Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Jul 1921, p. 9

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FRIDAY, JULY 15, 1021, FOR SALE GOOD, CLEAN COAL. A. Chadwick & Son New location: boc LOERAEAIN LEI A AL JRL Bt Phone 67. ferment arise | its - ] 000000650000 TIAVCLVLODID (enuirte Buried Treasure 0f Rar Pacific Islands Has Cairsed Excitement the 8 the trea- sure-geeki: expeditions. Bop tie Maleate geo tITFEewith ( Island | the 'romar and its hoarded from the fact leger tic story' ( tir and iat the y 'and been loot. The old familiar elusive posse | authenticated by the I reality; "I can get him now on Long Distance. I know he is in his office, so I'll call Sta- tion-to-Station.'"' The cost of sales made by Station-to-Station calls is often less than the cost of corres- pondence -- to say no- thing of the time saved. Ask for our booklet, "A Few Ways to Speed Up Business" GRAND TRUNK AGENCY FOR ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIPS C.P. & T. A., G.T. Ry., Kingston, Ont. | For particulars apply to-- 'J. P. HANLEY, TO EUROPE | | MAKE RESERVATIONS NOW | | MONT REAL TO LIVERPOOL | ily . Aug. Js Sept. 16 Victorian | "a iy . Me lita | { furnish information as to | of the world » | come {| handbooks deals with Cocos | which 1 some 540 |-i8 | ference; | and | alias Office, , The fabled freasure it has been discovered, it there to-day --- nearly 0,000 worth. 00 sr 29, seldom .that wnt favors the w. intrign a narrative™ The, stances are exceptional For the purpose of the peace ference a historical section Foreign Office was establ is a con~ to h parts ivably of the as might conc under review. One in the eastern miles from P indisputably a posse Republic of Costa Rica: dot on the ocean, four and a miles in length, fourteen in circum- has been discovered, lost re-discovered repeatedly; has of one attempt at colonization--in 1897, which failed and left the [sfand unpopulated, as it is believed to be to-day Barrie's latest play, 'Ma®™ Rose," turns upon the habit of the 'island which likes to be visited" periodical- ly vanfshing from mortal ken, and Cocos Island became a tread re- pository because it was f uently forgotten by the snerality of ma- rines and geographers. The men who did not forget were the old bucca- neers. They remembered. The for- gotten island was a sanctuary for 'their stolen gear. Lest one should either exaggerate or diminish the romantic possibilities of the island, let the official handbook itself declare the story, Advantage of one of these recur- rent periods of oblivion was taken, in 1818 or 1819, it states, "by a notorious pirate known as Benito, Bennett Graham, to secrete there a vast plunder he had obtdined by rifling churches in Peru. A few years afterwards, it is said, Benito deposited 'a fres tity of gold bars and specie, 11 million dollars. "In or about 1826, as Wiliam Thom to have served pr mh nito, ie was then -in fommand of the brig Mary Read, contealed about 12 Imillion dollars' worth of stolen n, jewels, and silver ingots Island." lies ' , and re been' the seen wort a man passing under This accords with the legends of. | Cocos which but here the h of us have read, comes the imprimature of rical section of the F i Office: "Some of the circun of the three lodgments of tr at the island, and of 'efforts that have been made for its recovery, are re- lated (by persons who were more or less concerned in the matter) in do- cuments preserved at the Ad- most a | miralty." July A y | July 1) Emp. of Britain TO GLASGOW { duly Pretorian Aug. [Sept Tunisian | MONTRE AL-- HAVRE A ONDON | Aug. 19|Sept.- 3 . ill Sept. Oct, § Lys | outhiampronc.A = Syvery | dinavian "orsican | July 27 Approximate MONTRE July 16|Aug Aug. 8 Bol lingbroke vsworth :Dunbridge RE AL--AV ONMO1L TH Bothwell hone Mein 6580 Apply local agents or-- H. B. Beaumont, Gen. Agt, Pass. Dept. 1 King 'st. B., Toronto delaide 2105 Canadian Pacific Railway Trafic Agents 'Watch Our Dollar Day Bargains Jack F. Elder 269 PRINCESS STREET Phone 1283F. THE nu SY CIGAR STORE Very Chaicest of Meats Always In Stock Lamb Chops- Round Steak |. Stew Beef Bausages o.oo. Pickled Park Hamburg Steak Windsor Bacon HOGAN'S The highest flights of charity, de- votion, trust, patience, bravery, to * which the wings of human nature have spread themselves, have been | attempts to unearth the bu a! thority 1 | through | the | instieal cr | bed | stores | in | blasting operations which have been { undertaken Y , flown for religious ideals, No fewer a dozen organized ried treas- ure have been made. in matters of this sort it seems that 'nan never is{ but always to he, bles Our au- tells us that "Clues to the re one butch of treasure was sited have led some searchers to a marked rock; and one man is sald to have come bars and an than anish coin falling over silver eccles- found in the But the main : still hidden, vations and ent in face A of a of a of spite eof various frot One of the n was that carried william's party Rican government? time granted a concession to a Mr, T. Rgbinson, at first 'professed to ne to time." notablé searches out by Lord Fitz- 1905. The Costa in regard Lord Fitzwilliam's expedition | Ultimately | at a filibustering one." the rival parties reached an agree- ment, joined forces, worked together --and failed. enterprising women, lesby Davis gnd Mrs. Barr Till, termining to devote any philanthropic work in London, ob tained a two years' concession from the . Costa Rica Government, but, like their forerunners, they wrought and sought in vain, Miss L. of the | of a gol | was careful to make | who upon some gold | who .had at that | Seven years later two- Brock- | de- | gains to | | have reached the limit of endurance And there the matter stands unto | this hour. One cannot but picture a cloud of romantic adventureis de- scending upon. the volcanic island. "There has been' an demand for the booklet writer was informed by the OMce. article on it--and we have been in- undated with inquiries from all' parts, by post, telegraph and tele- phone. Whether the idquirers are | all prospective treasure-hunters, is impossible for the Foreign Office it | | tempt on unprecedented | ,"' the present | Foreign | "The Daily Mail published an | to say, but one can draw one's own | conclusions.' Canadian 'Overseas. treasure-seekers Cocos Island should write "for the illustrated booklét which may be se- cured from H. M. Stationery Office, Imperial House; King.w.y, London. its title is 'Malpelo, Udees, ter. Islands," and its price 1s. 6d., plus postage. King's Long Reign. . Of the five British sovereigns in the last hundred years only one--his grandmother, Queen. Vigtoria -- has reigned for a longer period than King George V. DR. NASH DENTIST 183 Princess Street. 'Phone 785 WE TAKE X-RAY PICTURES of troublesome teeth. Dormoform Gas administered for ex- traction. Safe and painless. OFFICE HOURS: 9-6. and Eas- | who | hé---" may wish 'to set out-on the quest to | | ence met Eve, and sie----1" ER YOUNG WOMAN, ' Lloyd Geyrg Secretary Is Fore- mn ut Member of Profession. Miss Frances Louise hgut doubt the fore- in, her ) Downing street, e's profession, 1 the Prime Minis- rom her experi- of to nee of the value onishi ng- | be expect- 1 one who had held so sition Yhrongh thesstrain of war might show traces of overwork in her face and threads of grey in her hair. But here was a young wo- man with fresh, clear English com- plexion and with soft hair the color d wateh. If this sounds too good to be true, let me add 'that Miss »nson has a pair of keen and 'purposeful blue-gtrey eyes, ac: customed to taking the measufe of people My second impression went much deeper than mere appearances. 1 discovered that my hostess was re- markably '-unasst g. Here she was, at. the very t of the Britigh Empire, within a stone's throw of the Adntiralty, of the Foreign Office, of Parlianient, knowing many of their inner mysteries, and yet she was as- suring me that her work was not so Jifficult or complicated as it might seem, for, as she said, "I began in a very humble way and grew as the work grew." | When Miss Stevenson finished col- lege she secretly longed to strike out from the beaten path of teaching which opened before her as her pre- destined calling She' thought of secretarial work. However, she wanted to begin earning her living at | once; so into teaching she went. As a student at the Clapham high school she had formed a schoolgirl friend- ship with Lloyd George's elder daughters, and afterward the young- est, Miss Megan, became her pupil. Mr. Lloyd George was then Chancel- lor of the Exchequer, and Miss Stevenson used sometimes to visit the family at No. 11 Downing street, yhe residence of the Chancellor. fhe latter, after he had had time to 8b- gerve her and judge her abilities of fered her a place as his secretary, In: May, 1915, the Ministry of Munitions was created and Lloyd George was placed at its head. The task. before him was rious, and at the start his entir aff consisted only of Miss Steve Mr. J. I. Davis, and one other person. When they op their office, a table and two ¢ rs comprised their whole equipment, and porters arriv- ed to take -away even this modest outfit before permanent furniture could be securedl That very day Miss Stevenson received word that her brother had been killed at the front. To-day, wor g under ' her in Downing street, e has about a dog- en steno 1ers In addition to having c of the Prime Minis- ter's very y correspondence, she sent ideas, ' 10 Mr. grievances, and Lloyd George. She it clear that she etary Jesides 'n, while a to the lems in British is 'not his on herself there are third man devotes Prime Minister's pre polities. The first step toward being a-good secretary, according to Miss Steven- son, is to be a goed stenvgrapher. Without a 'good education she be- lisves a stenographer cannot pro- gress, for ability to put marks on paper must be ace inied by intel- ligence.and a thorot knowledge of English. office never.to engage a stenographer has not had.at least a high school course. | As to speed, she regards it as vital | in some branches of stehography, but intelligence she emphasizes as requi site in them all. She added that Mr. Lloyd George is not a rapid or a dif- ficult dictator; but I couldn't loubting whether the average steno- grapher, 'if confronted with ly*secr her. | It was characteristic of her to re-| fuse to draw a line of distinction between the sexes. To her impartial view ability is ability and faults are faults, regardless of whetheér their | possessors are male or female. If one were to ask her the foolish question, '"'Could a woman ever be prime minister?' she would reply, | simply. "If she had braing and ex- perience enough she could; if she| hadn't, she couddn't." | Over-conscientiousness comes sec- | ond on Miss Stevenson's list of pit- falls to be avoided. Women, she be- | lieves, don't know when to stop work- ing. - Instead of realizing that they as men generally do, they spur them- selves beyond, calling on their re- serve energy to see them through. In the long run this leads to shattered nerves and is to no one' 8 advantage. It ~--Pictorial Review. A Witty Dean. A witty dean was staying at the house of a friend in London whose small daughter was just beginning to | try her hand at writing essays. During his visit she began an at-| "Man," and had got as far | was made, and for some | lived in innocence, and as "Man time he At this point she was called from the room, and'in her absence the dean entered. Taking up the child pen, he continued writing where 5 had left off: "--at an early stage of his exist-! Er ------ Lewis ('arroll. How many people know that Lewis Carroll, the famous author of Alice in Wonderland, was an Rd Ox- ford scholar, who wrote an "Blemen- | tary Treatise on Determinants?" His real name was Charles Lutwidge Didgson. * -- | That the universe rests on the shoulders of lovh is the 'unconditional truth. It is only when love grows ¢old or seemingly go that we betome unhappy and life not worth while. A wise Frenchman has said 'hat the worst of luck is to have too little 5 She makes it a rule in her! help at the | =" famous Welshman, would agree with | { torn fon | When I spoke Lié¢ wept, and he came | | who cried' all AT THE COOLEST STORE IN KINGSTON Many patrons remark as soon as they enter our store at the refreshing coolness of Synomous with the atmosphere of our shop is ' the huge stock of fresh, cooling: merchandise at relatively low prices. BN zn ® FURNISHINGS --of-- i DISTINCTION Shirts are very essential to the well-groomed man during these days. $1.30 to $4.50 coatless " SUMMER CLOTHING WHITE FLANNELS are assuredly the thing for this season. English materials correctly tailored. $8.50 and $9.50 Newest Adrivals ! NECKWEAR that is ultra smart 50c. to $2.00 ¥ All Wool UNDERWEAR must be right to make the heated skin feel fortable, and to make the wearer oblivious to the heat. S184 to $2.50 TER AAR 8 EE BERET PICKING A JURY. Always Easy to Tell How Men Will Jump. A blind musician in Kansas City, Kan., being party to lawsuit, aided his attorney in the selection of a jury to try the case, judging their ications as ju ors by the quality usic in th yoiees id of one; 'has He ig notsym another he saidy i'hat ic in his voice. He has it Is Not a a 85 mus 3 athy." Still, there tigeptical, are those who will be wien it cou to the se- clion of jurors § #1 1 we I set asld 3 at times. \ leading lawyer relates this ex perience; He defending a young voman charged with a erime Col. waters w an eloguent man and in n dry ) be by th Was jury maki ng hb zled to know hoy : receiving it. ne or them He could get no > upon their feelings by their ap- pedrance of interest or lack of inter- est. But of one man he was sure. I'his juror did not take his eyes from the lawyer. Every argument appear- ed to meet gvith the 's approval, and in the closing t s of the at- % for the defence the juror wept -solfbed, in fact When the jury retired the lawyer said to the attorney associated with him in the case: "The jury will never convict the young woman. There is one man on the jury who will hang for her until hell freczes OvgEr. as near our cdlling me that as he could he was o side possibly The jury was out an hour or two and the lawyer began to féel a little uneasy for fear there would be a hung jury. He was. consoling him- self with the thought that, at least, he man of such deep sympathy was {on the jury, when the 12.men, good { and true, entered the courtroom. The verdict was for acquittal. After the verdict had been returned the foreman of the body said: "We had to take three ballots because of | the perversity of one cuss who vated twice for a verdict of guilty, The ballots stood every time 11 to 1 for acquittal." "Who was that man?" asked her lawyer. "It was that 'boob' the time you were making your speech," answered the foreman. Old lawyers know that there is no safe rule to an accurate line on what a jury will do or how the individual jurors will vote. Otherwise, the practice of law would be somewhat I simplified. "Same to You, Str!" = The appointment of Mrs. Mae- namara, wife of the British Labor Minister, as' a justice of the peace, reminds me of two amising stories | she tells about her husband. On one occasion, while speaking in & marquee during a heavy down- fall of rain, he said, "I'm afraid I've kept you 'too long," when a voice in the rear replied, "Go on, it's still raining!" _t After distributing prizes at a schoo! he remarked that he hoped the children would have a good re- cord when he came again, and they rose and with one accord sald, "Same to you, sirl" do | | without actually saying it right out." PALM BEACH SUITS for comfort from morning till night. Suits in stock or pick out your own "cloth and have it in four days' time. $15.00, $18.00, $20.00 : ~ HATS Of Straw and Panama that are the final cooling touch to-your apparel. com-~ WHITE DUCK TROUSERS for the yacht, the green or any outing wear. ' $2.50 and $3.00 $2.50 to $5.00 SILK HOSE to make you Ogfords Brera Net 5 of the field" so often + 'il »d_in the Bible are thou nd purple, particularly black cen- | The mention | to be the red a | the red, 'anemones with The Telgmans School of Music violin and other stringed ments; elgeution and dra- AT Pupils may begin at Tern Engagements cepted. 218 Frontenac Street. Phone 1325;. ~ ------ 18 on application. for concerts ac- E. P. Jenkins Co. «THE BETTER VALUE STORE" | look their best -- Blue, Black, Brown, Grey and White ......... $1.00 PE ~~ tres, These anemones grew among The electrical installations in the the thorn hedges in the east, which | United States have, it is stated offic- accounts for the saying 'lilies among | ally, doubled every five years during thorns." the past generation, | PREPARE FOR WARM WEATHER By Elsciric to $5.00. X Single and Double g your home 18 equipped with asters and Irons fro n LA S00 up Hot Plates. Burke Electric Company 74 Princess Street. Phone 423° 'The J. M. Let Us Pay For * HOME OF GOOD MUSIC. Stores at Peterboro, Lindsay, Your Musical Education For two months (July and August only) we have a plan that -will interest any- ambitious person who wants to learn to play the Piano or other instrument. It involves just a little co- operation with us, and not a cent of outlay. Get particulars at once. Remember the opportunity is for July and August only, and the time is short. Greene Music Co., Limited 166 PRINCESS ST. Belleville, Kingston, Barrie. a --QOuting Shoes. etm --Sporting Shoes. --White Canvas Shoes. Many lines to choose from. --Rubber-Soled Shoes. --Tenris Shoes. --Shoes for Hot Weather. Che Sawyer Shoe Store | 184 Princess St.

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