past of Scottish Regi ments The Imperial Bandsmen STANDARD SO NGS--10 inch--$1.00 16134--NRuls Britannia .......,...... God Save the King ... 18185 ome Sweet Home ..... . My Old Kentucky Home ... 17387--A Perfeot Day Over the Stars There is Rest .. 2160563--The Admiral's Broom 1 Up From Somerset 216110--When You And I Were Youh g, Maggle | Silver Threads Among the G old Charles Harrison 216114--Carry Me Back to Old Virginny (Male Quartet) Peerless Quarte Darling Nellie Gray (Male Q uartet) Peerless Quartet MAHOOD BROS. Three Needles for 10c.; 200 to 600 playings, Tungaton Style, | . Pryor's Band Pryor's Band Conway's Band Conway's Band Miro's Band Turner Tyrner Macdom®ugh Morgan Ruthven McDonald Ruthven McDonald Charles Harrison HOT WEATHER SUPPLIES Fancy Lemon Cukes . 2 Ibs, 33c. Clark's Pork and Beans-- 3s.) 6 rooms and bath; gas. $2500----Montreal S t, frame, 4 room dwelling and stqre, electric light; gas; barn. | Abernethy, frocked in white, with a | pink bounet and basket of flowers, | {and her brother, fack, the page who bore the ring. During the sign- ing of the register Miss Ruby Driver sang "Because" with much sweet- ness. In the dining-room the gathered for the refreshments toasts to the bride and groom. At the bride's table white tulle with white roses falling on the soft folds, | surrounded the wedding cake, crowned with the same fragrant flowers, and many were the good wishes expressed for the young hus- band and wife, who have served their country so well. Mr. and Mrs. Malloch left on the afternoon boat for Toronto and will later make their home in Montreal. The bride travelled in a smartly tailored suit of navy tricotine, with a sailor hat and veil. Kingstdn peo- ple generally offer their congratu- guests are more than proud of them both. Capt. Malloch went overseas with Queen's Engineers, transigrred into the flying corps, was wounded and {captured by the enemy, and was, for | eighteen months, in a German prison Jcamp. Mrs. Malloch was a member of the Kingston unit of St. John's Ambulance, served In the military | the son of the operator, C. M. Flood, | hospitals here, and, for a year, in England in Cannock Chase Military Hospital. Since her return she has been captain of No. 5 company, K. C.I. Girl Guides, and a faithful vis- itor at the infirmary of Mowat Hos- pital, and among the gifts she values most is a coffee urn given ¢ by the patients in the infirmary. A carved box, some handsome cushion tops, and an electric lamp are some other gifts from patients and staff to this V.A.D. who has continued her work of mercy to those to whom the war has brought sorrow and pain. The groom's gilt to the small flow- er girl was a pin, to the page a stick pin, and to Miss Caroline Finkle, he gave a gold chain bracelet, Among the handsome gowns worn | at the wedding were those of the | bride's mother, Mrs. A. J. Aber- | nethy, who wore grey georgette fl | beaded with steel beads; Mrs. Davis, ii Arnprior, the grandmother of the Wednesday | and | lations to Mr. and Mrs. Malloch, and | INCIDENTS OF THE DAY { Racy Local News and Items of | General Public Interest. | Try Chadwick's coal. Prone 67. | K. Hackett, Brockville; is in King- |ston on a bugiress trip. | C. A, Stratton, Belleville, visiting 1 Tsdaughter mm Kingston, has returd- { ed home. Mrs. G street, lef met W. Saunders, Alber for Scotsguard, Sask., to be with her mother,' who is very-ili. | ! i | Pianos tuned. Phone 1544, C. W | lindsay, Limited. i The amount of contributions re- ceived for the Old People's Home at Belleville, has reached $3,168.63. Dr. A. W. Richardson, who has | been visiting Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Bell, | { Hamilton, has returned to Kingston | Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Bell and Master | { Jack Deil, formerly of 'Kingston, leave on Thupsday for England and | | the"continent, i A special meeting of the Board of | Education has been called for Thurs- | day evening with regard to the new | public school. a | "he remains of the late Thomas { McKissick, who passed away | Tuesday were transferred to Picton 1 by James Reid. Shad flies stormed the city and {surrounding districts on the windows and walls on Wednes- day mornirg. Congartulations to Howard Fair and Howard Rees, who are among th Kingston boys who have passed the Royal Military College matricula- tion examinations. The temperature was threes de- | grees cooler in Kingston on Tuesday than on Monday, being 85 degrees. The temperature in Toronto was 98 degrees, in Ottawa and Montreal 82 degrees, and in Quebec 80 degrees. { The Laurier Monument Committae | announces that the public subscrip- tion which was limited to a sum not exceeding $5.00 from any individual subscriber has realized $35,293.20. W. H. Brownlow, veteran G.T.R. engineer, and his wife (who has b2en celebrated; their sixtieth anniversary week, > Mrs. J. Mills, Princess his sister, | street, | and Quebec to attend to some busi- ness before sailing for an extended i trip thro 1g2 the British Isles. | On Monday night a C.P.R. tran {hit a child named Frederick Flood {at Ardendale Station, killing | The child, aged two and a half yeurs, jran in front of the train. His head | was crushed by a blow from the cow- | | catcher. LATE BOCIAL NOTES. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Robinson and daughter Anita, of Montreal, motor- ed to Kingston and spent the week- end with Mrs. Robinson's mother, Mrs, W. Cherry, Barrie street. Charles W. Livingston returned to Toronto yesterday after spending a week with Mrs. Livingston at Col- lin's Bay. * * ' Miss Elsie Easson have gone to spend her vacation in Guelph with her aunt, Mrs, E. Drawbridge. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Wison, who have been visiting among friends in the city have gone to spend the sum- mer in the country with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Levequee, Enterprise. en | Tuesday | evening, and were still clinging oo! seriously 111 for some time) quietly of their wedding at Brockville this John Purdie who has been visiting left on Friday for. Montreal | him. | WEDNESDAY, JULY 6, 1021, DAILY BRITISH WHIG. i standard make. i Open Nights. b 3 [| These Best Summer Hits In Music . Three ForOne $ Humming, Old Fashioned Garden, Peggy O'Neil, Margie, Love Bird, Dreamy Hawaii, Moonlight, Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep, Where the Lazy Mississippi Flows, ' Angels, The Last Little Mile is the Longest, Learning, Carolina Lullaby, My Mammy, Lassie O'- Mine, Dream Street, Bonnie Lassie, Mello Cello, Bright Eyes, Listen- ing, Some Little Bird, Sentimental : same as sold in New York and the THE WORLD'S GREATEST RECORD, THE "SUN" If you have not yet heard the SUN drop in and we will be pleased to demonstrate them. You will prefer them to any other Melody. / 'These prices are the lowest in Canada. - THE COLLEGE BOOK .STORE "The Home of the SUN" Records. Phone 919. | FOR THREE DAYS-- THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY We place on sale our entire stock of Lad- ies' Dresses, including 30 Voile and 20 Silk Dresses--this season's newest crea- tions--styles that appeal to expert buy- ers, Garments regularly priced up to $25.00 each. On the bargain rack for this sale, each ............ -$10.00 BATHING SUITS FOR LADIES * $2650-- Johnson street; frame; ) 7 rooms; B. & C. $7200--Brock street; first class li bride, handsome gown of black and white brocade; Miss Bessie Aber- aethy, a frock of yellow or- Corn Flakes Gusto Lanned Cherries . . $2.50 up. "Headquarters for Headwear" Crisco (1s) Faney Olives--Ficule size 49¢ bot. Soup---pienic size ....3 for 25e. Salada Tea 2 Ibs. $1.00 Bananas -- Oranges « Lemons-- Peaches -- Plums--Apples-- Old CheeseCream--Milk, ', residence; hardwood floors; % hot water furnace; electric light, etc. WANTED Furnished House; all improve- ments; good location; not less "than 4 bedrooms; from about August 15th for four months. GENERAL INSURANCE The McCana: ency Save the difference, Cullen's CASE AND CARRY ALFRED and PRINCESS STS. Goes With Our Hats Hundreds to choose from ~--at prices that are easy to pay. : oh Before going on your va cation, get one of our solid comfort Hats------ L Straws, Panamas, Crush Sy Hats, Light Caps. Store Hours: 8.30 a.m. to 5 p.m. 'Saturdays excepted. ---- HAE re o------ gandie, yellow and mauve hat; Miss Martha Abernethy, Toron- to, French frock of painted chiffon t over white satin, large hat of gold mohair; Miss Edna Davis, white em- broidered georgette over satin, leg- horn hat, The other out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Abernethy, Toronto; Mrs. Hyds- peth, Gananoque; Miss Loretta Findley, Ottawa; Miss Marjorie Gothard, Trenton; Miss Margaret Stewart, Renfrew. Mrs. D. P. Hamilton, Athens, has || gone to Sharbot Lake, on a visit to her daughter, Mrs. W, H. Mailatt and family. Wonderful Values in Hundreds To Chose From A shabby Hat certainly doesn't pay when a new one may be bought at such a low price dur- ing our big sale of Panamas and Millinery. AN to spend a dollar or more to clean a Hat is money needlessly wasted un- less it's a real expensive ome. Jo 8jie1s 3 i Newman & Shaw "THE ALWAYS BUSY. STORE" ---- MOTOR BOAT BURNED. Capt. Fitzsimmons Was Burned in Staying Flames. On Sunday afternoon the fast moter boat F.H.F. owned at Rock- port, was burned to the water's edge while at the wharf at that resort. {The craft had a 125 h.p. Van Blerk engine, and was one of the finest and fastest on the river. It had a ma- hogany hull, and was valued at $8,- 000. No insurance was carried. The {fire wag caused by the ongine back firing. Capt. Fitzsimmons, who was in charge, was slightly burned in ef- forts to extinguish the flames. It was expected that the motor boat {would go into commission on (he Brockville-Rockport route this week. The engine was saved with but little damage. At The Military. . The Military Y.M.C.A. under the supervision of George Young at Barriefield camp is doing everything possible to make the stay of the cadets profitable: and pleasant. On Tuesday afternoon a swimmiag par- ade was held to Dead Man's Bay and on Wednesday there were prepara tions for baseball, football and volley- ball ending with a concert and an ad- dress by Col. A. G. Gordon in- the evening. On Thursday there will be a field day and events will be run oft Tor all the corps. A fortunate feat- ure of the camp is that despite the heat there is very little sickness in the camp. 3 " Appointéd Collector. . H.-M, Blakely has been appointed collector of customs at Gananoque, succeoding the late W. H. Britton. at Pembroke. The civil service commission 'also announces that the promotion, gazetted on Ap- ril 9th, of M. J. Lee tc the post, 2as been caucelled, \ i ' ASR ~ DON'T WORRY BECAUSE THE TIDE IS GOING OUT--IT ALWAYS COMES BACK IN. A SYRE WAY TO MAKE IT COME BACK IN IS BY OWNING YOUR OWN HOME. ' YORK ST.--Near Division Street--new brick; hot-air furnace; elec- tric lights; gas; good cellar. 8 rooms. Attic floored. Extra lot. $4,600. - PINE ST.--Near Division Street--detached brick; 7 rooms; furnace: electric Hghts; gas; in good state of repair, $3,900. DIVISION STREET--near Pine street--good building lot with barn, A snap at $8265. : E. W. MULLIN & SON { Buyers and Scliers of Real Estate tf all Cor. Johnson mBtrosts, oe et hiGhes 580w and 8803, LADIES' WHITE "STRAP SHOES Featuring the Newest Styles and Novelties 7 --AT $3.00-- --Wiiite Twin Strap Pumps, Louis Heels. ~~White One Strap Pumps, Louis Heels, ----White One Strap Pum ps, Military Heels. : --AT $4.00-- ~White Twin Strap Pumps, plain Louis Canvas Colored Heels. ~=White One Strap Pumps, Lou is Canvas Covered Heels. -- ~Highest grade qualities at $5.00 in the newest styles. S. J. MARTIN. "Shoes of Merit and Distinction"

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