sete / concentrated ~~ Jelly Crystals Madé of pure fruit extracts com- Bact vil the very finest Calf's Foot Jelly. Far superior to the average Jelly Powder. Each packet makes one pint of delicious jelly, Six flavors. A trial will convince you, Al your grocers WEIR SPECIALTY CO, LTD TORONTO . « CANADA "Beware of imitations." A . BIAS CORSETS Liven 43 BRITTAIN The chronic kicker xicks as often without cause as he does with ft. ' ne In the Realm of Women--Some Interesting Featu - CORNS gt. Told In Twilight 4 (Continued from Page 3.) The mid-week Yacnt Club dance on Wedn®sday was greatly enjoyed by the boys and girls, as' well as by the young married peéple present and splendid music was also heard with pleasure by the occupants of the boats and canoes that floated lazily on the rippling 'water. Among those present were: Ex-Commodore and Mrs. W. Casey, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Macnee, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Rob- inson, Mr. and Mrs. Manley Baker, Dr. and Mrs. Earnest Sparks, Miss Isabel Minnes, Miss Doris Spackman, Montreal, Miss George Robinson, Na- panee, Miss Ruth Fowler, Scranton, Penn., Miss Edith Rankin, Miss Dor- is McKay, Miss Helen Tofield, Miss Jessie Torrance, Miss Mary Ogilvie, Miss Anna Mahood, Miss Frances Murray, Miss Kathleen Eibby, Messrs E. C. Gildersleeve, Frank Purdy, S. Driver, 8S, Hill, Frank Symthe, J. Courtland Elliott, Reginald Sawyer, W. Shaw, Hubert Chown, Prestby MacLeod, Miller and Sidney Donnel- ly, Jack Emery, Mr. and Mrs. Mac- kenzie, Mrs. Millar (Hamilton), Mr. and Mrs. Janses Hill, Dr. and Mrs. W. A Jones, Miss Bertha and Vivian White, Miss Marion Ogilvie, Miss Louise Hill, Miss Doris and Miss Harriett Donnelly, Miss Dorls Browne, Miss Phylis Spencer, Miss Evelyn Gilbert, Miss Florence Em- ery, Miss Marjorie MacLeod, Toron- to, Miss Gertrude McKelvey, "Miss Ruby Driver, Miss» Warde Finkle, Miss Myrtle Hewgill, Miss Flo Cunning: ham, Howard Fair, Bruce Taylor, Dr. Broom, Lt.-Col, O. D. Young, Capt. Lee, Edgar Ogilvie, F. Foulks and George Kirkpatrick. . . * A miscellaneous shower wags given last week at the parish house of the Church of the Holy Cross, Harris- burg, Texas, in, honor of Miss Ina Sands, R.N,, whose marriage to Prof. A. C. Chandler, Rice Institute, Hous- ton, Texas, takes place on Saturday, July 9th, White and green, the bridal color scheme, was carried out in the Bhasta daisies, palms, ferns and Southern smilax, which adorned the assembly room. The punch table was most original in its design, being a big wedding bell fashioned of dais- ies, with smaller fioral bells forming a canopy. Little Miss Abbie Louise Milby presented the bride-elect with a big tulle bow, which contained many lovely gifts. The Daughters of the King gave Miss Sands a bride book, bound in white leather, and the small choir girls showered her with flowers. Music and refreshments were another feature of this delightful "send-off". to this old Kingston girl, who is well known in town and who Makes Them Hygienically Clean! That's 'the way you want your fruit jars; your caps; Thats me ing Bionsils, Tha w m 3 to prevent Tor aenty way. Saves you time and labor: have a can always on hand. Made in Canada Lift Off with Finge Doesn't hurt a bit! Drop a little "Freezone" on an aching e¢orm, in- stantly that corn stops hurting, then shortly you lift it right off with fing- ers. Truly! Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of "Freezone" for a few cents, suffi- cient to remove every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, and the calluses, without soreness or ir- ritation. A St Ar AA fs a niece of Mr. and Mrs. W, A. Mitchell, William street, - -. . The local regatta at the Yacht Club will be held during the last week in July and visiting yachts will be here on the 3rd of Aug- ust. There wilkbe large teas and dan- ces on both occasions. * . * Laing and Mrs, this week in their Rev. Douglas Laing arrived in town from Beachville, and are home on Alfred street. Mis. Douglas Anglin, who was the guest of Dr. and Mrs. W. G. Anglin, at Wolfe Island, is now at "Somersby House" with Col. and Mrs, R. E. Kent. Mrs. R. Easton Burns and her grandsons, Masters Bobby and John Partridge, left on Wednesday for the Sand Banks. . Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Horsey and Miss Mildred Horsey, who wers !n town this week, have returned to Cressy, Mrs. M.llar, Hamilton, is the guest of Prof. and Mrs. Manley Bak- er, William street . -. *. * Miss Kitty Torrance will leave for Toronto on Tuesday. Mrs. Fergus O'Connor, Earl street, and her family are at their cottafe near McDonald's Cove. Mrs. Thomas F. Hughes and Miss Yvonne Hughes, London, Eng., who have been the guests of Col. and Mrs, Norman 8S. Leslie, Emily street, left today for New Brunswick, and will sall for England on July 19th on the 8, S. Empress of France. Mrs. W. Noonan was in town this week from Napanee and was the guest of Miss Bertha White, Univer- sity Avenue, » Miss Jean Duff went to Toronto on Thursday to visit her sister, Mrs. David Forgin, Dr. Vrooman, Mesars, \Robinson, Anderson, Wallace and Carr, Nup- anee, were #meng the visiting golf- ers this wask, . * * Miss Georgie Robinson, Napanee, and her guest, Miss Ruth Fowler, Scranton, Penn., spent several days in town with Mr .and Mrs. W. J. Fair, "Roland Place." ' Prof. and Mrs. W. E. MacNeill, University Avenue, have returned from a motor trip to Boston. Mrs. 8. T. Caldwell, who has been visiting Mrs. John Gow, Lower Union street, returned to Ottawa today. Miss Isabel Minnes, Bagot street, hag returned from Perth, Dr. and Mrs. John Macnaughton who were with Col. and Mrs. Ogil- vie a: Collus Bay, have gone to the age coast, a. Col. and Mrs. Norman 8. Lesic will leave on Saturday for the Mari- time provinces. Mrs. R. J. Leach, who has been at Niagara-on-the-Lake with Mrs. Val- entine Stockwell, and hag recently been at Petawawa with Major Leach, has how gone to Tadousae, Que. Miss Maassey-Bayly, Montreal, is the guest uf Capt. and Mts Muan, Royal Military College. Mrs. BE. T. Steacey, King street, and Her family have gone over to their cottage on Wolfe Island for {the summer. Miss Helen Lyman, Boston, is with Miss Lyman, King street. Mrs. Valentine Stockwell, who has been on a fishing trip near Petawa- wa, with Col. Stockwell, was in town this week on her way home to her tottage at Niagara-on-the-Lake. Mrs. Trumpour and Miss Gladys Trumpour who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Mark Trumpour, Union street, have returned bo Napanee. ' - . Miss Jessie Torrance has returned from Bishop Strachan's Sehool, To- ronto, and is with Dr. and Mrs. Tor- rance, Alfred street, Prof. and Mrs. Guilford Reed, Al- bert street, returned from Truro, N. 8., this week. : Mrs. Béwiok, Dundee, Scotland, who has been vi her daughter, More. J. Austin R.M. C,, has sone to Winnipeg, but will return to | leaving. tor Seot- MC. are Saco sie tee THE HOME KITCHEN By Jeannette Young Norton Author of "Mrs. Norton's Cook 2 BOGE?" % How to Achieve the Best Results With the Simple Cold Pack Canning, All women who have vegetable gardens or who live where vegetables are plentiful and cheap, should be in- terested in the method of conserving them for winter use. 'Old-fashioned methods often re- sult in poor products, and the foods sometimes ferment and in other ways become useless, but with mod- ern cold pack formulas there is ralerly a failure if the directions are carefully followed. . * An old-fashioned boiler with a rack in the bottom to hold the jars, a pair of jar-lifting tongs, a wire basket which fits into a good-sized kettle for bleaching, a jar funnel, Jars with tops and fresh rubbers, plenty of cheeslecloth squares and a pancake turner with the blade bent to a right angle with the handle to move the jars 'about, or help in lift- ing them, is all the equipment need- ed. There are more expensive mod- ern canning outfits, but the old-fash- foned method will prove satisfactory. Blanching of vegetables remcves excess acids, improves the flavor, and causes a slight shrinkage so that more may be put into a can. It also helps retain their color. Whilg preparing the vegetables let the jars and rubbers sterilize. In canning the pod vegetables pro- ceed in this manner, Shell the peas and lima beans, string the green or wax beans, then cut them into" short lengths and cut the stems, but leave the little caps on the okra. Then blanch'each kind in boiling water from two to five minutes, plunge into cold water, then pack into the jars, When packed, add a level teaspoonful of salt to each Jar and fill with boiling water. Place Y the jars in the hot water bath, after lightly strewing on. the tops, and sterilize for two hours. Remove the Jars, screw down the tops tightly and stand upside down to cool. When cold, tighten the covers again, wash the jars off and labe] them, Keep in a dry, cool place. If in too strong 8 light, cover the jars with brown paper so the products will not lose their color. When the jars are set in the water bath, the water should 4 come within an inch of the top of the jars. Count from the time the water. begins to boil, the necessary two hours. Vegetables in the root and tuber class such as carrots, beets, turnips, parsnips and. sweet potatoes should be washed, scrubbed; pared or shap- ed, diced or sliced, then packed in the jars. Add a level teaspoonful of salt to each' jar, fil with boiling water and sterilize an hour and a half, after lightly screwing on the covers. Cool, wash, label and store. Tomatoes should be of medium size, smooth and firm, scalded long enough to loosen the skin, plunged in cold water, the skin removed and the stem end cut out. Pack in ster- ilized jars, add a level teaspoonful of 8alt to each jar, no water, screw on the tops lightly and cook in the wa- ter bath twenty-two minutes. Lift, tighten the covers, invert the jars QIRLS | WHITEN SKIN WITH LEMON JUICE Squeeze the juice of two lemons in- to a bottle containing three ounces of Orchard White, which any drug store will supply for a few cents, shake well, and you have a quarter pint of harmless and delightful lemon bleach. Massage this sweetly frag- rant lotion into the face, neck, arms and hands each day, then shortly note the beauty and whiteness of your skin. Famous stage beauties use this lemon lotion to bleach and bring that soft, clear, rosy-white complexion, also as a freckle, sunburn, and tan bleach because it doesn't irritate. DR. MARTEL'S FEMALE PILLS FOR WOMEN'S AILMENTS 25 years Standard for Delayed and Painful Menstruation. Sealed Tin package only, all Druggists or direct by Mail. Price $2.00. Knickerbocker Remedy Co., 71 E. Front St., To- ronto, Canada. »- - ETRE -~ RATA 48 THAR Te [TTX Jail i! LL 1 in every bit of dirt. Grados your WN THAT hard rubbin though you boil would not budge with Now---with Rinso--yo not a cake soap--not a Pa rubbi ald raj Here is res cuff ees & the old way of washing meant! Even ed the clothes, the bad spots simp out a long session with the washboard. u do next to no rubbing atall. RINSO washing powder--but a new f ranules; with power to cleanse the grimiest i Yet Rinso harms nothing--doesn't even hands--safe as pure water itself. AT NIGHT--SOAK WITH RINSO IN THE MORNING--JUST RINSE! If you have a washing machine-- - Soak the clothes overnight in the usual Riaso way. In the morning operate the machine clothes are perfectly clean--even the most soiled spots. Get a package of Rinso to-day at your Grocer's. LBVER BROTHERS LIMITED, TORONTO orm of soap dirt just by redden your hat vou do: The clesasing suds loosen for a few minutes and the A to cool, wash, label, and wrap In dark blue, or brown paper to keep the color. p In putting up pumpkin or squash for ple-filling, peel and cut in pleces and stew it until soft, then mash it through a sieve. Add one cupful of sugar and one level teaspoonful of salt to each quart of pulp. Fill the jars and partially screw on the tops, then.cook in the water bath for one hour and a half, Lift, tighten the covers, cool and store. Blanch the selected young and ten- der corn on the cob for three to five minutes. With a thin, sharp knife slice it down and with the back of the knife scrape out the milk, but do not get the husks. Put in the jars, adding easpoonful of salt to each and enough boiling water to fill the Jars, screw the covers partially on, and sterilize for three hours. Lift, tighten the covers, invert td cool, wash, label and store. TO-DAY'S FASHION _-{model. The beauty of the black Monsieur and Madame Vattier, R. | Lake. This Youthful Morning Dress is of Black Silk The vogue for black still remains despite the great variety of gay- colored fabrics which always appeay with summer weather, This dainty frock is fashioned from | black silk crepe that lends itself well to the soft draping which distinguish- es the skirt. The folds are caught underueath in the manner of the harem skirt. : The bodice is long-waisted and the figure snugly. The dropped sholder-line is apparent on this gown is accentuated by the white- Bess of thegulmpe of mousseline and lil Va Yoyo / 02] RPA 10 EVAPORATED " ARE YOU STILL DOING rr? You must know it is not fair to your husband to continue buying new Hats every season when we can reshape your old ones into the 'very latest Spring styles. 1 Get wise! Bave $10.00, and put it into that Suit you have in wind. The Opposite T=: College Book Store. 188 Princess St. Upstairs, MARRIED LADIES | Kingston Hat Cleaners 'Plone 1453, Lake Ontario Trout and Whitefish, Fresh dock, , Salmon, Val lace, Male lions of India are maneless, OTTAWA LADIES COLLEGE Founded 1870 Matriculation Course, Music, Art, Games, Gymnastics and For particulars apply to the Principal. MISS 1. J. GALLAHER, ber 13th. RESIDENTIAL 5 FOR Riding. New Ffreproot Bailding. OTTAWA. PE tt Lt cit po