Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Jul 1921, p. 16

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re . { THE DAILY RRITISH WHIC. . FRIDAY, JULY 22, 1921. t | ee I Relics of Pioneer Days aut - : eo re TCT wr ; Cer : i py Hie : 2 , is the quality as good as a few years | ! | Ju Sa JY Summer Dresses ago? Our answer: "Yes!" * + S-- TE ---------- SE-------------------- -- sixes ein = ---- ------ ert me-- > Summer Dresses of Gingham, Voile And thisiis why: Thers iv ho shortage BA ANNUAL GARDEN PARTY 2 o> ! : and Organdy -- marked down to al- , | Yd of either wool or labor and the present G8 Was A Splendid Event at St. Mary's- FEW most half to assure a quick clearing. : : y of-the Lake Grounds. d i MN . . competitidén for business by cloth- On Thufsday afternoon and Wen- < These Dresses are all first quality, > : } Ing the Orphan's Guild of St. Mary's- oe : i 7 h : makers has caused them to see to it : : of-the-Lake held their annual garden pretty patterns and colorings, and are ; party in the beautiful grounds of tae ra . | marked so low that you will surel that the quality of to-day has never To adequately celebrate the ter-|°TPhanage, where under the magni- 3 y j y : urchase one or more anton t Penictahe on Adgnst 2nd cent trees, gay booths were arranged, J P . beer better. : = a party hag béan Oi ier tae an Bl * - f earthing a number of relics of the Doolan, a thriving trade was carried 0 Y : past. Above is shown, on the left, BLUE BOTANY WOOL, SUITS -- an old sentry box of 1813, which was 95,57 (he ladles ot tie society SUMMER DRESSES . di sred the Quigley farm and | . . ready-to-wear, Indigo Dye guaran- a i uEey term and cl he ate 01 the slates, Regular $16.50 to $25.00. hen and her brood. On the right, the it ® ; . $35.00 up to $45.00 | cataerton or an Indian' skull, HAL five ti glovk un Fgh > To clear . | ceda alisades from the JeSnit fort, : BH : : I. FANCY TWEED and WORSTED oy a ey of 1630, on Christian Hs Jormitoriey the Jadies ans i THE DRES SES ARE: . : Island; Col. Alex. Fraser's reproduc- | Milne, Mrs, A. Smith, Mro 1 Carey, |! -- White Gaberdine --Maize Voile SUNS rady ower: holon par: | EEL ut br Len --White Organdie "Navy Swiss . . ¥ £ --_ Ea . "I Mrs. A. Martin, Mrs. T. Nicholson, : - terns; beautiful fabrics 5 | Ontario goyerpment, which is caus- Mrs. J. Beouf, rey Kehoe, Mrs. F --White and Mauve Or- --BI k d Whi V 1 \ . jing a furore among the archaelo- | ym, Mrs. J. Melville, Mrs. D. Mur. gandie. ack an ite Voile eve on $25.00 up to $37.50 | sista of America, | phy, Mrs. H. Sharpe sng-Miss B. --Blue and White Organ- --Blue and Grey Voile | i A children's table at which the Bl . : s ! J . ---15ia UNION CHURCH PICNIC children of the orphanage were die ck and White Spot | Straw Hats $1.50 Silk Sox guests, was in charge of Mrs. J. --Blue Swiss Organdie. ! Voile. > Lambert, Miss Shannamhan, Mrs. 1 . for 95c. (The Sunday School OULING | Rober and Mes. Firkaset A erat --Flesh Voile I --Flesh Georgette. 14 Price Grey and Blue Was a Fine Success--: |many of the younger girls assisted and many other Dresses in pretty colorings, light or dark. y " Good Sports. in waiting on the many visitors. Ice Si 16 44 Black and White. |. cream and soft drinks were sold by 1zes to ' a A very enjoyable picnic was held | Mrs. M. Tetro, Mrs. P. Aiken and . . Mrs. A. Simpson. + ' ONIL Y : ; at Lake Ontario Park, on July 20th, 0 Athletic Special Outing under the auspices of the Union| Mrs. T. McGuire and Mrs. Coady 1 " 1d d h § df . Underwear ' Shirts church, Portsmouth. The newly ap- So ean 2] he sprols and Tag SUMMER DRESSES $6 0 5 : ° . pointed pastor, W. W. Doherty, and 1 13 5 Collar attached his wife, 100k this opportunity of be- Jecked boot, bil ee Regu ar 3 0:00 to $13.9 $1.50 $2.50 | Soming Requiem with the Foes tin and Moe D Po Sar oc ear o S coniregalion, anc all sa, dow tent in which fortunes were told b 1p2 . . . together to a sumptuous repast SUD-| Miss M. Soy Jin x. Doyls If you have been waiting for such a Sale as this, here 18 Wied hy the ladies of the consrega-| yue an attractive spot for the Young. your chance. You can purchase two dresses for the price tice. - The chief events of the day|qp guests. During the evening danc- f 1 The dresses are: were. -- 4 ing to Treneer's fine orchestra went Of one regular. yo. / ------ . on In the supper room under the di- --GQGreen Organdy --Blue Organdy : ® Races. rection of Miss Ida Shaw, Mrs. Kim- : ivin ston's Bove under 9--Jack Sears. ~=Pineki and Mrs. W. Shaw. Mire J. --Pink Organdy --Mauve Organdy Bovs under 10-13--Kenny Tatton. | Logue and Mrs. F. Milo took the --Mauve Voile --Flesh Voile Boys 14 and over--A. Clark. small entrance fee at the gateway. il . . 75 77 BROCK STREET . Boys' Obstacle--A. Clark. The orphanage was open to visit- --Sky Voi € --Maize Voile - "f 7 Swim, 11 and under--Redvers Tat- | ors, the kindly sisters being willing --- 1 _-- : . \ ton, : "to stow this deNEnctally deat nt Pink Spot Voile Black and White Voile F d d 1847 Three-legged race--H. McIver and | stitution, with its airy class rooms, Sizes 16 to 44. ounde . K. Tatton. with a splendid view of the lake, Free-for-all--R. Tatton. dormitories with rows of tiny white Girls (under 9)---G. McMasters, | beds for the hundred little ones who 15 ONLY 3) find a healthful home here, play . \" Sine Je bo McMaster, rooms and the wide galleries where GINGHAM DRESSES be Obstacle--J. McIvor. a group of children sang and .recited Regular $8.00 to $ 1 0.00 . 'o-G for the Whig representative very Water Race ". MeMasters, cleverly. The chapel with its hand- To clear : gged--J. Mclvor and M. ' " Deline, some stainel glass windows and ar- Th Gi h D me in ch id f t Free for all--M. Doyle tistic decorations was much admired € Lingham Dresses co In such a wide range or pat- and the spotless neatness and fresh- terns and colorings that you will have no trouble choosing ness of the. entire interior ecallea i LOAFING AROUND HOUSE forth much admiration from visitors || from this lot. Some of the dresses are: -- ; : erson oS PLACED UNDER ARREST | who had the pleasure of seeing jt. --Pink Chambray --Copen Chamibrby uo : --Green Chambray The Police Were Given a Stir- --Mauve and White » * Limited Now Assistant General Manager -- 1 - } ring Call on Thursday - Nox sistant Giger Musager Blue Check Gingham : Blue and White Night. Bank of Montreal in New York, has --Grey and White Stripe --Pink and White -- been appointed an assistant general --Mauve Check --Brown check 'I was not drunk, I was tired and | manager of the bank, with héadquar- : went to sleep," said George Francis, [ters at Montreal. Mr. Bog is a na- Sizes 16 to 18. tive of Pictonp Ont., a son of the iate , x . an elderly man, when arraigned be- N TIC] ) fore Magistrate Farrell, on Friday | Lt.-Col. Bog, and has had a long car- morning, on a charge of being intexi- | eer with the Bank of Montreal. Prior . f : cated. " ¢ to his present appointment' he hag 8 ONLY - { : - IF AEcul "ten o'clock on. Thursday | been an agent of the bank in New S K I R T S . . night, the police had 'a call from a | York from 1906 till the beginning of : home on the outskirts of the city, It the present year, having been pro- Regular $25.00ut0 $32.50 % ' was stated that a man was loitering moted to that position after serving To clear \ around the grounds, and members of | fOr a number of years in the Mon- : the family were disturbed. treal branch. : THE SKIRTS ARE :-- 1 : 1 Constable James Cotter, who re-| -- : x Those who have old Potatoes to dispose of sponded to the call, with Acting Ser- DAILY MEMORANDUM, - I Navy Kumsee Kumsau Silk. we are open to buy 300 to 400 bags. Wili geant John Naylon, stated that Fran- | meet your friends at the big A.OH | Rose Kumsee Kumsau Silk (Satin Stripe). cis was found near tha house in| Picnic Civier Holiday, Brophy's Point. | Black Crepe pay highest cash price. question in an intoxicated condition, emis arteries HANSON, CROZIER & EDGAR «| Brown Crepe (Embroidered). CHICKENS AND FOWL. the police station when Francis was PRINTERS I Sand Barronette. . . bro ithe lock-up in the police 1 2 : (Dry picked preferred). Get our prices Te Josie In the alice : | White Crepe (Satin Stripe). patrol. The accused was remanded ; : till Tuesday. MARKET SQUARE, KINGSTON, 2 Oyster Kumsu Kumsau Silk. " before selling. : ee uh res TED. ] I Secured Its Teachers. PIED, AN : . ToS | 4 FRESH MEAT SPECIALS ? The board of education have se- Oath, 1921, Mary, Ganeive MOFadden A : 3 : : e cure the following corp of toners | BUSH Vie 1 Filet & Lor ohn Laidlaw on, Limited . RRR EEE ---- = -- Se SEER SRR EN REESE for the Cape Vincent, N.Y., school for | Funeral from her mother's residence a -- BEEF -- " the coming term; which will open Mrs, Edward Mekadden, $4 Patrick ! Street, Saturday morning at 3.45 Sept. 6th: Earl W. Riley, Three Mile to St. Mary's Cathedral where ol] 600 ibs: Stewing Cuts Khisiaie eee 10c. 1b. Bay, principal; Miss Eva Bishop, solemn requiem mass will be sung for the repose of her soul. Canton, Latin and French; Miss Friends and acquaintances respectfully 600 lbs. Pot Roasts a 124c. 1b. Dorothea Jones, .Minersville, Pa., "invited to on 8 TY Ay y : . - English, History and Civics; Miss Tn 500 lbs. Oven Roasts : Pearl Brownlee, Watertown, eighth IN MEMOR(AM. ' x grade, commercial subjects and In loving memory of my dear hus- 350 Ibs. Hamburg Steak rove. 10 1b. R drawing: Miss Ethel Allen, Clayton, nd eiville Welf, Who passed away 350 1b . . sixth and seventh grades; Miss Ger-! : s. Beef Dripping 124c. Ib. trude Fitzgerald, Clayton, fourth and | It's lonesome here without you, Mei- 300 Ibs . fifth grades; Miss Margaret Boyle. | And sad the weary way, . Puce Lard Bais «viv eden. 17¢c. 1b. Canton, second and third grades; Ee Is mat Te aS, me . Miss Cora Wiley, Cape Vincent, first | But peacetu) be you, rest dear Melville, Tis sweet to breathe your nam M grate and music. ' . | In life we loved on Vouy Porting - I A B-- rere in death we do the sam ; - > e. : : Change of Managers, ~--Mrs, Melville Weiy. 100 fronts (special ) : 4 The Ottawa House, one of Reu- iiss ; ' 'frew's best known hotels, has chang- J AMES REID ! : J . FRUFF-AND VEGETABLE MARKET [fit mangers. Arinur Graveite, ow. The Old Mim of Undertakers. |H > i o Bi i. will offer splendid assortment at prices rea: [| ts, me seen ean" bast | Sete tmeune | Three Good Satur day Ba rgains © sonable to all. ia ream ms ha bud Share of tn ROBERT ED 'NEW SHOES AND ALL SIZES |... ore $345 : ; ick Wash. 088. - | Phone 577. ) es Stree: qe» J. . A o: : hy GRANULATED SUGAR ...... 8ic.Ib. ged renin Js Dosition - fae ~M. P, KEYES i yes Black 2-Strap Slipper -the new Saddle Strap Vamp, Mili 1000bs. ................ $8.30 [listeh AX Seas son of ihe pro Uaderaking Foros, in reese ||| Ladies' Black Kid Tie Slipper --mil / heel. - : ATAINg director: " a Sbulance Phone 1830. Ladies' Black Kid Oxford hoe--Military heel; all sizes in each ' Fred J. Tighe has handed in nis JO : kind. 0 | : ; ' : i oo nt cee erin | ne, SATURDAY, ON SALE........ $3.45 to take effect September 5th. ' 599 : oh - Phones 458-459. Wholesale 1767. | At a tennis tqurnament at Rock- wood hospital, on Thursday evening, Dr. F. Waugh won Trem Dr. H, A. Richardson, , Riess 4 |

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