Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Jul 1921, p. 16

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BETTER SELECTIONS QUALITY BETTER Livingston's Cool off in a Living- ston Bathing Suit-- Ladies' and Men's-- $1.50 to $6.50 * WHITE DUCK TROUSERS At our price -- all sizes. ....... $2.50 eee, BOYS' EXTRA BLOOMERS All sjzes ... $1.49 iets et-------- Hot weather sale of MEN'S HOSIERY Lisle and Silk. Special 50c., 75c., and 95c. oe WASH TIES : 'Reg. 75c.and 85¢. ...... 3 for $1.00 Y Dominant Values in A ATHLETIC UNDERWEAR At $1.59 At'$2.00 a Arrow and For- Balbriggan fine syth makes, B. V. D. style, cool Nainsook clothes and stripes. Livingston's 75-77 BROCK STREET * Founded 1847. : "If Off Your Route It Pays to Walk" Combinations --- reg. $2 and $2.25 . Anderson Bros. Money-Saving Opportunities for Careful Housewives + THURSDAY CAR OF ASSORTED FRUITS 5000 boxes of Berries -- for canning, jam and vinegar--special prices. CAR OF SEALERS TO HAND. + Cherries, Montmorency's-- better get your supply this week. DESSERT FRUITS-- Plums, Peaches, Pears, Apples, Grape Fruit, Oranges, Melons, Canteloupe, Bananas, Lemons. : FRESH MEAT --SPECIALS. : ; 1,000 lbs. Stew Beef ........10c. Ib. 500 lbs. Sausage . .........13¢c. Ib. 1,000 lbs. Hamburg Steak . . . . 10c. Ib. 500 Ibs. Pot Roasts . . .. ....15¢. Ib. - | How He Tried But Failed to | Dispossess Frank Blake , of His Lot. { [ | { | ------ = 3 The Whig Les lecrned from. Frank | Blake, boat builder at the, :ity .ap-: | proach to the LaSalle Causeway, that | "he is 'ome of Those who has been 4 | caused much anxiety-- anxiety due 3 | the danger of being forced to give -f [up 'the sit» on which he earns his { living--owing to the determined of- | fort of the "Commander" of the local Naval Brigade to acquire it. Th's is J. G. Evans, who in addition ito being a 'commander' in the Navy"iof eighty tons a week, they have League of Capada (why he was ever appointed such, hororary though the rank ig, we a e at a loss "0 know) ne | remains the commandant of the local | unit, Army and Navy Veterans' As- | sociation of Canada. According to one | well versed in the organization of | the Navy League, it is not custom- | ary 'for the chi®¥ officer of a boys' | naval brigade, such as the local one, {to hold the rank of "commander." Similar units in Canada are in charge of the chief instructors. It would ap- pear unusual! for a brigadier-general to command an infantry company or a battery of artillery. However, the 'commander' decid- | ed many months ago that he requir- ied the site which Mr. Blake leased | from the government, to increase 'he | efficiency of the naval\brigade, and he | used all of his influence to that end. | Mr. Blake has spent.a very consider- able amount of money in establish- | ing his business. It has been neces- | sary for him to see work go to other | builders on account of the danger of | being thrown off the property.- Ha would like to make extensions, but these are delayed another year. Mr. Blake's brother, who is interested in the business, is a returned soldier, having served -in General King's artil- lery~brigade in France. J. G. Evans has on several occas- ions threatened that he would (ap- { parently through influential friends | at Ottawa) have him thrown off the property. The G.0.C. of this mili: tary district and W. F. Nickle, K. C., have conferred on the matter, with the result that Frank Blake receivegd a letter from the senfor engineer of ficer, M.D. No. 3, to the effect that General King is in favor of the order of -cancellation of Btake's encroach- { ment being held in abeyance for this year, and that he bo allowed to re- main in possession for one year a3 from 11th February, 1921. The G.0.C. feels that Blake would be caused a hardship by vacating. The Naval Brigade own a bout house adjacent to the Blake proper- ty. [It is here that their cutters are kept. Certainly the boys are entitled to better accommodation of. this na- ture, but why J. G. Evans should undertake to deprive Mr. Blake of this. site and property (the "com- mander" having offered; an almost ridiculously low figure for the lat- ter) is more than fair-minded man can understanc. Mr. Blake has al- lowed the naval cadets to use his shop for making models, and they have free access to everything he has. On Monday afternpen they wece undressing in his shop for swim- ming. : Mr. Blake informed the Whig on Tuesday morning that omeeveral oc- casions J. G. Evans has misrepresent- ed him to General King and Mr. Nickle. A few days ago the com- mandant, 'according to Mr. Blake, informed the G.0.C. that a motor boat, under repair, was obstructing' his (Evans") access to the cutter boathouse, At least five citizens are willing' to prove that there was no obstruction, that no-line was across the access. At any rate, 'the commandant- commander' (these being his most recently acquired titles) has failed again. This, we understand, ws promised to the boys, but J." G. Evans has, according to one of the officers in the local brigade, not ful- filled numerous promises made to the cadets, who are severing their connection with the unit. STOCK ' MARKETS. Quotations Furnished by Bongard, Ryerson & Co., 287 Bagot Street. % New York Stocks. ! J Opening. Closing. Am. Telephoné .... 103 102% Am. Sugar .. ..... 61% 66 Am. Sum. Tobacco . 51% "BI Baldwin Loco. .. .. 5% 4% B.40..:. ...... 38% 38 Beth: Steel "B" ,.. 48% 48 Crucible Steel .. .. 563 ° 554 'General Electric .r. 1223 123 General Motors .., .. 11% 11 Mex. Petroleum .. . 100% 108y Artificial Ice Company's Plant | | Limited--Other Company, | Taxed to Limit. C | : 1 |. Kingston housewives are beihg- driven to distraction by an ice fam- | ine whizh hes beer caused by the ex- || | cessive heat of the past two weeks. { { The situation was carefully. explain- | |ed on :Wednesday morning by A. Rawson of the Kingston Artificial {Ice Co..At the beginning of the sea-* | son, this company unfortunately ag- | reed to supply about 150 families {more than last year. With a capacity been forced to cancel .the orders placed by private householders in order that dce cream parlors, but- cher shops, merchants and so forth | may have their needs satisfied, Mr. Rawson stated that the situa- tion had been carefully considered, | and there was no other coursé open for them. It was impossible for arti- ficial ice to be turned out more rap- idly, and at the presént rate of cog- sumption it is only possible to meet the former: customers. The Kingston Ice Company, while supplying its regular customers, has not been able to add to its list in or- jder that the present supply-may be | conserved. The result is that hun- | dreds of housewives throughout the city are in desperate need of ice. All ! | sorts of contrivances to keep milk, | butter and other perishable commo- | dities cool have been invented, and {private families are domg as well as | possible under the circumstances. | The hospitals and other public in- | stitutions are receiving tnetr regu- lar supplies of ice and patients are not suffering from the lack of cool food. The local brahch of the Viec- torian Qrder of Nurses replied, In apswer to an inquiry, that they had dv reports of babies suffering through the lack of fresh milk. How- ever, it is believed from a super- ficial examination of conditions throughout the:city that there is con- siderable anxiety for the welfare of the infants who have not been fed with cold and wholesorie milk. Mr. Rawson stated that he had no idea when the needs of their former customers could be met. Certainly as long as the present heat continues there will be no possibility of meet- ing the great demand. Throughout: the city during tne past few days there have been mur- murings of demands.for the munici- palization of the ice business in the city. It hds been pointed out that 1t is an absolutely esséntial commodity for the health and welfare of the people during the sunymer imontns, and that if private enterprise can- not satisfuctorily' meet the demanu, then it is the duty of the city to take over the business. Mr. Rawson stated until that time came the local com- panies would have to carry cut their | business £3 local conditions impos- ed, A Toronto Conservatory of Music. The following pupils of Miss Olive Woodman were successful in thé re- cent Toronto Conservatory examina- tions: Primary singing, Verna Saun- ders (honors); Marion Bruton (hon- ors). Theory, junior harmony, Sis- ter St. John (honors). Elephant paint at 75¢ per fuart at] Lemmon & Sons, Thursday only. DAILY MEMORANDUM. St. George's Cathedral A Y.PA. Moonlight Excursion to Clayton Thurs. day, 7.30 p.m. per Steamer St. Law- rence, from Brock street dock. HANSON; CROZIER & EDGAR PRINTERS MARKET SQUARE, KINGSTON. BORN. REED---At the Kingston General Hos- pital, Sunday, July 10th, 1921, to Mr. and Mrs. L. R! Reed, a daugh- ter, (Audrey Alice). NN MARRIED. DONNELLY -- POFFLEY -- In St. Mary's church, Kingston. on July 13th, 1921, Phoebe Jane Poffley to Dr. F. Donnelly. IN MEMORIAM. In loving memory of 6ur darling mo- ther, who departed from us a year ago to-day, July 13th, 1920. . | } One year has passed since that sad day, | God called the one we loved away; | Forget her we nevér will, As years roll by we love her still. { Gone is the face we loved so dear, Silent the voice we loved to hear, EVANS AND. NAVAL UNTHFEEL THE CE SHORTAGE [= THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG EN ee 18 yards for . . . DOLLAR DAY ~ 500 lbs. WOOL FLOSS Regular 25c¢. ball 8 Balls for $1.00 Knitters will note the shades: Pink, Sky, Purple, White, Black, Rose, Turquoise and others. One ounce balls. DOLLAR DAY "BOYS BALBRIGGAN SHIRTS 2 for $1.00 Penman's fine Balbriggan Shirts for boys, short sleeves. Sizes 22 to 32. PRETTY GINGHAMS 4 yards for $1.00 5/000 yards excellent qual- ity Plaid Dress Gingham in selected colorings." Regular value 35 cents a yard. 2 gmt DOLLAR DAY 1,000 Yards Good Quality WHITE €OTTON Regular 18c. yard ..... $1.00 MIDDY BLOUSES For Woinen and Children Formerly priced $2.00 and $2.50 Your Pick 25 doz. Ladies' and Child- ren's Middy Blouses --made. from an excellent quality Middy Cloth, with Navy Blue and Copenhagen Blue Collars and Cuffs, (Collars detachable). Sizes' 8.10 12, 16, 18, 20. -son s patterns. | broad selection of designs,' {Special . .,.... $1.00 yard DRESS VOILE Regular price up to $1 yard. SPECIAL The range consists of dark and light grounds, with se- lected colors in a broad va. riety of designs--all this sea- The widths are from 36 inches to 40 ns. DOLLAR DAY LADIES' DRAWERS Made of fine Longcloth, lace trimmed and tucked, open style only. 500, YARDS CANADIAN PRINT Light and dark colors in a The quality is well known at 25c. and 30c. yard. Special-- 5 yards for DOLLAR DAY 50 Dozen WHITE and COLORED BATH TOWELS 75c. and 85c¢. quality « iy 300 YARDS WHITE HABUTAI 36 inches wide -- regular value $1.50 yard. This is an all pure Habutai Silk, free from dressing, and will wash --an unusual opportunity. ohn Laidlaw & Son, Limited Too far away from sight or speech But not 300 far for our thoughts to each. Anchored by love, death cannot sever x 1,000 Ibs. Pork Roasts ......25¢. Ib. GROCERY SPECIALS ; 5,000 lbs. Granulated Sugar . . . 9c. Ib. 1,000 tins Tomatoes '12¢. tin 500 tins Corn . . «.:.12¢c. tin 3,000 pkgs. Corn Flakes . . . .9c. pkg. TEA" : . 500 Ibs. Hersley Blend, black, 30c. Ib. . SALMON-- : : ; Bragilian- .'. ., .. '3% 1,200 tins--40e. quality--for . .*. . 25. Can, Cement B17 300 tins Baking Powder--40c. quali | 1538. tin ers 7 . 13B. n . Steel ., .. 26%B, . : ; ) «es 10TH4B. Quality blend, 40c., 3 Ibs. for $1.00. a Tne. LAUNDRY SOAP-- "oad Sy on Standard Brands .......... .7c. bar | Wavagamack sola at 39 THURSDAY--GOOD VALUES [j= en Phones 458-459. Wholesale 1767. = - Sadly we miss you and will 1. 5 Northetn Pacific . © . 734% 713% | Some day, sometime, we shail ae Pierce Arrow 18% = 18 ® The sweetest face we hold in memory. Rep. Iron & Steel .. - 48% 46% ne but never shall be forgotten. U.S. Rubber 48% 43% Daughters and son, Gertrude Stafford ( Tichbourne, Ont, Royal Dutch (N.Y.) 57 58 Southern Pacific .,. 175 15 CARD OF THANKS Locke's On e Doll arDay Lockett' What We Have For O ne Dollar on Thursday Sinclair Ol .. .. .. 20% 204 'desires ta thank her many friends sod 60 pairs Ladies' White Canv Bo ots--low and highheels. obacco 8 ; ighbors for their kind expressions pairs ne nyvas 0 g ee ' Westinghouse ik Gai | ee ath Bo We SIO Priced $6.00 to $3.00. Sizes 2} to 4. For .....$1.00 Shun ge 15 pairs Ladies' White Oxfords and Pumps--mostly large sizes $1.00 15 pairs Ladies" Patent Pumps and Strap Shoes .....31.00 - 60 airs Children's Leather Barefoot Sandals cia 3500 es Sto 10}. § : * 15 pairs Boys' Patent Oxfords--heavy soles. Sizes 12t0 4 ... $1.00 - 7 pairs Boys' Canvas Boots --Leather Soles . hai 3100 | table Children's Strap Shoes and Lace~-rubber sole. He | table Ladies' Shoes--odds and ends, Boots'and Shoes, Slippan : r . all $1.00 ~ LOCKETT'S Canadign Stocks BoA CaN Ses se raia > RA YL ra raises es ne el Wis waa a ares Most people. overestimate _ their sorrows and undervalue their joys. |: a = 4 --_--. F . :

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