THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. ~ SATURDAY, JULY 16, 1vuy. CANADIAN LOCOMOTIVE COMPANY Lim ited KINGSTON, ONTARIO. ore, K RI A 9 EVERYTHING IN LUMBER ~) Lath Shingles Trim OUR BSP ECIALTY: Hardwood Flooring ALLAN LUMBER CO. VICTORIA STREET PHONE 1042. ie THOS. G. BISHOP ENGINEER AND MACHINIST Brass and Iron Castings, Electric and Oxy-Acetylene Welding Phone 38 - - - - - King and Queen Streets FEEL HOT AND DUSTY ? So do the rest of the staff. Get that fan now. HALLIDAY ELECTRIC CO. PHONE B4. Corner of King and Princess Street, f : r- Sashes, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, ete All kinds of Dressed and Rough Lumber, 128-132 ONTARIO ST. Now Manufacturing the Automatic Sealed Grave Vaalls--Guarsateed Waterproof KINGSTON CEMENT PRODUCTS * FACIORY FAULTY PLUMBING Is Coxtiy No Matter How Low the Price Our Plumbing is being built up on quality first basis, DAVIE & BARRETT 208 Wellington Street Phone G88. H. F. Norman, Ma ager, Corner Charles nud Patrick Streets. Vhone 78ow, J DAVIS DRY DOCK Co, HOOPER & SLATER Automobile and Motor Boat Re- 'pairs, Gasoline Engines built and re- paired, dry docking and wood work- ing. East End of Wellington Street. Phone 74. 'NN ja "- \ | | The Laturney Carriage Works | BUSIYRSS Ww A uiaelurer AUTO BODIES Special designg made to order. 3% PRINCESS STREET - - - - PFHONE 132, . \ CANADA CUTLERY CO. Limited FRONTENAC MATTRESS CO. MATTRESSES MADE TO ORDER Renovating a Specialty 17 Dalaciava Sq. . Phone 2106w, ni? TIRES, SOLID and PNEUMATIC the service it gives. urd will measure up to the ghest 8 dard, as the mile age records: of our Tires prove that they are unexcelled for endurance and long life. Steam Vulcanig- ing a specialty. We also carry a full line of Oils, Grease and Gasoline, SUDDABY HROTHERS Corner Queen and Wellington Streets Manufacturers of POCKET and PEN KNIVES C. A, Eaton, General Manager Kingston, Ontario. Phone 1985, Sherwin-Williams Points =e Varnishes W. H. COCKBURN & CO: HARDWARE PHONE 216 | o | 93 PRINCESS STREET aii. | the stock e , | [edding throughout the entire coun- panic | (%) 1 eavy inventor | thousands of bunches. | trucks and a horse and waggon are in INDUSTRIAL TA pn vert em seg mars THE FACTORS T0 PRODUCE . PANIC NOT y Stage of Depression, Which Is Only Danger Was In Earl Now Passed, as Reduction . Element of Surprise Is Now Lacking. During 'the past few weeks the financial centres of the Uniteg States have been filled with a sentiment ! which might well be described by the anomalous phrase of "enthusiastic pessimism." This sentiment has ex- pressed jtself in reckless speculatisn for a decline in security prices and the spectacular -esults achieved on 1anze have spread toe try, causing the genera] publie to | sell stocks at any sacrifice required. It seems finally to have caused a be- | lief tht for some reason unknown to the gengral public 'but known to Some mysterious inside interests, the country is to exper a financial before the is over Tle Brookmire Economi Service, one of the well known organizations u the United States which makes a 3 alty of analysi business ditions, takes the v that tors which produce-a paniz are now present. Explaining their. reas: a billetin issuel 2a June 27th says: "The three prima factors i. pro- Cue'ng a commercifl and finan ial park'ec are! (1) over-expansicn of and comumiersial ere nce year cm the fac- at] ready a corre ENTERPRISING Michael -Amoceo, the popular Prin- cess street fruit merchant, is general- ly recognized as one of the city's most enterprising business men. Coming to Kingston in 1902, Le put the knowledge of frust growing he had acquired through years of "ex- perience in Italy to good rse and to- suf goods for consumption with, me m--------. | day 1s one of the largest wholesale | 1 and retail dealers 'in the city, 'He began business in a smal, way with L. Lamantia, and later bought out the share of his partner. Enlighten- ed business methods ana a desire to ~" | be of service have had their inevit- able results, and today in enlarged | and commodious quarters Mr. Amo- { deo is specializing In a which extends wholesale business for many | miles around, Mr. Amodeo has special facilities for storing fresh fruit and during the last year he handled over twenty-five cars of bananas, totalling many Two. motor use throughout the day handiing the 'thousands of dollars werth of fruit that comes and goes turough the establishment, f 13, J _-- KINGSTON WEEKLY REVIEW PRESENT in Bank Loans Show-- srording market. (3) the element of sarprise which shakes husinesa confidence when these fasts are sud- denly realized, "At the close of 1918 we had thy over-expended - bank 'oans and com- mercial credits ang be:ause the vast majority of-busiiess man and bank- ers befidved that Prosperity' was to continue for from one to five years more, it was certain that sometime during the year 1929 the business and financial world would be badly surpriséd by a collapse "of values, However, even in that dangerous period, as we pointed out in bulletins at that time, the exceptionally large supply of general goods ready for consumption did not exist. -- Bank Loan Reduced. "During the year 1920. we did have our collapse of values with surprise for most of the business and financial world, but, partly because of the low supply of bommodities and part- ly because the Foderal Reserve Banks were able to ease the strain, we got through the year 1920 with- out having any panic. Since' the fall of 1920. when the most critical stage was reached, the loans and invest- ! BUSINESS MAN Besides the retail business in fruits, Mr. Amodeo is paying espec- ial attention * to Italian delicacies which appeal to the ar petites of Kingstonians., Througa connections with Italian buyers he is enabled to offer the best quality of olive oll; spaghetti, macaroni and olives and has found -a ready. market for his wares in Kingston and vicinity. "Mr. Amodeo. has spent his whole life in the fruit business. Bors on the island of Sicily, he went at an ea:ly age to Italy and thence to Chi- cago, where his intimate connection with the wholesale fruit houses of that city gave him the fundamentals of the business in wart Ha has had such meritec success. Several years were also spent in Toronto and in Kingston he has had the confidence of everyone with whom he has had dealings. Himself a vegetarian, Mr. Amodeo commends the use of fruit to all those who suffer from dtgestive com- plaints and 3ny, persotia purchasing from him are assured of prompt ser- vice and fair play, ments of the Federal] Reserve Sys- | tem \have deciinga frog $3,342,000,- 000 to $2,082,000,000 or 27.7 peri cent., while the loans.of the New | York Clearing House Banks haye de- | clined from $3,887,000,000 to $3.-/ 134,000,000, or 19.4 per cent, Even | one year ago the loans and invest- | ments of the Federal Reserve 'Banks | \ amounted fo- $3,183,000,000 from | which the present figures represent a decline of 34.6 per cent, while the! loans of the New York Clearing | House Banks were $3,730,000,000 | from which the current figure repre- | sents a decline of 16.0 per cent. | These figures tell thelr own story ss | to how far we have passed the worst danger of pani¢ from the expansion | of credit, | "In the meantime the output of | goods ready. for eensumption has | fallen to such an extent that, in spite | of the normal growth of the country, | \ we have to come back to the great | depression LT°1908 to find a point | with such a small output "In the | meantime retail trade figurés show & very reasonable movemaént of com- | modities into the hands of ultimate consumers, and the inventory posi--| tion of the country is not only a Lealthy one but An optimistic one. "As far as tHe surprise danger {is concerned, it passed away with the spring and summer of 1920 Every business man in the country now | knows that he must expect some hard times during fhe resi the year, and everyone of ordin 1ce is making a gerious effort | to adjust his business accordingly. | It is a matter of absotutely unvaried axperience that when a depression is | accompanied by a panic - the panic comes during the early stages when | men are taken by surprise=and never | after a full year of depression and discouragement such as wo have now! had, | "When it 1s all summed means that no-one of the three of up ft prime elements in causing a panic is pre- | 7 sent in the domestic situation, | Foreign Conditions, . | "The information available to the | average American or Canadian busi- | ness man regarding foreign condi- tions 1s lesq full and less accurate that information to domestic condi- tions, . Therefore, the danger of hy- sterical fears is considerably greater. We are told for example, that, thé floating debt of European nations to | our banks is between §3,000,000,000 | and $4,000,000,000, and that most of these loans will be defaulted. As & matter of fact the best available information regarding total trade balances between United States and the rest of the world for the years 1819 and 1920 combined, after mak- ing allowances for the invisible bkl- ances, amounte to only about $3, 675,000,000. . Against this Europe had at the beginning of 1918 a bal- ance in this country of slightly over ¢ (Continued on Page 15.) THOMPSON BROS., Launderers, Limited | ETT Tre Operating . IMPERIAL LAUNDRY .' KINGSTON LAUNDRY ... «sree... Phone 302 .. Phone 23 « SAFES! FOR OFFICE AND HOME J. R. C. DOBBS 41 Clarence Street Typewriter headquarters KINGSTON'S ONLY DYERS Eet us prove ovr work, by giving us one trial. Dry Cleaning our Spegialty PATTON'S DYE WORKS 349 Princess Street. ~ Phone 214 ' nu HAVE YOU SMOKED A DUNHILL ? WE HAVE THEM. 5 Nt Gm, - - Thelmperial Life The Imperial was the sixteenth Canadian Company to enter the Life Assurance field.: In twenty- two years it has overtaken and passed nine of its competitors, so that there are now only six other Canadian companies that have as large an amount of assurance in force. Their ages range from twenty-eight . to seventy-three years, ° J. B. COOKE District Manager, Kingston, Ont. Nr ------ KEELEY'S THE McCALLUM GRANITE CO, Limited MONUMENT BUILDERS 895-307 Princess Streets Phone 1931. Eyesight Service Eyes examined scientifically. Over 20 years experience. KEELEY JR, M.Q, D.O. 226 Princess Street. Phone 927, \ VINEGARS Ask your grocer fof these goods, guaranteed pure---made from best selected materials, The Wilson Lytle Badgerow Co, Ltd, ! .« Bagot Street \ ry human in- | \| THE TOYE BREAD CO. T 3 Limited Manuf Returors.of M( JTHER'S and QUARK ER BREAD 193 Ontario St. AND : LESS MEAT PRINCE OF WALES DINING ROOM AND LUNCH FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN Try our Special Dinner from 11.30 am. to 7 p.m, i . Table Service--I'rices Moderate, 33¢~Reguiar Breakfast--35e, . Ontmes! or Corn Flake Ham, - con and Egg, Toast, Wheat (akes Tea, Coffee ur Milk, - Ba 191 PRINCESS STREET. American Mandgement, PHONE S44. Phone 8134. bl ------ -- 4 = ARROWROOT BISCUITS Have you tried our ARROWROOUT BISCL ITs? on them. If your grocer does hot pound and be convinced, ' The Kiddies thrive Keep them ring up the office. Try a THE W. J. CROTHERS C0, Limiteq Ly tn Poirers" JAS, SWIFT & Co. Limited Importers nad Shippers, « ID. HOLTON Domestic and Steam COAL Florist 250 Princess Street Phone 661, J -- JAMES RICHARDSON & SONS Lea. ) : Established 1857 Head Office Kingston, BRANCHES; Fort William Saskatoon Winnipeg S. 8S. CORBETT Funeral Director Ont, bi » Ambulance Phone 143, Calgary. QuUopec Montreal Residence Phone 215. Toronto We Promote Industry M. M. SIMS and Representative Build Character by - Rendering Service 130 Clarence Street Kingston, Oat. KINGSTON NAVIGATION CO. Limited 8.8. sT. LAWRENCE 350 PASSENGHRS $8. BROCKVILLE= 300 PASSENGERS, Open for chartér for S. 8, Picnics and Excursions. Call us up and get a good date. ~TELEI'H ONE 190--- 3 5 CHEAPER CANDY GRIMM'S POPULAR LINE OF CHOCOLATES NOW SELL AT 50c. per Ib, TRY THEM ! v v Smith Bros., Jewelers, Limited DIAMONDS, SILVER AND GOLD GOODS Expert Watch Repairing Establisheg 1840. 350 King Street THE THOMPSON BOTTLING CO. "Belfast Ginger Ale" OFFICE: 294 PRINCESS STREET PHONE Ge McLaughlin. Motor Cars. @Qabriel Snubbers. Michelin Tires. Samson Tractors. If we didn't think these brands were (ae begt In thelr, line we wouldn't handle them for ome day. BLUE GARAGES Limited. THOS, I, ANGROVE, Manager. ¢ PHONE 567, \ > BIG SALE GOODYEAR BICYCLE IRES THIS WEEK Reg. $3.00 Tire for 2 0 Agents PERFECT, OVERLAND and COLUMBIA BICYCLE GEO. MULLER, BAKER'S CIGAR STORR - " - . 2) - - . IN THE HOT WEATHER IT IS NO GREAT SIN TO BLow YOUR- self to a nickel nowsand then, Take a ride home or to work on the Street cars. It' the biggest nickel's worth you've had in a long time. y KINGSTON, PORTSMOUTH and CATARAQUI ELECTRIC - RAILWAY a DEVELOP YOUR CITY property at a profs, 3 : Gru, A McGinnis & O'Connor HIGDWAY ENGINEERS. AND CON TRACTORS ¢ -- 371-373 King Street, Phone 1032, BUYERS and EXPORTERS of WOOL, SKINS, GINSENG, * RAW FuRs Write for further information. KINGSTON, ONTARIO \ > rr Nz Kingston Ice Company ' * Limited Save food by using Ice. Our Ice ig certified to by Queen's University Laboratories as betng Rure. Telephone orders to 1307, Prompt delivery is our specialty. 4 JOHN McKAY, Ltd. ) \ A man can be smart endugh 'in other ways and yet be big enough idiot to argue with his wife, MONTREAL | DOMINION | MANUFACTURERS OF: "PRUE COTTONS" 7 Phone 1681J, LUMBER AND LATH FOR SALE AT LOWEST PRICES THE R. D. MANUFACTURING CO'Y €70-6%0 Montreal Street. Frank Robbs "_"TONSORIAL PARLON» HOUSE CLEANIN henie. THE BH \ [ »* WILLARD BATTERIES New low price for Willard Service ¢ now effective, I. LESSES 19 Broek Street Phone 1340 Ee J 185 Wellington St. It would pay you to drop into THE Btreet and have our representative demonstrate pes of Vacuum cleaners. All kinas of kiecirleal YD RO (Public Utlitti és Commission; 208 Prime. ss Street. 7" T ; 4 Chalrg------HBest of Service We Specialize In CHILDREN'S HAIR CUTTING Fhoné 1318, J Se G MADE EASY HYDRO SHOP on Pgincess the most {improved Mnuiances for the SHOP oo Phones Oflee: 538, 1500 DONNELLY SALVAGE & WHECK-. © ING COMPANY, LIMITED Taga, Clam Suell Lighters, Divers, Sleswi Pum, ete, recking and Salvage werk since 1850 without a fallure, C JUHN DUSNBLLY Presi and aM 5 J 140 RIDBAU \ LIMITED TORONTO We Are Always In The Market | for Scrap Irom, Metals, Rags and Rubbers. It you to ring 2037 or 2060J. We are willing to tion to any call, which may be received through 'phone, M. ROSEN & CO. TEXTILE COMPANY, will be of benefit' to give our best atten- STREET . ok WINNIPEG -- Ed " Choice Fruits Of All Kinds The FROST CITY STORAGE Company Fresh Strawberries daily. Imported Fruits a Specialty. Cholee Rooms nad Spaces in our Storage---clean, bright a-J dry. Big variety of choice Vegetables Call at the store and see our big diving, . 200-305 Queen Street, Pheve. 020, M. AMODEO 240 Priucess Stréet - IFhome 776 7 wn bY - \ : VESTA BATTERY. CO'Y : THE BATTERY WITHOUT REGRETS Place our Vesta Battery in your car and forget ail your Battery troubles. It is a real Battery of service. Whatever You use it for-=for Ignition, for Starting, for Lighting, ete, it will serve you well, A Battery you will recommend to your fellow motorists, Phone 410w, © Queen and Daget Sts. 8 W. MILNE amd F. KING ¥ - 5 BOOTH FISHERIES CANADIAN CO. Ltd JOBLERS IN FISH, OYSTERS, GAME AND POLLTRY $3 BROCK STREET PHONE 3320. ~» CITY OF KINGSTON 6% 10 YEAR BONE Denominations $100--$5 00--$ 1000 FRICE 100 AND ACCRUED INPEREST No better investment to be had than your own home city. Applica- tions received at this office by mail or in person and bunds delivered Wherever specified. Not a large issue. Get your orders in eagly. 4 DONGARD, RYERSON & -, - - - - - - 28 237 Bagdt Street =. i PHONE 172% Z The Medical Health Officer Advised The : Boiling Uf Ali ilk Ws clarify it first and then pasteurize it. » It is clea--it is safe--and it is the best and cheapest food you can buy, "PRICE'S DAIRY "477 Princess Street.