Wr i Phone 377. i i ¥ CHOICE WESTERN MEATS and ; COOKED MEATS MoGEEINS Phone 1182 282 Princess Street Sc" FOR MOVING OF | t, Furniture, Safes, Pianos and | ! Cartage. of every description-- ingston Transfer Co. 153 Wellington Street. --_ 21 Main Street. 6 Partridge Wire Works' NICKEL PLATING AND BRASS FINISHING Now prepared to do this work. Manufacturing Wire Fencing, Flower Horder Guards, ete, PHONE 62 KING ST. W. - = 350 BUILDING ? ..: TRS" ONT ALTERATIONS? "REPA Estimates given by O. Aykroyd & Son y Phone, 1670. mm PRESTON PORTABLE GARAGES In woqd or steel--to rent or for . anle, F. hone 2372w. B. MeNAMEE 1i8 Colborne Street DRAW. WINNETT Corner of Johnsun and Wellington. | 'Btreets DAVID SCOTT ' Plumber Piombing and Gas Work a special. ty. All work guaranteed. Address 145 Frontenac Street. Phone 1277, DIINTAL SURGEON. Phone 364 | a Angrove's Repairs MiLLErSWoRM HAVE 'A"WARM PLACE IN THE HEARTS OF MOTHERS FOR THEY HAVE PROVED THAT THEY ARE ONE OF THE MOST EFFICIENT AND BENEFICIAL REMEDIES THAT CAN BE GIVEN TO A CHILD. THEY ARE SWEET AND EASILY TAKEN AND QUICKLY ERADICATE THESE WRETCHED PARASITES FROM THE SYSTEM. CONTAIN NO NARCOTICS er - Dr. Waugh Dentjst 106 Wellington St. Phone 256. satisfaction. Sealey, Talking Machines, Bicycles, by Carriages, Lawn Mowers, ete, We ir work right and guarantee 197 WELLINGTON STREET WATTS People's ' Florist L177 wellington street. Fresh flowers and plants daily Funeral . designs, and wedding bouquets to order. Phone 1763. Res,, 1137. Seger ---------- W. R McRae & Co. GOLDEN LION BLOUK, EE Cholcest quality of Scranton Coal, No other kind sold. by us i BOOTH & CO. Grove Inn Yard Phone 133 REDUCE PRICES IN MONUMENTS AND CEME. TERY LETTERING J. E. Mullen 161 FRONTENAC STREET Phone 1417. | DID YOU EVER TRY Wagstafi's Gin, slarmalade, Wagstan's Bramble Jelly, We ais> have a full line of otasr reliable makes of Marma- lades, Jum and Jellies for sale Ali-- Bon Marche Grocery Cor. King and Esc! Ntirecia Lievens 3 3-2TI49 en No. Phone 1844. REAL ESTATE . FOR W. H. GODWIN & SON Real Estate and Insurance 89 Brocl:"Street. 'Phone 424. - 4 . Lake Ontario Trout and Whitefish, Fresh Sea Salmon, Had- dock, . Halibut and Cod BOOTH FISHERIES Canadian Co. Phone 520. 63 Brock No. 9-3240. "Ste refund. koreen) at busy r write for free booklet to oreim, Company, 277-A, Toromte, Ont. Dr. H. A. Stewart Dental Surgeon Wishes to announce that he has resumed his practice, cor. Wel- lington and Princess Streets. Phone 2092. Dr. H. A. Stewart Dr. J. L. Stewart Keep The Blood Cool BYTAKING NYAL'S FRUIT SALINE for a few mornings during the hot weavaer, It will relieve skin erup- tions, due to the intense heat. Nyal's is a pleasant saline laxative. See window display. M. R. McColl Phone 82 Prescription Druggist (Formerly Prouse's Drug Store) Cuticura kills dandruff, stops itching, the cause of dry, thin and f; : Gently What has become 6f the o. 1. wo- man who used to crawl under a fea- ther bed during a thunder storm? - Asia. has nearly one-third of. the world's land "area and more than} one-half of the globe's population. " « {the summer "I"other's shortcomings and angularities. _THE DAILY BRITISH < WHIG. \ | To Speak at Picton. i xcess of the commit- Ww Mackenzie King is to ton on August 1st. L. | | hn } | ak in Pic { . i a | " arligment-Medal; Some Old Town. ( rath, of the Whig jot n is 248 years old. The an-! root, has received from Belfast one « is up-to-date.in essentials, the edals struck to commemo- and looks for a future worthy of its | rate the opening of the Northern -Toronto Globe, Irish parliament in the Belfast city hall on the 22nd 'of June. Fini] Robert Gall Kir cient of pase John's Sunday School Picnic. St. John's, Pprismouth, Sunday | school 'picnic to-morrow. (Friday), | Brophy's Point. Wolfe Islander leaves Brock street 1.30 p.m., Ports- mouth pier p.m St. Will Practice at Douglas, Dr. "W. G. Robertson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Robertson, Carle ton Place who returned a short time from England, where -he had been taking a post-graduate Aourse in a Londoy, hospital, is" startingxig at Douglas. ™ = 2 ago For the Hot Weather. We have in stock few brown and grey lightweight summer suits for youths, sizes 34, 35 and 36, | regular price $18; which we will sell for $13. Prevost, Brock street, a practice Old Home Week, July 23rd to 29th will be a big week in Clayton, a community Chau- taugua and old-home week being scheduled. Invitations have been sent put to all former residents to be here for old home week and a large crowd of former Claytonians is expected. . Corinthia in Commission: Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Conde, New York, have opened their cottage on Enchanted Island, Alexandria, Bay, and will remain at thisyresort during | acht Corinthia | 1ssion --_--_-- Engagement Announcement, Dr. and Mrs. Allan B, Parlow, Ot- tawa, announcg the engagement of their daughter, Dealtry Irene, Orton H. Lannin, son 0 Mr. and Mrs Thomas E. Lannin, Rochester, N.Y The marriage wil take place early in September. The bride-elect is a niece of Mrs. James Shaw, Wellington street, -~e Their has been placed in co Want A Swimniing Instructor, The playgrounds -ceémmittee has asked Renfrew council to employ an | expert for the season teach the boys how to swim. It is probable the appointment be made at the { next meeting of council to will To Teach in Galt, W. T. Medcof, Hartington, was a visitor inthe city Wednesday Mr Medcof is a recemt graduate of Queen's and attended the faculty of education at Toronto last winter. He has accepted a position at the Colleg- |iate Institute at Galt, where he is No Hospital This Year For Pertn, | At a meeting of thé hospital or- ganization in Perth recently. It was | decided that the building proposition | be not carried on this year, but that the building committee be authoriz- | ed to again call for tenlers in the spring of 1922, The tenders receiv- DIVORCE IN OLD AGE : By CHARLES GRANT MILLER \ (Copyright, 1921, All Rights Reserved by United Feature Syndicate.) When nine grown children of a Texas c¢ brate 'the golden wedding 6f their parents he had selected the occasion as a fitting tim Perhaps it was as fitting time as any. ary nrind to realize that a couple who h might not, if they made decent efiort, that remains to them. After fifty years a man and. wife ought the father announced that e to enter suit for divorce. Yet it is hard for the ordin- ave lived together for fifty years live on together for the little time 'to pe accustomed toseach The faults, the shadows, must inspirations the sympathetic companion becomes the dearest thing this side of heaven. If - this old man instead of his wife But money is one o in Texas had attempted to sacrifice his money a guardian would have been promptly appointed. f the things we hold sacrgd in law, Marriage is different, 5 ba A judge would 'do well tc think twice and read carefully between the lines .of the law before tearing apart two lives that have grown together and leaving them to wither and shrivel up in separation and when a vine is torn loose from the thing to which it has grown, Incompatibility of temper is a genuine source of martial misery, but it is impossible to conceive of incompatibility developing after fifty years of married life. At that late day the trouble 1s more likely due to the pgstulapce of senility. And in such a case divorce is a dissolution that is "hext to death. To effect the separation all the tendrils of each heart are sundered, as have become as much a part of their life as have thé sweet virtues, the sunshine, v : : They have become molde] to each others ways, and if they cannot get along together conten tentedly at all. Divorce sometimes has much of the nature of suicide. Thijs is the case when the marriage relation has been maintained for many years. The man who grows discontented with the wife whe has been his help- mate so long is like the suicide who grows tired of himself. It is in old age that marriage is sweefést. In active life consola- tion is"found in occupation and ambitions, but when -age has palsied loneliness. : n those ways they cannot get along 'con- Kingston and Vicinity to! { foot to the other, | blurted out, 'I think I would like to] ouple had assembled to cele- | | "Fhe-kate-Mis, Alice V. Steele lice. V. Greek,. widow hur J. Steele, died éarly on Tues- ¥ In Watertown, | | Ar | ¢ Hcations, aged fifty-four years. De- was born in Kingston. Al , Mrs. 'H. Nicholson, resides ceased daught he re., To Observe Birthday. | On July 16th the centenary of the birth 0f Mary- Baker Eddy ig to be | fittingly celebrated at her birthpkace | in Bow, a little town near Concord, | N.H. Christian Scientists from all | parts of the world are expected to at- | tend, making a pilgrimage . to her | gave. In connection with these cere- | monies special services will be cou-| ducted in Christian Science churches honor of founder of that | faith: It was-on February 1st, 1868, | as the result of a fall, that Mrs. Eddy | first experienced: her spiritual heal- ing. Her first church was establisn- | in the died December 4th, 1910, at the age | of 89. - Up to the Undertaker. ! Supreme Court Justice Kapper was | friend of the late Senator McCar- | ren, former Brooklyn Democratic] boss, and told the following story at | la nt Democratic dinner at the | Hotel Bossert: ~I was at breakfast with the Jate Senator McCarrengat the Clarendon hotel," said Justice] Kapper, 'when a man excitedly | rushed in and said that Judge Dowl- | ing had just died. 'Yes, I heard the! news a half-hour ago,' replied the Senator. Shifting uneasily from one the man finally! | take his place.' 'I have no objections, vid the Senator, 'if the undertaker! thas none.' " Better Prices for Farmers. | The farmers .who have been com- | i plainin'g' about: the prices of butter | {and cheese are finding their compen- | sation in the advance of the price of { thay ten dollars within one week. | | While thie hay crop is light, many | | farmers report a good crop in cer- | | tain localities, and these are the ones | | who are reaping the benefit of the | high prices. The falling off in the | milk supply through the drought has sent the price of cheese up from thirteen to twenty-three cents with- |in a period of three 'weeks, and while that will not be perhaps as heavy an output gs last year and the price 1s lower, still the farmer will be thank- ful to see the price of his cheese ad- vanced. The law of compensation op- erates to the farmer's advantage and this is also shown in the prices of butter and eggs. | { | Ladies Nearly Drowned. An accident which might have re- sultéd in a tragic ending, occuried at Tweed, when Mrs. Lyman Godfréy, | Point Anne, visiting there, was al- most drowned "while in bathing. In company with Miss Aletha and Goldie Godfrey were bathing in the river in front of the house. Mrs Goafrey lost her footing by stepping into a hole, In falling she grasped Miss Goldie and in her frantic ef- forts to save herself pulled her down also. 'Attracted by the screams of the other girls, some men rushed to the scene of the accident, just as Mr. Godfrey and Lyman reached home also. They immediately plunged in the water and after a time succeeded in. bringing both 'to shore, As we go to press we learn that Mrs. God- fréy and Miss Goldie have quite re- 'covered from the shock, Sr os ATES LONDON, or a FLO OD DEVAST ®icturé shows dama street--completely under water. Damage is estimated at ge done in London, Ont; by a flood and cloudhurst. picture shows Dundas and Agertor streets; the lower, the C.P.R. crossing at ONT. : a The 'upper Waterloo $500,000, I { joining department of English | of | rning at the family residence, | N.XY., following a long |} , due to heart trouble and com- | ----- or of the Coal Consumer has resulted in such a small demand for coal at the mines, that they are being -eperated only: at about one-half their usual capacity. ! Unless Coal is mined during the summer, the Mines will ..not~be able to meet the winter's demand . - s It is therefore ad able for consumers who can do so, to buy and receive their coal early and thus insure a full winter's S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, 'Bay and Wellington Btreets, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 66. Kactory ' Phone 1415. : ed insBoston, April 19th, 1879. She | AND ENJOY THE HOT WEATHER a1 oN Have comfort this hot wea- ther by dining at a nice, cool Restaurant. Order what you like and as you like it. Special arrangements ean 0 made for dinner parties and lunches. whi Grand Cafe PROP. . Two Doors Above Opera House Wim PETER LEE, 222 Princess Street . . APPLETON Announces the opehing of a new Plumbing and lHedting Establishment t------ 417 PRINCESS STREET--O PPOSITE ANDERSPN BROS. . 'Prices on contrhcting and all kinds of jeb work furn ed. Give us a call. Phone S78w. HOW ABOUT THAT GARDEN OF YOURS Do not let the grubs eat it up, but order {PARIS GREEN. ARSENATE OF LEAD, ACCO SPRAY, SPRAYERS, KETC. A full stock at: -- Ye a. | "RET Lemmoné&Sons 187 Princess St. ir Vr --c ------ --~, + We're Ready for Spring With a Large, New Stock of Fine Quality Suits and Top Coats For Men and Young Men at Lower Prices $20.00, 22.00, 25.00, 28.00 $30.00, 32.00 , See our fine quality Blue Serge Suits at | ? . --$35.00 -- /° - TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St. :» . (One door below Randolph Hotel) --ee { $ iF &, at i Black, White and Navy Pailette Silk-- extra heavy and wide width, for io, 0. ti $1.39 a vard White Wash Skirts of Gaberdine and Linen--nicely made in the newest styles, for ......$1.69 and $2.25 Pure Linen Damask for Table Cloths-- full width, for ......$1.50 a yard All Pure Wool White Flannel for -Skirtsat ......... $1.00 a yard. "W. N. Linton & Co. Phone 191. | ~~ The Waldron Store. [I "