THE DAILY BR ITI SH WHIG. : MONDAY, JUEY '11, 1921. 4 CONDENSED ADVERTISING "RATES: First insertion. le. § word, Mack cui SBRCULIV IASEFON "THe FeRTIET, hall cent a word, Minimum charge for One insertion, Lie; toree insertions . 50 cents. ¥ The above rates are for. cash only, when charged they are double HELP WANTED, APPLY A NURSE GIRL, 142 Street. CHAMBER MAID WANTED AT Albion Hotel. MAIDS FOR LAUNDRY ply General Hospital WAITRESS AND CHAMBER MAID AT once at Queen's Hotel. THE WORK. AP. ICE CREAM 4 Princess St GIRL TO CLERK parlor. Apply at SECOND CHEF AND KITCHEN WO. man. Apply at the Frontenac Mo- tel COOK, GENERAL; REFERENCES R¥- quired. Apply at Miss Dwyer's, 64 Barrie Street KING M OMAN FOR PLAIN COOKING, MAY sleep home if preferred; good pay ! give reference. Box 0-7, Whig GOOD GENERAL OR WOMAN TO work by day or hour Apply Mrs Chown, Edgehill, 305 King Street Phone 387. WIDOWER WANTS MIDDLE-AGED woman as housekeeper for family of three, near Odessa Apply W. H. Reynolds, R, R. No. 3, Bath, Ont i RETURNED SOLDIERS -- WE HAVE real positions to offer retu } soldiers who can qualify. C for personal interview betw ten am. and 2 p.m. Mr. Wi head. Royal Bank Chambers (upper floor), Kingston, Ont | WE WANT A RELIABLE SALES| agent for each unrepresented coun- | ty or territory. Exclusive selling! rights; good pay to energetic rep- | resentatives. Our agency is valu- able. Write Pelham Nu sery Co. Toronto, Ont. LOME AT ONCE----MEN $6-10 DAILY, | special short courses; one month Auto Mechanics' course $50; one month Gas Tractor Cours $50; | plenty of time to mnish for spring rush. llemphill Bros. A: Gas Tractor School, 163 King st.| Toronto. Boara and .room| $8.50 up, Call or write. SALESMEN--WE PAY WEEKLY AND offer steady employment selfing our| complete and cxclusive lines of whole-root fresh- dug - to - order | trees and plants. Best stock and! service. We teaeh and equip you free. A money-making opportun- ity. Luke Brothers' Nurseries, of Montreal. AMBITIOUS MEN; SE ABILITY in their pres ition Is not re- cognized, and who aspire to do things in a b way, to such who have been looking for a field to demonstrate their ability, there is now open ap opportunity in the largest, most remunerative. most Successful field in all the Domin- fon of Canada. For confidential in- | terview, give phone number t, Box | in-9, Whig Office, { GOOD, RELIABLE: Maw WANTED T0 take orders and deliver the finest line of Teas. Coffees, ete. in Can- 4ga. Highest commission of any concern in the country paid: Bouds are guaranteed OF money re- funded. ach applicant mus; be financially responsible. If You are looking for a 800d, independent, permanent position with unlimited earning possibilities, this is your oppor.aunity. Quick action neces- sary. Patricta Blend Tea & Cof- fee, 651 Queen Street East, Toronto, | Help Wanted Experienced Cigar Makers. Also Girls to learn trade; steady work for 1921 guaranteed. Apply-- GEO. A. MCGOWAN CIGAR MFG. co, eT BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES, FOR SALE, ONE OF THE BEST Go- ing business hotels; vicinity King- ston; general and summer trade. Everything in first Owner ret health. 2 * WANTED GENERAL STENO- Puone | POSITION HY comp ENT Brapher. EXperienced 158w. . i PURUHASE A HOUSE B) Ist. Good location. Box 8 Untice . ---------------------------- ONE SEY OF HEAVY SINGLE ness anda spring delivery . Apply W. C. Mce.wen. Phone 2193w. | i FARM TW HudT, ABOLT 200 AC "RES, by pednlical farmer; view ty gur-! cause. Frank 'Herring, Coleman F. vu, B Turugto, i GRIND, wiLL! and grind your! ly. Lirop a card slierbeck = Street, WERS TO it Your home lawn mower j to W Kelly, Phone Zo47w TEACHERS Wa LAWN no Ye NTED, TEACHER FO NUMMAL TRAINED Lovughboro 8 » Witiy to J stun No. \Z. Sala A. Powell, KR Apply ymmei ) sec-lreas, Sun- Campbeil ni. { TRAINED (PROTEST ANT) | r tor 8. 8. No. 4, Pittsburg. | commence Sept. 1st, 1924. Salary 3s0u.0v. Appiy tu J. Abrams, | Sec. ~lreas t. Ri, Kingston, Ont. | A NORM teacher tor Duties to « FLOVL. Appiy treas., R. 2 AL THAINED (PROTE 8. 85. No. 11, ¥ mmence Sept. 1 Fred Wwils Joyceville, « Salary sec.- | ------------------------------ TEACHER FOR S. §, NO, 4, D NBIGH. | Salary §6vu p nudes ol a aIstrict CNL certincate. Liter, Treasurer, Depoign, Ont SCnouol year for the! third or uormal | Apply John Pet-| S' 8. No 4, een oe. | QUALMWIED TEACHER FOR S. S, NO, | 18, Kingston Townsnip; duties to] Cuiinence Sept, « 432 Dalary $y Apply to Carroll, | sec. -Treas., n Harrow- smith, R TWO QUALIFIED TEACHERS (PRO Lesants) tor Moscow public school. | Salaries: principal, $1v0v; assistant U.. Duiigs to begin Sept. 1st « APpYy to C, A. Baker, Mos- Ont A NORMAL TRAINED PROTESTANI teachers for 8. S135, Elginburgh Duties to commerge September pa, | Salary $900.00 apply tw Cw Hugnson, Sec.-Treas., Elginburgu RK. R. No. 1 QUALIFIED TEACHER FOR S, §, No 15, Richmond; duties to commence | Arter houdays. A stating sal- ary and qualifications, to harold | Sweet, secretary-treasurer, Route 1, Sharp's Corners, Ont | TEACHER WANTED FOR SAND BAY Public School, 8. 8S. No. 1s and 15. Duties to commence Sept. 1st, 19 Apply, stating salary ang quale Livlis to John B. Crozier, i. K i, Lansdowne, Ont a- | No. | | SATURDAY, THE PEOPLE'S FORUM A GOLD RING SET WITH A | cluster of gar is. sO a gold bar .pin Wn have same by app McCullough, Armou ON BAY STREET, PACK tickets for St. Mary's-or Lake garden pa had at 274 Ur LADY'S BATHIN ped from a s T, DROP- King The have same at 183 (HECK uwn- & WHITE coat at Sandy Bottom er ma same by calli at 102 Igy street AUTOMOBIL Sioon ON BATH Road July sth. Owner can have same by phoning 127 YALE LOCK KEY, OWNER MAY have same at Whig Office PAIR OF WHITE PANTS, NECK- tie; left at the Armouries af- ter hermess CAP N UT, Otfice, Albio: MOTOR M-258 by calling ¢ same SUM OF MONEY, PICKED UP IN post office lobby. Apply to rostmaster Stewart, ONE GORD RING WITH STONE nay" have same by at b05 Princess Street LVIng ownership. FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- TISED FREE. Anyone nndiug anything and Wishing to reacn the owner may uo so by reporting the facts to The British Wh The adver- tisement will be printed in this cviumn free of charge. Found articles" doe clude lost dogs, catti ete These, if lost, may Vertised four in the "Lost column. BABY'S GOLD PIN WITH INITIALS on it, on Division Street. Uw r may have same at 19% Frontenac Street. PARK, OR ON bill and $1 bil to Whig IN UIry King t 0 Finder please return fice. Reward NAVY BLUE AND WHITE HA city or on Barriefieid Road urday. Finder please return t SILVER WRIST black ribbon band on Saturday night Park, on street car Street from Alfred to Reward for return to 5 Street. A i4 Princess i LOST A CAN BLOY, WITH RED AND white flag Finder please com- municate with the Kingston Yacht QlaciriED tant) TEACHER for Unton School Section 3. Uso. Duties io commence Sep. Ist. Salary $500.00 Per annum. Ap- Piy to LD. Attewell, Secretary, Ocon- to, Ont. | (PROTE! | : | FOR SALE. Club 94, between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. QUALIFIED PROTESTA NT TEACHER for 8. 8. No. 4, Ernesttown. Duties Lu Cummence Sept. 1st. salary ac- cording to quantications. Apply, Slaliuy experience to L. A. vwart- an, secrewary, Collin's Bay, Ont, NURMAL TRAINED TEACHER FOR § { 8 17, Sharpton, hingston Town-| ship. »>alary §you ber annum. put} les to tommence September 1st, | 1821. Apply to Percy Maxw ell, | Sec.-Treasurer, Odessa, Ont ---- TRAINED TEACHER FOR! x Lougnboro, and 13 Pori- | Duties \to commence Sept 21. Apply, stating Salary and to Alen Brown, Harrowsmith, R R. -- ee -- A NORMAL TRAINED PROT teacher fog U. 8. No. 1, and No. 12, Kingston commence September boarding house. Salary $1,000. Ap- PY to #. C. VanLuven, Sec ~Treas., narrowsmith, Unt. STANT oruand, Duties to 1st; good TEACHER WANTED FOR s. 8, NO, 8, Hinchenbrook, holding a second or 4 third-class certincafe, Others need not apply, Duties to com- mence Sept, ird, 1921. Salary $750 per annum Apply, stating qualin- cations, to M. Storms, decCtetary- Treasurer, Parham, Ont. : A NORMAL TRAINED PROTESTANT teacher holding permanent second class certificate tor 8S. 8S. No. sg, Woife Island. Duties to commence Sept. 1st, 1921 Salary $900.00 per anaum. Apply to William Cooper, Secretary-Ureasurer, R. R. No. 2 Wolfe Island. : QUALIFIED, EXPERIENCED TEACH. er with second AWNINGS, TENTS, FLAGS, CANOES, | Phone 811. F. W. Cooke. { FRIVATE SALE OF HOUSEHOLD | furniture. Apply 196 Nelson Street. PURE BRED WHITE WYANDOTTE eggs, Martin's Dorcas strain, $3.00 10 $5.00 for 15. tham Incubator. mouth. Also 60 egg Cha- | J. Turner, Ports- CITY LOT, #9 FEET FRONTAGE; uz! feet deep; for cash $225.00. Also | incubator, 140 egg, and two brood- | ers; hot water neated. Only used | once. Cawson, 248 Concession St. | near Victocia Street. SCHOONER "*BERTRA CALKINS,» Carrying capacity 5uv net tous. Can be inspected at Picton, untarie. Furtner particulars and price on application. 7. L. VanDusen, Pic- ten, Unt, -------- WE HAVE FOR SALE ALL KINDS OF good second hand turniture and stoves. Any person having stoves 84C 1urniture to dispose of, we wii; ka) highest prices. J. Thompson, 453 Princess street. Pnone poow, 4 CA LISTED FOR SALE AT THE new auto repair suop, will be in / Al running urder. ail makes re- paired, wasaed, polished and greas- ed. datisfaction guaranteed at a reasonable rate. Apply 23s Queen, Just back of Y, M. C. A. Phone 1270m. One 3-Burner Coal Oil Stove with heating shelf and oven--$15.00. Books--3c., 10c, 15¢, and 25c. | CHINA CABINET, | THREE FINANCIAL pr STRANGE & STRANGE, INSURANCE ed in 1¥60; ly i companies re Mlice $5 Clarence ie posi office. nts @ FOR SALE ies I ONE REFRIG lent condit : Storage, Queen Str FRONTENAC LOAN ment Soclety; President, W.'F AND ALLEN STILL OPEN . Evening 7.30 Matinee Dally 2.15 NOW PLAYING Mary Robert Hine hart's Famous Story "DANGEROUS DAYS" Svhen 8 is Grows Weary of ilis Wife president, A. i Money issued on and farm broperties, municipal and county debentures; mortgages purchased; investment bunds f sae. doposils Aetelsed-and THIETest allow R. £0 Cartwright, manager, "nee street, Kingston Writl Siekn TINSMITHING, | A COMMODIOUS MAHOGANY SECRE- | tary. Apply tv Mrs Earl Street. ~ i GAS RANGE WITH OVEN, BABY C AR- | riage, baby's fur robes. Apply 508 Albert street. | CARPET, VERY HANDSOME ENG- | lish Axminster; scarcely used; 19x | Hedger, 131} DELBERT BENN, ONTARIO'S. FAM- Apply ous tinsmith, has given over fifty of his customers satisfaction. Cls~ tern pumps he is famous to repair, 17 Thomas street. FOR UPHOLSTERING. 12, $225. Phone 642. i | TALL OR DROV A CAR D TO WwW: J, Gavine, upholsterer, 216 Bagot st. BOW SER GASOLINE PUMP AND tank' tank contains 240 gal; pump 1 gal. cap. Apply G. A. Cooper, En- terprise. CARPET, | | ¥ W. HAROLD FOR YOUR UP- holstering and genera} repairing. Leave orders at or drop a card to 104 Clergy street. BED, SIDEROARD, STOVE, chairs, etc. Apply Mrs. Mannion, Portsmouth, Ont, next to Wick ham's grocery store. i ---------- HORSE, BETWEEN SIX AND SEVEN | years old; dark bay: about 1150 lbs; | COVERED BUTTONS MADE TO OR- ra Br te W. KENT MACNEE || Bank tf Commerce Butane Sr King Streets. Representing Only Reliable Companies PN pn " Miller's Repair 286 Queen Street., Cor. Barrie Street "Ask Your Grocer FOR WAGSTAFFE"S PURE FRUIT JAMS AND MARMALADE Phone General Insurance Agency ng:--Automobile, Fire, Accia ess, Plate Glass Burglary, etc. 0) or FIRST CLASS WASHING AND REPAIR WORK AT:-- + Sold in 12 anud'16 oz. Glass Pots and 2, 4 and 7 1b gold lined tins ". Shop der in all popular shapes and sizes. Jpholstering and Tepairing done. E. J. Goodridge, 24% University Avenue. well broke; in good condition Ap- ply VanLuven Bros. Garage. i GENUINE GRAPHONOLA AND TRN selections; your own choice, $42.50 Terms $7 cash; $5 per month: C. W, | Lindsay, Limited. 121 Princess St. | HASLOPF AND CCM, BICYCLES FOR | $45 up ] ¢ at reduced prices. Muller's Bicycle FURNITURE Also a few ladies' bicycles DR, A. E. KNAPP, DENTIST. REPAIRED AND FiN- Bui ished; guns, gramaphones. ete. re- guaranteed. Princess St, paired promptly a S th | 04 OFFICE ess P ress § 258 Princess Street Ia Works, 371-373 King Street. Phone | 1032we } "IDEAL" WATER POWER WASHING p, aranteed first class t he Apply any time -before 7 p.m. at 198 Nelson! Street, city. | | DRS. SPARKS AND | DR. RUPERT | | Phone §52w. | i SPARKS, DEN. 159 Wellington street, over Phone 346. « MILLAN, DENTIST, 84 Phone 1850. Open | for a tists, | Mary Carnovsky's. | ¥ Princess Street. evenings by appointment COKE FOR SUMMER USI; CUEAPE fuel on the market. We are de- livering 1-4 tons at $2.50; % tons at $4.75, or a full ton at $9.00. | Phone 1611m. W. C. Bruton. ! | KITCHEN RANGE, ENGLISH MA. DR. AYKROYD, DENTIN | - | T, HAS RE. | sumed practice at 92 Princess St. | over Bank of Nova Scotia. Phone | 1602J. | rr ---- ARCHITECT hogany wardrobe, and 3 piece| * solid oak bedroom suite, cheap ply 108 Clergy street, morning, or/ cveniug LLL AND BUY ALL KINDS OF | musical instruments, also cloth- | ing and furniture. Call and get our | prices. L. Routbard, 283 Princess] street. Phone 1723. ! SALE OF MILLINER)Y GOODS, CON- sisting of Malines, Veiling, Straw Ap-| PAGE PSTOWER, don AND DREVER, ARCHI- | | .Chambers, | Tuesd AND WARRINGTON, REGIS. leced architects, 199 Yunge Street | Toronto, | | the 1 tects, Merehants Bank corner of Brock and sireets. Ny Bry in By Welling tos | > Braids, Flowers, Kibbons; a few straw shapes, and children's hats Apply 112 Lower Willlam Street. PARLOR SETTES, chair and tables, kitchen table, ex- ---- tension ladder, wheelbarrow, gar-| A SIX WEEKS' OLD baby's Albert ) STANDARD BRED , DRIVING MARE, seven years old; very fast, but safe |» for any lady to drive, will trade for cows or hens. This mare will be +sold only to parties giving her a good home; no dealers Apply Box| 4-25, Whig. ! seats, coal oil laundry stove. Evenings. heater, 208 den bath, Streel. LARGE LOUNGE i and one chesterfield, upholstered in tapesiry; brand new; proprietors giving up business. The above will be sold separately or in one lot First reasonable offer accepted. Stoddard & Long. Upholsterers, 377 King Street East, Kingston, oppo- A HAPPY THOUGHT RANGE. PHONE }y___ °!!¢ Bishop's Machine Shop. \ SPP Pe TPO SY thee > F a FOR SALE % Butcher's refrigerator and 4% Tor sale. Offers will be r ved 3 by. H. D. Bibby up to July the 8th for purchase and removal of % refrigerator and Ice Box on prem- % ises lately occupied by Davies Co. 86 Princess Street. ice box ecei PEEL Ibeee EEE FE PIP PHT EI CLEARING SALE OF USED CARS z LESS THAN HALF PRICE $200--Ford Touring, 1916. 3L75--Féra Touring, 1917. 400---Chevrolet Touring, 1918. i Chevrolet Touring, 1818 --Chevrolet Roadster, 1319, | MATRIMONIAL HAIR, : CHAIRS | I AM A WIDOWER AND WOULD LIKE ~ dress H. 8. P. GARAGE, FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD; | STABLES AND SHEDS ON CORNER A = | | | AND Pam lets 25c. s! i Box PASTIME | No stamps. 14, Isher- Circle Remailed wood, Ont } BABY BOY FOR | addption. Good Catholic home, pri- | vate family would be preferable. | For further particulars apply Box | U-11, 'Whig Office. 5 Ste MOLES, WAKTS, BIRTH. | marks, skin cancers, scars, etc., re- | moved permanently, Satisfactory | glasses titted and furnished after | Others have failed. Goitre removed. Jo Joard experience. Dr. Eimer e, Kye. Ear, Nose. Throat, Skin. | picnic to he from lady age -- would prefer one with Some means of her own, as I do not | ar some good-looking want one that wants to marry for | ceased was forty years old. money or property, &s I have means | enough of my own. I have no ob- jection to maiden lady with, no children. 1 liv® in my own home in the city. 1 have no children. Ad: O. Box 114, Water- erald, of W town, N. x tending to his -early morning duties about Todd TO LrT. NEAR CORNER QUEEN and Bagot Apply D. G. Ha R. R. 1, Kingston. Phone 1100 r and e vived dren. all improvement 8, centrally locat- ed. Apply 243 University Awe. BOILERS, TANKS, TRACTION AND THRESHING ENGINES, MIXERS, ETC, REPAIRED, Breachings, | 20 years' experience, W.J. MILLARD From . = - ~The Ancient St. John's Lodge, No. 3 The officers and members above lodge are summoned to | Milton Lewis, Secretary, AMHERST ISLAND DEATHS. |The Late | Cormack, a well-known and highly respected farmer of Amherst Island, passed away with startling sudden- ness on Thursday morning. tended a wed {fore and was preparing. for a family | seized with between 50 and 60 years of Which proved fatal. {by his widow and daughter. A highly-esteemed farmer at.Em- on Thursday morning in. closed the life of one who was en- ojying prosperous old age. " CONCRETE lders of Tanks, Smoke Stacks. light structural steel, etc. Phone 1672. | TENDERS FOR BUTTER, 1921-1922 Sealed tenders, addressed to the Kingston | Provincial Secretary, , Parliament Buildings, Toronto, marked "Tenders NOTICE : for Butter," will be received up to oon om Friday, July 15th, for the m not or will not be responsible 3 livery of creamery butter for the ny debts contracted by my wife, ious for the years Collins, 34 Ellis Street, 1921 and 1922, viz.:v . --PETER COLLINS At the Ontario Hospitals in Brack= 3 ville, Cobourg, Whitby, Hamilton, : Kingston, London, Mimico, Penetan- guishine, Toronto, Orillia, Woodstock, Mercer Reformatory in Toronto, In- dustrial Farm, Burwash, Ontario Brick and Tile Plant, Mimico and On- tario Reformatory, Guelph. Delivery subject to satisfaction of Officers of Department of the Provin- * cial Secretaty, who mayifiéguire addi- of ae tional deliveries, not Uieseding 20 per Attend | cent., up to the 15th June, . ml EN ieainsiy Tenders will be received for. the whole guantity required, or for the Specified quantities required for each institution. . The Department reserves the right to requisition a percentage of Oleo- margarine to meet the requirements of the several institutions. A marked cheque for five per cent. of the estimated amount of the con- tract, payable to the order of the Pro- vincial Secretary, must be furnished by each tenderer as a guarantee of his bona fides, and two sufficient sureties, or the bond of a guarantge company authorized to do business in the Dominion of Canada, will be re- quired for the due fulfilment of each contract. Specifications and forms and copditions of tenders may'be ob- tained from the Inspector of Prisons and Public Charities, Parliament Buildings, Toronto, or from the Bur- sars of the respective institutions. The lowest or any tender not neces: sarily accepted, the Department ex- pressly reserving the right to accept any tender in whole or in part. H. C. NIXON; Provincial Secretary, Parliament Buildings, Toronto, July 7th, 1921. THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987. Wanting anything done In the earpen. Estimates ziven on all kinds ac Street - JAF. & AM, G.R.C. FUNERAL NOTICE ral of o ted to attend. ... order of the W. M. A. W. CATHCART Alexander ' McCormack and Wiliam McGinness. lla, July 9.--Alexahder Mec- He at- ding the evening be- on Thursday, a when he was sudden weakness, He is survived The de- Amherst Island, passed away the person iliam McGinness. While at- the farm he was suddenly with heart failure, which The de- was an Anglican in religion, ighty years of age. He is sur- by a widow and twelve chil- d mew work: alse hard. of all kinds. AN orders prompt artestioa. 28 Queen Street. of Wellington and Barrack Street, by Muay Ist. Apply 31 Rideau St. NINE ROOMED STONE HOUSE, 146 Montreal St, all improvements. Phone 1099 ring 3. Vacant April ist. --Ford Ton Truck, 191s. k. --Indian Matorcycle. | er Motorcycle. | $55 i $200--Harley -Dalvidson Motorcycle, ana | FUR NISHED BRICK | BU NGALOW; ¢ rooms; electric light; all improve. ments; good cellar. No children. 41 Quebec St. Possession July 1st. Side car.~4 uandler Tourin 2 p vg & 1920, cost £500 GEO. A. PALMER | STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, own lock orage, 199. Phone 526; res. 959w. Qi3y, airy rooms; your and key. Frost's City 305 Queen St Opposite Blue Garage Cer. Bagot and Queen Streets | Fhone 410J. { ' +E Fete *! - - +i rete tte * FOR SALE co Four handsome Cherry Wall Show Cases with mirrors and ex- tra large end, mirror, and 5 count- er show cases; al} in good shape; + quick sale. Phone or write. Box ol 136, Napanee, Ont. 2 AAA EE EE TET TT Fhe pl dbp rnd | BY JuLy IST, AN APARTMENT OF | four rooms and hall, partly furn- | ish; electric light; gas for cook- | 313 University Ave, | . ee -- FIVE ROOMS FOR SUMMER SEASON at "Robinson's Point," beyond On- | BRICK HOUSE ON BAGOT STREET--centrally located--$2000 --this is a real bargain. ALSO A NUMBER OF OTHER FINE HOMES TO CHOOSE FROM M. B. TRUMPOUR 111}¢ BROCK STREET - - PHONE 704 or 1461w. tario Park; also tent space on | Sen point Mills Company, 79 Clarence Street. on bathroom flat; electric light; all vonvenineces. Use of phone. Ap- Ply 376 Barrie street, near Princess PLEASANT WATER TRIPS STEAMER ST. LAWRENCE July 10th--Regular trip to 'Alexandria Bay. Leave Ferry Dock 1 | ur phone 2238w, | ---- ee FOUR ROOM APARTMENT, ! wood floors, electric Stove, heater, refrigeraior, modern | in every way. Apply to White's in- | Surance Office, 239 Bagot street. or third clasg cer- tificate, Protestant, for 8. 8. No. 6, Loughboro School, 142 miles from Perth Ro: | station, C. N. Railway; board close to school. Salary $1,000. Duties to commence beginning of term. Apply to W. J. Corkill, Perth Road, Ont. > 1 kitchen cubboard--$10.00. Kitchen Cupboards--3$4, $5, and $s Columbia Grafonola, Cabinet Grand and 30 Records--$61.00. 1 Columbia Grafonola with $ records --$15.00. 1 Combination Gas and Coal Range; hike new--$50.00, = A few dishes--ic., 0c, and he We buy all kinds of Furniture, LESSE'S ANTIQUE SHOP FPhoue 1045Ww. 307 Princess Street. Sunday, a ------ FANCY Goobs. HEMSTITCHING, rFicor EDGING, AC- cordion, knife and 1 Hours 9 to 5.30. h 4 Victoria Terrace, Montre: opposite Artillery Park. ee a a mea t 2.00 p.m. Fare, round trip, 15 centss Tuesday, July 12th-----Gananoque, 12% h July gelebration Boat leaves the * Ferry Dock 9.00 am. Returp fare, 1.09. Wednesday, July 13th--Popular trip to Pieton and the ! Boat leaves Ferry Docle 10.5% a.m. Return fare rR PARE x i Auto bus and automobiles w meet steamer in Pi 4 A YEN hav HovsS AND passengers to the Sand Banks. Fare by auto sion. Also & new furnished sum. Fare by automobile, $1.00 ret urn. mer cottage at Eastview Park. Ap-| Thursday, July 14th--Moonlight to Gananoque. Leave Kingston 7.30 Ply to J. D. Boyd, 332 University 24 p.m. Fare round trip, 50 cen ts. Ave. Ce., Limi FURNISHED SUMMER COTTAGES AT Eastview Park; new; 7 rooms; $35 per month; also § rooms. $25 per month. Apply J. D. Boyd, 332 Uni- versity Avenue or R. R. No. 1, East- view Park. Emme CHIROPRACTIC. + * | TWO FURNISHED FRONT BEDROOMS LAND SURVEYOR HARD- light, gas! rr. ne MILLER, B.Ap. Se, C.K, O.L.S, Banks, L.8. M.ELC, Napanee, Unt. On- tario Land Survey Kingston Of- fice: Walkem & Walkem, 93 Clar- THIS WEEK Some choice Nut Coal . . . . $16.50 per ton James Swift & Co., Limi Foot of Johnson St. Sand Tie. ton and convey Bus, 75 ecentgireturn, Ki Nav -» CUNNINGHAM & SMITH, BARRIST. ers and Solicitors, 379 Clarence Street, Kingston. A. B Cunaing- ham, Cyril M. Smith. AMBROSE sHEA, B.A. BARRISTER Law oXice, corner of King and Brock, over Royal Baok. Money to loah. Phone 1999. The Most Wonder + Market Badal XS Chevrolet "Baby Grand" Models : Roadster ........ ..........$1595.00 Touring Cd Fac 3155.00 Touring Special (Cord Tires) . .$1720. Coupe, 4 passenger (cord tires) $2495.00 Sedan (cord tires) ..........$2495.00 All cars completely equipped. .. Government Sales Tax and freight from Oshawa extra. We will be pleased . CHEVROLET SALES iS AND SERVICE BAWDEN & EDWARDS 80 MONTREAL STREET - PHONE 400. A GOOD BUY FOR INVESTMENT OR for a home. Une of the best built stone houses in the city, central io- cation, recently painted and decor- ated inside and outside, stone gar- age and stables. buy direct trom tae owner and save commission. Will take $5,000 for quick sale. it's cheap at $5,000. Consult the own- er. Apply BOx R-21, Whig Office. BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE, FOR SALE --~-- FURNITURE FINISHING CALL OR DROP A 9ARD TO W. DRIS- ¥ coll, 23 John street. Wi. A. MARCELIS, D.C, Ph. C,, Cor ner Princess and Barrie Streets. 2nd floor, Barrie St. entrance, Kingston, Ont. Consultation free. Telephone $32). Hours 9 to 12 ara. 1 to § p.m. = SIGNS . SIGNS OF ALL KiNDS, GLASS, wWouDb, $2.000-FRAME; 4 ROOMS; NEW; B. ete. large or NmAlL Suarantsed XX BUSINESS OPPORTUN TITIES. UNIQUE TOILET ARTICLE: NECES.- sity for every woman: big seller; new invention. Will sell rights for entire Dominion or specific terri id C.; electric lights. Boid ileal; posiers, showcards, etc. i : i. artistically written ang --- designed C SEMLDETACHED:; six| RY U%% 4t 203 Princess Street rooms; B. and C.; down towa. when nearly everyone is anxious to get ouf of the city in a boat or an automobile. If you are going by either route, first see that the engine is in first class order. We can put it in this condition. Come and let us prove it to you. DAVIS DRY DOCK. CO. ~*~ EastEndof Wellington St. MEDICAL. DR. C. M. ELLIOTT. 3&z BROCK ST. MS; LATEST | tral, MASONRY AND CARPENTERING MeCLENNAN -- BATTERSHILL brick work, plastering and genera! house repairs by the day. Also painting. Satisfaction given. 1 Street. Kingston. P| PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING WH WASTING FAINTING OR done, a card te Al unteer. ¥4 Arch sireet. HENRY WARD & Sox Paper Haugers ' ors. Now is your 18671. RAME; NEW; ¢ ROOMS; B. and C.; electric lights. $6,500--BRICK; 10 improvements; cen "Hoeven Siopee -- THREE STONE HOUSE; "north end. $TH--BRICK. SEMI-DETACHED; rooms; hot water heating; side en- trance; right of way. $3,400--BRICK ; SEMI-DETACHED; Ss rooms; hot water heating; side en- trance; right of way. -- Td $4,300 PRESSED CK; 6 ROOMS; hot air; 3 piece bath; te leotite light and gas; hw. foors and Cypress Auction Sales 1 am the Set Sutioncer in Kingston. BERORD he acne CARPENTERING 5 WHEN YOU WANT THE e James Selby, Com University Avenue. Phone to demonstrate. A Reo Frack | Bide seats for 12, Ji250.00 cash , only. Also § soda water cy. linders cheap. . 3 PAINTING AND PAPER uANGING ----- Estimates freely gi "J. TURK Phone 705 LE Ted