2 THE DAYTLY BRITIS H WHIG. : ~ FRIDAY, JULY 22, 1921. TT ---- -- ------ Il ALLEN - Kingston 's Favorite Actor E'S FORUM [ «= Baseball[ ey = omer , Accident Mayor CRICKET FIELD. = NEXT WEEK--"SNOW BLIND" MN AN erin nr ve SATURDAY; 3 p.m. ES : ei { x wy RAT ee Wid ga id as rE ch = LEAS SEANTED cam Fr ORR "Pop Watkins Havana ||| : . 3 a mmm 3 . ol " 3 AERTS HON TEE Word BACH -- -- FOUND : ee - RTT " ut) eer a fier, ) IED P. 28 TEACH - | CEMENT BLOCKS, SILLS, CAPS ASD Red Sox ) ------ vbr . Worg ia oie oe| A aUaLir 1ED rao) ar .Sal- ' UMBRELLA AT lintels. 527 Princess Street corner : ! vlie inserticn, {6c; three ins ary $3500 36 : " ert hyte,! Luk . July th, Alfred streets. 50 cents. J eville, bo centa i ie; ont, 1 No. 1 | pr er | DTA AETRICER TOT vs. KINGSTON'S : CIVIC HOLIDAY When charged they eis dou! at Atarity - ) ¢ Hot Size condition, Ap2ly 90 Up- PONIES i MONDAY, JULY 25th eather CARPET, VERY HANDSOME ENG Admission > .e 25c¢. | Liat the-- Hrs Bay aa Rey hand bag containing a watch lish Axminster; scarcely used; 19x FAIR GROUNDS, .2 p.m. A LOUK. APPLY WITH REFIK -- ee Same can Te had at Blectric 12; $225. Phone 642. HELP WANTED, to box U-70, Whig. or As Nou WAL TRAINED Railway Office. . || A WHITE WitnER oinT CARRIAGE NEXT GAME Yar, antec lor 8. £ . " i in good condition; also cradle. / Mo . Le BUUSEUOLD JILE FOR GENERA), EAL ADlY. sath ; FOUND ARTICLES: ADVER- snap. Apply 414 Montreal street Mc uday, July 25th and Tuesday, | Hospital. Apply to the Matron 2 x Wats as, 8 TISED FREE. . | July 26th, at 6 p.m. | --e e bE x 33 : Anyone nuuing anytoing and BOWSER GASOLINE PUMP DRESSMAKING OR OTHER EWING QEALINIED TRAC HE WANTED FOR | Wisning to reacu the Owner tay tank; tank contains 24v gal.; pun Montreal Athletics vs, Ponies. : br fhe day. ADPIY 10 Bux L-1ifd ~ SN 4. Barri Sala y 36 | uo 80 Dy reporting the iacts tu 1 gal. cap. Apply G. A. Cooper, En- Whig 3 S.No - . E I . . ! The British WHig. 'Tne adver: terprise. | LIBERTY BAND will play t " | PLEASANT WwW. TER TRIPS . . aor aruum, Duties to com er Hsement will be printed In this | | ------------------------ i . play from. 6.50 A WOMAN FOR PLAIN { OOKING, MA) . Ayply to hrs, Toomazi | contre 0 charge. £ A NUMHER OF USED PIANG cask] PI. to 7.30 p.m. -To-night. { S S sleep home if preferred; good pa, , silethan . riowe, On SF d sles! does not in- Organs in the best of condition at| a > 3 | e reference. Box 0-7, Whig. } or -- CE a e----. | aund articles, haif riginal price. R. J. Rod- --- i R. I WwW nS a Ute SUX 0-1 Whig, | QUALIFIED PROTESTANT TEACHER | clude lost dogs, sitile. norses, Soir [ot qnmmat price. C Roe | . RENCE N D MAID FOR GENERALS Tur 3. 3. No. §, hennebec; cuties to tC. 'These, i1 lust, may € 2 Mounda 1y 1Sth--St. Ja "hure *ienic 3r¢ p oi sework; one wiling to go tof commence Sept. 1st. Apply sta ing | vertised tor in the Lost" column. Mound July 18th James Church Picnic to Brophy's Point HORSE, BETWEEN SIX AND SEVEN | July 10th--Musicians' Moo Xcursio, o Claytor 30 Hamilton in September preferred Truetience and sa.ary expected, tui - m---- em eh ---------- yeals old; dark bay; about 1150 ibs; | i 3 wy ath cian elo niight Excursi R to Clayton, 7 . fs iz , Street. Frank Thempsor, secretary, tiar- -- ---- well broke; good condition. Ap- | 3 n Apply to 1i2 Barrie Siree lowe, Ont : bid Vat erda Pong Garage. 1 | Wednesday, July 20th--To Picton a nd the Sand Banks. Return fare 75e. WORKING HOUSEKEEPER WANTED | -- oo ~~ ~~~ NORMAL TRAINE PR | Thursday, July Sist--tim Battalion Club Moonlight Excursion to Clay- 1 mall hotel near Kingston; pus | A 2 s RAINED PR - | TWO BRAND NEW ENGLISH WIL- | ton, 7.30 p.m. Return Fare §0 cents Ne prin cook and have city refer- teacher for 8. 8. 15, » Elnburgh. | 4 LADY'S VALUABLE BROOCH ON | ton rugs--3x4 yards---sms pat- : : Friday, July 22nd~Knights of Columbus Moonlight ramble on the river, ence. Apply Box D-20, Whig > uties to commence september 5th. | Friday, kinder please return to lus tern on blue ground. Price $50.0) DELIVERED ON SUNDAY Fare 50 cents 1 Salary 3300.00. Apply « Ww King street ana receive reward | a i i ERE Hugns Sec.-Tr = each. Phope "11: No dealers. | Saturday, July 23rd--Special ramble among the Istanids. Stop (wo hours KMESFONSINLE GIRL OR OLDER WO- iughson, Sec.-Treas, : = er | We have made special ar.. at Gananoque. man to heip with housework and RK. & No. 1. x 3 . GENUINE GRAPHUNULA Jab y ? Specis Sunday, July 24th--Regule- run to Alexandria Bay, 200 pm. raous, abL. [Just lave guud Fet- | rrr WANTED FoR s FOR SALE. | Terma pio doue own cholce, 42.801 | rangement to deliver Ice Cream | | Bont leaves Ferry Whart, Foot of Brock Steel erences. App by letter VU Mrs od s ° R A y -- ---------------------- 'm3 §( ca . $5 pe 0 LS | K. M. Calvin, Garden Island. Abinger, eb UR or avaashl ChArrY THOUGHT NANGE, PHONE | Lindsay, Lamited. 121 {'rincess St eee. il. Sal ver annum. |? 5 a auL : i) x 10UNG GIRL OR CAPABLE WOMAN Piease state 'qualitication to Ged, Io. + DelWeen 9 ap. ahd 6 p to do housework on a rarm; ple Hugnes S€c-ireasyrer, Vennaclar, sant surroundings. Apply Mrs. Gil- Une. in brick or bulk to your home Sonn Ane se ps | ---------- ---- HYSLOP AND .CM, BIC) CLES FOR | AWNINGS, TENTS, FLAGS, CANOLS $45 up. Also & lew ladies' vicycles 2 t'hone 811. F. W. Cooke | at reauced prices. Muller's Bicycle ! lacey your order ar telephone bert "angesen, Kk. M.1s. 5, Pleton E PRR Er pe -------------------- eee eet emt Works, 371-373 King Street Phone P LR Ont, eight miles from Picton. 0) TED SLALIFIED TEACH. | TTRr eee 'BEDS With | 1032w, || 1680 vetore sunday. | WE War re. | A 2 rot Bor, 8. 8. No, 1, muitresses, coeap lor a QUICK sais | Lh AND BOY ali mn i | i p RELIABLE SALES Aifchin & Jutles to com- tontendc Maticess Company, 17| WE SELL AND ALL KINDS OF | a eh Md coun- | mence 6th. Salary $700.00, A ontens Strect Pb ! musical instruments, ais: cloth- | - ty or ter ory. Mxclusive selling | Apply T. Burton Genge, Sec.- ---- ing and furniture. Call and get our | T:ghis: goed pay to energetic rep- | Treas, KK. No. 1, Godfrey, Ont | prices, |. Routbard, 234 Princess | . » | resentatives. Oar agency is valu- TE -- ---------------- A MAHOGANY FIVE-PIECE PARLOR street. Phone 1723. { | anie Write Pelham Nursery Co. | | 'IR EAT AN . Lule, Ging rooin tavle and caairs, | -- ------ | Ice Cream Parlor Toronto, Ong [| "AL1elED LROTLSTANT vEACHER CR i ee an Apply | SALE OF MILLINERY GOODS, (ON. ! > : = au, « Fnestto 1 i es l ' . . . | v on ree . sisung of Malines, Velling, Straw 35 PRINCESS _S HE ASMA a ee uaa | ot Sine street SL YY Miele of Hehe) Sone few|| 331 PRINCESS sTREET Don't Be Late in Securing These Bargains WANTED PIANO SALES) P | cording to qualifications App SAILING -- CHT straw shapes, and children's hats Kingston district, to sell instru- Slating experience to I. A earl. SAILING DINGHY YACHT CLUB nap | e a - ments of international reputation; mg Secretary, Collin's Bay on Sundays, providing you < model; seats 1or SIX poopie; sare Apply 112 Lower William Street. nt rif Sune -- . = eee | E Ww . : aU. EA [ee must be of good character, appear. ana roomy ¢ rewsuliabie, Aj -2 x ance and address, and have confi- Ply bOX G-20, wag : : ea Ba rotor ruck: ne Fggs 0... salary. Duties to Cn el] big | CEES, amurtin's Lorcas scan, gs.vv cordion, Knite and bex d and in good condition | ge: 3 © Pp ce i .y . 11 a.m. Phone 1721. special short courses; one month ston. ivuth, Opposite Artiller oh ' | SN A art B » > - ACY ' utter Whey--Belleville Dairy. dence in ability to work on liberal] NORMAL TR AINED TEACHER FOR S,| ----mmmmmmm ! FANCY GOODS. AUCTION SALE y y N pleating. | Auto Mechanics course 350; oue ep -------------- es . | tee commission. Apply Box A-19, Whig | Ss > . 35¢. dozen ddl fe y } £°, a : BEDFORD, AUCTION EE Ing of term. Apply ty Josep tu 90.00 LUE 13. Alu WwW 85 Lua Hours 9 to 5.30. Mfs. 1 A Cary, | | a : RE | eens, Tavs, reaction #o I] « CAN YOU BEAT THESE PRICES ? month Gas Tractor Course $iv, | KrreneN RANGE, ENGLISH MA. | LEGAL ¥ plenty of time to nnish lor tne| 4 NORMAL TRAINED PROTESTANT! y | | k ar Kineton Road) Mttsours,| pure BRED. WHITE Ye AADOTTE | HEMSTITCHING, PICOT EDGING, AG. | °f 890d Motor Truck; newly over. haul. Sal ee Ullice. near Kingston, 7 R Spring Lamb--Fronts, 20c. - S 1 14 : or Ire 4 is on Foi 3 | Market Square. Saturday, July 23rd, at rin am ronts, C tewin C. COME AT ONCE--MEN 36-10 DAILY, urath. secretary, K. R. No. 1, King. | ep cvvawn vty, vere | Spica rerrace, Jlontreal sy, 4 y g ge, THRESHING ENGINES, CONCRETE spring rush. Hemphill Bros. Autc teacher for U. S. 5. No. 1, Mortland, pany ures, aid * k LR FLAN MIXERS, ETC. REPAIRED, 500 packages Corn Flakes rea for 28c. ag UTaclor School, 163 King st And No. 12, Kingston. Duties to Ruily va Jsuidulu sui, cheap Ap. "4 | CUNNINGHAM «& SMITH, BARRIST. Builders of Tanks, Smoke Stacks, W. 'Toronto. Board. and room| commence September 1s You piy Lud Liergy street, mocuing vr ers and Solicitors, 19 Llarénce | Breachings, light structural steel, ete » $8.50 up. Call or write. | boaraing House Salary 31000 Ed * vening. 1 | street, Kingston. * A.B Cunning- | 20 years' experience. oi Phone 167% 2,000 Ibs. Granulated Sugar 10 Ibs: for 88c. Py to r. Co VanLuven, pec -lreas., TT Ram, Cyril M. Surith. I q = Catsu ( uarts) 23 AMBITIOUS MEN -VHOSE ABILIT:| __ HA4rrowsmith, oat. CHINA CABINET, PARLOR si AMBROSE SHEN, Ba,' panning] We J. MILLARD P (q . : 'eo C. in their present position is not re-| ' > Pn ubies, hen Lube, ex { and Solicitor. Law-odice, corner of | 94 Frontenac Street - . Kington | Condensed Milk 1 c vognized, and way, aspire to do : 3 SACHER WANTED den] scais COL Gif Renter Stas Kiug and Brock, over Hoyal Bank | wns oom . TES. ines eee . lnings in & Dig way, to sucn who » er, 8. S. 16, Portlana, with not less A ie { Money to loan. Phine 199. | Ww. KENT M. CN, , a rain, a dry ' - a | ---- mapas men } ouve been looking for a neld to LOAD WO YukrS' experience; 1rolos. ou lauhury glute. ive | ee | . A EE Salada [ea cay 50c¢. 1b. Gcmonstrate their ability, there is ant preterred. - Salary oitered $04 | Bank of Commerce Building, Brock and | ae Duw open an opportunity in the Per wnnum. Duties to commerfce of TO LKT, cl Stre 701 or 132% BRE largest, most reimunerative, mos; Sept. lst. Apply to Ur br oace 08 : | Xing Streets. Phone 701 or 1327; Best Black Tea 'sen rv vs eT -33c. Ib. ; NOD kN sR UST: CHEAPRST successful nedd in all the Domin- secretary, Verona, Ont. [COKE FOR SUMMER USD; CHEAT EST 18¢ 1b +++ 10C, . Teacher ror Inverary Public Schou) electric light; also board. 473% | Representing Only Reliable Cc npanies. | 3 ---------------- ee James ©. Dix : w . o ; 5 R. 1, Kingston. Phone 1100 r 22, Are you paid on tne saihe vasis a K."R. No. 2 ; ROM, T13: But Water avuiew. = Unly Gsve . ¥ " al 1uel on the market. We are ge- | BOARD AND ROOMS AT 134 EARL| 7 General Insurance Agency Pure Lard eel Nile pg el a unaun, Sor A in livering 1-4 tous ui $2.9v Lous Street. Phone 647. | W riting:--Automobile, Fire, Accident, | / . . . . : Laview, y er tu ' n 3 Sick nes 3 o 2 | eu, Whig Uflce, NORMAL TRAINED (PROTESTANT) on Sy, one wh uton. 7% | ONE LARGE UNFURNISHED ROOM, | Sickness, Plate Glass BurgMry, ere. | Salmon oie wien 10c., 13c., 18c. and 20c. tin gL . : raat i] dection No. 2, Storrington, Wil . Princess Street. | Nc. Pears tive nia wiele, sia, .22¢ WOMEN, ARE YOU A SUCCESSFUL tea E004 salary 'to"an experi-| CITY LOT, 69 F ST FRONTAGE; 117 --t | REPAIRING AND) ' business woman? Are you satsfied ciuced teacher. Duties Lo commence leet weep; ror cash yzz AW, Alsy GARAGE, Nean ToRNER 3 EEN | Plums 17¢. hat your present remuneration is Sept. 5th, Apply, stating salar, : i A , i and Bagot APPly D. G. hay, | he ee . . . a. .. the 11mit 04 your earning capacity Anu experience, to . , Grey baivn Liv es, una Two brova OVERHAULING 4, Kingston, man woud be In tne same pusition| meee ee 8TH ; nut wi ; 1100 Pineapple .. ,.:.. eT .. 28¢ = re EE i err EE FIRST CLASS WORK PP : : or responsibility? - A house with a . : all improvements; centrally jocat. - I eas ....,.. els . . 13c. feputaiion toat is nation-wide. nas! BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. ed. Apply 243 University Ave. ~ CARS WASHED ' a jmited Sumber of SPeijnus or WE HAVE FOR SALK ALL KINDS OF | =e Tomatoes is a . % 13c. ome o x ™ PTH n . : y 3 Mu Kes no sex discrimination on its FOR SALE, ONE OF THE BEST GO- Bus JESU Daily LuThiture Tang p STABLES N SHEDS 0) CORNER ( HE 8 3 Ing basiness hotels; vicinity King- Slches. Aly pedsun uaviig stoves ABLE AND i Sa 5 CK t ? orn ....... es 13ec. payroil. No maiter what your . . of Wellington and Track street, Fesent Ancumne, Wo can pores. s: Stun; general and summer trae. $46 Turnilure tw wispose oI We wii by Muy lal. Apply 31 Rigeau St. present Sheu 'phone. 2358 ELveryiamng in nrst ciass order buy DIBUeSL Prices. J, Laompsou, 3 y / Uwner rearing on account of ill- sus Friucess sirest. Foone luwyuw., health. Apply Box R-7, Whig. ] Herrings in Tomato Sauce . . NINE ROOMED STONE HOUSE, | 286 Queen Street., Cor. Barrie Street GOOD, RELIABLE: MAN WANTED TO i bvinives sn 100 MOTOR BICYCLE OUTFIT, ELECTRI- 148 Montreal si, an provements. ---- ALL KINDS COOKED MEATS lade urders ana qgeliver the nnest ARCHITECT CRUY wuuiDped, 1U3l LTIEES SAL. Favng yy rug S. "cant apni - lie of Teas, Coftees, ©ic, In Can ton Mowor wneéel ang New Doupte | dus. Highest commission of any . ! " » Se bar indian meyele, Hyerything m in NIS a . > : . EXTRA: SPECIAL . Cuncern in ihe country paid; al) Aa Da ARR uToN, REY beat of order. Uwner leaving city. VSFURMISHED BATHROOM FIAT Ask Your Grocer ane A sraBtEey GF jaoiey Te Toronto, By wuge Street, APpiy Treaugold's, or. ¥47 lari ut. newly decorated. Apply $17 Al. ' 500 Ibs. Hamburg Steak a 10c. Ib. Duaiucially respuusible. It you ary USED CARS AND TRUCKS, CLEARING ired street, . FOR 500 lbs. Pure Drip ing 10c. Ib." lovking lor a goua, independent; PUWER, SON AND PREVER, ARCHI. SALE FURNISHED BRICK BUNGALOW; ¢ : . P Bee 4 wan . . permanent posiuon with un imitgg ects, Merchants nk .Chamopers, re s TIC ¥ > rove- WwW A G A ( ) 5¢ CANINE possibilities, tnis is your corner of Brock and Welllagrop All must be sold--$200 up. one ICEL: uit improve. ST. FFE S 250 vén Roasts 3 to 5 Ibs. ra 1 -, Ib. UbbULadnity. Quick action neces- silreets. Quevee St. Possession Juiy 1st. sary Yairicla Blend Tea & Cof- Ford Touring Cars » Stewing and Boiling Beef . . . . .10c. Ib AS. 951 Juve Street UPHOLSTERING. Chevrolet Roadster 1919. 1 STOMAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, PURE FRUIT g g . * vs o i d Gluy, airy rooms; your own- boc ~ i ---------------------------------- $130 buys a good truck. < * tu ¥ Joo City storage, AMS AND MARMAI ADE WHY PAY MORE ? WANTED GENERAL CALL OR DROF A CARD TO $75 buys Indian Motorcycle, 5 $05 Quien St. 'none 526; res, Yaow, JAMS AND MARMAL! . Gavine, uplolsterer, 216 Bagot st. '$290 buys Harley Mogerceycle. g FARM TO RRAT, ABOUT Zoe ACRYS, nf . 2 =| Fs We JIAROLD FOUR YOUR UP.( , Chandler Touring 1920 Model. COS] BY JULY 1ST, AN APARTMENT ow chads Saatr mer; view 1) yur : hoistering and genera) repairing | $34vu. First clasg shape; make an of- : t lour rooms and hall, partly furn. and 2, 4 and 7 1b gold lined tins y '. VU. EK. 'Lorontoe, Leave oraers at. or drop a carg ty] fer. Ish; electric Lughi; gas for couk. . 104 Clergy street. These cars are all over-hauled. ng. &pply Jad Unaversiy ave. |® , * WANTED T0 RENT FOR SurTEwSEn = ENTE TERE buune dow. 15t, & house in western part of tae | COVERED BUTTONS MADE TO OR. GEO, A. PALMER LJ n------ ' Clty. About eight roows. Appiy der in all popular shapes and sizes Opposite Blue Garage %, 251 BROCK STKEET, s ROOMS ? ' ' oH Lie hig , Uphoistering And repairing done . a O AC electri N RYE ox 1%, Whig Office. E. J. 'Goodedge. B4¥ ron Cor. bugot and Queen ireets inu_o ih oun, an Bucs, sue LAND SURVEYOR ROOF REPAIRING -- HOW ABOUT 'Avenue. x Phone 4104, tustesmiGL Sept. Ist APily by F. MILLER, B.Ap., Se. C.K. O.L.S Jour root? Does it need repairing. LC : y Sold in 12 and 16 oz. Glass Pots > TRIER ES > . teiephone 17eum, Aapanee, unt. On- € use Argus Hoof bres! ] FURNITURE REPAIRED AND pin. : And Bors ha ain A Roventrs. suk. ron a * Ished: guns, kramaphones, ete. re.| s1ANDARD BRED DRIVING MARE, 3 Bor on Kingaion OF. - paired promptly and suaranteed seven years oid; very Inst, y y oN 0 Valkem, 93 Clar. pS FONE HOI srenEaE : : Pr St. Ph 153 WILL Stanton & Sleeth, 35 Printess St, IVF uDy laay (0 UFive, Will traue Loy FO ot Hour ATARTHENT. MARD. - =| mcess one me Jud rind your To nnn on oy ae. Tula mare will $10v¢, heater, refrigerator, mod ri: v z operly. Drop a carg 3 TREES o © 188 giving nei a In every way. Apply te V/nite's us SNTAL EHesbeck Street PIANO TUNING. Sood Whig, Ru dealers, Apply sox suvauce Oftice, 253 Bagot strec:, PEST .- 28, 5 -- . E. KNAPP, DENTIST, OP) ====| FAXo TUNING AND REPAIRING -- PR. A. LISAPP, DEX ¢ a a & =58 Princess Steet. Phone §32vr ete /n, 13 : : ON FIRST OF sEPTEMBER. muy. 25s Princess Stivers : HAIR GOODS. sa Stor ailsMarkiand St. | cans yisTup FOR SALE AT HE Bhan THN | ese DY --_---- mn -0¢ta solid brick house; all modern ul new auto repair shop, will be in provements; centrally | ciated in % k SAVE YOUR COMBINGS FOR Switcm.| MASONRY AND CARPENTERING AL funning order. © all makes re- best residentai distries: ver PRs. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN. es, etc. Mrs. M. H k Bazeau, 3&7 pairea, wasned, polished ung Breas. tonable rental. Apply Box Fo i novbir a piaton street, over > A Johnson street. . » ¢ MeCLENNAN - BATTERSHILL --' Soanon Unaction Gsuulatteen at a Whig Uffice. ee eee ee eee bes ee pCR brick work, plastering and general Just back of vy. sic 33% Quien, | -- or --m------ house repairs by the day. Also 1270m. PY MC A Faoud | Syhenuam APARTMEN BHOUK | DR. RUPERT P. MILLAN, DFNTIST, 84 MEDICAL. painting. = Satistaction given. 10 a ; NEW - Suse 4 rooms a » hard- Princess Street. Phouy 1850. Open Patrick Street. Kingston: = Phone TTHARGAINS IN FURST Wood Hours, eieciric; gas Stove. re. evenings by appointment dar e e » 4 hy fa TUR 1 A Ti 7 pf ------------" ' BR CW. BLLIOTY, Se BRek SE Sis 3 vie TE AR TU SE =f] 1 PRICES SAA AA AAA ALAA AA AAA Amin One mahogany usright piano, $175.00 Keivey & Birch DR. AYKMOYD, DENTIST, UAS RE. § x : ree fumed practice at 92 Princess St. : : = One piano, small size, $65.00. Line at | Scotia. Phone e ! $e You will be glad of it if you let us sup- Sota. : ' 1 caniera, 5x7, wilh stand, §5.00. ply you with Coal. : 3 walut parlor salies, 41s, id, gas, -| Br PAINTING AND PAYER HANGING Chevrolet "Baby Grand" Models = QUALIT Y --highest always. 1 mahogany parlor suite §is.00, woud. Ont, : A thes Sone LNTisy on Roadster A I ee RR .$1595.00 PRICE--lowest now. | Sofas, kitchen cupboards, i A. Mounteer, §4 Arch str : (COW | MARR, MOLES, WAKTS, BIRTH. . ! regs, chairs, ste, at very low prices. marks. skin Caticers, sas, etc, re- : 3 Touring taste nadine vuhivis sien . $7595.00 * * . moved permanently, Satisfactory ye AD x SF Ral TERS, ! 4 d Ti $17 : ny oa ; del * ; : . James Swift & Co. ted We buy all' kinds of Furni: are, SST have fale I nined ee plore Now 1s the time tu have Touring Special (Cor ires) hy 20.00 J LESSE'S ANVIQUE SHO Years' experience. Dr. Elmer J. your interior de ed. ; . . 9 3 ANTIQUE SH LL Lake. ¥iye, lah, Hane. Turon or) i86%a, Coupe, 4 passenger (cord tires) $2495.00 Foot of Johnson St. "rt 04 S07 veinenn sures. PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING --g, : -------- J TINR tree. p - LE " ; ciieen....$2495.00 BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE, FISANG Eatinktes rrocts goes, rawr (fl Sedan (cord tires) $ MUR SALK ee ¢ TT hte caper", IISUMANCE | 8513, Jotiers, for grore and" office All cars completely equipped. ; rd 4 . d Phone 1432. , . ra Cr Sturt "Maas Nkwy m.| hh dude pliable ee Government Sales Tax and freight from pr WOopposite the most ot ] by Leather Currency. = ] : S000. © SEMI-DETACHED Six . " Hungary announces an issue of Oshawa extra, : ; THIS IS i HE TIME Tooms; Bi. and C.; duwn LOW, NAS LA en ratheY E3T={ cutrency to. be 'printed on lea'her We will be pleased to demonstrate. -- resident. WF. Nie ; Pigskin is the chosen materia} which when raarly everyone is an®us to get out of the city in a boat o° $3,000-FRAME; NEW; ¢ ROOMS; B. fesident, CA. B. Cunningham. lio oooio to be almost impossible to d Cs ot 3 ney issued on city and farm & 8 ICE an antomrobile. IF you are going by either route firet see that the' ang; ui, vies He, lights, properticn manicinal and sounty counterfeit. The ordinary oy to wi CHEVROLET SALES AND SERVICE # : . : y eben s; ortgages rchase a engioe is fa first cass order, We can pat it in this condition. $4,300~RICK) 10 ROOMS; LaTEST investment bonds for termine the genuineness of pigs : pe 'mpfovements; cen Coma and lot us prove it to you. lv t te th f the tiny rec-- sd? EeduiEmeLE Lene ll © BAWDEN & EDWARDS DAVIS DRY DOCK CO EE Gh orn move tts a bibl Where the bristles grew throug: the Fast End of Wellington St. nd Yooms; hot water Renny AED: 8 \ 3 NE 400. SIGNS i kin Yet manufacturers, By the use 4} . . . 3% MONTREAL STREET » PHONE - = of electrotype dies, with an impres- " . EE - = : ance; Bt uf wi INS ALL KIN Noon, sion taken from genuine pigskin have ~~ we -- > HANNE: Tim pws He or neq 'been able to produce a very Jecép- A Thorough Job. 5 i aso, think of my #3,400--BRICK; SEMI-DETACHED; % % ¥ d| tive article. In the cook's absence the young Well, wha ¥ ayer a1 mr rooms; hot water heating; side en- Streat, ; : mistress of 'the * Housé wundertook, | acting?" asked an amateur playe | Auction 2 ° oT vt ul way. : A Generous t with the help of:an inexperienced |a truthful but diplomatic member of ; . I Y 3 : $4,300 Pick, : . in: 1 8 the audience. : \ : a Ki PRESS BRICK; "¢ ROOMS 'At a Chamber of Commerce din: | waitress to get the Sunday funcheon. oF oF es : A Reo ruck | Ton the x a -y aka a eee pan: e wh ignt . Rer a speaker dwelt at great length. |The flurried maid, Who had been "I can say this," r¥plied the spec Make me prove Me ? CDBG: Ton easy derma S3prem CALL OR DROP A CARD TO W. DRIS- | ypon the suffering people of China. [struggling in the kitchen with a |tator, frankly. ho I am confident "Side weats fer 12, }1230.00 cash RD The Auctioneer, | Sol. 23 John street. He sug d that all present should |coffee-maéhine which -refn ta] 1have a'friend who I 3 hdent GHly. Also § sod< 'water gy- ? | SRTOOPRICK DWELLING; 7 ROOMS, give something for them. A small | work, confessed that she had forgot- | would have given £500 to have he ¢ # "Phone 1721 or 1428, "al import H. W. floors; right of Ls & ' . fo 1 ou." * linders cheap. " : © way, €ood location; & snap to a CHIROPRACTIC. dry goods merchant arcee and said: | ten to wash the eftuce. J . od. iia. asibrye' = ic Suod li : : "You have made for me a feeling | "Well, never mind, Marie, said the Who * wey Bak he ARPENTERING : TUR WN. A Nin ee a Barre reo fal he ing should be | considerate mistress. "Go on with | Henry Ainley, Wighly p . USES TO RE ; Streets. 3nd | already that something ou © ' N go 4 hime WHEN YOU WANT THE CARPENTER | unturned NISUED oN goor, Barrie St en tance, Kingston. | given. 1 move that we giv: three [the coffee and I'll do it. Where do | = "Well, you wouldn't know -him | ' er, ents » am y on'ractor, . BATEMANS REAL Est % 3 ni. Consultation free. Telephone Le : 3 h , ari But he's as deaf as a post. ey Selby, 1 Fhone oar «15% Wellington Stroen ina ea. 8224. Hoats $1012 am 1tos pm Cheers for china."--Eve-ybody. you keep the soap he "- y i