Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Jul 1921, p. 3

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WEDNESDAY, Jun ©, 1921, ee -- is at 126 aion | ¢ BEST'S OPTICAL PARLORS Most Modern and Up-to-date PROBS: Thursday, fine and warm. | Twilight | | ll. We have just. receiv- ed a direct shipment of English Cigarette "NN Store Hours 9 to 5 p.m. daily except Saturday . In charge of a Registered Gp- tometrist, who devotes his en- tire time to this work . Bring your: Occulist's Pre- scriptions for (lasses to us. We guarantee you quick, accurate and satisfactory service. We repair frames and dupli- cate broken Lenses without the prencription. We waut you to try this ser- vice. (Notice--Hefealt r, the Whig, in| mer school student, street, | Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hughes left | today to motor to London, Ont. { Miss Caroline Mitchell has gone to | Kenora for a visit. i Miss Margery MacLeod, Toronto, is = 3 the guest of Mrs. Henry Lrumby at [FP = McDonald's Cove. : Dr. and -Mrs-~Walter Ryan "with | their children. and Mrs. Ryan, Sr., common with other papers all over | ave come from Brooklyn, N.Y., this | 0 | Canada, will -make a caarge of $i | Week to spend the summer in King- |b for inserting . an engagement, mar- | ston, and have taken an apartment at [riage or reception 3} announcement. ) Park View, 133 King street, Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Abernethy, 5 | To get the Whig's society writer, | 7 Lee) ' orontd, are the guests of Mr. and "3 \ [te ephoue No. 857w., 189 Earl street. | \/ Abernethy, Albert street. ! ) s » - ! Mrs. A. 8S. Fetousos was the Boot) a : {ess of a pleasant tea on Tuesday in | Miss Bdith Pense, West streey, | f wor charming flat at "Elmhurst," | went to Gananoque on Tuesday to \ where the big ghalle trees cast cool [1°18 Mrs. Bert Pense at her cottage | on McDonald's Island. Cases These are in solid sil- ver and are very beautifully finished, both inside and out. They are quite rea- sonablly priced and we would appreciate showing them. L. T. Best, Druggist PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST Open Sundays. Phone 59. % ne Keeley Jr. M.0.D.0. Wedding Marriage Rings. SMITH BROS. Limited Licenses. THE R . il ojo €spo| Jewelers - There are several reasons why our sight service bears a good reputation. One of them is that we don't depend on others for any part of it Our work ls not planned by others; nor do others carry out our plans. From eye examination to fin- ished glasses it is KEELEY Service. We are vifally interested in the result of our work and to insure success do all of i! our- selves. Keeley Jr., M.0.D.0. 226 PRINCESS STREET Phone 927 Established 1540. Registered Opticians 856 Kirg Street EW FRENCH REMEDY. RAPION No. 1 RAPION No.2 RAPION.Nu.2 2 1 0. Skin Diseases. No. 3 for Chronic Weaknesses. SOLD BY LEADING CHEMISTS. PRICE IN ENGLAND. 3s. DR LECLERZMed Co. HaverstockRd.,N W 5. London. SEE TRADE MARKED WORD Bes IS ON BRIT. GOVT. STAMP AFFIXED TO GENUINE PACKETS. rm mn | A strong east wind made it so cool |at Quebec Monday night that many | people donned light overcoats. HELP FOR YOUR WIFE During this hot weather, v our wife needs help with her work. Buy her a Washing Ma chine, an Electric Range and Refrigerator. Connor's Low Pressure Water Power Washer $235 Beatty's Electric Whita McClary"s Electric Ranges from $90 to $123 Refrigerators-- "Ontario" ..$30-845 50 feet %" Hose, com- plete withcouplings $7.50 Watch for our Dollar Day Sale July 14th McKelvey & Birch, Limited Phone 237 Kingston A large stock of Willow, Hickory | the guest of her sister, shadows on the green sward out- | side the windows, and the big ver- | |andah holds comfortable seats for | visitors. { . +s Mary Deming, Hartford, L , Miss i§" visiting Miss Ardagh, Arch [#onn., | street. | Mrs. W. Burgess and their son, | Leslie, New York city, are | the guests of Mr, and Mrs. M. J. "Ken- | nedy, Montreal street. | Dr. and Mrs. Edwin Doward, To- | ronto, have taken Col. G. H. Ogilvie's {house on Earl street for the sum- | | mer. | Miss McGirr, Miss L. M. Curtis, | Toronto; Miss L. Gulleridge, Hamil- | ton; Miss V. Cavanagh, Moose Jaw; | Miss E, Murphy, Montreal; Miss | {Campbell, Niagara Falls, and Mrs. | Akinhead, Sydenham, are among the summer school students regis- tered: at the Y.W.C.A., Johnson | street, | Mrs. | Arnprior, are with Mr. and Mrs. A. |J. Abernethy, Albert street, for the | Malloch- Abernethy wedding to-day. Col. and Mrs. W. G. Beeman are | spending a few weeks at the Car- fruthers farm. | * s&s » { Mrs. Youpg and Mrs. Thompson, | Toronto, who have many friends in | Kingston, are spending a few days in| |town at 261 King street. Miss Macaulay, King street, went | {out to Collin's Bay to-day to spend |a few weeks. | Miss Marjorie Williams, University |avenue, will leave on Thursday for | [Peak's Island, Me., where she will | | be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Bates, Later she will visit friends [in Portland and Boston. Mrs. Hudspeth, Gananoque, is in town for the ' Malloch-Abernethy wedding. Miss E. O'Neill, Port Colborne, who is attending the summer school, is at 189 Earl street. Courtland Strange has returned to | Montreal. Miss Lois Taylor, Principal's Resi- dence, Queen's University, is visit- ing Miss E. Sise at her sumnier home in Quebec. . Ld . Miss Howard, Bath, is visiting Mrs. Charles Trotter, Johnson street. Mrs, Leonard Cooke, New York, is Mrs. John Evans, Brock street. Mrs. 8.. J. Caldwell, Ottawa, is the guest of Mrs. John E. Gow, Lower Union street, Eugene L. Beaupre, art director at Wannamaker"s stores, New York, was in town recently on a visit to his mother, Mrs. H. S. Beaupre, Johnson street. W. P. Wartman, Miss Vera Wart- man, Collin's Bay; Miss Verna Shil- lington, Westbrooke, and J. E. Gib- son motored to Ottawa on July 14t, and spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, E. E. Gibson, Powell ave- nue. : Miss Bessie Comer, Miss (Lena Hagerty and Miss Norma Milton have gone to the summer school at Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wright, New York, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Wright, Johnson street. They will go on to Belleville to visit Mrs. Wright's sister, Mrss. Blakesley, and Dr. Blakesley. * . * Miss Grace Martin, who has been with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Martin, In Toronto, returned to town on Tues- day. Miss Evelyn Bapkes, Toronto, who is attending the summer school, is at 189 Earl street. Capt. and Mrs. Edward MacKay motored from Brockville and spent several days with Mr, and Mrs. W. T, Minnes, "Hillcroft." A large motor party of Toronto and Sea Grass all moderately pric- Furniture, Grass and Fibre Rugs, bright colored Chintzes, etc. Everything needed to fresh- en your rooms through the coming months. TLE. Harrison Co, Linited ee 9 | and Winnipeg people passed through Kingston this week and were at the Chateau Belvidere during their stay in town. They were Mr. and Mrs. Dunlop, D. M. Dunlop and E. A. Dun- lop, Toronto, and Miss Jean, and Miss Dorothy Bell, "Winnipeg. Miss Morrison, Edmonton, a sum- NOTICE L.O.L. 1375, Dessronte, parade for divine service to a church, Deseronto, Sunday. 3 1 sm. The Chania! n, Xa Swill prea th Pe nicn of the Order well as "the general public. ne at Radeliffe. mon. Al 1) White Canvas Shoes for Men and light rubber soled Tennis Men, from the Shoe at $2.25 to > at $3.50. Also a large variety of Brown Canvas, and light, rubber and leather for, men and boys. JACK JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE 70 Brock Street Repajry coed, Phone 231). Davis and Miss Edna Davis, | | Miss Marjorie Gothard, Trenton, | | who is in town for the Malloch-Aber- | nethy wedding, is with Mm. D, J. Young, Albert street. . Mrs. J. C. Murchie, who has been | a visitor at the Carruthers farm, has | returned to town. i Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Rees, Bagot | street, are at their cottage at Me- | | Donald's Cove. Miss McEachran, Toronto, who is | attending the summer school is at the Y. W. C. A. Johnson street. | Prof. and Mrs. W. C. Baker, (Cen- | | tre street, left on Monday for a trip | to Boston. | Miss Mair, who has been visiting | her nieces, the Misses W ilson, Union | | street, has returned to Thorburn, | { N.S. Mrs. L | guest of "Elmhurst. Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Paget and Mr. | and Mrs. Elliott, Agincourt, Ont., who are motoring through Canada, | | Were guests at the Chateau Balvidere | | during their stay in town. Ww. M rs Gill, Ottawa, is 'the Hugh Macpherson, | | ' Mrs. G. R. Rooney, Miss Alma Gra-| ham and Cadet Rooney motored | {down to Lyndhurst to spend the sum- | | mer. [116 Johnson street, are at Tyrone cottage, Dead Man's Bay. } B. F. Wilson, Toronto, spent the | fF euk- -end in Kingston, visiting his | | Wife and little daughter, eJan, who are spending the summer months | here. ' | Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Vanalstyne, | (Continued On" Page 8.) ------------ FASHION GOWNS TIGHTLY DRAWN AROUND FIGURE Daring Dress Seen at Paris Races--Slenderest Pos- | sible Models. Par's, July 6.--~The "melted down," the "slim silhouette" and the "s(raight line.' after a furious on- slaugrt on Poiret's ecimolines, re main the absciute vctors in the field of fashion, Fashionable women this summer and fall will wear the slendsrest pos- sible models, tightly drawn around the figure and offset with either black lace or Indian shawls, Diamonds as dress ornaments re- main the mode, while the Marchion- ess Polygnac, nee Crosby, inaugur- ated a new mode by wearing a neck- lace of pearls around her hat in the afternoon and on her hair in the | evening instead of around the neck. These flats were issued by the Paris society "40" following the sad- | dening experience of the Countess de | Monbrison and others on arriving at the exclusive Molier circus last even- ing. The circus was held for the first time since 1914, The countess and other .notables arrived attired in wide crinolines only to discover that the crush was such at the entrance that it was im- possible for them to enter. The re- sult was that several of the nobility sent their maids home for slim gowns and changed in the dressing rooms before they could enter, The Molier circus wag another tri- umph for the "diana type," the duch- esses and countesses displaying their brawny muscle as they performed equestrian feats in the ring to the accompaniment of the titled ring- master's whip. While women in short, sleeveless, gowns attained dress freedom, the men by contrast appeared wasp- waisted, wearing steel corsets and fancy stripes down the trousers which, like the sleeves, were tight. The collars worn bv the men were the tallest on record. Ice Cream on Sunday We will deliver ice cream on Sun- day if your orcer is placed with us nn a week day. Superior Ice Cream Parlor, 204 Princess street. Tele- i phone 648. ta -------- = Never bear more than one kind of trouble at a time. Some people bear three--all they have now, all they ever had, and all they ever expect to have. Young the leather soled Shoe -------------------------- ---------- .- JULY CLEARANCE SALE! Started with a rush on Tu esday morning with crowds of thrifty women in attendance, w ho braved the heat to reap the exceptional benefits of -- Quadruple Discount Stamps 'Which Means That 80c. Has the Purchasing Power of $1.00 ! Realize the wonderful opportunities of this great deck clearing 209 Discount Sale You have the choice of the largest, best assorted and most popular-priced stock of new Summer Ready-to-wear, Millin- ery, House Furnishings and General Dry Goods to choose from during this, the most stupendo us bargain event of the summer season. Thursday and Friday are the last two days of this sens ational sale--realize its magni- tude--on every cash purchase made in any department of this store you save 20% during the last days of this great mid-sea- son sale. Follow thelcrowds of thifiy shoppers and save 20c. on every dollar you spend.

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