Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Jul 1921, p. 11

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{¢ WEDNESDAY, JULY 18, 1921.¢ \ oe . THE MARKET REPORTS GRAIN UOTATIONS. Toronto. . Toronto, July 12--Manitoba wheat No. I Hortiern FT 7-8 No )o., $1.71 7-8; No. 3 do., $1.68 7-8; juoted; No. 4 wheat, not quoted. Manitoba oats--No. 2 CW, 48 8c; No. 8 CW, 46¢; extra No. 1 yod 485 5-8¢; No. 1 feed, 43 7-8; No. | teed 43 1-8¢. Maniioba barley--No. 8 C.W., 79 fe No. 4 C.W., 75 1-2¢c; rejected, 9 1-2¢; feed, 68 1-8c. ~All the above in store, Fort Wil- lam. American corn--No. 3 yellow. 8c. iominal, ¢.i.f., bay ports. Canadian ebrn--Feed, nominal, Barley--Ontario malting, 65¢ to 70¢, outside, % Ontario wheat--Nominal. Ontario oats~-No.'2 white, nomin- al, 40¢ to 43e, aoéotding to freight «outside, Peas--No. 2, nominal. Buckwheat---No, 2, nominal, Rye--No, 2, $1.25. Ontarig flour--50 per cent. patent, $7.40; bulk, seaboard,'94 per cent. patent, nominal, in jute bags, Mon- treal and Toronto. Manitoba flour ~-- Track, Toronto, cash prices: First patents, $10.50; second patents, $10, Millfeed = Carloads, delivered, Montreal freights, bag included: Bran, per ton, $23 to $25; shorts, per ton, $23 to $37; feed flour, $1.60 to $1.75. Hay-No. 1, per ton, baled, track Foronto, $17 to $19; mixed, $8 to 310; straw, $10 per ton, car lots. Jaan. * Winnipeg. Winnipeg, July 13.~~Cakh prices: Wheat--No. 1 Northern $1.81 1-4; No. 8 Northern, $1.80 1-3; bther grades not quoted; track, Manitoba, Baskatchewan and Alberta, $1.74 3-4, Oats--No. 2 CW. 49%; No, 3 C.W., 46 1-8¢c; extra No. 1 feed, 45 3-4c; No, 1 feed, 44¢; No, 2 feed, 43 1-2¢; track, 48 3-4c, Barley-~No. 3 ow, 80 1- tor No. 1C.W,, 6c; rejected, 700; feed, 69¢; track, 80c, 0, 1 NNW.C.,, $1.77 6-8; No.8 CW,, $1.73 6-8; No. 3 C.W,, $1.47 5-8; condemned, $1.47 5-8; track, $1.77 5-8. Sian--"-- Ohicago. uicase, July 12.--Wheat--No. 2 $1.21 3-4; No. 2 hard, $1.23. Te 2 mixed, 60 1-2 to 61 3-4¢; No. a yellow, 60 3-4 to 62¢. Oats--No, 2 white, 36 3-4 to 37¢; No. 3 white, 34 to 35 1-4c. Rye--No. 2, nominal, Barley--56 to 6le, Timothy--$4.50 to $6.75, Clover--$13 to, $19. Rye---No. 2 C.W., $1.37. Minneapolis. Minneapolis, July 11.----~Flour 20 to 25¢ higher in carload lots, family patents, qugted at $8.70 to $8.85 a barrel in 98 1b. cotton sacks, Ship- ments, 46,673 barréls. Bran--$13 to $13. Wheat--Cash, nominal; Northern, $1.37 1-2 to $1.47 1-2; July, $1.22 1-2; September, $1.23 1-2. Corn--No. 8 yellow, 47 to 48¢c. Oats--No. 8 white, 32 to 32 1-2¢c. Flax--nominal, $1.83 to $1.84. . Montrédl, July 12.~-Oats, Cana- dian western, No. 2, 603%c to 61%c¢; do. No. 3, 68%¢ to 88%e¢c Flour, Manitoba spring wheat patents, firsts, $1050. Rolled oats, bag 90 Ibs, $3.05, Bran, $25.26; shorts, $27.26. Hay, No, '2 per tom, car lots, $26 to $27. New York. Sas lorr. w: York, = July ~Flou hoi vi spring 'patents, $8.50 to $9; spring clears, $7.25 to $7.15; soft winter straights, $6 to $6. 76; hard winter straights, $7.36 to $8. : \ Hay firm; No. 1, $30 'to $33; No. g, $23 to $26; shipping, $20 to 322. Hops quiet; state, 1920, 24c Jo 30¢c; 1918, 16¢-- to 17¢; Pacific zo0ast, 1920, 19¢ to 26¢; 1919. 16¢ to 18ec. ; , LIVE STOCK MARKETS, nas, Toronto. Toronto, July 13.---Good heavy steers, $6.76 to T1.80; baby" beeves, $6.75 to $7.60; butcher steers, choice $7.00 to $7.50; do' good, $8.35 1% $6.75; do. common, $3.00 to $4. 803 butcher heifers, choice, $6.76 to $7.50; do aedinm, $5.50 to $6.25; do common, nie vo 36: Sannere and cutters, $1.00 to ; oo Sacdhor 74.00 to $4.50; biitchér bulls, good, $4.75 to $6.00; do fair, $6.76; common, $2 to $6; butcher heifers, choice; $6.75 to $7.00; med- jum, $6.50 to $6.26; common, $2 to $5: butcher cows, choice, $5.80 to ners, $1.00 to $1.50; cutters, $1.50 to $2.50; butcher bulls, good, $5.00 to $6.50; confmon, $2.00 to $4.00. ~ Good veal, $6.50 to $3.00; med- fum, $3.50 to 35. 00; grass, $2.50 to L§8: 5 Qos a ------------------ Ewes, $2.00 to $4. 50; lambs, good, $8.00 to $9.00; common, $6.00 ta $7.50. * Hogs, selects, quoted at $13.00, Chicago. Chicago, July 13. -- Céttle steady; top handy weight steers, $8.90; bulk beef steers, $7 to $8.50; bulk fat she stock, $4.50 to $5.65; canners and cutters, largely $2 to -$3.25; bulk bologna bulls, $4.75 to $5.25; butch- er grades, largély $5.50 to $6.50; bulk veal calves, $9.75 to $10.25; slockers, steady; feeders, dull. Hogs--Top, $10.15; bulk better buying grades, $9.75 to $10.10; bulk packing sows, $8.65 to $9; pigs, 50 to 76 cents higher; bulk desirable; $9.75 to $9.90. Sheep---Early top natives, $10.75; no western sold early; shecp steady; best light native ewes $5. GENBRAT, TRADE. Montreal, Montreal, July 12---Butter -- No. 1 fresh made butter, 38c per Ib.; prints; 88c per Ih; dalry, 25c.; cooking butter, 20c.; oleomargarine 23 per 1b. ' Bggs--No. 1, 35¢; extras, 40¢. 'Lard--In prints, 18c. 1b. Bhortenings--Prints, 15¢. Ham---Large sige, 80c; 60¢c 1b. Small size, 40c. Bacon---Windsor boneless, 52¢ per 1b.; breakfast, 38¢. to 45c¢. per Ib, Dressed poultry--Milkfed chickens 43c. to 46c. 1b.; selected chickens, 38¢. to 40c.; fowls, 32¢c. to 35c.; geese, 33c.; turkeys, 68c. to 80ec.; ducks, 50c. 1b. Beans ---- Canadian. hand-picked, $2.65 to $2.76 per bushel; peas $2.50 to $3. Dressed hdgs-- Fresh Killed abbat- oir stock, $19 to $20 per 100 lbs. Potatoes -- Green Mountain, 80c to 66¢c. Quebec stock, 45¢. to 50c per 90-1b, bag. cooked, In---- _-" -Toronto. Toronto, July A2.--Butter, dairy, | 80¢ toySbe; do., creamery, 35c to [45¢;-giargarine, 1:, #%c to 30¢; eggs, fresh, dos. 40¢ to 48¢c; cheese, 1b., new, 24¢ to 25¢; ¢hickens, 1b., 45¢c to 60c; chickens, spring, Ib. 60c to 65e; fowl, 1b, 33¢ to 38¢; Sucks, 1b., 46¢c apd B0c: turkeys, Ib, 50c » DATES OF FALL FAIRS. Almonts Arden Arnprior Bancroft 'Belleville Bowmanville ...esuve. Centreville ......i.. Sept. Cobourg w.isassains. Cornwall ..... Delta Sept, 12-14 Demorestville ......... Oct. 8 Frapkville ....:.... a win . 32-23 Inverary ..... Kemptville Kingston ~. , ... ARP . Lanark ......vws, 0. .8ept. 9 Lansdowne ......... + .Bept. 16-16 Lombardy ,.:...u:. «+ -Sept. 10 Maberly ... «...Bept. 27-28 Madoe .\.,..: Ot. 4-6 McDonald's Corners ....Sept. 30 Merrickville ........ «Sept. 20.21 Morrisburg ...:.. « JAug. 2- i Napanee ... Odessa Oshawa ........1, deals "Sept. 12-14 Ottawa (Central Canada) Sept. 9-19 Parham Sept. 16-16 Perth Aug. 31, Sept. 1-2 Peterboro Sept. 14-17 Picton . 20-23 Shannonville Spencerville Stirling - Sept. 22-23 Toronto (Can. Nat.) Aug. 27-8ept. 10 Tweed Sept. 27-28 ---------------- L ABLE TO FOLLOW ANY TRAIL. B-- Among the Most Skillful Trackers in the World. The Ahnds, natives of Jaum, India, Are among the most skilled: animal [trackers in the world, according to R. ©. Burton, writing in the Field [They track bears, panthers and other jungle creatures by a mere shadow of a footpriiit and also by "marking," 4 system of watching. 'When "marking" animals the nae tives turn out before sunrise and watch the animals as they slink back $1.5 © to 6 31.75; 75; do common, $3.75 to [to their lairs, Then when the hunters teoders, good, 900 Ibs, $6.50 $12.95: do Lob, bid, $10.95; farmer, bid, $11.00; « Montreal, '13. --~Cattle~But. cher steers, $7.50 to $8. go; good, for to $7. 5: medium, $6 to take & position of vantage the mark- er's alds surround the animal' on thiee sides, and drive it out from The i e Ahnds often track bears actors | Solid rock, where the creatures' jolaws, scratching the surface, leave \ & mark. The panther's tread 18 so soft that nd impress is made, save where the ground is soft enough to ie Srouid It cit ancnslt a1 yot they track these wary animals when they show near the village. ------------------ Income Up to » from investments will from civic taxation. $800 will be taxable. Jor 183 owe in past years, payment had to be| made on the entire amount, k But a change was made in the law at the last session of the legislature, h 4 Brety man knows a lot of vem. edles that he is always ree ing to other people - {think of taking himself. & woman falls (6 man they are on equal $6.50; medium, $2:60 to $5.00; can-| NR np si Ni. AN ARR A hy WN A WAN \\ A \ MN AN a Mh WN WN i \ NR AW \ \\ N oF \ \ A RE WA A WA RS AN WN ney A J you will find t DOMINION TIRES Doon TIRES have proved their superiority on every size and make of car, under every condition of road and weather. Their quality and workmanship have stood the _ test to the satisfaction of every motorist who keeps .& record of tire cost and knows what mileage each tire. gives. If you want this certainty of service, equip your car with TIRES DOMINION . POMINION INNER TUBES and DOMINION TIRE ACCESSORIES are just as good--in their way--as are Déminion Tires. Sold by the Best Dealers throughout Canada Ba, a ee ele Rf fe re rl re) elf 2) re ft eT REET SHE) fo) fe Jl fo J. MOORE & SONS: "i WE REBUILD oLp TIRES City of Edmonton 7%-20 Year Bonds Interest June and December Price 99, to yield 7.10 _Bongard, Ryerson & Co. "The Home of Good Inyéatments." 287 BAGOT STREET. : PHONE 1728. : $800 Evestipt. - Beginning with the 192% I 3 mont and tax lay ocome up ta 9 $10 Jak DR. NASH "DENTIST : 188 Princess Street. 'Phone 745 WE TAKE X-RAY PICTURES of troublesome teeth. Dormoforn. Gas administered for ex. traction. Safe and painless. Shitamachi IN WHICH CLASS WiLL You YOU BE? shows that of 100 averfige heal- thy men, 25 y of age, he fol 8 tine t six tytfive years of ag "only will o 'wealthy: FOUR will 'be well-to-do. > will still be working for will be 'depen- avs Sr an bs depen. v5 - Ford Touring, 1977 Ford Touring, 1914. McLaughlin D-35. McLaughlin K-63. Chev. 490. Special bargain $395. Reo Touring. All cars in Al shape, good tires

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