Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Jul 1921, p. 14

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. FINANCIAL ) RAND TO-DAY AND | NICE AND | eee i SATURDAY CooL | THE SAPE WAY 70 SEND BY MAIL | . * : " ' = > Dominion Express Money or- | The Super-Story Told in a Super-Picture PEOPLE SF OR TE Ie Ry ie Cn pan Cun] changed k also CHARLIE Ck the most reljable companies repre- | sented. onl 35 Clarence street, | OPPusite the post office. ENR Agree a .! ¢ o FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST- I STEW ART . FOR President wp. heorporated 1861.) A I E N. T, Foo ANITA STEW Al po Se = > . ; c has . SALE - W. F. Nickle, K.U.: vice k k e.-4.%- FE 4 -. CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES: WANTED GENERAL : PresignE: Ah tat loe " ! = in he 1 he ess Firat insertion. 1c. #word. Kaca Suit] FOUND [A DOMINION "EXPRESS MONEY OR- Money issued on_ city ra MON,, TU hy - - ghting 3 pherdess F A BERTS RINE HART'S paAwoUs STORY SeCcuLly pgerlion thereafter, naif POSITION " PENT STE ca 2 = " nk Bree roperties, m nie 5 > at a word. jinimum charge tort POSITION yy. ENE, SEND LADY'S BATHING SUIT, DROP- der for five dollars, cosis thre hisvenies Sr aud sounty x &- i €e iaseriions, 153s w. . P84 rom 4 atrest car on xms fents. | Int estment Honda for sale; Sepsis DANGEROUS D YS"? r IGE SAVE samme ot TOF 2 SFRIGERATOR IN EXCEL. | Ieceived and interest allowed, A ar ai Ny ar de 10 PLRCHASE A HOUSE BY SEPT. Ri aay have same at 103 ON LER Apply Frost's City GC Cartwright, manager, 37 Clare She Story of a M is-mated marein When charged th Good Jocation. Box 8-8 Wt ing street. Ee $ tre hone 526. ence street. Kingsto 2 vation : 2, » A BLACK AND WHITE CHECK Storage, Queen Street. Phe perl Ee ainEsten. Pp, a 3 in : a Ble euECK : | TAY AE - SET OF HEAVY SINGLE HAR- of Jor Gre same by calling | a NOI: AE Rarer TINSMITHING, W. KEN1 MACNEE spring od gun at = Clergy street: Ar¥s ERANBER Mii WANTED AT THE| © Gy Son ohne wee ACO Tub" Sw rd LA | DELBERT BENS, oNTXRIOS aa | PAIK of Commerce Bullding, Brock cog Ask Your Grocer Albion Hotel. Road July sth. Owner can GAS RANGE WITH OVEN, BABY CAR- | of hiinsmith, has given over ffty| King Streets. Phone 701 or 1327), . » wr po ; b honing 1273J. eS c 508 | ie ~ MAIDS FOR LAL NDRY WORK. Ap. rain An Jair aw a i YALE pata by JowNER MAY riage, baby's fur robes. Apply 508/ of his cust sfaction. Cis General Insurance Agency FOR np ts ber 3 tern pumps de is famou 4 > Ply General Hospital caazs, rank Herring, Ccleman have same at Whig Office. Albert street i; ; pnt Tals us to repair. Ww riting:-- Automobile, Fire,' Accident, wp aE Ora. PAIR OF WHITE PANTS, NECK- y gE "ERY HANDSOME ENG- --0u2=" Sickness, Plate Glass Bu y ' GIRL TO CLERK IN ICE CREAM ihe Armouries af. A iy cr) scarcely -used; 19x | ros Burglary, ete WAGSTAFFE S i : - emcee PPIY at 354 Princess 31 LAWN MOWERS TO" GRIND. WILL Le 8 & i 1 $225. Phone 642 | UPHOLS RING. i Representing Only Reliable Companies call at your home and grind you TWEED CAp, ELONGING TO 2; 25. . TE} |e OB Dn es, y R. Tovell. ( ave same by | PU u SECOND © HEF AND KITCHEN WoO- lawn mower proper Lrop a card BOWSER GASOLINE PUMP AND | CALL OR DROP A Can TO SIGNS ; ply o- ¢ 7. Kelly Ellerbec Street calling at Cs aqui P. O. . | D Ww. J. Joan. Apply at the Fronténac Ho I jelly, 47 Ellerbeck Str an FI tala: ad Y T. AP- tank; tank contains 2490 gal; pump | Gavine, upholsterer, 216 Bagot st. ee IW. . : ply Stage Office - = SIGNS OF ABL KINDS, GLASS, I NTA ge F. W. HAROLD FOR YOUR UP etc. large or small ATA: ove JAMS AND MARMALADE Albion Hotel 1 gal. cap. Apply G. A. Cooper, En-| RIO ~ MOTOR LICENSE lerprise. TinaaioLn, ron 4 el 2 No. M- Finder ma IR oN © a el repairing. d leaf; poster: 4 avd le No. M-159. Pinder may | GENUINE GRAPHONOLA 180 25 | Leavemorders at or drop a card 5; Fo 8 ang: ante Sold in 12 and 16 oz. Glass Pots GIRL T0 WORK IN A STORE. ArpLY | Ere - At once to the Marble Hall, 23s TEACHERS WANTED. Princess Street. » ' > h ng at Waig ph . hea B in 4 y w | elections; your own cholee, $42.50 treet. 4 1 a s Ww. ' | QUALIFIED NORMAL TEACHER FOR Offic Terms 37 casti; 33 per Month. to ve. 104 Clergy s by Shaw, at 205 Princess Streat WOMAN FOR PLAIN COOKING, MAY : e. pe : ° - i . J separate school No. 2, Wolfe Is- SUM OF MONEY, PICKED re IN Lindsay, Limited 121 Princess St ngston! and 2, 4 and 7 1b gold lined tins Sleep home If preferred good Pay; land. Salary $500.00 Apply A | ost , lobby. Apply 1 COVERED BUTTONS MADE To OR. ee Bive reference. Box 0-7, Whig Staley, Wdife Island | HIT NG 1 STONE srsLop AND com, BICYoLuS FOR der in all popular shapes ang toa | MEDICAL - - - - a foniride Madd di 45 up. 50 a few les' yeles | Upholstering and repairin done. A GIRL EXFERIENC ED IN BOOK-| "of ALIFIED PROTESTANT TEACH. Owner ay e ane at at reduced prices. Muller's Bicycle | 5 J ord Wy 24% Catrerans - - + -- Kreping and grocery business. Ap- er for 8. 8. N torrington. Dut- | Sailing at 505 Pris Tr Works, 371-373 King Street. Phone | Avenue, [DR C. H. ELLIOTT, 362 90K ST. THOMAS COPLEY ply Wickham Bros, Portsmouth. tes to comm ne i Apply to| and proving owne ip. 1032w. ! -- ADOW AN : + hos. Campbel secre ot i a " . ER. - ra : ¥ - Inn WER an PoviekeaDDLE-AGED bury, Ont rocND Ti3kD FRE UVER COKE FOR SUMMER USE; CHEAPEST! punSIIURE REPAIRED AND pix.|_ MASONRY AnD CARPENTERING Telephone 987. ¢ an ae Ean spply Ww : . tinding anything and fuel on the market. We are de- ishid; guns, gramaphones, ete. re. | Ea - -- | Wanting anything done In the Saxpen-. H. Reynolds, R. R. No. 3. Bath Ont | NORMAL TRAINED (PROTESTANT) to reach tn ewig may |} livering 1-4 tons at $2.50: 1a t palicd promptly and guaranteed |MeCLENNAN BATTERSHILL -- | tery Mag. Estimates given on all kinds - - Reynolds, R, R. No. 3. , Ont. teacher for S. S. No. 6, If E ol Ie the eat 2Y at $4.75, or a full ten at -00. | 'n_& Sleeth, 35 Princess St brick work, plastering ang general | of nd mcw wérk: aise hard- © YOUNG GIRL OR CAPABLE WOMAN Lutiek to commence Sept. 1st 192 The British Wile rac Sls to || Phone 1§11m. W. C. Bruton. rm Te BU house Tepairs by ihe day. 'aise ors of ail kinda. All orders Nd dig atm: D - Salary 3900.00. Apply to S t re} i srinte n f | painting. Satisfaction given. 10} will recelvs prompt attention. hop int pir oumatnge Als Sica Sec.-treas., R. R. 1, Kingston, X Ta tre of dLiited in this KITCHEN RANGE, ENGLISH MA- DENTAL Patrick Street. Kingston: «Phone | tu Queen i bert Vangesen, RM.D. 5 Picton, | - . ET Found articles" dues not in- hogany wardrobe, and Yee Sr eee | , -- VN prs " - .Unt., pos miles from Picton LA RORMAL TRAINED (1 ROTH lude st dogs, cattle, horses, | sohd oak Dedrogm Suite: shear. Abs DR. A. E. KNAPP, DENTIST, OFFICE | i FOR FIRST CL WASHING AND | Teas a ee Toy Qari et These, if lost, may 'be ad- | Ply 108 Clergy street, VHNEE i 258 Princess Street. I'hone 652w. | PAINTING AND PAYER HANGING SALES HUSTLERS WANTED -- NEW | SWS Appr ce Sept I. Salary vertised for in the "Lost" column, h re | [4 ova REPAIR WORK AT: -- Sad Caner ell tinted. Ls treas, R. KK. 1, Joyceville, Ont fy ---- -- . s . AND BLY ALL KINDS oF | DAs. Sha HES Wellingron reoae VEN. WHEN ' WANTING PAINTING OR ang & 200% rofit. Carry in| ET I -------- . nusical justruments, also. cloth-| Carnovsky's. Phone 346. { aperhanging done, drop a card to . ° . your Kas "Make $5 every sale.| TEACHER FOR s. s, & and furniture. Cal; 2nq get our | | A. Mounteer. 84 Arch street. Green, 514 VanBuren, Chicago, U.! palary 3600 jer scl F jor BABYS GOLD Pid ee ces. L. Routbard, 259 Princess| DR. RUPERT P. MILLAN, DENTIST, 3 HENRY WARD & sor 1 er -S cparlr gree 10IdéN of a distri ! | BAYS GOLD PIS WITH INITIALS | 2. Phone 1723 | Princess Street. Phone Loot. Open | HENRY WARD & SON, PAINTERS, a-- mit, ¢ ision Streel. Owner evenings by appoinyment. I school ce 3 1 et | on it, --_-- - ---- | | 'aper Hangers and inwrior deco- tifer, Sec 8 0. 4, May hive same at 195 Frontenac! SALE OF 1 NERY JUubs, ON. -------------- -- I=.ors. NOW is the time to 'have Sh p sting lines §. Straw) ¢ ¢ aN : . sisting of Mal s, DR. AYKROYD, DENT T, uAS RE. | {very [terior decorated. Phone ~ op WE WANT A RELIABLE SaLes agent for each mnrepresented coun- | rl | glaitie of Ma \ i Straw ye p fa ED A IC a -------------------------- 3 , Flower i h 7 d Hehe: Sone pay a Lumive selling | TWO Qu ALiricn TEAC HERS (PRO-| sy 411, BLACK PU RSE, WITH STRAP Straw shapes, and children's hats. i i 8 rf tesants) for Moscow public schoo) | handle at Lake Ontario park Fri- | Apply 112 Lower Willlam Street. : > able. Writs Pei Nurser Fal | ovo. ep Principal, $1000; assistan day oon. Small Phan in- --r a S02 - - . | PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING .| 286 Queen Street., Cor. Barrie Street Forcaty Ong. Feliam Nursery 3 jo09- Duties to begin Sept. i side (ROLY Feturn to 317 Albert| UMINA CABINET, PARLOR SETTERS. | ==---- EE Flanagan, Painrer ani 0 =. oat, i one? to C. A. Baker, Mos Street or phone 1402w | chair and tables, kilchen table, ex TUITION Latimatey freely Sven. Metalli: | BOILERS, TANKS, TRACTION ANT bic PRE -- ---- | | ta 2 Theciiarrow, gay. | ~ inasieis, for ators "and office | maar ine ENGINES, CONCRETE RE UNEMPLOYED... MEN wile | BLACK CLUB BAG, CONTAINING seats, coal oil heater, baby's | | windows" 27" Montreal? sorric? | THRE G 1 4 have ambition to achifve success A NORMAL TRAINED PROTESTANT four painted oil cloths, and a few 2 stove. 208 Albert " | Phone as 2! | MIXERS, ETC. RERAIRED, and are willing to PUL Jonth the re-| Pacher for S. 8. 15, Eiginburgh. | tools, between picnic rounds as street. Evenings. LA SALLE EXTENSION UNIVERSITY, | : . = Builders. of, Tanks; ore - Sthcka aa ars iy ota for. Cal | Duties A Saminehas Jeptember pth. | Brewer's Mills and Kmgston. Kind- TTING Chicago, Illinois aie [COND ,.N.. .| "5s BGY Ir 1-N | Breachings, light structural steel, eto ' | Hoary $300.00. Apply to CO. w | , to Pappas rds. Cigar| BAY HORSE, AMERICAN TROTTING one of our thoroughly at : i a ' . 3pm aren between 10 am. and Hughson, Sec.-Treas., Elginburgy, | Mora and Princess] stock, SIX years, eleven hundred, correspondence courses in Bus {| The Canadian Railway executive | 20 years experience, Phone 1672 3 r S Inesg 2 p.m. Mr, Whitehead, Royal Bank | RR N : ra re as a hands; sound. | Administration, Highe, -ount- | has 2 , M Chamber £upper floor), Kingston KR. No. 1. os Sireets and receive good reward lfteen and a half hands; Sound, | ministration, he A ae pun as concluded the confere nce on W. J. I RD Ont. y, = quiet, good disposition; nne « rg b ; : » TEACHER WANTED vor sivn BAY | STRAYED Ing; free from vices; good road. Study both pleasant and, profitable, | W38€S and working conditions. No| 94 Krontenme Street - > Kingston Public School, 8. 8, No. 18 and 15. | * i . ster. Box P-7, Whig. | and the surest way to promotion | statement is to be issued at present. cn x Duties to commence Sept. 188, 1831. | eee Apply for full particulars of | 3 ie e * ALE Special short Sue menth APPLY, stating salary and qualifica. | ON TH PREMISES OF FPrun W.l sy nDann snep DRIVING MARE, | courses to A. E. Collins, Represen.| General Sir MacCready, military UCTION S Auto Mechanics' course $50; {a luns to John B. Crozier, jt KR. No.| », one black and . seven years old; very tast, but safe | tative, 179 Division Street. ty [commander in Ireland, took part in #17 of Household Furaiture bee Month Gas Tractor Co 4, Lansdowne, Ont, | ull. Owner may have him Tor any lady to drive, will trade for | Phone afternoons and evenings | Friday afternoon s conference of de , storage, Islame ? , Wednesday, July 13th, = sumed practice at 9 \ Princess St, | { over Bank of Nova Stetia. Phone | 16027. - > plenty of time ito finish for RU RE ee ------------------------------------ y ng damages. | COWS or hens. This mare will be 1122M > : Shrink tush. Sicmphiil Bros Aste Qu ALIFIED TEACHER (PROTES. | = EE em sold only to parties giving her a ---------------g | Valera and repr sentative southern h - 8L., ant) fo ton School Section 5 nN 50 ome alers., 4 IX | i i -» Toronto. Boarg and room Oso. Duties on Nc estion pt FOR SALE. gon he Bo Gsaiers.. APPIY Box ARCHITECT unionists. Consisting of velvet and other rugs 48.50 up. Cail or write. ist. Salary $800.00 per annum Ap- "Y THOUGHT RANGE. PHONE ms ert et e----e. | ---------- buffet; tables; chairs; walnut cabine! -- a ¥ to D. Attewell, Secretary 'on-| A HAPPY THO y NGE. NE | 4. 3 LJ iE L iE T s oi . tn . ee | organ; couches; bedding; fron ds SALESMEN--WE PAY WEEKLY AND to, One, 1teWell Secretary, Ocon 94, between 9 a.m. and § p.m. TE chet _loUNce catia | PA A ARRINGTON, REGIS. Robincon nas returned from | springs; Singer manufactring Tos offer steady empl YMEnt selling OUT | w---- ered architects, 199 Yunge Street, ' chine; gramaphone; crockery; glass: a -- | SR are . -- tapestry; brand new; proprietors p- he . RE Somplete and. oxclusive lines of| qt \LIFIED PROTESTANT TEACHER | ONE SHOW CASE, ¢ LONG, 2 FT. EBiVIng up business. The above will Toronto {the convention of the Chief Coa- ware, ete. Thole-raot fresh- dug - to - EH or 8. 8. No. 4, Ernesttown. Duties Wide. [Apply 290 Ontario St. | be suid separately or in one lot. stables' Association of Canada in ALLEN, the Auctioneer : | | : { } 'uv Commence Sept. 1st Salary ac- | First reasonable offer accept | POWER, SON AND OREVER, ARCHI. | 34 " IS hn Telephone 232. cording te-qfianfications Apply, | AWN Ts, FLAGS, CANOES, | Stoddard & Long, Upholsterers, 37; | tects, Merchants Bank . "hambers, | trees and plants. Best stock and service. We teach and equip you free. A money-making opportun- ty. Luke Brothers' Nurseries, of Montreal. fontreal. . W. Cooke Sli iN eXPerience to 1. y arts Phone $11 King Street Easi. Kingston, oppo corner of Brock and Welliagton | The owl parrot of the South Pa-| Mangrove trees form dense groves sire Ss. Ay 4 v Me } a eessetame. | 8 . i ~ a ~ 3 -- CTRAArY, Collin's Bay, Ont PRIVATE SALE OF HOUSEHOLD! Fite Bishop's Machine Shop. Ems u Sen {clic islands rarely flies. to the very edge of the ocean. pnt r-- NAA A -- , IRD TRACE ' furniture. Apply 196 Nelson. Street, | : = AORMAL TRAINED TEACHER FOR 5. uPRiture ros Ce Sn Street | PPEL PPE IPE PE Fhe PERSONAL i arpion, Kingston Town- N > ship. Salary $300 per annum Dut.| HORSE, BY THE PARK AVENUE CLINICAL HOS. ~ pital Training School for Nurges les to commence September 1st years old; qa bay; about 1150 } registered; three years' coubs gol APPLY to Percy Maxwell yell broke: in good condition. Ap- | eight hour day; six day week; edu- Sec Treasurer, Odessa, Ont. ply VanLuven ros. Garage | ca requirements; one year - - m-- ee | high school or equivalent, For in-1. . 85 No. 1 Loughboro, and 13 Porc. | PURE BRED WHITE WYANDOTTY | Zormation apply to Superintendent land, Duties to commence Sept. | eggs, Martin's Dorcas strain, $3.00 | ; 3 o 0 . 3 a | efrig ny der. Five dollars costs three hardwood floors throughout, fire place, verandah and portico at rk Avenue Clinical Hospital, £. 1921. Apply, stating sa , to $5.00 for 15. Also 60 egg Cha- | retrigerator and Ice Box on prem or ! A Park Avenue, Rochester, New qualifications, fs Alon lary and tham Incubator. J. Turner, Port | ises lately occupied by Davies Co. cents, mouth. % $8 Princess Street. ces emt---------------- il main entrance. A real, nice home. Price $6,500, Lec.-Treas. Harrowsmith, R. R. | GET MARRIED, BEST MATRIMON. v y & No. 3. CITY LOT, @ FEET FRONTAGE TS PEPER ELLE ® PRR paper published. Free for | UPPER WILLIAM STREET---Brick veneered dwelling, seven Also TIOUS MEN WHOSE ABILITY | TTT feet deep; for cash $223 00. stamp. Correspondent. Toledo, | rooms, furnace, electric lights. a i In their present position is not re-| 4 NORMAL TRAINED PROTESTANT Incubator, 140 egg. and two brood. | THAT VALUABLE PROPERTY oY Ohio, | Price Ho ' © lights, gas for cooking, with large lot. nized, and who aspire to do teacher f 1.8 8 N > ers; hot water heated. Only used | Division Street within the city a ' " { ba 5 oI; to Such rhe and No. Cine. "Duties | ntev Cowson. 248 Concession St. limits, known 'as the Murdock rk per wanes ANTS, siera. | ve r+a field to commence 8 YE s near Victoria Street. Farm, containing forty-three acres 8 5 etc. re-| femonstrate their ability, | boarding house taser, 3 g9oq| more' or less, now owned by ibs Toved permanently. Satisfactory | THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY pow open an opportunity' Ply to ¥. C. VanLuven, Sec -Tress | SCHOONER CBERTRA CALKINS, Kingston Brick and Tile Ylnsses Otted and furnished after Phones 68 and 2240m Test, most remunerative, most Harrowsmith, ont. id Carrying capacity 500 net tons. Can pany. For particulars as to price $5 32 have failed. Goitre removed. | Successful field in all the Domin. ae i be lnspected at Picton, Ontario ms apply to the undersign- $32,418 experience. Dr. Eimer Jd. | lon of ada. For Sanential In-| A NORMAL TRAINED PROTESTANT | huftaes Jarticulars and price p20 citor for the company. = J. Lake. Bye. Ear. Nose. Throat, Skin E erview, give One number tu Box t re: aap { application. , 'an Dusen, Cc B. Walkem, 93 Cj re 8 t - '_ k-9, Whig on pie ache) Bolaing Permanent $end ten, Ont. mM. 93 Clarence Stree MARRY IF LONELY; FOR RESULTS, -- + Woife Island. Duties to commence| yoo To SALE ALL r=! CLEARING SALE OF USED CARS Ir ea and Gat Successful | 4 Sept. 1st, 1921. ~ Salary $500 00 WE HAVE FOR SALE ALL KINDS oF LESS THAN HA a ome er." hundreds rich. wisn GOOD, RELIABLE MAN WANTED TO anntm. Appiy Willis ye-00 per good second hand Iurniture and| ; Y H4 fiarriage soon: strictly confiden. take orders and deliver the finest Secretary-i teas ver Haan Cooper, Stoves. Any person having stoves; $200--Forg Touring, 1916. tial; most reliable: years of experi- line of Teas, Coffees, ete, in Wolfe island. rE The. 2, 84¢ furniture to dispose of, we wii | »2 §--Ford Touring, 1917. ence. descriptions free. "The Suc. | ada. Highest commission S-------- " Lay highest prices. J. Thompson, | $400--Chevrolet Touring, 1918. cessful Club," Mrs. Nash, Box 536, concern in the "oun 333 Princess strest. Phone 1600w. 3 13--Chevrolet Touring, 1918. Oakland, Calif. | ¥ S Are guaraniced or money re- QUALIFIED, EXPERIENCE Ak ONE WHITE Wicker or: | $426--Chevrolet Roadster, 1919, ---- unded. Ch applicant must be "er with 'secong ENCED TEACH- ONE WHITE WICKER BABY © $400--Ford Ton Truck, 1918. MARRY--FOR SPEEDY MARRIAG | y 'SE ON IT--e : es financially responsible. If you are' cath Peoond or nied Slasy cer. riage, one China Dinner Set, one $175--McLaughlin Truck. absolutsly the best, largest in the | BRICK HOUSE ON BAGOT STREET entrally located --$2000 looking or a independent, Loughbore School, 14% miles od: gas pron, one small black pralaut } Studebaker Truck, Sountry, $3iabliahed 16 years, thou- | --this is a real bargain. Permanen Porth RR : Fram STN ay y sideboard, one extension table, one ~--Humber Mo orecycle. sands wea ¥ members, both sexes yr ~ ~ » ~~ . earning p i 3 bean oad to school. Saja ihilway: open buggy; all in good condition. 3 ~--Indian Motorcycle. wishing early ALSO A NUM BER OF OTHER FINE HOMES TO CHOOSR opportunity. k action neces- Duties to commence rr A oe APPLY 14 Plum street, just off Bar- $200--Harley- Davidson Motorcycle, and| Rah | FROM sory. Patricia Blend Tea & (of. term. Apply to W. J. Commit, ne -- rie Street. pg Side car. z fee. 631 Queen Street Kast. Toronto, Koad, Ont. : iy ely yi Andie Touring 1920, cost - | == RT ee a, . x > a Ey = = = ay EE CARS LISTED FOR SALE AT THE few auto repair shop, will be ip GEO. A. PALMER TO LT, { . . : FURNITURE FINISHING Al running Sider, All makes re- Opposite Blue Garage | -- -- paired, washed, polished and greas- Cor. 1 py - il : > : 1: Help Wanted CALL OR DROF A CARD TO W. Dis. ed. Satisfaction guaranteed at a o BIUOL 294 Qucci Streets GARAGE, NEAR CORNER EN 1113 BROCK STREET ae PHONE 704 or 1461w. EN bs; * * > FOR SALE | &» PRETTY MAIDEN, 19, WEALTHY, | *# Butcher's refrigerator and ice box but lonely, will marry. Box 35, Ox- * for Sale Shera will be received ford, Fla. by H. D. Bi up to 'E END-- i r i ¥ A de uhy » 3 SEND A DOMINION EXPRESS Nora WEST D--Brick dwelling of seven rooms, furnace, electric lights, - +$ coli, 23 John street, reasonable rate, LPvly 286 Queen, and Kato PRIy D. Sod 2 -- ity just back of Y. . ---- - . ia Just back 'v C A. Phone "gra SECURES CANADIAN FARM FIR ttre ten ' A mi With horses, 10 cattle Crops and| FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD; - » J; : a HEL WANTED, -------- buildings worth $5000; a real op- | all, improyements; centrally ARD;| eme-- M i i i | / Experienced) Cigar Makers. Also er ------ One 3-Burner Coal Oil Stove with Sone tei 2 on good road; ed. Apni- 243 University Ave, | TR ] i 3 -i%. 1OWn; easy drive Cm LL ---- Se" I LEASAN 1 WATER I Girls to learn trade; steady work heating shelf ang oven--§$15.00. City; 51 acres rich, loamy tillage; | STABLES AND SHEDS ON CORNER | I S Books--3c., 10c., 15c., and 5c. grows big crops grains, potatoes, of Wellington and Barrack street, | . vegetables. 19 2 wire-fenced | by May 1st. Apply 31 Rideau St. STEAMER ST, LAWRENCE Hor 1021 guaranteed. Apply-- Salesmen 1 kitchen cupboard--$10.00, pasture; T i ne B-| m-- tau St. ' i . room house, pia h bountiful! A NINE ROOMED STONE HOUSE, Sunday, July 10th--Regular trip to Alexandria Bay. Leave Ferry Dock Kitchen Cupboards--34, $5, ang gs. shade, excellent view: 00d 21-cow | 148 Montreal St, all im rovements. | 2 ».m, Fare, round tri 5 cents Can use § men of good appearance, Columbia Grafonola, Cabinet Granda basement baru; drive 'shed ete. Tol Phone 1099 ring 3. Vacant Apri | To, _ pon Toh oa a ee fp h July celebration. Boat leay th over 25 years of age for sales work: and 30 Records--3$61.00. close alfairs $6590 takes all Only | 1st. { en Ferry b ck 9.00 a.m Return fare, 1.00 i 4 the permanent position. Apply between $1500 down: easy terms. 44 acre' 3 Be droning oe ; Ply 1 Columbia Grafcnola With 8 records Stragyicluded. Get details and| FURNISHED BRICK BUNGALOW; g Wednesday, July 13th--Popular trip to Picton and ihe Sand Banks. 1 and 5 pm. 8¢ Brock Street. --315.00. ' { Strout's big catalogue Canadian | rooms; electric light; all improve. | Boat leaves Ferry Dock 10.00 am. Return fare, 75ec. : farms. Free. Strout Farm Age } ments; good cellar. No children. 41 | Auto bus and automobiles will meet Steamer in Picton and convey RA rt 1 Combination Gas and Coal Range; 206 AF. Manning Chambe rs, | Quebec St. . Possession July 1st passengers to the Sand Banks. Fare by auto bus, 7 iS cents return. ee * p.m. > Frans, i Ww . > : and key. Frost's City Storage, 299. Eis . € buy all kinds of Furniture, FOR SALR 3 305 Queen St. Phone 526; res. ow. | Kingston Navigation Co. Limited. hike new--350.00. ronto, Ontarie, Canada. -- | Fare by automobile, $1.00 ret urn. : . LE; i . STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, | d avd Te THIS WEEK Sh Bes ng Petters tetris Qray, airy rooms; your own lock | Thursday, re found ognlight to Gananoque leave Kingston 7.30 LESSE'S ANTIQUE SHOP : : B Ah iniE ak i JULY 1ST, AN APARTMENT OF © 104Cw. 307 Princess Street 3 . Cherry Wall four rooms and hall, partly furn. >a : ireors and ex- ic 1 A " ish, electric light; Bas for cook. . Some choice Nut Coal . . . .$16.50 Berton [errs mane mses: all th Seng punt hone ALE 313 University 'Ave, for a home, best built] ® quick sale. Phone or write. Bo 136, Napanee, Ont. 3 entral lo- | FIVE ROOMS FOR SUMMER § a . » f tly painted and decor- 3 - 's P " SHAsay & Co, Limited | iiss fol LE a re Th a ; age and stables. Buy direct trom! Miily C F, $89 O B e 0S 0 ames by | age and » Reine, Mills Company, 79 Clarenes | 1 . chante 35.000 Consult the a ; FANCY Goos. TNO FURS IS Re omen Value On Th . : NEW Car e 4 : T™ 0 FURNISHED FRONT BEDROOMS Foot of Johnson St. SL _Apply Box R-21, Whig, Office. HEMSTITCHING, PICOT EDGING, AC. on bathroom flat; slectric light; all - - - + eordlon, knife and bo. % venvenineces. Jse o hone. Ap- BATEMANS REAL ESTATE, COVinO te 530 Mra k A'Carf| ply 376 Barre soot, Bh Princess P RICES { FOR saLE 4 Victoria Terrace, vr phone 2235w, : -- _oPposite Artillery Park. $2000 RANE: 4 ROOMS, NEW; B. mae FOUR Roou APARTUEST, HARD. e ' an C.: electric ghts. 00Trs, electric ight, as --- CHIROPRACTIC. heater, Jirigerator, modern » . $2,500--R. C. SEMI-DETACHED; six Ze. Pbly to White's In- 2 4" » fs IS THE TIME rooms; B. and C; down tons Wi. A. MARCELLS, D.C. ra ©. Con ce 239 Bagot street. ¢ Chevrolet "Baby Grand Mode ner Princess and Barr e Streets, 2nd - r FRAME; New . Rn : oor. Barrie St. entrance, Kingston Ck é y : Rn sacommt. It vou at goin i oe iy 8 bout or [enon omanes Sw, 0 moons mir sii Viti Sep * Th Aneronee nove aso fl Roadster... ..... . -$1595.00 an a e. . -- 334. Hours 3 to 12 au. 1 ts 6 pon sion. Alse & new furnished sum. | aig 1595 00 ongine is in first class order. We ean put it in this condition. $6.500--BRICK; 10 ROOMS; LATEST pier cotlage at Eastview Pari. Ap. ! Touring wat siwiee $ . : improvements; central. : LAND SURVEYOR Piy to J. D. Boyd, 332 University; : 2 "Vesa. "= . Come and let us prove it to you. io ply" : . $10.000 -- THREE STONE mouUsE, Touring Special (Cord Tires) .$1720.00 3 F. F. miLL Se. C. ; . : - DAVIS DRY DOCK CO. Bors eng," bE, MEE RSC, 058 ry TNXER COTTAGES AT Coupe, 4 passenger (cord tires) $2495.00 " ario Land Surveyor. ngston Of- Park: new, coms; $3: = * EastEnd of Well ington St. *-400--mmicK water DETACHED, 8 fice: Walkem & Walkem. $3 (lon: month. Appl Sp Boyd, 333 tat Sedan (cord fires) ...... 5. ."n $2495.00 trance; right of way. Yersity Avenue or R. R. No. 1, East. 4 f . ; hes BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. view Park: : All cars completely equi . $3.400--BRICK; SEMI vn { : . ~~ rooms; Bot water A Sh | FOR SALE, ONE OF THE BRST GO- DENMAN TENTS soe Governm ent Sales Tax and freight from 1 Auction Sales FE IBHGSS 1601 of way, Son; eneral ores" icinity Trade. | Iricaieors: eleciric; sas fave ro] Oshawa extr I am the best ictioness in $4.300--FRESSED BRICK; 6 MS; Owner ren 1 oF der yee: Fossension a dpier a "31 a : me prove tt om het an hw oes eg pitas] Beaiih. "Appi Bos "Whig. | mmchtivey & B ee We will be pleased to demonstrate, easy terms. 2 é ; Make Side ene toe 12. size san £1 BEREORT) The Auctioneer, Sint = CHEVROLET sALES AND SERVICE & } t " . $3,700--BRICK DWELLING; 7 ROOMS. : : only. Also § soda water cy nT aIon a a Gy 7 ons : . : righ MEN AND WoMEN, ITH, ; way: location; a snap to a N A OMEN, NOT TO CAN. we ant Eo BRIS SAF Febteueniives, 3 SRP CoE sl BAWDEN & EDW : wn Shbepsresentativen 317 * week and b FL ME Smilin. 7 . wit -- : Penses guarantee: h good = | HOUSES TO RENT--FURNISHED on : AA v WHEY YOU WANT THE cAnruNTER FE ne the State ans ama Sook and 1 Selicitor." Ina a BARRIST 50 MONTREAL STREET . . PHONE 00 University Avenue. Phone Taw Aven hy BATEMA A i PATE ANS nu, as ™ on GoPiyience, "unnecessary

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