Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Jul 1921, p. 9

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. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. -- Rr 2ze"llovie Stars SN ) 2 2 BN ------ [a RR SS SON | GHOUA OANA 220 CAACATL. SAOTLALEPS orm | MUTT ae ATE |) : ~ ULV PARTIES UMIIE = LLTU TET ICS ' POUL OF AYE LL -- Fs STL ARV a . | Angeles, and thought it would besfun| Ameera 1s a typleal very pretty | | to appear in motion pictures and brag {young Hindu girl of the people, in La- | lof it when she went back to school. hore. She is protected from an un-! She told 'the director; that she could welcome native suitor by John Holden, | {do any kind of swhriming stunts and |, young English structural engineer, | {proved it in the pool. The result was and a reciprocal love affair is the re-| {an engagement in comedies at $25 a|guit. | Ahmed Kahn, Holden's native | week. Then Rollin Sturgéon, the servant, arranges the matter of the p { Universal director, saw her and told | qo wry with Ameera's mother. The | os - iat her she was wasting her time in that |i vers are united in a pretty ecere- _--_-- TS -------- sort of work. He offered her a chance , vhich floral wreat a LTP YS AASATU 2D TNT IS |to appear with Lyons and Moran--the Mon), es They ig hs upd a AVEU LNG rr {result was Gladys did not so back t0|pouse of Love" and are very happy. + Aer, . |school. Instead she was made a Siar! golden has structural engineering Ez FLUO LA ST ar CLL7OG)» . {in a year's time, which just about |gyties elsewheye, but returns as often {beats the record. "*% las possible tojAmeera. On one such ¢ » = ! " ; Playthings of Destiny" -- Star in One Year--A Story Puppets Of Fate" [return they refoice mutually over the . one A tense moment in "Puppets of prospect of a "pledge of their undying 0! British India-Viola DanaAsAn Italian --AnElab- Fate." ' This adaptation from an or- affection." Both are transported with " Y fi ke " p , i A ~ 3 liginal screen by Donn Byrne, the well-'the joys of parenthood. Holden, be- | ; 3 : ig orate English Production -To Marry Chaplin. {known novelist and short story writer, [cause of his love and fidelity to SELL Dell rr . art > ALTA ITER PT rirad N her next release, "Playthings of The action is quick and interesting | has as its heroine, Sorrentina Palom-|Ameera and thelr little son, is idolized IETS" COU LAS AL ITE GAMA rr HUAI TIIDCS Destiny," Anita Stewart will beland there seems to be something hap- bra, the exquisite little Itallan wife, |by the natives of the household. As To QT LOE ph Seen as a young wife who inno- | peding every moment. Among its ex-, Whose husband, Gabriel, falls into the the child develops in loveliness the cently commits bigamy in an effort| citing features are a real ice-tinged hands of an adventuress. In this scenes of domestic happiness are most -- ------ - to shigld her child's name. While not (blizzard in the North; a dash through scene; Sorrentina has followed "Babe {charming. Then desceids upon India) prance, where slis has served as lady-|detail. Westminster Abbey, the royal actress, who, according to rumor, is in any sense a problem play, 'this at-|the frozen wastes of Canada with a Reyoolds to her apastment, Imtending the Piague 2 Dole ele. Toto" | in. waiting to the Queen, untd she i8|castle and other landmarks are repro-soon to be Mrs. Charlie Chaplin, will tractl gets the utmost in dramatic{dog team: a thrilling boar hunt inl/to kill the woman who stole her hus- is stricken to dea n n's pres- beheaded King' ya x values out of this eynical twist of life.) Jamaica and a oie hurricane that band's love away. ios Tansy $hanss ence. Anetta Ys aot flee Rite others that he ay na) Jomizand so Sov us 3 aviy sae, Au 5 the play the TE ois CUMS rn f 1 pr! the part of Sorrentina an ackie (to the hills for safety. olden re- : y ovigh/ rgd ody ps bo Bg ra eng Sunacte of "Babe." mains with her--to see her, too, fall Mage In Europe, nde the eeewon painter to Henry VIII, and in Itself ltion, "The Shark Master," written and 7 hy cost a fortune. The role of Anne h i Miss Stewart has ever appeared, but| Gladys Walton "Without Benefit Of Clergy" vistim. to the plague, "Passion," it is one of thé most elabo- |p an given to Henny Porten, ome of De " yy ot hin it gives the star greater opportunity] Gladys Walton is 17 years old. She| The story reflects Rudyard Kipling"s "Deception?" rate pictures which have thus 18f Europe's beat known stage ahd screen In this story Miss Collins wi pos for personal triumph than anything|was born in Boston. The family {most Intimate knowledge of native! "Deception" tells the story of Anne been shown. The ghenes of England players. Hue the Flame Flower, a white gir] whe she has dome to date. moved to Portland, Oregon, where she (and official life in British India, with Boleyn, second wife of Henry VIIL|in the days of the Tudors, with the M Collin 4 had been washed ashore on a South "Playthings of Destiny" is a perfect went to school. During one of her|the scenes lald mainly {n the anciént and mother of Queen Elizabeth, from [tournaments and royal fetes, are re- Ay Collins "7 |Pacific island and adopted by the combination of drama and spectacle. | vacations she visited friends in Los city of Lahore. . the time she comes to England from! markable for the accuracy at their! May Collins, the belutitul young natives. . ' WITNESSED A BIG CATCH work is completed will be second to NO RAIN IN FOUR WEEKS, wliere construction is going on. From | |= EEE none in appearance ia the country. Metal St. Davids to Niagara Falls the road : A BARGAIN | Many dcnations are comi.g in from |The Battersea District Suffers-- | {5 being repaired, but is in fair shape. H. ARPLETON «" + individurls wk have frien s buried Drowning of a Boy. Detour between 50 Road and Grims- Announces the opening" of a new Plumbing and Heating Establishment enrnl frweien CORONA ; of Forty-two Thousand White | sere. Battersea, July 7.--No rain has!py town, opened July 7th. 417 PRINCESS STREET--0®POSITE ANDERSON BROS. | Fish, Sixty-two Years fallen in this district since June 11th Port Hope to Peterboro--Road in Prices on contracting and all kinds of jcb work furnished. Give us a Ago Late Mrs. Babcock, Bob's Lake. and the wells and cisterns are drying | good condition. One detour one &nd -eall. Phone 878w. ? \ 3 | . Echo Lake,'July 8.--A gloom was |up fast. A very sed drowning acci-|one-quarter miles west of Peterboro Folding Typewriter, | wei 3 Th jcle | Cast over this vicinity when it was dent occurred in the vicinity of Bat-| (due to macadamising) in good con- slightly used. Ftotoreanston; uy § Te anee learned that Mrs. Harriet Babcock |tersea at Cranes West Lalgs dn July | dition. o 1000 white fish Some sixty-two on |Bad Passed away at Bob's Lake. She | 5th, when Cleo Harris, twelve years| Ottawa to Prescott --Prescott to 15 p.C. Discount | three ys ps me ee was enjoying her usual good health, |old, son of Alfred Harris, met death | North Gower, good; North Gower to an = when she fell, striking her head on |by falling out of a boat in twelve | Manotick under construction, parts y ' py your correspondent, who was aR d stove. A doctor was immediately | feet*of water. Medical aid was sum- passable, rest good; between Mano- J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. Ye nega to the Jarge tateh, Tw summoned, but she was beyond the moped from Batterséa but too late to tick and Ottawa there are bridges at 41 Clayence Street, Kingston. yuan ne a agde ag aid of medical skill, and without ful-|save him. The funeral was congucted Manotick and Jock River under con- {ed 42.000 The night Was moonlight ly recovering consciousness she pass-| from the Methodist church at Bat-|struction, Detour between Manotick and the fish could be seen slowly be- ed peacefully away on Tuesday, June | tersea 10 Sand Hill Semaery at 15 and Ottawa via rough country road. " ing drawn in and many boats with 14th. Deceased was the widow of them. on Ve nesday, Ju vy » under Advisable to cross Hideau at Mano- A =, men and women, were out watching late Jacob Babcock, who predeceased | the direction of Rev. E. Coddling. tick, Goed gravel and maecadam via i the fish being Ioaded on the Welling® | her one ygar ago, after spending fifty- | The tourist season is in full swing | River and Bowsville roads. Detour ton beach, Teams and waggons were | S16\t Years of their lives in wedded | here and many fish are being calght | between Ottawa and Manotick, take waiting end all. who. wanted fish happiness. Despite the fact that she|in Longblow and Dog lakes. The|Hun: Club road via Billings Bridge, a ' | could help themselves The next had attained the ripe old age of |American gents of the hotels held a|Bowsville and River roads, good con- Anto Tops repaired, recover. {da white Bilt o 1d b . tterod eighty-one years, her faculties were |Small celebration on July 4th, and| dition. ed; slip covers; all kinds of }|%%Y road nearly to Bellow. | all remarkably good. Being a resident set off a lot of fireworks in the ev-| Ottawa to Woint Fortune -- Be- | alom y 4 ' cushions repaired. | ong ie via Meany So Betlevilie, of this place for over twenty years, ening, Miss Lillian Scott, Battersea,|tween Ottawa and Orleans traffic will |. BOAT CUSIIIONS made all {|and one in particular of enormous | "4d having a kind, genial disposition, |and Duncan McCallum of Mount | detour to Cyrville road for the next sizes with KAPOK filling. size was offered to ti she won for herself a wide circle of [Chesney were quietly married in the|two months, as pavement fs under % hp: catch gy of Hie ve why sould friends who join with her bereaved |Mecthodist parsonage a few days ago.| construction on highway; from Or- > . family in mourning. Surviving are | Rev. E. Coddling conducted the cere-| leans to Cardinal's Hill the road is 300 PRINCESS STREET number tried to land it but with a Phone 152. flop of his tail he would send them |°0¢ Son, Harvey, Bob's Lake (with|mony. Battersa church has a new|good, but Cardinal's Hill is very sprawlin; in the water Sut finally whom she was residing at time of |bell which was presented to it by a| rough. Cardinal's Hill to Rdckland is | atter tiring it 'out it Was landed. |3%ath), and one daughter, Mrs. C.|former resident, now residing in the| excellent. From Rockland to L'Origi- SEE ====j| It weighed nearly 150 pounds. There | 0%: Echo Lake. There are also fit-|So.thern States. A tower will be er-|nal is rough with a bad detour at : : [are 'seme fous grounds along the | 10 grandbhildren and nine great-|ected soon and work at putting up Plantagenet. There are about fifteen Portsmouth Gasoline | beach to Vest Point and each gicund | ST@ndchildren. The funeral service | the bell started, culverts under construction in this ! was dis pin by Rev. 'Mr. Allan, section with fair detours. From Service Station |oquai to th large catch. Since that | Methodist minster, at the houss SEMI-MONTHLY REPORY | LGrisina to Polat Fortune, good ex- : : time. white fish have Hoes sear. thence to Parham cemetery, The cept for five bad culvert detours. Many dweliiies are tein ited casket was banked with beautiful Highway Conditions Issued by De-. Ottawa to Pembroke -- From Ot- BEST GRADES OF OILS AND | y d & g painted \pdyorg, of which she was so fond. ¥ ¥ [tawa to Carp, fair; Carp to Arnprior, in the village. George Beatson and - partment of Public Highways. ood, diversions at culverts as fol- GREASES family, Toronto, were the guests of Toronto to Port Hope-- oad { ERO one. mile east of Marathon : Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Wilder this| Some of these days the mere man |rough from Toronto to West Hill. three aud one-half miles east of Kin- Hl | week, Last week the Azath of Mrs, |in congress will adopt an amendment | Good from West Hili to Pickering... . 4. rior to Renfrew. fair. The George Granger . A. Alexander (nee Kathryn Clark), | prohibiting a woman from display- | Macadam road being constructed oad tr "R trew to Haley is not daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eddie |ing, showing, exhibiting, making [front one mile west of Whitby to] °® . ted Take P n : a Phone 129. Clark, Hillier, occurred. The funeral |conspicuous, giving prominence to,|Oshawa. Road fair. Very good from Po Se Bont a . took place on Thursday to @lenwood | bringing to view, revealing, -making Oshawa to Port Hope. No detours. Ho ie "line and i cemetery. A husband amd three visible and exposing the female leg, |. Port Hope to Trenton--Roa4. ia to ;Beachbur Fi small children are left to mourn. | And then the women folks will know | good condition. iS Me aay : Lae " ., 1 Tom ! : Mrs. Garnet Morden, Rochester, N.Y., | what prohibition feels like. Trenton to Kingston--Road good. Parr : Pertho-This. . dh Delicious candy at was called here to attend the aneral France has withdrawn her mission Fresh stone two miles east of Delle. b ge oh 2 ith el a i a n Coat of her sister, the late Mrs. Alexander, [from Leipzig owing to farcical séns- | ville, nd a hol Stave hs Sut. RD ing over a delectable Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Rufus, Garrett | ences, Kingston to Prescott--Owing to xo gS . atu oe ley' roofing morsel of peppermint visited Rev. E. Howard on their re- |. Coroner's jury places no blame for | considerable comistruction on the! "© 3 Rgsiun an Wy chewing gum. turn from the conference at Whitby, | Winona auto fatality, road, use Middle Road from King- to oo vont Sn ef - Perth t Rev. Mr. Garrett goes to Demorest. ston to Gananoque. From Ganamoque| , ow i es . " it is a niepy. zieoy pep- ville for another year. Mrs, F® Pear- | ! " to Brockville ue Front road to[%" nen el; Ashton Stats . Sti. permint that you will like, son and little daughter, Syracuse, ars | 'J Yonge Mills and use Lyn Road to iy sraye ED on to np Cc 100. the guests of Mrs. F. K. Smith. Hon. Brockville, a few short detours for YS In 4 ir: a lls Corne : " 2 , N. Parliament and wife are guests of | Hi yO culverts. Front Brockville to Prescott]: Yery fa 2 e : : roners hi . Good for Mre. William McFaul. Mrs, William detour at Brockville town line to sec: | SVL SOTRTWILS BEING eatried on digestion and Way Jenkins visited her brother J. B.| § ond concession, along this road for|>Y Subur oy hi gar os . Pearsall, Grofton, who is very lL 1 one mile, then south to highway, De- Sa via c yhoo a oi an Mrs. Alice Hill, Detroit, Mich, visits tour sandy but net heavy. Front road | CAr'in€ avenue. Datween Bell's Cora- ed her mother, Mrs. A. D. Wilson last] § § !there to Prescott good. ers and Ottawa, good. week. Toronto to Hamilton (via Dundas Harry Lane, a Wellington boy, who § |street)--Bloor street to Etobleoke What Jones Got. twenty-two years ago went to San | J [Creek, good; Etobicoke Creek to Dix-| When Jones' rich grandmother Francisco returned to his native town le, rough; Dixie to Cooksville, closed | passed away, all his poverty-stricken reed. on Saturday last, accompanied by his | J to traffic, culverts and paving being | friends ralifed about him with wordy y , mother of Port Hope, and they are Charm § [under comstruction; Cooksville to|of cheer and comfort} but Jones re Ee Ly - the guests of Mrs. Nina Rorke, Mrs. 3 : Waterdown, culverts and grading un | mained sad and dejected. "She foft a HOG AN'S Lane's daughter. Mr. Lane remark« der construction; Waterdown to {last will and testament, I suppose?" lil : ed that he really would not have re-| J ~ | Clappisons, fair. Detour between Dix- | murmured Jenkind eardiessly. "Oh. | he - e ~ cognized old' Wellington had he h | {le and Cooksville either north or |yes," said Jones. "she left ll and MEAT MARKE® = landed jn the night as there is such Bi ; ' }south. An They hung * NUL nud a8 lmprovement al Hamilton to Niagara Falls--=This |while sobs choked back his wards. -- a ellington cemetery is progres-| toad is in good condition, excep: be-|"I" he declared at last, "am to ba Hellman, Detroit, ball » | } » ve y hit sw sing and when the vaulf and other Joe Jordan and St Catharines|the testament." eet, a new record, = .

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