g » =-16 GET IT REPAIRED Sewing Madiines, Phonngraghs, 5 Rifles repairkd an pplied. Saws file and edge trols © Locks repaired. Keo all kinds of lok Ail Lawn Mowers nenrpened and re- paired. We can vpair anything that is-répairabic. J. M. PATRICK i JAD Syden Street, Kingston. > Phone 2056J Run No Risks when symptoms of indigestion occur. Act quickly before these become obstinate, 4 Take '; 3 Beecham's Pills at once. Ta man , cases a few doses will bring relief, eir success in stomach, liver and bowel diforders proves the worth of EECHAM'S REE PILLS A Sn Portsmouth Gasoline Service Station BEST GRADES OF OILS AND v GREASES George Granger Phone 129. LRG Ss ~raRmaLe n {to whe THO FIRES Ak: CHECKED, (Sydenham Was Fortunate on Thursday Afternoon-- Rain Fell at Night. Sydenham, July 14 -- Fire broke out at half-past Thursday aft n cell's g ¥ ting to red dollars; 3 loss is F builc 2g ich is of rm was at once turn nutes many ge wera with fire extinguishers, which immediately turned upon the flames." Within five, minutes more help had arrived, ' and pails of water, procured from nearby w were handed up the ladders {thrown on the fire. Half an hour ¢ ter the alarm was given, the volun | teer fire brigade had flames | under control, and the danger, which thad a few. moments before threaten- ied the lower end"of the village, was {ro longer feared, ! | The frame buildin xt the g {age sits baek from the t [twenty fect, while the Kk 1é d in In of the people } on the, scéne,, several were rising THE FOOTRULE New Clerk; rule in this office? Old Employee: Yes--It's to keep 'em quiet while you work. the is close to the sidewa Th the frame part goes back [than tlhe garage, and s0 an angle is | formed hefween the rear of the gar- the framework sed, that the fire | also-stated that side. This fight of th OF COURSE NOT suit lot of atten tion?" s attracting a fire " ym fir in the store window. opinior started, and som {gave ren I to wher {the the » of Une ward was that of sp. > can 'rtain theo: AGENCY FOR ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIPS | CP. & T. A, G.T. Ry., Kingston, Ont, | N. XY, Ply. and "Sept. 6/Oct. 18/Nov. 29 ~ 1 For particulars apply to-- J. P. HANLEY, WN rc oi i i i CUNARD FAW) & HH Q 1 ANCHOR-DONALDSO REAULAR STRVIOES MONTREAL--GLASGOW ly 23jAug. 27) Oct 1 Saturnia | 10]0¢ct. 15 6{Sept 5 Cassandra Y., GLASGOW, (via Moville) y 16lAug. 12 Sept. 10 Cee Columbia y 30jAug. 27 (Sept. 24 ~.Cameronia | . 30{0ct . 4 oria | | Albania .Carmania Caronia Nov. «.- i. Scythia N. Y., Cherbourg, Shmpton July 15/Aug. 11|Sept. 6 «Mauretania July 26/Aug. ...Aquitania Aug. 18|Sept. 20 ....Berengaria! Bo to Liverpool pt. 24 11] Aug. 13 New Y i Assyria k, Plymouth, Cherbourg, and Danzig EE eR La Saxonia Hambourg seseise.Saxonia N. Y.,, HAMBOVRG, DANZIG Aug. 18 Pannonia Vige, Gibraltar, Patras, Dubrovnik, Trieste and Flume July 23 Calabria Per rates of freight and further particulars pr > to local agents or THE ROBERT REFORD CO., LiwiTes GENERAL AGENTS 9 KING STREET RAST TORONTO, ONT. CANADIAN "PACIFIC Steamship Agent--All Linen Phone 1197 - 150 Wetiington Street, Home is all the dearer to some men because they are never there. frags Irving in th {above | both | extinguishers | did begin to come, it came in abund- jergency of this kind. That the fire- | taneo stion, e heat 6f owing Too mnch pra who fought i the flames Everyone worked like | a hero, and smeke and fire and the | isk of falling dd not deter those up | Part of the 'damage cause | is attributable to the water. The rear | side of the frame building is badly | those S50 THE BETTER ROLE The Rejected Suitor:" What's the Idea--this sister stuff? Why you want to be a sister to me? Miss Mainchance: Well, you see, 2 sister isn't expected to return her brother's gifts. scorched, and the boards are blacken- ed; the roof was burned through in a few spots, and the upper of parts are more or dam aged both" by fire and water. Af one time shortly after the alarm was i en, it looked as if there was but small chance of.preventing a confla gration, and only the presence of firn held the flames in until a sufficient quantity of water was on hand. When the water | do stories v 3 cheek ance, and it was applied to the flames until they were quenched; condensory trueks brought 'cans of water, till finally there was more water on hand than could possibly be used. The telephone operator at the cen- | tral office sent the ailsarm to the | countryside, and there was'h good response from the farmers 'I* was 'e- | marked 'that the automobile and the telephone proved a boom in an em- | A BIG DIFFERENCE 1st Friend: | understand you were a hen-pecked husband when a young man, 2nd Friend: was hen-picked. widow. Hal! No! not exactly. | | married a rich Ha! nas checked just in time was uni- | vergally agreed upon, It is the cofi= | ténus of opinion thar, had (hé-fire gained headway, with the steady | breeze that was blowing, the whole | street might have heen swipt A ew minor injuries, such as ~ut hands | were reseived by some of the fighters, Lut no serious Ca 0: | ed. Mr. Russell, formerly of King- | ston. a few months ago lea:od garage frum John McConno.', Another firecon Wednesdiv after. | noon, which occurred one and a half | miles west of here on the C. N. R. tracks, was checked in time +9 pre vent serious damage, It is the ught | that a passing engine, by throwing | out sparks, started the fire 'n the grass. Speedy work by the farmers in the Rosedale and 'Union neighbor. | hood caused the James to be quench- | ed, but just in time to save a woods near by. fire ¢ reanst DIDN'T GET HIM 'Rastus: An' Ah doan git medicine t' take or nuffin'? Dpctor: You've gotten my ad- vice, 'Rastus, for which you owe me a fee. 'Rastus: Ah doan git yer, boss, an" Ah doan pay fer nuffin' Ah doan git! ihe no Wesley Hall, The supper was follow- ed by a programme, which consisted of an instrumental duet by Miss Ma- rion Clow anll Miss Heten Shangraw; erly Ladies' Aid tea was served 1n | Citation by Melville Silvér and a solo La ven enmmmumen | DY Miss Hazel Clement. Among those Consider' the n after year. #7 boards, street vertising. FOR SALES. should spend the advertising ! Pick Up Your Newspaper--- | Mr. Manufacturer : firms whe advertise in it day after day, week after week, year Compare them with the number of local merchants who use bill- 'signs or any other form of ad- Local merchants don't advertise for 'effect or for "general pub- licity" -- THEY ADVERTISE Ask yourself, then, where you lssued by The Canadian Daily Newspapers Association, Head Office, Toronto, present were persons from Tupper | Lake, N.Y., and other places in thd { Adirongack region, California, Kingston, » Mr, Chapman, teller tn the Union hank, is spending his holidays in Ot- tawa. A ceiaent veranaah has lieen finished in front of Harry Woodruff's house on Georga street. | A late Thursday afternoon, which, later umber of local ly heavy shower anc continued for several hours, eet GANANOQUE July 15---The funeral of the late Silas L. Cook, who passed to rest on Monday at his residence, Cook's Island, was held on Wednesday af- ternoon to the Cross cemetery at Halstead's Bay, and was largely at- ended. The remains of Mrs. Dinah Me- Gill, who passed away in Kingston 'on Tuesday, were forwarded to the home of her son-in-law, S. Tregunna, at Woodburn, and the funeral was held yesterday afternoon to Gana- noque cemetery. x While trolling in the North Chan- nel, neal Point Pleasant, Mrs. Alex- ander Pelow, North street, had the good fortune to hook a fine maskin- onge, which, after a hard battle, was safely landed. The fish weighed a little over thirty pounds. J. K. Neill, for the past eight months manager of the Gananoque Co-Operative Society's store here, Lexpects to leave at an early date for 'cars, electric mon y for your - Ottawa, where, in partnership with THE DAI Have you a foot. Oa<Wednesday evenmg the quart- | @ vocal solo by Claude McRory; a re- ] ana | A "gentle | rain from heaven" began to fall here | in the evening, developed into a fair- | { thoea, dysentery, colic, cramps LY BRITIS -.M. LIGHTENING THE GLOOM Hazzard: How do you like the prospect of having to give up your Sunday golf? ; Wetmore: Oh, | don't care. | really feed the time to devote to my kitchen distillery. IN THE RING Ha! Here's a fine I'm ready for all comers. Bug Pug: ring. "Don't you know, dearie, that that "It didn't when it was hanging RICH AND POOR Lady Patient: Doctor, my appe: tite has grown very poor Doctor: That's because you've allowed your food to become too rich, WATER TOO DEEP "His subject 'was the sea, and he waded in as if he knew all about it" #"But soon got deep for him, eh?" into water too Cnt CHS \ NICE OF HIM Hubby: If you wear that dis- graceful suit again | shall go home and leave you to spend your vaca- tion alone. Wifey: How thoughtful of you. An 1 | Mayor Nash, Alymer, Que., he has | Purchased the office and good will of a well-established insurance and real | estate firm, | There was light fall of rain [about séveén o'clock last evening, just |eénough to save the people from wa- | tering their gardens. Miss Janet E. Robinson, eldest |daughier of Mrs. William Robinson, | King street, has passed her Normal { examinatfons. R. A. Jackson, | cepted a Jrockyille, has ac- position with Ilerbert J. ~-- Check Your BOWEL TROUBLES: "By Using DR; FOWLER'S Extract of WILD STRAWBERRY When you are troubled with diar: and pains in the stomach, cholera, cholera morbus, summer complaint;-- bloody fluxes, or any looseness of the bowels be sure and obtain a Wottle of "Dr. Fowler's" and see how quickly it gives you relief. This wonderful rem- edy has been on the market for the past 76 years and we wish to warn you against accepting a substitute, which may be dangerous to your health. Mr. Samuel Buckles, Titamagou- che, N. S., writes: --" "While visiting in Western Canada I had a severe attack of diarrhoea. After trying many proprietary medicines I got no relief, 'but kept getting worse. = 1 was advised to take Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. and 1 lost no time in doing so. I cannot hesitate in recommending it mst half the bottle I was relieved. I must say that if "Dr. Fowler's" is given a Yair trial it will show its good qualities." The price of the genuine is 50¢c. a bottle; put up ¥'by The T. Milbura Co.. Limited, ronto, Ont. A A do A Ae A nm highly, for when I had not yet taken | ange NOT NEEDED Hubby: I'm almost sorry | came down to spend the week-end with you. Wifey: You could have mailed the $50 just as well. | | i Co HER INHERITED FEAR \ Miss Albatross: Do you know of the Ancient Mariner--that fellow who slew my distinguished ances tor? Mr. Penquin: To be sure--heard of him all my lifer Miss Albatross: Well, don't you know: | never go near a ship for fear that old pirate may still be ~ | bi 0 i | 4 : J a) 8 IF A GOOD PEN ARTIST Farmer: There's my. prize pig Don't you think he ought to make / fine picture at the show? Visitor: Well, if he's a good per artist he may. A HIGH OLD TIME | "You've been having a high old time for two weeks?" : "Yep; Just back from the moun. tains today." ON STRIKE Mrs. Worrymore: Did you wind the clock? Her Husband: Naw, and | ain't going to wind it. Il read in the pa: pers that every time the clock ticks John D. Rockefeller gets a dollar and 1 ain't goin' to keep the old thing goin' just to put money in John D.'s pocket. nt Reid, street. Miss Florence -Pelow, nurse-in- training at Windsor hospital, spend- ing a few weeks' furlough here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Pelow, North street, has returned to her duties. Miss Gladys Berry, formerly of the staff of the local public.school, and since of the staff of the public school at Coronation, Alta.; has arrived in town to -spend - her vacation with | her mother, and sjster, Mrs. Mar- |garet and Mrs, Vera Berry, North street. Mrs. John Amo and chjldren, Clayton, N.Y., are, spending a cou- ple of weeks with the former's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Baker, King street, jetveller and optician, King sp The Gyroscope at Sea. "+ Very successful, it is reported have been the experiments which for some years have been made with a form of gyroscope whith is intended to cor- rect errors in the mariner's compass, and, in certain cases, such as, for in- stance, in submarine boats, to replaca the compass, = The apparatus in one case is based upon the tendency of a gyroscope to retain its axis of rotation in a fixed position. If the 3 is set {» corre- spond with the at of the ship, any change in the direction is imme- diately shown by the rotation of a "rose," or compass card, within which the gyroscope is suspended. Deviations of the magnetic: compass are detected by the instrunrent. With the aid of an electromagnetic attach- merX, the apparatus can be caused to act either as a magnetic compass or As a gyrescope; independent of mag- netic influepces, Giant Newspaper. . | One of the most curious ashibits 'at the Paris fair is a huge news- paper, a giant: number of "Les | Echos." It measures nineteen feet | in height and:'s fifteen feet wide. J) ¢ v SATURDAY, JULY 16, 1921, a O MORE TIRE TROUBLE ise MAXOTIF nd th WOOI¥S AIR TITE 3. -MAXOTI} t BLOW out WOOD'S VALVES r AK. So ti you VULECANIZING- rl} EASTERN CANADA NEAL, Manager - are « guaran®eq MAX OTIRE RU S tre Jn tarip Str BBER ( € Ph | A enables us to do auto the shortest possibl with geod work. Bo if you 'don't want your car out of commission ! any longer .tha:. 1s absolutely neces- sary send it here and you'll get it back again in so short a time as to amaze you ? Scott's Garage repairing in time consistent 298 Bagot Street, ome NDA, Vulcanizing Done Right | That's the-way we d6 it and our prices will please you too. Call and give us a trial order. MICHELIN TIRES--all sizes always in stock. ATTWOOD & DINE, 277 BAGOT ST. Phone 410w. ee aes a A great many of the Automobile Owuers are. realizing what real service means to them. That is th e reason why they are using the-- COOK'S AUTOSERVICE CORNER KING AND QUEEN STREETS WHY DON'T YOU? If in troable on the road, just one minute after receiving your call one of our Service Cars, fully equ ipped with Tools, etc, and an ex- pert mechanic will be on its way. - PHONE 634 20m: TRY a plug and learn what real pipe satisfaction is. And remember the big plug holds the flavor to the last. Master Mason "is good tobacco" at' the rock-bottom price, PLUG SMOKING Belting, Shafting, ~ Hangers, Pulleys, Etc. carry a larger stock of Machine Shop and Power Plant supplies than any other: house in Canada. - ig This is not said in a boastful way.' We merely wish to convey an ade- quate idea of the comprehensive service we offer you. 1 We stand red to supply you with any sort of equipment or i TOTS a the Machine Shop, Pcever Plant or Foundry, . from the most ponderous machine you can think of, down to a, ' pair of calipers ; from a belt lace'te the heaviest and widest belt + made ; from a grate bar to a battery of boilers ; from a fuse to a complete generating plant ; from a sand sieve to a complete foundry equipment. 4 No order too small or too large to get instant and expert attention from an organization of men whose knowledge of machinery will save you time and money. THE 'A. R. WILLIAMS MACHINERY CO., LIMITED 64 Front Street, West; TORONTO Branches: Halifax, St. John, Montreal, Hamilton, Winnipeg; ;® Vancouver If its machinery --write "Williams" _ The KR. Williams Machinery Co., Ltd, Dew G #4 Fat SL W,, Torenle : Lied Kindly send me information and prices on _ | Our Complete Equipment