Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Jul 1921, p. 5

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* mest BE pr ar SATUNDAY, JULY 9, 1021. CHOICE WESTERN MEATS and COOKED MEATS McGEEIN'S Phone 1182 282 Princess Street id FOR MOVING OF Freight, Furniture, Safes, Pianos and | Cartage of every description-- } Kingston Transfer Co. Phone 377. 133 Wellington Street. | DAVID SCOTT n Plumber Pi bing and Gas Work a special. tre AN werk aranteed. Address 145 Frontenac Street. Phone 1277, et DRAW. WINNETT Corner of Johnsun and Wellington | | Dr. Waugh 106 Wellington St. Phone 256. Angrove's Repairs Machines, Bleyeles, | Baby Carriages, Lawn Mowers, ete, We | de repair work right and guarantee | satisfaction. 197 WELLINGTON STREET : WATTS | 'People's Florist 177 Wellington street. | Fresh flowers and plants daily Funeral designs, and wedding bouquets to order. Phone 1763. Res, 1137, | | | | | | | | | ~ Cho'cest quality of Scranton || Coal. No other kind sold by | Uy | | BOOTH & CO. Grove Inn Yard Phone 133 a ' POE ait line of! 'reliable ma of Marma- a SHE WAS AFRAID 1 THE DAILY i ---- BRITISH WHIG. BECAME SO THIN Kingston and Vicinity | Gets Quebec Comtract {i L. E. Allen, Belleville, has been awarded the contract for comstruec- [tion of fiffeeen miles of Provincial f ighway in the Province of Québec. "FRUIT-A-TIVES" Made Her Well, Strong and Vigorous - Dr. C. E. O'Connor returned home on Friday after spending a month in | New York and other American cities. judg- "3 thinks he shows mighty good ment. {| ted any of his plays to be filmed, he | | has a great wealth of material at | band for screening. a --------d. The Lake Level. ! Landed a Fine Figh. Lake Ontario is .07 feet higher | Ald. WA. Woodley, Belleville, | than.a- year -ag0,-23-foot-betow (15 | who has been somewhat Of a fisher- | average stake of June of the last ten | man now and.then, stepped into fame | years, 2.02 feet below the high stage | by landing a four-pound four-oumee | of June, 1870, and 1.72 feet above | bass in Prince Edward county waters. | the low stage of June, 1895. During | | : -- = MADAME ARTHUR BEAUCHER 805 Cartier St., Montreal, "I suffered' terribly from Cons tipation and Dyspepsia for many years. I felt pains after eating and had gas, constant headache, and was unable to sleep at night. I was getting so thin that I was frightened and saw " several physicians who, however, did | not seem able to help me. At last a friend advised me # take "Fruita-tives. I did so and soon 1 felt some relief. 1 continued with 'Fruit-a-tives' and in a short time, the Constipation was banished, I felt Bo more pains or headache or the disagreeable sensations that follow dyspepsia. Now I am well, strong and : * : Madame ARTHUR BEAUCHER. 50c.2 box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25¢. At all dealers or from Fruita-tives Limited, Ottawa, Ont, BUILDING ? REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? Estimates given by He wd accompanied by his brother, | The finny specimen measured twenty- IN. E. O'Connor. | one inches from nose to tail. : ---- ---------- To Address Kiwanians. Cheese Sales. Madoc, 240 at 23 1-8c. Brockville, 2463 at 22 1-4¢c, 1098 Ernest Wood, provincial manager, | Ocean Accident and Guarantee Com- | | pany, Toronto, will be the special | | the lasi ten years the Jung level has | averaged 0.2 foot higher than the | | May level, and about the same as the | | July level, Our Bathing Advantages, Kingston has a great advantage ~~ | THE INDIFFERENCE of the Coal Consumer has resulted in such a small demand for coal at the mines, that they are being operated only' at aboyt one-half their usual capacity. L- Unless' Coal is mined during the summer, the Mines will , ot be able to meet the winter's demand - __. It is therefore advisable for: consumers- who can-do 0, to ff 'buy ard receive their coal early and thus insite a full winter's | S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Strects, KINGSTON, Wellington Ont. Office Phone 66. Factory Phone 1415. at 22 5-16¢, Sterling, 600 at 21 9-16¢ Campbeliford, 700 at 21 1-2c, | the weekly luncheon ----------------es | Frontenac on For the Hot Weather, | subject will be "The Why and Where- We have in stock a few brown | for of Accident Insurance," and grey lightweight summer suits | Se -------------------- for youths, sizes 34, 35 and 36, | Six Nurses Given Diplomas. regular price $18, which we will| Six graduate nurses of Belleville sell for $13. Prevost, Brock street. | General Hospital feceived their dj- plomas on Thursday at the gradua- For a Cool Time. Enjoy a cool afternoon in the shade C {of the Collegiate grounds, July. 13th, | training are: Alice Fargey, Helen and help make the K. C. I. Girl | Fargey, Mina Diamond, Ina Rich- [Guides Garden Party a great tuc- ara Effie McMullen and Hilda Col. | cess. | Her Those who have completed their a --e } To Go Into Business, Has Field of Tall Corn. { Edward Brown, a former Deseron-| This is corn weather. In that con { nection D. D. Reid, Thurlow, claims | tonian, who has been head of the : | masonry department of the British- (a record. He brought fn a stalk of corn seven feet nine inches tall and {America Nickel Corporation, Sud- | : bury, has gone into the contracting | Proudly displayed it. It was grown business on his own account. {from white cap yellow Dent seed, i | which he got from Mrs. Parks. He Appointed An Inspector. has a field of it nearly all that good. Principal Trench of the Perth col- | oe ---------- | legiate is to leave there to take the | | positi f fourth public school m- ou - a eS of oa oo Leeds county, which has conduct- has been principal in Perth for the |®d its own cheese board for many past three years | years, is being invaded by the Un- | ited Dairymen's Co-operative, Limit- |ed, and the formation of a local in | the county is being sought. Accoré- jing to the organizer, ten cheese fac- | tories here are already shipping to Want to Form a Branch. Few hing Suits Here. Bathing suils are at a premium. | Nearly all the dealers have been | speaker before the Kiwanis Club at in the Hotel | dig bathing facilities. Monday next. His | stock the fire chief fs staging a run- tion exercises held at the institution, | i over other places in that it hag splen- Up at Wood- ning shower bath on a field adjacent to the fire hall, giving a big cool shower area for youngsters and grown-ups, arrayed in bathing suits | or their regular attire. The young- | sters are thoroughly enjoying it, as { well as the adults. | McCoy-Kennedy Wedding, | The marriage of Mary Jane Ken- | nedy to Frank West McCoy took {place in the south channel of Christ | { Episcopal church, Rochester, N.Y., on | Saturday morning at 10.30 o'clock. { The ceremony was performed by the Rev. L. G. Morris, rector of the | | church, after a motor trip through | { the Adirondack mountains, Mr, and | | Mrs. McCoy will be at home at No. | 83 Richmond street, Rochester, N.Y. | The bride is well known at Snow | Road, Picton's Tax Rate, On Monday night Picton council decided that the tax rate for the cur- | rent year will be 37 mills, made up | | as follows: i Amount | County purposes ...$16060.21 | High school deb. ... 2168.48 | Main St. deb. ..... 2590.99 |W. W. and EL Light | Deb | BLUE PACKAGE BLACK .... +++++...25c. PER PACKAGR RED PACKAGE BLACK ...- .. +++...80c. PER PACKAGE GREEN PACKAGE JAPAN... .. ++++..30c. PER PACKAGR THESE ARE THE BEST VALUES ON THE MARKET. 0. Aykroyd & Son | cleaned out of their stocks particu- L/ DR. NASH DENTIST 183 Princess Street. "Phone 755 | WE TAKE X-RAY PICTURES of troublesome teeth.' ! Dormoform: Gas administered for ex- | traction. Safe and painless. OFFICE HOURS: 9-6. } i If you wish them to have thick, healthy hair through life shampoo regularly with Cuticura Soap and hot water. Before shampooing touch spots of dandruff and itchi if any, with Cuticura Ointment. clean, healthy scalp usually means good hair. | Seap2Se. Ointment 25 sad Ste. Takum 2S. Sold throughout the Dominion. Canadian Depot: EET hE NEILSON'S ICE CREAM | and being pasteurized it is free from every contagion. - This store is open for prescription trade on Sunday, and as NEILSON'S ICE CREAM is a food we can supply your needs, too. SUNDAY HOURS: -- 10.00 a.m. to 12.30 2.00 pm. to 5.00 6.00 pm. to 9.00 M. R: McColl | he left behind. larly those cheap in price, Mothers are sitting up nights constructing bathing outfits which are used when the children aré not near the water. -------------------- Left His Trade Mark. The Gananoque Journal says: The Kingston motorist whose car collided { with the King street bridge must have been in a hurry to get across, judging from the trade mark which showed signs of the collision, -- Becomes Picture Producer. Richard Walton Tully, famed as a dramatist and theatrical producer, is about to seek fresh laurels having field of motion picture production. As Tully has never previously permit- Both bridge and car | just announced his entrance in the | { the Co-operative sales in Mont | He is an Expert Fisherman ! | J. M. Hutchins, New York, has ar- | | rived at the Hotel Carleton, says the | Cape Vincent, N.Y, Eagle, for the | summer. "'Hutch," as he is familiarly | known, is an expert fisherman, and {there is sométhing radically wrong when he comes in without the limit {of the gamey black bass. He thinks there is no place in the world like Cape Vincent, and in this the editor ment for Eczema and tions. It relieves at once and gradu- ally heals the skin. Sample box Dr. Chase's Bond free if you mention this per and send 2c. stamp for 60e. a & fj ors or Edmanson, Co, . TO DETECT By CHARLR:S (Copyright, 1921, The president of a bank, when a distinguish the bad bills from the bills at sight." This homely advice applies not only but with equal force to the detect ments of life. Potatoes, has. no difficulty in detect tively. rhythmic rapidity that is amazing; kis routine and interrupts his proc To the trained musician, acen grade work, a false note comes like will have no difficulty in recognizing he that is most accustomed to shadows. and the Wishes to announce that he has resumed his practice, cor. Wel- lington and Princess Streets. Phone 2092. Dr HA NR Soe Pair Suything 149 Syden Street, Kingston 3 Phone 0583 Sia Ae Bena The girl who is chummy ¥ father and brothers hasn't thar ean > 2G ! Unless you you rnc. Made in Canagla. Haady tin boxes of 12 tablets cost but a few cente--Larger packages. Fat All Rights Reserved by United Feature Syndicate.) "Get familiar with the good bills, Here is a vast volume of wisdom summed The man accustomed to handling only good corn, Even without recognized thought, he fixes upon the fault. ; The skillful egg-candler passes good eggs before the light with a but an imperfect egg instantly breaks In any occupation, any man fully engaged in doing the right thing Right and wrong are as far apart, as unlike, as day There is only one way to know the bad, the imperfect, the untrue, | that is by knowing the gcod, the perfect,.the true, Nothing Else is Aspifin see the name are not getting Aspirin at all. COUNTERFEIT GRANT MILLER A sked by a young clerk how he could good, said: and you will recognize the bad up in a simple sentence, to the detection of counterfeit money, ion of the counterfeit in all depart- good wheat, good ing the family. He detects it intui- ess. . stomed to doing and knowing high- a stab of pain. 1 the wrong. and night; walk in the light is quicker to mote "Bayer" on tablets, hoe . of "Bayer Tablets 2: = by millions for 11000.00 14000.00 Collegiate Institute . Public school Public Library .... Town purposes .... Crop Report For Ontario. The Bank of Montreal has issued the following crop report for Ontario as of July 7th: Up to ten days ago, the prospects for a full Crop were ex- cellent but intense dry heat and lack of rain since then have materially affected growth, Present . prospects are: Hay, light crop. Cutting now general. Grass pasture, growth ser- fously checked. Fall wheat, promis- ing but ripening too quickly. ~ Other grains, fair. All short in straw. Roots, average crop. « Fruits, small fruits, fair but need rain. Apples developing satisfactorily, Tobacco, weather is ideal for this crop and it is taking hold well. RED HOT JULY DAYS HARD ON THE BABY July--the month of oppressive heat; red hot days and sweltering nights; is extremely hard on little ones. Diarrhoea, dysentery, colic and cholera infantum carry off thousands of precious little lives every summer, The mother must be constantly on her guard to prevent these troubles or if they come on suddenly to fight them. No other medicine is of such aid to mothers during the hot sum- mer as is Baby's Own Tablets. They regulate the bowels and stomach, and an occasional dose given to the well child will prevent summer com- plaint, or if the trouble does come on suddenly will banish it. The Tab- lets are sold by medicine dealers or by mall at 26 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. -- Scott-Dixie Wedding. Wednesday morning at o'clock, Rev. Rural Dean Lyons, Lyn, united in marriage Miss Lillian Elma Dixie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Dixie, Glen Elbe, and Leonard T. Scott, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Scott, Addison. They were attended by Miss M. L. Dixie, and A. L. Scott. Returning from a honeymoon they will reside at Addison, where the groom is a prosperous farmer, At the Age of 77 Years On Monday afternoon occurred the death of George Zimmerman, one of Cape Vincent's oldest and most high- ly respected residents, at the age of seventy-seven years and ten months. Mr. Zimmerman had been in poor health for several months past. George Zimmerman was born in Ros- iere, a son of Peter and Ann Zim- merman, and resided in that vicinity until about fifteen years ago, when he rented his farm in Wilson Settle- ment, and took up his residence in Cape Vincent, N.Y. \ . Lectures at Queen's. ; Next week at 's university, Prof. Henry Clay, Oxford, is giving three lectures on the industrial sity- ation in England. = The lecturer 1s Dealer in Furs only. Gourdier's BROCK STREET; i We're Ready for Spring With a Large, New Stock of Fine Quality Suits and Top Coats For Men and Young Men at Lower Prices $20.00, 22.00, 25.00, 28.00 $30.00, 32.00 " See our fine quality Blue Serge Suits at --$35.00 -- TWEDDELL"S 131 Princess St. (One door below Randolph Hotel) BA iw - leader of the workers association of ; England and gave valuable assistance to the government dur # Lv ation halt nday, day and Wednesday aftérnoons at te o'clock, : . ' # To-night All White or with Colored Collars for........ Loo aa $019 COTTON STOCKINGS-- : 'In Black, White and Brown for Men and Women at .25¢. a pair. ' WOMEN'S BLOOMERS-- : In Pink and White: full sizes-- OF sss re even. .39¢. a pair - peers ei / painting towns red he cannot hope [it is a favor to remain inthe pink of perfection. i that will help snd yo

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