Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Jul 1921, p. 14

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a THE PEOPLE'S FOR UM | DAILY BRITISH W HIG, 1 ADDISON RESIGNS = | FROM CABINET Because British Government Decides to Curtail the Housing Scheme. CONDENSED ADVERTISING First insertion, lc. a word seculy insertion L CANE WSE MTEC Chalke fof one Misertivn, <oC, lhree laseriuions "RAT nf [ | 60 cents. | | Kaca cua ereaficr, ball TEACHERS WANTED, AAP EEF " Ap al The above rates are for cash ar when charged they teeter cenesne Rpg stmeses. : FEACHER VOR SCHOOI HELP WANTED, A NURSE GIRL. APPLY 142 Riza) Stree - 4 eben, -- messi is seems eee. | TRAINED (PROTESTANT) SECOND CHEF AT FRONTENAC HO-| or 8. 8 11, Pitt rg -------------- WAITRESS AND CHAMBER MAID YT ie g Hotel hime TENCHER FOR N Lowry SCHOOL COOK, FERAL, No was! s Street. | rl | SMALL ship Apply at 11 ply I -- ------ Matawatchs COOK, GENERAL; REFEREE i \ yuired. Apply at Miss Dwyer's, 64 Barrie Street ------ IACHER ¥ i JR 8. 8. NO, WOMAN FOR PLAIN COOKING, sleep home If preferred; Bive reterence. Box 0-7, MAY pay p------------ RAED SOLDIERS -- real positions t n soldiers who for personal = ten am: a head R tupper tic can quality i eacher for : 15, burgh WE WANT A m ly or territory rights; good pay resentatives ble, Write * Toronto, Ont TWO HIGH-CLASS FARM PROTESTANT ment salesmen to i line of specialties, slios, silo fillers, et« fails of previous ex; reference in first left Y-14, Whig Office COME AT ONCE-=MEN 86-10 DAILY, pecial short courses; nionth Auto Mechanics' course one month Gas Tractor $50 plenty, of time to the spring rush Hemphill B Las 'Tractor School, 163 W. Toronto Boara $8.50 up. Cal write QUALIFIED FRE ST | for 8. 8. No, '4 nest wee to q expel or ' mine cording SMEN--WE PAY WEF fer steady employ omplete and ex - Poe A fresh- TRAINED PROTESTANT trees and plants ext 2 i to8. 8 N Ir Cortland 'service We feach and equip H A money-making opportun- cor ne 1 1 goud Luke Brothers' Nurse of aNArding \p- Montreal I i HEr ~-- AMBITIOUS MEN in their present position is not re- cognized, and who aspire to things in a' big way, 10 such have been ooking for a field demonstrate their ability, there now open an opportunity largest, most remuperative, mos successful field in all the Domin- > . > lon of Canada. For confidential in-| QU ALI Hah, EXPERIENCE terview, give phone number ty Box Oe ih Secund or K-9, Whig Office, : 1Totes ghboro Scho Ferta 1 000 I NoRMAIL fea WHOSE ABILITY | DD TEACH- d clas er No. 8, Ss from ailway $1,000 ing of Perth GOOD, RELIADLI: May WANTED TO take orders and 'deliver the finest | line of Teas, Coffees, ete, .in Can- | ada. Highest commission of any | concern in the country paid; ail goods are guaranteed Or money re- funded. Each applicant must be financially responsible. If You are| looking for a 8ood, | independent, | permanent 'position with unlimited | earning possibilities, this is your | vppor.unity. Quick action neces- | sary. Patricia Blend Tea & Cof- fee, 651 Queen Stredt [a t, Toronto, | TP e rE PRP NG esa . 5 Men wanted, ' be: ar 25 POF THE BEST GoO- ; vicinity Ki and summer eryining in first class Owner re #€ on account of Jill health Ap Box § Wh of good appear. o| years of age, for of s permanent position Apply between 1 and 5 pm. daily $4 Brock Street | e esta 1860; @ MOSt reliable companies re sented. Office v5 Clar uppusite the ------------ * PRONTENAG LOAN meng Soclety; President, W president, Money proper debentures; investmenyg bo received and in C. Cartwrignt FARM TO RuNT, ABOUT 200 ACRY®S, | ence street, K by p.actical farmer; view t, » | == --= = chase. Frank Herring, Celenian | P. 0. E. Torontp. | GRAMA State Box only pre- sireet, * +» " * +. > tree ved rerrean AND, INVEST === -- rm incorporated 1861, © vickle, WANTED GENERAL TION By her A.' issued ies, muni POS COMPETENT STENO. | Experienced. county Phone! Chased :, deposits est allowed. 1 manager, Clar 1Katon = UPHOLSTERING. TO PURCHASE ( ABINET phone of go ality particulars id price to Whig Office CALL OR brow A CARD TO WwW, Gavine, uph visterer, 216 Bagot st W. MHMAROLD FOR 10UR holstering and general Leave orderg 104 Clergy ¥. Up- repairing at ur drop 'a card to street. BOARD AND ROOWM ituated and phone No. 6 IN near the _. two children 671J TO OR. Te en ee eit. se and sizes LAWN mow ERS TO GRIND. wiLg done call at vour home and d you lawn m iperly Drop to WwW. Ellerheck Phone a cary | Street CHIROPRACTIC. AIRED AND pIN- gramaphones, ete. re- ply a Buaranteed Sleeth, Princess RSS Stanton WM. A. MARCELIS, 'D.C,, Ph. C, Cor-| ner Princess and Barrie Streets, 2nd | floor, Barrie St entrance, Kingston RAY Tr a---- Ont. Consultation free Telephone! CALL OR A CARD TO Ww. Dis. 822J. Hours 9 to 12 an. 1 to 6 p.m coly, Street ------ AA AAA AAA A AAA An . THIS WEEK Some choice Nut Coal . .. . $16.50 per ton | FURNITURE FIN ISHING | -- James Swift & Co., Limited | Foot of Johnson St. | THIS IS THE TIME when mearly everyone is anxious to get out of the city in a boat or an automobile. If you are going by either route, first seg that the engine is in first class order. We cgn put-it in this condition. | Come 'and let us prove it to you. DAVIS DRY DOCK CO. ; ~ East End of Wellington St. i] Auction Sales I am the best auctioneer in Kingston. Make me prove ft. BEDFORD The Auctioneer, Phone 1721 or 1428, nr A Reo Truck. Side sedts for 1 31250.00 cash only. Also $0 water c¢y- linders cheag, RPENTERING : -------------------- WHEN YOU WANP-THE CARPENTER '| PURE BRED FOR SALE A COMMODIOL Ss MAMOGA ly tu Mrs - FOUND IN LAKE ONTARIO PARK ON | tary Aj Earl 8 NY. SECRE- €T ol! nati the Hodg 1 J a lad Railway Oni ¥ A SMALL SUM OF MONEY LEFT vernment's decision housi which he sponsored, for a me, kad roviding wide- | ING- the 19 AV ¢ san MOTOR SKIFF, 4 ngine Ap spread hous building. programme | with a government subsidy, Dr. Ad- | dison, who-+held the post of minister | 5 Str OCK STREET. AP- ply Whig Off ON HAY STRE} PACK OF tickets for St.) la : \GE LCK with pump, Without portfolio, charged the gov- k buyer. -- ernment with breach of faith in the | Broek : abandonment Lake had "te b+ CL , tank « FOUND ARTICL cap. Aj ntair i a 1 terprise. uO S0 Dy reporting the Thie British =~ W 5 5 Uisement will be column free of P. GASsoO Vv I g I. Iso 15 hite 8. TI printed 'ia this charge en Street GASOLINE ly a | 1 i | Cheap to quick buye Step precipitate of plans AND | which he regarded as essential to na- | i i hr tional restoration, ree Ss 240 gal A. Cooper Japan Will Learn More About Proposed Conference LINE ghory les" dues Cattle t, may aot in- artic t horses, SIDEBOARD, be ad- hairs, etc Ap lumn. Portsmouth, Ont nam"s SLC "TWEEN SIX AND y: at vears old; dark es 'ell broke; in g SPARE WIRE WHEEL 1 Ford A ' r GENUIN Terns $7 casi; $5 Lindsay, Limited. SATURDAY, IN PARK, OR GRAFPHONOLA selections; your own choice, Prrm---- . Tokio, July _15.--Japan's answer | esident Harding's proposal for, confer e on the limitation ®f | vw ATMmame which has beet forward- at 1 ed Washington, while accepting condition. Ap-| the suggestion for an armament oon- Garag ference, says the Jiji Shimpo to-day, 14% I makes res ions concerning tl on 3 $3 | general far-eastern tntil rincess St. Imore has been learned as to the 10 LNB concerns per ow hing str oF na i e ting Reward I AND WHI Apply 'on-!Scope and nature of the questions to aw'! be considered. ew > GOODS, ts HASLOP AND C.OM, 15 up. Also at redwced Works, 371 1032w AND BUY 1082w, after p.m t WRIST WATCH, wiTn ing and furnitu ba Gi ) prices. | b street Pl SUHOONER © carrying capacity be inspected at Furtner particular application. T. L t ont. Reward for t ton, \RLOR k wt i eH 8 STANDARD BRED van a RANGE, : PHONE rg 1 and § p A HA | 4, between § AWNINGS, 1 CANOES Phone 811 FRIVATE SALE furniture ppl erer-------- ALL KINDS OF sical inst n ' "DRIVING MARE, a few also h- CALKINS" net tons. Cap ton, Untario s and price on VanDusen, Pic- SETT 1 ien table 1eelbarrow "CARS STREET EARS WILL RUN ON SUNDAY, FROM 11 A.M. t09.30 P.M. fas knife and to 5.30 IRON BEDS with | Balacava Street | ~ WHITE WYANDOTTE €gEs, Martin's Dorcas strain, $3.00 to 39.00 tor 15. Also 60 £gg Cha- tham Incubator. J. Turrfer, Ports- | wouth, | i ers ar street, Kingston ham, Cyril M. Sr TCHING, PICOT EDGING, AC- cn, - | bax KE Furniture--Fr ight--Baggage TRANSFER Phone 1776J S. WHITEMAN Lh larence | 210 QUEEN STREET Cunuing- | © A B nith AMBROSE SHEN, d Solicitor, B.A | KITCHEN Law hogany soi RANGE, wardrove, vak bedroom lus Clergy st ing. 1 ENGLISH, MA. and 3 piece , Cheap. Ap- | morning or | SIGNS | : FOR SUMNER 0553; CAEAPEST on the market. Wwe 2 de- | | livering 1-4 tous ar $2.54; tons | at $4.95, or a full ton at $y.v0. | | Poone 1611m W. C. Bruton gould teal; posiérs, artistically by Shaw, | 208 | Kingston. at | PONY oUTE HARNESS, all in good navle GGY tion. | Ap- nt MASONRY | price | RQ hingston | Mary's Ceme tery plaster tees respi em | airs by | tatrick 2153. CITY LOT, 69 FEET FRONTAGE; 17 vel leet deep; for cas Yu. Aliso incubator, 140 egy two brood- pr ot water n vnly used LAWSON, 48 Cuncession St. Victosia Street PAINTING AND PAP King and Brock, over Royal Baank | ney to loan. Phone 1999. SIGNS OF ALL KINDS, GLASS, WOOD, etc.. large or small, Wwritien BATTERSHILL -- satistact Kingston, -- nm. HEVROLET OWNERS invention for Chevrolet Mar- » _ BARRIST IR | oJice, corner of - : New Buaranteed XX! showcards, i and de Princess. Absorbers oduce .smooth o h roads with Once tried AND CARPENTERING GEO: A. PALMER Opposite Blue Garage Cor. Bagot and Queen Streets Phone 410J. ing and genera the day. ion giver : : TO LET. ER HANGING: WAREHOUS TO RENT. WHEN WANTING OR SALI ALL KiNDs OF Paperhauging aone Bouod second hand turniture ang A. Mounteei, 34 Ar slOVeS. ANy person having stoves ems en 2 furniture to dispose of, we wii u ighest prices. J. Tr § Princess strest CARS LISTED FOR SALLE NEW autu repair Al running vruer All paired, .wasned, polished Satisfaction guaranteed at a ADPply 236 Queen, MM. ( A Phone nIpson, Fone, is dec AT Will be makes suup in re and greas- i PAINTING A I'larag Lstimat gold windows Prone 14 One 3-Burner heating Coal shelf" and Oil oven--§ 5.00 ni M Books--ic., 1 kitchen « 10¢s 15¢, and 25¢ $10.00, $4, 35, ang $6 Cabinet ipboard . Cupboards a Grafonola, ords--g$61.00 1 Columbia Grafonola $15.00 Grand Wr DRA. E. KNAP 2458 Princes; and 30 Ie and 30 Rec Street. With 8 records DRS, SPARKS AND 1 Combination like new $50.00 A few Gaseand Coa Carnovsky's Phon Range; DR. RUPER Princess Street. Ph evenings by appoin dishes--5¢., 10¢ ,» and 1ic¢ We buy all kings of Furniture DR. AYKROYD, DENT \ LESSE'S ANTIQUE sHOp | sumed practice at i Phoue 1045w. 307 Princess Street, -- A GOOD BUY FOR INVESTMENT OR 1or a nome Une Of the best built! stone houses in tne Cily, central jo tation, recentiy painteg and decor- aied Inside and outside, stone gar- 8gc and stabies, uy direct irom Lue own and save commission Will take $5,000 for QUICK sale. it's caeap at $uv,uuu Lonsuit the own- ET, ADPPlY Hux R-21, W nig Utiice BATEMAN'S' REAL 'ESTA, -- JDELBERT ous tinsmit tern pumps he pply 17 PAINTING SON, and the "ER MANGING --J, for store DENTAL. DENTIST, 146 Montreal St, all improveme SPARKS, tis 159 Wellington EE MILLAN, DENTIST, 84 { | over Bank of Nova Scotia. Phone *u02J. TINSMITHING, BENN, ONTARIO'S F tinsmith, has given of his customers satisfaction is famous to repair Thomas street. PERSONAL pe I'r on + Urop a card to 'ch sireel. i SNIORE cess TO RENT. Street APPL PRIN. PAINTERS, | interior time to have urateu, Phone A SMALL FURNISHED HOUSE; CON- | deco venient to Q U's University. Ap-| a aii ROOMS, | lights IL UNFUE - at CORNER QUEER Apply D. i. Hay Pnone 1100 r CLASS ROOMS AND improvements, centr University FIRST all ed STABLES AND SI DS ON CORNE R| of Wellington and Barrack street, by May 1st. Apply 31 Rideau st. Derorator Metallic: | and office ontreal street | | { | NINE ROOMED STONE HOU ts. | hone ie 109% ring 3. Vacaug Apri! -- LEN. | | | | street. over PURNISHED DRICK BUNG ALOW; ¢/! e 346. . ro 8; electric ht; all improve- | + ROBd cellar. No'children. 41 i St 'ossession July 1st. | hone 1850 tment. ---- | HAS RE. Princess St, | Upen FOR FURNITURE, .CLEAN, | iry rooms; your own lock | rae Frost's City Storage, 298- | is | St. Phone 526; res. 939w, 2 emi-- IST, AN APARTMENT or rooms and hall, | | | | partly furn- | o IDEAL ALLEN | TO-DAY [| =v. MADGE KENNEDY in "THE HIGHEST BIDDER" Lverybody who is or Who has beet tn love should sce this sparkling fomedy drama. TT ------ W. KENT x i Ra} emmerce Building ' Streets. Fh 0 General Insurance Agency Macnee A You Grover- WAGSTAFFE'S PURE FRUIT JAMS AND MARMALADE Sold in 12 and 16 oz and 2, 4 and 7 1b gold lined 'tins ' Glass Pots EMERGENT MEE The Brethren of Cat AF. & AM, are attend an Emerg held Saturday, July 16th, at 9.15 a.m ai the Masor Hall for the purpose of attend the funeral of our late B he H. Ball Brethren of sister lodges are cordial. ly invited to attend Aprons to be worn vy order of the W. M H. A AHAM, 8 I Jul Lodg ) eby summoned nt Meeting to be THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987. tng anything done in the carpen. fue. Estimates given on all kinds repairs and new work: alse hard. od floors of all Kinds. Ally orders will recely prompt attention, Shop 2S Queen Street. t etary "RECEIVED INSTRUCTIONS By George Boyd to sell one Reo 2-ton Truck by Public Auction on SATURDAY, JULY 16TH, Market Square, at 12 o'clock. TRACTION ENGEVES, ETC. ---------- BOILERS, TANKS, THRESHING MIXERS, CONCRETE REPAIRED, S Smoke « Stacks steel, ete ome 1672 RD Ringstos 20 years' experience, - ¥ W.J. MILL 94 Frontenn Street - - REPAIRING AND OVERHAULING FIRST CLASS WORK CARS WASHED MILLER'S GARAGE 286 Queen Street., Cor. Barrie Street Ne ~~ NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Having purchased interest of Victor Drake, ner of the Firm of McALLISTER & DRAKE, all accounts due the above firm previo to July 13th, 1921, will be payable to E. MCALLISTER. Business will be carried on as usual under the name of "PRINCESS STREE GARAGE." EDMOND McALLISTER, PR( JPRIETOR, H. L. BEDFORD, Auetioneer. a Nn Most men and -all wives do not seem to, realize that there is a dif- ferénce between a conversation and a monologue rina on formerly part. NIN rl LENA tens tnd : PLEASANT WATER TRIPS SATURDAY, JULY 16th Special trip to a new' wonder land--South land, Port Milford. Leave 10 a, m. FARE, Bay, W upoose Is. Home 8 p.m. Adults, 50c. Children, 25¢. SUNDAY, JULY 17th Regular trip to Al exandria Bay, - 2 p.m. sav. THC, Kingston Navigation Co, Limited. Sry os a -- A NOTICE TO GENERAL PUBLIC ~~ AND FARMERS QUEEN'S HOTEL wish to announce that SERVING MEALS on the NEW and OLD TIME First class service assured. Special rates for board by week or month. Hotel accommodations respect, J. ROSE, Prop. 125 Brock St. ENN A A a vi od $ Day Saturday QUICK'S WESTERN MEAT MARKET 3lbs. Steak. ...... .. $1.00 13 lbs. Stew Beef . .. . $1.00 7 lbs. Choice Roast Beef . $1.00 5Ibs. purelard . .... . . $1.00 20 lbs. Corn Beef . . .. . .. $1.00 10 Ibs. Beef Dripping . | . . .. $1.00 112 Clergy St. near Princess. Phone 2011. they are now EOS With are Al in every electric light; Apply 313 BoLW gas for University COOK- | | FIVE at "Robinson's I'oint," 3 tario Park; also tent space on | i Mills Company, 79 « larence § over A GOOD, LP-TO-D ATE nveniences inciuding ha be HOU | dwood FOR SALx MATRIMONIAL AN -. Circle. Pamphlets Remailed sealed W00--FRANE; 4 ROOMS; and © wood, Ont. NEW; L.} electric lights. 5c. st location in| tioors; of the 1 King street, | D PASTIME Apply No stamps 14, lsher- th Ct hingston { Box | TWO FURNISHED FROM BEDROOMS | $2,500--R. CC. SEMI-DETA CHED; SIX rooms; B. and C.; duwn towa, adoption. Good Cat vate family 'would $3000--FRAME; NEW: ¢ ROOMS: B.| oy ETT partie hye C.; electric lights. | U-11. Whig Ofrice. A SIX WEEKS OLL paBY BOY FOR! Wor further particulars apply on bathroom flat; electric light; all venvenineces, Use of phone. Ap- | : os ly 376 Larne street, near Princess | holie howe, pr i ; a be preferabl or phone 2233w, | { FOULR ROOM APARTMENT, HARD. | wood floors, electric Hght, * gas} $0,500--BRICK: 10 ROOMS; pLaresy| HAIR. WOLES, improvements; central. { $10,000 -- THREE STONE HOUSE y By a ao BE Bi) Others have failed. -- ' | Lake, ® $3 400--BRICK SEMI-DETACHED; 8 7 rooms; hot water heating; side ens | trance; right of way, WARTS, | marks. skin cancers, scars, ete. re- | {os moved permanently, glasses fitted and fugnished after 35 years experience. "ye. Ear. Nose. Throat. Skin MEDICAL. | stove, heater, refrigeraior, modern | in-every way. Apply to White's in-| surance Office, 239 Bagot street. { Satisfactory | { | FURNISHED SUMMER COTTAGES AT Eastview Park; new; 7 room 35 | 'per month; also § rooms, § month. Apply J. D. Boyd, 3 versity Avenue or R. R. No. 1 view Park BIRTH. Goitre removed. | Dr. Elmer J. APARTMENTS, BROCK | $I400--BRICK; SEMI-DETACHED, PR. UH. ELLIOTT rooms; hot water heating; side en- trance; right of way. a2 PIANO TUN | | SYDENHAM BROCK Street rooms' ard bath; hard- rs; electric; gas Stove; re- frigerator; laundry; janitsr ser. Vice. Possession Juné 1st Apply | McKelvey '® Birch. ~ Street: L wood floc ING. $4,300---PRESSED BRICK; Rooms; hot air; 3 plece bath; electric light and gas; h. w. floors and Cypress | - trimming; on Capy lerms. | PRANO TUNING AND 1 Peter D. Brown, 12 a $3,700 BRICK DWELLING; 7 ROOMS; | ARCHITECT EPAIRING -- REPAIRING [SEPP Let 2b ete des F ® { Heated Apartments Apply Clar- ence Garage Street all import H. W. floors; right way; good location; a spap to tered architects, i uyer. ¥ 19 } Toronto. RENT--FURNISHED on) POWER, SON AND OR HOUSES TO see James Selby, Contractor, 212 University Avenue. Phone 159§w. | J. TURK Phone 705 | BATEMANS REAL tects, Merchants, B ESTATE | 159 Wellington Aree, hiagetvn. Streets. ofl PAGE AND AVARRINGTON; REGIS. | a corner of Brock and +. _* PEE 2NEI 22S s ben 9 Yunge == Street, i ee 1 LAND SURVEYOR EVER. ARCHI. | n I ank .Chambers | DLS, ME1C, Napanee, Un: { Wellington, tario Land Surveyor Kingston O1- F. F. MILLER, Ap. ec. (, The Most Wonderful Car Value On The Market Chevrolet "Baby Grand" Models Roadster ....... Sodas, .$1595.00 | Touring ..........: toa... $1595.00 Touring Special (Cord Tires) ..$1720.00 Coupe, 4 passenger (cord tires) $2495.00 Sedan (cord tires) ......... . $2495.00 «All cars completely equipped. Government Sales Tax and freight from Oshawa extra. - 'We will be pleased to demonstrate. NEW PRICES CHEVROLET SALES AND SERVICE BAWDEN & EDWARDS 38 MONTREAL STREET PHONE 400, 5 Nice: Walkem & Walkem, 93 Clar-| ~~ ANE

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