2 THE DA -- £7 Sumgaer prices. NEW FUR COATS, CAPES," STOLES, SCARFS, and pe CHOERERS / «+ Old Furs remade and repaired. Place your order now. | Of the High School Entrance Examinations Recently Held Are Announced. The following are the high school | entrance results for Frontenat South: : JOHN McKAY, Ltd. THE FUR HOUSE 149 to 157 BROCK STREET rrm-- = > (1). 'Lyell B, Cameron, Tichbotne; | (2) Margaret Grass, Westbraoke; | H denotes honors ip Group II; & donates honors in Group I. |" .Battersea~--Louise Clark, Fbrresier;, Margaret Jamieson, 5 | thur Robb, Margaret Shannon, Ag- ! mes Somerville, Floyd Sparks, | 'Barriefield--George Baxter, Alf- red Beaupre (H), Ila Burns, James |-Cox, (Grace Donaldsen, Margaret Doyle, Helen Driscoll, Jackson, Bessie Leavis, Hugo- Lund, | Beatrice Martin (H), Vera Martin, Leonard McCue, Vincent McGuire, Kenneth McLean, Helen McMaster, Annie Orr, Alice Pickett, | Pierce, Cedric Redmond, | Shipton, Mary Bparling, Burridge--Pearl Atcheson, Aileen James | { | Cataragui---~Gene Abbott, Lawson | Jaker, Carleton Britt, Oswald Cliff, (H), Knight, Helen Maxwell, Donald Mills, Ethel Mills, Carrie Je Murphy, Geerge Weeks | Hazel Gates, Margaret Grass | (2) Beatrice frartin, Brewer's Mills. | Teresa | Wilbert | Gates (H), Geoffrey Hughes, Violet Hilda | | Brash, James Brese® Jack Ewing, | Racy Local News and Items of General Public Interest. * -- | Try Chadwick's coal. Prone 67. | Phone 1544, C. W | { Pianos tuned. | lindsay, Limited Mr. and Mrs. E.-Anderson, Alfred 4 ILY BRITISH WHIG. (THE FRONTENAC RESULTS! NCOENTS OF THE DAY w-- ND Sr ereppget ToT 16 WIATIIPeg ON Friday. Winners of 8.H.8, scholarships-- | pe New stock of bathing.caps arrived {to-day at"Austin's druk Hore. | | the--cape boat for a | through New York state, | Alexandria Bay last night, | On Thursady the long distance telephone line from Ottawa to King-. | ston was grounded by lightning and | was unserviceable for most of 'the | ' | night Calvary: Congregational Brock street, 1.30 city time, Tickets 3be. | tition at Bisley, Eng., Capt. W. E | Swaine, Kingston, made 44 out of a | possible 50, The Canadian scoring | was below the general average 8. J. Montgomery, Ottawa, form- | erly of Kingston, fs Ahought to have ! met death by drowning awhile swim- ming in the Ottawa river near Gov- | ernor's Bay on Wednesday after- noon. His body has not been recover- | | G, Cavin, Johmson street, left on | motor trip { The steamer St. Lawrence carried | a capacity crowd from Gananoque 'to | i Sunday | | school picnic, "Brophy's Point, Tues- | on July 19th. Boat leaves foot of | | { | | In the Duke of Cambridge compe- | RADE MARK You Save ok Fifteen Cents a'Co . ~ All the Latest Hits in Music ; All the Latest 40c., 50c., and 60c. numbers. . ..... Three for One $ {This is even-lower than-New-Yeulecity prices) im LATEST MAGAZINES Woman's Home Companion, Pictorial Review, Elite Styles, Fashionable Dress, Vogue, Harpers Bazaar, Family Journal, Sha- dowland, Motion Picture, Photopl ay, Classic, Picture Play, Smiths, American, Ainslees, Adventure, Short Stories, Radio News, Physical Culture, Science and Invention, M otor; etc. and Vocal numbers. SATURDAY, JULY Hear the "SUN Records----Canada's greatest, latest and to-day's biggest selling Record. All the latest Dance J» 16, 1921, py on Nearly - > ee A iB Bi THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE. . 'The Home of the "SUN" Records. / Open Nights. | Mildréd ms 1 ' a AR 8 ings 4 \ 1 | Morley, Elma Murton, Vance-Nich-| ¢d. He was an insurance man, { olson, John Potter, Isa Sprott, How-% J. Courtland Elliott is to be the | { Yar ' speaker at the weekly luncheon of | lard Wise. hy Tet cet iwaaic. Cla 5 | Harrowsmith--Ruth Clement (H), | the Kingston Kiwanis Ciub in the I! Hazel Freeman, Florence Hamilton, |1iotel Frontenac on Monday next. Ella Smith, Leslie Whitty, | His subject will be 'The Political 7 \ y Allison, Irene | Significance of the Western Farmers' Sydenham--Mabel 8 l.Amey, Verna Amey, Lawarren Ar-| Movement, { Earl Babcock, {| thur, Olga Arthur, | Edith Barclay, Izobel Brawley, Lu- | cille Cook, Norman Darling, Llew- {ella Fillion, Reginald Garrett, Otta | Gossage, Mary Grooms, Mabel Koen, |. | Nettie Lawrence, Russell Martin, | Leita McRory, Robert O'Reilly, Ber- | tha Orser, Marieta Orser (H), Verna | Orser (H), Georgia Phippen (H, h), Carmel Roushorn, Maude Roushorn, Dorothy Rutledge, Thelma Rutledge | (h), Florenee Smith, John Truscott, { Dorothy Young. - 1| Verona--Olive Bartsch, Elmer @ateman, Jean Cameron, Lyell Cam- leron (H, h), Flora Godfrey (h), i Cecil Goodberry (h), Charlie Judge, Herald Kerr, Stella MacEwen, Emily | McKeever, James Perrault, Olive | Quinn, Clara Smith, Myrtle Bnider, { Ford Swerbrick,' Beatrice Switzer (h). Wolfe Island--Dorothy - Abbott, Phone 919, --_-- TT > * At The Always Busy Store TW 250 yards Roller Towelling--60% Linen, and with Red bor- a "we seve. o.. Saturday, 15c¢. yard Special line of Heavy Quality Cotton Towelling -- 18 inches . Saturday, 2 yds. 25c¢. ~------ > | 5 SPECIAL 'His "Masters Voice" Records | y aul TO-DAY--DANCE Poor Me--Fox Trot--The Melody Men Crooning--"Intr. Love Me"--Fox Trot--The Melody Men Daisy Days--Fox Trot--The Melody Men Swanee Rose--One Step--The Melody Men In a Boat (for Two)---Fox Trot--Coleman's Orchestra .. Tea Leaves--Fox Trot--Coleman's Orchestra ....,. } NUMBERS 216291 «i 30:00 , 2216293 vores 3100 VOCAL SELECTIONS 7 Carolina Lullaby--Charles Harrison .......:. . ... 000... 216289 Sanford Dawson, Buth Eves, Verna The Last Little Mile is the Longest--Lewis James $1.00 (Garrah, Ruth Grant, Marebelld Mor- Cherie--Fox Trot Song-- Arthur Fields 216200 gan, Nellie Muckian, I'm Nobody's Baby--Arthur Fields ' ------------------------ HOTEL DIEU REPORTED AS BEING EFFICIENT HALF PRICE The balance of our stock of Voile and Organdie Dresses--this season's newest crehtions in light and dark colors. . . Saturday 4 Price --$1.00-- Children's Middy Blouses -- all sizes, Saturday ............. $1.00 T --3$1.50-- Special sale of Ladies' White Blouses. Saturday ...... $1.50 All thé Popular Vocal and Dance Records in stock. MAHOOD BROS, PRESIDENT OBREGON, OF MEXICO Who may visit the Canadian Nation- al Exhibition at Toronto. , it Complies With the Amecri- can College of Burgeons' Requirements, ; rr-- The Hotel Dieu hospital King- ston, has been inspeeted : n' report- ed upon by the Ameriean College of Surgeons as being fully up te the high standard of efficiency in'respeet | to the efficiency, equipment anc ser- | vice of the different departments de- { manded by the eollegr The report {1s made by Dr, J, 8. Ponton, Van- | couver, B.C., inspector of Canadian | hospitals for the American College | of Surgeons. He reports that on June | 27th last he made a formal visit of "Last geason," he added, "conced- | inspection to the Hotel Dieu, King- edly was the most prosperous in our at. ....... .. i ston, "which is a fully equipped and | history, Our clubowners are more x | scientific hospital, fully standardized | than gratified with tne attendance. " land having ¢ complete obstetric de- Basebal] as a sport is in good, whole- "THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE" -- ADMISSIONS INCREASE IN NATIONAL CIRCUIT : ; SOX FOR TOTS The, Attendance Figures Pro- A big assortment of colors and sizes mise to Establish Record or This Season. = VESTS, 50c. Special in Ladies' Vests --short sleeves or strap . ....... 50c. --39¢c.-- Organdie Collars in dainty colors . «+ 39¢, HOSE, 50c. Ladies' Brown, Black or White Lisle Hose ........> .... BOe: CUSHION TOPS Just received and in pretty de- signs, ..... 50c, up Officia] returns snow an increase of nearly 150,000 paid admissions at National League baseball parks this summer over the same period last year, John H. Teydler, president of the National League, declared in a statement issued last night. Furnished or unfur- nished house from ' October Ist to June Ist. - All improvements, 5 SAVE THE DIFFERENCE Finest Creamery Good location. Finest Shortening . .3 Ibs. 40c. Evaporated Apples". . .12¢. 1b, Rolled Oats 6 lbs, 25¢, Quality Sardines ...5 for 25¢, Pork and Beans ,..5 tins 24¢. Oranges (large) .- .483c. dozen Fancy Cakes 2 Ibs. 85c¢. Tea with the flavor ..85c. 1b. Cullen's CASH AND CARRY LFRED and PRINCESS STS. partment," X-ray department and la- some shape. Its finances later may boratory where all clinical analysis | he affected as thoge of most other of the hospita] is done, and having enterprises." two fully ~quipped operating rooms," Heavy increases tn atiendafice at The report which is dated July |New York National games, in Bos- 13t» says further: "It is very grati- ton, St. Louis and Fitisburgh were fying to note the progress that YOu | reported by Charles A. Stoneham, have made during the past year," president of the Giants. He reporteu Frederick W. Slobe, secretary of the [4 25 per cent. increase in New York American College of Surgeons, writ- | and stated that a new paid attend- ing to the Hotel Dieu upon the report | ance record for a week-day wag re- of the inspector. states thdt-he was cently established.in Brooklyn. nost favorably impressed with gll of the departments, "or 6 bedrooms, 'VICTORY BONDS bought and sold. GENERAL INSURANGE The McCann Agency R. H. WADDE Phones 326-806. 86 Brock St. Difficulty In Reading --usually indicates either Astigmatism" or Hyperopia, sometimes both. ~ Ifa person suffers from these errors _ persists in the attempt to do near work, headaches occur, eyes become red and ache, and generally nervousness is complained of; No one need suffer any longer than it takes us to make a pair of Glasses -- which would be about two hours. The right Glasses clear up print and ~ remove all unnecessary strain. Consult : J. S,Asselstine, D.0.5- ator Region d Creer tra ag or ous || INSTRTITRG] © 342KING ST. Phone 1019w, "Headquarters for Headwear" DATES OF FALL FAIRS, a To those having PROPERTY to sell, we wish to point out that we.are now preparing our lists for the Aytumn rush. List your prop- erty with us and get RESULTS. Now is the time if you are contemplating selling to place your property on our list. arsed Best attention given to all properties listed regardless of the size. We have prospective purchasers for all classes of property. "We have one for yours, 5 ~ E. W. MULLIN & SON Buyers and Sellers of Real Estate « Insurance of oll kinds, Cor. Johuson and Division Streets. - « .« Phones 589w and 580J. Almonte Arden ' Arnprior . 26428 r= Bancroft . 29-30 " Theat Store" Belleville . 5-7 Bowmanville . 21-22 Centreville , 16-17 Cobourg 16-20 Cornwall .. "7-10 . 12-14 Designation Service, On Monday evening, July 18th, at 8 o'¢loek in Bt. Andrew's chureh, a designation service will be held at which Miss Christina Currie; under appointment to Korea, will be set apart for her work by the presbytery of Kingston. Rev. R. P, McKay, To- ronto, will give the address to the y missionary and Rev, Mr, Seot': wil] speak on Korea. The meeting will be presided over Ly Rev. Mr, Step- hen. All interested in missions are cordially invited. - s | . -------- Toronto Conservatory Examination, The following pupils cf Miss Pearl Nesbitt, L.T.C.M., were suteassful: Piane, junior grade, first elass honors, Ruth Curry; henors, Lois Baker; school grade, Olive Smith; primary grade honors, Dorothy Nell. son; elementary grade, honors, Jean Graves; sehool grade, honors, Jean MacDonald; pass Muriel Pierce, Jean Smith; intreductory grade, honors, Katherine Simmons, Mabel Waddell, Dorothy Murphy, Bertie Henderson. Demorestville ... Frankville Inverary Kemptville Kingston . . Lanark Lansdowno Lombardy Maberly, | Madoc McDonald's Corners , .. Merrickville Morrisburg Napanee Odessa Oshawa 12-14 Ottawa (Central Canada) Sept, 9-19 Parham ,.. .Bept.., 15-16 .Aug. 31, Sept. 1-2 Peterboro ........,...Sept. 14-17 Picton +» on Bept. 20-23 value, Renfrew .............8ept. 20-33 . . Bhannonville »v..B0PL. 17 Spencerville ......,., .Bept. 27-28 Stella ..............,.Bept. 28 Stirling ,...... ..Bept. 22.23 Toronto {Can, Nat.) Aug, 27-8ept. 10 Tweed ... ++e0.0ct; 6-7 Wolfe Island ........,.Bept. 27-28 . Sept. 10 Sept. 27-28 .Sept, 30 .. Sept. 20-21 ..Aug. 2-4 . .Sept. 13-15 Straws and Panamas Buy To-night Big Saturday Bargains 30 pairs Misses' high grade White Canvas Boots--nica, neat toe; solid leather sewn soles; a regular $3.00 "eta asnass Bizes 11 to 2. Any pair 'Toronto Conservatory of Music, The following puplis of Notre Dame Convent were successful in the tain oesn't to recent examinations held in cennge- 1 ¥ 4 -y tion with-the Toronto Conservatory: wear a shabby Hat or even to intermediate . Pilano--Misses Helen have the old one cleaned, when McGuinness, Catherine Keenap you can get a mew one for two dollars. * See our window dis- , Eis leen Robinson; Jugior Plano, Miss $1.00--LADIES" WHITE PUMPS--$1.00 00 84,05 Men's Brown Brogue Oxfords-- Boots all solid leather Goodyear welt- :. Cie ~--$3.05--~ Sale of Men's Black Oxfords-- | oq soles--a regular $8.00 value all solid leather, Baturday, all sizes $3.95 | Saturday, all sizes .... $4.05 4 On July- 12th, the marriage was ; - aay L100, he mavsings as S, J. M ARTIN. Call, 'Brockville, of Mrs. Edna Simes; 180 Princess Street : Phone 2216. Doris McDonald; ~ Prunary Plano, Miss Mary Clarke; Primdry Yoeal- Misses Harriet Vajr, Mary Gratton, Marie McDonald, Mary Dreper; Ele- || Kigin, sister of Mrs. Broad, to B. Rd- | Win Lloyd, a well-kniown resident of Brockville, There are 140 varieties of avoca- dos (alligator pears) grown in Cali- fornia. . Some sinners are really good when it comes to the matter of contribut- ing to worthy charity. ¥