* id . ' 8 THE DAILY RRITISH WHIG x rT oo --- ---- = A " In the Realm of Women--Some I nteresting Features "FOR SALE | A. Chadwick & Son New location: Corner Ontario and West Sta. Phone 67. ------------_---- S---- / DR. NASH DENTIST 183 Princess Streef. "Phone 755 WE TAKE X-RAY PICTURES of troublesome teeth. Dormoforn: Gas administered for ex. 130rdend. ST. CHARLES FABRICS FOR THE Drop-Stitoh Voiles, Batistes, Dotted 3wisses, Organdies and Linens Are Used. | HATS TO ACCOMPANY FROCKS traction. Safe and painless. OFFICE HOURS: 9-6. G. Hunter Ogilvie INSURANCE AND GENERAL BROKER In daily communication with Mont- real and Toronto Stock Exchanges. Dominion, Provincial and Munici- pal 'Bonds for sale. « 281 KING STREET Phones :- 568; & 1087 § Oriental Cream poor. Maybe Providence fixed things that way to keep you from making a dampfool of yourself. 3 Nothing equals the - soft, pearly white appearance Gouraud's Oriental renders to the Gouraud's Don't get peeved because you are Lod 7 American Shops Are Importing and Creating Headgear for Wear With individual Outfits--Brighter Bathing Sults. \ Women are interested in know!ng all the fashion news, but theres a | great deal that must be accepted as news only, as in its original showing it is not applicable to the use of the woman who makes her own clotifes or has them made at home, avers a prominent fashion correspondent. Then, toe, thew: are many ideas that, while extremely useful, as sugges. tions, cannot be adopted in the way that they are originally presented. Some models are original designs worked out as suggestions for mak- ing simple and Iibexpensive warm- weather clothes that are practical to wear at any hour of a summer day. The materials selected are the new- est cotton imports of the sheer variety. Some of the advanced summer mod- els that the French designers have gent us and some that our best American dressers are preparing are very attractive, : In materials, drop-stitch volles, ba. tistes, dotted swisses, organdies, Eng- lish prints, handkerchief and heavy linens are used. Then there are im- ported volles and orgaundles, daintily t It can be Wori on 80 many occasions. { On a white organdie which embodies many ideas there Is a foundation of apron tunic extending "threg-quarters of the way around the skirt, The nov- | elty lies in the trimming used gn both | the tunic and the anderskirt, .It is In the form of circles made of orange | od white organdie, one interlacing the other. The chain thus formed is inserted ia the organdie. Two rows of it are in the tupic and ofie in the underskirt. The round neck is bound with navy bige -taffeta ribbon, which continues down the slashed portion and ties fu littie bows. A girdle of the same ribbon about three {nches in width encircles the waist at a rather low line and ties in a bow 'with long | | i }the-material; over-which is placed an SUMMER CLOTHES \ | TOP COAT "THING OF BEAUTY" ------ Seaseriakle Outer Qai nent One of the Mest Impertant Adjunets. te Milady's Wardrobe. mes At fhia season of the year the top- i cont 1s ene of The mest important ad: | ducts to the | well-dressed woinan's wardrobe. But while the 'name may conjure up a visioh of an all-envelop: Ing Wrap that is somewhat nondeseript in appearance, the modern topcoat may truly be named "q thing of bean: ty. and a joy," us long as the fashion lasts, + : For ene thing, there is such a wealth of rich fabrics from which it may be fashioned, Thelr colors are so varied and so delightful that one con. templates these modes as one would un oxhibition of rare paintings. And the style towches that add so much distinctior to these modes are most unusual. The buckle and the plain button that once considered them. selves the only embellishments on such wraps are far eclipsed by the decora- tions of the hour. Strangely wrought cords, rich in color, take the place of the formal belt leather strap. Gorgeous tassels dangle from softly draped girdle or cuff. 'Elaborate embroideries make one hesitate In naming the garment which - they adorn. Severe mannish {ines have vanished before bewitching flounces, fantastic draperies, and quaintly wrinkled folds that merely hint of sleeves, Semetimes a most striking combina- tion of fabrics opens up vistas of new ideals in the matter of fashioning such wraps, while thelr lovely coler is one | of the most delightful aspects of the present mode. IN SMART MILLINERY THINGS Wings of Brilliant Hue and in Lac 7. TT: may truly be termed the drink of economy. All tea is cheap, but the best tea is Three hundred cups of Piping hot delicious can be from a. single pound of Chase & 's Seal Brand Tea. = For refreshment, for mild stimulus snd" sheer enjoy- ment of the delightful fragrance and flavor, drink Chase & Sanborn's Seal Brand Tea. In pound and balfpound cartons. CHASE & SANBORN, Montreal, Que. id enti CTP RES I Lh a il ] Rtn it To U8 o cumin SR Warm Weather Requisites! We will be pleased to supply you with any of the following necessities for these hot days: -- 2 "MONTSERRAT" LIME FRUIT JUICE when prepared forms a quered Effect Are-Among the » -Favered Trimmings. Wings in brilliant colors and in embroidered, in many Instances the fabric§ being of a pale ghade and the embroidery white. A frock made of most wholesome and refreshing beverage. MOSQUITO LOTION serves as "SARGENT'S" from mosquito and fly bites, BAT HING CAPS---all sizes, styles to suit the most discriminat- ing tastes. TALCUM POWDERS of every brand. Sargent's Drug Store 186 PRINCESS STREET. a protection PHONF. 41. gl] OF TAR & COD - LIVER od Con hs, Colds, Grippe, Bronchiti Whooping Cr ie Ete. . MATHIEU'S the cutati op es of virtues of COD VER OIL. Colds; when neglected or badly ey charaeter that you not risk using inferior prepara MATHIEU'S SYRUP fs the only putation has caused 1 SYRUP isa Sovereign tonic combining' Strengthening tiéated give rise'so dind tions. &, For Infants and Children. Mottiers Know That Genuine 4 Castoria - /| gathered very tightly, such fabrics naturally would be very simple, with perhaps a tiny ribbon girdle of a contrasting color. We have had all of these materials with us in past seasons, but this year they are so remarkable in their color- ings and weaves that they give us fresh inspiration. All the marvelous hues of the most beautiful silks have been reproduced in plain, brocaded and checked organdies, voiles, batistes and swisses. The shades range from the palest tints to the deep browns, cerise shades and new reds. The clothes prepared for those ge- ing South are noteworthy for the prac- tical element combined with the daintiest characteristic of summer ap- parel. There are no extreme effects, All of tite dresses are of designs suit. able to the well-dressed woman's sum. mer wardrobe. Many of them are of the chemise type, with trimmings of drawnwork and hemstitching. When they are made with a waistline it is placed low on the hips. Youthful Model in Green Linen, In direct opposition to the straights line frocks are.these for young girls and the slender woman. These have very full skirts, with a tendency te- ward 'the extended hip. One medel; developed from _bottle-green handkers chief linen, has a straight skirt come posed entirely of tucks ranging from the hem, which forms the bottom tuck, and is about three inches wide, to one at the top eof the skirt, which is not deeper than a quarter of an inch, The walst portion has tiny tucks and drawnwork running perpendicu- larly. The skirt is joined to the walst at a oy line, the front and back be- ing perfectly plain, while the sides are Sa Emerald Green Organdie in Shadow Check With Square Cape Collar. thereby produc appearance. The' White Organdie Dress Trimmed With Bowknots of Valenciennes Lace. \ flowing ends at one side. This model may be worked out in many differen combinations of color. . ~ Linen Freck of Simple Charm. A frock of unusual charm, and one that might easily be made at home, is develop from hid 'handkerchief linen and made In simple chemise form, with short kimeno sleeves. The neckline is of square cut and slashed at beth corners of the front to a depth of about five or six inches. The trim- ming is quite as simple as the frock itself, and consists of tiny leops made of hias strips of the material, These loops ate on the bottom of the skirt, the sleeves and neck, con- tinuing down either side of the slashed portions of the blouse. A dainty gifdle of narrow velvet ribbon a few shades darker than the material from which the dress Is evolved ties In loops at either side at a low waistline. It will be noted that practically all of this summer's frocks slip on over the head, whether they are in chemise form or made in two separate pleces. In each instance the waist portion is slashed to enable tle wearer te don the garmept more readily. White net--always a favorite for lingerie dresses--this season is em- broidered, and sometimes is used in conjunction with batiste or another sheer material. A charming frock for a young girl is developed from pale pink batiste and white net. The foundation ef the dress is of the ba- tiste. The skirt has an apron tunic extending below the foundation. This tunic is of alternating bands of the Batiste and net, the former trimmed with tiny picot-edged ruffles of net. With the turning of eur thoughts toward clothes to be wern in tropical climes there comes the questien of bats. The fabric hat is always pepu- lar for resert and warm weather wear. Seme of our exclusive Atherican shops are importing and creating hats te accompany each Individual frock. One dress is of white georgette crepe, made in straight-line effect, with a deep fichu collar finished with double ruffle of the material, picot ®dfed. An embroidery design of large white daisies done In heavy white silk threads, the centers of the flowers in and skirt portion: Bathing Suit Now the Thing. Ne longer do' women indulge in ocean bathing solely for the exhilara- tien of the salt water dip. A very long time ago the bath was the thing and the apparel merely a necessary adjunet, but so surely and so steadily have bathing suit fashions been gain. lng for themselves a place of impor tance that we have all but fergetten yellow, is worked Inte both the waist - lacquered effects are among the new - millinery trimmings. Cockades and sweeping bows of wide ribbons, as well as glycerined ostrich and fantasy ornaments in cellophane and ellcloth figure conspicuously on the smartest hats. 'The bows and cockades are posal directly at the front of the hat in such a way as to give height, quite in contrast te the broad, low trim- mings which have been seén for se long. On turbans of medium size, the bews are placed gt the side of the front, but at a foward angl® Rib- bon bows or spreading wings pesed directly across the back er at the side give width to some of the models. Very pretty turbans, in felt, in black or in color; are trimmed with velvet flowers, The black turbans have the flowers in color, while the colored hat 'has a matching fleral decoration. ------ The only reason why a married man does some fool things is because his wife says he mustn't do them. HY hipping up a trout stream, Prolin in the bay, ' Casting for a salmon At the break of day ; Breathing wine-like ozone, Smell of new-mown hay-- "Tell the folk about it ; Letter every day. 'Tell them how you're gaining, * Feeling at. your best. "Tell them how you're eating Tell them how you rest. Everything's of interest While x are away. Tell the folk about it; Letter every day. ° Three Types-- Regular, Safety and Self-filling $2.50 10 §. QA beth a. doy while Yours Selection and service at best stores everywhere L. E. Waterman Company Limited 179 St. James Street, Montreal New York Boston Chicago San Francisco London Parte How to Rid the Arms of Objectionable Hairs (Aids to Beauty) A simplified method is here given for the quick removal.of hairy 'or fuzzy growths and rarely is mors than one treatment required: Mix a stiff paste with some powdered delatone and water, apply to hairy surface and after 2 or-3 minutes rub off, wakh the skin and every hair has vanished. This simple treatment cannot cause injury, but care should be exercised® to get real delatone. SOWARDS KEEPS COAL --and-- COAL KEEPS SOWARDS PHONE 1505. UPTOWN OFFICE--McGALL'S CIGAR STORK PHONE 811. SOWARDS COAL COMPANY : Why You ; ~ Should Help _Toronto. s and Training blind soldiers, Toronto. B= ' Free distribution . ture and Music: '/ H innipeg. 8 Vocational Work men, 115 King St. Tonto. Western Provinces, A 1-Clarkewood -- Residence for blind girls, Sherbourne St, ° Libraty and Publishing Dept. «142 College St. rT. Litera- § . 4--Industrial Dept. for Men-- ° in otente, Ottawa, Por To- 6--Industrial Dept. for Women --64 Baldwin St., Toronto. 7~Massage Classes--Successful gaining reputation 8--Prevention of Blindn ess Di -- Activities in Mari- Se Pre ra Ontario ©--Home Teaching Dep 79 Hm racking Dept. + cals, relief and yr § Fourteen Reasons Work for -the Blind 2--Pearson Hall «<< Residential : y i ters for everley St, sat in their tragic plunged in children of NCE, not long ago, th darkness, pathetically idle poi § self-pity--the blind men, women Canada. * Tous), thanks to the splendid efforts of a group untiring Canadians, and to this Insti- tute, an ever-growing number of the blind of have found happiness and a new interest in life. We have taught them in their homes to make all manner of pri of Youd, wicker and Siltow mal netting, garments, etc, they og cost the materials needed. We then buy the finished article from the blind Fome- worker and sell it to the public at the same price. In many cases théir outlook on life has been completely altered." A ray of Hight has come to them in their darkness. And they are mone; themselves an asset, not a lia- bility, to the nation. : Help us in this uplifting work. We need more money, ands we turn to you for your generous support. "Lighten Their Darkness" Send your subscription to the Pusd Dela saised By this Sewapaper Canadian National