: iE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. EE a Tw ll the World of Sport |: Tackle Good FishL. In Tackle We have long been headquarters for the fisherman Tackle, try us first. It's the best. If you need new | the biggest and |' . Steel Casting Rods, Bambdo Fishing" "Rods, Reels best assortment of lines--latest sensations in Casting Bait s, Trolling Baits | and Spoons. If you want the Fish, | you need our Tackle. ' . TY vou need an | To complete a good fishing trip, ANSCO CAMERA. Built so that they take the knocks off the | it A | 9] fishing trips--they are the ideal Camera for every purpose . Photo shows promine Come in and see a le : : ° Ad see a comp { championship tourney te line of tHe best Cameras. FILMS--all sizes for all Caméras. {GREAT TENNIS GAMES TOURISTS PLEASE NOTE--We issue Fishing Licenses. FISH POST CARDS--Just the kind to' send home greatest Augist Tennis will reach its | heights in history during an and September campaign The annyal American. fixtures will { be international. The presence of! [French and British teams Davis cup preliminaries and chall- enge round, will bring the greatest | players of the game to this country. Perhaps the biggestafeature of the season will be the National Women'; to fool your friends STORE OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS TILL 10.30' P.M. f . TREADGOLD SPORTING | GOODS Co. . | FISHING TACKY, E--PHONOGRAPHS--CANVAS SS STREET. PHONE 524. BICYOLE August 15th #8, PRINC Mlle Suzane Lenglen, the great | French girl,® holder of the world's title, will visit America for the first time and go after new laurels. In the role of American defender, "Ani im. ' The Man Who Works Hard Should Eol- jails starting 3 "THE PLACE TO GET THAT RECORD" ~ « INNER BEREEENANERANANAR ANNAN FOR SALE ¢ 8 Roomed Brick House on Frontenac Street, Park; newly decorated throughout; session at once. Price $5,600. KINGSTON AGENCIES, Limited and © J. 0. HUTTON. B. G. ROBERTSON best Phone 708 67 Clarence Street. « color dre quickly remedied by Dr. Hamiiton's Pills, Dr. Hamilton's Pills keepdre system clean and pure, totie up the blood, drive away tired- ness anc laesitnde. No medicine for { men is better than Dr. Hamilton's Pills all doalers, or The Ca- tarrkczone (°c, Montreal Perseverance and will power he should have, but whether he has 'strength and vigor is another ques- tion. Hard working men often have headaches and enffer from bilious fits. The occasional use of Dr, Ham- ilton's Pills keeps a man feeling fit fine, keeps lim always at Headaches, indigestion, poor iD near V ictoria® new hardwood floors. Pos- tt a ti °F ISHING TACKLE N ---Steel Poles. ---Bass Oreno Baits. --Pearl Wobblers, --Spoons. Everything in Fishin & Tackle at:-- W. H. COCKBURN & CO. Corner Wellington and Princess Street. Phone 216. ¢ 25¢., --Reels. ~--Canned Minnows, --Minnow Pails. As good as sixty years of 3 experience can make it -- WN sm A ------e » - SATURDAY SHOE | SPECIALS Children's White Canvas Sample Shoes Children's Brown Leather Sandals . . . . Women's Bathing Shoes iii Red, White or Blue colors. $1.10 to $1. 35 Women's White Canvas Shoes--odd sizes .'. . . revi vis $1.98 Men's White Canvas Oxfords--leather or rubber soles . wee. $2.95 'THE VICTORY SHOE STORE "% anna Sire vant. . $1.19 low This Advice| his | in Toronto. Miss Margaret Groves, New York St | Myrick, and the | NEW YORK TENNIS CHAMPIONS. nt New York tennis players taking part in Charles Chambers. Photographs by Alexandra Studios. Left to right: ate champion. the Dominion tennis Miss W. Harvey, and er Ate At as aoe ty A AY. Sr re foes es Mrs. May Sutton Bundy, regarded as BOOKED FOR AuausT Or of the greatest women players ot | all time, will return to the courts. | Mrs. Bundy, according to reports received from the coast by Julian 8 president of the United States Lawh Tennis association, 1s playing in old-time form, ' whi ch means much to those who want to see thé American title remain at home. The French government has 'pro- vided the funds to send the. French { Davis cup team to America, even it it loses its preliminary round to In- championship, to be played at Forest |! ! dia : William T. Tilden, world's singles champion, who is back home after a European invasion, predicts that the France-Indian match will be one of the greatest of the preliminary rounds. C anada and Australia are to pl la¥ at Toronto July 23rd, 24th and 25th. The winner -of the match will play | the British Tsles team, which defeat ed Spain in the first round: This] match will be played in Pittsburg. Argentine defaulted to Denmark, | and the Danes will have their firs: | play in the third round at Cleveland, meeting the winner of the Pittsburg matches. | The Philippine team defaulted to | Japan, and Belgium defeated Czec bo. Slovakia: The Japan- Belgium match | is-seheduled, for Minneapolis, but it is | thought that Bbigium will defanlt through the lack of funds to make the trip here. If India beatg both will come both have made ments. - ¥ The challenge round, in which the American team will defend the cup, [i to be played Sept. 2nd, 3rd and 5th. at Forest Hills. Stands to jaccommo- date 14,000 are planned. More than | $25,000. worth of season tickets have already been sold > Tilden, who has just finished win-| ning the British' and French cham- pionships, probably will rest during the early season He has been in training since May, 1920, and in that timé has made two trips to Europe and one to. Australia. He looks rathe °T | drawn and tired. the French team, to this country, as all the arrange- / Great Finishers. Fans who afiend the games at Comiskey park, Chicago, no | longer leave when the sixth or seventh innings have apssed and with | The White Sox have es] ror lly beaten. tablished a reputation whirlwind finishers, ing defeated until out. the last man 1s eastern invasion, the Sox have scor- ed 50 runs in nine games. They have | won-four games, and 28 of the runs | have been made in the seventlr, eighth, ninth or éxtra innings. In a! recent game with the New York Yan- | kees, the Sox were trailing 9 to 0 at runs in, the seventh," three in the | eighth, four in the ninth, and won the game with a run in the sixteenth inning. ------ For failing to keep in condition, Pitcher Reuther hag been suspended by the Brooklyn Clb. BRINGING UP FATHER Williamson & Wellwood | Derby jchines at the track and probably half | Tope, Carpentier | month to' start tra {on Columbus Day fa: [Tommy Gibbons, baseball | the home tea mapparently hopeless- | | UNBET BLIND HORSE WINNER AT BERLIN -- A heavily played race, where not a | single bet was placed on the winning horse, was an unprecedented feature' of the Berlin Grand Prix nieet Mon- day in Berlin.* A blind horse, which | his owner lacked confidence to back, | galloped away from a field cf eleven. The next rankest outsider took sec- ond with equal ease, The Grand Prix also went to an outsider, Ossian, while King Midas, | which earlier 'was rated unquestion- | ably the st German three-year-old and wh absence. in the German deprived that race of much | significance, finished last. The erowd | was enormous, and the money bet through the par-y nutuals constituted a record. Almost ten million marks were placed through the betting 'ma- be 08¢ S much again thngiigh handbooks n town beforehand. CARPENTIER GOES TO FRANCE. Will Return in Month to Start Train- ing for Gibbons Bout, Georges Carpentier has left New York on La Savoie Lr s home in nan was Paris, The defeated | accompanied by Deschamps, [\his manager," and Charles Ledoux, the bantamweight champion of Eu- plans to return in a 1g for a bout No SATURDAY, JULY 16, 1901, In mo I IE "HEMLOCK Our stock of Hémlock is large and well assorted, and our r prices are right, Ey is ea rn Allan Lumber Co. Phone 1042 Victoria Street 00 | { i Ek | TAR Hi SPECIAL SALE OF - WHITE FELT MATTRESS Regular $35.00, for Regular $18.00, for .. $12.00 Regular $12.00, for". .......... .$ 9.50 Large line of PORCH and VERANDAH FURNITURE .. From $35 to $300 per set complete. R. J. Reid THE LEADING UNDERTAKER 230-234 PRINCESS STREET Telephone Ambulance 157w. ciety yin $25.00 oe nara COMPOSITORS AND Permanent and linotype operators to work on TORONTO SAT COMPOSITORS LINOTYPE OPERATORS Men' or Women same wage. Hours 7. 45 to 5.30. Saturday 7.45 to 12.noon, Positions absolutely Suan for at least one year Ideal working condi tions and surrousdix Age, Open shop. : Transportation paid. Liberal allowance for case of married men. All applicatior 18 confidential, Apply by wire or mail to:-- SATURDAY NIGHT PRESS 3 Richwend Street West TORONTO $36.00 §36.00 w which he has been signed by Tex Rickard, His oppduent probably will be The Frenchman has not given up {anhassot training farm, and » his work there when he re- his I SA SA, SS A turns, Gua W Captain Thierry Mallet, his friend, will live at the farm quring his ab- sence, Carpentier Ede hia wile and baby that be would be just a Back, as said before Jeaviag roveileet ions af Ameria See MACDONALD'S PRINCE of WALES CHEWING being | and for not be-| Since their return home from the | the end of the sixth ,and scored two, | TOBACCO Sat wt a. ar 2 re es ee ve MR. JIGGS - | ow THAT YOU ARE A <OCD FRIEND OF JUDGE MOOSE AND : '™M. TO GET MY VEROICT TODAY. 'WiLL YOU BEE Him AND FIX IT Men Custom Tailors Own Miterial Made Up. Prices right. 230. MONTREAL STREET Wwe doors from King Edward Theatre = "FOR SALE Good second - hand Lumber, Corrugated Sheet Steel and other building materials. Ll. Cohen & Co, 205 Ontario St. Phone 837. 15 qv WIFE SINGIN PROFESSOR NG YOUR Sq LESSON "© 1921 ov Inv FraTuRe Service. inc. LINOTYPE OPERATORS positions are now open for a few good compositors URDAY NIGHT. anteed to competent men er Women transportation of family and furalture in isan, hla trainer, ahd | that pe : giad ta 3 hig Way te @anghtes, but & glad 10 come he has Rothing but pleasant BY GEORGE McMANUS