Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Jul 1921, p. 13

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£ HRIGALT, YOY we, Twn, - 1G. RAILWAY SYSTEM GRAND TRUN AGENCY FOR ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIPS OP. &T, A, G.T. Ry., Kingston, Ont, For particulars apply to-- J. P, HANLEY, TTT PACIFIC] TO EUROPE | MAKE RESERVATIONS NOW MONTREAL TO LIVE! July 22/Aug. 19{Sept. 1¢ . July 28(Aug. 26{Sept. 23 .. 3 spe! inept. 30 ramen Aug. BREG TG LIVERPOOL July Aug, 9iSept. 10 AE ON TRA TO, GLASGOW July 24jAug. t. Aug. {] s 10100k, 15 1 MONT EAL--HAVRE~LONDON Aug. }iiBert 30|Nov. 11 Sept. 1j0Oect, On trent July aug Aug. 6|Sept. §{Oct. 15 "SegNhia NAPLES---GENOA JULY BT was sea sap inns ass FREIGHT ONLY APR il Dates MON L~=LONDON © 8 L.iviienseansico.. Bosworth . sseraassansrasi.Dunbridge | Aug. 31 ...esss+0+444. Bolingbroke /] i MONTREAL---AVONMOUTH July 22 Bothwel) Freight Dept, Phone Main 6580 Apply local' agents or-- He Oe i : Adelaide 2 Canadian Pacific Railway Traftic Agents Toronto 105 RPOOL ... Victorian Comins Melita innedosa Metagama mp. of Britain «.se.. Bmp. of France Pretorian Tunisian Sicilian bans see Corsican Montreal Beaumont, Gen. Agt., Pass. Dept. my "THOMAS COPLEY , Telephone 987. Wanting anything done in the ea tery line. * of repairs and now work: a - Wood floors of all kiwde. All on ery op will seceiv: prompt attemtion. 28 Queen Street. Portsmouth Gasoline Service Station BEST GRADES OF OILS AND GREASES fl George Granger Estimates given on all kinds iso A BARGAIN CORONA Folding Typewriter, slightly used. 15 p.c. Discount J. R. TC. Dobbs & Co. 41 Clarence Street, Kingston. IS GLAD SHE TOOK FRIEND'S ADE Toronto Woman Says She Feels Like a Different Per- son Since Taking Tanlac. "I "am certainly - glad my good friend got me ilo try Tanlae, for it his only takeu (he medicine a Nttle while to make me healthy -and strong," said Mrs. Walter Scott, of 58 Charles stréet, Toronto. "I underwent a serious operation about eighteen months ago, and al- though it proved successful, Mt left me in a badly run-down condition. I simply felt miserable, was melau- chély and had no energy or strengih. My appetite was very poor and I scarcely got any nourishment from the little I did manage to eat, for I couidn't digest my fopd properly. iI had splitting headaches, and became 80 dizzy I almost fainted at times. 1 had fearful pains In my right arm and across my shoulders, and my sleep was so restless I felt more tir- ed out mornings than I did on retir- ing the /night before. "Mryg. Morrow, who lives at the same wddress I do, got me to try Tar- lac, and in almost no time it had me eating anything I wanted without a bit of trouble. My appetite Is just fine. Iam free'from aches and pains and sleep like a child at night. Why I simply feel like a new person and I can't say enough good for Tanlac. It's, the best medicine ever made." Tanlac ig sold in Kingston by A. P. Chown.--Adrvt. fv A o VIR er wm i [i Il [+] LF ® Unusual Things Anything about the home that needs washing and that will not be hutt by pure water itself' may be safely immersed in the creamy, pure, cleans- ing Lux lather. Silk shades, hangings, oil- pictures and their frumes, jewelry, bric-a:bvre, heir. looms, ctc., all dré perlied like new with Lax, = LEVER DROTHERS ~ LIMITED; TORCNTO . 1a * 1HE DAILY BRITESH WH \F rom the Countryside FRONTENAC : ARDEN = _ July 18.--A number from here at- tended the pie social and dance at Elm Tree on Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Snider spent Sunday at H. Han- nah's, 'Mrs. 8. Alexander and Mrs. Ross Alexander spent Friday at D. A. .Osborn's. Mr. and Mrs. Ellas Wood, Tamworth, visiting at their son's, J. E. Hughes. C. W. Williams. lost his barn on Friday morning at five o'clock, The cause of the fire is unknown. Mr. and Mrs. G. Steele also Flossie Clark, Theodore Thomp- son and Clarke Alexander motored to Tamworth on Saturday. Mrs. Thomp- son, Clarke and Harry Alexander and Sister, Frances, also Mrs, R. Alexand- er, motored to! Deseronto on Sun- day, & CLARENDON. July 18.--Mr: and Mrs. Joseph H. Burke are Visiting frietds in and around Clarendon. -Miss May Burke is visiting Miss Helen Moss, King- ston. George Crain and James Camp- bell are home for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. John Glen and Miss Katie visited Elphin friends on Sunday. Miss M.-Crain is visiting Miss 'Annie Crain, Clarendon. Miss Lily Camp- bell is home from Zealand. Quite a crowd of people went from here to celebrate the 12th of July at 8Sharbot Lake. Mrs. Fred Alton, Fort Frances, and Mrs. Stewart Folger, were recent visitors at Mrs. George Crain's. Misses Murray, Toronto, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. B. Bufi- am. Miss M. Kleinstuber called on friends here en route to Zealand. BATH ROAD. July 18.--Crops on the whole are very light, owing to the dry weather. Congratulations to Master 'Oswald' Cliff who passed the recent entrance examination, The many friénds of J. W. Redmond, who is il] in the General hospital, will be pleased to hear he is improving, A Wartman is building a new barn and Hugh Day is raising his barn and building new stables. Miss Bessie Hull has re- turned to Whitby to take a course in agriculture after spending a fort- night at her home here. Mrs. F. Prin- gle and daughter, Phyllis, have re- turned to their home in Picton, hav- ing spent several months with his sister, Miss Ferris. Miss Maud Quirt, Kingston, at J. Cliff's; G Orser, Io- wa, at his brother's, J. Orser's. FLORIDA. July 19.--The rain on Monday night was gladly welcomed by every- one. Haying is the order of the day and a very light crop is reported. A number from here attended the camp meetings held at Glenvale. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. George Redden were Sunday visitors at William Huff's, Lapums; Mrs. Damon Martin and Miss Lottia Martin spent one day last week at Stuart Martin's, Violet; Miss 11a 'Westbrooke, Hartington, is vigiting her brother, Stanley, West brooke; Mr. and Mrs. A. Worm and little son, Hugh, Toronto, have re. Hot Weather Shoes, Vacation Shoes +--Outing Shoes. 40 i " | The Sawyer sh Phone 159 ite Canvas Shoes, lft Many lines to ' Rubber-Soled SE ps seam ses Ere aay Shoes. Tennis Shoes. pe = --Shoes for Hot Weather. choose from. oe Store 184 Princess St. Go Chevrolet Roadster . . . . . atiy 'Oakland Roadster, 6 cylinder _ Chevralet 1don Truck .. . . Cole 5 passenger Touring Car .. .. Reo2} ton Truck .. .. .. Cadillac Light Delivery Truck .. .. .. .. $200 ---- seen cummshnismneammeimns-- TT -------- The Used Cars Listed Belc In excellent mechanical condition and equipped with first class tires and storage batteries, can be purchased on reasonable terms. ~ $1 . . . a vee iss 0 32,400 | Stanley Westbrooke's. jer, Snider are turned home after visiting at B. Red- den's and H. Carroll's; William Rey- nolds at Damon Martin's; F. Reid at Byard Snid- James Cummings and Stuart sporting new cars. it Sp as ei ae 'MURVALE. July 18.--Haying is over, and it is not a quarter crop; sme have start- "ed to cut their grain, which is light and not half a crop. The apples, and small fruit are beginning to drop and wither, owing to the intense heat and dry weather. Out of the six pupils who tried the entrance ex- aminations, there was not one suc- cessful. Mr. Irwin and daughter, of Renfrew, were recent visitors at M, Purdy's. Mrs. Northover and son, of Detroit, Mich., at D. Murton's, sr.: Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy spent Sunday with friends at Violet; Mrs. Miles Or- ser and son have gone to Island Pond, Vt, on an extended visit. Mr. and Mrs. Thackleberry, and son, Goldham, Toronto, are guests of M. Purdy. The stork has left a baby boy at the home of R. Woolsey. MYER'S CAVE. July 19.---Following the rain on Friday the weather has been much cooler. Mr. and Mrs. 8. Lyons spent the week-end at A, Lyons, Fernleigh. Mr. and Mrs. Long and two children are visiting at P. D. Perry's. Archie MacGregor, Welland, accompanied by Migs Florence Scase, spent a week Witk Nr. and Mrs. Charles Mac- Gregor. A few from here attended the celebration at Arden on Tuesday. Mrs. A. D. Snider, Odessa, returned to her home after spending a month with Nive. G. MacGregor, tanley Kring was a Sunday caller # Plev- na. "Dob" Roy and Miss Tena Mac- Gregor hag tea with Mrs. J. R. Perry Sunday. D. Marks, Toronto, is spend- Ing a couple of weeks at the Cave. A wee Hcy came to brighten the home of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Neal last week. PLEASANT VALLEY. July 20.--There passed to rest on Sunday after an illness of . some months' duration James Kenneth Manson, third son of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Manson. Deceased was a young man of sterling qualities and splendid physique." popular in local sport circles, being a splendid hock- eyist. His frank good nature, ready smile and clean sportemonship won for him hosts of friends who will deeply regret his demise. His illnesg and death have cast a gloom over our little community and many ex- pressions of sorrow were voiced by old and young as\ Jim's kindly ways and eager willingness to help those in trouble won for him a warm place in the hearts of all, who will long remember the stalwart lad .who Eréw up amoftig them afid in the midst of his hopeful young manhood passed smilingly to the great, be- yond. The funeral was conducted from his late home on Tuesday. PERTH ROAD. July 15.--This vicinity experienc- ed some heavy\ showers of ram Thursday afternoon and night, which was greatly needed. Owing to tha absence of Rev. Mr. Duffield, there Was no service on Sunday evening. Many attended the camp-meeting at Glenvale on Sunday. A number from here and Wilmur held a pica at Lake Ontario park on the 12th Helicay visitors: Mr and Mrs. W Shales anc son at Willlam Shales' Mrs. 8. Cronk and daughter, and Mz. and Mrs. Bruce Guthria and family (at William Guthrie's. Miss Phyllis Shales and (iss Jean Gimblett, King- ston, ave visiting Miss Winnifred Wallace. Douglas Gimblett is visit- ing relatives here. Mrs. W, Shales was the: recent guest of Mrs. H. Shales. W. Amey and A. Rousehorne. Bonson Minas, U.S., were the guests of Willlam Wallace iecently. Tha mission circle met on Thursday af. ternoon at the home of Miss Maggie Campbell. INVERARY. July 18.--Owing to the serious illness of their mother, Mrs. E. F. Dennee, her daughters, Mrs. W. Gor- don, Toronto, and Mrs, John Gordon, Picton, are herc at her bedside. Miss Laura Holmes is-spending her holi- days with her aunts at Morton. Con- gratulations to Miss Olga = Arthur, who was successful at the entrance examination. Miss Mamie, Dobbs is Spending a week with her sister at Jones' Falls. The many friends of Mrs, Richard Arthur are pleased to hear that she is recovering in the General Hospital "and will soon be able to return to her home. The grain, which is a very poor crop, is being rapidly gathered in. The re- cent rain will help the corn and lats potatoes. "Early potatoes are a fail- ure. Misses O'Rielly, Wolfe Island, are guests of Miss Frederika Fergu- son. The farmers have purchased a carload of feed. Orric Sears, Toron- to, is calling om his friends. Buyers are offering 10%c. for pigs, while cheese Is selling at 23%e¢. 4 | v FX July 1§--The lawn soelal which Se was held last Thursday evening on Foes church grounds was a decided | success. The shower in the early part of the evening kept many from at- | tending and the programme which | was furnished by Kingston and Syd- enbam talent, had to be given in the church, Congratulations to Marietta Orser and Reginald Garrett, both [having passed the high school 'en- |trance examinations at Sydenham-- the former passing ° with honors. + Gladys. Potter. was alse:successfulin her musical examinations, Mrs. T. Garrett, who underwent an opera- tion in Kingston General hospital last week, is improving nicely. K. Bab- cock has recovered from his recent illness. Mrs. W. H. Horning spent last Friday visiting friénds on Wolfe Island. J. Redmond and wife have returned home from visiting friends city for-a few days. Recent visitors were: Mrs. Sleeth, B.ttersea, at El- mer Lake's; W, Wartman and moth- | er, Warkworth, at Newton Orser's; R, Smith and family, and Mrs. K. Smith, Wilmer, at A. Orser's, I MOUNTAIN GROVE. July 19.--W. W, Hill and family left on their holidayp, and Mr. Brown has charge of the fain in their ab- sence. Mrs. C. Raymond is on the sick list. A very sad event occur- red in the death of Mrs. Oliver Cronk. Deceased was formerly a resident of this place, but of late lived at Wel- land. Accompanied by her husband and son, Mona, she had just arrived, here on a visit to her mother, Mrs. Yorke, and other relatives when she was taken seriously ill. On Sunday she was removed to Kingston Gener- al Hospital, where the best medical skill was secured, but to no avail. She passed peacefully away on Tues- day morning. Her remains were brought here and the funeral ser- vices conducted in the Methodist Church by Rev. Mr. Buckler. A large cortege followed the remains to the cemetery. The sympathy of the whole community goes out to the §or- rowing husband and two sons, whom she leaves to mourn her loss, besides an aged mother, and brothers and sisters. 1 B. McDonald has exchanged his Maxwell for a new.Ford. Mrs. R. P. ilawley entertained the members of the Women's Institute on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Johnston are the proud parents of a fine baby girl, born at the Kingston General Hospi - tal. A little son has also arrived at E. Thompson's. Claire and Rodger Trice motored to Napanee on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. G. Yorke friends here. Mrs. McCutcheon, Sar- nia, are at' D. Drew's. Fred Thompson spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A.- Mec- Donald, and Mr, and Mra. Yorke were Sunday guests of D. McDonald's, + DESERT LAKE. July 13.--Most of the farmers started cutting hay and report a poor ¢rop. They will have to sacrifice their stock as there is a failure in grain and potatoes. The berries have all dried up. The picnic in Deyo's grove on the 12th of July was & success. A grand dinner, was serv- ed: by some of the ladies. Emerson Morey has returned home accompa ied by his bride. Visitors: Mrs. W. Babcock at Jim Campbell's; Mr. and Mrs. M. Albertson at W. Albertson's; Mr. and Mrs. T. Snook at J. J. Wil- son's; Van Abrams at his brother's, J. N. Abrams; F. Murphy and S. Murphy at Bert Abrams; Mrs. J. Campbell and family at James Wil- son's; Bert Abrams at Westport; Dr. Marks at B. Pages. Séveral men have been employed on the long looked for survey of the railroad. July 15.--The long-looked-for rain came pouring down to-day; pas- tures and gardens were burning up. It has been nearly thirty days since rain fell. The farmers are very busy getting their crops off. Miss Tressa Albertson, Toronto, is visit- ing at her aunt's, Mrs. W. Albert- son's. The young folks gathered at Edmund Page's on Friday night and spent an' enjoyable evening at dancing. Supper was served at mid- night. The music was furnished by Morey and Keetch, violins; A. Morey, bass violin. A number mo- tored from Verona and reported a fine time. A party at Hubert Bau- der's on Tuesday night, in honor of all reported a fine time. in 8. Deyo"s = grove was given in honor of the day. About forty sat down to a fine din- ner, All'enjoyed themselves. John Page is visiting with his brother, A. B. Page. M. Albertson and fam- ily at W. Albertson's. Marshall Wagar, visiting at his sister's, Mrs. BE. Page; Mr. Alliard and Miss M. Page motored to Yarker and spent Sunday with Mrs. Stella Smith. Mrs. E. Snook is at William Albert- son's; Mr. and Mrs, J. N. Abrams, at Mrs. EB. Snpok's; Emerson Morey Has arrived at his mother's with his A picnic teacher, of High Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Page and 'little Lawrence, at "Eddie" Merey's; George Black- hurst and Tressa/Albertson, visiting friends at Perth Road, . -------------------- MORTON. July 18.--J. Coon and Clifford Earls made a business trip to Brock- & ville 6n Monday last. Ralph Thomp- son.who has spent the past couple of months in the village has returned to his home at Harlowe. Several lodges past through here to Gananoque on the Twelfth. gone to Trenton to visit her son, Leonard Bootl. Charles York was a recent visitor at H. York's. H. York and daughter, Miss Pearl, have gone {to Picton for a few days' visit. -- -- Ee WESTPORT, July 18.--Miss Rega Kellty, Stta- | Announces the opening of a new Plumbing and Heating Establishment a, é17 PRINCESS STREET--0 PPOQSITE ANDERSON BRGS. Prices on contracting"and all 2 © Kinds of Jeb work furnished. Give us a in the city. Mrs. W. Bushey is in the® are visiting the 12th, was largely attended, and |! bride, formerly Miss Jean Uquhuart," Mrs. F. Booth has |- OF INTEREST TO MOTOR CAR OWNERs "Automotive equipment" equipment purchased can be First-class mechanics. wishes to annoudce that all installed at once, Automotive Equipment 109 Brock Street - Tourist Bureau, Mfg. - Phone S18w. Agents Accessories Reo Touring. » Phone 1609. \~ hd wa, returned home after her holidays with friends. Mrs, L. Kelley and son, Henry, and Mrs. Cockburn, spent the - week-end Sydenham and Rosedale. Miss Irene Palmer, Ottawa, has returned after spending a few days in town. Mr. and Mrs. B. Health, Toronto, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Bay- lay. Mr, and Mrs. McLennan and spending little son, Ogdensburg, N.Y., return- | ed home on Saturday after spending | a week with Mr. and Mrs. Speagle. Toronto, is visiting her mother, Mrs, Sarah Derbyshire. Mr. and Mrs, Stan- ley Whaley, Tamworth, are guests of the formers parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Whaley. Miss Vera Stinson has returned home. after spending 'two weeks camping with her father at SharbotiLake. Mrs. R. N. Polk and Miss Elva Polk Kingston, have re- turned home after spending a week in Westport, guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Merkley. Cc. J CHARLESTON, July 18.=~Mrs. Glenn, Westport, 1s visiting Mrs. T. Heffernan. C. T. Ross, Toronto, has returned home, accompanied by Mrs. Ross' little son; Donald, and Mrs. Halliday. Mr, and Mrs. «+H. Webster visited the latter's sister, Mrs. Monnie Slack, Wilstead, on Wednesday, They were accompan- fed by the Misses Buelah and Dora Thurston, Fairfield, who were visit- ing Mrs, WebSter. The cottages are all occupied, the guides are all busy, and Cedar Park seldom had a greater number of guests. Miss Janie Cox and Miss Anna Keyes have returned home from St. Vincent de Paul hospital, Brockville, where they were both very ill. Mr, and Mrs, D. Heffernan I Ford Touring, 1917 | Ford Touring, 1914, | McLaughlin D-35, 1 McLaughlin K-63. 1 Chev. 490. Special bargain $395. 1 All cars in A | shape, goad tires and freshly painted. VanLuvenBros. in' Mrs. Abigall Derbyshire, | ™N\ " 34-38 Princess Street. spent Sunday at Baiffdance. The rain which fell here last week was a won- derful help to the late crops. Miss Alice Webster received a post card shower pn Thursday on her birthday. She has been an invalid ever since she was wu little girl and the shower was a welcome surprise, SALEM. July 15.--Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Price and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sager and John Wannamaker spent the 13th in Brighton, while Mr. and Mrs. Harry Simonds went to Picton for the day. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Kemp and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carr- dike returned home on 'Saturday having enjoyed a trip to the northern country picking huckleberries. Mrs. Lewis Lont, Sidney, spent last: week with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. H. E. Wycott. Mr, and Mrs. Charles. Do lan -and children, Trenton, were re: cent visitors of Mrs. Richard Dolan. Mrs. Albro Sprague and children, have retérned to their home at Lock- port, after spending a couple of weeks swith her brother, Neville Gooding, and other friends. Neville Fanny Stapleton 'is visiting her sis- ter, Mrs. Edward Wannamaker, of Trenton. t isin dBi sees. On Monday at the Brockville Meth. odist parsonage, the marriage wat solemniged of Abagail Bryan, Cros by, to Richard H. Carl, township ol Bastard, and all the are favore Made of the berries. selected white corn, rol} and toasted crisp en brown, Post especially delicious when served with fresh fruits or Ready to Eat No Waste Jold by grocers @ Summertime year round OST TOASTIES d by folks who want different better corn fl firm hearts of ed and gold: Ds, everywhere/ Made .

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