Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Jul 1921, p. 9

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i" . SATURDAY, JOLY 9, 1vzy, iti citi tase THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. TT aati UH --the Amberola has a clearer, purer tone than ordinary *'talking machines" -- BECAUSE THOMAS A, EDISON CREATED IT. ~--a genuine Diamond Point Reproducer and unbreakable Amberol Records are exclusive features of the Amberbla -- BECAUSE THOMAS A. EDISON CREATED IT. ~the Amberola is remarkably low in price-- , BECAUSE THOMAS A. EDISON CREATED IT. possible for every home to have --easy payments make it an Amberola-- oF A Master Minn," THE J. M. GREENE MUSIC C0. LIMITED "The Home of Good Music" BECAUSE THOMAS\A. EDISON CREATED IT. Today--come to our store and hear this 'Master Prosy Princess Street. es! We will be pleased to supply you with any of the following necessities for these hot days: -- "MOD LIME FRU IT JUICE when prepared forms a refreshing beverage. MOSQUITO LOTION serves as NTSERRAT" most wholesome and "SARGENT'S" from mosquito and fly bites. BATHI a protection NG CAPS--all sizes, styles to suit the most discriminat- ing tastes. TALCUM POWDERS of every brand. Sargent's Drug Store 186 PRINCESS STREET. PHONF 41. Surprise Yourself on what good results you can get from your CAMERA. Bring your films to us to be developed and printed. Best service and workmanship in Kingston, Colouring Enlarging--Copying Mounting Thomson Photo Specialties 88 PRINCESS STREET--IN TREADGOLD'S "REAL WORK---That's all we can offer you." 8 Roomed Brick House on Frontenac Street, near Victoria Park; newly decorated throughout; new hardwood floors. Pos- session at once. Price $5,600. KINGSTON AGENCIES, Limited J. O, HUTTON. Phone 708 B. G. ROBERTSON - 67 Clarence Street. ay A full'stock at:-- ' HOW ABOUT THAT GARDEN OF YOURS Do not let the grubs eat it up, but order PARIS GREEN. ARSENATE OF LEAD, ACCO BPRAY, SPRAYERS, KETC. . Lemmon&Sons 187 Princess St. i. Another strange thing is that it doesn't take a bowl of soup long to Sool Shless you are m a hurry to sat 1 have noticed that the man with the axe to grind usually wants some De to turn the stone, and without, ay. "; US. NEW TARIFF BIL TO RASE_ LING costs It Looks as If Canadian Lum- ber Will Be Admitted Free. Washington, July 9.--The struggle in congress over the permanent tariff bill is now in full swing, Practically 4 was begun in the house last week when Chairman -Pordney of the ways And means committee introduced the new bill, but. certain formalities which had to be gone through with delayed actual consideration of the measure until t week, For the next ree months, the United States will have a daily diet of tariff talk. Indications are the measure cannot pass both houses and be signed by the president until late 'Beptember or early October, The new bill is surcharged with political possibilities, because It will defeat the party in power, if it works out badly in practise and, as to its com- mercial and industrial possibiisties, it is a good deal of a conjecture as to what will result from it in view of the unsettled situation in Europe and the uncertainty what the competition of foreign, countries will be able to effect. ¢ Some striking stories are afloat that German manufacturers are lay- Ing down: certain of their products In this country at prices so low that even the proposed high tariff rates will ndt bar them out. It is not easy to say just how much of truth there is in such reports. It need not be said that the advocates of high tariff have not been slow to circulate them. Broadly speaking the political dan- ger to the Republican party and the Harding administration in the new bill is that it will cause such an in- crease in living costs in the cities as to arouse a wave of feeliffig which Every Woman in Poor Health Has an awful struggle. Lots to do, all kinds 'of worry, poor appe- tite, headaches, weakness. Her one desire is for more strength and bet- ter health. What sickly worn out women need is a cleansing, blood purifying remedy like Dr. Hamil ton's Pills. This wonderful medicine clears out the wastes from the sys- i] tem, regulates the bowels, helps the blood. To look your best, to feel fit and fing all day, to be free from lassitude nd headache, use Dr. Hamilton's Pills regularly, 26c. at all dealers or The Catarrhozone Co., Montreal. Partridge Wire Works NICKEL PLATING AND BRASS FINISHING Now prepared to do this work, Manufacturin Wire Fencing, Flower Border Guards, ete. 62 KING sT, WwW. ~ = PHONE 3se. ~~. Will be expressed in the elections for Congress next year. Democratic leaders, including formier Governor Cox, democratic candidate for presi- dent last fall, are planning to make the utmost of any false steps of the Republicans on tariff, as well as tax-, ation. From the standpoint of the rela- tions between the U.S. and Canada, the pending bil! wil] ve unusual interest. The high tar elements in congress would raise a high barrier against Canada, just as against other countries... On the other hand, the |- feeling in congress is more pronounc- ed than ever .before that trade be- tween the two countries ought to be promoted as much as possible' ard that trade barriers should be erected just as little as possible. This senti- ment will be much heard in the de- bate and in the consideration of par- ticular schedules, It looks now as if Canadian lum- ber would be admitted free. It is doubtful if either house on a test vote would stand for a tariff on lum- ber. The proposition of the house bill to make it optional with the pre- sident whether to impose a duty on lumber will encounter opposition but even if it is retained fit is not ex- pected that the president will im- pose a duty. The wheat duty of 25 cents per bushe] in the new bill is one of the features so far as concerns importa- tions from Canada, The present emergency tariff is 25 cents. This. is looked on by some Republicans, and most democrats as being too high. Efforts will doubtless be made on the floor to reduce the rate, but it is doubtful if they succeed, for the agricultural group will not consent to any lowering of fit, The present reign of high rail. road freight rates in the U.S. has a distinct "bearing on the tariff and im- portations. In many cases, freight rates are so high that importations cannot be successful except ih the cases of imports sold in cities close to the border. U.S. manufacturers and producers have not only the pro- tection of high tariffs, according to the new bill, but the protection of extremely high railroad rates. It does not appear, howe¥er, the high rallroad rates have béen taken Into account by the ways arid means com-, mittee, ® Testing Material in Cloth. Mixtures of cotton and wool may be tested by raveling a bit of cloth and burning two of the threads, one running with the selvage, the other crosswise to it, The cotton thread burns quickly with a flame and smells like wool; wool chars slowly without a flame and smells like butning hair. Shoddy, or remanufactured wool, is often used with wool. This can be detected by raveling out a bit of the material, when short broken fibers may be seen. In general, a woolen material which has cotton in it will become more wrinkled when wet than all-wool goods, : - THOSE BOYHOOD FRIENDS OF MINE, Crawf. C. Slack. Though the silent ures still years have winged away, my heart it treas- Those boyhood friends it learned to love 'way back in Farm- ersville, n thinking back o'er the misty past of its sorrows and its joys, 1 Life's happiest hours were away back there, when playing with the boys. I often wish that I could go back to that hallowed spot and stay, That the years a-gone I could backward turn and again be a boy at play. "Way back to that kindred confine, There playing in the village of mine. As a boy I would like to loved so, And I often wonder if they're long ago. pussy-willows grew, To see if the phoebe-bird's things I knew; elm tree, There to taste the infancy. ing vine, of mine. That those be still iy own, e Could, they ta in the sea unknown; maples swayed, fire-place open wide, Where hearts were light and Turn back, Oh Time, divine, boyhood friends of mine. worth, : youth and birth. Bring, Oh knew no care; Let me put there. me stay, Make me a and play, With bat and ball and ~ and ling, Let friends of min F'would like to go down to th As I did in yore; let me £0 once more fo a cot my waes and bury But dear to the heart is the humble loved retreat, and Nature's sweet street with those old chums go back again to the things there I the same as they were in the e swimming hole, where the nest was there, and the rest of the The old water-mill, and the dam and flume, and the leaning joy of a care-free boy and the bliss of my And greet as of old the love-lit face of that old sweetheart gladsome days could return to me, and their joys them deep, somewhere Could I walk again through the garden gate where the sugar And enter the house with its foot-worn step, and the room where the children played; : That room which achoed with laughter and song, with its where pulses beat, with the health of the countryside, for just a day, to the hours of a life To that loved retreat and the playground sweet and those We may wander near and afar at will and possess estates of cot, the place of our Time, those gladsome hours, those hours which my worries away af night as I did my playthings Come back to me, Oh laughter and song, come back and with -bare-foot, ecare-free lad, -lgt me scamper away shinny stick, with bait and my hook me 0' down by the old mill stream with those boyhood 4 Are You Human? A little baby. A little child Don't they appeal to you? Doesn't your heart yearn to pick them up, to cuddle them close to you, to shield them from all harm? sure it does else you're not human. Being human you love them. Their very helplessness makes you reach out in all your strength to aid them. In health there's -no-flower so beautiful: In illness there's no night so black. : Save them then. Use every precaution. Take no chance, When sickness comes, as sickness will, remember it's just a baby, just &' child and if the Physician isn't at hand don't try some remedy that you may have around the house for your own use. Fletcher's Castoria was made especially for babies' ills and you can use it with perfect safety as any doctor will tell you. Keep it in the house. Children Cry For A Word About Truth, : "Great is Truth, and mighty above all things." So says the Old Testament, yet it is equally true to-day. Truth shows no favors, fears no enemies. From the inception of Fletcher's Castoria, Truth has been the watchword, and to the conscientious adherence to this motto in the . preparation of Fletcher's Cagtoria as well as in its advertising is due the secret of its popular demand. , All imitations, all substitutes, all just-as-good preparations lack the element of Truth, lack the righteousness of being, lack all sem- blance even in the words of those who would deceive. And you! Mothers, mothers with the fate of the World in your bands, can you be deceived? Certainly not: 2 Fletcher's Castoria is prepared for Infants and Children. * It is distinctly a remedy for the little-ones. The BABY'S need for a med- icine to take the place of Castor Oil, Paregoric and Soothing Syrups | was the sole thought that led to its discovery. Never try to correct | BABY'S troubles with a medicine that you would use for yourself. MOTHERS SHOULD READ THE BOOKLET, THAT IS AROUND EVERY BOTTLE OF FLETCHER'S CASTORIA GENUINE CASTORIA Awwavs Bears the Signature of with its cling- | ® , THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK ary, This Little Black Book Contains The Best Plan of Insurance For You HE most sensible way 'L to buy life insurance is to take the Mutual Life Agent into your confidence. Tell him your circum- stances, Then with the did of the "Little Black Book," which : every Mutual Life Agent carries, he will help you to select the plan of life insuranee best suited to your needs. The young unmarried man who buys insurance as an ingestment for his savings needs h plan of insurance different from that of e man who takes out insurance 0 prose is wife and family of young children The 'vapitalist) with very hesvy financial re. bilities rears a pln difleent fom that EE a : The farmer who has his farm bought and paid for requires ie different from the one carried by a farmer with a mortgage to pay off. The "Little Black Book" contains Mutual LE plans fn a Soman rance wl you are of these unfamiliar plans might be the very best _ for you. - the Mutual Life Agent. ; THE MUTUAL LIFE of Canada; Waterloo, Ontario TON, fore the Chamber of Deputies. 1t fis Strongly advocating the creation planned to establish and eof Sraat. prolacting serial Saron these warcraft commeroially. so that |M. Benaset urged the gover the cost to the government would b ment create s corporation to little if any more than under , transporting pa present policy. ers and 3 The author of the measitre, Deputy tal routes, thus Paul Benazet, ealied attention to the developing I] Is Proposed In ain Before the Chamber of Deputies. - .

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