Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Jul 1921, p. 2

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- stal or A-- a ------ a -- THE DAILY BRITISH WH] G. \ FRIDAY, JULY 15, 1021, | SHONERS WERE WELCOME INCDENTS OF THE DAY j= SHOWERS WERE WELCOME INCIDENTS OF THE -------- ~ Heated Spell Ends With Fine Racy Local News and Items of Y S 0 Fift (Ce t Co N ] NEW FUR COATS, CAPES: : Rainfall on Thursday General Public Interest. - ou dave Uver riteen Lents a py on Nearly : ' @ . : FUR wn 3% 4 3 5 Cc. w * : 2 . STOLES, SCARFS, and No distinguished visitor to the city, | | yrione® fined. Phone 1544 All the Latest 40c., 50¢., and 60c.. numbers Three for One $ 4 . . é ry . . CHOKERS eo uch a 'spontaneous welbome a Car Joke, Dart sue This 1s even lower th an New York city prices) ; the emissary of Qld Jupiter Pluvius | ugh ¢ York 1 = eis. mse the sidewalks and the roads. t%ice | corey fortyone sot ob or ior Woman's Home Companign, Pictorial Review, Elite Stvles, Old Furs remade and repaired. Saring ihe day for & (Sw minutes. | nny ty ve Prigce of W ; Fashionable Dress, Vogue, Harpe rs Bazaar. Family Journal, Sha. - o'clock after people had gotien sefe- | Jf 15 ta dowland, Motion Picture, Photopl ay, Classic, Picture Play, Smiths, Place your order now. , tne theatres no mand concert and |. Phe steamer' St. Lawrence took a American, Ainslees, Adventure, Short Stories, Radio | lews, Physical , . It drenched Kingston and the sur- | Thursday evening, over four hundred Culture, Science and Invention, M otor, etc. - / . Summer prices. rounding district, but even more for- | people enjoying. the poor sail The | : : . # : obled the atmosphere py exactly ten | the St. George's A Y. P, A. i degrees, | At future band concerts, it is prob- - and some difficulty was experienced | from lack of moisture. In.the city, | in extricating the cays. TRADE MARK 1 : +" BADLY HURT AT PICNIC. - . Thursday night cleared it wonder- | test 1 test a d : d ' bi 149 to 157 BROCK STREET fully, | Foot Caught in Part of Machinery greatest, latest an O- ays 1ggest i r---- - . . i. . Night. Try Chadwick's coal." Prone 67. All the Latest Hits in Music not even the popular prince, ever had F. W. Partridge, Ear! stre eft . ( 1 , ¥ -- a a a aT = Se Zh -- Hon Thursday. night. Rain -spattesade- EATEST MAGAZINES past teh }vards match' at: Bisley, Bi remoonlighteexgursion down the river S . 'tunately for the city awellers it | excursion was under the auspices of . oo. x v : i ; On June 29th Kingston had the able that policemen will be on duty | 2 last heavy shower, 10ugh on Mon- to direct 'the parking or cars At day last there was a snort rainfall Macdonald Park on Thursday even \ The. rain was needed throughout the | ing; they were a polygtot assemblage . ; 9 ° « countryside which was drying "up | : tr : - dT! : the atmosphere had hecome burden- | --- LN | C " THE FUR HOUSE od with humidity, and the Jain of | | Hear the SUN Records--Canada's | It is the unanimous wish that {there should be several more pour- | 7 MaryGofomd. ; selling Record. All the latest 'Dance Rellevilie Ontario ; . ing rains, and then a new start can Maggie Smith, the eight-year-old . and Vocal numbers. be made or the. summer, The exces- | daughter of Harry Smith, was seri- | sive heat Of the past two weeks has | ously injured on Wednesday in the been unique and there is no desire merry-go-round 'at- Twelve O'clock i : THE COI ] EGE BOOK STO ) for its repetition. | Point.. The little "girl was riding a 3 ------------ | wooden pony and slipped, it is said, | her feet passing through a space be- | : The Home of the "SUN" Records: [tween the turn table or platform "Open Nights, Phone 919. THIS Is ST. SWITHIN'S DAY. 2 J ITY-g0-T0 1 the plat-! { There Are Those Who Are Still Sup- {uf the merry-go-round anc p erstitious Persons contemplating a "holild; contemplated the weather on Friday because it was St. Swithin's day and | the famous: writing in the skies de- orm covering the moving cables! J { wirichr-operate the mechanism. ~ Her " J | left leg was badly injured below the | (=a Ae, rr knee as - thé wood or cable ran against it, several revolutions of the merry-go-round being made before the machine could he stopped. MASTER'S iy ¢o ~ age -Ae.-0EPT, \ . oo Biv's 1 ea : ir . | The little girl bore the pain heroi- : 3 ow thin 2 hey a. Thou dost rain | cally, telling Ler mother as she was 5 SPI CIA] » or forty days it will remain; | being carried away from the scene of . or crees that: St. Swithin's Day if u art fat i Bs Ni n's Day 2 thon a a r, | the accident: 2 i | For forty days it Will raiz na mair "Don't worry, mamma: I'll be all . €¢ 9 ° » We are all intelligent enough to Right in { At The Always Busy Store i IS aster S oice eCcor S know that this is a 'myth or super- | i : 4 stition, but when we do see it rain | 3: C7 : . } as ll Wedoses it pin IN MARINE CIRCLES 250 yards Roller Towelling--60% Linen, and with Red bor- i § : July 15th our imagination frequently : $ eae an "reese . Saturday, 15c. yard { "Poor Me--Fox Trot--The Melody Men ... ...216201 The heaviest rain came just at | . { OUT TO-DAY--DANCE NUMBERS gets the better of us, ! ne gaa : i | Steamer Easton is at the Colling- Special line of Heavy Quality Cotton Towelling ~~ I8 inches Crooning--'"Intr. Love Me"--Fogx Trot--The Melody Men .. $1.00 ' midnight "on Thursday and believers { wood Shipbuilding Company's wharf id S Daisy Days--Fox Trot--The Melody Men ..............216292 of the dictum of St. Swithin are con- | for re pairs. » WILR nietnr nnn vi vrei iS aturday, 2 yds. 25c. Swanee Rose--One Step--The Melody Men ....:. $1.00 fident that forty days of rain will now i Steamer Glenellah passed down at In a Boat (for Two) --Fox Trot--Coleman"s Orchestra ....216293 ome: 110.30 last id from Port Col- |§ HALF PRICE Tea Leaves--Fox, Trot--Coleman's Orchestra : $1.00 S A matter of fact, neither forty | borne to 'Montreal. i Zens . 3 a SE RY ALE days of either rain 'or actual daily | .Steamer Toronto, down and up ; The balance of our stock of V oile and Organdie Dresses--this _ FOCAL SELECTIONS rainfall has ever been observed sub. | tq er. | season s newest creations in light and dark colors, _ . Saturday { Price Carolina Lullaby = harles Harrison fequent to St. Swithin's Day or any | pa -------- | : Th= Lagt Little Mile is the Longest other date where official records have | . A Name Omitted. Cherie--TIox Trot Song--Arthur Fields ,... ! v | ' 1 : N , | been kept for nearly a century. How- | The name of Pte. Wilfrid Law- | , | ) I'm Nobody's Baby--Arthur Fields . >. ever, there are a great many years | rence James, second son of Mr. and [ $1.00 $1.50 -" when rainfall is quite heavy and per- | Mrs. Richard James, Albert street, Children's Midd Blouses HE ] RQ : Yn 1.3 | sistent and cloudliness and humidity { was omitted from the list in Thurs- . y 11 | Special sale of Ladies W hite | excessive during this period, more {day's Whig of Eastern Ontario per sizes. Blouses. {frequently than droughty conditions,.| sons who met death when a German | as, normally, July and August are [ submarine torpedoed the hospital | Saturday vt: tyes ein $1.00 Saturday | the two months of the year with | ship Llandovery Castle in the At- | s | heaviest rainfall. lantic. Pte. Jame§- was the only How many will remember a few | native born Kingstonian aboard that ' SOX FOR TOTS | weeks after July 15th whether or |ship. 1 1 h i) ors after LY St whermer of A big assortment of colors andsizes ....... +140. .35¢. up. = ------------ happens that a few consecutive days | Two swelled heads are worse than | with some precipitation immediately | one. Follow, and Suowers. SussHiled woe EE | . VESTS, .50c. HOSE, 50¢. | Wanted To Rent SS npyraaps prevails © i Special in Ladies" Vests --short Ladies' Brown, Black or White a few weeks. Then St. Swithin is con- | o" H y " | J t Store { . sidered a good weather prophet, but | Tye Ha f sleeves or strap ......... 50c. Lisle Hose : if conditions are to tne contrary SE | : » . I Furnished or unfur- ® 31 =o to t t : : supposed indications on July . | - | . f dargains 15th, he is entirely forgotten. Special Snaps for To- : 39c¢. CUSHION TOPS nished house rom | | In the public mind St. Swithin's \ . 1 sw . - " ~ 3 Organdie Collars in dainty colors Just received and in pretty de- ; as " Ra | Daw belief is a great dea: like ithe | October Ist to June SAVE THE DIFEERENCE idea that the Weather Bureau is al- signs 50¢ u I 3 Finest Creamery 38c. ways wrong. An occasional mistake Yr aay me wa, «up } 1st. Good location. Pure Lard by the bureau, especially if the Finest Shortening . .3 Ibs. 40c. weather element interferes with cers | All improvements, 5 Evaporated Apples ...12¢c. 1b. tain plans or pleasures, is always re- | | { v > . iW membered, but the 85 per cent. or 3 el ® * { | 6 b d tolled Outs Noa 6 Ibs. 25c. | 90 per cent. of the verfied predie- | Children 2 i : | or edarooms. , Qualiey Sardines ...5 for 25¢. | tions is entirely forgotten. The pub- | | : I 'ork and Beans ...5 tins 24c. {lic is prejudiced against government | fs h i | r st gover t| Se 1 . | VICTORY BONDS Oranges (large) ...45¢. dozen {'forec#ets and would rather believe | . = A | ' es Fancy Cakes "Z1bs. 85c¢; {in the' groundhog.er spuriods 'long- "THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE" bought and sold. Tea with the flavor . .35c. Ib, i range forecasters, : The people do not like to give up morrow in Hats for Men, Ladies and \ GENERAL INSURANCE ------ --- nm --------. 1 | { | | | certain weather proverbs and be- The M Ag Cullen's | liefs; it gives them something to | Men's Hats $2 cCann Agen | Cy | think and talk about, though they : | oe ° CASH AND CARRY [are really intelligent - enough to Siy dozen light-weight fine | GYNTHIA FORSYTH R. H. WADDELL ALFRED and PRINCESS 818. [lll know that most of them are mere |[| Braid Sailor Straws--put in OBSERVES BIRTHDAY RESULTS EER. Phones 326-5896. 88 Brock St. | superstitions. Many of the proverbs stock this morning. See win. | Cr -------------- some ; . - @| Venerable Cape Vincent Lad . . from some good basic connection, { | p y To those having PROPERTY to sell, we wish to point out that | | | olbn ------------ 1 re partially true ana have origina | dow display--$2.00. NR RR I ee ted fr 3 EE Comair an 3 But frequently the real value is lost Was Ninety Years Old : We are now preparing our lists for the Autumn rush. List your prop- { { the sake of rhythm, Last Monday. erty with us and get RESULTS, We should thus be content to | Now is the time if you are contemplating selling to place your Campin and Outing Hat know that if Jupiter Pluvius visits | - - Enjoy yourself on your vacation by -- . . . hd J Cape Vincent, N.'Y., Eagle property on our. list. : { us on July 15th that it will not rain i Ns , | The Eagle extends hearty and sin- Best attention given to all properties listed regardless of the | some time each day for forty conse- | N NRE | cere congratulations to Miss Cynthia size... We have prospective purchasers for all classes of property, | cutive days, as it never has before at | \ A - | Forsyth, who on Monday of mis week We have one for yours. {any te of the year, and if it did | 7 pry : celebrated her ninetieth birthday, 'it wOYd be a concidencé and a re- og | Miss Forsyth has alwuys made her E W. "MULLIN & SON 7 markable meterological - phenomen- / X | > i : ¥ lon & I p : | aome oh He rime residing Le ihe Buyers and Sellers of Real Estate . | Rouse n whic she was. born; and Insurance of all kinds, . % | there is no doubt but what she 1s the Cor. Johnson and DiyisionStreets. - '= - Phones 539w and 5393. er 5 oh LP oldest person now living that was 4 LENDI NCE , A SPLENDID CONCERT , Ladies Hats $3.98 | bors in the town of cape Vincent. . - el Was 'Given in Macdonald Park by the A big range of Trimmed Considering her years of longevity, = P. W. OQ. R, Band. Hats up to $10 and $12, at | Miss Forsvth is inyfairly good health Thousands of people crowded into this special price to-morrow, [| at the present time, and she remem- Macdonald park on Thursday even- Other kinds $1.98 to $5.08 -- [| Pers and takes pleasure in relating {ing to attend the first band concert none higher. . many of the ineidents connected with ® 2 ® | of the season. Under the capable lead- 4 | the early history of the village and B Saturda Bar ans | ership of Bandmaster W. J. Christ- ' | town. Duritig the dat she received -- J 75¢c " A wearing one of our comfortable Hats. They are light in weight and low in mas, the P. W. O, regiment band > Kot : | calls from her-many friends and rela- played a varied programme of classi- y | tives. She was also the recipient of : cal and popular music. The band d | many presents and birthday cards, A ' ial a : reflected great credit upon the regi- - y ' | birthday party and luncheon was ar- 30 pairs Misses' high grade White Canvas Boots--nice, ment and the bandmaster. The music ranged for her, . the out-of-town neat toe; solid leather sewn soles; a regular $3.00 chosen for the occasion was such as oe guests being Charles H. Anthony and value. Sizes 11 to 2. Any Sair would delight the most fastidious, Miss Celia Anthony, Watertown: her . and for the younger people the score fa NE nephew, George R. Warren, and Mrs, $1.00--LADIES' WHITE PUMPS--8$1.00 of "The Maid of the Mountains" and Warren, Adams, N.Y. --$1.00-- $4.95 some popular hits of the day made | #8 : \ J m--t Ladies' White Canvas Lace :such an appeal that encores were de- 2 ; 4 : ~ Special, Steamer St. Lawrence 0 A. Boots manded. © " wl : * : Steamer St. Lawrence, special trip - --$3.05 : all solid leather Goodyear welt- te For Half Price at special rates, to a new wenderland, Sale lof Men's Black Oxfords--. Pupils Successful, All Children's Straw Hats to- which you ,hgve' never seen, South " all solid leather, , At the recent Toronto Conserva- morrow at exastly Half Price. Bay, Waupoos.Island and Port Mil- Saturday, all sizes .,... $3.05 | Saturday, all sizes ..., $4.95 We have them from tory examinations the following pu- ford, leaves Saturday, July 16th, 10 pils of Miss Estella Trousdale, Hart. No approval or exchange, so B| Eight hou' sail, two hours on ington, Ont., were successful;. Inter- bring the "Kiddies." : + {§|shore andyhome at 8 p.m. ~.ing the : wel bs mediate piano, Irene Whitty; junior . children along and enjoy a perfect . == theory-history, Irene Whitty; count- y day. Fare: Adults 50¢, childreii" 25c. "> ; * erpoint, harmony, Helen . Babcock Ha TR I) Nl rel ° ° . Sirll J ' price. Men'sBrown Brogue Oxforgs-- ed soles--a regular $8.00 value ea The right kind of a man hates to . have anyone apologize 'to him. It , : Constant sticking of the thumb will ' makes him feel meaner than the man HHI ALLER | HLH detorm a child's mouth. . who is offering the apotogy. . { Kingston's Largest Hat Dealers fhonors.) »¥ 189 Princess Street Phone 2216. :

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