Lan a to - ee THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. o 5 ----------e N 5 y Co estes ears | MUIHERVCIIN Regn oct 010 and Vicinity || - | | IMBER and OF RHEUMATISN L------=--_ rent} | COOKED MEATS Eee haar Wests | | 7 Aart Srotet, rms ditched near the "Re. | With others, reprusons ee Siete M GEEIN'S Treatment With "FRUIT-A-TIVES® | U4, well known in Leeds county has | fuze" last week, was adjourned. |! urch in Canada at the Ecumenical-$ ne is the-cheapest Building Material on the 3 : ER Pp EET . | been. appointed an associate COroRer. Smith-hatbelng-able te gtr TOT TEPIoF TR conference will "imand for the county of Haldimand 3 -- = oben in September ae Sie wi ; the Hot Wes Engagement Announced. Rev. Mr. Neal will tour the British 5 J "For the Hot Weather. The engagement is announced of | Isles investigating mission sie Phone We. have. in. stock a -few- brown | Miss. Bier: Reed, 'daughter of church' conditions generally for the S A NGLIN & C( } and grey lightweight summer Suits ' Mr. and Mrs. Walter Reed, Picton, | benefit of Toronto downtown o . » for youths, sizes 34, 35 and 36. and Harold Vietor Saunders, Osha- Churches = ' . : . . , , . 3 ng p regular price $18, which we will | wa, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Saun- TE ewmran Woodworking Factory acd Lumber Yards, Bay And Wellington f 4 : Trying to Me€t Claims. \ |sell for $13. Prevost, Bro k street. /ders, "Wellington The marriage is . ge Streets, KINGSTON, Ont.. Office Phone 66, ~ Factory . A | ' to fake place the latter part of July. Everybody sincerely Sympathizes Phone 1415, 282 Princess Street ; Successful Pupil, ' ! ie with R. Wallace & Sons in the qiffi. " market to-day. 7 : Master Osbern McKane, successful Engagement Announced, culty they have found themselves in \ -- : 5 1 Pupil of Miss Marjorie Lambert, re- Mr. and Mrs. Jason W. Mitchell, | in regard to the construction of the rm MOVING OF 3 : cently passed his music 'examination Brockville, announce the engago- | Robert Meek school. Leaving out the "& ue P= < Fa ", St . . . : introductory grade, in Totonto Con- ment of their only daughter, Vida A Wages due the ons of Mr. Wallace, Freight, ¥urniture, Safes, Pianos and "4 servatory of Music Geraldine, to Walter 8. Webb, Cal- | Who wrought wel] at the work, there COME AND Cartage of every description-- / \ e | gary. Alta., son of Mr. and Mrs. G. S, |is a loss of many thousands of dol- | = ? . | a : ris : WB WR Ba Oi : saloe . | MR. AMEDEE GARCEAU Seek' His Release, | Webb, Port Elgin, Ont. The marriage lars due to increasea costs, sales R A Mad ston ' rans er . . { The friends of Dr. Wheeler, Corn- pWill 'take place about" the middle of | taxes and other advances. Mr. Wal- EST4 ) ern 32 Hickory St., Ottawa, Ont. og oh : Zu lace is now trying to act honorably URARY Pi : 877 i153 Wellington Street. | wall, serving a sentence in the Ports- | August jo \ Tog . Restaurant ene $q7. ik e mn -------- "I was for many years a eictim o; | mouth penitentiary, are endeavoring eee and not a few citizens feel that he A l i ' Pe ~ v | a | st 1 " Whi > | that terrible disease, Rheumatism. In to secure his release and strong re. Stop All Impertinence. {1s entitled to the support of the \ : 2 Where good eating is the D VID SCOTT | 1913, I was laid up for four months presentations have been made to the Impertinent young men are showing Board of Education and council in | fi BA | rule without DISS A - 3 ; quar 4 : . exercise stp {| with Rheumatism in the joints gf Iinister of justice on his behalf themselves at the bathing-grounds Working Out a square deal to him | J ah A en Fn neu ps Plumber knees, hips and shoulders and i ---------- about the George Richardson bathing | Self and his creditors. i Q) Tare ) : . : ; a | » Yrambing and Gas Work a special. prevented. from following my work, | Leased Glen Island house. On Thursday night white a | : : | a Special private dining rooms 2. All work guaranteed. Adres, Y a il " y Yoni group of young women were in swim. Married at Wellington, . | \ To that will seat twenty-five peo- 145 Frontenne Street, Phone vo that of Llectrician, { R. H Williams, Toronto, has lea's- F Te In swim The marria f Miss Gwendolyn NS) A ple | 5 : p 1 e age of Miss *N( \ ig , I tried many remedies and was |ed.Glen Island from John C. Dernell, | MINg, the offensive young men took | £8 0 : n k Oar service is the very best ---- ET : ) riage ea We EAA Assess pn nS ugider the cars of physician; but |its present owner, with an option to | POSSession of the boat tney were ys. | Bernice Bush. younges: daug hter of | F3 () obtainable. . th id ; ao 'L purchase the property. Mr. Williams | IN8 and proved themselves abhorrent, | Mr. and Mrs. 8. W. Bush, Wellington, = Aa f nothing did me any good. Then I : ! 7 4 >The r" ladies think ce | 10 Gilbert Rezinald Gilmore, Toron- | > 2 ZL be bat ; roposes to put Glen Esland on' the ie Jung ladies think a. police i 7A 8 ran Qa . . . ga lo take 'Fruit atives' and in a ap A summer resort tuard, in bathing attire should be | tO. son of Gilbert Gilmo.e Meaford, CA" ,/7 . 1 as a sum I res > ' . r & fo? Z D INTAL SURGEON. | week 1 was easicr, and in six weeks I Pa y {about the limits to stop the boorish. | Ont.. took piace at the home of the Corner of Johnsumn and Wellington | Was so well 1 went Bork again. ness of silly fellows. [bride's father, on 11th inst Pev. J. | : PETER LEE, PROP, | i mr-------- tn } Streets Phone 363 I look upon' this fruit medicine, : Cheese Sales, ---------- } U. Robins, Methodist minister, offi- | 222 Princess Street l | | - . Two Doors Above Opera Hous: Er ---------- a --~----_-- --= | "Fruitatives, as simply marvellous in the At the Brockville cheese boa rd on Came East to Celebrate, ciated. The bride was given away X | owe of Rheumatism, and strongly | Thursday, 1,120 white and 2,306 co). George Parnham, Guelph, spent | by her. father, and carried a bouquet | Dr Wau h advise everyone suffering with Rhea. ored were offered; 23 1-4 cents and | the 12th of July in Picton after an | Of roses and lilies Behind the yuple . 9g matism ta give Fruita tives' a trial 2 23 1-2 cents, the highest bids, were absence of many years, says the Pic- | thcre wasa beautiful bank of flowers, H. APPLETON Dentist . | AMEDEE G ARCEAT | refused. At Campbellford hoece, na Times. Fifty years ago Mr. Parn- | After the ceremony a bufet l¥neh ° | : ; © GARCEAU. | board there were hoarded 500 cheese, (ham was employed in the Times of- | Was served. The bride and bride- Announces fhe opening of a new Ulumbing and Heating Establishment -- | \ i . tt} a a ai ------ | 106 Wellington St. Phone 256. 80c. a box, G for $2.0, trial size, 25¢. | all sold at 23 1.2 cents, fice, the late Robert Boyle being then | Broom left by the afternoon rain to 417 PRINCESS STREET--0 PPOSITE ANDERSON BROS. - Prices on contracting and all kinds "of jc b work furnished Give us a At all dealers or sent postpaid by in charge. The family moved from |SPeénd their honeymoon at western | i Bought Yacht and. Sold -1e. : R : Ds Julai, Stim, Duk. Dan Sov, Deseronto, sit { Guelph Mr. Parnham retains his | ©f grey canton crepe with hat to | ae grove S epairs BUTI. DING 5 chased The Cock Robin, a sailing [ membership in Deseronto Orange | Match, and, black satin Fobe | ------ oy -- -- Seales, Talking Machi hw Bleycles, B UILDING ® yacht that used to show them ail how | Lodge and came east vo take part in { their return they will TESie eB their } Baby Carriages, Lawn Mowers, ot We to skim the fresh wajer, and bringing | the celebration at Picton. new home on St. Anne's Ro .. To- | REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? © | ati: : a ) evra 1 een ernie Bus since on wr | an, a --o---- || HOW ABOUT THAT ELL + STREE' | as } «O8STS. ev, . + Nea eaves, | BAA im ns 0. Aykroyd & Son Art Malley and Clapperton « Rev. T. W, Neal general secre. | Should Carry Lights, ¢ 21 Main Street. Phone 1670. -- a fia of the Toronto Methodist Un- Now that the boating season is be- GARDEN OF YOURS - . 3 yr -_ Case Was Adjourned. lion, ahd past-president of the To-|ing enjoyed by so many people--day | - WA 7 S Srhoke | The charge of criminal negligence ronto Methodist conference, and. for-, and night--it should be the aim of | Do not let the grubs eat it up, but order . 7 : brought aga nst Charles A Smith, | merly of Sydenham Street Methodist | all to adopt the "Safety First' prin- | PARIS GREEN. ARSENATE OF LEAD, ACO SPRAY, ' Trenton, in connection with injuries | church, with Mrs. Neal, has left for | ciple. While accidenfs here are much SPRAYERS, ETC. : People S : rrr Teo. | less than at r watering places, J A full stock at: -- ° : o° care must be ekegcised for your own ! Florist Cat Coarse, for Pipe Use : Picton to Deseronto and later to | Points, the bride traveling .n a dress call. Phone $7sw oul { otechipn as Ww as others. At night | EGOTISM : |e the) risk iy/much greater sper. By CHARLZ: . n L { ially witu the fmaller crart and those 4 wy CH fLii8 GRANT MILLER j running without lights. Those out in i Fresh fNowers and plants daily 2 : Fri 2 N 1 launches, skiffs and canoes, should \ (Copyright, 1921, All Rights serv a "eg , . § ' J : Funeral designs, and wedding Miss Ella Johnson pyrig tights Reserved by United Feature Syndicate.) by all' means carry lights, for run. | Jove to order. Phone 1763. Resa 1137, Tells How Cuticura | | ™ : sad | Hing inall directions a swiftly. mov- | 187 P rincess St. We are all egotists one way or the other . ing launch would very quickly cut | A ee ee : > Dy / " : { @ Skiff or canoe in two. with the pos Pi ------ . Healed Pimples The €go of. each one of us--that greedy, insistent, insatible and | sible death of 'the occupants Carry a | domineering instinct which says and reiterates "M bl i that the best ig none | light when out after sundown, and Y trouble began as small pim- | too good for us--is responsible for much of the miser i | don't be afraid to. show it This ap- |{] ples and in a few months they got Sery of mankind. { Y 5 . b- if g vy gi ri & a i | plies 5 ivers é ! 1 i worse andmy font £2 | | Take any girl with passable features, ordinary physique and medium plies also. to drivers of motor cars, | We re Ready for Spring Witk a Large, just a mass of large pim- | | Intelligence. 'In her dreams she pictures a Possible lover of sup | horse driven vehicles, ete. T 3 1 New Stock of Fine Quality Cut Fine, for Cigarettes 177 Wellington street. -- reme ples. They were hard and beauty, brilliant intellect and inexhaustible wealth, who wil one 7 day |, ITDA INCAN x 2 iS 22d caveed rn fall before her charms. | CHOLERA INFANTUM XX ured for the time. They | | Many marriages are failures for no other reason than the insati- -- "8 made me emb | ism t vhic : wn a. rated able egotism or both parties, which demands and keeps on demanding Cholera infantum is one of tie fa- tried sassafras tea but it was of no | | consideration, diplomacy, lattery, yet never profféring aught in return. | tal ailments of childhood. It is a help. Isawa Cuticura Soap and Oint. Though the girl knew this man was high-tempered when 'she mar. | trouble that comes on suddenly, es- , mentadvertisement and sent for a free sample. Ae Walng thn i bought tied him, and knew of insoience too, and a carelessness in regard to keep- Pecjelly during Hie me Months, i * - more, and when I had used one cake | | ing his word, yet she married him, with her €yes open. Then as the years | rH iy Prop! gory aking f : : . of Cuticura Soap and one box of Cuti. 80 by, these things grate un her; she refuses to face the fact that they Baby's Ow I bl ts & ; ideal | : y : cura Ointment for about a month | ) . ituti 1 infi 3 : wh Tablets are an ide . e completely healed (Signed) are constitutiona infirmities, and as unchangeable a part of him as the | medicine in warding off this trouble. ! Miss Ella May Johnson, Box 65, nose on his face. Ana she continues to nag and make life unpleasant. | They regulate the bowels and sweet Camas, Idaho, March 9; 1920. never realizing that she, 160, has f. av 3 | en the stomach and thus revent all GOLDEN LION BLOOK. *" Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Tal. g SNe, 180, has faults that have to be put up with, € p cum promote and maintain skin par. Then a man marries a pretty face, thinking little of what 18 'back the dreaded ig complaints. | For Men and Young Men at Lower Prices ity, skin. comfort and skin health of it. \ ealize that a pretty face alone oncerning them-Mrs, Fred Rase, of is a poor thing 3 . AGvET abv's often when all opee Fs ge =: { South Bay, Ont., says: "I feel Baby's ! $ 00 5 0 8 0 -- Wy Bandit, Licwn Ze. Soid to live with. Or, perhaps, on the other hand, he 'marries an intellect | ow, Tablets saved the life of our 20. 9 22.00, 2 0 9 2 .0 | Oiatmeat rmansur sranion, Canadian Depo alone and, soon or late, tires of his bargain. But he lacks the philosophy | baby when she had cholera infagptum BRC Ri WC Nr lo make the best of it; he fails to remind himself that he is responsible | and I oud not be without them." {||* : $30.00, 32.00 » ee ---- for the condition of affairs: fails to Put the blame where it belongs. Hig | The- Tablets are sold by medicine i egotism blinds him, and so he considers the scheme of the universe | 4€alérs or by mail at 5 cents a box "Lake Ontario Trout | entirely at fault. [from The Dr. Williams' Medicine See our fine quality Blue Serge Suits at # and Whitefish, Fresh The pessimist does not exist who Is not surcharged with egotism. 150, Brockville, Out. a --3$35.00 -- | He takes himself as the standard of meas in wei y | + t 's N Choicest quality of Scranton Sea Salmon, Had- else there 1s of the world, and in %is mi | To Change Steamer's Name, 5 . y 3 t { The steamer America, which has | | Coal, No Yther kind sold by b dock, Halibut : and the mark. | been rebuilt this spring at the Davis | TWEDDEI I 'S up, '4 | dre . 3 > { Cod In our friends we expect the highest attainments; consistency, devo- | 4Ty dock is to leave the city the early . : BOOTH & CO . tion, ideal sentiment, as well as sympathy and material assistance. Yet | PTt Of next week for her new Toute | 131 P TN S : . i | : et ; : on Georgian Bay. The stealer has | rincess St, Grove Inn Yard Phone 133 | BOOTH FISHERIES we seldom stop to question whether we deserve these things. been eompiletely rebuilt nd has re- | I i Co | Truly astonishing, when we come to think of it, is the natural, | cajved a new Toy amas (One door below Randolph Hotel) inborn and rooted egotism of most poor mortals, perfectly seaworthy. The name of the I ' i i 8 a S vs vessel has been changed .to that of | ---- - Phone 520. 63 Brock Ste Half our troubles, failures and Sorrows are due to the fact that e s g 0 | ~~ -- etm --- | ---- a ~~ em Ne. 90-3240. we think the universe was designed to nicely fit down around ourselves, | "Midland City." This is the second J b rather than we to fit 'ourselves inta fit. a time. that the Davis fompahy havere-. er built the popular stéamer and chang- a rrmwweeuo _ 2 ed her name. In the fal of 1894 the 0} ¥ | steamer, then the "Maud," entered | | the dock and came out the. folldw- IN MONUMENTS AND cEME- fff Dental Surgeon 4 2 . { ing spring as the "America" and "up TERY LETTERING | Wishes to announce | to last year this popurar excursion t | boat ran out of Kingston, After J E. Mullen that he has resumed 3 | twentysseven years' . service. ;under 01 16] FRONTENAC Tonia his practice, cor. Wel- ¢ | that name the vessel entered the : : SV 2y * " | dock May 3rd of tlws year, and now Phone 1417. i lington and Princess : = 'eaves for Parry Sound out of whicn ® Streets. Phone 2092. > port it will run a forty-mile trip on : : ) the 30,000 Islarids route as the ""Mid- ' ¢ ae Dr. H. A Stewart 3 132d City" of Midland. Dr. J. L. Stewart 2 rv = DID YOU EVER TRY | imme EB J i turbed the slumberous air of class- Women's Fine Ribbed Cotton Vests--- Wagsian's Giage: siarmailade, ~ 4 rooms, and the strains of "I'm For- Namstaity Uineavule Marmaisde, : ever Blowing Bubbles,' floated over ! No sleeves, for MWagstan's Bramble Jelly, | er forty small heads bent over. forty We also have « full lime of ' . . vther tunably makes of Mata. } small slates. "Who's that whistling?" Men $ Wool Bathing Suits laues, Jum and Jellies for sale ce ream . screeched the teacher, as soon as she lifes | bad recovered from hersurprise. "It's : New colours and styles-- $5 a Suit o = $k IN ' ol. 4 } makes au ideal dessert for Sun- §' Just masel," answered Sandy Mac- Bon Marche Grocery Hl day. No trouble | everybody herson, -with true Scottish perturba- 5 WwW men', ( ott tockin -- tur. Ming any Marl Streets likes it, and it is a pure food. |" b 0 3 on S gs céine ae, J | bility. "Did ken ah Id whus- . . dane No. 3 {lis store i open Fore rod J oli Je, X02 Sud whi White, Black and Brown, 25c¢. pair ! Jeatuve of our customers on Nothin Else is Aspirin | y ' ~~ [ff Sunday-- : \ | And One is Sufficient, . . . - | am. to 12.36 p.m. i 3 . g ' | "Robert," said the mother Sternly White Dress Voile-- REAL ESTATE 3.00 p.m. . Warning! Unless you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, |to her offspring who had just brok.|fj- 40 inches wide, for ..29c¢. a yard to hd . fen a window with a baseball "I'm "ta 9.00 pi. You are not getting Aspirin at all. | oir to give you a good whipping FOR I M. R. McColl Accept only an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of |not because you broke the window, ' * M8. ToD i Se da . ked t by but because you broke your promise SALE Prescription Druggist. | Aspirin, which contains directions and dose wor! nh ou y to me that you would stop playing | .-e Phone 82, ! physicians during 21 years ard proved: safe by millions for | ball near the house." W. H. GODWIN Formerly; Prouse's Drug Store. Headache, Earache, Toothache, Neuralgia, Colds, Rheumatism, | "Aw, ma" whispered the boy, ' . Neuritis, Lumbago, and pain eénerally. - Made in Canada. | "can't you do it for bresking the win- | & SON 5 20, and, pain § y dow? Dad'l have to lick body | A ee Ww? ¥e to lick some y , : : You can force t; < d hibi- Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost bul for that." Reat Estate and Insurance ~~ [| vou can Amerie (nd GH in bre --- or tha The Waldron Store. ----------l ow". « . - i ticacidester of Salicylic: 3 . 80 Broc!: Street. Phone 424, he draws the line on being called 8 § pranuiacoune ur alicyil public ; ; Finger-nails grow more quickly in - ee -- peasant." Will be stamped with thelr general trade mark, the "Hyer Cross." summer than in winter, . "