Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Jul 1921, p. 5

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WESTERN MEATS and COCKED MEATS McGEEIN'S Phone 1182 282 Princess Street FOR MOVING OF < TISH WHI 'THE DAILY BRI -- G. Kingston and Vicinity oe PURELY HERBAL-- Ne poissncus matter. ANTISEPTIC -- Steps blosd-peisen. SOOTHING --Ends pain 20d smarting, etc. PURE--Best Tor baby's rashes HEALS all seres. : 50¢ bax ~All dealers. For the Hot Weather. have in stock a few brown lightweight summer suits sizes, 34, 35 and 36. $18, which we will Prevost, Brock street We and grey youths, regular price sell for §13. Bfhéside a Village. de received authority from >t nty council at the recent ses- . - 3 P d ' W W k sion .to set up in business a: arin ge ire or S arate municipality and for the fu NICKEL PLATING ture will have the status of a police AND BRASS FINISHING village Now prepared to do this work, Manufacturing. Wire Fencing, Flower ' Border Guards, ete, KING ST. WwW. PHONE ------------ Camping for the Summer. 62 - Mr. and Mrs, A. B. Chaffee, Mon- snare a sep- | wd nesday ht she brought down over forty tor freight, . consisting of > eggs and canned goods The on the was greatly enjoyed Dy 'a lar ber of passengers who portunity so. visit/Pic- cheese day bay } had a'g Iennis Courts Busy, courts at Queen's are being patronized by capacity crowds of summer school students Tern courts are kept in wyse all the time, and players are in evidence waiting their turn on the sidelines. In order | to give everybody a -ghance the. eon- slated last set ennis 1 are: 10 one treal is carried out. But when tt on of the police court ¢ is right up on his toes, brought into oy vigor, and when a con wilnhess stand «he ared to undergo the most min- ection respecting 'his appear- ance. 1 he matter of address. too, the Ki n police may be regard- ed as 'models for any police or mili-- brushes are with sta- iwhle takes. the prep ute ir is tary force A party of Calabogie young people numbering about twenty-five went by motor boat to the head of the lake Furniture, Safes, Pignos and gc of every description-- Kingston Transfer Co. tone 377. 153 Wellington Street. re AAA er a a | DAVID SCOTT | Plumber Fiombing and Gas Work a specia tv... All work gus 145 Frontenac Stree DRAW. WINNETT D INTAL SURGEON. Freight, Corner of Johnsun and Wellington | Phone 363 rn nt Streets ------ Dr. Waugh Dentist 106 Wellington St. Phone 256. Angrove's Repairs Sealey, Talking Machines, Bicycles, Baby Carringes, Lawn Mowers, ete, satisfaction. 197 WELLINGTON STREET WATTS People's Florist 177 Wéllington street. Fresh flowers and plants daily Funeral designs, and wedding bouquets to order. Phone 1763. Res, 1137, Sold by ~ W.R McRae & Co. GOLDEN LION BLOOK. Brn co Ri it COAL Cho'cest quality of Scranton Coal. No other kind sold by us. BOOTH & CO. Grove Inn Yard Phone 133 We do repair work right and Suarantee BUILDING ? ed; cushions BOAT CUSVTIONS made a}l | Ass mn | -- REDUCED PRICES - IN MONUMENTS AND CEME- TERY LEATERING J. E. Mullen 161 FRONTENAC STREET Phone 1417. ? N-- are on Stave Island the summer, Mrs, Fallon and her ldren, REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? Philadelphia, are spenaing the sum Estimates given by mer with 'her parents, Mr. and Mrs O. Aykroyd & Son © Main Street. Phone 1670. a ts ot Gananogq/ Christo- of ue, pher for hatfee To be Married in Kingston: Retta Chungking, . id Dr Kilborn ' ' China, announces the engagemenyg of her daughter,r Constance Ellen to Lewis C. Walmsley, B.A. son or Mr ° ° : | Mrs the James W marriage Kingston on Milford, place atu and Ont, quietly in msley, to take Auto Taps repaired, recovers August slip covers; all kinds of ee Waves Chased Little Bathers., Whit onthe harbor Thurs- da¥ afternoon frightened many the young toddlers at the lake shore The breakers forced them-to retreat to safe places remained for the strong swimmers to venture through the heavy waves repaired, caps - of sizes with KAPOK filling. © 2 bathing places 300 PRINCESS STREET > Phone 1352. Pn Fish Caught in Sewage. People who have noticed children and sometimes older people fishing around the wharves have often won- Portsmouth Gasoline Service Station caught enjoy them It is not an un- GRADES OF OILS AND in right at sewers. he mouths of the city's GREASES Is Associate Pastor, Rev. W. E. Craig, son of Mr. and Mrs. Philip S. Craig, of Lanark vil- lage, has been appointed associate pastor of Tabernacle Methodist church in Providence, R.I., one of the strongest congregations that de- nomination in the New England conference > George Granger "Phone 129. pg ---- AA A ee ee een SORE THROAT 18 A COMMON AILMENT WHICH UNLESS CHECKED IN HH EAD TO A SERI- 0! Boy's Arm Broken, Stewart, the young son of Mr Mrs. R | roof at and the simmer cottage of his his footing and fell to the ground a distance of twelve or fifteen feet. pe THOMAS® His left a*m was broken by the fall, The fracture was reduced. ECLECTRIC a es O i L Bathing Beach Complai Complaints have been. .réc rp ------------ the conduct of some young men at | the. various bathing piaces in the city who try to make it as uncomfor- table as possible for other pathers by | splashing them and committing petty | annoyances. Many young reople, who mn | Lake Oatario Trout and Whitefish, Fresh Sea Salmon, ,Had- dock, Halibut and Cod BOOTH FISHERIES (Canadian Co. Phoue 530. 68 Brock Ste | No. 9-3240. ! bathing, have been driven away by | these thoughtless persons Cut Heal While Diving, Cyril. Snowdon, linotype operator {of the British Whig, met with a pain- ful accident while swimming off Macdonald Park on Wednesday even- | ing. He was diving, and in coming iup struck his head on a ledge, sus taining "several cuts. He proceeded to his home where he was attended by a doctor, ------ -- ENA A Dr. H. A. Stewart Dental Surgeon Wishes to announce that he has resumed his practice, cor. Wel- lington and Princess Streets. Phone 2092. Dr. H. A. Stewart Dr. J, L. Stewart --_---- | Doing Good Business, The steamer St. Lawrence is doing a good freight and pa ienger busi- ness inthe Bay of Quinte. On Wed- PILES atl Dr. Chase's Ointment will relieve and afford lasting benefit. 6c. x; all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Limited, | Toronto. Sample Box free if you mention this | baper and enclose 2c. stamp to Pay postage, Do not suffer another say with fiching, leed. ing, or Protrud- ing Plles. No surgical oper. 0 required. you at once a A BARGAIN CORONA Folding Typewriter, slightly used. (Copyright, 1821. Someone with a 15 p.c. Discount J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. 41 Clarence Street, Kingston, | automobiles afid carriages, and Well, what of it ? This is a free country, and a dog rather than to a child, what if DID YOU EVER TRY. Wagstai's Ginger slargaiade, Wugstafl'y Vineapple Marmalade, Wagstai's Bramble Jelly, We also have a full line of other reliable mahes 'of Marma- lades, Jam sod Jeilivs for saie "li--- Bon Marche Grocery Cor. King amd karl Streets -- License No. 3-27149 TC Phone N44. '} women are. better fitted to 25% [En Reduction | It would be impossible to | the fate of a child born | & | instead. | hunger, That poor child children in the world, When these, by natura: ON MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING It is no imaginary case. Men's fine Serge Suits' -- regulaé $35.00 for $26.2 | and dry to supply the tree | only. More courts are being marked one night last week for a d ince. On \ ampus the return trip the engine gdve out "| and taking the sinal] boot which was in tow some of the Young men star:- The caretakers plavercunds ed for assistance. Capt Kennedy, ! that require goovd lawn: are finding | who was appealed to -could render ! bard to keep the playing tields in jione as the niotor of his oewn boat | cendition, Bspecgally dificult it | was out When i for the men looking. after the bowl- | young men got some of the river out on the lower Difficult to be Kept Up, oO: is of commission the ! and it | dered how the consumers of the fish | D._Scott was playing on a parents at Barryvale when he missed | PUPS PREFERRED TO CHILDREN By CHARLIS GRANT MILLER turn. for statistics kept count | pageantry of Fifth avenue, New York, as it Loon, and in an hour recorded seventy-on bring up dogs than they must shrivel up, body and soul, ing greens and tennis courts .n the weity. It is-only by prolonged water- ing with the hose that tney are able to keep the grounds in any kind of 1 dition At The Age of 64 Years. Wednesday evening, July 6th, ath of William G. Mec- well known and highly esteemed farmer of Emerald, Am- Island. He had been enjoying the best of health up to the fime of his sudden death which was due to { the excessi heat He had always been a resident of Annerst Island and leaves to mourn his loss a widow and eleven children, six sons and five daughters, who 'were all prescnt at On | cecurred the Ginness, a herst re | the time i Golden Wedding Anniversary. i George Gates, celebrated the. fiftieth {anniversary of their marriage on i Tuesday, July 5th, at their home, | Front road, Pittsburgh, surrounded | by three sons with their 'wives and {childre n, who had met together to do {honor to this happy occasion. Mr. and | Mrs. Gates received r~ifts of gold and other valuables, also congratulations from friends at a distance. May they many more years to sincere. wish of their of friends | live | gether | wide to enjoy is the 1 circle | i ve Rescue. b stream at Niagara Falls on Tuesday last and rescued a woman who was being down towards the falls. | The on the shore saw woman Moodie. got them to fas- {ten a around him, when he swam out in the stream and caught {the 'woman. The superintendent of 'the State Reservation calls it the | most daring and characteristic act of | heroism in the annals. Moodie was | brought up in Smith's Falls by his {aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs, George Leacock, and 'lived here until he was a young man, swept people and rope otherwise would be able to enjoy the | | ADD CITY AND VIC | The Church Advertises, |] When a business man gets an idea | | into his Lead that his concern is too | well known to need any further ad- vertising, he should take a lcok at the churches. Nearly every success- ful 'church, at great expense, main- t.ins a steeple Why the steeple? Because it is a sort of trademark, an | accepted form of outd or advertls- ing. You can't look at a church with- out knowing what it { Everybody knows the church is thére ard what it is for, but it keeps right on with Its open air advertising. And, more- over, it rings the bell They fan' be Beat, The Kingston police station has become a most orderly civic institu- tion, dnd everything is done under constables arrive on duty they most scrupulous about br their shoes and uniform; before g0- ing out on their beats the same ex- Ate are ushipng oft amy All Rights 'Reserved by United Feature Syndicate.) upon the fashion glittered by one Sunday after- e dogs on the laps of women in in the same time nineteen children. a woman prefers to be a mother to is there to prevent her The cold, hard, brutal truth of the matter, is that a whole lot of are to bring up inclination and selection, have found | thet méasure of their affections----and that measure is dog-size--why, let conceive of anything more pitiable than tO a. woman whose heart yearns for a pup of heart Unfomunately, there are many such They are like little stunted shrubs that spring up'in the soil that is barely sufficient to nourish the seed, but tbo hard If they survive, it is without spirit. Their Douglas Moodie waded out into tho | the | strict military discipline. When the | Men's fine Worsted Suits -- regular $35.00, for $26.25. FOR SALE W. H. GODWIN & SON Real Estate and Insurance | 89 Broc!. Street. Phone 424. REAL ESTATE | Men's Tweed Suits----regular $20.00 for $15.00, Boys' Suits--sizes from 24 (0 33; regular $10.00 for $7.50. Summer Hats for Men and Boys at greatly reduced prices, I, ZACKS 271 PRINCESS STREET | went for all concerned that the mothers should raise pups instead. {because he can at times raise himself to man | roots suck no emotional moisture. The sunshine of life only gnarls and | parches them. Such children--God pity them; denied the love that | vitalizes the mother milk, are worse, ten thousand times worse, than orphaned. Their childhood is an unheeded wail of unsatisfied longing; | the wellsprings of natural feeling are dammed up in their little hearts, to Magnate and 0 poison their lives. Such children--but enough; it is : There's good in a pup, but _there is no possibility of good in a child of a Woman whose heart affections are only pup-size. f But even at that, it is sometimes a pity for the pup. : There is no worthier animal than a dog. Hg Is capable, when given | a chance. .of responding to the intellect and affections of "the highest | natures. But, after all, he has his limitations, and while we love him 's level, even the dog erself to his. { himself nivst despise the ¥oman who can lower bh drivers the" disabled boat to shore they find the as it had away darkness It 4 before it was finally locatéd and by that time some of the ladies on board were on they verge of hysterics to tow could not been blown in was a.m A Loss of Sheep, A number of f about Cala- bogie report the loss of ep kill- ed by dogs The heard from are Joan MeclIntyre who lost four.sheep and Frank Amo who reports the loss of twelve Farmers applving the "council for repara- tion are often surprised when they learn' what the law really is When sheep are destroyed by. dogs, the owner is entitled to recéive their full | value from the council provided the armers latest to H | animals were at the time enclosed |* common sight to see fish being pulled A well known couple, Mr. and Mrs. | in a field on their owner's land. -If they were astray at the time of at- ¥ tack the owner receives hothing, Be- fore they are allowed compensation owners are required to make an af- fidavit that they do not know to whom the destroying canine be long- Argument for De-horning. What is the aspect in dollars and cents of de-horning farm cattle? Some intéresiing Statistics | recently given in the course of a campaign at the Winnipeg Stock Yards to encour de-horning. They | show thevlosses sus tained in shipping and-handling horned cattle owing to | bruises and injuries received from | Hooking a: milling each other around in ie pens and in According Manitoba Press, figures g1ven for Canada "place actual owing to bruised meat caused by horned cattle at close to $1,000,000 during 1920. This amount was lost | to producers of these | last -yvéar. In other words the pack- | ers would have gladly paid this | much more for i without | that 20 were to the Free then all the he bruises r cent. or he cattle shipped iruises due to their being horned | Fattle in the load Authorities figure here are 15 per cent. me horned tattle coming ~un- the market than there were five Years ago.' { H. P. Kennedy, Limited, Toronto, stated some time ago "During the year handled approximately of stockers and feeders Practically | 50 per cent. of this number were | horned cattle, and had to be sold at | | from 50 cents to §1 Per ewt. below | [the prices we r *eived for de-horned | | steers' of me quality. Over | | | ox <0 per cent show signs 1919 'our firm 50,000 head the 30,000 head sold to 'our cus- tomers in United States centres but | at times it was almost impossible to | sell horned cattle for feeding pur- | | Poses and in many cases we were | { forced to. cash the horned cattle at a | sacrifice for slaughtering purposes, | The average reduction received price for the horned cattle at 75 | cents, per ewt. on 25.000 head, or | 1,000 cars, amounted fo $200 per! car, which means a loss to our Cana- | dian producers in the year 1919 of $200,000° because these cattle were | not de-horned. ' In view of these ! facts, we feel that we are in a posi- { tion to show clearly to the produc- | | ers in C&nada the amount of money | they are josing by not having ali cat- | tle that are offered for sale de- | | horned. were Never Kick Horse on Foor. | When examining | | horse or mule never | make the animal lift it of of the | ground.' In kicking the foot you are | | liable to bruise the lateral cartilage, causing inflammation 'and deposit of | bone cells. This deposit of Lone cells | i8 the starting of a side bone, which will eause lanreness This lameness ouce started extremely hard to i stop. So never kick the horse's foot, |» ws = the foot "of a| kick the foot to; is | Cut Straw Is Rest Bedding. | A great deal of the liquid manure | DOW going to waste ean be saved by the use of absorbents, such as Straw, {| sawdust, muck and loam. Uncut | straw is a very valuable absorbent, taking up two or three times its weight of water, while fine cut straw will absorb six or nine times its weight of liquid. Moreover, oat Straw contains quite a large amount of plantfood, especially potash, Don't Bern An Do hot burn the s Your neighbors may n smudged, and then leaves are a val- uable, natural fertilizer, Spade or plough them into the garden, if you object to leaving them on the lawn, or use them as a winter mulch fn the shrubbery border or compost them in a corner of the backyard for tuture use. nn Leaves. ade tree leaves. Ot enjoy being -- Imitation Furs Used. Imitation furs are used extensively for the making of evening wraps. The time was when wearing any sort of imitation would have heen considered deplorably bad taste! Bont nowadays we see "the leading fouturiery' weing "Kashaongula," a new materia) resem. bling sibeline (Russian sable), sufferers | transit. | losses | horned cattle | these same cattle | It is estimated | of | of | now | ny \ Z [i] Phone 191. of the Coal Consumer has resulted in such a small demand for coal at the mines, that are being about one-half their usual capacity they operated "only -at Unless Coal is mined during the summer, the Mines will not be able 'to. mbet the winter's demand . It is therefore advisable for éonsumers who can do so, to buy-inid-reeeive-their-cont-early and thus insure a full winters + £ . ~ supoly. . : ' " . . S.~ ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards; Bay and Wellington Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 66. Factory Phone 1415. J Have comfort = this. hot wea- ther by dining at a nice, cool Restaurant. Orfler what you like and as vou iike it craft | the | Special arrangements ean be made for dinner parties and hinches, 1 Grand Cafe {i im WH PETER LEE, PROP. Two Doors Above Opera House Princess Street H. APPLETON Announces the opening of a néw P umbing and Heating Establishment sitll Loman 417 PRINCESS STREET--O0 PPOSITE ANDERSON BROS. Prices on contracting and all kinds of Jeb work furnished Give us a call. Phone 378w HOW ABOUT THAT GARDEN OF YOURS Do not let the grubs eat it up, but order PARIS GREEN. ARSENATE OF LEAD, ACCO SPRAY, SPRAYERS, ETC. A full stock at:-- emmoné&Sons 187 Princess St. I i : : ~N We're. Ready for Spring With a Large, J New Stock of Fine Quality i Suits and Top Coats For Men and Young Men at Lower Prices $20.00, 22.00, 25.00, 28.00 $30.00, 32.00 See our fine quality Blue Serge Suits at © --$35.00 -- ' TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St, (One door below Randolpn Hotel) - m Black, White and Navy Pailette Silk-- . extra heavy and wide width, for ....... ...... 51.39 a yard White Wash Skirts of Gaberdine and Linen--nicely made in the newest styles, for ......$1.69 and $2.25 Pure Linen Damask for Table Cloths-- full width, for ."... .$1.50 a yard All Pure Wool White Flannel for Skirts at ......... $1.00 a yard. W. N. Linton & Co. The Waldron Store.

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