Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Jul 1921, p. 7

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THE DAILY BRITIS H _WHIG. WORLD SERIES CHAMPIONSHIP BALL GAME Ee The rules governing this baseball game are the same as used in LBS LEAR sightedness is to C a business man ™ what the telescope and mi- croscope aré to the 'scien- tist dnd what the com- pass is to the mariner--they enable him to steer a clear course. The thinking man of business becomes very much interested when he finds that he can secure a Bcientific eye examination and the proper glasses at the price we charge. And then he pays us a visit. "The House of Better Giassed" Opposite the Post Office Phone 649 Kingston any league in organized baseball. Just the game to take to camp. PRICE $1.00. R. Uglow & Co. 1/10 FIGHT THE PAYMENT OF BIG ROAD CHARGE {The Kingston City Council Will Not Submit Without a Fight. Kingston will not submit without |& protest to the decision of the De- {partment of Ontario Highways that {it must pay twenty per cent. of the | c | quarter miles of the provincial roads adjoining this city, A motion was | passed at its session Wednesday night to file a protest with the Ont- |ario Munibipal Board, and to invite | the co-operation of other-urban muni- |cipalities in fighting against the de- mand of the highways commission. | City Solicitor Whiting will handle the city's case befpre the provincial | board, of which Donald M Mcintyre {in chairman The city clerk gave some informa- tion as to what it would cost-King- ston if the demand of the provincial authorities was met. This city would Specials | See our special dis- play table'of $1.00 articles. Kinnear & d'Esterre JEWELERS 100 PRINCESS STREET Automoljile Repairing ELLIOTT & WILLIAMSON TO RENT In Telegraph Building, SUITE of FOUR GOOD ROOMS, with two brick valuts, suitable for offi 8 or will arrange for residence. Ap- ply MR. KIRKPATRICK on premises. ----------, tng | ld Phones: Shop 1039. Res. 1537J, pay $75,000 in debentures and also | twenty per cent. of the cost of main- | taining .the fifteen and three-quarter {miles of provincial roads hereafter. Ald. Litton pointea out that it looked as if it was costing the pro- |vinecial maeadam $27,000 a mile to build macadam roads being con- structed as the provincial highway. { "Why "Kingston is putting down {she *t asphalt pavements for that | amount of money," he said. He re- garded the provificial highway as | most extravagant. The' people: were | not getting the returns for the money | expended. | Ald. Couper also claimed that the | provincial highway was costing too much. * The contractors were making too well out of it, he thought. Finance Report, The finance committee made the following recommendations, which were adopted: That the thanks of council bé ten- dered to the British Whig for free advertising in connection with se- curing the names of Kingston sold- {iers who paid the supreme sacrifice, sald names being required for the civic memorial hall. That the city treasurer be notified to refuse payment of moneys for any purpose whatever in connection with the Kingston Public Library unless the accounts are properly certified by the auditor in accordance with the statutes. That the sum of $60 be paid as compensation to the Misses Allen on account of the milk inspector stop- ping them from using their pasture for grazing purposes owing to the conditfon of the open city sewer there. That the sum of fifty dollars. for 378 BROCK STREET prizes for sports at the cadet corps nl a depend on his palette? a " SAVE YOUR EYES Very often eye-strdin, may cause more fat igue after working - 'than the actual muscular effort used at the task. Many people unknowingly have eye-strain and should have ' their eyes examined. Make sure you are not one of the above by letting us examine your eyes and tell you exactly how they are. y ® R. J. RODGER Optometrist 132 Princess St. Why doesn't a man's taste for art camp at Barriefield be paid, Board of Works. These recommendations of Board of Works were passed: That Market street and the market square be paved. : That the suburban road commis- the traction engine to move their crush- ing plant. That authority be given the King- ston Genera] Hospital governors to temporarily close that, part of King and Stuart ' streets which will be used in putting in a tunnel for the power plant at the hosiery mill site. That Isaac Cohen's request to put in a septic tank on his property on ditions to be named in an agfeement tot be signed, orized to' expend $70 «for the pur- chase of slat flooring for the Mac- donald park bathing house, City Property. These recommendations pf the pro- perty committee were adopted: That 150 tons of coal at $8.85 be purchased from R. Crawford & Co. (This is just one-half the amount paid last year). That Mary Ann Taylo: be allowed to sell ice cream, soft drinks, ete., on Market street on Tuesdays, Thurs- days and Satufdays, for a license fee of 31.50 a week, 'Wharf Agreement; The special committee to make a deal with S: Anglin & Co. for the use of their wharf at the foot of Gore street for the landing of pilots and the taking on of supplies ASPIRIN "Bayer" only is Genuine fe White Canvas | Footwear We are facing what promises to be a big season for White Canvas Footwear, in dew of which we have made the necese A _ sary preparation, 'White Canvas Footwear in New Cross ~~ Straps, One and y and A Two Str Oxfords » Pumps : rennin Shoes and other lin es of suitable Footwear for all outdoor Sports and Recreations, Warning! Take mo chances with substitutes for genuine "'Bgiyer Tab- lets of Aspirin." Unless you see the name "Bayer" on: package or on tab- lets you are not getting Aspirin at all. In every Bayer package are di- rections for Colds, Headache, Neyral- gia, Rheumatism, Barache, Tooth- ache, Lumbago and for Pain. d tin boxes of twelve tablets cost few cents. Druggists also sell larger pack- ages. . Made in Canada. Aspirin is the trade mark (registered in Can. ada), of Bayer Manufacture of Mono- acetic-acidester of Salicylicacid. DR. MARTEL'S FEMALE PILLS . FOR WOMEN'S AILMENTS 25 years Standard for Delaved and Paibtul Menstruation. Sealed Tin. packa y. all Druggists or direct by Mail. Prf2e $2.00. Knickerbocker Remedy Co, 71 E. Froat St., To- routo, Canada. sion be granted the loan of the city's | Montreal street to treat the sewage | from his houses, be granted, on con- | The chairman of parxs was auth- | appointed | | by steamers pessing through, report- { ied through Ald. Smith. The commit- | | tee has closed an.agreement for a! year with the Anglin gompany for | | the use of the wharf for $400, and { the taxes on the property are not to | be raised during the year. i - The mayor and Ald. Kent wefe em- powered to make arrangements for | 1d: concerts in the parks during the t of the summer, In attendance were Mayor Nickle land Als Armstrong; Clow, "Fleet, Couper, Corbett, Kent, O'Connor, Potter, Robertson, "05t Of constructing fifteen and three. | Rodger, Sargent, Smith and -Steacy. sd COL. H. M. CHERRY Distinguished Canadian officer. form- erly of Toronto and Winnipeg, who died in Vancouver. r | x yy | © POLICE COURT, THURSDAY Several Cases Were Very Quickly Dis. posed Of, | 'There was a brief session of the | Police Court o Thursday morning, | only two ploy oo before Magis- | trate Farrell, and, as they were very | simple, were quickly disposed of. { Ross Berrigan, charged with being | intoxicated, was fined $10 and costs. [ The evidence in support of the charge Yas given by P. C. Campbell Alexander Bryant, and | amination by the prisoner only made [ithe case stronger against him. Gordon Byrons, a wor veteran, charged with begging, and who was held for four years a prisoner of war by the Germans an] who received | serious wounds, was let off on a sus- | pended sentence after a strong plea {on his own behalf. P. C. Fitzgerald { described the arrest of the prisoner. {who had asked a Chinaman for money on the street. Upon his prom- ise that he would do better and try to support those dependent upon him he was let off with a warning. DIED AT BATH, James Chapman Was-for Years in ys Railway Service, James Chapman, a former known resident of Brockville, passed away on Tuesday in.Bath, where he | months. The late Mr. Chapman was a na- ve of the vicinity of Bath and in | early life came to Brockville and en- | tered the employ of the Grand Trunk {railway as a freight trucker. Thence | he went to the Canadian Pacific rail- | way here as checker and after- {wards was foreman with the Central | Canada Coal Company, Two years | ti ago he moved to Bath and there en- | tered mercantile life. Op disposing of { his business, he became caretaker of | St. Alban's school last winter. { Mr. Chapman was fifty years of i age and is survived by his wife and { two sons, as well as by several broth- | ers and sisters, among whom is Ed- ward Chapman, G. T. R. conductor. ! Toronto, formerly of Brockville. VICTIM TO HEAT. George E. Shaver, Aged 74, Dies Very Suddenly. Brockville Recorder and Times 5 - Overcome by the heat at the Union | | | station on Wednesday shortly after twelve o'clock, George Ernest Shaver, | aged seventy-four, of 76 1-2 Church | street, passed away within a . few | minutes, although medical attend- | ance was promptly at hand. Dr. T. F. | Robertson, the attending physician, | gdve heat prostration as the cause of | death. ' | Mr, Shaver was a passenger on the | C.P.R, train from Ottawa reaching { here at 12.15 o'clock, in company { with his son, Fred, who had gone to | Ottawa to brihg his father home. Mr. | Shaver, told the Recorder and Times { that his father had been in ill health and had expressed a desire to return { fo Brockville from Ottawa where he had been visiting friends. -- Concludes Lecture Course. , Prof. Clay concluded his series of |' | lectures upon the industrial situation {in England, on Wednesday afternoon | before the students of Queen's sum- [mer school. Prof. Clay dealt more | parkeularly 'with the methods 'by | which legislation is" passed under {old country procedure, and gave an interesting resume of the traditions | and practices of thé English civil ser- Vv X | On behalf of the students, Prof. W. G. Jordan moved a vote of thanks to Prof. Clay, and 'commented upon the dispassionate and objective ma r in which he had dealt 'with the tures. i 2 * Lieut-Col. E. C. Dean and: Mrs. Dean, Halifax, and family, who were stationed in London sewén years ago, are going to that city again in the fall, Col. Dean having been ordered to take Lieut.-Col. Robinson's place at the Heights. Many of their old friends are looking Yorward to wel- coming them back to the city. Col; Dean is a former member of the Whig sal. and | Cross-ex- | well- had been residing for the last few IN i \ | -->Small Boys' Running Boots. --Ladies' "White Canv : at 95 cents. | ~ --Ladies' White Canvas Boots, worth $3.50 and $7.00. Driscoll, Graham, | H --Girls' White Canvas Boots and Strap Shoes worth $2 --Girls' and Children's White Strap Shoes. as Oxfords and Pumps--all ging Abernethy's Shoe Store AR thu Summer Wants THIRST QUENCHERS | wo --Delicious Fruits. | ~--Oliven--Picklen. © ~Catsup Sauces. Cooked Ments, and everything you need | your picnic at the-- for The Unique Grocery and Meat Market, 490 and 492 Prin. | cess Street. "hone 530. C. H. Pickering | ie | mae BRASS BEDS 50,000 SAMPLES Dr. Bell's Veterinary Wonder 50,000 one dollar (31.00) bottles Free to horsemen who give the Wonder a fair trial. Guaranteed for Colic, Inflammation of the Lungs, * Bowels, Kidneys, Fevers, Distemper ete. Send 5c. for Mailing Package etc. Agents wanted. Write your address plainly. DR. BELL, V.S,, KINGSTON, Ont. Ticking, with Imperial edges in 3- Manna falls in the form of dew, and immediately hardens and assum- es the form of grain. BEDS--specially priced for this week. continuous posts: and also ball mounts. Brush or Polet Ribbon Brass B eds-- Springs. The Improved Banner and' Way-Safe Spring. MATTRESSES--$15.00 Special. All J 0, JAMES REID THE LEADING' UNDERTZKERS A ---- and BEDDING Pretty designs in two inch -Felt Mattresses in Art Blue 4-0, 4-6 sizes while they last. _Phofie 147 for Service on ay \ Men's Work Shir 1 Size 14% to 17 $1.00 ts Oily Kippers . .... . x EVERYBODY'S Eati IRENE TELLETT : 'Irene, four-year-old augihter ~of Charles Tellett, Canadian r under life sentence for murder in gland, is conving to Toronto to live, The stéamer Biyu Maru will be the first Japanese ship to be pro- pelled by electricity. a Private concerns produce minor coins in China, selling them- to the || banks at a profit. f Total of 966 carats of diamonds were mined in Borneo in the year ! of 1918. Ei. A rich purple dye is obtaired from the juice of shell fish of Costa Riva. 238 Princess St. x ae . If you have sour risings from the stomach, feel bloated and uncom- fortable, just try twenty drops of Nerviline in sweetened water. Re- lief will come quick. Nerviline dis- pels the gas, sweetens the stomach, Hake 3 Sus. 1h afew in Toronto, when a large number ot edy for many of the ills that con. |Staduates and undergraduates are in stantly turn up, nothing is more uge- | the city. This year the meetiug is 14 ful in every homie than a 35 cent |take the form of an at-home in Ar- bottle of good old "N *-- Vgyll House, Thursday evening. All | Queen's Graduates Hold Reanion Each year in July a meeting of Queen's women graduates is held in 2 -------------- UPTOWN FISH MARKET WHITEFISH ............... . 23%. RED -SALMON . ......... ...... 38. WM. DUNCAN 851 PRIN CESS STREET sa vey sini DCP DOING IT, NOW. WHAT » ng Masoud's Ice C ream lt' Refreshing. ----It's Nourishing. ----1It Saves Cooking. ne MASOUD'S Phone 980 are looking forward to a very pleas- ant reunion, and this year they ar fortunate endugh to have Miss Muir, president of the Queen's Alumnae; to preside at the function "It is expected that there will likely be between fif- ty and sixty present during the even- ing. . Aig . .

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