Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Jul 1921, p. 6

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- Y < THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. # TRUKSDAY, JULY 14, 1vun, a cscs iy ¥HE BRITISH WHIG It was a dizzy old winter, with its threatened outbreak in Europe, and a hectic pld spring with [ts industrial . He-ups and commercial depression, but'this is the good old summertime. Lite is short and time is fleeting, ahd why should we be always in a hurry and a perpetual worry? : Last month we slipped into our "IBV. D.'s and this mofith we all should take a lesson from the weather and slip out of our long ac- customed mental traces and go dash~ ing headlong to the open pastures where the June grass is lush and the birds are singing as joyously as be- fore the kaiser decended upon Bel- glum, bringing in its wake such a scourge of plagiies as would have made early Egypt appear & pleasant paradise. by comparison. We've grown accustomed to look upon life darkly, We Irave had wars and rumors of wars: We have known sufficfently of evil and doubt. Our minds are weary of the turmoil and strife. We long for the quiet ways we knew before the war, And dame summer is knocking at the door and bidding us cast dull care aside for a while; is inviting us to forget-our perplexities, toss aside the problems that we have not been able to solve o|and go a summering. : And he T8 a wise man who will listen, There is"something in the season that demands relaxation. It is not by*accident that the railroads and the steamship lines run excur-! sions from June to September; it is not by chance that the lake and pleasure resorts are in full blast . BIBBY'S Sawed off Prices For J . MEN'S 'FINE SHIRTS Tooke, Arrow, Lang and Forsyth makes-- the $4.00 variety. |" Our special-- $2.98 i ER SET re y TOOKE NAIN- SOOK Reinforced, athletic style. Our big special $1.75 per Suit PURE SILK UNDERWEAR Athletic style. $4.50 per Suit YOUNG MEN'S SUITS We are offering truly wonderful values at $18.00, $25, $28.50, $32.50 and $35.00. See our pure wool INDIGO SERGE M at $35.00 en's and Yeyn Men's models 2 Nothing to touch these -Suits at any where near the price. =i. "What Troubles Them. (Springfield (Ohio) News) This is a bad year for bachelors, according to predictions. What's the matter, are some of them going to be married? Easily to Understand. (El Paso Herald) i 4 There's one thing about poetry, music, love and cooking: one does not have to understand them to en- joy them, S08, Semi seks 2 LIMITED .. President G. Eblott gan A. Gulla TELEVHONES: usiness Office itorial Rooms lob Office SUBSCRIPTION RATES: (Daily Edition) e year, delivered in city ......§6.00 ne year, if paid in advance «$5.00 na year, by mall to rural offi One year, to United States {Bemi-Weekly Edition) One year, by mail, sh One year, if not paid in advance ' One year, to United States ..,.. OUT-OF-TOWN REPRESENTATIVES E Calder, 21 SL Jona Sts Mojireal | F. W. OMPSON . xh» ng St. W, Torowte. Placating the Crowd. (Toronto Mail and Empire) The British government declares it is abandoning war subsidies to agriculture, which would amount to $100,000,000 or $150,000,000. But it is making a grant of £3 per acre for wheat, and £4 for oats this year, the cost of which will be between $75,000,000 and $175,000,000. This is one 'way of trying to placate the economy crowd. that came with each addition that |» - 4 tended to increase the comtortable- | i ness of their abode. The newlyweds, | PUBLIC OPINION however, look forward to all such | N little occurrences, enjoy the elation be-e-e * od of achievement which they later will Only Kind They Have. recall only as a struggle, but still 5 {Auzusta, (Ga.) Chronicle) rela- ning said with shemsives e- | SOS IR, [ESL "we cause they made the effort and were were of the opinion that that's:about successful, =... | the only kind of relations they have. "Tat fs why It {s reasonable to - as think that lack of homes rather than lack of work is'the cause of the fall- ing off in the number of marriage licenses issued. It is likely that when the housing condition is remedied there wil] be an increase over what would be the normal number. mb---------------- THE MIGHTY: ST: LAWRENCE RIVER. Canada {s'honored by the presence of one hundred prominent American citizens whose mission is to investi- " gate the St. Lawrence deep water- way and power project. They were welcomdd at Thorold by Sir Robert Borden, on behalf of the Dominion government, and the key-note of the addresses of welcome and reply was co-operation and good-will. MEN'S FINE SHIRTS Arrow made--the $2 and $2.50 variety.| with fancy trim, skirt Our special at -- style. Our Special-- $1.50 "$1.50 MEN'S BATHING SUITS Sizes 34 to 44. Navy The distinguished visitors are de- termined to see the economic value of the great scheme, and once they are convinced of the practicability of it they can be depended upon to bend all their marvellous energy towards its realization, Already the imagin- ation of many is caught by the 'vast- ness of the undertaking, but a visit to the Niagara power plants, and to the-greater Welland Canals now un- then; that the schools aré closed and der construction by the Canadia the playgrounds open. When the | government, is convincing evidence sun is high, the inclination to men- | of Canadian faith, of Canadian abil- tal effort is low. Even the farnier |ity and resourcefulness in big enter- who rejoices in the heat of summer | prises. The opening = of the new "| pauses for breath between the sea- Welland will provide for the passage sons of harvest and fall ploughing, | of ocean-going vessels from Kingston and all the rest of us should take the | to Port Arthur, and there remains hint and do likewise. the canals around the rapids between It is summer again. Both the | Morrisburg @nd Montreal. The .en- thermometer and the almanae prove !larging and deepening 'of these tan- it. Therefore, "'a fig for care, a fig |als so as to accommodate the ocean- tor woe; let the 'world come, let the | going ships will make of the St. world go" unti] the fall breezes blow. | Lawrence and the inland lakes the greatest waterway in the world. It is this transportation aspect that claims the intense interest of the cen- tral and western states, because it means the saving of millions of dol- lars annually in freight charges. The power scheme is of greater interest to the east, and the report of the en- gineers employed by the Internatinn- a] Joint Commission states that both projects are practicable. The en- tire cost is estimated at $250,000,- 000, a figure that brings the proposal within the realm of possibility. This is much below :the estimate of Hugh L. Cooper & Company, hydraulic en- gineers, of New York, who placed the cost at $1,600,000,000. There is, too, People The Prairies. (Border Cities Staw, Windsor) The Dominion government could, with advantage, begin a special study of the more rapid peopling of the prairies. Encouragement should be given to the proper class of land- seekers from across the seas. Pro- vision might be made for every in- tending settler without a previous Rraining in the agricultural methods of thé west, to pass a period of pro- bation and agricultural education on western farms. One of the chief ob- stacles that men who have been try- ing to learn farming have faced has been the lack of continuous employ- ment the year round. When autumn comes and the farmer pays them off they make for the cities, and the prospects are slight of their raturn to the land again, Letters to the Editor are published only over the actual name of the writer. Attached is one of the best job printing offices in Canada. MEN'S SUMMER UNDERWEAR at mill prices. Arrow athletic style. 'Our Special -- $1.25 per Suit MEN'S FINE SHIRTS Tooke, Lang and Ar- row--the $3 variety. Our Special-- $1.98 The circulation of THE BRITISH WHIG is authenticated by the 4 ABC Audit Bureau of Circulations. The postponement of weddings and bridal tours might result in a lower berth rate. : ------------------ Some girls wash their faces at In- tervals, and somg merely put on a { fresh coat, oh \ Walt Mason THE POET PHILOSOPHER -- W. B. STEVENSON Pricea mibderate. 381 KING STREET EAST FOR SALE SEVEN ACRES OF LAND in City fimety, with a good house, small bara, en house. Priee 4,500. cash will handle it. : Ney 175 ACRES, with good 8 miles out--3$7,750, 165 ACRES-- fine house; barns; 4 miles out--$9,000, en McClary's Gas Ranges The finest finished Gas Ranges made in Canada. 7 different styles carried in stock to choose from. HOT PLATES--1, 2, 8, 4 Burners. BUNT'S HARDWARE A period of unrest gets the greater part of its inspiration from the rest- less hyphen. FEWER JUNE MARRIAGES. Marriage" licenses issued in the month just closed show a decrease the ¢ountry over, compared with the same month last year, Cupid, of course, is not to blame for the situa- tion and he probably is not as cau- tious as he may be given credit for being in some quarters, ' + Some of the decrease may be due to the fact that .prospectlve bride- grooms do not have steady work, but that fact 'cannot be. responsible for all of the unwillingness to wed in the most romatic month of the year. Those who fall victims of the dart of the little god ordinarily are so obliv- fous to material affairs that a little \ POOR OLD NEBRASKA. Nebraska's eyes are tearful, there's sorrow in her marts; her sons pre- tend they're cheerful, but they have aching hearts. Oh, still her hogs may fatten, her steers do passing well, from Broken.Bow to Stratton, from Hastings to Odell; she still may harvest glory through fresh and salted meat, and live in song and story by raising corn and wheat; her bards may gain the bacon, her heal ers bring back health, but Bryan has forsaken that . sad-eyed "' common: wealth. There other living wonders may dance around and sing, and ------------------ This would be an ideal season for somebody to ask fewvelunteers for a Polar expedition. , Perhaps the preachers could do ! better if they would describe hell as { a place where taxes endure forever. The close up may be all right in the movies, but it is rather distress- ing when applied to factori¥s. bulidings-- ? » ------------ The annoying thing about fishing is that just as you seffle 'for a nap good some darn fish jerks at your line. : . With John D. Rockefeller playing thing like lack of steady doesn't bother them. income considerable difference between the | plans in the two reports, the govern- ment engineers placing the first pow- with their Verbal thunders make all the welkins ring; the state may al ways nourish strong men whose aims M. B. Trumpour 1113 Brock s'reet Phone 704 golf on his eighty-second birthday, A more probable reason for the er dam at the Gallop Rapidg naar i the term "ancient game' assumes a |situation is the lack or homes for the | Ogdensburg, whereas the Cooper i, double meaning. newly-weds., "Tt is likely that many ; Company's plan placed it farther $ ------------------------------. who are working steadily, and are |down the river at Croil Island, op- On the other hand, will there ever | not only willing but eager to assume | posite Aultsvilla, The total estimated } be peace 'In these prohibition 4imes | matrimonia) bonds, are deterred by | horsepower is 4,100,000, and it will while there stands a line fence With | {he fact that they have no home to | be developed just as if 1s needed and stapes growing on it? go to following the ceremony. It is |after the canals have been construct the dream of every bride's heart to | ed. Z have a little nest to fix up and attend The hostility that was shown to- to and be mistress of. Marriage | ward 'the scheme last year in some changes lives of the newly married | of the eastern states is gradually giv- to a degree scarcely realized even by | ing way. before the wave of enthusi- those who have long known the wed- |asm in favor of it that increases as ded state and one of the changes is | the American people become awaken- an intense desire experienced by the |ed to the enormous possibilities of bride and bridegroom to have a |the development of both transporta- | home of their pwn. tion and power, and much of the Couples long wedded are prone to | credit for this is due to the Canadian forget the joys they experienced im | Deep Waterways and Power Assocla- fitting up their first home. They | tion, as well as to the thorough in- think of heir early struggles and for- | vestigation carried on by the Inter- get af} about the triumphant feeling ' national Joint Commission. are high, boy orators may flourish and fade away and die; and War- wicks oft may ramble athwart the pleasant scene, and commoners may gambol upon the Lincoln green; the future is uncharted, we know not what may be, but Bryan has depart: ed, alas and hully chee! No home's so well defended it has no vacant chair, no flock so well attended, but one dead lamb is there. From York to Weeping Water Nebraska feels be- reaved, and every sop and daughter is sore and deeply peeved; men drink the bitter mixture, and say the act's a crime, for Willyum seemed a fixture, a landmark for all time. The altars all are shaken, and rent the.temple"s dome, for Bryan has for- saken his old Nebraska home. --WALT MASON. PATTON'S DYE WORKS (Late Montgomery's) The soda fountain has its limita- tions, but early morning patrons never have any difficulty in making the first one stick. Admira) Sims declares that he said the same things in his book. That 18 different. When it got into the news- papers, people read it. " Kingston's Only Dyer, Dry Cleaning a Specialty. Phone 214. 849 Princess 8¢ Farm (With Crop) For Sale A choice farm of 120 acres including erop about 11 miles from Kingston burderipig on lend ag road. first class brick @'weiling. gcod stone foundation, fl cinzern, § bed: coms; guod outbuildings; &0od fences: well watered; good draln- age; about 40 acrea in grain with pros- pcets of a good crop; also about 60 : acres in meadow (also looking well), ina Ee hE ib : 1t is excellent land for bay or grain, : v Have had J" tons of hay and 1400 : . ushels of grain in one season on thi ~ A RECENT, VISITOR. AND HIS OUTFIT, fifa! usta plating High bows : . . / 4 horses and young cattle. This farm . Pg cis bd - is : [nortgage if < . : § RI scious bsosiussbiinnnd, titi i 'rice farm and cro 7600; x i RS without crop $6500. » § , arm If there is a commerce raider op- ave for sels hm erating on the Atlantic coast, the ' va : ka 3 * 3 9 : United States may yet find 4 way to ¢ ' ; : iy 1 - T: J. Lockhart 3 dispose of its. wooden ships. A ; | > ; \ REALESTATE AND INSURANCE 4s what is meant by not having your tires properly repaired by our system of tire repairing--any size, any kind, any style, any tread. We have machines and moulds for. them all and our service is second to none. IF WE CAN'T DO IT, IT'S NO GOOD: tive If that crowd of surveyors find oil in the islands, the Filipie won't be capable of selfsgovernment for an- sother hundred years. , BA ---- Advices from Mexico declare thai Villa's reform is complete. It usually is when the bandit coilects all the property he cares for. Every woman has wealthy rela- tives, If they do not exist, it doesn't take her long to invent some, Phone 322) or 1797J. It would be easier to understand TERR SRR Rd the fall of Adam if he had squeezed A *s the juice out of that apple and given it a week to fortify itself. Fame: The quality that gets yoii a little more deference in a hotel that would kick you. out in any case 1t you couldn't pay your bill. re Coal 'That Sits | Celebrated Jiffy 'Baby Pants Ideal for summer wear for babies. Fits snugly, are. of soft, pliable Rubber, eas- ily washed. Dr. Chown's Drug Store: 185 Princess St. Phone 848. ---------------------- % The minimum wage is just and reasonable; no one can complain if it carries with it an obligation not'to deliver a minimum of service. That comet missed an excellent op- portunity. There will probably never | be another time when the end of the world will cause so little regret. Scranton Coal The Standard Anthracite The only Coul haadled by Crawford Phone 9. Foot of Queen St. "It's » black business, but we ° : treat you white" -- Calendar reformers who want to - # have thirteen months 'of twenty- eight days each are suspected of be- \. Ing paid by the month. , "AUTO PULLMAN BUILT BY A TORONTONIAN FOR A MOTOR TOUR. This 'auto-pullman is the idea of W. G. Wright, 811 -Sunnyside avenue, who had it specially' constructed for: him by a firm of Toronto carriage ." Trailing behind his touring car, Mr. Wright, accompanied by his wife, two daughters and sister-in-law, has. gone on-a motor tour holiday to Lake Champlain and 'other resorts in. New York State. The pullman, constructed of steel and wood, contains two beds, a cot, a kitchenette, a lage clothes closet, lockers for utensils and is electrically lighted. This makes possible all the charm of gypsying with all modern convenience and ease. NA Mr. Wright and family reached Kingston on Monday of last week, where they were the guests for a few days of Dr. and Mrs. Volume, Chestnut street. Later on they pro- ceeded to Chaffey's Locks for a fishing trip, returning to Kingston on Friday, and later crossig fo the United States. Mr. Wright also favored the Whig with a call during his visitto the eit. a +» eT : : : ii Reckless motorists are every day _ payiwg for their foolishness with _ their lives. ) But the worst of.it is, | . that many innocent lives 'are sac- | rificed as well.) : ¥ A i ss ; Statisticians inform us. that living . tosts are only 61-per cent. higher than in 1914, The information wou'd be even more. interesting if they ~. would tell us what store they patron. After & girl passes the age of fif- teen there should be a law prohibit » 108 her from wearing pink.

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