Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Jul 1921, p. 11

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THE DAILY SATURDAY, JULY 16, 209. . RB R | | T.I S H Ww H I C. x | choice, $8.50 to $9.50; do goul, (Fronts, 1b; {$7.50 to $8.00; do common, $2.00 ta { Hinds, 1b {Markets Reports | | 3-¢; No. a yellow, 60 3-4 to 62¢c. | Oate-- 3-4 to 37c¢; PY {| No. 3 whi b favs: Rye--No. 2, : Barley--56 to 6lc erm MORbreRb- Ply FORTE cher steers, choice, $7.50 'to $8.00; | Bood, $6.75 to $7.25; medium, $6 to | $6.75; common, $2 to $6; butcher wo {$4.00; "spring lambs, $1150 to Leg, Ib $12.00; do yearlings, $6.50 to $7.59; | Loins, Ib .. . do culss, '$2.00 to $4 00; sheap (Chops, 1b choice, $4.00 to $5.50; do héavy and | Mutton, Ib. "3 bucks; $2.00 to $2.50; do culls, Sausage meat Ib, 0.50 1681.00; hogs, fed and water- | bid, $11.50; do off cars, bid; i do f.o.b., bid, $10.75; do: to | Cod, Ib. r, bid, $11.00. Eels, |b. { Fllets, I .. {Finnan haddie, | Haddovk,~ trowh;- a ew be oO CWooem GRAIN QUOTATIONS. Toronto. Toronto, July 15--Manitoba wheat | ~--No. 1 northern $1.74 7-8; No. 2} do., $1.71 7-8; No. 3 do., $1.68 = Montreal. Timothy $4.50 10 $6.15. _ Clover --313 to $19. Rye--No. 2 C.W., $1.31. # 7 0 Halibut, 1b .. .. Kippers, pair |Perch, Ib .. ,. seins erg uote dU 4 WHERY, NOT que Manitoba oats--No. 2 €.W., 48 5-8¢; No. 3 C.W,, 46¢; extra No. 1 feed 45 5-8c; No. 1 feed, 43 7-8; No irio's Greatest Minneapolis. Flour 20 | 2 feed 43 1-8c. _ Minneapolis, July 1 . At Manitoba barley---~No. '3 C.W., 79 [to 25c¢ higher in carload lots, fan y | 1-2¢; No. 4 C.W., 75 1-2¢; rejected, | patents, quoted at $6.70 to $8 85 a "69 1-2c¢; feed, 68 1-8c. | barrel in 98 1b, cotton sacks. Ship- All tlie abeve in store, Fort Wil- | ments, 46,673 barrels, lam. 3 | Bran--$13 to §13. ; American corn--No. 3 yellow 75¢.,| * Wheat--Cash, nominal; Northern nominal, c.i.f., bay ports, {$1.37 1-2 to $1 121-24 July, $1.22 Canadian corn--Feed, nominal. (1-2; September, $1.32 1-2. SL Barley--Ontario malting, 65c to Corn--No. 3 yellow, 47 to 43 e. 70¢, outside, | Oats--No. 3 white, 32 to 32 1-2¢. | Ontario wheat--Nominal. | Flax--nominal,- $1:83 to $1 84 Ontario oats--No. 2 white, nomin- | al, 40¢ to 42¢, according to freight | Montreal. : outside, | Montreal, July 15.--Oats, Cana- Peas--No. 2, nominal. | dian western, No. 2, 60%¢c to 61%ec; | | ium, $5.59 to $6.25; common, $2 to $5; butcher cows, choice, $5.50 to $6.50; medium, $2.50 to $5.00; can- ners, $1.00 to $1.50; cutters, $1.59 to $2.50; butcher bulls, good, $5.00 [to $6.50; common, $2.00 to $4.00. Good veal, $6.50 to $8.00; me.l- inm, $3.50 to $5.00; grass, $2.50 0 $3.50 . wes, $2.00 to $4.50; lambs, good, 8.00. to $9.00; common, $6.00 to 50 Hogs, selects, quoted at $13.00. Chicago. Chicago, July 15.--Cattle steady; {Steak cad, 1b | Trout, salmon; 1b , , | White fish {Merring Fresh, Ih, | Bananas, | Lemons |Oranges, dos .... | Hens, dressed, Ib { heifers, choice, $6.75 to $7.00: 'med- | Tike: ih ves Salmon, Ib R G Cc varr123% to 1§ .e 22 aspberries rape fruit v- 40% herrles, basket - -- Poultry, pate KY enue e Producer F all Ontario's sources of publie tinct from taxation, her Forests money received by the Government the sale of forest privileges last year amounted to over $2,700,000. e value of these forest 'privileges is increasing with the demand for lumber pulp and other forest products. The maintenance of our chief source of revenue depends, therefore, upon keeping our forests from burning up, Forest fires mean higher taxes, higher cost of building, higher cost of livin generally, as well as dreadful"loss of life, loss of tang devastation of great areas of land, come fi of Ontai revenue as dis- The Buckwheat--Ng. 2, nominal. do. No. 3, Bbc to 56%c. Flour, Rye--No. 2, $1.25. Manitoba spring wheat patents, 0 Ao . firsts, $10.50. Rolled oats, bag 90 | , 5 | Hes. Nt a pou m0 gar oo mt Darenl, Ibs. : 3 05. Bran, $25.25; shorts, | Stock, 3 50 to 35.65; tbuers 2 Beat Hitee, No. 1,. 40; , J ' tana : in: 9 ap | cutters, largely 2 to 3.25; u » Patent, nominal, .in jute bags, Mon- 357.28. Rr 2 Ts, ton] ca { bologna bulls, $4.75 to $5.25; butch- | Veals sn treal and Zototito, iach om lots, $25 to $27. " er grades, largely $5.50 to $6.50: if ee r -- Tracks Toronto)! ---- rea) © s $o° C .] f Manitoba. ou Gh A hor] New York. bulk veal calves, $9.75 to $10.25; Horo tiice cash prices: First patents, $10.09; New ork, July 15. -- Flour, |Stockers, steady; feeders, dull. Ir a el second patents, $10. ' : ' : th; ;| Hogs--Top, $10.15; bulk better | Tallow, No 3 ;8prin atents, $8.50 to $9; £ , 1 ; pad : M Militesu Folens Sgiiversd, Sieh pre 4: 25 to $7.75; soft: buying grades, FE to $10.10; bulk Wool, per 1b, unwashed ontre » Dag. inci ? a . 75 + Ig packing sows, : to $9; pigs, 5 = " straights, $% to $6.75; hard | Bran, per ton, $23 to $25; shorts; per {winter straights, : {to 75 cents higher; bulk desirable < : vi straights, $7.25 to $8. | is ; . ton, 33 to $27; feed flour, $1.60 to wie: Srsie ig 4 a oan: $9.7 5 io $9.90. 3 : = H y--No 1, per ton, baled, track |2, $23 to $25; shipping; $20 to Sheep- Early "op patlves, $10.75; To dl "$17 > $19: mized "$8 to, $22. Hops quiet; state, 1920, 24¢ PO Yosemm Sold enrly; shee $10; traw $10 er ton car lots 30c; 1918, 15¢ to 17¢; Pacific | best light native Wes $5 i 5 + 30 Der Lon, coast, 1920, 19¢ to .25¢; 1919. 16¢ to 18ec. . -- {top handy weight steers, $8.90} bulk : I beef steers, $7 to $8.50; bulk fat she Hides and Wool. ve Ontario's Forests 3 ; Theyre Yours a Besides providing direct returns to the people of Ontario in wages and Publis revenue, Mfording employment for labor, an opportunity for capital, and supplying us with lumber and other pro y the Forests of Ontario are vitally important in many other ways, Ontarfo's Forests largely account for her health. "ful, moderate climate, neither unbearably hot nor vnbearably cold, nor subject to hurricanes and furi. ous tempests, Ontario's Forests regulate by conserving the moisture of venting damage from spring the soil from hillsides, cei..T5¢ to $1 +..up to' $1.75 -+.8 to 10¢ No. | Bran, ton p steady; Shorts, ten "ter ies Buckwheat, bush .. > Hay, baled, ton Hay, loose, ton Corn, yellow feed, bush. Flour, standard (Gov't) cwt. $6.10 to $5.35 Oats, local 45 Straw, baled, ton. . ~ $8 to $12 Straw, loose, ton $8.00 Wheat, local... $1.80 "s 90% tev. $24 to $36 the flow of her rivers the rain or snow, pre- floods and erosion of Such' as ruined great areas of land in China and other Eastern countries. In Northern Ontario, the low, rourided hills soon. show the bare rock after the forest is burned off, Ontarfo's wild game and fur largely depend upon the preservation of her forests. The young of game birds and of insectivorous birds which nest in the forest, are destroyed annually by forest fires, If a watershed is destroyed by forest fire, few of the game fish in the streams will survive, Fish and game bring tourists to Ontario's forests and prosperity to Ontario's summer resorts. Fores$ . fires drive fourists and their money away, Forests are assets of health and ttrencth. Forests are an Jnspiretion to clean olesome living. One tario's forests are a refuge from the grind, dust and [ I\ strain of s. Help us save Ontario's forests from * \\ desiruction by fire; GENERAL TRADE, Butter, 35 to 37ec. Winnipeg. Winnipeg, July 156.--Cash prices: Wheat--No. 1 Northern $1.81 1-4; No. 2 Northern, $1.80 1-2; other grades not quoted; track, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, 31.7k3-4. Oats--No, 2 C.W.," 49¢c; No. 3 CW. 46 1-8¢c; extra No. 1 feed, 45 3-4c; No. 1 feed, 44c; No. 2 feed, 43 1-2¢; track, 48 3-4c, Barley--No. 3!'C.W., 80 1-4c; No. 4 C.W,, 76¢; rejected, 70c; feed, 69c¢: track, 80c. Flax--No. 1 NW.C, $1.77 5-8; No, 2 CW., $1.73 5-8; No. 3 C.W,, $1.47 6-8; condemned, $1.47 5-8; track, $1.77 5-8. Belleville 36 to 38c. Chatham Sound 28 to 30c. | Brantford 30 to 85c. Cobourg 356 | | Hamilton 85¢c. Port Hope 28 to 35c¢. | Syratford 30 to 36c. London 27 to 35¢. St. Thomas 38 to 40c¢c, LIVE STOCK MARKETS, Toronto, . Toronto, 'July 15.--Good heavy steers, $6.75 to $7.50; baby beeves, $6.75 to $7.50; butcher steers, choice $7.00 to $7.50; do good, $6.25 to $6.75; do. common, $3.00 to $4.50; butcher heifers, choice, $6.76 to $7.50; do .zedium, $5.50 to $6.25; do common, $3.00 to $4.005 canna:s| tq 36c. Chatham 28 to 30c. Owen and cutters, $1.00 to $3.00; cows, {Sound 26 to 28c. Peterboro 35c. butcher, $4 00 to $4.50; butelier | Brantford 38 to 40c. Cobourg 35ec. bulls, good, $4.75 to $6.00; do fair, | Hamilton 48 to 50c. Port Hope 30c. $1.25 to $4.75; do common, $2.75 to | Stratford 30 to 36c. London 30 to $3.75; feeders, good, 900 1bs., $6.50 t85c. St. Thomas 35 to 38c ver doz. $7.00; do short-keep, 1,000 1bs., $7.00 to $7.25; stockers, 700 to 890 Chickens, . lbs, $5.00 to 36.00; milkers and! pelleville® 30 to 35c. Kitchener springers, good, $75.00 to $85.00; do | {42 to 46c. Owen Sound 18 to 2ve. common, $40.00 to $65.00;; calves, | peterboro 30 to 45c. Brantférd 28 | to 30c. Cobourg 40c. Hamilton [ 15c. Port Hope 50c. Stratford 30c. London 28 to 35¢, St. Thomas 38 to 40c, Kitchener 40c. Owen . Peterboro 38ec. .e TOBACCO AND-HEALTH. minent Surgeon Advises Regularity inSmoking. "Smoke the same quantity of to- bacco every day,' was the advice of Sir James Cantlie, K.B.E., the em!- nent surgeon, when speaking on "To- bacco and Health" in Léndon re- cently. Sir James said that a few days pre- vious to his address he read. of a man 3 id who when he died was more than 190 Puliaien: Bildinge years of age and who smoked one . &7 ¢ Teionts ounce of tobacco per day. Probably \ i (AH ee WoW EN % Ln 3 if that man had cut fils allo vanca lad YL down to half an ounce one day and AS ey 11 a \? one ounce the next day he would not : mim sh have lived so long. Smokers should | a] Em ---- se not vary the amount of tobacco day a WOE : WEATHER TAXI FOR HIRE '| Special prices for out. Eo PREPARE FOR WARM "Irom "843075 of-town trips, He had seen men in the rifle com- i . We By having your home sters and Irons--irom $4.50 up N v G. C. MILLARD petition: at Wimbledon shooting Electric Toa 30 Main Street whilst they were smoking, Even if they were not actually smoking, they to $800. Single and Double Hot Plates. Phone 2351 w. had pipes in their mouths, becaufe Burke Electric FOR SALE | they found it steadied their nerves Company 'GOON, CLEAN COAL. The map with a pipe between his 74 Princess Street. A. Chadwick & Son teeth felt a certain amount of secur- New location: ity. - Speaking of the pleasure to be de- Corner Ontario and West Sta Phone 67. * Eggs. A Belleville 27 to 30c. Kitchener 35 b> Chicago. & Chicago, July 15.--Wheat--No, 2 red, $1.21 3-4; No. 2 hard, $1.23, Corn---No. 2 mixed, 60 1-2 to 61 Ontario Forestry Branch ww Potatoes, Belleville $3.24 (new). Kitchener 75¢. Owen Sound 40 to 50c. Peter- borp 456 to 76c. Hamilton 85c¢. Stratford 75 to 90c, St. Thomas $2.25 to $2.50 (new), Wheat, Belleville $1.68, Kitchener $1.60. Chatham $1.25, Owen Sound $1.50. Peterboro $1.40 to $1.50. Brant- ford 60c. Cobourg $1.25 to $1.45. Hamilton $1.60. Bort Hope $1.50. Stratford $1.60. London $1.65. St. Thomas $1.50, . - Banking by Mail ANY and varied are the types of men who conduct their banking with The Standard thfough the post. a men who live far away from any bank find that our plan of banking by mail saves them making special trips to town, and is satisfactory 'in every way and quite simple, We pay interest at current rates on such accounts. 410 K rived from tobacco, Sir James Cantlie sa he was sure that it was far more pleasant to be in the. company of a smoker than of a man who did '| not smoke. Life would be much more pleasant if everybody smoked, >: THE : STANDARD BAN TOTAL ASSETS OVER NINETY MILLIONS Kingston Branch; _Phone 423 nn . Oats, Belleville 45 to 50¢. Kitchener 63c. Chatham 38¢c, Owen Sound 38 to 40c. Peterboro 40c. Brant- ford 46¢. Cobourg 50c. Hamilton 44 to 45¢. Port Hope 45c. Strat- ford 40c. London 53¢. St. Thomas "150 to 60c. \ ------------------ i Putting on "Pep." Wife (to her husband )--*""Arthnr love, I want you to give John a good scolding to-morrow morning." Husband--'"What for? I am per- fectly satisfied with the fellow." Wife--""Well, you see, he has to beat the carpets to-morrow, and he strikes ever so much harder when he's ih a bad temper." Another funny thing is how a girl doesn't need his assistance to get across a street after they are married the way she had to be assisted before they were marpied, We can copy for you any old way you wish. . That old snapshot is just as easily copied as the latest portrait, ~ Come to us and be assured of getting real work, Thomson Photo Specialties 88 PRINCESS STREET--IN TREADGOLD'S "REAL WORK---That's all we can offer you." J. F. Rowland, Manager. picture and reproduce it in the Barley, Belleville 80c. Kitchener 72¢, Chatham 62¢, Owen Sound 556 to 60c. Peterboro 70c. Brant- ford 60c. Cobourg 85¢. Hamilton 70 to 76c. Port Hope 55c. Strat- ford 70¢. St. Thomas 75 to 89c. (th oe t= A 67 to We Specialize in Victory Bond Transactions We strongly advise you to add to your Victory Bond holdings, if you have money to iavest, The fact that others may have to sell is an- fortunate -- for them-- bat a golden opportunity for buyers, If you must sell because you need the money, or if you are able to buy, send your orders to us. 'We specialize in Victory Bond transactions; ocon- sequently you may rely upen us for promptitude and accuracy in fulfilling your requirements; a Orders cxecuted "at the market." | ------ laborers run to nowadays than Many a man who talks of his lost square paper, hats, opportunities never made one tu lose Cartoonists to the contrary, farm- ers do not run any more to whiskers | Hay. 'Belleville, baled $25 to $26, loose $25. Kitchener, baled $14 to $186, loose $17 to $18. Owen Sound, loose $13.80 to $15. Poterboro, baled $36, loose $22 to $24. Brantford, baled $12 to $14, loose $10 to $12. Ham- iiton, baled and loose $16 to $20. Port Hope, baled $35, loose $20 to [ $30. Stratford, baled $18 tor $20. [loose $12 to $15. London, loose } [$15 to $18. St. Thomas, baled $20 | to $22, loose $16 to $18 per ton, i Ain ------------ (IS SS Ge, a------ S-------- f Kingston, July 15. . Dairy Products. f | Creamery butter, 1b. | -THE KINGSTON MARKET Whey butter : Coty eis 14, "en 42 KING STREET. west Eggs, fresh, doz. TORONTO, - CANADA, i Oleomargarine . 1 Cheese ..... EE eu) PRESTON PORTANLE GARAGES In wood er mreeleto rest or for sale. F. B. MeNAMER Phone 2372w, 118 Colborne Street 6. Hunter Ogilvie RL In daily communication with Mont- real"@nd Toronto Stock Exchanges. Dominion, Provincial and Muniel- ral Bonds for sale. \ I ! : I ! N OYA wy 8/8 1100777 IPT H 2 W. A. Mackenzie & Co, 281 -KING STREET Phones :: 568; & 1087 Turkish tobacco in California yields from 300 to 800 pounds, an acre annually, ! T Prin mn Vegetables. - PROVINCE OF MANITOBA pet pus Lettuce, bunch tarsnes * - 6%-20 Year Bonds : Carfots, 2 bunches .... Potdtoes, bag ......., Interest June and December Price 97. 17. Yied 6.25. Bongard, Ryerson & Co. 38 to 40 35 32 = 35 to40 25 28 oe oe ! I i t | i I | I i : WONDERFUL QUALITY 1ISY pan packet. > bhi vo 10 6to 8 10 15 te®csreens = oe 35 to 40 30 to 35 15 18 22 'Round steak, 1b. Boiling cuts, 1b. , .. Western catcase, cwt .e Western hinds, cwt Pork: © Loin roasts, 1b .. RIb roats, 1b. eeala ve rans Pork chops, 1b es Hogs, live weight, cwt .e Hogs, dressed, cwt ... Bacon, breakfast ,....... ". Lab: 35 25 to 35 35 to 38 $12 $17 35 ---- Meats, Beef: > "ahe Home of Good Investments," STREET. Porterhouse steak, 1b. , . 83 Bay Street, Toronto, 287 BAGOT PHONE 1f2s. | B®

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