Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Jul 1921, p. 12

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WEDNISBAY, SULT 12, 1024, ' THE DAILY BRITIS H WHIG. \ = . i oR y . | For Quick rs. { sessassracisronsersnrssina |' WONDERFUL { . -- | Dessert. € > | i : A Boston clergythan has two sons, - . : : Ro 2 \ Ny | Adopted Son of Barrie, \ | Bteen and 'six yosrs old, the elder of | pd : ~ | tpl DECLARES NOY, whom wis to be confirmed. i 3 ° 2 ' i Who laspired Peter Pea, : | , The bishop and severai distinguished | ere the Blind Was Dr d la Thames -- | persons were luvited to dinner, The Y | as Drowned In ~~ | "Tanlac Is Certainly the Medi- | Rother of the boys, desiring to Show y ; 5 0006000 200000 | off the younger, asked earnestly: | as er ea need olng to Make #8 Man Feel |.piyie 4 u know what is going | cre. Jelly Crystals |. BARLY twenty years 40, #0 |: | jo Som " to-hppen 1a Gin todas: 7 Soins | : oe y.ry the story goes, James Barrie | 9 ething," He Says. iy ron iF ~Clarkewood == Residence for : i . t : | neni SER Esteem mr sigesmsmnng on oe i : : blind girls, Sherbourne St Dinas im ae sgh gem rT SASBI 0. Play With A-RAPPP-Lr-upy or SE. that' built | "What?" she asked, with u glance :" Torenth, > Fath 8roup of attractive obildren | pg yu) 4, wonderfully nearly three | A70URd the table to call attemtion to ' ¢ 2--Pearson Hall -- Residential : Far superior to the average Jelly | |romping in Kensington Oardess. | years ago and I think it's the best |e SIL 2 Is sal ut bis ming] and Training Quarters for HE ws stone blind! The sight of his eyes Powder, From that incident cams the idyl of |in the world," said 'James H. Noyes, oi Dt cing to pu -_ blind soldiers, Beverley St, was taken on the muddy fields of France Each packet makes one pint of | |irseete White Bird" and: Peter Pan, Of 54 Clyde street, Hamilton, Ong? | Ra pb Mvonind org remarked, | ~ Toronto. = and-he was left helpless and alone in his pro. delicious jelly. Six flavors. the boy Who never grew up. tut ole time | Josan taking Ha. " 7.--Boston ox. 8--Library and Publishing Dept. found darkness! il A igial will convince vou. Four 6f the ohfigren with whom 1 as in a baddy - run-down and | A Bone en Fide. ; --142. College , St., Toronto. _He was brought back to Canada--tiis pre-war At your grocers ' lett | YEIY weak condition. 1 had no appe { Free distribution of Litera 2 a . cil yop Barrie played that day were lef | tite and. my sleep seemed to do me | Rover, the Mastif--Ah, Fide, my g ture and Music, : Occupation as electrical engineer of no earthly WEIR SPECIALTY co. mn -| orphans by the death of their par- {very prvi Ee = felt tired and | bOY. these are satred grounds here 4 Ind ; Use to him. He chose to study massage at FORINT. om i A ADA ents, Arthur Llewellyn Davies and | orn out all the time, just didn't | abouts. Don't you know that the : Shon, Dept. for iy Pearson Hall, the Blind Soldiers' Residence in -- his wife, Syivia, a beautiful sister of | seam 1, have a particle' of energy, | PoBes of your imastérs ancestors are Halifax apd Winaiotp, ... Toronto. In eleven months he was writing hig: Gerald di Maurier, the actor. Davies [and.1 always had to be taking somre- | buried in here? | 8--Vocational Work Shop._P University examinations along with thirty others, Was a brillant seholar; his wife was | thing for constipation. My entire| Fido, the Terrier--Well, well, that Te King St B, Tor 4 of whom had perfect vision. He came out Grisel of the Crooked Bmlile in "Sen- | System seemed to be out of order | ACCOURS for it, then. I've rua across ronto tm fop--over all the sighted people who wrote on " Barrie adopted | and, I ached and hurt all over. several strange benes lately. but I laid . that difficult examination. To-day he is looked ry -- a Te ne | #1 heard so .much about Taniac 'emu onte that new dog down the road. S-Judviivia) Dept. fo Women upon as one of the finest masseurs in Canada. ° ) viral : win St., Toronto. / . 4 tion | helping. athers that I decided to see =u » Many' Ne nA 3400, Sied in etion i it would bring me back to mysé¥. In for Business. 7--Massage Classes-- Successful ry Serr Svs frduaed with Spectaculas Ll olin Daviec, an Oxford under- I took three bottles in all, and it put | Mrs. Knowsitt--I think Mr, Shyboy graduates gaining feputation hei i & . ey hol se Was drowned in the mein shape to where I felt like a | "ill Propose to Amna tonight. » throughout Canada. thelr positions om the sheer merit of their work. ames. brand-new man and I have felt well | Mr Knowsitt--What makes you | 8--Prevention of Blindness These successes can be duplicated by those Michael, who 18 'said to have In {ever since until a little while back, | think so? ; id - Dept. -- Activities in Mari. capable blind civilians who would otherwise Spired Peter, was 20 years old. He when I commenced to feel a little | Mrs. Knowsitt--Didn't you notice . ime Povinees, Ontario and have to follow mediocre occupations. Help ug uld not have done more than just 'Tun down again. - I remembered how | DOW determined she looked as she estern Provinces. to extend this work. ' ie iano Poter, cust as he | Tanlac helped me befors, So here I | eat Into the parlor? B= Home (Teaching Dept. Ce ry lam getting. another bottle. It cer- yp options 4 or roughout Canada. Jas Doss A "hun other ciavecteny, | tainly is the medicine to make a fel- | WANTED TO KNOW 10--After Care Dept. -- Books, "li kt Th ; - fainity that have charmed the world. | low feel like something, and I'm -- music, social calls, relief and 1g en err Barrie has the genius to write him- jalways glad to tell others about it." | wu 2 : N\A general follow-up. 2 seit into all kinds of feminine roles, | Tanlac is sold in Kingston by A. | < | - i 11--Social Relief Committees of Darkness As well as into those depicting boy- {P. Chown.--Advt. IA ; : omen's Auxiliary of - the Send your subscription to the Fund Soon In all ages from the cradle to * Institute in various centres. being raised by this"newspaper. © grave. | : 12--Sales Room--Retail store at 1 i But that is not all of Barrie. His ATTLE 'ARE. KILLED. | ea Canadian ational _ humor, called elusive, is the laughter CATTLE ARE KILL 712 Yonge St. Toronto. =k P that shines through tears, the per- : an | ; 13-- Normal Home-Teachers Class Institute for he Blind x By an Electric Storm Which Passed | . Fo \ = eXYel 4 +] ne J dent piend of ite Somedy mat tise Over Hare. George St, Toronto. ; Head Office : sobs, aud feel like erying over things | Harlowe, July 12.--The electric 14--Placement. Work -- Re-adap- 36 King Street East at which we once laughed. 'Peter storm on Thursday killed five head tional ' training for pre-war Toronto, Canada : Pen' is among the latter. For Barrie, | of cattle belonging to Mr. Samuel , Occupations, | HF] LG PIMLAALLY (sad many others, Peter is now one Cuddy. The recent showers have help- H , ! SASANALN [of the saddest joys. It could only | oi the garden, fruit and grain, but yo Sow Emon Dorome thous | LL, Fores | wf ® AGENCY FOR ALL Adams, who has not been seen in | Edwin McCausland, absent for if the role since the death of Charles | thirty-two' years, Is now here Irom | : Frohman on the Lusitania, probably | British Columbia visiting his mother, | \ ; ; . ap ; ; . N " OCEAN STEAMSHIPS could not bring back the spontan- | who is dangerously jll. | oF f : ; ) H. APPLETO IN | 6ous joy that.was once the delight Operations at the plant have call- Announces the opening of a new I'lumbing and Heating Establishment toms ' DIOKIR KNEW, | concentrated ' of tiousands. ed for more help, and twenty-five | oe 1 f tes 3 os Cs CP. &T. A, G.T. Ry., Kingston, Ont. And Barrie himself has been too more men are wanted at once. The | Mamma--Now, Wille, if you'll be : i Piiies an contraeting ang. att Kine isn ANDERSON BROS. Nr. For particulars apply to-- deeply touched by the world Hragedy, {mine is now booming and the people | a good boy T'll give you a nice bir 3 call. - Phone $78w : 3 well bY Jauonal sduen, Eyer | hope to see dividends paid in the near | day present. > p> ng NLEY all of its subtlety and fineness, shows | future. | Willie--Dat's like buying a cat in | i J. P. HA) ta the saddened Barrie. Not since the Guests are now flocking to the!a bag. Wat's de present? | Its use marks you as beginning of the war has Barrie | summer resort, "Bon Echo," { - : -------------- on ------. i it "It's the swellest kind of dinner (Bs . i = lus who' created hjm is grown up Sadie Wise. But I'd sooner be in my bed." It's Worth While WHITE FISH : 23c gore . SCRA 9 Soe 2 8 2 0 20s a . Neg { bas long been absent fom the stage. der the parental roof at Myers Cave. The Worst Ye | . a -------------------- - " | MAKE RESERVATIONS NOW | laughter, points. - Mrs. Sadie Wise and son, Last night he put a mouse in his We have a most complete selection | A. McGregor motored spiritually, and the figure that made Yet Peter Pan still lives and when | The Sunday Schoal picnic was a sucs "There! There! What has Ferdi- . ss + i Of RED SALMON HLT MB . 35¢. TO 'EUROPE the world has had time to forget a |C€SS, over $70 being realized. 'Quite | naud heen doing mow?" TO 108K GVER OLR STOCK © re nay a 0 Sori | ee os WM. DUNCAN MONTREAL TO MVERPOOL Embarrassed Queen Robie, spent Sunday at H. Spring- | change pocket and I nearly dled of Have us save or get you your favorite . * wl nn 0) ' 4d > "® | been the same, any more than the Mr. and Mrs. W. Scott and Mr. and | . Disliked Being in Scciety, n ' @ judge of tobacco ; . world has been the same. The boy | Mrs. C. Hillier motored from Har- | "I've got to attend a dinner X CANADIAN LIE who inspired Peter is dead, the gen- lowe on Saturday, as.guests of Mrs. Tonight," the o¥ster sald: JCEAN P = , TIT . % -- Peter real to the American public daroush here to spend few days un | ith ; Oily Ki BIS i res 20 little, should once more bring |a Bumber 'spent the 12th at various| "Oh! mother, I'll never forgive him. SMOKERS: WANTS Y PP v C. pr. 8{Aug. 5(Sept. 2 er's home, "Forest Glen." Mr. | fright when I touched it, and he never 0 MAGAZINE. Ph 1283F, PRINCESS. & 6 16lAug. 17| ....Metagama The Crown Prince of Japan, who | Roscoe, Belleville, and Mr, Bally, | woke up to comfort me." . one 1 IN CE 221Aug. , . Victorian ug. 2 35 RIN SS STREET 39/A & Melita (Is 71 present in Bugland, is not like- | Kingston, were here this week, The -------- QUEBEC TO LIVERPOOL ly to prove so embarrassing to the government inspéctor of scales was Cause and Effect. , a : eS Bay: sept. Emp. Sf Britain gauze Officials as some other visitors |; town this' morning. Rev. M. Hall, | "Dees my daughter's piano playing ac ° er What has become of the We mt About one man in each 10,000 is MONTREAL TO GLA' --_ the east who have paid state Flinton, is 'moving here: The ladies annoy your husband?' asked 'Mrs, 260 PRINCESS STREET loned man who used to part his hai: t. 4 Tretorian a Victoria never forgot the | Met at parsonage Tuesday and paper- Gushley of the woman next door. THE BUSY CIGAR STORE on the back of his head? roa EAL HAVRE-LONDDN . visit of the late Shah of Persia, |©d. Miss Sims, Teronto, Rev. Dr. and "Not in the least" replied her J amolscht 3... Sicllian ¥hose veneer of efviliation was so | Mrs. Wickware and family, Newport, | neighbor, sweetly. - "He always goes ney ig - : v Montreal--Southampton--Antwerp thin that his stay in Great Britain | and Mr, Crouse, Toronto, have re- out when she starts." 4 { AERA XN A July 28{2ug. 2710ct. 1 Scandinavian |orovided some .oXtremely piquant | turned to their homes after a week's -- ~~ Bi Zk SINE 22 A MOY TREA LN ARLES INOA episodes. At the great stcte ban- visit with Elbern Wickware. Mr. and Easier, : July 27 : cwoitreal iquet at Windsor he was Placed on | Mrs. Booth motored to Denbigh on'! The Doctor--You sleep too much. FREIGHT ONLY the right Band Shr ajimy. 3 Saturday, returnning Sunday after-| You must get up three hours earlier ® ° : = A ximate Sailing Dates a y PRONTR EA LL OND DN Queen Victoria that, when the Shah noon. Grant Wheeler, and daughter, | in the morning. IV 1 0 0 , ousan ' July 16]Aug. 3 Aug. § | ® ¥ F epends on Ontarios Forests pri -- - a Bolingbroke confused her flowing skirts with the | Olive, are here from Philadelphia The Patient--Well, if. it's all the satisfied. The cther 9,999 either have too much or not enough. no w on A NFREAL SAVY MoUTH 5 superbly unmoved. market for eggs is good. go to bed three hours later. WHY 2% i. ideiiaresers othwe | His" habit of sacrificing a black : 0 Freight Dept, Phone Main $58 cock every morning in. his Apart ney Apply local agents or-- x ments at Buckingham Palace wags : i MB Bonpment tien, Agi: Favs. Dept. ong. rememberes" Lr inl Lacs, TAS Engirely New Treatment 2% Roos. BE -- hmm v . a CARR 4 vants. He visited the Tower of | { ) ( » HRY Wh \\ Canadian Pate miiway London, and was disappointed 'when for Bronchitis, Catarrh, Piffed Pap } af = Te Traffic Agents . BO prisoner was forthcoming to be No Internal Medi- Seng or: Crevice ) a. yo decapitated by the axe. "Foreign . ; Wildly to. .gom- . AS : Potentates," said Queen Victoria, cine To Take WN ductor) -- Bay, ' . THs is the first of a series of advertising articles te "may be' picturesque but entertain Years ago the profession -fought h ' usher, wen't you , appear weekly in this paper. These advertisements are ing them is somewhat of a night- | Catarrh by internal dosing. This up- i Plitely . reque 4 [ unusual in that they will deal with the business mare." ; set the stomach and didn't. remover S that lady in f ' citizen of Ontario. They -are intended to enlist ---- the trouble. The modern treatment front to take operation in a province-wide campaign to prevent forest Sparing the Speaker." consists of breathing the healing, her hat om? A 'fires and to put money in your own pocket, In one respect a newly-appointed |soothing essence of Satsrrhozone, y Cunt See a v - o : Speaker of the Rritish House of | which Boes instantly to the source ; Fi h A . ' : Commons may congratulate himself |and the trouble. Catarrhozore is FIR ORESTS of Ontario are the 3 Onta Thy High Sepend on the oe that there has been an abandonment successful, because it. penetrates 4 Ha i basis fora very large part of dustry for their raw materials, employ of some of the old customs, for he | where liquid medicines can't go. The 1 the prosperity of Ontario's 4,000 persons with a total wage roll is no longer expected to make an | balsamic vapor of Catarrhozone . : Stung! people. ! elaborate pretence of unwillingness | drives out the germs, soothes the ir. She wed a man "s high estate, * pe of $3,000,000 per year to. aceept his great office. ritation, relieves the cough, makes But found. to her despair, ; The lumber industry of :On- Pulp and paper mills employ 8,000 This Dretence was carried to great | Catarrhal troubles disappear quickly. His high estate was nothing but J 't tario in camps and mills alone persons, and pay $7,000,000 in wages lengths. =t-one time, and the cere- |For bad throat, coughs, bronchitis, A castle in the alr. ! gives employment to 17.000 With over $90,000,000 invested. mony took on some points of like- Catarrhozone is a wonder, Two dutty ; | men with a payroll of $12 000.000 - In addition, there is the 'railway tie ness to the bridal customs of savage | months' treatment' one dollar. Small What He Wished. \ } : pay % 3 industry, wdod distillation industry, Soviries, for 'the Speaker was ex- |Size, 50c. Sold everywhere or The | Cook {extracting folded paper rom A . 8nd an invested [capital of cooperage industry and maWy others. pected to makes a show even of phy- { Catarrhozone Co., Montreal. 8 envelope)--I wish. that this Will Ya) $45,000,000. Ontario employs These are the foundation industries sical -resistante when led to the ma se A TN from my tailor was like a glass of | (] + one-third of Canada's lumber- for all that immense number of other \ 18 ee ---------------- \ $ chair. 1 { $ muddy water, J ! It was pot an original customn of | 5) mien" and produces one-quarter industries Which use théir products, the House. Far back in history it | \ Hook--What's the explanation? { | { |! Dunbridge | use of a serviette, she remained | Visiting his brother, S. Wheeler. The | same to you, Doc, I think I prefer to ~ ~ 80 that if you trace it down, directly | . or indirectly, every citizen of Ontario appears that Speakers protested to HS =a pase 31. uddy Water set Ib ? the Houss 'and: to the crown against : aN their election ouly when they really Re ; did not want to be appointed. It i Change of Expression. Seems to have been under the Tudors » 2 "City people used to langh at the J "| that a ridiculous subservience was | Sa farmer." . W ipariea, and bt was expected of the / "Yes," said Farmer Corutossel, "Now I Speaker that he should "make re. he's got.so proud an' prosperous the, J peated excuses and declare himself y Proud aw, prospe y } unworthy of election. "I can close. the make faces at him." Y re Yours = = 4 rr Entirely So. . others rs; sti thers "One of the vith in the remin- con ct 5 Judge Feedom--So Judge Cortly 1s ! ALL these nen; all these pay. fifteen jo un ny 2 all : to = iaceuces of "Plum" Warner ihe Ra . golng to dine at your house. What rolls, all these industries, . rt ay That a tn 0" ous Middlesex cricketer, is a story if you will shade the. do you say If T do too? depend for their very existence all o our forests, all our trees, little and about Albert Trott. : quotation one-eighth" Lawyer Cortly--I shall say it's ap : Sd upon the trees standing in On- big, represent wealth, They mean fl. In 1902 Warner captained tne ~ the salesman tele- Unexpected. honor, 8 tario to-day. Tracts of timber, ~~ money Tight now or money next year ten a toured Australia and 3 er cn | mature and ready to cut, mean or the year after or in the future. $ and. . ¢ rict Obedi . § . "We left the ship at Marseilles ager 8 Dis "When that Denpecked. man's wife immediate payrolls for the log- ua Beveled via ah Calais = told him to beat it, he never moved a | makers, the river J vais, She 1 gars Trott bie ticket, on. which was : : She dooce 0 BE 108 employee ton and the pulp mill the province. pb Ss et d : ? : / : By Au many trancs-- when the ho bs "No ig kept on beating the eArpet | J H y other wood dus and rrr : be conversation took place: he. a acy, Feros Avia 3 JAN using ng Dad By = to the forest '"Hargreave-- 'What' : t emergency, : dice. IY Mop between here. and. Pars | ' Station-to-Station Humor--Well, I dida't bave to pay JAC , and Albert?' rates. the doctor. ong with stands of ma. The sash and door and planing mills As affecte | Save Ontario's Forests They' of Canada's total annual 'cut. Trott (looking at his ticket) Us--Why not? : : ; x ber are tricts of es : s--Why } + Prix, you fool," » 2 \ ~~Chaparral Wa, > * "trees which will be bi EL i ------ ' Ask for our booklet, A Few eateg un RTE £0 out into saw loge or N-------- The Last Word, f Ways fo Speed Up Business" --- ; © ofl Hey five years The reason it takes two women 80 |° 3 The Shapely Hand. - : [ » . rs ¥ » long to say good-bye is that they ' : :| The shapely hang that displays an Lo BUR EY -- Ontario Forestry Branch are both determined to have the last \ e ment ring never forgets its y i. word. : ; cunning.' Sats , " t Buildings RRA 1 ------------ Toronto Too Good to be True. «| What has become of the old-fash- The man who hasn't a single bad 3 loned girl who was an expert -t max- habit seldom amounts to much, J ing toffee and her own dresses?

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