Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Jul 1921, p. 9

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IURSDAY, JULY 19, 1921. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. SPORTS This Is For You 'With the temperature hovering 'round-the 90 to 100 mark on the | thermometer, you'll feel the good of one of our SLEEVELESS JERSEYS. We have them iy White, Blue, Grey and other colors. let's show them to you. Price $1.00 and up. Come and WHITE @ANYAS BOOTS--two good buys--cool and comfortable for | the feet ... $2.25 and $3.50 a Pair. BATHING SUITS--a few Cotton Bathing Suits. Sizes 34 and 26 Real stuff in these, hoya! Also a few Woollen Bathing Suits. Good for years. AA SAFETY MEANS A LOT. In the darkness, you need a light. Wa have just the kind you'll appreciate. GET AN EVEREADY FLASHLIGHT. Our stock embraces all sizes for all needs. How many times have you wished for a good light, when mending a puncture on the road at night ? Get an EVEREADY and use it. You'll like'it. Drop in and see 'em. 1 WATCH OUR AD. WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY STORE OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS TILL 10.30 P.M. TREADGOLD SPORTING GOODS CO. BICYCLES--FISHING TACKLE--PHONOGRAPHS---CAMERAS, 88 PRINCESS STREET PHONE 520. "THE PLACE TO GET THAT RECORD" INNER EEN ENE ANE EERE ee ab SPRING URS 9 Dealer in Furs only, Gourdier's ) In the World of Sport THE BICKLE BELT GIVEN TO O.A.C. | Trustees Place Featherweight Trophy in Hands' of the Boxing Commission, DH--THE BICKLE--SPORT The belt which John Bickle pre- sented for the 122-pound boxing championship of--Gamada has be:n turned over by the trustees, Major | W J. Morrison and Lou E. Marsh, to | the Ontario Athletic Committee. The following letter explains & i reason why the tfophy is transferred to the control of the body which is so | abfy administering boxing affairs .n | the province: Langstaff, Ont, July 14, 1921. Gentlemen: In the interests of 2 sport of bo:ing I belleve your cor:- mission should take over and : Ax !- ister, under such rules and regula- tions as may b« formulated and pre- mulgated, all trophies of a national or international character appertain- ing to the province. There are cer- tain trofhies, such as the Bickla sport belt, which have been allowed to become dormant for want of co- ordination in different branches of th: sport. » If this were toldwed up you-may discover many trophies in other lines of sport, and through your adminis- tration public spirited citizens should and would no doubt donate further trophies, In furtherance of the above.id2a, we, the trustees of the Bickla belt, i presented by J. P, Bickle for competi- tion among professional feather- weight boxers and to be emblematic of the Canadian championship, both wish, if your commission will under- take the custody and trusteeship of the belt, to relinquish our trusteeship of the belt to our commission, who are so splendidly elevating tip sport to that plane of clean, manly endea- vor to which it belongs. , Yours Sincerely, Major W. J. Morrison. Lou E. Marsh. Advice For Back-ache When stooping hurts, whén lifting and bending causes" 'detress 'that's the time to rub in lots of 'Nervi- line." Usually a couple of applica- tions brings grateful relief. No lini- ment moré soothing, more certain to kill muscular, rheumatic, or seiatie pains, Thousands of homes rely on good Old Nerviline for cramps, eolle, dysentry, and external muscular pains. Large 35 cent bottles for sale everywhere. Srince George BHotel TORONTO In Centre of ing and Business Distriot BROCK STREET HOT WEATHER SHOES FOR THE FAMILY 7 LetUs Assist Youlo Keep Cool) White Canvas Boots, Pumps and Sandals for the children--all sizes eo eTerallete wev=itel I 31 49, 'Men's White Canvas Oxfords-- soles. Allsizes ....<oun. cour vs.. We carry a large stock of "Chums" for Girls White Canvas Pumps for Women and Growing Girls ,.,.. $1 98 Rubber and Leather. - a etelfete eT aleTa Ts, and Boys: {¥ $2.95 ) THE VICTORY SHOE STORE 1 & Wellwood ; | PADDOCK 18 FASTEST RUNNER IN WORLD The following sporting editorial is from the New York Globe: The report that Charlie Paddock 2 week ago equalled his 9 3-5-gecond i record for the 100-yard dash and in- 1-5 seconds-- alniost a second be- low his best--will leave certain track enthusiasts in gloom. They had hop- ed for 9 2-5 or even 9 1-5 seconds for the hundred, and 20 at for the two- hundred-twénty. To them Paddock is the chance of a century--the hu- man Man o'War that should leave hia highest ma.k while he may. They forget a number of things, these observers--chief among them | the fact that Paddock the sprinter is an inheritor 2s well as a performer. It is a fact that if we have learnnd a lot about brass and steel machinery in the last itty years we have learned much of hrman machinery, too, Ath- letics is more of a science than it was. The relation of one part of the body to another, the use of food, the adjustment of exercise to certain phy- sleal results, the utilization of weight and momentum--all are better un- derstood today than when B. J. We- fers, Sr., and Arthur Duffey ran. Pad- doek is unquestionably the fastest man in the history of the world, but others might have been as fast with his advantages. Similarly the pole vaulters, high jumpers, broad jump- ers, and hurdiers of today have re- ceived gifts from the past'. Could Earl Thompson have beaten" Krangz- lein it, the 'latter had had all that Thompson received from other hurd- lers? When one man runs the 120- vard sticks in lgss than 15, .. is not long before dozens have done it in 15 flat, Paddock's légs fre wonderful things, but they are not e tirely his own legs; 'and, just as he profited by a long American experience in sprint- ing, he will pass on to « Ler fleet- footed youth something of his skil'. He cannot give speed, but he can give a certain amount of method. A little is enough to clip off a fifth of a second. There will be nore Pad- dock's, and one better than the Pad- dock who recently ran what WAS sup- posed 'to be his last race. In 1940, Jt not in 1922, the record-lovers will sée the hundred yapds done in § 2-5, and our Charlie Paddock will not perform the miracle, -- ttt Has Gone to Defeat, R. G. Wray, Belleville, received an unkind cut at the Petorboro howi- ing tournament 'when he was beaten by McCullough, Cobourg, in the semni- finals for the Stratton Cup, and hy Brown, Port Hope, in the semi-finals for the Cillespie Cup. In six years "Bob" Wray's rink has been Invic- cible. Two trimmings after six years without a defeat wag indeed a dis- comfiting set-back, but Wray took the defeat in a gportsman-like way. ---- esi Eastern Ontario Lawn Bowlers. Rinks from thg Brockville and Ontario hospital lawn' bowling clubs will compete against the touring British bowlers at Ottawa on August 6th. - The Prescott club are sending two rinks. -------- SPORTING NOTES: In spite of the fact that Tex Rick- ard, world's greatest boxing promo- ter, put in a bid of $150,000 for the Lew Tendler- Benny Leonard bout, Herman Taylor of Philadelphia 1- ly clinched the match for ath: 12th, Leonard Kas agreed to make 135 pounds at 2 o'clock and will re- celve 40 per cent, of the gross re- ceipts. The baseball park where the contest 18 to be staged has a seating capacity of 35,000 people and the i top price Wil be $10. Pete Rouges, former world! 8 ban- | tam-weight champion, wants his | crown back. Herman, with his man- ager, Sammy Goldman, is scheduled | leave England for New York to- morrow. After seeing him knock (out "Jimmy" Wilde and Higgins, : British boxing fans feel that he will { be successful if he .gets i mateh with Lynch. Boxing in St. Louts is to be revived | Monday, when a fistic card of four bouts will be staged under the aus- plces of the St. Louis Athletic Asso- ciation, Harry Bandy of the St. Louls and Freddie Jacks, ' English | teatherweights, who beat Dick Load- | man here the other night, will pro- vide the feature attraction. | Miss Clara Knausenberger, of | Seattle, holds the -woman's record | for the runfiing high Jimp---<4 feet 10 inches. Baseball was first played under its present name in 1840. es x cidentally ran a 220 yard dash in 21 another' OTTAWA FANS LIKE - TEN-MAN LACROSSE Football Club For Once Is Sat- isfied With Big Four Schedule. et Ten men lacrosse has made quits an impression here after therecent 40 minute game between Cornwall and Ottawas. It is much fastér ia every way than the old type and is eipected to bring the game back to its former favor. Jack Powers, Bouse Hutton, Bill Fagan, Jack Shea and others of the famous old Capitals are stroag for the new game. The Cornwall team is a cracker and will take a lot of beating in their ser- tes, If they should go against a West- ern Ontario: team In the finals it would not be surprising if they won, as they have al] the elements of a good lacrosse team. Ottawas have a smart team, too, though they do not look quite as goed as the Colts, A Second Ranji? The cricket captain of Cambridge University is congratulating himself on possessing a player who may rival Ranjitsinhji. -His name is Saravana- mutta--his friends call him "Sarra" --and- although only twenty-one years of age he has astonished critics with his style and big scores. Two years ago he Score" over two thousand runs in one season of pub- lic gghool cricket in«Ceylon. Possess- ixg"a marvellous eye, 'wrists of rare suppleness and strength, and a grace- ful style, "Sarra" may make cricket history at Cambridge. Play Friday Night. The postponed game in the senior 8. 8. A. A, A. baseball league be- tween Baptists and Sydenham street is to be played Friday evening. When this game is played the schedule will haye been completed once, It is alto- gether likely that all' the teams will meet each other again. Boston is reported to have paid $2,000 for Ruth and to have sid him for $125,000. ® AOA A | is r YE -------- ROOFING | In Vulcanite Roofing we have a cafveri for Porches, Poultry Houses, Implement he Drive Sheds,ithat gives satisfactoryyservice at at low cost. -- N ; i « - Allan Lumber Co. Phone 1042 , = Victoria Street gO il AN. ? wifi i SPECIAL. SALE OF! WHITE FELT if J MATTRESS} Regular $35.00, for... ... .. os. se $28.00 Regular $18.00, for(............$12.00 "Regular $12.00, forw...........$ 9.50 Largetline of PORCH and VERANDAH FURNITURE _ From $35 to $300 per set complete. 4 & R. J. Reid THE "LEADING UNDERTAKER ; 230-234 PRINCESS STREET; 2 Telephone Ambulancejl 57w. 5 ' If batfer hits a home run and it To Have #00. is then discovered that he batted out Tom Gibbons, Sti4®aul, has beer of turn the run does not count, pro- [ matched to meet Georges Carpentier vided a ball has not been delivered in October for the world's . light to the succeeding batsman. heavyweight championship. 1 XS A 26> IRE Ee eta ef FOR THOSE SMOKERS WHO LIK MACDQNALD'S Eels 17I59N CUT FINE, OR WHO "ROLL *SHEIR OWN" SMOKING rOBACCO ~ Jislb-15¢ ES Eee ESI p= == - Custom Tailors "own Material Made Up. y Prices right. 80 MONTREAL STREET Two doors from King Edward Theatre FOR SALE % Good second - hand - Lumber, Corrugated ~ Sheet Steel a other : building materials. 'J. Cohen & Co. 98 Ontanin Bt. Phone 8387,

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