Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Jul 1921, p. 6

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SL5 Fle THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. " OEY, YOR 195g ee E-- -- -- THE BRITISH WHIG _ovERCdMING THE TURR. | the parents and the children, as well | ¢ . 4 88TH YEAR. - The danger of temporirizing with |@8 an absence. of the love which Edit {Letters to the Editor {the Turk is again demonstrated in | should be ever present. Our fore- { the situation in which Great Britain fathers ,who were brought up to 3 and France find themselves in deal- honor and revere their parents, os3- | & at dg See, [ne with Mustapha Res} Paghy 854 {pecially in old age, would have - Rudeéhess fn Speech. | 3 Our Society Is followers, the Turk nationa 1sts, | ecorned legislation of this kind. The Kingston, July 8 (To the Editor) | Blue Sui : i { Who have created a stalemate in Asia | filial Jes were to them sufficient to --In paragraph 9, of "The Man on | ; ue ts a somite ado ET na . Blue Suits | Minor by holding out agamst the ensure the comfort of their parents. | watch, tssua-ot July ith were f=} t $45.00 . monet: G POOR fF pO worries | BUT"WE are living In different days, | three statements quite true and in- | at . at $45.00 King Constantine is said to have and seeing many changes. in social offensive when taken separately, but | expressed confidence that Greece will | habits and customs. It cannot be | together 'constituting what seemed ultimately defeat the Turks in a de- sald that all of them are for the | to be a reflection on the man who | ' cisive manner, but there isl little rea- | better, and in this particular instance | rises 'from the gutter to affluence I : : i { y istaken , be done | it { may be, and trust I am, mista son to believe that this can be don | 8 a deplorable matter that it {Bet tas PRRArasl ch | . 4 ' " 2 | Without the aid of Great Britain and (should be necessary to invoke "2! like a snobbish statement.and seems | Men's and Young Men's S uits at Wholesale Prices. | probably of France: These nations | law against sons and daughters, | ov op place in your: excellent pa- | | may have to do finally what they who, although able to do so, refuse | nop ; " SS | would betteg have done when they | to care for their parents The refinements of profanity oz [Ji NI? - fr \ Ee gave Greece permission to engage i --i . {rudeness are not learned in the gut- MEN S T ad sell for $30, $32.50, . | against the Turks. re a ter; it takes a "swell" lady in the | FINE SHIR S $35.00. Our special Published Dally and Semi-Weekly by Great Britain has refrained from | | presence of her "social inferiors" to . f : : he 1 ! . riety for A rice-- THE BRITISH bs eg UBMBING | C01 Beitain hs with the Greeks | PUBLIC OPINION | show us what rudeness"is. Apart The $3 00 va 1ety P fe : : from that, however, is another point $1.98 : : $25.00 With which you will doubtless agree. . LJ Masagiielter ead | Of the threat of the Turks to involve Before making a rude statement, a Sizes 14 to 18. YO : . Musselmans in middle Asia and In- The Rise of Arthur. . ind ai 54 UNG. MEN S TELEPHONES: dag inst British rule fn th ai : 3 a ' man must have it in his mind along \ 3 Business Offic 2 a against British rule in those dis- | {O1130% Journa with the wish to put it into words: ' Editorial Room **333| tricts. Great Britain plainly has | So it came about one day that the or again, he may not wish $00, but MEN'S S Job Office 292 little farm boy who rambled bare- | : : { h been brought to the point of making 1ootod be fields, helped k | his feelings overcome hit and! FINE SHIRTS that were made to SUBSCRIPTION RATES; | : j footed across the fields, helped stoo ye (Daily Edition) a choice between two evils in the lity grain, and water the cattle, bhe- |e does so. Another man has self | . sell for $37 50 $40 year, delivered in city TR Near East, {came the honored guest of a great | CONLrol, inborn, or acquired by en- | The $4.00 variety, S ial Pri : ear, va "as 3G : B > 5 2 h 2s | . Na _. year! by mail ts Tural office 550 Nation and received the freedom of | Vironment. He will probably curse Our Big Special : 5 ur pecial Price-- | --- irony ; To an acy" art FERRER FOR BETTER MAIL SERVICE. . [the world's largest city. Jou: Your Sucestors end projeny by | . $28.50 year, by mail, fais $1.80| There are few public utilities more em 4|® purely mental process, and get as $2.98 86 YOUNG MEN'S Summer Fancy Wor steds -- Summer '50 | | yme: he | Year th 0k - se 130! widely used in any given community Perey Tue, EE ovment out of ol Me SUITS that were made to Homespuns Cheviots sell for $25.00." Our| --hand-tailored by OUT-OF-TOWN REPRESENTATIVES °F throughout the entire country | The approaching retirement from know 'by his face that if thoughts Special Price-- experts--No. | trim- E wii 22 St. John Ki Montreal | than is the post office, And there | public life announced by the Hon. E. | could kill---- BLUE SUITS . . & . | inting offi Canada. ed h tical bl $35.00 $18.00 mings--all this sea- printing "offices in Cana | *d over the most critica assem in vi | - Many people think the activity of | y | hiding their emotions as with a mask 5. {much of its attention is given over Judging by the cables, and the * Yours truly, J. G. Billete ,... v...President | 283108t the Turks, probably because Leman A. Gullg ompson ......10 N. Rhodes, the speaker of the house | Now, men who have risen from the son's models. Form the dominion with general accept- | 50 ice. The man who has been petted ro .r 0 K : : Toronto. Is none for the effective operation of : Letters to Wa Baitor are published | which it is more necessary than it is | of commons, is a loss not only to par- | gutter have probably done so by self- Pure Indigo, All- the actual {the postoffice is confined to the col- | ance, at a time, too, when the presid- | ife is | I hi ualit Ser e 1 The circulation of THE BRITISH | lection and delivery of letters and a officer had frequently to face ex- | 3nd yempered ail through Life is 59 J g 48 YOUNG MEN'S prices $40, $42.50, and $45.00..Our big only over l name of the!in the case of our, mail service that |!/ament but to. the country at large. | control and studious politeness, and Wool Ser e. Our big writer, . the individual . should have soma | Men of his calibre are none too plen- have, as a policy, thoroughly master- g henticated : morely likely to "fly off the handle" Yi: WHIG rg 0 by 28 { Posteards, with an occasional parcel | asperating conditions. | on en than the self-made has so/d 28 high a SUITS S . t t easure. The em { . -- Audit Bureau of Circulations. || thrown in for good' measure y Mr. Meighen's English Reputation. | 20 J $45.0 3 $ an pecial ¥ Attached Is one of the best Jjob| tiful. For four years he has pres:d- {ed the artificial, patrician habit of special -- knowledge of how it is conducted. | {Would be surprised to learn how (Montreal Heal] With best wishes, I am, $50.00. that were made to $35.00 wd 3 . to other lines--to the insurance of | English newspapers just to hand, onr | T: H. CASSIDY It'® the unread man that makes mail matter, collect-on-delivery sei-| Prifie minister has made himself | Queen's Summer School. the Red. We claim to offer the best Suit Values in Canada. We will be | Vice, registry 'division, and money | felt" in the councils of the empire, | -_ | « pleased to show you.. | or, as General Smuts has put it, the | er {order and postal savings system. British | STOLE AN AUTO. i | sh commonwealth f The politician who keeps his ear to | Except that it should reach its des- | y of nations { At first the British public, includin | the ground seldom gets his foot in | tination as quickly as possible, it is some of their leading ' aiming He Cleaned Up a Garage at Clayt8n, | it. i 2 | to many of us a matter of little con- i failed to grasp the change that hagd N.Y. : { -- {cern as to 'what happens to a letter |come over the dominions, but after Clayton, July 19.--A man <iving 1t is possible to kiss a girl While | yyepn-it 14s been dropped into the [8 few .weeks of the dominion pra. | his Name as Fred La Huanen my ag driving an automobile, but it takes nearest mail box. How 'many and | Miers they awoke to the mew order | dress as Syracuse, employes: kre by | ' of things. Alth Charles A. Plumpton as night man at 9 : . a lot of co-operation, { what kind of operations are neces- BS. ough not as talkative McCl ry's ° Sinani---------- | a man Persons before and noisy as Mr. Hughes, the Austra- | his garage, disappeared from the za- Qa y . {sary by how y = lian premier, Mr. Meighen-has gain- | Tage in a new five-passenger automo- 1 \ Good resolution: The bribe a man this letter is finally delivered into the ed a wonderful reputation in all bile, taking with him the money in uses to trick his conscience and per- next county or across three contin- circles. At first, his quiet ways were | the cash register amounting to $75 | » Ran CA og : Suades it to fall agjesp again. |Shte. Is & question to which we.give [somewhat misunderstood, but grad. |and several small articles belonging | { Baby -- very seldom even "the slightest |ually the papers realized that, when | to the garage. iy . 4 A stomach is much like a wife. It {thought. And consequently we do |he did speak, the Canadian premier| La Rue came to the Plumpton ga- The finest finished Gas Ranges made in Canada. i much happier if you give it a little } not give any thought either to the |Provided "good copy." rage only a few days ago, and it was 7 different styles carried in stock to choose from. Canada has every reason to be |not until Friday that his employer HOT PLATES--1, 2, 3, 4 Burners. Pants i d fewer presents, more attention and fewer p {question of what the sender may do proud .of her premier, and Montreal, found out thatwihe man was Nving After a man hits his pace and be- | © Teduce 10 the least Possisie ers should be prepared to give him | under an assumed name, his real BUNT.'S H A RDW A RE. to succeed, he finds his hatred | *™OUnt the work of getting this let- |, royal welcome when he returns| name being Chauncey 0. Weaver. It 4 he : ka a beidi [ter to its destfhation, home at the beginning of .next|has been further learned that he is Ideal for summer Sy she capitalistic system subsiding Some day am expert in such mat- | month. & deserter from the United States { rapidly, tors will calculite to a nicety how - arses. He sau al bia ite had y wear for babies. Fits A -- ---------- i o an A i They say that heat is a state of much in hours of work and money the hotels on the river. However, a a mind. That teaches us the folly of ™ISht be saved to the nation in the Walt Mason conversation with this wom-.n reveal- ) snugly, are of soft, 0 hes course of a year if the sender of a HILOSO! ed her to be only an acquaintance, fru ------ SEES 5 a . : lus VIRPOq U1 Jn thought hes letter would be only a bit more care. Eve is and that he has a ite ae child- | pliable Rubber, eas- : ful in addressingyit and putting his | bee "| ren living near Tupper Lake. Nobody would gbject to naval dis- |Teturn address og the envelope. OUT OF DATE. Weaver is about thirty-six years | ily washed, | ; Pu When we learn how much may be As I pursue my useful courses I old, six feet tall, has blue eyes and | ii a armament If 'there Was assurances saved in this manner, we shall all | often am submerged .in tears, for all weighs about 160. The third finger : e that the Pacific would remain paci- be surprised beyond measure. By a | my friends have had divorces--I've| on his right hand has been removed. Dr. Chown's Drug Store fic. r writer on this subject it was said | had one wife for thirty years. It|The stolen car is valued at $1,700 : # i ; ears ago that 3,000,000 | makes one feel so out of fashidn.f and has no number plates on it, as EE aE ---- 185 Princess St. Phone 843, Some: ¥ g to the | Packnumberish, behind the date; di- [it was new one just received by Mr. ; Pieces of 'mall matter went to the vorces seem the ruling passion with Plumpton. > : dead letter office each year. rf it nearly every modern skate. My : were more widely known than it is, wife and 1 have walked together to what extent this adds to the cost adown the slope of life's long hill, -------- a Ais you su. im of our mail service, every letter- encountered every kind of weather, : : : 7100 acres, about 3 mile fro I: writer in this country" would see the | ang every brand of good and ill. And Buy Bonds 18 what 1s meant by not having 5 lage oz De rn sS50a, Trams dwell. 1, | Necessity of taking more pains in las we thus pursued our journey the your tires properly repaired by our nace, ow Sistern; : large barn that it has a monopoly of the World's | Ladressing letters, marriage lines were, never lost, and At this Time , . . s . drive house; new hen hbu brains, : neither ever hired attorney to see system of tire repairing--any size, machine house; new hog m------ Just what divorce would cost. We've 8 seres nde: euitivation; ood, ' : ac oam and a ® San oam ; The colleges may turn out some | MAKING CHILDREN DO THEIR thought a marriage contract binding, any kind, any style, any tread. We the balance is pasture and wood: Red propagandists, but they turn out | : DUTY, in every chaptér, every verse, and . land; about 2~acres¥in orchard; aril}- . have machines and moulds for A wing aiiag Ane, houte and over: enough ,300 hitters to square the ac- Although little attention,was paid | even if results were grinding, it was . . Sowing 2p ing hes desirable locatias count, > to it at the 'time, an act was recently | for better or for worse. The vow we them all and our service 1s second Price sven teve vaseuas tiveus an: } passed by the Ontario Legislature | made beneath the steeple is ancient t nh Tame from good village wine ttaohe i Another fine thing about going to | which provides for children of aged | NOW, but still it serves for we are old 0 none. School: a first class frame dwelligm church on Sunday is that you are not parents being forced to contribute to | time, simple people, and are not wise . : Br a class Spain, ant bas ok forced to swallow the dust kicked up | the support of the latter when they | '? modern curves. I sometimes feel IF WE CAN T DO IT, IT'S \ bern Aeon by 112 feet with base "by a toad hog. are placed in public institutions, un- Sytal R ihe ranging wien a anise -------- less they can produce satisfactory divorces they went mm a A country is not made great by proof that they have not the finan- shook off Jane or Kate or Nell But ' . the number of square miles it con- cial medns to do so. So far there is then I light another stogie, atid to W.A Mackenzie & Co. LIMITED """What is the chief cause 'of div- orce?" asks a college professor, Speaking off-hand, we should say ma- trimony. ---------- There is trouble in store for a na- tion when it begins to nurse the idea nt len au Pag Malls; litter Carrier an m n; machin : one . the best barns in East ' NO GOOD Other necemary Satbumag erie and - well watered and wel tains, but by the number of Square no case on record of action being Jemima thus I speak, "I'd rather be a people it contains. taken under the provisions of this mossback fogy than have a new wife Govirnment and Municipal ------ legislation, but it is likelly that Ham- | every week." And she replies: ¢ auth. Securtts The writer who says pocket flasks ilton will be the first city te take ad-| '¥ou're oft annoying, you try my from foul seed; fuel. There is about 17 4 KING STREET WEST, &re now worth less is doubtless cor- vantage of it. * Patience much, my dear, but I would TORONTO CANAD, . » ' choice land under Cir Al of stone; use a tractor. Price gu We have a Srge list of farms to choose from and should have something to suit you. Pect, but why the space between This probability has arisen follow- Sd it rather cloying to be a bride = REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE "worth" and "less." 5 an investigation by one of the com- ne times a TW AAA nny . « Phone 3225 or 19973. e-------- mittees of the Hamilton city council ~--WALT MASON, N.B-~We have removed our office to The war period taught a new re- into a ease In which the act might HOLIDAYS, > SIR Art Kingston Spect for a number of humble well be applied. The case in qyes- Hark to the shout, "Ho, school i things, according to a magazine writ. tion is one in which a married daugh- out!" a ET : ; : f a) or. Yeast, for instance. ter, reputed to be in very comfort- | Hark to the song so glad and strong | y Partridge Wire Works MENT . ------tn able circumstances, and owning val- | Hark to the laughter gaily ringing; ! at ---- If we are to have a referendum on | uable property, virtually turned her | The sshog) fre youngsters are sing- NICKEL PLATING . the subject of war, by all means let | aged mother into the streets at mid. 'Ing--singing. : No AND BRASS FINISHING B Ul LDI NG ' . repared to do this work. SY dail us be consistent and have a referen- | night. The mother was given sanc- "Tramp! tramp! tramp! ! Menutuceirine wire Fenclag, Flower| 4B RL The Delaware; Lackswansa and dum on the subject of taxes. tuary by the Salvation Army, and The world Is our own to tramp. in; 62 KING SC. W. - - PHONE 380. : . : Western Railroad's ------------ was later admitted to the Home for All God's world is a glorious Spot nN . B Wa ' A season of depression has its|the Aged and Infirm. . For us to pitch our camp mr " disadvantages, but sellers no longer | It is rather pitiable to read of suca : ~ - 3 Ww H. STEVENSON : : . e rated Assume a bored and forbidding 'air |a Case as this. In fact, it Is a matter [It's parks and swings and other ® SILLS, CAPS, LINTELS, ETC. ry , When you offer to buy something. | for regret that it was found neces- things, ° » |" MORSE SHOER and"BLACKSMITH. : a y : Say to pass any legislation at air on And clover fields as pink as peaches: A Waggons and s Repaired. Improved process. Material and price Scr to . "It Is easier for a camel to go force children 10 do their duty tow- It's Mayes that roar themselves g- Pricel moderate. are right. an n 2 through the eye of a needle than for ards their parents. One would Imag-| nq campfire glow on sive ss1 Five STREET EAST 527 Princess Street, corner Alfred & man to travel the road back 'to ine that natural Instinct would at ' : r 7 : normals without discarding 'some of{ least ensure comfort for aged fathers] © PChes! | |. Insurance. bis "rights." % and mothers when their families ars It's fun to play the whole long day, ; 2 ; Standard Anthracite In good 'circumstances. But appar- | I's singing creeks and sunny mea. - \ This S The Government forecasts indicate that ently some children arg too apt to | dows, 4 1 d ? . The only Coal bandied by Adanac Water, Poland Wa- there will be no, bumper crops this [forget the sacrifices made by their | instead of school it's byways * cool, wie, Wear regarding our ter, Radnor, White Rock; Ada- Fear with the possible exception of parents tes enable them to be reared Though oods all full of dapp! Plan, i orn. The report is something of a | and train In their young days. ' es i 2 _------ : re -y : . gr [HOI ~~~ © While this law may be a good one, | 11% wind and sun and heaps of fn, EXCELSIOR Sal ey iiuies Bhi. "Guedd LL ---- mn in view of present day conditions, it It's long, long days of shiny weather : ~ TRANSFER: Ginger Ale, Gurd's Dry Ginger "y : Canadian immigration depar:- | can hardly be saiq that It is an ele- | It's fishing pole and swimming hole Ey LIFE Pho 1 16J Ale, Gurd's Ginger Beer, Gurd's that United States |vating one from a moral standpoint. | Now hip-hurrah! and' an together: | § INSURANCE company I ne ; 7 Soda Water, . - ou. not required to have |That it was felt to be necessary . V1 Head TORONTO SB. WHITEMAN Jet or i Sither £3 gates or leave the | shows 'that there fs something Inch. amp: Jramp! tramp! 5 ive, '4 210 QUEEN STREET Jas. REDDEN & Co. [[|. Phone 5. Poot of Queen ie. Canadian motorists enter- | ing in 100 many of the homes of o- world is our own to tramp in; Cas te . Phone 20 and 990 hn : SE And leaving the United States will | day. There must be Yack 'of sym- AL Jats orld is « glorious spot B.D. Wightinan, Agen, om D dad 9, {ll wea ack 'Dusiness, but we Raturslly expect the same treatment. \Pathy and understanding between en in} 4 : RE ee times when .. very little ; , treat you white. bw Er ; Blowett. . ® More Mah enough. ft a Aa 8 »

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