- : \ i ; 3 ' < rr "THURSDAY, vir ha 20m. Ss THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. 5' THE DAYS OF REAL SPORT. ns = A SPENDTHRIFT COULDN'T BE STOPPED The Sport: Say, Mame, lend me t | guess you stopped your scissors, an' doggoned if | mighty quick when you struck that don't blow you to jce cream sbdy stone wall? > # with my hair cut money! Enthusiastic Motorist: Nothing ; ; of the sort; the machine did; but | Aunt Lucy: Ten years ago you ™ kept right on over, you can bet, uh ) would have Been arrested if you ; | had appeared on the street in a skirt as short as that. y Miss Pflippe: Ten years ago | wore rompers and;socks and -every- body said | was a sweet little child. ON "You know that fellow you called fk a hound the other day?" AND HE GOT AWAY WITH IT "Yes." "Well, he's been dogding your se FOOLED ee Jutvued: Nou forge to kisa steps ever since." * r Bug Bathers: Shucks, | thought + it was a sea-serpent and It's only a ansyet glam Jon Willie Caterplifar out for a swim. ? for mé to kiss you so | don't wish ] . : ' ef. , ih It to become a fixed habit. \ ) : : ; by . : . ' 4 (0,4, 7 MOVIE OF A MAN STOCKING HIS CAR IN A PUBLIC GARAGE ENTERS BIG GARAGE] GARAGE ATTENDANT. Serpico 2 FINE _AND = * STICK'ER tN Thars"| BAck! BACK ly BACK * . {PorTING To" VERYSS '| BLANIY "Roam 1BAC NARROW SPace) j ey ATTENDANTS NOW i Gury erRuARD Hcur I PERE WAYIOVER SD \ NOWISTRAIGHTEN \E 8 So) 3, SHE KNEW HIM, TOO cin. Me: | think | know your first Mrs, Deer: Have you seen my lit. A PRETTY MESS husband. tle boy around here anywhere? Handsome Girl: Heavens, I'm She: That's no reference. Mr. Bda: My. dear madam, I've covered with mud! Am | not a > > been asleep for a week--| dined so pretty mess? heartily some days ago. He (admiringly): As pretty. a Mrs. Deer: Been asleep for a mess as one could imagine, Miss week, eh? Well, that may be 80, Rose. - but you have such a way of getting around everything t have' my doubts! HAD HER DOUBTS HIS FIELD OF LABOR °° College Graduate: You're quits a S - x a scientist, | understand; In what ATTENDANT." NOW . TTE - LET HIM DROWN field of science do you generally BACK ve BACK! sack | _OVER OTHER WAY ATTENDANT Whoa! : 4 ? 4 THE CORN STALK Diner: There's a fly in this soup, 22°" ; BACK © WHOA i+ Loon NOW STRAIGHT, willie: ~ Ma, | asked Aunt Belle walter! . . Farmer: No field © sslonse Ata), OUT = SLQW i fe Back! < A \ what made her stalk along so funny, Waiter: Well, If he can't swim, You'd Janeje3 h plain field o 7 , . . and she sald, "Corns. growing on sir, let him drownl @ H¥s a nui. On With a geod hoe. u my feet. ot sance, I'll say. Mother: Well? Willie: But | didn't see any corn EMEREES FROM . " ann -e Yr UAE 30!"| Alo dimen vr To TAGKLED THE WRONG ONE JUSTIFIED 9 BEYOND HER fot Skeet: Good gracious, what He:' Why do you treat me as you The Bore: How is It that | see happenéd? do? JOU every summer at this resort? and Skeet: Bjt a man with a She: Because you don't. treat ¥ She: | can't tell, for every time leg. me at all. J ste you coming | duck, Foo i #4 arm i } " ] on : a re] Page ; 27 VERY LIGHT CROPS. light crop. Huckleberries are quite [and Mrs, James Fodey, Kronace, ae Bi Sin o--- ori AND. Taek now PASE. THE y : Hoke ------------ plentiful despite the dry weather |Sask., and Miss Belle Fodey, Toron- STRIKING. AND rr BY NIGHT . IS GOING ANY Han - Are Reported As a Result of the Dry | Several re attending the Orange |to, are spending some time at their COUNT = GuNE = Twwe--THREE -- = FOUR - so AND. wisu AND THINK (T'S Too' BAD. BUT Weather, celebration in - Gananoque today. {old home here. ' ---- IT wWouLD STOR, Wut RAVER GUT UP . Outlet, July 12.--Farmers are| Mis: Evelyn Earl has gone to King-|" Mr and Mrs, T. O'Grady visited at . . : busy at the haying and report a very | ston to attend summer school. Mr. | Nelson Fodey's on Sunday. Mr. and == |'Mrs. Arthur Slack, Delta, and Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Yates, Toledo, were ino visitors here, The funeral of - nm, thejfate Mrs. Joseph Running was hell on Tuesda, from the home of her daughter, Mrs. James Moorehead, to the Hornerite churoh here, I hy 3 Migs Vera-Slack is visiting at J. HE - A { Moorehead's. Mr. and Mrs. J. Lee, Te ; 4 \ . Ae New York, are holidaying here at \ Eo the home of his brother, C. A. Lee. A James: and Joseph Milne, Kingston, have' arrived to spend the hcliday vg In! A % with their grandparents, Mr. and / 7 } Mrs, John Fodey. . K 4 . & i - . fu : People Are Crowding In. ' . ie a : : Charleton, July 11.--Misses Beu- '~Anp EIGHT! AnD You 2] = Then - NINE - - TEN- € : | Ford Touring, 1917. ; lah and Dora Thurston, Fairfield, are BECOME -- ALARMED AND IT FINALY DAWMNE ON % | Feud Toca 4 =" visiting their cousin, Mrs. Harry : You RAE ou ¥ Hien or ourm i : Webster. Miss Janie Cox, who has ' : HouR AND g been very ill at the St. Vincent De . AA Gl eed or . . | Paul pital, Brockviile, is expected. | McLaughlin D-35. home this week, Miss Anna Keyes, | ? also very ili, is gaining nicely. James N\ 1 McLaughlin K-63. Keyes, who has been very ill for thed past few months {s much better. The 1 Chev. 490. Special bargain $395. hot weather is bringing the people from the cities to the lake. Haying | R T ebony is well under way but the lightest €0 1ouring. crop ever seen here. M.- Leader re- . 3 . . cently visited relatives at Potsdam, All cars indAl shape, good tires . N.Y. J. Hudson and sisters spent . = Sunday at Jones' Falls. Mi~s Hazel and freshly painted. Burns, Frankville, is at Cedar Park. . Mr. and Mrs. Burns, FranXkville, and 4 Mrs, Poulin, Ottawa, were at Cedar P 7 Park on Sunday, - : E : .ll{sporr ; a ; A ans £5 VanLuven Bros. Japan plans to rebuild her 8,000 : Wh ----a. EE . -- i : Ena miles of railways as standard gauge . : . Jat & cost of $200,000,000. : hme - Phone 1609. 34-38 Princess Street. , Another paradox is the fact that a| By noting the way a young mas| It has just about gotten so in this| A woman's will power fs merely] After the reformers kill hofse race - . . : rich girl often niakes a poor wife. turns in you can get a pretly good |country that if a man' keeps quiet]|another name for her won't power. |ing they might enact a law prohibjt« i, ¢ ine 3 An oculist's bill is aot to affect the [{déa of how IMe.is going to turn| when he has nothing to say he gets | In 1898 the first 6i' well wis dug ing the degenerate horse from dis eyesight. } out, } * \reputation for being grouchy. in the Philippine Islands. #; "playing their bare legs on the street. 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