* WEDNESDAY, JOLY 13, 1091, : 1 HE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. INCIDENTS GF THE DAYITO PAVE MARKET SQUARE = = | Racy Local News and Items of The Civic Finance Committee'! f°. "47 Old Furs remade and repaired. - \ Place your order now. N\ Summer prices. 4 JOHN McKAY, Ltd. _» + FHEYFUR HOUSE "7.149 to 157,BROCK STREET § L{ Lindsay; Limited i LR Dance Records For Summer I Lost My Heart to You--Medley Fox Trot; Brokem Moon -- Medley Fox Trot--Jos. C. Smith's Orchestra ~--18745--81.00. Toddle--Medley Fox Trot--Ben- son Orchestra; My Man--Fox Trot, Paul Whitman's Orchestra--18756-- $1.00. al ndinaira--Fox Trot-- Benson Orchestra 1375 Ain't We Got Fan-~Fox Trot--B enson Orchestra Legend--Medley Waltz--Jos. C. Smith's Orchestra Pll Keep On Loving You--<Fox Trot--Benson's Orchestra .... Cherie--Fox Trot--Coleman's Orchestra EF 'Beautiful Annabell Lee--Waltz-- Vanderbilt Hotel Orch. Rosie--One Step-- Vanderbilt Hotel Orchestra MAHOOD BROS. ..216254 $4000-- Alice street --= Garment ALL WEEK block; 9 rooms; hardwood Make Your Dollars Leérn to floors; hot water flurnace; elec- Have More Cents tric light and gas, y v $3300--Albert street; frame; 8 rooms; B. and C.; electric light; gas; hot air furnace. BUSINESS PROPERTY. $2000--277-279 King Street East. WANTED TO RENT swFurnistied house; good location for four months from August '16th. © All improvements. 4 bhed- rooms. . GENERAL INSURANCE | | The McCann Agency R. H. WADDELL Phones 320-590. 8¢ Brock st, |i 24 Ibs. Rolled Oats 12 tins Somp "Save the differemee" Cullen's CASH AND CARRY TO-MORROW We're going to make this big One Day Sale = long to be remembered. : : See our windows. One devoted entirely to Hats at a . A 2 \ The other showing headwear---all greatly 4 Lr reduced in price. * "We advise early shopping gt ; . $ Dollr Days $ ALFRED and PRINCESS STS. li I Am RHI | General Public Interest. Try Chadwick's coal.. Prone 67 | .. The weather is getting on peoples' nerves. Rest at night is not very pos- | sible. ; . | Planos tuned. Phone 154%; C. W | | | Zion church lawn social Thursday, {7 to 10"p.m. Concert and speeches. | | Admission, 15¢. |. Miss Mabel Latimer, aged thirty- three, passed away in a Kingston hospitad® on Tuesday. The rémains were sent to Michigan by James Raid, | undertaker. ee 12 tins Comfort Lye, | Lemmon & Sons, Thuisda¥ only. ! 'The Civil Service vs. Insurance baseball game, scheduled 'for the | cricket field Tuesday evening, was |postponed, as some of the players | were out of town. : 16 rollg toilet paper { Thursday only at Lemmon & Sons. | { There is great suffering in houses | where the Artificial | Sadenty cut off the ice supply. The | company says it cannot name a data | j for its resumption. A small raft has beep placed in| front of the George Richardson | memorial bathing house at Macdon- ald Park and permits many of the | stronger swimmers to dive. | - A good 4-strand broom for 49c j Lemmon & Sons, Thursday only. | Mrs. Della Cardwell, wife of Thoma~ Cardwell, 'Ardendale, passed | {away in a Kingston hospital on Tues- | | day. The remains were sent to Ar-| {asndate by S. 8. Corbett undertaker. | [ ~ Mrs. Mabel Cronk, aged forty-two, | passed away gt the General hospital | on Tuesday. The deceased formerly | { ¥ésided at Mountain Grove and the remains ware sent there for inter- | ment by James Reid, undertaker. | The buoy marked on the Yacht I Club race course near Simcoe Island, and which disappeared on Saturday, | was returned to the club on Tues- | day afternoon. The weights had {dropped off and .the buoy floated td jGarden Island, where it was picked fup. ' | | $1.00 at| for $1.00, | =! per cent. off all aluminum and enamel ware at Lemmon & Sons, | Thursday only. Lorenzo B. Treacy, PeterlLoro, pass- ed away in a Kingston hospital on | Tuesday after an illness of some du- ration. ' He wés 39 years of age and {is survived by his wife and two j children. -The remains were sent to | Peterboro by Thomas Ronan, under- | taker, LANDED A RIVER ROOT The Trouble That Ross Berri- gan Gave to the Police on The ground of assessment the Twelfth. . Tears and pleadings would not induce a freight conductor to accom- modate Victor Penasievicz with a free ride back to Montreal on Tues- day, with the result that Victor ap- | peared in police court on Wednesday | morning charged with vagrancy. In broken English he told of the lack lof work, but the magistrate urged {him to leave the city during the day or he would be brought back into the toils." : Ross Berrigan appeared on two charges of intoxication and fighting on the streets, but pleaded not guil- ty. P.C. Mullinger testified that he and P.C. Boaprey had responded to a call to Charles street at 6.30 p.m. on Tuesday to separate two men who were said to be drunk and fighting. On the approach of the police, how- ever, Berrigan scampered over a field and "waded out into the Cata- 1] > raqui river, He hid among the weeds and the police were unable to get near to him in a boat. . At 8.45 p.m. P.C. Hornbeck and P.C. Camp- bell began a search for him, but he Jumped into the river again. Mean- while he had cut his boots off and although P.C. Hornbeck fired several shots at him he would not come to shore. George Coxwarthy volun- teered a boat and finally they land- [ed him. Récommends That This Be Done. The city couneil meets this even- gz, but tio session I i The fiLaneca committee mend to tife council that the ma square ba paved with sheet asphait | [this séason so as to improve the ap- | pearance of the city buildings. }t will also (recommend that a protest ho entered with the On#®rio Municipal Board against taxing Kingston for a | share of the cost of constructing the in thi¥ vicinity. is that Kingston will greatly benefit by the new roads, but the mayor and alder- provincial highway i men are wondering if Toronto, Ham- | fiton and Ottawa -are tobe taxed in | proportion to population and benefit they will receive from the highway. | It is expected that all urban muniei- palities will register | against y the case w b Yee Company | 38410 the tax, and the e will be ought out at Torbnto. Princess street residents weré en- tertained Tuesday evening by the bands of some of the county Orange lodges passing through the .town in motor trucks on their way home from the celebration at Gananogue. A good 4-strand broom for 40e ut "| Lemmon & Sons, "Thursday only. * The Hat Store" DOLLAR DAY TO-MORROW At "The Hat Store" $1 Hats for Men $1 Hats for Ladies $1 Hats for Children Our window displays of Hats that we will sell for One Dollar to-morrow will read- ily convince you that this is the place to' get a Hat Bargain. Men's Hats for $1 00 A general assort- ment of Felts, Straws Linens, Panamette, etc, also Caps of Cloth, Silk, etc. Berrigan denied strenuously the | charges of intoxication and fighting and sald that P.C. Hornbeck had no chance to smell liquor on him. He was remanded for one day on the charge of intoxication and for one week on the charge of fighting on the streets. Robert O'Brien was fined $2 and costs for driving an automobile without lights, po IN MARINE CIRCLES i POO The Frontenac, Cornwall and Johnson; of the Donnelly Company, arrived in port after releasing "the | steamer Mapleboro. "The - steamer Mapleboro arrived at Swift's in tow of the Mary P. | Hall. when the steamer grounded. Steamef Toronto, down and up to-day. : IT WAS AN ACCIUENT That Called Police To Bank of Montreal, day night the police were bothered by thieves. Report had it that an attempt had been made to rob the Hank of Montreal bat this Was without foundation. The bank is connected by burglar alarm system with the police station and during the night the alarm was sounded. | The police rushed aeross the Market SQuare, but it was found that the wires had been accidentally crossed. Elephant p.int at 76¢ per quart at' Lemmon & Sous, Thursday only. It candles were made in the form of 3 ~ Beyond a few minor calls on Tues- _ Ladies' Hats for $1 Hundreds to choose from -- trim- med Hats, Tailored Hats, Hat Shapes, Panamas, Outing Hats, for $1.00. Nf A propelior 'bladé was broken | | Children's Hats for $1.00 ~ A big assortment-- 'regular from $1.25 to $2.50 in Straws, TT their protest Square. Sleep, Listening, Melody, <4 Y Open N ights,\} ] . o : ® ® A : Special $1 Sheet Music Sale 3 These Regular 40c. and 50c. . =. . . Four for One Dollar, Chili Bean, So Long OO-Lon g. I'm Like a Ship Without a Sail, ~ There Little Girl Don't Cry, Alla, When My Baby Smiles at Me, Down in Miami, Underneath the Royal Palm Trees, Jean; I'm ing for Ships That Never Come in, When You Look in a Rose, When a Peach in Georgia Weds a Rose in Alabam, Ro- . mance, Rose of My Heart, Just Like the Rose, Rose of Washington LATEST SUMMER HITS ...3 FOR $1.00 Humming, Old Fashioned Garden, Peggy O'Neill, Love Bird, Margie, Dreamy Hawaii, Wang W ang Blues, Now I Lay Me Down to Learning, Bright : Some Little Bird, My Mammy, LaSsie O'Mine, The Last Little Mile is the Longest, Pucker ¥ "SUN" RECORDS--ONE PRICE 'ONLY, $1.00 All the latest summer hits on the. world's greatest recerd. THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE _ ~The Home of the "SUN" Records. Wait- the Heart of Eyes, Bonnie Lassie, Sentimental Up and Whistle. 7 Phone 919. | 5 $ 50c. line Chil in $ : 2 A few of the many items that One Dollar will buy here on $ Ladies' Howse Dresses--sizes 34 Priced up to $3.50 Jersey Play Suits for Boys----sizes up to 5 years -- tan, navy or cadet blue--regular-$1.75 . - Ladies' Mercerized Lisle Th read Hoses--White--regular Ladies' Long Silk Gloves--T an or Black: all sizes--$2 00 . oo. Ladies' extra quality Corsets--summer 'weight-- - 18 inch Heavy Union Roller Jowelling--red border-- «eieve'viny Thursday, 7 yards $1.00 Goodsin Huck Towels . . 36 inch Grey Cotton . . . . Ladies' White Vests--short sleeves--50c. line-- dren's Midd $ $5 58 Newman & Shaw "THE ALWAYS BUSY, STORE" y» ~-- - $ $8 9 THURSDAY to 44; pretty designs. ++ .+ev.. Thursday $1.00 Thursday $1.00 .« .. . Thursday, 3 for $1.00 On Thursday $1.00 . Thursday $1.00 8 inches wide-- tis . Thursday, 8 yards $1.00 +++ +... Thursday 3 for $1.00 .+ +. . Thursday 10 yards $1.00 . . On Thursday 4 for $1.00 ses -- White or with Colored trim- vote $1.75 for $1.00 ae bate . Spa SUN BURN VICTIM. Head of Boys' Camp Under Doctor's Care, Belleville Ontario. Sunburn is a serious business in these times and.though, .no doubt, people have read of its dangerous consequences at distant points this was brought home to-day when it was learned that Angus Buchanan, head of the boys' work department of the Y.M.C.A. and just now in charge of Camp Community, Moira Lake, was ill in bed from the effects of too much sunburn. ; Blisters formed on his shoulders and these had to be treated by a doctor. Mr. Buchanan fortunately is not in any danger, it was stated to- day, but is very uncomfortable and will hd¥e to.go carefully for the rest 2 X of the summer. Site For Bathing Purposes, Messrs. Tickell' & Sons Company have offered Belleville "for a bath- ing site, either Dickson's or Fair- man's Island as a gift to the city so long as it is. used as a bathing site and for that purpose only." The late Senator 'Corby left $5,000 for a bathing house, plans were drawn and estimates made within the amount of the bequest but the council turned the proposition down because of the cost of maintenance. Council decided to have the chair: man of parks take up the proposals of the Tickells. ' y ts eit i A Lad's Death, Bruce Peter Nelson, son of Mr. and Mrs. James D. Nelson, second con- cession of Sidney, passed away Mon- day night in Belleville hospital. He Was fifteen years and four months old and was bora in Prince Edward coun- ty. He had formerly been atténding school here, but had ben $il for some --_-- Ee Se BW v " " "To those having PROPERTY to sell, we wish to point out that We are now preparing our lists for the Autumn rush. List your prop- erty with us and get RESULTS. Now is the time if you are contemplating selling to place yoar . property on our list. ' Best attention given to all properties listed regardless of the size. We have prospective purchasers for all classes of property. We have one for yours. mops Buyers and Sellers of Real Estate Poa Insurance of all kinds, » wr Cor. Johnson smd Division Streets. « « - Phones 589w and 3893. Pa m-- W. MULLIN & SON . THURSDAY Big $1.00 Specials . =Ladies' White Canvas Lace Boots. TA om --Ladies' White Canvas Pumps, : ~Misses' High Grade White Canvas Lace Boots--regular , $3.00 value. Sizes 11 to 2. Vr. Wi MELEE --Misses' White Canvas Strap Shoes. . ==Children's White Canvas Boots. ~Children's White Strap Slippers. * ==Children's Black Leather Strap Slippers. 'SEE OUR WINDOWS FOR OTHER VALUES S. J. MARTIN. -189 Princess Street Phone 2216.