TH THE PEOPLE'S FORUM E DAIL Y BRITISH + CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES: First insertion, 1c. a word. Each culiz TTT #eCtutiv- insertion thereafier, naif cent a word, Min'mum charge for One insertion, i5c; three insertions, 60 cents. The above rates are for cash only, when charged they ace double = nr HELP: WANTED, A NURSE Street. GIRL. APPLY 142 KING ? SLCOND CHEF AT FRO ENAC HO- - tel « WAITRESS AND CHAMBER MAID AT once at Queen's Hotel, SECOND CHEF mans tel AND KITUHEN O- Apply at the Frontenae Fo- LOOK, GENERAL, no washing. « Street, SMALL Apply at 11% COOK, GENERAL] REFERENCES RE- quired. Apply at Miss Dwyer's, 64 Barrie Street, YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST | housework. Apply at once, Luwer Union Street. WOMAN FOR PLAIN COC sleep home If preferre glve reference. Box O Whig. AN EXPERIENCED WAITRESS, ALSO chambermaid at once. Apply at the British American Hotel office. RETU WITH to »2 MRING, MAY d; good pay; RNED SOLDIERS -- WE HAV E real positions to offer returned soldiers who can qualify. Call for personal interview between ten am, and 2 pm. Mr. White head. Royal Bank Chambers (upper floor), Kingston, Ont. WE WANT A RELIABLE SALES agent for each unrepresented coun- TEACHE A QUALIFIED PRUOTES er lor 8. 3. No 1e8 to commence iho, Campbeik bury, Ont WaNIED, THACH- un. Dut- Apply to cas sSun- rani ACHER FOR A NORMAL TRAINED 3 N jfownshi 8S. 8. Neo. », Kings vile mile 1 'Tuomas BF, P.O, to TEACHER FOR 5. 5. NO. 12, CLAREN- . commence don township 1st deptember uculars apply te Mrs 1 Sec.-lreas., Woxvale, FP. O., eee ei TC ANMORMAL TRAINED (PROT leacher for 8. 5 « Muties to commence Sept. 1, $L,090, . Apply Fred Wilson treas., in. 1, Joyceville, untr Duties t For further TANT) R QUALIFIED TEAC HER FOR S, 8. NO. 15, Kingston {ownsnip; duties to Conuuence dept. 1st, | Sajary $5UU. Apply nanton Cassi See.-Treas., R. No smith, to n - A NORMAL TRAINED PROTESTANT teacher for 8. 5. k 7 Duties to coimenge )t Salary 3¥00.0u Hugnson, K. &. No b, Sep Apply Sec. -Treas, 1. ( Klginburgn QUALIFIED TEACHER FOR 8, 8. NO, lo, Richmond; duties to commence | Hiller holidays ary and Sweet, 36 Apply, stating sal- qualifications, to seuretary-treasurer, Sharp's Corners, Ont Route ee ete eee eee TEACHER WANTED WOR SAND BAY Public School, 8. 8. No. 1s ana 13. Duties to commence Sept. Ist, 194, Apply, siating samary and « ualinca- tions to John B. Crozier, i. K. No. 4, Lansdowne, Ont Pil 11, Pittsoury. | Salary! sec. | Harrow- | harold | : § Hr | | FOUND : | A KEY ON ROCK STREET. AP- | tickets for St. Mar © Lake garden party he | had af 274 University Ave. ONE GOLD RING WITH STONE | Owner may have same by calling at 505 Princess Street and proving 'ownership. FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- i TISED VREE. Anyone nudig anything and Wishing to reach the owner may uo 50 by reporting the facts to The British Whig. The adver- tisement will be printed ip this t cojumn free of charge | i "Found articles dues not in- | | clude lost' dogs, caltie, horses, | ete, These, If lost, may be ad- | | CHKAGE OF y's-on-the= eo { ! vertised for in the "Lost" column. | { LOST. i SATURDAY, IN CITY PARK, OR ON King street, $1v bill and $1 bil. Finder please return to Whig Of- fice. Reward | NAVY BLUE AND WHITE HAT . IN | city or on Barriefield Road on Sat- urday I'inder please return to the Whig Office or 206 Bagot street i SILVER WRIST WATCH, WITH ! black ¢ibbon band; initials RM.G., | on Saturday night at Lake Ontarjo I'ark, on street car. or on Princess Street from Alfred to Irongenag Reward for return to 574 Princess Street. = Sy -- FOR SALE. A HAPPY THOU 94, between 9 T RANGE. PHONE m. and 6 p.m. FOR SALE A COMMODIOUS MAHOGANY SECRE- tary. Apply tu Mrs. Rodger, -151 karl 'Street NG. CARPET, VERY HANDSOME KE Yas lsh Axminster; scarcely used; 12; $225. Phone 642. A CHEVROLET CAR, 490, IN FIRST clasg condition. Apply W. H. Pot- ter. 181 Wellington street MOTOR SKIFF, 19 FT. LONG, 3% H P. engine, in good running order cheap. "Apply 79 John Street BOWSER $ASOLINE tank; tank contains ! 1 gal. cap: térprise. CARPET, Mannion, to Wick- BED, SIDEBOARD, STOVE, chairs, ete. Apply Mrs Portsmouth, Ont, next ham's grocery stare HORSE, BETWEEN SIX AND SEV years old; dark bay; about 1150 lbs; well broke; in good condition Ap- ply VanLuven Bros. Garage GENUINE GRAPHONOLA 33D TEN selections; vour own cholce, $42.50 Terms $7 casi; $5 per month. C. W. Lindsay, Limited, 121 Princess St. HYSLOP AND C.C.M, BICYCLES FOR $46 up. Also a few ladies' bicycles at reduced prices. Muller's Bicycle Works, 371-373 King Street. Phone 1032w, WE SELL AND BUY ALL KINDS oF musical instruments, also cloth- ing and furniture. Call' and get our prices. L. Routbard, 28% #rincess street. Phone 1723. iF CLEARING SALE OF USED CARS LESS THAN HALF PRICE THE "ORANGE CELEBRATION) _.|times, but they were dame affg WHIG. i i Forty Lodges Took Part In the Walk at G#ha- noque. { Gandnogile, July 13.--Gananoque | has celebrated the 12th of July many idhos 3 when compared with yesterday. Early | {in the morning the doings started and {the music of fife and drum was al- | most continuous throughout the day. | Three coach loads came in' by rail|{R [during the morning, and more during jthe early afternoon, The steamer | Mississquoi brought the contingent | trom Brockville, accompanied by .a| | fine musical aggregation. The steam- | ler St. Lawrence brought hep limit | from Kingston and vicinjty. Three | large launches from across the line | brought a large crowd from Water- | i {town, N.Y., with a fine band in at-| |tendance, and their branch of the Jack F. Elder L.O.B.A. The crowd, which was the largest | ever known here, was very orderly. | Arrangements for the feeding of the | crowd. had been arranged with thes! Writing: --Automoblle, Sickness, Plite Glass Burglary; ete. Watch Our Dollar WEDNESDAY, JULY 15, 193. STILL OPEN - Evening 7.30 Matinee Daily ALLEN] NOW PLAYING 2 Mary Reohert Rine hart's Famous Story "DANGEROUS DAYS" When a Man Grows Weary of His Wife W. KENT MACNEE ank ef-Commrerce-Building, Brock and' King Streets. Phone "01%or 1327) * Ask Your Grocer FOR : WAGSTAFFE'S PURE FRUIT JAMS AND MARMALADE General Insurance Agency Fire, Accident epresenting Only Reliable Companjes. "Sold in 12 and 16 oz Glass Pots and 2, 4 and 7 1b gold lined tins Day Bargains THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987. Wanting anyth done in the ene | tery line, Ea . xi o ee ds of repairs and Iso bi - All onde 2690 PRINCESS STREET Phone 1283F. THE BUSY CIGAR STORE # wood fluors of da. will rece prompt attention, . Queen Street. local hotelmen and restaurants, lunch | rooms, etc, among the - latter of which the Women's Auxiliary of the | G.W.V.A, did. a rushing business, vhile the Chinese restaurants served { hot meals all day long. At ten o'clock the C. L. A. C. and | | ---- Furniture--Freight--Baggage TRANSFER ' 'Phone 1776J S. WHITEMAN 210 QUEEN STREET FOR FIRST CLASS WASHING AND REPAIR WORK AT: Millet' Repair | Scout teams of the | League pulled off a schedule game at |the town park, which was [the C. L. A. C. In the afternoon the | ti {same team (winner of the morning ! game) played with the Orphans, the | latter also being trimmed by'the club | lads.' The feature of the day was the local Junior | the music... won by plants close sudden death of Thomas Colligan, Tle local manufacturing d down for the celebra- ' Shop 286 Queen Street., Cor. Barrie Street ™ on. -- BOILERS, PANKS, TRACTION AND THRESHING ENGINES, CONCRETE MIXERS, ETC., REPAIRED, Word has been received of ; the which ogcurred at Niagara Falls on Monday" The late Mr. Collizan had | resided in Prescott for many years, |and went to the Falls only a few | weeks ago, where he had secured | ANT TEACHER ys Ernesttown. buties | AWNINGS, ol 1 By epl. 1st. Salary ac- . OF HOUSEHOLD to qualifications Apply, SALE | experiences to lo. A. \wart- furniture. Apply 196 Nelson Street, | | 200--Ford Touring, 1916. LI 5--Ford Touring, 1917. Chevrolet Touring, 1918, ~~Chevrolet Touring, 1918, 'hevrolet Itoadster, 1919, Ford Ton Truck, 1918. McLaughlin Truck. Builders of Tanks, Smoke Stacks; Breachings, light structural steel, ete. 20 years' experience, Phone 1672. W. J. MILLARD ty or territory. Exclusive selling rights; good pay to energetic rep- resentatives. Our agency is valu- able. Write Pelham Nursery @vo,, Toronto, Ont FLAGS, . Cooke, CANOES. walk which started from the Market stuare about 2.15 and was participa- ted in by forty lodges, and about a dozen bands of which five were good- - - < cording stating PRIVATE a lll. man, secretary, Colin's Bay, ont, AORMAL TRAINED 71 CACHER FOR COME AT ONCE---MEN 36-10 DAILY, 8, 17, Sharpton, ingston special short courses; one month ship. Salary $900 per annum. Dut- Auto Mechanics' course $50; one ies commence September 1st, month Gas Tractor . Course $50; £ Apply to Percy Maxwell, plenty of time to finish for the Treasurer, Odessa, Oh. Spring rush. Hemphill Bros. Auto Gas Tractor School, 163 King st. » Toronto. Board and room $8.50 up. Call or write. KESMEN--WE PAY WEEKLY AND offer steady employment selling our complete and exclusive .lines of whole-root fresh- dug - to - order trees and plants. Best stock and service. We teach and equip you free. A money-making opportun- ity. Luke Brothers' Nurserigs, of Montreal, £7 NORMAL TRAINED TEAC HER FOR S.8. No. 1 Loug boro, and "13 Vort- Duties to commence Sept Ist, 1921. qualitcations, Lec.-Treas. No. rt ---------- XPERIENCED PROTESTANT teacher tor 8. 8S. No. 1, Palmerston Townsnip, Frontenac county. Dut- 1€8 to commence Sept. 1st Apply, slating experience, quadifications and salary wanted, to James H Fair, Mis sippl Station, Ont. to Alien Harrowsmith, brow: Rn THE PARK AVENUE CLINICAL HOS. pital Training School for Nurses; registered; three years' course; eight hour day; six day week; edu- cational requirements; one year high school or equivalent. For in- formation apply to Superintendent of Park Avenue Clinica] Hospital, 189 Park Avenue, Rochester, Now Yor -- TEACHER, SECOND CLASS, NORMAL trained, for R. C. 8. 8. No. 1, Wolfe sland. A male teacher preferred Duties to commence Sept Ist, 1921 Apply, stating experience and sal- ary. expected, to John MeGlynn, Wolfe island, Ont. ORMAL TRA AN 5 teacher for U. INED PROTESTANT S. S. No. 1, Portland, and No. Kingston. Duties to commence September 1st; good boarding house Salary $1,000 Ap- PLY to b: C. VanLuven, Sec -Treas., murrowsmith, unt. AMBITIOUS MEN < HOSE in their present position | cognized, and who aspire things in a big way, nave been ABILITY 8 not re- to: do to' such who looking for a field to demonstrate thelr ability, there is now open an Spporiunity in the largedt, most re nunerative, most in ail the Domin- da.' For confidential in- terview, give phone number tu Box ih-y, Whig Office, eg D EOR Ss, 8, NO, e, holding a second or a third-class certincate, Others need not apply. Duties to -com- meuce Sept. 3rd, 1921. Salary §io0 Per annum, Apply, stating qualin- cations, to E. Ma. Storms, Sectetary- Treasurer, Parham, Ont. ---- "ROTES & permanent s ¢ lor 8. 8. No. 6, Duties to commence Salary $900.00 per A togWitliam Cooper, Secretary-'Creasurer, R. RR. No, 2, Wolfe Island A QUALIFIED T ACHER, tant, for 8. 8. No. 14, Loughbore Duties te commence Sept. 1st, 1921 Salary $700 per anrum fonveni- €nt to church, post office, railway station and boarding house, App stating-experience to William R chie, Secretary, Perth Road, Ont, TEACHER WANTE Hinchenbrook, GOOD, RELIADLE Max WwW take orders and delive line of Teas. Coffees, etc. in Can- ada. Highest commission of any concern in the country paid; all goods are guaranteed or money re- funded. KEKach applicant must be financially responsible, If you are or a good, independent, permanent position with unlimited earning possibilities, this opporwnity. Quick action sary. Patricia Blend Tea & Cof. fee, 651 Queen Street East Foronto, a a poi WANTED GENERAT, POSITION BY COMPETENT grapher, Experienced. 1638w. ANTED TO r- the finest A NORMAL TRAINED teacher holdin class certiticat Wolfe Island Sept. 1st, 1 annum. Apply PROTES- STENO- ly, Phone it TO PURCHASE A HOUSE s ofri BY SEPT, ™oO 7 Good location. Box S-§, Whig x e. CHERS WANTED, Publ School--one teacher of senior room, qualified protestant; salary about $900.00; the other, for juniop room, limited third, Protestant, salary about $700, State experience and qualifications clearly. Duties to commence Sept. Ist, 1921 Dr. TA, Genge, sec.- treas, Verona, Ont, v VERONA H principal ani C FARM TO BuNT, ABO by p.actical farmer; view Lt) pur- Shan, Frank Herring, Coleman P. 0. BE. Toronto. WN MOWERS TO GRIND, WILL call at your home and grind your lawn mower properly. Drop a card to W. Kelly, 47 Ellerbeck Street. Phone 2047w. UT 200 ACRES, LA ---- ABENTS WANTED MEN AND WOMEN, NoT TO: CAN. vass, but to travel and appoint lo- cal representatives, $21 a week and expenses guaranteed, with good chance to make $50 a week ana expenses. State age and qualifica- tions. Experience unnecessary Winston (o,, Dept. G., Toronto, SALESMEN--JIF YOU ARE NOT FARN- ing $50.00 per week, and want to improve your position, with a clean successful gompany, phone 227% write for appointment. wi Burrell, Bibb Scott Co, Ltd -- FURNITURE FINISHING CALL OR DROP A CARD TO WwW, DRI1S. coll, 23 John street. MEDICAL. DE. C. H. ELLIOTT, 362 BROCK ST. THIS, WEEK Some choice Nut Coal i. .$16.50 per ton James Swift-& Co., Limi Foot of Johnson St. THIS IS THE TIME whan, nearly everyons is anxious to get out of the city in a boat or nit automobile, If you are going by either route, first see that the engine ig in first class order. We can put it in this condition. © Came and 18t us prove it to you. - DAVIS DRY DOCK CO. East End of Wellington St. A Re i " Truc | 125000 cash | Auction Sales I am the best auctioneer in Kingston. Make me prove fit. BEDFORD The Auctioneer, Phone 1721 or 1428, wa Water oy te ote 795, fo J CARPENTERING HEN YOU WANT THE CA , RPENTER jee James Selby, Contractor, - 312 Dniversity Avense. Phone 1598w. LTRS Py - A w---- v Town} Apply, stating salary and | | FORD SEDAN, 1921 MODE DRIVEN less than 500 miles. Owner leaving city; must sell. Box V-13, Whig. PURE BRED WHITE WYANDOTTE eggs, Martin's Dorcas strain, $3.00 to $5.00 for 15. Also 60 egg Cha- tham Incubator. J. Turner, Ports- | mouth. f ------------e eee KITCHEN RANGE, ENGLISH MA- hogany wardrobe, ang 3 piec suid ak bedroom suite, cheap. Ap- ply 10s Clergy street, morning ory viening { I 0--Studebaker Truck, V--Humber Motorcycle. ~Indian Motorcycle. 200---Harley-Davidson Mo side car. $1500-- aandler Touring 1920, cost $3400. rt tn Pa meng, toreycle, and GEO, A. PALMER | Opposite Blue Garage | Cor, Bagot and Queen Strebts 3 Phon oJ. _- FANCY GOODS." EMSTITCHING, PI1COT EDGING, AC- cordion, knife and box pleating, Hours 9 to 5.30. Mrs. 1 A. Card, 4 Victoria Terrace, Montreal St, opposite Artillery Park. et CE LEGAL GUNNINGHAM & SMITH, BARRIST. ers and Solicitors, 79 Clarence street, Kingston. A. B. Cunning- ham, Cyril M. Smith. price Ap- | MUBROSE sHEA WA, 4 STE ply James Brown, R Kingston, | a uno Hollen: * 8 Sat aRRISTER this side of St. Mary' €metery. King and Broek, over Royal Bank. ee e---- Money to loan. : Phone 1999. rm m-------- "I' FRONTAGE; 117 for cash $225.00. 'Also incubator, 140 egg, and two brood- ers, hot water heated. Only used once. Cawson, 24% Concession St. near Victocia Street. SALE OF MILLINERY GOODS, CON- | sisting of Malines, Veiling, Strawg Braids, Flowers, Ribbons, a few straw shapes, and children's hats | Apply 112 Lower William Street, COKE FOR SUMBER § S11; CHEA fuel on the market. livering 1-4 tons at $2 39; % tons at $4.95, or a full ton at $9.00, Phone 161m. W. C. Bruton. PLIST | We are de-| BUGGY | condition. | PONY OUTFIT, H ARNESS, and cutter; all in good Will sell at reasonanle CITY LOT, @9 FE feet deep; BIGNs SIGNS OF ALL KINDS, GLASS, wWouD, etc. large*or small, Suaranteed XX gold, leaf; posters, s owuvards, etc. artistically written and designed by Shaw, at 206 Princess Street, Kingston. 4 SCHOONER "BERTRA carrying capacity 500 ne be inspected ag rurtner pardceul application. 4. ton, unt, CALKINS,» t tons. Cap Picton, Ontario. ars and price on i. VanbDusen, Pjc- -------------- CHINA CABINET, PARLOR SE chair and tables, kitche tension ladder, wheelbarrow, gar- deh seats, coal oil heater, baoy's Dailh, laundry stove. 20% Albert treet. Evenings. MASONRY AND CARPENTERING McCLENNAN oo BATTERSHILL -- brick work, plastering and general house repairs by the day, painting. Satisiaction given. 10 Patrick Street, Kingston, ~ Phone 2163. TTES, n table, ex- PAINTING AND PAYER "HANGING WHEN WANTING PAINTING Paperhanging done, A. Mounteet; 54 Arc HENRY WARD & Ya, ar WE HAVE FOI SALK Buod secund hand lurnityre and slOVes. Any person baving stoves uC lurniture to dispose of, we wii buy highest prices. J. Thompson, 45d Princess street. Pnone 1s9ow, ALL KINDS OF on urop a card tw h sireet. SON, PAINTERS, Hangers and Interior deco- re.urs. Now is the time to have your interior decorated. Phone 18670. EE eee t-------- en PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING J, Flanagan, Painter and Decorator Estimateg frecly given. Metalllz gould letters for Slure and office windows. 247 Montreal street Phone, 1 STANDARD BRED DRIVING MARE, seven years old; very fast, bug sate Tor any lady to drive, 'witli trade tor cows op hens. This mare will be sola only to parties 81VINng her a good home; po dealers, Apply box 4-23 "hig. ¢ Vhig CARS LISTED FOR SALE new auto' Tepuir shop, Al running vruer. ail paired; waaped, polished ed. datistaction reasonavie rade. AT THE Will be in inakes re- and greas- BUuaranteedq at a Abply 3% Queen, JUSt back of XY, Mm, (. A. Phone Zim, . ee ----------r-------------------------- One 3-Burner Coal Oil Stove with .heating shelf and oven--§$15.00. Books--ije., 10c, 16¢., and 25c. 1 kitchen cupboard--$10.00. Kitéhen Cupboards--$4, $5, ang $6. Columbia Grafonola, Cabinet Grana "and 30 Records---§61.00, 1 Colunibia Grafonola with 8 records --3§15.00. 1 Combination Gas and Coal | like new---§50.00, PAINTING AND DECORATING ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED -- first class work at reasonable prices. «all at 35 Sixth Street; or phine 2090] DENTAL. i DR. A. E. KNAPP, DE 258 Princess Street. a -- DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, uKN. tists, 159 Wellington street. over Carnovsky's. Phone 346 DR. RUPERT P. MILLAN, DE Princess Street. Phone evenings by appointmen NTIST. OFFICE Phone 652w, -- NTIST, 84 1850. Open t lange; DR. AYKROYD, DENTIS sumed practice at 92 Princess St, over Bank of Nova Scotia, Phone 1502]. et TINSMITHING. DELBERT BENN, ONTARIO'S FAM- ous timsmith, has given over fifty of hig customers satisfaction. Cls- tern pumps he is famous to repair Apply 17 Thomas street. : oe T, HAS RE. A few dishes--je., 10c, and 1jc. We buy all &inds of Furniture, " LESSK'S ANTIQUE SHOP Phove 104CW. UT Princess Street, fy er ESTMENT OR Une Of the best built n the city, central jo- cation, recently painted and decor- ated inside and outside, sone gar- Age and siabies. Buy direct irom ' tue owner and save commission, Will take $5,000 for quick sue. it's COcBp at $8,000. Consult the own- er. ApDly, 150x R+21, Walg Once. BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATK, FOR SALK : v AYGO00OD BUY FOR INV tor a home, stone houses | ARCHITECT PAGE AND WwW tered archit Toronto. ARRINGTON, REGIS. ects, 199 Yunge Street, POWER, SON AND DREVE . tects, Merchants Bank . corner of Brock streets. ARCHI. ambers, $2,000--FRAME; 4 ROO and Wellington MS; NEW and C,; electric ligh } oB -- + C, SEMI-DETACHED; SIX fvoms, B. and C.; down towa. OOMS; B, _ CHIROPRACTIC. WM. A, MARCELLS;, D.C, Ph. C, Cor ner Princess and Barrie Streets. 2nd . Barrie St, entrance, Kingston Ont. Consultation free. Telephone 832). Hours 9 to 12 a.m. 1 to 6 p.m. PERSONAL MATRIMONIAL AN Circle, Pamphlets Remailed sealed. wood, On ug $3,000--FRAME; NEW; ¢ R and C.; electri¢ lights, $0,500--BRICK; 10 ROOMS; LATEST improvements; central. { -- ! 7' $10,000 0 THR STONE HOUSE; Aurth end. D PASTIME 26c. No stamps Box 14, Isher- . A SIX WEEKS OLD BABY BOY FOR adoption. Good Catholic home, pri- vate family would be preferable. For further Earticulars apply Box U-11, Whig Office. TS, Lis, WwW, BIRTH. To n AT Pah. eto. re- rmanently. Satisfactory po trea run aa after others have failed. Goitre removed. 38 ears experience. Dr. Elmer J. La Eye. r. Nose. Throat. Skin. LAND SURVEYOR FP, B.Ap., Se, CE. OLS, DLE, MELC, Napanee, Unt. On- tario Lahd Surveyor. Kingston Of- fice: Walkem & Walkem. 91 Clar- $3 400---BRICK SEMI-DETACHED; rooms; hot water heat trance; right of way. § ing; side en- -- ' ICKy SEMI-DETACHED; s T ; Rot water heating; side en- trance; right of way. . --- 83, $4,300-PRESSED BRICK; ¢ ROOMS hot air: 3 plece bath, electric light and gas; bh. w. floors and Cypress trimming; qn easy terms. HA T00-~BRICK DWELLING , al] import H. W. floors; way: good location; a gp quick buyer. : OUSES TO RENT--FURNISHESD " unfurnished. EN of BATEMAN'S REAL Est ' 15 Wellington Street. aE i 7 ROOMS; right of ap to a ' Also | sized ones, The line of march covered the leading streets of the town in all the wards, and extended for alont a {mile and a quarter. The walk finish- ed up at the town. park where ad- | dresses were given by Rt. Worship- | ful Grand Master,.Dr. J. W. Edwards, | M.P., Frontenac, and Major Andrew | | Gray," P.C.M.,, M.P.P,,' Leeds, mem- | bers of the local clergy, Mayor. Wil- | son and others. | i Shortly before 6 p.m., the Boats} | | { which brought visiting brethren, took | their departure, the visitors being ac- companied by brethren who come by auto and could choose their | own time for returning. The day pussed .off without a hitch in the de- | { tails and will be long remembered by the officers and members of Protec- tion Lodge No. 51, L.O.L, The day's proceedings were brought to a close position. about five months ago. | been vary seriously ill from blood- | poisoning caused by a bee sting, is reported slightly better. [& LE I Ear, #4 Frontemac Street His wife predeceased him |* The marriage took place at the Baptist parsonage, Renfrew, on July®5th, of Miss Muriel Jamieson Mayhew, Renfrew, to George \Wel- lington Reid, Cobalt. Mrs. T. Taylor, Newboro, who has OFINTEREST TO MOTOR CAR OWNERS 'Automotive equipment' wishes to announce that all equipment purchased can be installed at once, First-class mechanics. " Automotive Equipment 109 Brock Street Phone 818w. Tourist Bureau, Mfg. ~ Agents, Accessories : 1 with a dance at the town park far which Merédith's orchestra furnished BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. FOR SALE, ONE OF THE BEST GO ing b ness hotels; vicinity King- ston; general and summer trade. Everything in first class order. Owner retiring on account of {ll- health. Apply Box R-7, y hig. NANCIAL STRANGE & STRANGE, INSURANCE agents; established in 1860; only the most reliable companies repre- sented, Office 85 Clarence street, opposite the post office. Vulcanizing Done Right | That's the way we do it and our prices will please you too. Call and give us a trial order. MICHELIN TIRES--all sizes always in stock. ATTWOOD & DINE 277 BAGOT ST. Phone 410w. FRONTENAC gad AND INVEST- ment " Societ incorpygrated 1361. President, ickle, K.C.; vice- president, . B. Cunningham. Money issued on city and. farm properties, municipal and county debentures; mortgages purchased; investment bonds for sale; deposits received and interest allowed. RR. C. Cartwright, manager, 37. Clar- ence: street, Kingston UPHOLSTERING. TALL OR DROP-A CARD TO Ww. J, Gavine, upholsterer, 216 Bagot st. W. HAROLD FOR YOUR UP- holstering and general repairing. Leave orders at or drop a card to 104 Clergy street. * ¥. "COVERED BUTTONS MADE TO OR. der in all popular shapes and sizes. | Upholstering and repairing done. E. J. Goodridge, 243% University | Avenue, | 4 FURNITURE REPAIRED AND FIN- | ished; guns, gramaphones, etc. Pe- | paired promptly and guaranteed. | | | WAREHOUSE TO RENT. APPLY 133 Princess street STORE TO RENT. cess Street. APPLY 133 PRIN. i | | ONE GOOD ROW BOAT TO CAREFU L| person for remainder of season. | Phone 1584w. GARAGE, NEAR CORNER QUEEN BRICK HOUSE ON BAGOT STREET-----centrally located --$2000 ~--this is a real bargain. ALSO A NUMBER OF OTHER FINE-HOMES TO CHOOSE FROM M. B. TRUMPOUR 111% 'BROCK STREET PHONE 704 or 146%w. / PLEASANT 'WATER TRIPS STEAMER ST. LAWRENCE Sunday, July 10th--Regular trip {0 Alexandria Bay. at 2.00 pm. Fare, round trip, 5 cents. 75 y celebration. Boat leaves the 1.00. Leave Ferry Dn rk Tuesday, July 12th--=Gananoque, 12th Jul Ferry Dock 9.00 am. Return fare, Wednesday, July 13th--Popular trip to Picton and the Boat leaves Ferry Dock 10.00 a.m. Return fare, Auto bus and automobiles will meet Rteamer in Pie passengers to the Sand Banks. Fare by auto bus, Fare by automobile, $1.00 return Thursday, July 14th--Moonlight to Gananoque, p.m. Fare'round trip, 50 cen ts. Kingston Navigation Co. Limited. { Sand Banks, ibe toil and convey 76 cents return. Leave Kingston 17.30 and Bagot G. Hay, Pply . a, R. 1, Kingston. Phone 1100 r 22, FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD: all improvements; centrally jocat- ed. Apply 243 University Ave. STABLES AND SHEDS ON CORNER of Wellington and Barrack street, by Muy 1st. Apply 31 Rideau St. NINE. ROOMED STONE HOUSE, 146 Montreal St, all improvements. Phone 1099 ring 3. Vacant April 1st. FURNISHED BRICK BU rooms; electric light; ments, good cellar. No children. 41 Quebec St. Possession July 1st. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, aiay, airy rooms; your own lock and key. Frost's Clty Storage, 299. 305 Queen St. Phone 526; res. 939wW. JULY 18ST, AN APARTMENT OF four reoms and hall, partly furn- ish; electric light; gas for cook- ing. Apply S13 University Ave, phone sozw, FIVE ROOMS FOR SUMMER SEASON at "Robinson's Point," beyond On- tario Park; also tent Space on point. MiNg Company, 79 larence Street. TWO FURNISHED FRONT BEDROOMS on bathroom flat; electric light; all vinvenineces. Use of phone, Ap- ply 376 Barrie street, near Princess or phone Z23sw. NGALOW; ¢ all improve- FOUR ROOM APARTMENT, HARD. | wood floors, electric light, gas Stove. heater, refrigera:or, modern | in every way, Apply to White's In- | surance Office, 239 Bagot street. { v FURNISHED SUMMER COTTAGES AT Eastview Park; new; 7 rooms; $33 per month: also' 5 rooms, $25 . per Apply J. D. Boyd, 332 Uni- The Most Wonderful Car Value On The Market Chevrolet "Baby Grand" Models Roadster . ....... ..........$1595.00 NEW PRICES Jouning .......... ....... ..81595,00 Touring Special (Cord Tires) ". . $1720.00 Coupe, 4 passenger (cord tires) $2495.00 Sedan (cord tires) ....:.....$2495,00 All cars completely equipped. Government Sales Tax and freight from Oshawa extra. We will be pleased to demonstrate. CHEVROLET SALES AND SERVICE BAWDEN & EDWARDS. 80 MONTREAL STREET PHONE 400. FE > mont. "versity Avenue or R. R. No. 1, East- Park, . « view